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    Sharpen Your Blade with Your Soul!

    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

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    Sharpen Your Blade with Your Soul! Empty Sharpen Your Blade with Your Soul!

    Post by Nakaba Sat Jun 08, 2024 11:19 pm

    “These posters have been put up all over the district?” A small girl with buckteeth clench against the biting cold wind that blew through as she read the headline, swordsman in training. The stark breeze carried the scent of salt, dead fish, and burned oil from nearby restaurants. Sea birds in the distance laughed at the feebles attempts of the waves to lap up the far away sands. Sunstained cheeks chuckled at tye ridiculousness of a swordsman throwing himself at random ninja. She absolutely had to see this. Running off to a training ground not meant for foreigners, but that was exactly what she found.

    The foreigner was wearing a bright orange prison style jumpsuit with a few swords at his hip. The jumpsuit was unzipped revealing a tight tanktop over rows of abs. The swordsman was in a keeling position the look of serenity on his face a mix between piety and patience. The little girl wasn’t alone an array of adults had made a ring as they also waited for the genin’s challenger. He would wait calmly with his eyes closed until someone showed up.

    Ninja Info Card:
    Stone Genin
    Stone Genin

    Village : Iwagakure
    Posts : 173
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    Sharpen Your Blade with Your Soul! Empty Re: Sharpen Your Blade with Your Soul!

    Post by Ghost Tue Jun 11, 2024 11:15 am

    Ome more day until the chunnin exams was to take place and the head of the Kotoshura Clan just now made it to the village. He still needed some training to do yet didn't have enough time to do it. With a grin smile on his face he would wonder what would be in store for him at these chunnin exams. As he was flying via his clay bird he would look down. And see a crowd. This grabbed his attention as he looked over and saw someone kneeling down and he instinctly knew what was going on. As he saw the sword by him Ghost knew this guy was one of those samurai people. They was known to be very strong with the blades.

    Their might with a blade is said to be greater then even the seven swordmen of the mist. That was scary as he got closer he would start to hear people whisper and it was about him. They was claiming a ninja has come to answer the samurai call. But that wasn't the case he was just looking unfortunately they started to cheer for him as he landed and people starter to get out of his way as not to get hit by the cross fire." Ghost would look on but did not say a word. He would look over to the people and then say"HELLO" As he looked on he would be seven meters away from the sitting sword guy. Just what in the word was about to happen next even he did not know.



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    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

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    Sharpen Your Blade with Your Soul! Empty Re: Sharpen Your Blade with Your Soul!

    Post by Nakaba Wed Jun 12, 2024 7:27 pm

    Cheers would spread through the crowd as a challenger approached. Delighted, Nakaba would slowly open his eyes to take in his challenger. He'd stand tall once the ninja landed. His hand would slowly move over to inherent Duality as he regarded the iwa-nin who stood as his rival. For just a moment he thought about his time under the previous tsuchikage. He thought about the techniques he mastered in the land of stone. Before him was a star rising from the same place he'd left. He could hear his dull blade whine as the crowd continued to applaud Ghost. Nakaba was eager to test what the Land of Stone had forged in his absence.

    "You stand proud as a ninja of Iwagakure. Whether knowingly or not, you stand before me as my challenger. I hope that you have the steel within you to proof yourself against my blade." Nakaba would place a gentle hand against Inherent Duality, a blade forged with a single purpose. The near monochrome blade would slide forth from its sheathe, and those who could sense chakra would notice Nakaba's fading away, as his concentration built up. "I'm called Nakaba. Dance with me." The ninja would focus his attention down on the one seven meters away from him.

    In a burst Nakaba would sprint [Spd: D+] at him slowly warming up the pace. It wouldn't take long for Nakaba to close the seven meter gap, his focus on Ghost and not the massive beast that he arrived on. It was likely a puppet or some very similar technique that gave the figure animation and life. Nakaba was attempting to close in on Ghost and would pull his blade as he got within reach. Nakaba would swing [Crd: D+] low to high in an attempt to cleave through the other ninja in a single blow. Nakaba had a suspicion that things were just warming up though.

    Inherent Duality:

    Ninja Info Card:
    Stone Genin
    Stone Genin

    Village : Iwagakure
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    Sharpen Your Blade with Your Soul! Empty Re: Sharpen Your Blade with Your Soul!

    Post by Ghost Thu Jun 13, 2024 3:08 am

    Wow everything was happening so fast and here he is entering in a battle. He had no idea he was apart of. This was a head shaker but he was ready to do what he had to do. This guy had speed on him and a lot of him. He was quickly breaking the gap between the two and if Ghost did not act fast it could be game over before it even started. He was fast but he was not that much faster then he was. As he looked on he would jump back off his clay bird. Forming his hand signs he would cause the bird to explode.

    Soon Ghost would fly back away from the explosion with the help from it. As his hand form yet another bird he would release it to sit upon its back. "OK this one could be tricky if anything." Soon he would mold more clay as he was now 30 meters in the sky and off the ground from his last location with his last clay bird.
    Although he was nit a sensory type he could tell this guy was use to fighting ninja.




    Strength: C
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    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

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    Sharpen Your Blade with Your Soul! Empty Re: Sharpen Your Blade with Your Soul!

    Post by Nakaba Fri Jun 14, 2024 10:21 am

    A hand seal?! As Nakaba sprinted towards the bird and its rider, Ghost leapt away from his mount. The creature was such a tactical advantage, it was baffling that the genin would give it up. This speed I can keep up with. Realizing that there was no need to gear shift he would pay the bird little mind. It was obviously a puppet like jutsu that Ghost had abandoned. Nakaba assessed his hand seal, dismissed it. He assessed the lack of aggression from the puppet, dismissed it. His decision was made, and he was going to leap after Ghost following in his wake. The opportunity would be interupted as a burst of force erupted in front of Nakaba.

    Nakaba would see the light first. His eyes would go wide as he was processing his mistake. His surprise was apparent as he was engulfed in the bright explosion and the 5 meter radius cloud that followed. As the explosion radiated out, much of Nakaba’s jumpsuit would burn leaving his calves exposed as well as the loose part of his open jumpsuit. He’d be left in, basically beat up pants and his tank top. His body scuffed with small cuts, but more or less fine.

    The explosion would push him back some, and as it did he would form the sheathe Inherent Duality. His body would be hidden in the cloud of dust and smoke still as he would start picking up the pace after the clean hit. His chakra signature would shrink to embers before vanishing. Less than a second after the explosion, the five swords that were at Nakaba’s hip would fly out of the smoke cloud one after the other. With the fifth sword thrown Nakaba would sprint out of the smoke and dust beneath with just a single sword left at his hip, Inherent Duality. Begining his pursuit of the bird matching chasing at D++ speed from the ground.

    One after the other the swords would fly at the bird in pretty predictable patterns and by the time they made it to Ghost they be going relatively slowly [Spd: D, Crd D++ to Spd:E, Crd D++] like spears aiming for its wings. With a sudden jerk, when any swords that missed were 3 meters past Ghost, Nakaba’s hands would make a pulling motion and the swords would spin like buzz-saw ripping down from the sky in curved patterns. The five swords would start chasing down [Spd:D++] Ghost from above and below, weaving towards him. They were being manipulated by chakra strings, but those strings were invisible to tje naked eye and most chakra sensory.  Nakaba seemed slightly hurt, but Ghost would have to pull out stronger jutsu if he wanted to have a chance against Nakaba.

    Ooc: Don’t forget to grab some raiton, doton, and ninjutsu and train them as we fight.

    Jutsu used:

    Ninja Info Card:
    Stone Genin
    Stone Genin

    Village : Iwagakure
    Posts : 173
    Join date : 2021-09-22

    Sharpen Your Blade with Your Soul! Empty Re: Sharpen Your Blade with Your Soul!

    Post by Ghost Sat Jun 15, 2024 4:32 am

    What was with this samurai guy as one would think that. If you get hit by a bomb the best thing to do was to back away. Not to mention he was using that sword a bit to good. "Geez if he is to get a hit on me then it's all over and I can nit really move how I want to move because of this crowd of people. My best bet is to get him to follow me in the forest and take the upper hand there. Because if I stay out here then I will not last much longer."

    As he looked on he could see what looked like Swords coming his way. It was bad timing but he had to dodge them. As he had to up his eye sight Gains. Ghost would began to dodge the incoming attack as he notice that they were getting slower as they came closer. "How is this supposed to hit me." As they flew past him or rather he dodged them. "Unless these Swords are a distraction or something." Not truly giving in or up he just knew he had to do something and Ghost was the type. That knew if he did not have a plan he needed to retreat to make one. "This is my first time using this so here goes nothing. Body Flicker Technique would soon be cast as he didnthe half tiger sealed. As he jumped off the bird it too would explode again. Causing a rumble to shake the very sky and in all that chaos Ghost would used this to jump the full length.

    Making it into the forest in he was not stopped. If that is the case he can start his counter attacks.




    Strength: C
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    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

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    Ryo: Zilch

    Sharpen Your Blade with Your Soul! Empty Re: Sharpen Your Blade with Your Soul!

    Post by Nakaba Sun Jun 16, 2024 10:43 pm

    Nakaba alighted with joy once again he was denied by this genin. Ghost didn’t leap from his clay bird at such a speed that Nakaba’s blade couldn’t follow him, but he knew this trick already that seal was meant to detonate the bird, but the Ghost performed body flicker. Already beginning to retract the swords [Crd: C] Nakaba was impressed at the deception as the two signs, the half tiger and the seal of confrontation, were different but incredibly similar. The swords would begin returning to him the speed of their return exceeded that of the jutsu’s explosion. Nakaba wondered what the extent of the bird’s capability was. It almost seemed like Ghost hadn’t unlocked its full potential. Was it possible that this puppet’s capabilities could function independently of Ghost’s attention?

    With expert precision the spinning swords would slide into their sheathes as Nakaba maintained his bead on Ghost the other genin increased their pace as Nakaba followed and so Nakaba would crank up the intensity again. It wouldn’t decrease the distance between them, if anything ghost had increased the twenty meter gap to a thirty meter gap earlier, and he’d managed to increase it a little more when he flash stepped off of his bird. Swift steps [Spd: C] would approach the capabilities of what his body was capable of without imbuing himself with chakra or physical energy. Scratched and wounded Nakaba wasn’t looking comfortable, but this amount of pressure was indefinitely sustainable for him. Placing a hand on Inherent Duality Nakaba would follow Ghost into the forest. If the other genin slowed the pace down, it would be inevitable for Nakaba to catch up to him.

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    Ninja Info Card:
    Stone Genin
    Stone Genin

    Village : Iwagakure
    Posts : 173
    Join date : 2021-09-22

    Sharpen Your Blade with Your Soul! Empty Re: Sharpen Your Blade with Your Soul!

    Post by Ghost Sun Jun 16, 2024 11:13 pm

    As he was hiding behind a oak tree Ghost would be in a dire situation. As he was breathing heavily he would be peaking around the left side of the tree. "Damn this guy,whats his deal? Grandfather told me that a samurai is so fast that they can cut as fast as a ninja can wave signs. My body is not made for gettin cut in half." He would joke as he barely made it out of that and into the forrest. Granted he did not go far but he went about 20 meters in to say the least. "Maybe those Swords are still chasing me and if so I need to level the playing field. I need to cut off this dude sight of me."

    *Just then he would reach into both of his patches. As his hand started to grab and chew onto the clay. Ghost would start to brainstorm. You see he uses the environment to his benefit and that is something most people do not do. Soon he would release three clay spiders. Each with enough strength to do damage and even cause a fire. Soon he would have his hands throw up a lot of clay and this was his clay dolls being formed. Ghost was prepared to counter the samurai as he only one way of getting to him. As his Clay spiders starter to spread out he would put them in position. "OK sword using guy let's get this over with."




    Strength: C
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    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

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    Ryo: Zilch

    Sharpen Your Blade with Your Soul! Empty Re: Sharpen Your Blade with Your Soul!

    Post by Nakaba Sun Jun 23, 2024 2:33 pm

    Nakaba also was focused on his environment, but to him the forest was just another obstacle. A tree was a wall, and a branch no more than an inconvenience between himself and his goal. It wasn't news to him that he had much to learn, but until you come up against it, you simply do not know what you do not know. Without hesitation Nakaba followed Ghost into the canopy keeping track of him as he went further and further in. Ghost would release his body flicker to create more of the puppets between them, Nakaba couldn't help but immediately see applications of this strategy that he could immediately implement into his fighting strategy. This one move alone made Nakaba respect his opponent. He would yell out to shake his opponents resolve, and make him make a mistake. It would be a gamble, but possibly worth it. "Even though you can freely manipulate these puppets. You still need that hand seal to make them explode. As long as I know that, these slow things have no chance against me."He'd think to himself As long as I can keep him in my sights, I can avoid the brunt of the explosion.

    He'd followed in a straight line towards Ghost meaning that the other ninja simply had to leave his reinforcements in his wake to slow Nakaba down, but that wouldn't prove to be a problem. They were oppressive enough to warrant another gear shift though as Nakaba balled his chakra up even tighter. He was firing on all cylinders now. That bird was able to carry a fully grown adult. I should assume that these guys are also at least that strong. With a deep inhale Nakaba's awareness rippled through his body outwards. How his muscles moved under his skin, how his weight was distributed into the ground, the motion of the air moving the hairs on his skin. The wind against his palm.

    FLASHBACK. Nakaba sat in front of the old sages of the Chang Monastery. A woman responded to one of Tōru's quips with a gentle voice withered by time. As soft as her voice was he could still here her from this great distance. "Tōru, Nakaba, you might be right this old woman does need help with her day to day activities. It is the privileged of old age that the young may lend us aid where we are no longer able to command our bodies as we once used to be able to." Thunder would replace the gentle breeze that was once her voice. "Do not conflate weakness with impotence!" In the blink of an eye the old woman would close a distance of 50 meters and make contact with his all white Gi. Nakaba's stomach curled, he'd was told to fast today, part of why he'd been sassy with his instructors to begin with. He immediately regretted his back talked as he felt a ripple of power radiate through his ribs. Barely enough time to reinforce them with chakra, he felt the stone under his feet crack as he was certain his ribs would have. "Even a falling leaf, can crack boulders." END FLASHBACK.

    Leaf meeting Stone. Nakaba made contact with the first of the humanoid puppet-things. He'd hit it with enough force to fracture boulders and shatter bones [Activating Arhat fist. Using Shatter Palm]. His right hand would plow [Str: B, Crd C+] into the creature, where he perceived its center of gravity. It was enough force to break down most jutsu [C Rank or lower]. It's sticky. I made a mistake. Nakaba would stop his forward momentum pulling out Inherent Duality with his left hand. With a flash [Using full Crd: A], he'd make three slashes, cutting an equilateral triangle out of the clay thing with his sword now covered in a white aura. For those who'd met the legendary figure, for a moment he would be a mirror of the Seventh Hokage as the light from the canopy caught his eyes and made them shimmer.


    Jutsu used:

    Ninja Info Card:
    Stone Genin
    Stone Genin

    Village : Iwagakure
    Posts : 173
    Join date : 2021-09-22

    Sharpen Your Blade with Your Soul! Empty Re: Sharpen Your Blade with Your Soul!

    Post by Ghost Tue Jun 25, 2024 6:36 pm

    It seems the samurai was keen on continuing this battle this spar this whatever it is. But Ghost just wanted to chill and relax before the day was over with. Now within the forrest the woods would be his ally in this moment. "The only thing keeping him away from me is my bombs. But if I can set a few trees on fire. J can control the area better. As I stand I can't keep this up for long." Just this the birds would start to fly away more or less in his direction. Which meant his sword using friend was enroute to him. Hearing his words of him needing to use a hand true prove true enough but does that mean he can hit Ghost before he can do such a thing? There was only one way to find out. However something odd happened  in this very moment. 

    Did...did..did he just attack the clay doll head on. The biggest smile would come across Ghost face.As he just knew this guy never went up against a Kotoshura before."The art in your battle style is sharp but you need to not force an outcome of your creation happen. You must let it happen. As you see my art unlike yours is an explosion." Just as he watched the samurai fight off his clay doll for some odd reason. He would understand where he was coming from. But you see the Clay that his clan as created was known to be nearly perfect and unless this guy used lightening release with his blade.  No matter how many times he cut it the clay doll would simply reform. 

    Little did he know the clay spiders started to surround him at five meters each in a triangle fashion. But just as the slashes were done. Ghost would form his hand sign on the first one that the samurai hit. Causing his clay doll to blow up and trying to hit him at  close range. As Ghoat looked at the smoke and fire he hoped he hit him as he wants this to be over. "At last it is done. But I didn't use as nearly enough force as one may think. I guess I'll go get a medic ninja oh wait I am one." He would start to laugh,"well in training at least. 



    Strength: C
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    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

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    Ryo: Zilch

    Sharpen Your Blade with Your Soul! Empty Re: Sharpen Your Blade with Your Soul!

    Post by Nakaba Sat Jun 29, 2024 9:21 am

    The explosion would go off in front of Nakaba, but he knew he could take it. Well he thought he could. He would use Inherent Duality to shield his eyes. This explosion was much stronger Nakaba would brace his body with chakra to resist being thrown back [Arhat Fist Str: D -> C] , as he heard the rest of the puppets arriving. Once again he'd take advantage of the smoke. He knew that a hit of this strength likely had put most of his blades in critical condition, and that he'd need to repair them if he got away. Nakaba would mentally note two things. They have varying potency of explosive qualities, like this one which hurt leagues more. They leave no trace once they explode. He didn't know if he could capitalize on that information, but he would keep it in mind. His pinky would twitch as he almost brought out a puppet of his own. It's too soon.

    A moment after as Ghost began talking, Nakaba's chakra would intensify. The hidden ball he'd wound up would catch like flames within him [Radiant Chakra - Crd: A-> A+ Spd: B -> B+ Prc: B to B++]. In a sprinter's pose [Perfect Form: Sprinting - Spd: B+ to S+] Nakaba would hide in the dust just a little longer locating Ghost's heat signature. In an explosion of speed [Spd: S], Nakaba would close the distance between the two in the blink of an eye. Nakaba would re-engage Ghost swinging Inherent Duality across Ghost's chest [Ending sprint]. The cut was intended to be shallow but debilitating.


    Ninja Info Card:
    Stone Genin
    Stone Genin

    Village : Iwagakure
    Posts : 173
    Join date : 2021-09-22

    Sharpen Your Blade with Your Soul! Empty Re: Sharpen Your Blade with Your Soul!

    Post by Ghost Wed Jul 03, 2024 4:48 am

    Ghost no idea what was to come next because in his mind he won and that was that.  Not Many people could withstand bombs at close range. He would soon let down his guard.  But that would prove to be a bit surprised and stupid if anything. It happened so fast and he went down even faster. As he was laying on the ground he could blood leaking out of him. 

    As his clay spiders surrounded the duo Ghoat would be stareing up at him. Have this been to the death this might have ended his life and hopefully he still have one. This defeat nearly killed him as it could have been his head but the fire from the explosion had to have knocked his balance off. Either way he was just thankful to still be alive. Ghost would give a smile and slowly give the peace sign as a wave of saying he been beating. 

    Soon enough people started to come as they started to put out the fires caused by Ghsot bombs. As medics was in route to come and heal Ghost up. Ghost has learned a new lesson today and that lesson was that he needed to better pace himself and not to stop attacking. Especially when people like this guy was around with such speeds. But Ghost had a feeling he was holding back. Because if he could move that fast from the very beginning then who knows how this would have went? Soon as Ghost was put on a medical structure he would say to the samurai. "Hey...what...is your name?" Rather he answered him or not the Medics would soon take Ghost away and Ghost himself would not forget the face of the ther person who gave him his first defeat in life ever.

    Near death experience 
    The Slash to the chest took Ghost out 




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    Sharpen Your Blade with Your Soul! Empty Re: Sharpen Your Blade with Your Soul!

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      Current date/time is Fri Oct 18, 2024 4:19 am