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3 posters

    Tetsudashi Jinn

    Jinn Tetsudashi
    Jinn Tetsudashi

    Posts : 30
    Join date : 2017-11-25

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: None
    Class: E
    Ryo: 0

    Tetsudashi Jinn  Empty Tetsudashi Jinn

    Post by Jinn Tetsudashi Sat Nov 25, 2017 8:06 pm

    Name: Jinn Tetsudashi
    Age: 16
    Gender: Male
    Village: Iwagakure
    Rank: genin

    Clan: Tetsudashi
    Bloodline: steel release
    Element(s): n/a (yet)
    Skill(s): bukijutsu, ken jutsu,


    • Strength:E
    • Constitution:D
    • Stamina:E
    • Speed:D
    • Coordination: D
    • Intelligence:D
    • Perception:C

    Unique Abilities:

    Low Light vision:
    Jinn used to spend a lot of time in dark caves training on his own. By spending so much time in dark caves Jinn got the ability to see better in the dark than other. He is able to see further and more clear in the dark without much trouble and without any time to have his eyes focus on the dark. For Jinn it happens in an instance

    jinn loses one tier in perception when he enters the dark. Entering dark places or being in nighttime would activate this ability

    one hand hand-seals:
    Jinn prefers to fight with weapons and a weapon would never leave his hand. Jinn started to learn himself to do single hand handseals so he makes sure he can keep his weapon in his hand.

    Jinn loses one tear in coordination for this

    Jinn is a 6 foot tall person with an athletic slim built. His muscles are noticeable at every inch of his body. His lower body covered by a simple black pants while his upper body is covered by a red shirt with the sleeves ripped off. His black hair is cut in a messy spiky way like he did it himself with his own weapons. Jinn has 3 scars going over the right side of his face like a cat scratched his face. He can although still see through his right eye though since his eye is untouched.


    Jinn grew up in Iwa Ga Kure with his loving parents. He grew up the official clan way. He got trained by both his parents. His dad trained him in Jutsu's and the beliefs of the clan while his mum trained him in the way of the sword and how to handle weapons. Jinn wasn't the one to shy away from action although the hard work he had to do for the clan to prove himself worthy to stay in. Jinn never backed down out of everything showing his loyalty to the clan from a young age.

    Jinn slowly grew up to become a shinobi Academy on a suggestion from the clan. To make him the perfect warrior for the clan. A shinobi that would fight for the clan. Kill his foes quick and silent. No question asks and no mercy.

    It didn't take long for jinn to finish the academy. He flew through the classes since he was always working hard and excelled in ninjutsu and buki jutsu since that is what his parents trained him from young. He got friends in the academy where he trained with making him even stronger and building a relation the village. Jinn was always the best of his class when it came to ninjutsu and buki jutsu. When his fellow classmates asked for help. He wasn't afraid to help them out with their training.

    Jinn became a Genin pretty easily and continued his training. Training now even harder becoming better and better. His team passed all the missions some even in record time. making them the best team at this moment. Jinn and his team were given harder mission within the first 2 months

    After a half year, Jinn and his team were on a C-rank mission that went terribly wrong and ended up in an A-rank mission. His team dead in a horrible way in front of Jinn eyes. jinn managed to escape the failed mission and make sure he would be there to protect his village and clan another day. He already failed to protect his team ones and he is for sure not going to do that twice.

    Now JInn is a Genin for 2 years. Now Jinn is on his way to being again Chuunin almost ready for the test to be one. He says he is ready for everything he faces and the kage knows Jinn doesn't back down out of anything. Jinn always found the reasons to keep on going and always found the ways to keep the others going.

    Jinn is someone that lives for one thing. To be the best. He might come over as an overeager person but he has the smarts. He is the ones that can't sit still for a board game but is someone that could meditate. If he meditates though he would have to do it in the dark since he is pretty fond of exploring the hidden caves around Iwagakure

    Jinn follows the rules of his clan no matter what and always puts his clan in front of everything. If his clan needs him he is there for them. Jinn does everything to get his jobs done no matter what the sacrifice is. He has no mercy or remorse for everyone

    Roleplay Sample:
    he stands with his left foot forward and his turned 45 degrees to the outside. he lifts the heel of his left foot a bit up until the ball of his left foot barely touches the ground. He holds his right hand next to his chin with his elbows lifted to chest height with his left elbow bend 45 degrees while the left hand was also at chin height only in front of his chin but pretty far away. His hands were a mix between a grabbing hand and a punching hand because his pinky and ring finger are making a fist while the rest of his fingers were ready to grab something that comes his way. Sora jumps up with his right foot for a bit while he places the ball of his left foot right on the ground so he can turn on it. He turns 135 degrees on the ball of his foot while he turns he places his lower right leg horizontal at waist height with a full bended knee while he leans with his upper body backward. After the turn he extends his right knee quickly so he makes a roundhouse kick against the palm tree although the places he hit was covered with blood and on his shin there wasn’t any trace of skin left you could even see pieces of bone through the flesh on several places. The moment his leg touches the tree Sora flinches a bit and hops a bit on his feet when he puts his foot on the ground.

    Sora switches his stance so his right foot was forwards now and does the exact something again and switches leg again. He continuous to do this until the tree breaks. After Sora broke the tree he would smile a bit before he looks around him before he says “I thought there would be more.” Every palm tree was broken in 100 yards around him. “Well that means I’m done.” Sora struggle walks towards the barracks. With every step he takes he flinches because of the injuries on his shin. You could almost see the full bone and the bones are dented all over the place while some blood was flowing next to the bone. Sora looks towards his shin and says calmly. “I guess someone should look at this.” He smiled looking at his shins

    Last edited by Jinn Tetsudashi on Sat Nov 25, 2017 11:31 pm; edited 3 times in total
    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

    Posts : 2318
    Join date : 2017-09-21

    Tetsudashi Jinn  Empty Re: Tetsudashi Jinn

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Sat Nov 25, 2017 10:10 pm

    As a genin you can only have three skill points. Bloodlines cost a skill point so you will have to take out either being a Tetsudashi, Bukijutsu, Kenjutsu, Sensory.

    Kim Chang-Min
    Kim Chang-Min

    Posts : 1141
    Join date : 2016-12-07

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Earth Release, Steel Release, Fuuninjutsu, Misc. Crafting, Ninjutsu, Ijutsu, Sensory, Kugutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: 750,000 Ryo

    Tetsudashi Jinn  Empty Re: Tetsudashi Jinn

    Post by Kim Chang-Min Sat Nov 25, 2017 11:34 pm

    Jinn Tetsudashi wrote:Name: Jinn Tetsudashi
    Age: 16
    Gender: Male
    Village: Iwagakure
    Rank: genin

    Clan: Tetsudashi
    Bloodline: steel release
    Element(s): n/a (yet)
    Skill(s): bukijutsu, ken jutsu,


    • Strength:E
    • Constitution:D
    • Stamina:E
    • Speed:D
    • Coordination: D
    • Intelligence:D
    • Perception:C

    Unique Abilities:

    Low Light vision:
    Jinn used to spend a lot of time in dark caves training on his own. By spending so much time in dark caves Jinn got the ability to see better in the dark than other. He is able to see further and more clear in the dark without much trouble and without any time to have his eyes focus on the dark. For Jinn it happens in an instance

    jinn loses one tier in perception when he enters the dark. Entering dark places or being in nighttime would activate this ability

    one hand hand-seals:
    Jinn prefers to fight with weapons and a weapon would never leave his hand. Jinn started to learn himself to do single hand handseals so he makes sure he can keep his weapon in his hand.

    Jinn loses one tear in coordination for this

    Jinn is a 6 foot tall person with an athletic slim built. His muscles are noticeable at every inch of his body. His lower body covered by a simple black pants while his upper body is covered by a red shirt with the sleeves ripped off. His black hair is cut in a messy spiky way like he did it himself with his own weapons. Jinn has 3 scars going over the right side of his face like a cat scratched his face. He can although still see through his right eye though since his eye is untouched.


    Jinn grew up in Iwa Ga Kure with his loving parents. He grew up the official clan way. He got trained by both his parents. His dad trained him in Jutsu's and the beliefs of the clan while his mum trained him in the way of the sword and how to handle weapons. Jinn wasn't the one to shy away from action although the hard work he had to do for the clan to prove himself worthy to stay in. Jinn never backed down out of everything showing his loyalty to the clan from a young age.

    Jinn slowly grew up to become a shinobi Academy on a suggestion from the clan. To make him the perfect warrior for the clan. A shinobi that would fight for the clan. Kill his foes quick and silent. No question asks and no mercy.

    It didn't take long for jinn to finish the academy. He flew through the classes since he was always working hard and excelled in ninjutsu and buki jutsu since that is what his parents trained him from young. He got friends in the academy where he trained with making him even stronger and building a relation the village. Jinn was always the best of his class when it came to ninjutsu and buki jutsu. When his fellow classmates asked for help. He wasn't afraid to help them out with their training.

    Jinn became a Genin pretty easily and continued his training. Training now even harder becoming better and better. His team passed all the missions some even in record time. making them the best team at this moment. Jinn and his team were given harder mission within the first 2 months

    After a half year, Jinn and his team were on a C-rank mission that went terribly wrong and ended up in an A-rank mission. His team dead in a horrible way in front of Jinn eyes. jinn managed to escape the failed mission and make sure he would be there to protect his village and clan another day. He already failed to protect his team ones and he is for sure not going to do that twice.

    Now JInn is a Genin for 2 years. Now Jinn is on his way to being again Chuunin almost ready for the test to be one. He says he is ready for everything he faces and the kage knows Jinn doesn't back down out of anything. Jinn always found the reasons to keep on going and always found the ways to keep the others going.

    Jinn is someone that lives for one thing. To be the best. He might come over as an overeager person but he has the smarts. He is the ones that can't sit still for a board game but is someone that could meditate. If he meditates though he would have to do it in the dark since he is pretty fond of exploring the hidden caves around Iwagakure

    Jinn follows the rules of his clan no matter what and always puts his clan in front of everything. If his clan needs him he is there for them. Jinn does everything to get his jobs done no matter what the sacrifice is. He has no mercy or remorse for everyone

    Roleplay Sample:
    he stands with his left foot forward and his turned 45 degrees to the outside. he lifts the heel of his left foot a bit up until the ball of his left foot barely touches the ground. He holds his right hand next to his chin with his elbows lifted to chest height with his left elbow bend 45 degrees while the left hand was also at chin height only in front of his chin but pretty far away. His hands were a mix between a grabbing hand and a punching hand because his pinky and ring finger are making a fist while the rest of his fingers were ready to grab something that comes his way. Sora jumps up with his right foot for a bit while he places the ball of his left foot right on the ground so he can turn on it. He turns 135 degrees on the ball of his foot while he turns he places his lower right leg horizontal at waist height with a full bended knee while he leans with his upper body backward. After the turn he extends his right knee quickly so he makes a roundhouse kick against the palm tree although the places he hit was covered with blood and on his shin there wasn’t any trace of skin left you could even see pieces of bone through the flesh on several places. The moment his leg touches the tree Sora flinches a bit and hops a bit on his feet when he puts his foot on the ground.

    Sora switches his stance so his right foot was forwards now and does the exact something again and switches leg again. He continuous to do this until the tree breaks. After Sora broke the tree he would smile a bit before he looks around him before he says “I thought there would be more.” Every palm tree was broken in 100 yards around him. “Well that means I’m done.” Sora struggle walks towards the barracks. With every step he takes he flinches because of the injuries on his shin. You could almost see the full bone and the bones are dented all over the place while some blood was flowing next to the bone. Sora looks towards his shin and says calmly. “I guess someone should look at this.” He smiled looking at his shins


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