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Count Volseig
Taichi Kotōshura
Rin Matoi
Jinn Tetsudashi
Rivu Aiasan
Kim Chang-Min
12 posters

    Iwagakure Gate (North)

    Kim Chang-Min
    Kim Chang-Min

    Posts : 1141
    Join date : 2016-12-07

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Earth Release, Steel Release, Fuuninjutsu, Misc. Crafting, Ninjutsu, Ijutsu, Sensory, Kugutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: 750,000 Ryo

    Iwagakure Gate (North) Empty Iwagakure Gate (North)

    Post by Kim Chang-Min Sun Sep 24, 2017 7:46 pm

    This is the main gate of the Iwagakure village walls and they are staffed with A Rank Guards
    Rivu Aiasan
    Rivu Aiasan

    Posts : 30
    Join date : 2017-09-21

    Iwagakure Gate (North) Empty Re: Iwagakure Gate (North)

    Post by Rivu Aiasan Sun Sep 24, 2017 8:53 pm

    Sunagakure... The Kazehana Empire... Making his way through the bustling crowds of a peaceful Iwagakure, Rivu couldn't help but let a smile stretch across his face. It felt good to be needed once more.

    The people, the city, the air of calm and peace. All of this was the consequence of the past 70 years that Rivu survived. As a result of this mission, that dream would persist more strongly.

    [Actual Exit to Sunagakure this time]

    Kim Chang-Min
    Kim Chang-Min

    Posts : 1141
    Join date : 2016-12-07

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Earth Release, Steel Release, Fuuninjutsu, Misc. Crafting, Ninjutsu, Ijutsu, Sensory, Kugutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: 750,000 Ryo

    Iwagakure Gate (North) Empty Re: Iwagakure Gate (North)

    Post by Kim Chang-Min Sun Oct 15, 2017 5:22 pm

    Nee-san would walk towards the gates wearing his Kage robes. He was sitting in a litter carried by someone common laborers. He occasionally liked to take travels in the surrounding mountain area and so that's what he insisted he was going to when in truth he was on a secret mission to meet with the Kazekage.

    [Exit to the border of Land of Birds near Sunagakure]
    Kim Chang-Min
    Kim Chang-Min

    Posts : 1141
    Join date : 2016-12-07

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Earth Release, Steel Release, Fuuninjutsu, Misc. Crafting, Ninjutsu, Ijutsu, Sensory, Kugutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: 750,000 Ryo

    Iwagakure Gate (North) Empty Re: Iwagakure Gate (North)

    Post by Kim Chang-Min Thu Oct 26, 2017 1:50 am

    Nee-san had returned from his productive meeting with the Kazekage. Iwagakure would be much stronger as a result of their meeting and now it was time for him to alert the council on what he had agreed to. They would be upset that he had agreed to terms without asking their council but that did not bother him in the slightest.

    Exit into Iwa
    Kim Chang-Min
    Kim Chang-Min

    Posts : 1141
    Join date : 2016-12-07

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Earth Release, Steel Release, Fuuninjutsu, Misc. Crafting, Ninjutsu, Ijutsu, Sensory, Kugutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: 750,000 Ryo

    Iwagakure Gate (North) Empty Re: Iwagakure Gate (North)

    Post by Kim Chang-Min Tue Nov 21, 2017 6:41 pm

    It was time for Nee-san to head to the Kage Summit. He gathered all of his supplies and necessary tools and headed out for the Land of Iron.

    Exit to Land of Iron.
    Kim Chang-Min
    Kim Chang-Min

    Posts : 1141
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    Class: X
    Ryo: 750,000 Ryo

    Iwagakure Gate (North) Empty Re: Iwagakure Gate (North)

    Post by Kim Chang-Min Fri Dec 29, 2017 8:02 am

    Nee-san came back from the Summit. It was quite the meeting and he had a large amount to do now that they had signed an agreement on what to do. The Tetsudashi walked through the gates and headed towards his office.
    Kim Chang-Min
    Kim Chang-Min

    Posts : 1141
    Join date : 2016-12-07

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Earth Release, Steel Release, Fuuninjutsu, Misc. Crafting, Ninjutsu, Ijutsu, Sensory, Kugutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: 750,000 Ryo

    Iwagakure Gate (North) Empty Re: Iwagakure Gate (North)

    Post by Kim Chang-Min Sat Dec 30, 2017 6:57 pm

    Nee-san waited at the village gates for his nephew to arrive. He had all his effects on him and his puppets sealed within his gloves. He wore his traditional Kage robes including hat which fluttered in the breeze as he waited for Jinn to make an appearance.

    Jinn Tetsudashi
    Jinn Tetsudashi

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    Iwagakure Gate (North) Empty Re: Iwagakure Gate (North)

    Post by Jinn Tetsudashi Sun Dec 31, 2017 4:47 am

    Jinn appeared in the distance walking calmly towards the gates of the village his sleeveless black gi with a red accent moved calmly with the wind and steps he took. On his back was his good old trusty shinobigato going diagonal over his back with the hilt at his right shoulder. His village symbols was wrapped nicely around his left uppercut over his black slim fit pants.

    He walked over towards the Kage and gave a nod towards him as signal he was ready. Jinn preffered to travel light and was doing it at that moment his pouches were half full although he never had more with him


    Iwagakure Gate (North) O7CEL2
    Kim Chang-Min
    Kim Chang-Min

    Posts : 1141
    Join date : 2016-12-07

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Earth Release, Steel Release, Fuuninjutsu, Misc. Crafting, Ninjutsu, Ijutsu, Sensory, Kugutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: 750,000 Ryo

    Iwagakure Gate (North) Empty Re: Iwagakure Gate (North)

    Post by Kim Chang-Min Sun Dec 31, 2017 9:26 am

    Nee-san returned the nod and then walked away from the gates and towards his destination where he figured Suna ought to be.


    Southeast Earth Country -> Northeast Wind country. 48 hours
    Jinn Tetsudashi
    Jinn Tetsudashi

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    Iwagakure Gate (North) Empty Re: Iwagakure Gate (North)

    Post by Jinn Tetsudashi Sun Dec 31, 2017 10:57 am

    Jinn calmly followed the kage towards the their destination while he stretched out his arms a bit


    Southeast Earth Country -> Northeast Wind country. 48 hours


    Iwagakure Gate (North) O7CEL2
    Rin Matoi
    Rin Matoi

    Posts : 1252
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    Skills & Elements: Bukijutsu | Weapon Crafting
    Class: D
    Ryo: 0

    Iwagakure Gate (North) Empty Re: Iwagakure Gate (North)

    Post by Rin Matoi Sun Dec 31, 2017 8:33 pm

    After leaving the market Masuyo led Taichi to the quickest route in order to get to the village gates in a timely manner. The time was approaching almost eleven thirty. They had wasted too much time in the market. On the main road they were approaching the gates merely fifty meters away. The main road at the gates were always in pristine condition. The paved road lined with benches and trees gave a very good first impression to visitors to the village. Although they were a military stronghold it didn't hurt to bring some life into the design. "We will travel for eight hours before setting up camp. When it's day we can record the land, travel, and repeat. Overall it should take us no more than a week if we keep a good pace."

    Masuyo wore the standard gear most Shinobi in Iwagakure wear. Her footwear consisted of standard black sandals fitted for comfort and security. With the toes and heel left exposed they provided additional balance, while the rest of the foot up to the ankle was protected by the thick material of the sandal. The soles of the sandals are reinforced with hardened material to resist heavy impacts and wear. Fishnet tights draw from her feet all the way up the entire length of her legs designed to fit snugly and providing minimal warmth while still remaining breathable in hotter conditions. A pair of tight black shorts reach down nearly five inches above her knees. White bandage wrap is wrapped around her right thigh which has a navy blue holster strapped over. Around her waist she wears the basic utility belt which carries two green holsters on her right side along with a tool pouch around her back side and a canteen to the far left. She wears a red lapel on her left side extending down to her knee not interfering with her access to her tools.

    A red top is worn with loose sleeves reaching down just a little past her elbows. This is reinforced with a brown leather flak jacket provided by Iwagakure's armory which serves as issued the issued armor. This is accompanied by an additional tool pouch which is wrapped around the abdomen facing the front instead of being on the rear. On both hands Masuyo wears a set of fingerless black gloves backed with small steel plates providing comfort and protection. Around her neck Masuyo wears her forehead protector as a collar. The black cloth is tied in a knot around the back side of her neck with the steel plate facing the front for identification. The steel plate has Iwagakure's emblem engraved on the front. Masuyo has straight black hair which extends down to her mid back. Two strands of hair drop down touching her chest which leads into her bangs which are cut shorter and swept to her right side. She stands at 5'9 weighing approximately 145 lbs. Her fair skin is complimented with her voluptuous form which is completed with a pair of hazel eyes.

    Upon reaching the gate sentries she presented her identification card to one of the two units on duty. "My Genin and I will be heading out for a week to perform surveillance on the land." Masuyo also presented the scroll documents for their mission. This made the whole process go by much faster as the sentries had proof of their leave, stamped by village administration. As procedure it was expected to show ID. Taichi would know to do the same if he had. Failure to bring ID, or in some cases having it destroyed, would prolong the process sometimes taking up to an hour. "You two are good to go. Be safe." Taking her belonging back the two scribbled down the two's information. Although the village had sensors to keep track of the traffic it was always important to have the old methods of clergy as backup. Turning her head over her shoulders she called out to Taichi. "Let's head out!"

    Leaving the gates the two would enter a world kind nature. Outside the village walls the atmosphere got quieter as they strayed from civilization. The dirt road traveled among pine trees and scarce vegetation, the Land of Earth being comprised mainly of earth and stone rather than rolling grasses and scrub. Still, it had its bit of vegetation. As they became distant with the village, the sight of rural homes becoming less and less, they would approach the wilderness of the Great Chang Mountain range.

    [Exit --> The Great Chang Mountains]
    Taichi Kotōshura
    Taichi Kotōshura

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    Iwagakure Gate (North) Empty Re: Iwagakure Gate (North)

    Post by Taichi Kotōshura Thu Jan 04, 2018 3:11 am

    Taichi followed Masuyo the whole way towards the village gates... he kept thinking about the mission as they were on their way, not worried of the fact that it's a scouting mission of sorts, but rather he'll be gone from the confines of the village, the types of dangers that the world can really have... of course, if anything started to seriously happen or anything went down into a spiral, his sensei is there to depend on when the situation gets serious, but the idea of what could happen or what might happen still scared him, whether they get lost somehow or get into contact with enemy forces. He wouldn't exactly know what to do then.

    He got out of those thoughts when they reached the gate sentries, when Masuyo brought out her identification and showed it to them, he quickly brought out his ID to do the same thing, and he put it away when they've looked at it and gave the okay, despite Taichi's personality he brings his ID with him most of the time when he goes out, it's an old habit that grew with him because of his granddad, whenever he nearly headed out he would always say "Don't forget to bring along your ID!" he did it so much that it etched into Taichi's brain, and he would always bring it along with him, and he especially knew to bring it today because of the mission.

    Taichi looked all over himself, patting some places and looking at certain areas, which is his way of checking everything that he needs for this mission, being prepared in his ninja outfit and ready to go. "Okay... I'm ready." he said, along with letting out a deep breath, lightly nodding after Masuyo gave the order to head out and following her outside the village gates, he looked back a few times as he noticed how further and further away they were getting from the village, he didn't know why but it was making him slightly nervous, but looked back to Masuyo and continued to follow her, doing his best to ignore whatever he's feeling and to just focus on the mission.

    [Exit --> The Great Chang Mountains]
    Kim Chang-Min
    Kim Chang-Min

    Posts : 1141
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    Skills & Elements: Earth Release, Steel Release, Fuuninjutsu, Misc. Crafting, Ninjutsu, Ijutsu, Sensory, Kugutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: 750,000 Ryo

    Iwagakure Gate (North) Empty Re: Iwagakure Gate (North)

    Post by Kim Chang-Min Sat Jan 06, 2018 1:06 pm

    Both Nee-san's arrived at the gates and merged as soon as they did so. The Tsuchikage would wait until Makoto arrived with his insolent brat of a nephew who would by now of course be unconscious. He shook his head lamenting he couldn't very well kill his own flesh and blood. Reisan would have a fit over it and it would reflect badly on the Tetsudashi Clan. When Jinn was finally dragged to his feet, he'd snap his fingers and the Lizard would unsummon himself. Nee-san decided that he'd have a word with the boy's father and make a decision on how best to punish him afterwards. For now, he'd let Jinn remain at the gates until he woke up. The Tsuchikage unceremoniously entered Iwagakure with a new plan of action in mind.

    Jinn Tetsudashi
    Jinn Tetsudashi

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    Iwagakure Gate (North) Empty Re: Iwagakure Gate (North)

    Post by Jinn Tetsudashi Sun Jan 07, 2018 1:10 pm

    Jinn woke up leaning against the wall of the village. There was no one around him and he sighed that he was back. He thought for a couple of seconds before he looked inside the village. He stared at the village for a couple of seconds before he said to himself "I am not someone to abandon a mission. I finish it or I die." Jinn grabbed a piece of paper before he started writing on it.

    letter to the kage:

    Jinn folded up the paper writing the "For the kage from a genin" On the paper. He pasted the paper on the village side of the wall so if a shinobi walked by and saw the paper it was up for the taking and bring it to the kage.

    He turned around and started making his way back towards the desert.

    Southeast Earth Country -> Northeast Wind country. 48 hours


    Iwagakure Gate (North) O7CEL2
    Kim Chang-Min
    Kim Chang-Min

    Posts : 1141
    Join date : 2016-12-07

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Earth Release, Steel Release, Fuuninjutsu, Misc. Crafting, Ninjutsu, Ijutsu, Sensory, Kugutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: 750,000 Ryo

    Iwagakure Gate (North) Empty Re: Iwagakure Gate (North)

    Post by Kim Chang-Min Thu Jan 11, 2018 4:06 pm

    Unfortunately for Jinn, the A-Rank guards posted at the gates did not magically leave. They spied him leaving but did not stop him. They compiled a report and forwarded it to the Tsuchikage.
    Rin Matoi
    Rin Matoi

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    Ryo: 0

    Iwagakure Gate (North) Empty Re: Iwagakure Gate (North)

    Post by Rin Matoi Mon Jan 29, 2018 3:39 pm

    The two would return from their mission, midday the follow day since they left. It was a simple mission that was outside the village walls, thus earning its rank as C-rank. The village had to acknowledge the threat of bandits and wild animals, despite the encounter of such being so low. Regardless, they would be paid all the same. And that was what Masuyo cared about the most. Masuyo wore the standard gear most Shinobi in Iwagakure wear. Her footwear consisted of standard black sandals fitted for comfort and security. With the toes and heel left exposed they provided additional balance, while the rest of the foot up to the ankle was protected by the thick material of the sandal. The soles of the sandals are reinforced with hardened material to resist heavy impacts and wear. Fishnet tights draw from her feet all the way up the entire length of her legs designed to fit snugly and providing minimal warmth while still remaining breathable in hotter conditions. A pair of tight black shorts reach down nearly five inches above her knees. White bandage wrap is wrapped around her right thigh which has a navy blue holster strapped over. Around her waist she wears the basic utility belt which carries two green holsters on her right side along with a tool pouch around her back side and a canteen to the far left. She wears a red lapel on her left side extending down to her knee not interfering with her access to her tools.

    A red top is worn with loose sleeves reaching down just a little past her elbows. This is reinforced with a brown leather flak jacket provided by Iwagakure's armory which serves as issued the issued armor. This is accompanied by an additional tool pouch which is wrapped around the abdomen facing the front instead of being on the rear. On both hands Masuyo wears a set of fingerless black gloves backed with small steel plates providing comfort and protection. Around her neck Masuyo wears her forehead protector as a collar. The black cloth is tied in a knot around the back side of her neck with the steel plate facing the front for identification. The steel plate has Iwagakure's emblem engraved on the front. Masuyo has straight black hair which extends down to her mid back. Two strands of hair drop down touching her chest which leads into her bangs which are cut shorter and swept to her right side. She stands at 5'9 weighing approximately 145 lbs. Her fair skin is complimented with her voluptuous form which is completed with a pair of hazel eyes.

    "Here to check in." She said to the sentry, again showing her ID card as he checked the files. Doing the administrative work needed she was cleared for entry. "Well that's it. You can claim your payment when you turn in those documents. In two days you are expected to attend a training exercise I have planned with your other teammates. Come fully prepared for combat. It'll be at the stone yard. I'll see you then." Finishing what she had to say she vanished in a small cloud of smoke, her direction or whereabouts unknown to Taichi.

    Taichi Kotōshura
    Taichi Kotōshura

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    Iwagakure Gate (North) Empty Re: Iwagakure Gate (North)

    Post by Taichi Kotōshura Mon Jan 29, 2018 4:10 pm

    Their return to the village had taken a while, but they managed to return back safe. Taichi had expected a drawn out, boring mission but it seems this wasn't the case at all, just one sleeping night out at some old ruined temple with nearly an hour of doing the actual task wasn't bad at all, when she showed her ID to the sentry Taichi did the same and got cleared for entry with Masuyo, he briefly nodded after hearing the instructions, but a question had popped up in his head about a teammate. "Oh yeah, how is Jinn-" the question got dodged though, as she suddenly disappeared in a cloud of smoke. He lets out a sigh after what just happened. "Sensei... you're a bit eccentric, but you're interesting I'll give you that." After what she suggested, he entered the village and planned to make a run by the mission office sometime later to turn in his sketch on the parchment and the documents to get the pay for the mission.


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    Age : 32

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    Class: A
    Ryo: Ya boy is ballin

    Iwagakure Gate (North) Empty Re: Iwagakure Gate (North)

    Post by Kyoji Tue Oct 30, 2018 5:25 pm

    The journey was quick and silent. With over thirty members of the ANBU following close behind him. Silence was their forte. Satomi had been in a battle such as this before. Dealing with an extremely powerful ninja by the name of Shin. He defeated them, ultimately stealing Akeno as well. He summoned a creature that could not be described by any normal means. This would be a step down from that. However it was still war, it was even Satomi's idea to take Iwa. Not to destroy them, like so many others would do before them. But they would be invaluable to Konoha's resources when they eventually funded a bigger army.

    Jumping from tree to tree, it wouldn't be long that they were soon bored of the scenery. It was definitely a rocky country, not exactly pleasing on the eyes but there was a certain calm to it. Satomi preferred the lush green of the Land of Fire, he survived this war. His clan would possibly have another home. He had a few of his clan members with him as well, he needed their strength as well to be successful.

    It was midday when they arrived. Satomi leading a large squadron of warriors was the first one leading them. The Iwa ninja were noticing the large force coming towards them. There were already guards standing on top of the walls. They could clearly see Konoha ninja coming their way. And they weren't friendly. No need for small talk, they began to alert the village. They were going to be under attack. The doors began to close when they got within 50 meters of the gates. Now that they were standing at a distance. Satomi would lay down the plan.

    Satomi turned to his group, "There will be no surrender. Gin. You're up, we need those gates down or open. Kanna, provide backup if you can. The rest of you, kill everyone that you have to as soon as they open the gates. Myself and you six," he said pointing to the six Uchiha's. "We're capturing all the council and elders captured. I need them alive, for now. Understood?"

    He would wait for them all to nod before continuing. "Good. Now let the attack begin!" He ordered. Gin would get them started by giving them an opening into the village.

    They could hear alarms ringing and the rustling of a lot of people rumbling throughout the ground. The sound of chaos would ensue.

    Strength: B > S (EGF)
    Constitution: B > A (Kaguya)
    Stamina: A++ (Senju)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: B > S (EGF)
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: A
    Gin Akiyama
    Gin Akiyama

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    Class: B
    Ryo: 30,000

    Iwagakure Gate (North) Empty Re: Iwagakure Gate (North)

    Post by Gin Akiyama Wed Oct 31, 2018 2:05 am

    Traveling along with Kanna, Satomi, and a fair portion of Konoha ANBU with the same goal in mind Gin was ready to give the fight his all. He has participated in numerous operations as his days in the ANBU black ops as well as a standard Chuunin, however nothing as great as a direct assault. Their objective was to neutralize the Shinobi within Iwagakure. Damage to the village itself was unnecessary, and even frowned upon as Konoha planned to make the once great Iwagakure into a stronghold for itself. The group on ANBU were positioned outside the village just fifty meters. The sheer amount of foreign, masked forces were enough to alarm the sentries. Satomi gave his final orders to those who listened. He was given the task of opening the gates, or at least destroying the wall to make an opening. It was a task most suited for him as he possessed the Falcon Contract, powerful Wind-elemental birds that ranged in size. Of course Gin was inclined to use the largest and tankiest he had for this attack. "Leave it to me. Prepare to move out immediately."

    Reaching into his shirt he retrieved a small wooden charm which was worn around his neck. Holding it in his palms she formed the Tiger hand seal. In that moment a plume of shrouded the group in a sweeping cloud as it dispersed quickly, out flying a large falcon easily standing five meters tall. Gin rode on its back as it ascended into the air and closer to the village gates. The design of the gates were by no means comparable to Konoha's. They would appear challenging to a Chuunin to surpass, though Gin had the right tool for the job. The bird ascended twenty meters into the air and a mere thirty from the gates when it opened its beak and began mustering dense amounts of air and chakra inside its mouth.

    As the pressure climaxed the falcon released the sphere, which drastically increased in size to a large boulder of compressed air as it raced towards the gates in an instant. As the sphere made contact it created an indentation as the sphere blasted, the integrity of the technique being met with the closed village gates. In the blast the double gates were throw inwards towards the village, tumbling across the ground and colliding into a handful of buildings. The gates were now open. Gin scoured the walls and village for oncoming aggression. Staying on his toes he let his allies enter the village while he acted as an airborne fortress ready to act at a moment's notice.

    Gin Info:

    Big Bird Info:

    Strength: C
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: B+
    Speed: B
    Coordination: B
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: B


    Character Sheet HERE

    Posts : 396
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    Age : 32

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    Skills & Elements: Suiton/ Ninjutsu, Kenjutsu, Taijutsu
    Class: A
    Ryo: Ya boy is ballin

    Iwagakure Gate (North) Empty Re: Iwagakure Gate (North)

    Post by Kyoji Thu Nov 01, 2018 5:42 pm

    As efficient as always. Satomi thought. His eyes looked through his mask with renewed vigor. Gin used his summoning jutsu and summoned a large falcon. If a puff of smoke, Gin's summon appeared in front of the Konoha vanguard. An the bird instantly went to work. The falcon flapped his wings and then took off into the air. Hovering a some twenty meters above them, it started to build chakra into itself and let loose a very powerful wind attack. An even larger sphere of wind chakra formed and shot with incredible speed towards the front gates. Upon impact the gates dented and tried to remain still but was no match. The gates flew open, surprising the Iwa ninjas. They had expected the gates to last a little bit longer.

    "Attack!" Satomi yelled holding on the handle of his White sabre from its sheath on his back. Everyone obliged, and they stormed forward. Crossing the gates Satomi was immediately met with Iwa guard. He pulled a Kunai out and went to stab him in the chest. Another Uchiha guard came forward and countered him with his own kunai and the two began to battle to the death. Satomi continued on into the Iwagakure as did the rest of the his vanguard. They began to spread out taking enemies in small groups.

    Strength: B > S (EGF)
    Constitution: B > A (Kaguya)
    Stamina: A++ (Senju)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: B > S (EGF)
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: A
    Count Volseig
    Count Volseig

    Posts : 34
    Join date : 2018-09-27

    Iwagakure Gate (North) Empty Re: Iwagakure Gate (North)

    Post by Count Volseig Fri Nov 02, 2018 1:22 am

    Realizing they where outnumbered and outmatched the remaining guards rallied around the administrative building. This was where they would draw the line, this was where they would make their final stand. They had to defend the council and the village secrets at all cost or die trying. Resolving to not go quietly into the night they fought tooth and nail pushing themselves to their very limits and beyond in one last despite bid to overcome the odds but to no avail.

    After a long night of fighting the battle was over Kohana had won but not without a heavy cost. Out of the ten assault squads they had brought with them six of them where dead, having perished in the line of action. Theirs was a victory paid for in blood.

    Iwagakure Gate (North) 291mbme
    Gin Akiyama
    Gin Akiyama

    Posts : 152
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    Class: B
    Ryo: 30,000

    Iwagakure Gate (North) Empty Re: Iwagakure Gate (North)

    Post by Gin Akiyama Sat Nov 03, 2018 1:36 am

    It was just after dusk as the night settled in. The bodies of the enemy Shinobi were dead, and given a Hindu Funeral. What remained were the embers and charcoal of spruce along with the human ashes which were hard, if not impossible, to distinguish from the wood. This heaping pile of smoldering wood and ash were just outside the blown down gates. The fire has since long ran out of fuel with nothing but a few red coals resting at the bottom. The deceased Konoha Shinobi were covered in a black tarp scavenged from the pillaged village as the bodies of them laid side-by-side in an orderly fashion. They were to be given a proper funeral back in Konoha.

    Gin was posted as guard of the gate. Satomi and the others charged inside to finish the job and attack the heart of the village. Captain Satomi and several of the remaining ANBU squads were tasked to clean up the village and seize the Administrators. Kanna spaced herself behind us to sweep up any straddlers. We're working with "Mockingbird" which has the nation on lockdown to prevent any spies or reinforcements from coming through. And finally, there's me: stuck at the gates as usual. Though, the intensity of this shift is at least something different. There was a desire to smoke a cigarette during these times, yet that would draw unnecessary attention to himself.

    Instead he sat quietly in the observation shelter on top of the wall near the gate opening. There were openings in the shelter acting as windows. Gin sat beneath the apron of one using the reinforced wall as protection while being somewhere he could quickly observe, if needed. He was by himself with a small package of food rations opened, half eaten, next to his side. There was the ambiance of what appeared to be dozens of frogs chirping in the distance, their song being far enough that it did not serve as a strong bother or distraction to his task. A small pond several dozen meters away was the source of this along with the soft sound of trickling water from the supplying stream and night crickets. Throughout the night was the occasional coo of the mourning dove among the spruce which littered the outside of the gates and surrounding landscape.

    A light brown falcon soared fifty meters in the air, roughly twenty above where Gin camped. It would circle above, eyes prying for the noisy dove. There! Rosemary dove from the skies, wings arched as speed increased. The sound of the pine needles and twigs snapping was the end of the dove's song, the other birds in the area flocking away from the assaulting peregrine falcon. Rosemary perched herself on the same tree branch the dove rested on removing the songbird's head killing it swiftly. It picked at its tender meat, the bird serving as her meal for the night. The rather natural habitat of the falcon worked to raise little to no suspicion. Appearing as an ordinary bird it was a minesweeper for Gin's operator. With impressive finesse in tracking and sensing, Rosemary had her Chakra Sensing Technique active during the night. On top of the natural dark vision she had, it was a perfect scout.

    Alas, there was a final defense. Gin himself rigged a rudimentary trap involving explosive tags, kunai, shuriken, caltrops, and wire. A series of ninja wire spanned the gate's entrance from side to side. They were space four feet apart from the bottom up to five meters. The endpoints of the wire were connected to the red explosive tags which covered the wall. These tags were concealed by a plaster of the natural clay soil which were abundant in the Land of Earth which blended well with the walls of the village. Between the explosive tags and the camouflaged clay plaster were bits and pieces of unused and broken Shinobi tools from the battle. This served as the shrapnel for the rigged trap.

    Everyone had their job to do. So far the operation was going smoothly and according to plan. The ANBU were well aware of the tricks and traps Gin had placed before they left. Of course, this did not include Kanna. Before he could completely relax he had to ensure she knew by the time she finally caught up. For now, he would play the waiting game.

    Gin Info:

    Rosemary Info:

    Strength: C
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: B+
    Speed: B
    Coordination: B
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: B


    Character Sheet HERE

    Posts : 396
    Join date : 2018-05-23
    Age : 32

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Suiton/ Ninjutsu, Kenjutsu, Taijutsu
    Class: A
    Ryo: Ya boy is ballin

    Iwagakure Gate (North) Empty Re: Iwagakure Gate (North)

    Post by Kyoji Sat Nov 03, 2018 10:50 pm

    Satomi walked at an even pace. The battleground was still littered with bodies of both the Leaf and the Stone ninja. Behind Sato was one squad Uchiha ANBU. His own personal squads had survived the fight. Icho, his most trusted friend, walked with him to the gates. The streets were empty as everyone had taken to their homes as they Konoha slaughtered their outdoor protectors.

    They made their way to the top of the gate. Where Gin guarding. Speaking to Icho and the others Satomi began togive orders. "I need to alert Konoha that we were successful. I will be staying here holding the village defense and gaining total control of the village. The hard part is over. And also that I have recovered all of their Kinjutsu scrolls and artifacts. Those have been secured. Send for Kameko as well. I may have need of her expertise in this matter. "

    Icho merely nodded. Obeying his command, the three ANBU disappeared in flash as they headed back to Konoha. Being careful to avoid the traps laid out by Gin.

    Satomi would walk back to the Tsuchikage's complex.
    Uchiha NPCs Iwagakure -> Takigakure -> Konohagakure
    Used B-rank speed

    Strength: B > S (EGF)
    Constitution: B > A (Kaguya)
    Stamina: A++ (Senju)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: B > S (EGF)
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: A

    Posts : 396
    Join date : 2018-05-23
    Age : 32

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Suiton/ Ninjutsu, Kenjutsu, Taijutsu
    Class: A
    Ryo: Ya boy is ballin

    Iwagakure Gate (North) Empty Re: Iwagakure Gate (North)

    Post by Kyoji Fri Nov 09, 2018 5:31 pm

    The young Uchiha gathered his items for the trip. The ANBU squad behind him were prepped and ready to leave. There inside a large sealed scroll were the Tools. In bookbag on Satomi he held the scrolls from the treasury as well. They had succeeded in their battle here and they only needed a few days in order to totally subjugate the entire country. But he needed to be back Konoha. He was sure with his recent triumphs he would be chosen for the position of Hokage. Taking only two squads back with him, a Uchiha squad and a normal one. He would leave three here with Gin to hold the place until they could do more fortifications. Being sure to avoid the traps, he saluted Gin goodbye and headed home.

    Iwagakure -> Takigakure -> Konohagakure
    Used B-rank speed

    Strength: B > S (EGF)
    Constitution: B > A (Kaguya)
    Stamina: A++ (Senju)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: B > S (EGF)
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: A

    Posts : 461
    Join date : 2017-10-29

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Katon, Raiton, Doton, Ijutsu, Taijutsu, Kenjutsu & Fuuinjutsu
    Class: A
    Ryo: 1,105,125

    Iwagakure Gate (North) Empty Re: Iwagakure Gate (North)

    Post by Copycat Fri Nov 09, 2018 8:09 pm

    The masked woman silently trudges along the path leading up to Iwagakure. By the time she's arrived, it's become abundantly clear that there was fighting going on. And from the looks of it, they'd... succeeded, maybe? Letting out a low sigh, Kanna adjusts her mask accordingly, removing her hood for a moment. Unfortunately it had seemed she came late -- far too late that matter, but luckily they didn't need her help.

    "I take it things have been cleared out?" She asks from beneath her mask, taking a look around. At least it was already time to head back. While it would've been interesting to actually get something done there, the assault squad seemed to take out the guards that Iwagakure had, and were even able to leave with some spare squads. Seeing this as a good time to get a move on personally, Kanna rolls her shoulders for a moment, then turns on her heel.

    Without a second thought, She starts to head back off to Konohagakure, eager to be back home.

    (Exit, going Iwa -> Taki -> Konoha.)


    "Not everyone's perfect... but sometimes the world seems like it'd be better off if they were."
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