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    Soul of Steel

    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

    Posts : 655
    Join date : 2017-11-24

    Soul of Steel  Empty Soul of Steel

    Post by Hibiki Fri May 03, 2024 2:41 am

    Custom Enhanced State: Transcendent Metamorphosis 
    A heightened state of being brought about by the twisted human experimentation that Hibiki underwent as a Test Subject of Hades.  First as part of Project Re-forge, an attempt at making a stronger Tetsudashi by exposing her to a cocktail of various growth enhancement drugs and chemicals.  Then later as part of Project Divine Arms she was exposed to ancient forbidden rituals to awaken the latent ability of her bloodline.

    What they didn’t know was that a second bloodline lay dormant deep in Hibiki’s blood.  She wasn’t just a Tetsudashi but also a Subetemiru.  Because of this, the effects of all the experimentation on her worked better than the Scientists could have ever dreamed, resulting in a  synthesis that would further empower both in unique ways.   One that would take time and effort to manifest like a caterpillar undergoing metamorphosis to become a butterfly.

    Requirements:  Hibiki must at minium unlock the first stage of both the Tetsudashi Clan and the Subetermiru clan before this Enhanced state can be awakened


    Master of Arms: Gifts the ‘Bukijutsu" skill to the user without having to spend a skill point. Should the user have the skill point when this Enhanced State is taken they will be able to re-allocate it. This ability is due to the Subetemiru Clans deepened roots in the art of Bukijutsu with the ability coming naturally to one who embodies the ‘perfected’ fighting style of the clan as a whole.

    Eyes of Providence (250 exp):  Alters the Yogen no me so that the energy tha  would normally go towards the Subetemiru Clan's extra precogs is diverted towards improving the body instead.  In effect this means that boosts provided by the Yogen no me are allowed to be used in general for both attack and defence rather then simply reactively.   This effect varies depending on which stage of the Yogen no me the user has unlocked thought the standard method of the bloodline's progression.

    Once unlocked the Extra precogs the Subetermiru clan provides are considered permanently sacrificed and can not be regained through any method.  Should the user normally have lower intelligence then is required to gain pecogs they may no longer gain the Clan's extra ones by boosting their intelligence stats thought any method such as Drugs, Provisions or Jutsu, ect. 

    Stage 1: ++ to users Coordination and Perception stats. The Yogen no me costs 0.5 chakra per post it is active.

    Stage 2:   1 tier and a + to users Coordination and Perception stats. The Yogen no me costs 0.2 chakra per post it is active

    Stage 3:  2 tiers to users Corrdination and Perception. The Yogen no me costs 0.2 chakra per post it is active

    Soul of Steel (500 exp) :  Alters the standard Steel Release: Impervious Armour Stage 3 (which must already be unlocked first) so that it transforms the users entire body into a form of  S-rank quality "organic steel" rather than just covering the body on a surface level, removing their vulnerability to internal damage while retaining the two tier debuff to the opponent's strength for the purpose of diminishing physical blows to the user's body.  She also gains superhuman stamina and durability reflected by a Unique ++ to Stamina and +1 tier to Constitution.

    When transformed the user requires no food, water or even oxygen to sustain herself.  

    As in standard Impervious Armor Stage 3 The full potential of Kōton is released and the user may generate traditional weapons such as katana, warhammers, shuriken, kunai, shields, staffs and generic shinobi weaponry. Unlike the Steel coating of the user's body, these weapons are counted as A Rank. 

    Altered Impervious Armour costs 20 stamina points per post which is not effected by any standard chakra reduction method. By spending 500 Experience Points, The user can halve that value to 10 points per post.  Upon reaching the minimum of  A-rank the user is able to do this again, spending another 500 Exp Points to bring the cost down to 5 points per post.   Upon reaching full mastery the users steel release is changed from a dull metallic silver color to gold.

    Weakness:  This form retains the clan’s standard vulnerability to Katon and Shakuton. When in this form their weight is more than doubled. 

    Might of Steel (250 exp): As the Steel Release: Impervious Armour Stage 3 has been altered so too has the Impervious Exo-Skeleton jutsu.  This converts the existing Strenght stat boosts from generic to unique while also adding on new boosts to speed. As long as the user knows the Standard version of Impervious Exo-Skelton they will automatically learn the Altered version instinctively.

    Altered Impervious Exo-Skelton:

    Psychic resilience:   Once the user has unlocked Eyes of Providence and Soul of steel a new effect is generated when the Yogen no me and the Altered Imperviou Armour are activated at the same time. Due to the synergy of the psychic ability of the Yogen no Me and the users brain turning to organic steel their mind is hardened making it more difficult for illusions to damage them. This is reflected in a +2 tier unique boost to Intelligence solely for the purposes of defending against and dispelling Genjutsu. 

    Last edited by Hibiki on Sun May 12, 2024 2:01 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Airi Ohara
    Airi Ohara
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    Soul of Steel  Empty Re: Soul of Steel

    Post by Airi Ohara Wed May 08, 2024 6:06 pm

    Hibiki wrote:Custom Enhanced State: Transcendent Metamorphosis 
    A heightened state of being brought about by the twisted human experimentation that Hibiki underwent as a Test Subject of Hades.  First as part of Project Re-forge, an attempt at making a stronger Tetsudashi by exposing her to a cocktail of various growth enhancement drugs and chemicals.  Then later as part of Project Divine Arms she was exposed to ancient forbidden rituals to awaken the latent ability of her bloodline.

    What they didn’t know was that a second bloodline lay dormant deep in Hibiki’s blood.  She wasn’t just a Tetsudashi but also a Subetemiru.  Because of this, the effects of all the experimentation on her worked better than the Scientists could have ever dreamed, resulting in a  synthesis that would further empower both in unique ways.   One that would take time and effort to manifest like a caterpillar undergoing metamorphosis to become a butterfly.

    Requirements:  Hibiki must at minium unlock the first stage of both the Tetsudashi Clan and the Subetermiru clan before this Enhanced state can be awakened


    Master of Arms: Gifts the ‘Bukijutsu" skill to the user without having to spend a skill point. Should the user have the skill point when this Enhanced State is taken they will be able to re-allocate it. This ability is due to the Subetemiru Clans deepened roots in the art of Bukijutsu with the ability coming naturally to one who embodies the ‘perfected’ fighting style of the clan as a whole.

    Eyes of Providence (250 exp):  Alters the Yogen no me so that the energy tha  would normally go towards the Subetemiru Clan's extra precogs is diverted towards improving the body instead.  In effect this means that boosts provided by the Yogen no me are allowed to be used in general for both attack and defence rather then simply reactively.   This effect varies depending on which stage of the Yogen no me the user has unlocked thought the standard method of the bloodline's progression.

    Once unlocked the Extra precogs the Subetermiru clan provides are considered permanently sacrificed and can not be regained through any method.  Should the user normally have lower intelligence then is required to gain pecogs they may no longer gain the Clan's extra ones by boosting their intelligence stats thought any method such as Drugs, Provisions or Jutsu, ect. 

    Stage 1: ++ to users Coordination and Perception stats. The Yogen no me costs 0.5 chakra per post it is active.

    Stage 2:   1 tier and a + to users Coordination and Perception stats. The Yogen no me costs 0.2 chakra per post it is active

    Stage 3:  2 tiers to users Corrdination and Perception. The Yogen no me costs 0.2 chakra per post it is active

    Soul of Steel (500 exp) :  Alters the standard Steel Release: Impervious Armour Stage 3 (which must already be unlocked first) so that it transforms the users entire body into a form of  S-rank quality "organic steel" rather than just covering the body on a surface level, removing their vulnerability to internal damage while retaining the two tier debuff to the opponent's strength for the purpose of diminishing physical blows to the user's body.  She also gains superhuman stamina and durability reflected by a Unique ++ to Stamina and +1 tier to Constitution.

    When transformed the user requires no food, water or even oxygen to sustain herself.  

    As in standard Impervious Armor Stage 3 The full potential of Kōton is released and the user may generate traditional weapons such as katana, warhammers, shuriken, kunai, shields, staffs and generic shinobi weaponry. Unlike the Steel coating of the user's body, these weapons are counted as A Rank. 

    Altered Impervious Armour costs 20 stamina points per post which is not effected by any standard chakra reduction method. By spending 500 Experience Points, The user can halve that value to 10 points per post.  Upon reaching the minimum of  A-rank the user is able to do this again, spending another 500 Exp Points to bring the cost down to 5 points per post.   Upon reaching full mastery the users steel release is changed from a dull metallic silver color to gold.

    Weakness:  This form retains the clan’s standard vulnerability to Katon and Shakuton. When in this form their weight is more than doubled. 

    Might of Steel (250 exp): As the Steel Release: Impervious Armour Stage 3 has been altered so too has the Impervious Exo-Skeleton jutsu.  This converts the existing Strenght stat boosts from generic to unique while also adding on new boosts to speed. As long as the user knows the Standard version of Impervious Exo-Skelton they will automatically learn the Altered version instinctively.

    Altered Impervious Exo-Skelton:

    Psychic resilience:   Once the user has unlocked Eyes of Providence and Soul of steel a new effect is generated when the Yogen no me and the Altered Imperviou Armour are activated at the same time. Due to the synergy of the psychic ability of the Yogen no Me and the users brain turning to organic steel their mind is hardened making it more difficult for illusions to damage them. This is reflected in a +2 tier unique boost to Intelligence solely for the purposes of defending against and dispelling Genjutsu. 
    I'm going to be very forward with you, this ES is going to need a lot of work done on it.
    + Requirements
      This is fine

    + Master of Arms
      Staff isn't comfortable with just granting skills/elements to users with a standard ES.

    + Eyes of Providence
      This is worded a little word (probably from my ignorance of the Clan). Fix up the wording just a bit. I'm going to also assume these changes only take effect once the Yogen is activated and that the bonuses gained depends on the stage of the Yogen the user uses? If so, I would like you to clearly specify that.

    + Soul of Steel
      Remove the unique Boosts to Stamina and can maintain +1 UQ Tier to Constitution. (this brings your ES up to 5 UQ Tiers)

    + Might of Steel
      I'm going to suggest completely reworking this or scrapping it. This is only, apparently, being used as a vessel to give you far more UQ Tiers than an Enhanced State should receive. At Stage 3, this will offer +3 UQ Tiers, which would bring you up to 8 UQ Tiers. I suggest completely changing this or scrapping this altogether to something that doesn't provide UQ Tiers.

    + Psychic Resilience
      You can simply change this to +1 UQ Tier to Intelligence if you want. This will bring you up to 6 UQ Tiers which is about on par with other Enhanced State.
    You basically get 6 UQ Tiers for very little cost with the way this is formatted. I would probably rework this a bit.
    Please do not DM me in regards to this ES. DMs in regards to this ES sent to me will be ignored.

    Village: Konohagakure
    Rank: Hokage
    Class: X
    Recognized by E Tier Intelligence
    Title: The Carmine Hyuga
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

    Posts : 655
    Join date : 2017-11-24

    Soul of Steel  Empty Re: Soul of Steel

    Post by Hibiki Thu May 09, 2024 1:51 am

    Custom Enhanced State: Transcendent Metamorphosis 
    A heightened state of being brought about by the twisted human experimentation that Hibiki underwent as a Test Subject of Hades.  First as part of Project Re-forge, an attempt at making a stronger Tetsudashi by exposing her to a cocktail of various growth enhancement drugs and chemicals.  Then later as part of Project Divine Arms she was exposed to ancient forbidden rituals to awaken the latent ability of her bloodline.

    What they didn’t know was that a second bloodline lay dormant deep in Hibiki’s blood.  She wasn’t just a Tetsudashi but also a Subetemiru.  Because of this, the effects of all the experimentation on her worked better than the Scientists could have ever dreamed, resulting in a  synthesis that would further empower both in unique ways.   One that would take time and effort to manifest like a caterpillar undergoing metamorphosis to become a butterfly.

    Requirements:  The user must at minium unlock the first stage of both the Tetsudashi Clan and the Subetermiru clan before this Enhanced state can be awakened


    Eyes of Providence (250 exp):  The Bonuses gained from Yogan no Me are now flat generic boosts that do not require them to only be used defensively. This is done by sacrificing all Pre-cogs granted by the Yogan no Me. This is a passive effect upon activating the Yogan no Me. 

    Soul of Steel (500 exp) :  Alters the standard Steel Release: Impervious Armour Stage 3 (which must already be unlocked first) so that it transforms the users entire body into a form of  S-rank quality "organic steel" rather than just covering the body on a surface level, removing their vulnerability to internal damage while retaining the two tier debuff to the opponent's strength for the purpose of diminishing physical blows to the user's body.  They also gain superhuman durability reflected by a Unique +1 tier to Constitution.

    When transformed the user requires no food, water or even oxygen to sustain themselves.  

    As in standard Impervious Armor Stage 3 The full potential of Kōton is released and the user may generate traditional weapons such as katana, warhammers, shuriken, kunai, shields, staffs and generic shinobi weaponry. Unlike the Steel composing the user's body, these weapons are counted as A Rank. 

    Altered Impervious Armour costs 20 stamina points per post which is not effected by any standard chakra reduction method. By spending 500 Experience Points, The user can halve that value to 10 points per post.  Upon reaching the minimum of  A-rank the user is able to do this again, spending another 500 Exp Points to bring the cost down to 5 points per post.   Upon reaching full mastery the users steel release is changed from a dull metallic silver color to gold.

    Weakness:  This form retains the clan’s standard vulnerability to Katon and Shakuton. When in this form their weight is more than doubled. 

    Might of Steel (250 exp): As the Steel Release: Impervious Armour Stage 3 has been altered so too has the Impervious Exo-Skeleton jutsu.  This converts the existing Strenght stat boosts from generic to unique while also adding on new boosts to speed. As long as the user knows the Standard version of Impervious Exo-Skelton they will automatically learn the Altered version instinctively.

    Altered Impervious Exo-Skelton:


    Airi Ohara
    Airi Ohara
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    Ryo: Check Updates

    Soul of Steel  Empty Re: Soul of Steel

    Post by Airi Ohara Sat May 11, 2024 7:44 pm

    Hibiki wrote:Custom Enhanced State: Transcendent Metamorphosis 
    A heightened state of being brought about by the twisted human experimentation that Hibiki underwent as a Test Subject of Hades.  First as part of Project Re-forge, an attempt at making a stronger Tetsudashi by exposing her to a cocktail of various growth enhancement drugs and chemicals.  Then later as part of Project Divine Arms she was exposed to ancient forbidden rituals to awaken the latent ability of her bloodline.

    What they didn’t know was that a second bloodline lay dormant deep in Hibiki’s blood.  She wasn’t just a Tetsudashi but also a Subetemiru.  Because of this, the effects of all the experimentation on her worked better than the Scientists could have ever dreamed, resulting in a  synthesis that would further empower both in unique ways.   One that would take time and effort to manifest like a caterpillar undergoing metamorphosis to become a butterfly.

    Requirements:  The user must at minium unlock the first stage of both the Tetsudashi Clan and the Subetermiru clan before this Enhanced state can be awakened


    Eyes of Providence (250 exp):  The Bonuses gained from Yogan no Me are now flat generic boosts that do not require them to only be used defensively. This is done by sacrificing all Pre-cogs granted by the Yogan no Me. This is a passive effect upon activating the Yogan no Me. 

    Soul of Steel (500 exp) :  Alters the standard Steel Release: Impervious Armour Stage 3 (which must already be unlocked first) so that it transforms the users entire body into a form of  S-rank quality "organic steel" rather than just covering the body on a surface level, removing their vulnerability to internal damage while retaining the two tier debuff to the opponent's strength for the purpose of diminishing physical blows to the user's body.  They also gain superhuman durability reflected by a Unique +1 tier to Constitution.

    When transformed the user requires no food, water or even oxygen to sustain themselves.  

    As in standard Impervious Armor Stage 3 The full potential of Kōton is released and the user may generate traditional weapons such as katana, warhammers, shuriken, kunai, shields, staffs and generic shinobi weaponry. Unlike the Steel composing the user's body, these weapons are counted as A Rank. 

    Altered Impervious Armour costs 20 stamina points per post which is not effected by any standard chakra reduction method. By spending 500 Experience Points, The user can halve that value to 10 points per post.  Upon reaching the minimum of  A-rank the user is able to do this again, spending another 500 Exp Points to bring the cost down to 5 points per post.   Upon reaching full mastery the users steel release is changed from a dull metallic silver color to gold.

    Weakness:  This form retains the clan’s standard vulnerability to Katon and Shakuton. When in this form their weight is more than doubled. 

    Might of Steel (250 exp): As the Steel Release: Impervious Armour Stage 3 has been altered so too has the Impervious Exo-Skeleton jutsu.  This converts the existing Strenght stat boosts from generic to unique while also adding on new boosts to speed. As long as the user knows the Standard version of Impervious Exo-Skelton they will automatically learn the Altered version instinctively.

    Altered Impervious Exo-Skelton:

    Staff would like to ask that you change the effect, altogether, with Eyes of Providence. I cannot tell you the reason at the moment as it will be made apparent after the Chuunin exams. We also ask that you make the ES have at least 1500 EXP cost for the items within. Please resubmit once you have changed the effects of Eyes of Providence.

    Do not DM me on site or on discord about this ruling.

    Village: Konohagakure
    Rank: Hokage
    Class: X
    Recognized by E Tier Intelligence
    Title: The Carmine Hyuga
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

    Posts : 655
    Join date : 2017-11-24

    Soul of Steel  Empty Re: Soul of Steel

    Post by Hibiki Sun May 12, 2024 1:59 pm

    Custom Enhanced State:  Soul of Steel 
    A heightened state of being brought about by the twisted human experimentation that Hibiki underwent as a Test Subject of Hades.  First as part of Project Re-forge, an attempt at making a stronger Tetsudashi by exposing her to a cocktail of various growth enhancement drugs and chemicals.  Then later as part of Project Divine Arms she was exposed to ancient forbidden rituals to awaken the latent ability of her bloodline.

    What they didn’t know was that a  the effects of all the experimentation on her worked better than the Scientists could have ever dreamed, resulting in an extra stage of the Steel Release: Impervious Armor that would further empower her to new heights.  

    Requirements:  The user must at unlock the full three stages of the Tetsudashi Clan before this Enhanced state can be awakened


    Steel Release: Impervious Armour Stage EXAn extra Stage of the Impervious Armo  that transforms the users entire body into a form of  S-rank quality "organic steel" rather than just covering the body on a surface level, removing their vulnerability to internal damage while retaining the two tier debuff to the opponent's strength for the purpose of diminishing physical blows to the user's body.   When transformed the user requires no food, water or even oxygen to sustain themselves.  

    They also gain superhuman physical abilty reflected by a +2 Unique tier to Strenght and +1 Unique tier to Constitution, Speed, Coordination and Perception.  For the purposes of boosting order Impervious Armour Stage EX  is considered an "Aura"

    As in the standard Impervious Armor Stage 3 The full potential of Kōton is released and the user may generate traditional weapons such as katana, warhammers, shuriken, kunai, shields, staffs and generic shinobi weaponry. Unlike the Steel composing the user's body, these weapons are counted as A Rank. 

    Unlocking Impervious Armour Stage EX  costs 500 exp.  Using Impervious Armour Stage Ex costs 20 stamina points per post which is not effected by any standard chakra reduction method. By spending 500 Experience Points, The user can halve that value to 10 points per post.  Upon reaching the minimum of  A-rank the user is able to do this again, spending another 500 Exp Points to bring the cost down to 5 points per post.   Upon reaching full mastery the users steel release is changed from a dull metallic silver color to gold.

    Weakness:  This form retains the clan’s standard vulnerability to Katon and Shakuton. When in this form their weight is more than doubled. 

    Airi Ohara
    Airi Ohara
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : Konohagakure
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    Ryo: Check Updates

    Soul of Steel  Empty Re: Soul of Steel

    Post by Airi Ohara Mon May 13, 2024 8:58 pm

    Hibiki wrote:Custom Enhanced State:  Soul of Steel 
    A heightened state of being brought about by the twisted human experimentation that Hibiki underwent as a Test Subject of Hades.  First as part of Project Re-forge, an attempt at making a stronger Tetsudashi by exposing her to a cocktail of various growth enhancement drugs and chemicals.  Then later as part of Project Divine Arms she was exposed to ancient forbidden rituals to awaken the latent ability of her bloodline.

    What they didn’t know was that a  the effects of all the experimentation on her worked better than the Scientists could have ever dreamed, resulting in an extra stage of the Steel Release: Impervious Armor that would further empower her to new heights.  

    Requirements:  The user must at unlock the full three stages of the Tetsudashi Clan before this Enhanced state can be awakened


    Steel Release: Impervious Armour Stage EXAn extra Stage of the Impervious Armo  that transforms the users entire body into a form of  S-rank quality "organic steel" rather than just covering the body on a surface level, removing their vulnerability to internal damage while retaining the two tier debuff to the opponent's strength for the purpose of diminishing physical blows to the user's body.   When transformed the user requires no food, water or even oxygen to sustain themselves.  

    They also gain superhuman physical abilty reflected by a +2 Unique tier to Strenght and +1 Unique tier to Constitution, Speed, Coordination and Perception.  For the purposes of boosting order Impervious Armour Stage EX  is considered an "Aura"

    As in the standard Impervious Armor Stage 3 The full potential of Kōton is released and the user may generate traditional weapons such as katana, warhammers, shuriken, kunai, shields, staffs and generic shinobi weaponry. Unlike the Steel composing the user's body, these weapons are counted as A Rank. 

    Unlocking Impervious Armour Stage EX  costs 500 exp.  Using Impervious Armour Stage Ex costs 20 stamina points per post which is not effected by any standard chakra reduction method. By spending 500 Experience Points, The user can halve that value to 10 points per post.  Upon reaching the minimum of  A-rank the user is able to do this again, spending another 500 Exp Points to bring the cost down to 5 points per post.   Upon reaching full mastery the users steel release is changed from a dull metallic silver color to gold.

    Weakness:  This form retains the clan’s standard vulnerability to Katon and Shakuton. When in this form their weight is more than doubled. 
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

    Posts : 655
    Join date : 2017-11-24

    Soul of Steel  Empty Re: Soul of Steel

    Post by Hibiki Sun Jun 16, 2024 9:40 pm

    Custom Enhanced State:  Soul of Steel
    A heightened state of being brought about by the twisted human experimentation that Hibiki underwent as a Test Subject of Hades.  First as part of Project Re-forge, an attempt at making a stronger Tetsudashi by exposing her to a cocktail of various growth enhancement drugs and chemicals.  Then later as part of Project Divine Arms she was exposed to ancient forbidden rituals to awaken the latent ability of her bloodline.

    What they didn’t know was that a  the effects of all the experimentation on her worked better than the Scientists could have ever dreamed, resulting in an extra stage of the Steel Release: Impervious Armor that would further empower her to new heights.  

    Requirements:  The user must at unlock the full three stages of the Tetsudashi Clan before this Enhanced state can be awakened


    Metal Mastery:  
    The user gains an instinctive understanding of Steel release jutsu allowing them to intuitively learn new Steel release techniques including custom ones without needing a teacher.

    Steel Release: Impervious Armour Stage EX :  An extra Stage of the Impervious Armo  that transforms the users entire body into a form of  S-rank quality "organic steel" rather than just covering the body on a surface level, removing their vulnerability to internal damage while retaining the two tier debuff to the opponent's strength for the purpose of diminishing physical blows to the user's body.   When transformed the user requires no food, water or even oxygen to sustain themselves.  

    They also gain superhuman physical abilty reflected by a +2 Unique tier to Strenght and +1 Unique tier to Constitution, Speed, Coordination and Perception.  For the purposes of boosting order Impervious Armour Stage EX  is considered an "Aura"

    As in the standard Impervious Armor Stage 3 The full potential of Kōton is released and the user may generate traditional weapons such as katana, warhammers, shuriken, kunai, shields, staffs and generic shinobi weaponry. Unlike the Steel composing the user's body, these weapons are counted as A Rank.

    Unlocking Impervious Armour Stage EX  costs 500 exp.  Using Impervious Armour Stage Ex costs 20 stamina points per post which is not effected by any standard chakra reduction method. By spending 500 Experience Points, The user can halve that value to 10 points per post.  Upon reaching the minimum of  A-rank the user is able to do this again, spending another 500 Exp Points to bring the cost down to 5 points per post.   Upon reaching full mastery the users steel release is changed from a dull metallic silver color to gold.

    Weakness:  This form retains the clan’s standard vulnerability to Katon and Shakuton. When in this form their weight is more than doubled.

    Metallic Nervous System: 500 exp
    Once unlocked The signals from the users sensory organs travel at a much higher rate, allowing them to react to stimuli the average person might not be able to. They may swap their Intelligence stat for Perception for the purposes of Precognition, including Analysis Time and Precognition Saves. No other intelligence perks are shared.

    Steel Blooded: 500 Experience
    Once unlocked Steel release techniques are reduced in cost by 1 rank. If the user already has a steel release cost reduction from the ninjutsu perk, they may relocate the ninjutsu perk to a different element.

    Master of Arms: 500 exp
    Once unlocked the weapons produced using Steel release are now counted as S-rank


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    Soul of Steel  Empty Re: Soul of Steel

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      Current date/time is Fri Oct 18, 2024 6:25 am