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    Kanna Visits Yui [Post Time skip Kanna]

    Kotoshura Yui
    Kotoshura Yui

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    Kanna Visits Yui [Post Time skip Kanna] Empty Kanna Visits Yui [Post Time skip Kanna]

    Post by Kotoshura Yui Fri Oct 05, 2018 4:59 pm

    Yui had invited Kanna over for a night of well maybe fun but mostly she wanted her help, she had been racking her brain hard trying to figure out how to purpose a plan to the village for her clan district. Yui while a great fighter was not exactly brilliant and this sort of stuff was far beyond her so she wanted Kanna to help to word it well and help her prepare a proposition to the village, with Kanna help she was sure she could get the district. She prepared herself dressing in her casual clothing with her having a bunch of maps spread out, she had tried to draw the plans but it was clear she sucked at this sort of thing.

    "I hope Kanna gets here soon, this is all so far over my head, I have no idea how to design anything and being a foreigner I need to really prove my clan to get a district. I am sure they will want the stronger members to help them with many missions, so I may get an even heavier workload."

    She let out a sigh hearing the sound of a knock at the door she would quickly stand up rushing toward the door stubbing her toe as she did letting out several swear words before rushing to the door and opening it smiling at Kanna.

    "I am so glad you are here I need your help, this stuff... I admit I am not the smartest person so I am not sure where to even start. I need to give a good presentation to the council and I need to have building plans and ideas set in place for what I want to set in the district. Please help my Kanna, pretty please with a cherry on top, I will make you some delicious food."


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    Kanna Visits Yui [Post Time skip Kanna] Empty Re: Kanna Visits Yui [Post Time skip Kanna]

    Post by Copycat Fri Oct 05, 2018 10:14 pm

    The ravenous haired woman in her mid twenties strolled through the night with a small, black hard-covered book with numerous symbols engraved into it, including a sealing formula hidden upon it. As far as clothing went, she decided to just wear a spaghetti-strapped black tank top with yellow cat eyes and a feline-like tongue on the front. Matching it is a pair of light gray sweat pants with a pair ot standard black shoes. It's the first time in awhile she's really made an effort to dress like a civilian, but it is comfortable in contrast to her standard wear. The most prominent feature is the black bow a top her head, contrasting well with her features and general wear. After some light knocking the blondette she was waiting for opened up the door, and greets her with a plethora of words.

    She attempts to interject, blatantly confused.
    "Okay -- hold on. What the hell are you talking about? What district?"

    The female folds her arms beneath her chest, tucking the book between her arm and her side and slanting her stance to the right a bit, craning her brows as well. "Second of all, I'm no architect. It's the farthest thing from being my niche and I intend to keep it that way." Kanna remarks in rebuttal, scrunching her face a bit.


    "Not everyone's perfect... but sometimes the world seems like it'd be better off if they were."
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    Kotoshura Yui
    Kotoshura Yui

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    Kanna Visits Yui [Post Time skip Kanna] Empty Re: Kanna Visits Yui [Post Time skip Kanna]

    Post by Kotoshura Yui Sat Oct 06, 2018 6:59 pm

    Yui rushes over and attempts to pull Kanna inside more as she looked at all the papers and thinks of what to bride her with, she smiled as she knew something Kanna would enjoy. yui was an excellent cook so if she bribed her with some food she likely would attempt to help Yui at least.

    "Kanna if you help me with all of this complicated stuff I will make you a delicious meal, you know I am quite a good cook, come on Kanna please...."

    Yui would move over snuggling her chest into Kanna arm and smiling waiting for her answer, she was sure Kanna would sigh and tell her once more she was not good at this stuff but she was a lot smarter then Yui was when it came to speeches and stuff. She was calm and collected while Yui was brash and outspoken not exactly good traits to have when trying to convince someone of something.


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    Kanna Visits Yui [Post Time skip Kanna] Empty Re: Kanna Visits Yui [Post Time skip Kanna]

    Post by Copycat Sat Oct 06, 2018 10:04 pm

    Kanna simply squints, still rather confused about the whole thing. She mostly gazes at the many papers littering the innards of the home, pondering what it was for up until Yui offers a little more insight. As part of her arm is tucked into the female's bosom she cranes her brows, responding at last. "You don't need to bribe me, but since you did you can feel free to hold up your end of the bargain. I've a taste for seafood." She hints, before attempting to stroll further in on her own accord. She shifts her gaze throughout her surroundings, mostly recognizing it as she had over the years. Apart from so many papers in her line of sight it was the same.

    "Okay, so let me get this straight. You need building plans and a way to convince the council that your clan deserves a district of its own. Is that correct?" The female remarks, strolling ahead to take a seat wherever was comfortable and make herself at home. She pushes some black locks behind her ear and looks closer at the papers one by one, getting a feel for what she was working with.


    "Not everyone's perfect... but sometimes the world seems like it'd be better off if they were."
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    Kotoshura Yui
    Kotoshura Yui

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    Kanna Visits Yui [Post Time skip Kanna] Empty Re: Kanna Visits Yui [Post Time skip Kanna]

    Post by Kotoshura Yui Sun Oct 07, 2018 6:38 am

    She was glad Kanna agreed as she was looking as Yui rather messy house, many papers were strewn about but it was clear Yui had been working hard, despite saying they looked bad her building plans were not bad, she had spent months drawing them and it really showed she had likely improved. She began to dig through a pile before finding her latest speech she planned to give to the council. She quickly rushed over to Kanna and handed her the papers to see what she would think.

    "This is my latest one I wrote, I just... you know I don't come off as someone nice sometimes, I have an ego and I am brash so I don't want my speech to sound like I plan to take over Konoha. Yes, what you said was true, I need to convince the council to allow my clan to have a district, I am getting a lot of pressure from within the clan about this. They feel we have been here for three years protecting Konoha and have more than proven our usefulness so they are demanding I find a way to convince the council which isn't so easy. We are a foreign clan and they could think we are simply trying to get the district to plan a coup when that, of course, is not the truth."

    It was clear Yui was worried as the speech seemed way too out of character for Yui if she read this to the council they would know those were words made to be nice to them. They, of course, knew how Yui was so they would want a speech true to her heart, not something she thought they wanted to hear.


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    Kanna Visits Yui [Post Time skip Kanna] Empty Re: Kanna Visits Yui [Post Time skip Kanna]

    Post by Copycat Sun Oct 07, 2018 10:09 am

    She silently rests her elbow against her upper leg and rests her cheek upon her palm in silence, peering at the building plans. As she'd actually admitted, she knew jack shit as far as architecture went, so she could really only assume this was what was expected of a decent go-to for a clan district layout. Kanna expressionlessly glances at the Kotoshura as she gives her a speech, frowning a bit before prying her attention away from the building plans in question.

    "It isn't rocket science. Don't mention trying to become Hokage someday, or trying to be the strongest. Talk about your clan's loyalty and that you feel like they should be respected as a union of dedicated soldiers of Konoha. Something that speaks in representation of your clan's thoughts, but without demanding it. I dont know much about this stuff so all I can really offer are common sense ideas." The black haired female remarks, twirling hair around her index finger silently.


    "Not everyone's perfect... but sometimes the world seems like it'd be better off if they were."
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    Kotoshura Yui
    Kotoshura Yui

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    Kanna Visits Yui [Post Time skip Kanna] Empty Re: Kanna Visits Yui [Post Time skip Kanna]

    Post by Kotoshura Yui Sun Oct 07, 2018 10:55 am

    She listened to Kanna mention things not to say like she was going to become Hokage or the strongest shinobi and mention what the clan has to offer to the village. She began to make notes as she pulled out more paper and began to prepare a new speech. Now, something that speaks of her clans thought was hard they felt they earned the right to have a clan district for putting their bodies on the line for the village. Stating that so directly, however, would feel like a demand so she had to think of a way to describe this in a nondemanding way.

    "Okay for my clan's thoughts how about something like this, we have sacrificed our bodies for Konoha we have shown our loyalty and have offered many resources. Now while this can of any clan here we lack one thing they have and that is a clan district, if we had the district we could work hard with our skills and talents offering revenue and even more ability to protect the village by offering training areas to our members. This would allow them to safely practice blast release, as you are aware it is very destructive so using it in the normal training grounds causes a lot of damage and causes them to close for repairs. If you offer this clan district I as the clan leader would gladly give you reports monthly on our progress and if you so desire offer insight on how we can possibly acquire civilians from Iwa boosts the villages shinobi ability."

    She would wait to see just what Kanna would say maybe that was a bit too wordy but she felt it was humble and not demanding, more of a plead to the council and saying what providing the district could be for Konoha.


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    Kanna Visits Yui [Post Time skip Kanna] Empty Re: Kanna Visits Yui [Post Time skip Kanna]

    Post by Copycat Sun Oct 07, 2018 6:54 pm

    Kanna listens to the speech in question, silently nodding her head every now and then. It... sounded good enough to her at least. She was trying to think of anything that they might ask her, though. Good as improvising though considering she knew next to nothing about this whole thing. Afterall, with no clan of her own and never having had to stand before the council she didn't have anything to a good take on it other than inference. When the female is finally done she offers a thumbs up.

    "Seems good enough, though they might not accept it anyways. And if that does happen, wait until you're Chuunin before you make another attempt at it. They might not trust you with that much responsibility as a Genin, afterall. If they ask why you personally want it, then say you want to prove you can be trusted with authority. It'll give them a decent look at your ability to conduct yourself even as a Genin, as being a Chuunin is all about leadership and making the right choices." The woman offers some of her typical insight, sighing lightly.


    "Not everyone's perfect... but sometimes the world seems like it'd be better off if they were."
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    Kotoshura Yui
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    Kanna Visits Yui [Post Time skip Kanna] Empty Re: Kanna Visits Yui [Post Time skip Kanna]

    Post by Kotoshura Yui Mon Oct 08, 2018 12:02 am

    She listened to Kanna again, this was true maybe she could try as Chuunin if they turned it down but the village already trusted her enough to use gates. That showed they had heavy faith in her skills and abilities, plus she had only grown stronger over the last two years. She was quite sure she was one of the strongest if not the strongest Genin in all of Konoha.

    "I think they have a lot of faith in me they let me learn gates after all, but if they do turn me down maybe you are right I can wait until Chuunin until I bother them again. I hope they accept it now though, I really want the stress and worry to go away. It is bad enough they keep asking when I am going to find a suitable male to marry. I.. well I only have one person I have feelings for and... yeah haha I don't see that happening soon."

    She did not say who it was but her face flushed some as she lifted her hand it was likely if Kanna did not notice before she would now that her hand appeared to have a mouth on it. This was something she never talked about she just appeared to have them one day, no explanation or reason she suddenly had them. This just showed how serious she was to become the best shinobi she would sacrifice her body to become the best.

    "You said you wanted seafood right, I can make us some fresh lobster brought for me today. The clan seems to like to try to stay on my good side by bribing me with good food, just tell me what sort of dish you want with it. I am quite capable at cooking don't forget that."


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    Kanna Visits Yui [Post Time skip Kanna] Empty Re: Kanna Visits Yui [Post Time skip Kanna]

    Post by Copycat Mon Oct 08, 2018 12:30 am

    Kanna offers an acknowledging nod, listening to the blonde as she speaks on her troubles, between getting this district and another struggle that the female herself wasn't familiar with: marrying for the sake of the clan. Just possessing a standard family, she couldn't eleven begin to compare to this, so to hear it first hand from someone she knew confirmed that a typical situation like this she read in novels and stuff was actually real. The mention of the female only being in love with one person is what really garners her attention though. She gulps a little bit, shifting her attention away from the Kotoshura.

    Years back she had noticed but never really said anything about it, nor did she address it firsthand. It wasn't really something that she thought would be beyond a temporary crush. Though unless she was getting completely wrong signals, it seemed to be the exact same vibe as before. Nothing had changed. the feelings she was sure would pass were still there, unreciprocated. She grimaces a little bit, mostly starting to feel confusion and uncertainty slip into her mind. 'I already told you my outlook on life. Have you still been fighting it all these years?' Kanna thinks to herself, glancing out of her peripheral at Yui.

    After Yui's done talking about the lobster, she extends her hand out, intent on clasping onto the blonde's for a moment. There's a short pause, as though she regrets the gesture, but she speaks anyways. "... Do what you please." She remarks apprehensively, before retracting it. There were two meanings to that statement.


    "Not everyone's perfect... but sometimes the world seems like it'd be better off if they were."
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    Kotoshura Yui
    Kotoshura Yui

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    Kanna Visits Yui [Post Time skip Kanna] Empty Re: Kanna Visits Yui [Post Time skip Kanna]

    Post by Kotoshura Yui Wed Oct 10, 2018 8:43 am

    Yui watched as Kanna seemed to be showing some odd signs, as she watched her look away before she felt something she did not expect. Kanna and taken her hand into her own and spoke some words she never thought she would hear. Do what you please, this felt like it had several meanings, was she giving Yui and invention, she would move closer to the woman placing her hands on both sides of her body. If she was serious Yui would find out she would move her lips closer toward Kanna's if she did not try to pull away or push her off she would move her lips and place a passionate kiss on her lips. After around thirty seconds she would pull her lips away with her face flushed, even if she was denied she would still have a flushed face.

    "Kanna... I have... loved you since first sight, I... guess I never said it directly but that's how I feel. I thought it would simply go away, but these feelings have never left me, I think about you every day and when I don't see you for a day I feel very sad. Over the last two years, it only further increased my love for you...I am sorry if you don't want someone to love you but I cannot turn off my heart."

    Her heart was racing if she did not push away she wanted to do much more then what she had already. She wanted all of Kanna, she wanted to kiss and touch every single inch of her body, she wanted to lay next to Kanna and cuddle with Kanna. The thought of being with Kanna every day and being able to hold and love her made her heart flutter, this was her desire it was something so strong it was almost as strong as her desire to become the strongest shinobi in Konoha.


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    Kanna Visits Yui [Post Time skip Kanna] Empty Re: Kanna Visits Yui [Post Time skip Kanna]

    Post by Copycat Fri Oct 12, 2018 9:21 pm

    Kanna remains avoiding eye contact, though she peers at the female out of her peripheral as she rests her hands upon her sides. She stays idle up until the female's about to kiss her -- and its at this point she turns her head out of apprehension. Seeing as she had only now discovered that Yui still wasn't over her feelings, Kanna felt like she was at an internal debate as far as what to do about this. She had her mind set on the values she followed and what mindset she had for them.

    Assuming Yui does still cut to the chase and be honest about her feelings, the woman silently frowns before speaking in rebuttal. "Look, you already know how I feel about this kind of thing -- and it isnt going to change from just a confession." She admits, sighing heavily for a moment before she decides to continue. "If you truly will continue to feel this way then well... just wait. Wait for me to decide what I'll do about it. Regardless of your concern on what my final decision might be, or how long it takes. That's... the best way of showing me, and I know it's selfish to ask but...." Kanna admits.

    She finally asserts eye contact, her hands moving from beside her to clasp onto the Kotoshura's wrists and pry her hands away -- only to clasp onto them herself shortly after. For once she speaks more sympathetically, deciding to forgo the dry tone she's learned to carry behind most of her words.

    "Can you make that promise to me?"


    "Not everyone's perfect... but sometimes the world seems like it'd be better off if they were."
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    Kotoshura Yui
    Kotoshura Yui

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    Kanna Visits Yui [Post Time skip Kanna] Empty Re: Kanna Visits Yui [Post Time skip Kanna]

    Post by Kotoshura Yui Fri Oct 12, 2018 10:01 pm

    She seemed to read the situation wrong as Kanna avoided the kiss, still not all was lost after her confession. Listening to her words it felt like she was being truthful, she had just dropped this massive confession on her, of course, she needed time to think about it. As Kanna pulled her hands out of Yui's she would take them into her own and ask her for a promise. She wanted Yui to promise to wait, of course, Yui had no issue with this she had waited this entire time for her, so she would continue to wait.

    "Kanna I have waited for two years, of course, I can wait longer, just know you are quite selfish but that's what I love about you. You can be cold and calculating but you are always a dear friend I would miss greatly if I ever lost."

    Yui would continue to let Kanna hold her hands, she did not seem fad, in fact, she seemed very happy with the response she got now. She wanted to hug Kanna but she knew she was not ready for that yet, still, a promise was a promise and she said she would make her delicious food.

    "I am sure you want me to start working on that food for you, I... yeah I should really do that you know since I don't ever want to lie to you. I... well I did things to my body in order to become more powerful, I haven't told you yet because I was not sure if you would be angry or not."

    Yui would move to unbutton her top as she would expose her chest, she was not trying to flash Kanna as she pulled her breasts apart and showed her what hid in the middle, a mouth of sorts. She would clothe her chest again as she looked seriously at Kanna.

    "This is the extent I am serious about being a shinobi, do not worry yes I love you but I won't ever surrender my desire to become the strongest or to become Hokage. I will wait for you and I will continue to get stronger, I want to not be a burden to you but to be an equal partner, someone that can be a gift to you."


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    Kanna Visits Yui [Post Time skip Kanna] Empty Re: Kanna Visits Yui [Post Time skip Kanna]

    Post by Copycat Sun Oct 14, 2018 9:44 pm

    The woman lets out a low sigh after the female's response, just keeping her hands relatively in place for the time being. After a few moments spent, Kanna finally relinquishes her grasp and stands up, shutting her eyes as she strides away from the blonde's positioning, still listening to her. She briefly opens her eyes and peers back just to see what the female meant, and upon seeing it she simply frowns, shaking her head.

    "You're too young to be sullying your own body in that sort of way for the sake of power." Kanna remarks, a disappointed tone in her otherwise dull tone of voice. She doesn't speak much more on the matter of what's happened to the Kotoshura, though, wanting to respect her choice on what she decided to do to her own physique, even if Kanna herself didn't vibe with it all that much. She understands what the female says about wanting to be a gift but at the same time she frowns, turning her head away.

    'Is my case of martyr-ism contagious or something?' She sighs innardly, before continuing with her thought.

    'What am I going to do with this girl...' The black-haired female folds her hands beneath waist-level, deciding to see what it was about. "I'm... guessing this is about you know who? Considering his state and all -- speaking of which, have you decided what you wish to do regarding it? There's no sign of him waking up anytime soon. I've been told I have clearance to handle his situation whenever, though I'd rather not without getting a second opinion from his family first."


    "Not everyone's perfect... but sometimes the world seems like it'd be better off if they were."
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    Kotoshura Yui
    Kotoshura Yui

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    Kanna Visits Yui [Post Time skip Kanna] Empty Re: Kanna Visits Yui [Post Time skip Kanna]

    Post by Kotoshura Yui Mon Oct 15, 2018 5:06 pm

    She heard Kanna say she was too young to spoil her body for power, but this was something he clan had done for ages, whenever someone was made the head of the clan or seen as the most powerful hope they went through this procedure. This clan tradition then fell upon herself, she was the head of the clan and she was the only hope the clan had currently. While she could not deny she had done something to her body it did make her much stronger as she would show a piece of clay to Kanna.

    "You see these mouths help me be able to passively apply my chakra to the clay, this is the fearsome clay many are scared off because of the powerful explosions we can create. While it may seem ugly to have them they have a very practical use, all clan heads before me got this same procedure, it greatly increases our effectiveness and helps us become a powerful force."

    She would wait to hear what Kanna had to say something was clearly on her mind and Yui was all ears if she wanted to speak her mind. She would wait for the woman she loved to make a choice she only hoped it would come soon and not many many years later, so she could move on if rejected or rejoice and enjoy all the happiness she could with Kanna.


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    Kanna Visits Yui [Post Time skip Kanna] Empty Re: Kanna Visits Yui [Post Time skip Kanna]

    Post by Copycat Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:09 am

    The female simply sighs heavily. It sounded like a useful ability but it sure did seem... not all that appealing as far as looks went. If Yui was fine with it though then so be it.

    "Right... so, food now? I can help prepare if you want." Kanna decides not to bring up the hospital thing again. It was a touchy subject that she didn't want to approach. And from what it looked like the feeling was mutual. She elevates her arms over head and stretches, slipping her fingers between one another as she does so.


    "Not everyone's perfect... but sometimes the world seems like it'd be better off if they were."
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    Kotoshura Yui
    Kotoshura Yui

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    Kanna Visits Yui [Post Time skip Kanna] Empty Re: Kanna Visits Yui [Post Time skip Kanna]

    Post by Kotoshura Yui Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:58 pm

    Kanna offered to help as Yui would not and make her way to the kitchen, it was a rather nice kitchen as she had a lot of very nice pots and pans. It was clear she took cooking seriously as she pulled the grab out of the fridge and began to prepare it if Kanna wanted to help Yui would have her mix up the nine spices Yui had sitting off to the side. She was careful to instruct her how to crush and grind them, she also was very watchful to make sure it was the proper measurement for each one.

    She also had her cut up the vegetables to add to the salad, she had begun to mix and create her own dressing as the overall food preparation took around an hour with the hot lobster being boiled before she would bake it for an additional ten minutes to give it a nice crisp bite. Once they were finished she would carry the food to the table with Kanna help with the two sitting across from each other, Yui would once again offer her some wine as she poured herself a glass. She would take the wine into her mouth with her pushing the wine to the top of her mouth to get a great taste of it. It was not a low-quality wine and clearly, Yui was living a decent life despite dealing with so much for her clan.

    "So Kanna I hope you enjoy this meal, I have become really really good at cooking, I was good before but I won't lie over the last two years I took some private lessons for the top chef for the daimyo. He taught me many new techniques and I am quite grateful for his training, now you seem to have a lot on your mind you should not hold it in Kanna we know how explosive emotionally you can be when you do."


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    Kanna Visits Yui [Post Time skip Kanna] Empty Re: Kanna Visits Yui [Post Time skip Kanna]

    Post by Copycat Thu Oct 18, 2018 8:46 am

    Kanna follows along at a steady pace, and eventually enters the kitchen in tandem with the Kotoshura. She makes sure to mix up the spices that were already set ahead of time, mostly ensuring to get the right amounts of each of the spices. For the most part, the female had reasonable knowledge when it came to cooking and what not, but it was the more exotic styles of cuisine and such where she often found herself lost. It was rare for her to cook, let alone help prepare a meal.

    Once she finishes gauging the necessary amount for each spice, Kanna starts to cut up the vegetables as Yui had directed her to. It was certainly better than doing nothing and just waiting for her to get done, and that was the main reason Kanna wanted to help in the first place. With preparations pretty much out of the way, all she really had to do was wait for the main dish to cook up nice and well at last. The aroma of sea food always seemed to appeal to her sense of smell. It was exciting that their efforts would finally come to fruition in the form of the meal that awaited them.

    When the food's finally done and they find themselves sitting across from one another, Kanna peers at the wine that's offered. The last and quite honestly only alcohol she'd ever really bothered to drink was sake, and that was a long time ago due to a bet she'd been pressured into. This was for quite a different reason though -- so she apprehensively accepts this time around, filling the wine glass about halfway before placing it right at the middle point of the table, so they'd both have easy access to it.

    The female silently eyes the sea food while Yui speaks, grinning a little bit. "I'd be lying through my teeth if I said I wouldn't enjoy lobster." The woman chimes, shifting the subject to the other thing she'd mentioned. "As for what's on my mind? I don't really... know. Just trying to take things as they go, you know?"


    "Not everyone's perfect... but sometimes the world seems like it'd be better off if they were."
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    Kotoshura Yui
    Kotoshura Yui

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    Kanna Visits Yui [Post Time skip Kanna] Empty Re: Kanna Visits Yui [Post Time skip Kanna]

    Post by Kotoshura Yui Sat Oct 20, 2018 8:49 am

    Yui was quite happy Kanna helped her with the food, as they sat at the table it seemed Kanna actually accepted some wine, making Yui smile widely. She had offered her wine many times before but this was the first time she had accepted it. When she mentioned she wasn't sure what was on her mind she was sure she was not telling the truth but that was fine. She would begin to eat the lobster as she enjoyed every bite of it. Spending any time with Kanna was worth it, she was the woman she loved and while she had to wait for her answer she was not outright rejected.

    "I hope you enjoy the lobster I won't lie I have really enjoyed today, we are both so busy all the time we don't get to simply have some fun much these days. Like I said I have to deal with a lot of pressure with my clan and I have the exams soon, though I really think I am much too strong for the exams. If they want me to take them that is fine but I don't think it would be very fair to the other genins, however, I don't plan to lose either."

    She continued to smile and eat as she was going to be sad when Kanna left, her heart still racing from her confession and just looking at Kanna made her face flush red. The dirty thought she had as she would shake her head and continue to eat. She should not have such dirty thoughts but she could not help it years of pent-up emotions finally set free, this made her realize how much she truly desired Kanna on both an emotional and sexual level.


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    Kanna Visits Yui [Post Time skip Kanna] Empty Re: Kanna Visits Yui [Post Time skip Kanna]

    Post by Copycat Sat Oct 27, 2018 7:39 pm

    Kanna steadily goes ahead and takes a sip of the wine, before starting to eat the food. She quietly consumes it, definitely not missing the taste of lobster since the last time she had it. In all honesty she'd been having plenty of rather luxurious cuisine with the amount of earnings she's found herself consuming recently with the earnings she's been receiving as an ANBU.

    "Eh -- just do whatever you wish. Don't sweat it too much." Kanna comments, before glancing back down to pop a piece of lobster into her mouth. The whole thing was nice and quaint with the whole confession thing out of the way, though she was still thinking it over. Love wasn't something to trifle with or beat around the bush of, especially when it's been affecting their interactions for years.

    In all honesty, she didn't know how she felt about having to share personal space or anything like that with someone else. That was one thing she was apprehensive with having to deal with -- but it wouldn't be that bad either. She had a few small relationships here and there in her mid-teens, but for the most part it was all puppy love and there wasn't much seriousness to it. She didn't even remember if she'd kissed any of the very few people she'd dated prior.


    "Not everyone's perfect... but sometimes the world seems like it'd be better off if they were."
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    Kanna Visits Yui [Post Time skip Kanna] Empty Re: Kanna Visits Yui [Post Time skip Kanna]

    Post by Kotoshura Yui Fri Nov 02, 2018 8:01 am

    She had to think of what to say to Kanna about her brother, he was not recovering, in fact, he was determined to be brain dead. Kanna had told her she wanted to take his heart, she knew Kanna had the ability to take hearts from people and it allowed her to use their elements. She was not going to go against the council's orders and if anyone was going to do this she was glad it was Kanna, in a way her brother would live on in Kanna and this was a small amount of peace for her heart.

    "I am glad you are enjoying the crab... about what you said earlier it is fine, he has no brain activity... it is time to let him rest in peace and... with his heart he will live on in you in a way. Now... that that is out of the way are you going to cheer me on at the exams. I promise I don't plan to lose at all, however, if they are a squad exam that may be an issue. As you know I really don't have a squad, Rin is there sure but he likely will be promoted soon, possibly to a Jounin. The other member already was promoted to Jounin so that just leaves myself. I guess I would be glad to handle things alone, I work best without anyone else around, I may be immune to my own techniques at least a bit but others including allies are not."

    She would continue to eat the thought of her brother still made her sad but she did not want to show any signs of weakness or morning in front of Kanna. She had to appear strong at least until later when she could weap to her heart's content alone. She wanted to forget about all of that and get lost in passion with Kanna, it was no solution but it would help her get over the pain of the loss.


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    Kanna Visits Yui [Post Time skip Kanna] Empty Re: Kanna Visits Yui [Post Time skip Kanna]

    Post by Copycat Fri Nov 02, 2018 8:34 am

    Kanna quietly peers at Yui as she informs her of the situation regarding her brother. For the most part, the woman simply stays silent, then offers a brief nod of her head for the time being. As she brings up the Chuunin Exams and cheering on, for the most part all the female can do is just shrug her shoulders nonchalantly. She carries onward with eating for the time being, not really voicing her opinion. For the most part she just listens to the Kotoshura, finally speaking as she notes her immunity to her own Explosion Release.

    "Then that sounds like it's for the best. I will root for you but.. I guess I'm jealous. My generation never got to do exams like this. I just kind of got promoted for hard work." She remarks, offering a brief, low chuckle of amusement. It was nice to see that something was finally happening between the other villages and Konoha, but at the same time she was a little dubious about it. Apart from going to the Land of Lightning and getting her squad roasted (and nearly herself too) there was little to no interaction.

    There probably should've been some interaction prior between the villages, just to build up relations. But alas, that was the political part of things that Kanna didn't feel like bringing up. "I should tell you though, don't focus on winning. Focus on proving why you're worthy of being a Chuunin. That being said -- this is a little selfish to say but, don't be afraid to surrender in a fight if you have to. Especially if you feel you've already proved yourself, okay?" Kanna states with a little demanding leer, at least hinting that she didn't want to see the female get hurt.


    "Not everyone's perfect... but sometimes the world seems like it'd be better off if they were."
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    Kotoshura Yui

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    Kanna Visits Yui [Post Time skip Kanna] Empty Re: Kanna Visits Yui [Post Time skip Kanna]

    Post by Kotoshura Yui Fri Nov 02, 2018 10:11 am

    She heard Kanna say she was jealous as a wide grin crossed Yui face, so at least she was getting to do something Kanna never got to. She went on to say her goal should not be to win but to prove she was equal to a Chuunin. Kanna knew Yui to well, telling her if things were clearly a loss she wanted Yui to surrender, something that she would likely have a very hard time doing. This did make Yui happy as it showed Kanna did care for Yui safety which meant she did have some feelings toward her.

    "I... will try to give up if I can't win, but you know how bad I am at backing down so I may need someone to throw the towel in for me. Once I start using gates the world feels like its narrowed and I don't even realize the type of injuries I have. I am glad you care about me enough to be concerned though, it really means a lot to me Kanna."

    She would go back to finishing her lobster but she felt in good spirits despite knowing her brother would be dead soon. It was time for him to be at peace and allow Yui to move forward in her life, hopefully with the woman she deeply loved Kanna. She was not sure if they would be together forever but she was sure if she did get with Kanna it would be the happiest time of her entire life.


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    Kanna Visits Yui [Post Time skip Kanna] Empty Re: Kanna Visits Yui [Post Time skip Kanna]

    Post by Copycat Fri Nov 02, 2018 10:33 am

    The female rubs the side of her neck and frowns a bit, shifting her leer away shortly afterward and softening it. She understood but at the same time -- eh, who was she to judge her for having that mindset? It was the same exact one. Maybe it was hard to look at her about something like this because it was like looking in a mirror.

    "Don't try -- just.. do it. There's no telling how trustworthy shinobi from other villages might be. Don't go dying on me after that confession -- that's the last thing I'd want. And I'm sure the feeling is mutual.. so if I have to I'll throw the towel in for you." Kanna spills her view on it out, then frowns for a moment. Was she getting soft towards the blonde? She keeps her gaze fixated on the food for now, and shortly after that moment of realization, she drags herself back into being silent, and starts to eat again as well.

    This was why. This was why she had reservations about it. Years back dying wasn't an issue because it meant serving her country. But if having regrets about dying, or someone else close to her dying made her feel this type of way, she didn't feel like a good enough kunoichi. It made her lack faith in her own ability to conduct herself. On one hand, it felt good knowing someone wouldn't want to see you pass, but on another hand, seeing it from that person's view -- from the person that sees someone they care about pass...

    It's unsettling, if not something that she never wants to consider having to lay her eyes upon. No more deaths on her hands -- no more loss to blame herself for like she used to. She didn't know what she'd do if it happened again, especially to a more extreme extent. If the previous encounter with something like that had made her change her entire demeanor, there was no telling what another encounter with it would cause.

    She'd probably go mad.


    "Not everyone's perfect... but sometimes the world seems like it'd be better off if they were."
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    Kotoshura Yui

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    Kanna Visits Yui [Post Time skip Kanna] Empty Re: Kanna Visits Yui [Post Time skip Kanna]

    Post by Kotoshura Yui Fri Nov 02, 2018 11:36 am

    When she heard Kanna say she would throw in the towel for her, it made her happy, she was sure of it Kanna may not realize it yet but she cared deeply for Yui. The two had become very close friends and as far as she knew one of the only people Kanna really hung out with. Yui was like that herself she did not hang out with anyone else except for Rin but he was like a little brother to her, Kanna held a special place in her heart.

    "I would never want you to die, of course not... I have lost far too many important things to death and losing you... I am sure my mind would go, I do not think I would be sane for a long time if that happened. I have faith in you though Kanna, I know you would never put yourself in a situation where you can die, I mean I don't know the full story of what happened in your past. I do know you survived though and that is what is important, I hope for many years we can continue to be around each other. Of course, I want... more then that but even if you never want that I would always be here for you."

    She would stop her ramblings as she would finish the glass of wine and pour another one, her face showing a bit of a red tint clearly due to drinking as much as she had so far. She was not slurring her speech or anything yet but she was certainly feeling good and capable of bolder actions.


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