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    Chuunin Exams Part I - The Test [Group B]

    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

    Village : Konohagakure
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    Chuunin Exams Part I - The Test [Group B] - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Part I - The Test [Group B]

    Post by Sera Sat Jun 01, 2024 12:36 pm

    The proctor announced the last few seconds of the test followed by what Sera thought was the conclusion. Having already completed the 9 questions, Sera promptly set her pencil down at the command and awaited further instructions. So far it hadn’t been that bad, but she hoped her other leaf genin were doing okay. Madam Linh introduced herself further as a former analyst of Kirigakure’s anbu unit. Sera didn’t know too much about other country’s anbu units, but she knew that in general they were an elite squad that dealt with “problems” that other shinobi couldn’t solve on their own. Their head proctor began to pace around the room making eye contact with various exam-takers, easily intimidating most of them with a glance. If Sera had stuck her neck out to cheat she was sure that she would experience such intimidation as well.

    Then the kicker finally reared its ugly head. A tenth question that wasn’t on the written test was asked to the group of ninja. “Who has been cheating during the exam?” Madam Linh had given them permission to speak, but Sera found herself unable to think for a moment, let alone say words aloud. They wanted them to rat out the other examinees? It made a certain amount of sense that as shinobi, “honor” wasn’t exactly something to be held over the mission, but this seemed extreme. Sera recalled the chakra fluctuation from the man next to her, but she didn’t actually know if he did anything to cheat. Knowing Nao’s kekkai genkai and ability to see pretty much anything, she could assume he used it to cheat, but maybe he just knew the answers? Sera thought back to the metallic dragonflies that had come out of Hibiki and seemed to scout around the room. They seemed like they were being used for reconnaissance or to cheat, but Sera didn’t actually know how the technique worked. Was she actually cheating or just using them as a distraction for something else? The possibilities ran through Sera’s mind over and over, but she came to the conclusion over and over that she didn’t actually know if anyone who was still in the room had cheated or not.

    Madam Linh went over the potential rewards for successfully identifying the cheaters, and showcased the penalty for guessing incorrectly. Sera couldn’t answer. As a shinobi of konohagakure, she wouldn’t have ratted out any of her fellow konoha shinobi even if she did know something. Sera thought back to Airi’s meeting where she asked them to represent their village and display their might. Showcasing that they didn’t trust each other would be the opposite of that. Satisfied with the conclusion her mental gymnastics took her through, Sera would sit patiently to see if anyone else spoke up.


    Techniques Used:
    • Sensing Technique (0.5 cost)

    Total Chakra Remaining: 257.5/260

    Kaori Murai
    Kaori Murai
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

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    Chuunin Exams Part I - The Test [Group B] - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Part I - The Test [Group B]

    Post by Kaori Murai Sun Jun 02, 2024 5:37 pm

    Kaori's eyes watched the timer starting to count down. She popped her bathroom clone, and all the toilet paper and paper towels fell into the toilet. Whoever used it next would need to pull them out or risk it clogging. That covered the remaining shreds of the test answers Hibiki's dragonfly had delivered.

    With that, Kaori began to write down some vague answers on the test where they seemed to correlate to the questions. She didn't have the full thing, but she didn't really need to. This test likely wasn't even about that. She was easily able to see anyone's tests that she wanted to, and had spent pretty much the entire time listening to the markings of people's pencils, watching the movements as they marked them down, and getting some views of pages as people got eliminated and stood up.

    There had been plenty of opportunities, and Kaori spent most of her time gaining information, waiting, biding her time. That was the most important thing. While she could have gotten 100% on this test if she wanted, she didn't really want to stand out either. She even noted that the proctors had written something down as they looked at her. They were marking things out, they knew about her clone underneath, and about the clone in the bathroom, she could only assume that much.

    The fact that she hadn't been kicked out, she was sure that she was right. The answers on the test weren't what was being tested. The ability to gather information was. If they knew what she was up to, then they knew what she was able to do to gather information, so she didn't even bother finishing up the rest of the test fully. She wrote in some wrong answers for the rest so as to not leave any questions blank, but they were obviously wrong. Giving the least amount of information that she could, she didn't want to stand out too much, but didn't want to stand out too little either. Turning it over, Kaori watched as the rest of the time ticked down. She had proven very simply what the premise of the test had been: She hadn't been focused on only fighting, nor had she neglected what she'd learned at the academy.

    She saw that Hisha was looked at after some boy stood up, saying it wasn't fair and got kicked out from speaking. He was probably doing something then. Notes were taken by proctors, just like they'd been taken for her, with glances at Hisha.

    As soon as Kaori's clone under the table sensed that the boy's chakra system was twisted by Hisha's Genjutsu, she moved over to be under Hisha's desk. He didn't target anyone that she cared about, so there was no reason for 'Innocence' to intervene, but she remained there for the time being. She could sense the minute changes of the proctor's sensory, so she had definitely been noticed at this point, but Kaori Prime wasn't kicked out, so again, there was nothing to do about that. She pointed upwards at Hisha, while circling under his desk.

    The proctors who could sense would know that Kaori had positively identified him with her sensory and had identified him as a threat. She positioned under his chair, keeping her sensory on Nao, Sera, Kaori, and Hibiki, just in case. If they were targeted by something, she would react. But she did nothing else for now.

    As the test came to a close, Kaori put her pencil on the desk and listened to the Proctor. The 10th question. Eye contact was made with herself and with Hisha, indicating that they were included in the 'less than honest' bit. Or perhaps, targeted out for being the most dishonest? Hibiki, Nao, and Sera at least weren't being super sneaky about their stuff. Sera had gone about writing pretty quickly, she was smart. Hibiki was a cheater for sure with her Dragonflies, but that was fine. Nao's Byakugan would have given him good vision as well, or he could have just been smart enough to know the answers outright, she didn't really know or care if he cheated. However, Hisha hadn't appeared to struggle with the answers himself, and apart from them writing down notes when that guy got eliminated, he wasn't really singled out any other time that she knew of, unless it happened while she was in the bathroom.

    That sealed it for her, he had gotten that kid eliminated. Genjutsu probably, so he was tricky, like her. Respect. Kaori smirked.

    Then came the real rub of it all. Who had cheated. If you ratted someone out correctly, they'd be eliminated, and you'd be advanced directly to round 3? Too good to be true. Skipping an entire portion of the exams off of identifying who had been cheating and telling on them? There had to be some sort of trick. This was testing the loyalty of the examinees. Kaori could give up Hibiki or Sera or Nao. But if she did, she'd probably be kicked out herself for betraying her village. They may be enemies later on, but right now, they were allies.

    How would turning in Hisha factor in? Of course, she didn't know his name. But what would ratting him out accomplish? It would remove a competitor, but that didn't accomplish much more than proving she could pay attention, something any of them still here could do. She flitted her eyes over to him for a moment, but stayed silent, focusing in on the proctor.

    Nobody else had said anything yet, so Kaori stood up, the first to do so. "What was it you said? A true Chuunin must be able to discern the true from the false? This entire test was false. You were testing us on whether we were capable of espionage and information gathering, and put us under pressure. And now you want us to sell out our allies? No thanks."

    Pointing to herself, Kaori spoke again. She wanted to make some waves, and figure out some more information. Besides, a show of solidarity is what the Hokage had asked for. Here goes. Maybe she'd be eliminated, but that wasn't too important. She could demonstrate Chuunin ability literally anytime. It was a gamble.

    "Kaori Murai, from Iwagakure, representing Konohagakure. I apprehended some information passed from someone's test, went to the bathroom, made a clone, and left it there with the answers. It learned the answers I intercepted, ripped them up, put them into a toilet to be ruined by water, and clogged the toilet with more toilet paper and paper towels to hide the rest of the ripped answers in case they were discovered there before getting to flush, remaining suppressed from chakra sensory the entire time. I waited an appropriate amount of time so that I had no knowledge of any test answers upon re-entering here in case I was interrogated or had my mind read to see if I'd cheated, and then popped the clone to get that information in my head safely. The entire time I was here, I was also able to see what several people were writing, and hear the exact sounds their pencils made. Even if not written down fully, the information I learned about the answers could be extracted from my head and figured out by skilled investigators who are much smarter than myself simply because I was here."

    Linh had said anyone giving someone up would get a buy, but the person being given up would be eliminated. What happens when that person was themselves? She was taking a risk, but she'd either be kicked out or pushed through, and Chuunin had to know how to take risks. She hadn't fully written down the test answers anyhow, and would rather eliminate herself if she was wrong than rat out an ally, and hopefully that's what the proctors took note of here. Loyalty was an important mark of a Chuunin. And while she'd given up her methods of cheating, she'd done her job of showcasing she could gather information, execute multi-stage plans, and she hadn't given up every single thing she'd done, because not everything she'd done was used to cheat. That showed that she could keep information to herself as well under interrogation. She knew that the proctors knew about her second clone, but it hadn't cheated, so there was no need to bring it up.


    'Innocence' maintained Transformation Jutsu (-1), Hidden in Surfaces (-3), and Sensory (-0.5)
    Popped Mummy Kaori , used Chakra Suppression and transferred knowledge
    Mummy: Gone
    'Innocence': 44.5/59.5
    Real Kaori: 114/119

    Character Name: Kaori Murai
    Spendable Experience: 160
    Total Experience: 2360
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 290,000
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B
    • Stamina: B
    • Speed: B
    • Coordination: B+
    • Intelligence: D
    • Perception: A

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t7376-kaori-s-updates#58265
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t7353-kaori-murai?nid=1#58247
    Link to Known Techniques:
    Mist Genin
    Mist Genin

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    Chuunin Exams Part I - The Test [Group B] - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Part I - The Test [Group B]

    Post by Hisha Wed Jun 05, 2024 9:46 am

    After completing the exam, and completing a post-analysis of said exam, Hisha had a few short minutes in which to do... nothing. The notion once more came to his mind that the proctors had not indicated what to do once completed with the exam, nor indicated what constituted "passing" as far as this particular test was concerned. He assumed the actual test expanded beyond the confines of the paper exam - partially evidenced by the clear blind eye turned towards certain kinds of cheating - but there had to have been something else there as well. It seemed unreasonable that some people might just naturally have studies or had a proclivity for test taking and that they would serve essentially as answer mules for those who did not. Not impossible, but unreasonable. He continued ambiently counting the dragonflies that continued to buzz about.

    They tiny flare of his chakra signature resulted in the expulsion of someone he did not know, as well as a collection of eyes on him. Curious he supposed; the influx was tiny, and many other people clearly had techniques of similar cost, like sensory techniques, or notably greater, like his assumptions of the dragonflies and a few other abilities. Time proximity should give some clues to make unsafe assumptions, but it seemed beyond some scribbled marks no one did. He'd continue to observe though for this, but it seemed his little test had garnered some mixed results. It did seem to indicate again that his thoughts around the purpose of the test were more true than false though: the issue was not with cheating, but with subtlety. It made a certain kind of sense he supposed, though without some extremely elaborate cover the likes of which he did not feel inclined to create sensor ninja removed all subtlety from play.

    In short order the exam drew to a close with Lady Kaguya, exclaiming a ten second countdown before the final end of the exam. Many scrambled at the last minute to, presumably, write random answers down in a final prayer, but Hisha had already completed the test. He watched the proctors instead as it ended before returning his attention to a survey of the room. When Linh said they likely though the exam was the hardest of their lives, Hisha openly rolled his eyes before catching himself quickly after and tilting his head down. He did not want to be expelled for rudeness, but he did find rudeness came so naturally to him. He guessed it may have been the most difficult exam he had ever taken, but only by a relative measure in that the academy had... not been challenging. As she continued, however, a bit more of the purpose here became revealed. It felt obvious in retrospect, that a former intelligence agent would construct an exam which focused as more on counter espionage than it did on information gathering. If only he has sensory capabilities.

    As she continued, however, he realized he did not need it. Hibiki had done something with those drones of hers, and considering that they did not return directly to her more than a few times (and that one had frequented the test of the woman next to his) it seemed most logical to assume she had some sensory sharing capabilities with them. They could alternatively have been a distraction for something more subtle, but were that the case it would mean she was the greatest actress known to man. She had not yet struck him as... bright. Any of the remaining Hyuuga were instantly outed by their names and/or eyes. A particularly clever one might have come up with some other solution, but the byakugan was some a simple method for information collecting that it would be excessive to stretch beyond it too much. The hot woman from the opposite side of the room from him had obviously done something in the bathroom, and seemed to be in cahoots with the dragonflies, but he did not know exactly what. A few techniques of common kind which allowed for simple information transfer came to mind. A few others remaining had concealed their attempts even more poorly. Regardless, if pressed, he could out at least a couple individuals, some with absolute surety, and some with a very strong educated guess.

    As Linh began smacking proctor 5, his mind was wrenched back to the present and he blushed slightly. Something very deep within him - for only a moment - thought about lying, about saying something outrageous and clearly untrue. It had seemed incredibly painful to the man... but maybe Hisha would like if she whipped him just a bit. She shook himself very slightly at the thought before refocusing. Not the time to be thinking of that. But maybe afterwards...? He had blushed, but he looked up at her again and, on a wild inclination perhaps of his Id, perhaps of himself, he threw her a little wink. He immediately blushed even deeper then, instantly taken with embarrassment.

    Anyway. The rules seemed highly suspect of this final question. A free pass to round 3 felt far too good to be true. More importantly though, it undermined the exam. He reasoned that the 3 part exam had not been crafted randomly, and that in fact each of the 3 parts tested an important and different aspect required of chunin. Letting a smart person bypass a round would not serve the interests of the ninja community as it could result in chunin that were unprepared. That said, the question did perplex him a bit. Counter intelligence was certainly important - Lihn did not lie there. But it tended to be important in secret. The question seemed less about whether someone had noticed someone else cheating, but whether they had noticed in a way which was itself undetectable. Less "can you rat on someone" and more "can you do so with utter impunity?" The easiest way would to have not cheated, but even that was no guarantee; Hisha figured that, should it be required, he could engineer a situation in which even the woman next to him appeared to have cheated. A question then about information delivery, not gathering, though one which the rules specifically handicapped.

    The prize still seemed too good to be true though. And this idea of delivery sparked something else in him, perhaps a revelation, and perhaps foolish thinking. Anyone still left held some unknown amount of others (possibly all of them) in a pin. Some had clear alliances as fellow members of a village, and some from other forged bonds, none of which others would know about. Even if he started making wild and unsafe assumptions, the room contained far too many variables to verbally tell on someone under the given restrictions. Roughly at this time, the hot woman... outed herself. Mostly in the way he had assumed from a logistics standpoint, but what a psychotic move. The elaborate nature of her plan opened up room for some other, undisclosed portion, which he mentally reserved space for, but who knew what they would do now. Probably not expel, but probably not give her anything either. Or maybe so.

    This sounds like a bullshit last question, he shrugged. We're all checked by each other, essentially under MAD. If she had not been immediately expelled, this would include Kaori still. Revealing her own methods did not necessarily remove her ability to out someone else. A part of him barely understood why he had bothered to say this; he did not feel a need to impress Lihn (at least in the classroom) as he had completed the test. And telling the others that they were, essentially, in danger if they tried to reveal another person did not exactly benefit him, and yet he had suddenly said it anyway. However, reinforcing to anyone who might have considered giving up another should impress upon them the gravity of their situation and the knife edge upon which they balanced. It also could easily come across as a subtle threat: Hisha himself, understanding that principle, could make use of it and anyone attempting to reveal (or fabricate) his own cheating would have the favor returned. It wasn't about solidarity, although he assumed some people would read it as such if they had not already, but revolved around a balance of power. No one in this room could safely reveal anyone else's corruption, even if they had not themselves participated.

    Strength: D
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: B+
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: A
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

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    Chuunin Exams Part I - The Test [Group B] - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Part I - The Test [Group B]

    Post by Hibiki Thu Jun 06, 2024 7:58 pm

    With a final, dramatic click, the skull timer reached zero. Hibiki braced herself, her mind swirling with possibilities. Had she been caught? Would there be some unexpected twist? She gripped her pen tightly, waiting for the outcome of her daring and intricate plan in the high-stakes Chunin Exams,

    The tension in the room was palpable, thick with anticipation and fear. Hibiki sat among the other genin, feeling the weight of Madame Linh’s words as she issued her challenge. The atmosphere was electric; every move, every breath, seemed charged with potential consequences. This was a far cry from the brutal, straightforward survival in Hades. Here, the stakes involved cunning and betrayal.

    As Madame Linh finished her speech and issued the final question, Hibiki’s mind raced. In Hades, trust was a dangerous gamble, often leading to swift and brutal consequences. But in this room, trust was being manipulated, weaponized by those in power. She scanned the faces around her, noting the desperation in some, the determination in others.

    Hibiki knew she had to act. In Hades, hesitation could be fatal, and here it was no different. Silence could be mistaken for indecision, for weakness. But snitching on her peers went against everything she had learned since her rehabilitation. Loyalty, even in the face of danger, was a principle she held dear.

    As the seconds ticked by, Hibiki remained seated, her gaze steady. She wasn't afraid of Madame Linh's bone whip. She had the ability to turn her body into living steel, making her virtually impervious to such attacks. However, she didn't want to waste her chakra on something so trivial. She would save her strength for when it truly mattered.

    She was prepared to protect herself and her friends if necessary. She had her steel dragonflies on standby, their razor-sharp wings ready to silence any stranger who tried to out her or her friends.

    As the seconds ticked by, Hibiki remained seated, her gaze steady. She felt the subtle hum of the dragonflies wings, the familiar presence of her steel companions waiting in the shadows. They were her last line of defense, a silent and deadly force ready to strike at a moment's notice.

    She had been trained to be lethal, to eliminate threats without hesitation. But her big sister's order to not kill during the exam unless someone from their village was killed first echoed in her mind. Hibiki hoped she wouldn't be pushed to that extreme, that she could hold back her deadly instincts in this new world of strategy and deceit. She would do what she must to protect herself and her friends, but she prayed it wouldn't come to that.

    Suddenly, the room didn't remain silent. Hibiki's best friend, Kaori, stood up, drawing everyone's attention. Hibiki's eyes widened in shock as she watched Kaori implicate herself.

    Hibiki's mind raced with confusion. Why would Kaori do this? She knew Kaori was taking a huge risk, not only admitting to cheating but also putting herself at the mercy of Madame Linh’s punishment. It was a selfless act, one that didn’t make sense to Hibiki.

    Kaori had always been smart and resourceful, but this seemed like a reckless move. Hibiki’s heart pounded as she tried to understand her friend’s motivations. Was Kaori trying to protect someone else, or was there something more to this that Hibiki was missing?

    The room was now filled with murmurs and whispers, the other genin reacting to the unexpected confession. Hibiki felt a surge of frustration and helplessness. She wanted to stand up, to say something, but the confusion held her back.

    Kaori stood alone, her posture straight and determined. Hibiki watched, torn between her loyalty to her friend and her confusion over Kaori's actions. This was a test of their bond, a challenge that went beyond the exam itself. Hibiki knew she had to trust Kaori’s judgment, even if she didn’t fully understand it.


    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Mist Jounin
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    Chuunin Exams Part I - The Test [Group B] - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Part I - The Test [Group B]

    Post by Kitsuki Kurahasa Thu Jun 06, 2024 9:32 pm

    Madame Linh scanned the room after her announcement of the Tenth Question. Some of the applicants were racked with uncertainty and frustration while others were self-assured in their silence. The reaction of some of the students to her assault on Proctor #5 elicited a gasp from a few of the more timid students, but one reaction in particular caught her eye. The Kiri-Nin, the one who had cleverly orchestrated an elimination, had blushed at the sight of her cane. The insolent little welp was even so bold as to wink at her. She knew that look of shame. Yes, she knew it quite well. Linh raised her head at him a bit and for a moment, he'd catch what resembled a look of predation. Cheeky little brat...someone ought to teach you some manners. She thought to herself. Fortunately for Hisha's rear end, she had a job to do and that took priority over dishing out well-deserved correction.

    After her speech, an oppressive aura had settled over the class. Students began to eye each other warily. The tense quiet was suddenly broken by the outburst of two individuals. The first was from Kaori of the Leaf, or rather, formerly of the Stone and presently of the Leaf. The revelation caused something to click in Linh's mind and as the young woman spoke, she grew more certain of her conclusion. Kaori declined to rat out her allies and instead proceeded to take a rather unorthodox course. She informed on herself in aggressive detail. Linh listened quietly without a word noting that Kaori had exhibited significantly above-average levels of espionage and counter-espionage skill. The decision to keep the clone active until the very last minute was undoubtedly impressive and demonstrated strong strategic planning. When she was finished, Linh would look back to the other proctors and raise an eyebrow. They hesitated, unsure of how to deal with this sudden twist of events. A lingered eye from Linh communicated that they ought proceed as previously instructed. All of the proctors gave a single nod. Linh turned back to Kaori. She opened her mouth to deliver her response to Kaori's assessment when another genin interrupted her.

    This goddamn pervert.

    Linh's eyes flickered to the man as he asserted that the last question was bullshit and that all of the genin were locked in a Prisoner's Dilemma scenario. Linh's amusement regarding Hisha's antics evaporated and with it, her patience. She struck her cane of correction against the desk leaving a crack in its surface.

    "Talk out of turn again you runt and I'll send you into the second round on crutches. If you do not wish to inform upon a cheater then you'd best hold your tongue. Consider that your only warning..." Linh turned back to Kaori and considered the woman's words. She had anticipated the possibility that someone would try to tell on themselves but she did not think anyone would be foolhardy enough to risk such a ploy. Certainly not in the first instance. Of course, now that she had had time to become acquainted with Class B, it made perfect sense that Kaori would be the one to take such a risk. Naturally, the ambiguity of the Tenth Question and Kaori's direct analysis of the underpinnings of the first portion had upped the ante for the applicants and even the proctors. Many would be wondering: How would Madame Linh deal with such a response?

    "Come here Kaori"

    Linh would point to a spot directly in front of the teacher's desk. The genin would be well-advised to do as she was told. Assuming Kaori now stood before her, Linh would now be standing directly in front of her. She'd rest her bone cane directly on the genin's right shoulder.

    "The proctors and I agree with your assessment. You are correct. Kaori Murai cheated exactly the way you described. Now that creates a bit of a contradiction given the rules of the Tenth Question. You accurately assessed the way that a shinobi cheated but you are the very shinobi whom you informed upon. A risky ploy that, based on your earlier comment, is designed to demonstrate your understanding of the written portion of the Chuunin Exams."

    Linh would tap the cane against Kaori's collarbone a few times as if testing its integrity.

    "I will thus provide you with a fair compromise. You will be eliminated from the Exam as I have stated previously but you will still receive two rewards. One which will be sent to you before the second portion and one that will be sent at the conclusion of the Exams. If your intention was to impress me, I'm sorry to say you've failed miserably. A good shinobi does not take unnecessary risks and a ninja must learn that they cannot have their cake and eat it too. Some of you will remain silent....that's good. There is no penalty for silence, but there is no reward for it either. Some of you will opt to betray your comrades or inform on those whom you don't care about....that's fine too, assuming that you are correct you will be rewarded at the cost of your reputation and the enmity of strangers or perhaps even your comrades. Hisha, while insolent, is correct. This is the classic Prisoner's Dilemma that we in the intelligence sector must confront on a daily basis. There is no easy choice but chose you must. By speaking up you gamble....but you must gamble intelligently. Taking unnecessary risks merely to assuage your own ego and to demonstrate your own infallibility will get you and your comrades killed"

    Linh placed her cane under Kaori's chin and tilted it upwards just a bit so that her gaze was level with the taller woman's.

    "You gambled poorly but at least you'll receive a consolation prize. Kaori Murai, get the fuck out of my class you worthless cheater."

    She'd then remove the whip-cane from Kaori's face and gesture to the door. There was an aura of finality to her actions. The young woman's journey had ended and if she could not accept that then she would simply be escorted out. After the Leaf genin was removed, the silence of the class was deafening. Some of the students were jittering nervously now that Linh had shown she was quite serious about her hatred of cheaters. Those who were smart had picked up on the fact that she had hurled abuse at those who had been caught. It was a cardinal sin to be so sloppy that you could be apprehended and even more sinful that you were so weak, arrogant or hated that you could be snitched on freely by enemies and friends alike.

    "Anybody else care to snitch on themselves?" Assuming no one wanted to follow in Kaori's footsteps, the Kaguya would add: "Now that we've removed the show-off...I'll sweeten the deal. I will not confirm any answers until all informants have finished stepping forward."

    Many continued to say nothing but suddenly a hand was raised and a teenage shinobi bearing the symbol of the Land of Keys jumped out of his seat.

    "Madame Linh, I am Tai Razuka from Jōmae no Sato and I have information to report. Chouzu from Jōmae no Sato cheated off another person's Exam. A Steel Release technique was utilized to form a discrete metal mirror at select angles across the room. Advanced geometry was then used to adjust these mirrors in such a way that Chouzu was able to view certain answers but only from his seat and from no other position in the classroom."

    Chouzu, a hefty genin with spectacles and a bowl style hair cut, grew pale. He opened his mouth to speak but reconsidered. Instead, he gritted his teeth and stood himself. He dramatically pointed at a third party.

    "I only did it because we were squadmates! We were helping each other! I even helped Toromanzo and Tai. I used the morse code they taught us in the Academy to help them out with the Fuuin question!"

    Tormanzo, a skinny and orange-tanned shinobi with blonde hair, sat in his seat with his arms crossed. He said nothing but there was an unmistakable look of disgust and irritation on his face.

    Linh pointed at Chouzu and Tai before curling her index finger forwards. She pointed to the same spot that Kaori once stood. Each of the genin lined up in front of her. The contempt and rage Chouzu felt was contrasted with the sly smirk that was painted on Tai's face.

    "Anyone else?" Linh asked.

    The question had barely escaped her lips when another hand was raised. A tall shinobi with black hair so long it stretched down to his back began to stand. "Allmona Yudai of the Village Hidden in Grass is a cheater. She used a zoom-in feature that was built into her glasses to record answers and then used Fuuinjutsu to transmit them into the glasses of the green haired girl in the back row. I think they're dating or something. I can give you the precise design specifications for her glasses if you require Madame Linh"

    The tall shinobi's eyes were as dead as a doe. He gave no hint of emotion and his voice was monotone. He stared straight ahead, the symbol of the Hidden Grass Village emblazoned on his forehead protector, making him as a traitor to his people. He must have built the glasses for her...... Allmona, a petite and pink haired kunoichi with a beautiful face and a pert bosom stared up at her nameless accuser. Her face a mixture of confusion and betrayal. The long haired engineer did not even bother to look in her direction. He continued to keep his gaze affixed on Madame Linh. Allmona then looked down at her desk, unwilling to participate in the kangaroo court that was Class B. She kept her head bowed and eyes downcast as she internalized what had just happened. When she raised her head, those next to her would see a look of pure hatred in her eyes. The green haired girl, her apparent friend or lover, bore the headband of the Land of Waterfalls and she looked just as distraught. Their snitch triumphantly marched down the aisle to join Chouzu and Tai. Before he arrived at his destination, another Nin stood. He was a redhead in blue armour and steel collar around his neck.

    "My name is Modai Kaifeng of Hoshigakure. Yoshi something or another of Otogakure and Tara Fisei of Otogakure cheated. Yoshi entered the Exam with a puppet that posed as a genin. Yoshi also utilized a combination of Genjutsu and Kugutsu to make it appear to everyone that the puppet was a human being that had been eliminated. When this fake individual was leaving, it discreetly passed a miniature scroll which contained all the answers to Tara. They talked a lot of skag about their puppets during the ceremony but they're the sorriest pair of genin I've ever seen. I wish they'd stick around so that my squad had a chance to beat them..... but honestly they aren't worth the effort."

    Tara Fisei maintained a poker face during Modai's tirade. However her cheating comrade buried his face in his hands. The sound of whimpering could be heard as tears fell down Yoshi's cheek. None of that seemed to bother the red-headed snitch who took his place alongside the others at Madame Linh's beck.

    "[color:fa2f=#cream]Anyone else feel a burning desire to inform on your peers?"

    Assuming no one else raised their hand to answer the Tenth Question, then Linh would move from the desk and walk towards her fellow proctors who huddled next to her. A flurry of sensory activity and weighty glances took place. Some proctors nodded their heads but others would shake them. Once the indecipherable means of communication had run its course, the group would break and return to their original positions. The Proctors standing in a line shoulder-to-shoulder and at attention while Linh walked in front of the snitches.

    "Tai Razuka. The proctors and I agree with your assessment of the methods used. Chouzu is a filthy cheater." Linh swiftly pointed her cane to the right. "Thanks for the intel soldier, to my right. You will receive your reward as promised"

    She then turned to his big boy comrade.

    "Chouzu. You're analysis is deeply flawed. Your comrades apparently don't have the level of trust in your Fuuin-skills as you assumed. They took nothing from you and received their answers elsewhere....Therefore..." Linh lashed out at him with her cane. She struck his thigh, leg and cheek in a zig-zag flurry of a blow. The big boy and his spectacles when down hard. The Dean of Secrecy kicked him in his stomach for good measure. "Consequences." She left him there crumpled on the ground and addressed the mysterious tall ninja.

    "Solrashi Junior." Madame Linh said, revealing the long-haired nin's name for the first time. "Your assessment is accurate. Well done....on the designs and on your perceptiveness. To my right." Junior smirked and took his place beside Tai.

    "Last but certainly not least Modai Kaifeng...." Linh said. She drew out his name before speaking again. "Your assessment is wrong." The whimpering that came from Yoshi became curiously louder and more obnoxious. Linh ignored it and continued. "The genjutsu and puppet were feints designed to draw the attention and suspicion of the stupid. The scroll that was dropped off on Tara's desk was blank. If they cheated, they used means other than what you described."

    Yoshi could no longer contain himself. The man burst out in a vulgar laugh, tears continued to pour down his face and it was only when Linh shot him an angry glare that he shut up. The shinobi cuffed his fist against his mouth to keep himself from cracking up but his body spasmed with glee. It was something like this

    "N-, that's impossible! I sa-"

    Five cane shots later and Modai joined Chouzu on the ground. Despite his impressive looking armour, he clutched his knees and rocked back and forth. He cried bitterly. Except his tears were of sorrow while Yoshi was of joy. Linh sighed and hopped up back on the desk. She sat there for a minute taking in the scene. The Tenth Question was over. Those who had answered had put themselves and their comrades on the line. Those who had remained silent had chosen the safer passage and forgone the blessings that could have been. These were the decisions that she had faced daily as a member of Kirigakure ANBU. She envied them. For unlike the Chuunin Exams, there was almost never a clear winner or loser in spycraft. Fortunately for these genin, those games would come much later.

    "Tai and Solrashi....Leave the room. You are hereby eliminated from the Chuunin Exams. Proctors exit these filthy traitors from my class and take Chouzu with you. Not only was he a cheater and a traitor but he was a incompetent one at that. Modai...you're a dumb tattletale but at least you're loyal. You can stay."

    The revelation gave Modai the adrenaline boost he needed to crawl to his feet. He limped to his seat painfully as Linh cleared her throat and addressed the rest of the class.

    "For everyone else here....congratulations. You've passed the first portion of the Chuunin Exams." Linh said. The door would be opened and the traitors would be gathered and pushed out. Protests of pain and shame were ignored as the proctors left the room with the disgraced trio.

    "For those of you who were more cowardly than loyal...allow me to explain. The worst thing you can do as a shinobi is betray the secrets of your comrades and your nation. Many of the methods that you or your friends relied on are connected to Bloodlines, Exclusive Techniques or homegrown knowledge that was taught at your academy. Showing a willingness to sell out your friends and country-men for an illusory reward, makes you unfit for the rank of Chuunin. Note that informing on your peers was not required....it was incentivzed but I never said you'd fail if you didn't do it. Those who chose to tell on their comrades were motivated by greed and a lust for power. These are the exact opposite shinobi that this world needs and wants to promote. You may very well have to fight your fellow countrymen or even your own allies as the Exams progress but you will do so knowing that you did not betray their secrets for your own gain."

    She pointed to Nao, Sera and Hibiki.

    "Each of you cheated and helped one another. You weren't the sneakiest of the room but you performed at the level expected of a Chuunin using your natural talents and techniques to apprehend the answers. Furthermore, you refused to rat on each other for personal gain. The intelligence services are rife with betrayal, lies and deceit....as some of you showed first hand, sabotage was a legitimate means of thinning the competition. However, there are some things that even ANBU cannot break. Genuine friendship. Unity. Unbreakable bonds."

    Madame Linh could have stopped there but she was a teacher at heart. She gestured with her wild cane and pointed towards Hisha. She had every intention on lecturing them on every part of the Exam. It was important they understand why they passed and why others had failed.

    "For those not motivated by loyalty...consider the following: Information is expensive. Like I said earlier, its like fine wine. You bottle it and preserve it. As time goes on, it may increase in value. If you noticed the cheating methods of a foreign shinobi you may choose to keep it for yourself. If they don't know that you know, you may yet use it to your advantage in the future. You may sell that knowledge to others at a premium. You may hold it safe and gain their trust and respect, especially if you know they hold your secrets in hand. Ninja such as our friend Modai here were could be wrong and bad intelligence will cost you in the real world......but more importantly, he was not a traitor. He gambled against an enemy whom he wanted to destroy anyways. Had he been right....he would have received a reward or perhaps not. The Tenth Question tests how you react to the Prisoner's Dilemma, how you square personal gain with loyalty, the faith you have in your intelligence assessments and your tolerance for risk."

    Madame Linh continued to speak. There was a teaching moment to be gained here. Specifically, with respect to a certain entrant.

    "Kaori Murai was by far the most interesting genin out of you lot. She showed remarkable skill. Dare I say, her method of cheating was probably the best out of the class. That said, she was ultimately eliminated. Why? Because it ceased to be about the Exam anymore. She had another agenda. Maybe it was impressing me. Maybe it was intimidating you all. But the reality was, she took a massive risk by informing on herself without clear knowledge of the consequences. By her words, she claimed to understand the truth of this test but her actions demonstrated that she'd rather show-off than secure a quiet victory. These kinds of shinobi are a grave danger to their comrades. They risk capture for a vague reward or even just to further prove their superiority even when its plain to see. Her choice was reckless and stupid....even worse it was poorly executed. If she had remained quiet, she might have gotten others to snitch on their comrades and potentially eliminate themselves thereby reducing the competitors that she or her comrades would have to face. Instead, she was the first to stand and by explaining the inner workings of the Exam, she tipped them off in ways that were against her and her friend's interests."

    Linh sighed.

    "That's why she had to go. Let this be a warning to the rest of you. These Exams are for you to highlight your skills but don't assume yourselves to be untouchable. Cockiness will get you eliminated from the Exams or killed. Keep that in mind and good luck in the next portion. Class dismissed."

    The doors to Class B would open and the proctors would file out. As they did, they'd give the class instructions on where to go next. They would act as an escort for the next round of festivities. Linh would remained seated but he eyes was settled on Hisha. As he headed to the door, she'd hop off the desk and grab him by his arm, just as the last genin filed out. She'd lean in and whisper into his ear.

    "Come find me after the second round if you're still alive, pervert. Madame Linh'll give you some good grief" The second-to-last word would be punctuated by a smarting smack to his calf. It was hard enough to draw blood and it'd give him a very mild limp for a few minutes. Linh would release him and jerk her head in the direction of the door indicating that he should leave. Of course, if this interaction was in anyway unwelcome, Hisha would be free to file a report for harassment against Madame Linh. The Headmaster would take punitive action against her for her antics and she may even lose her job at the WASP. Linh usually didn't get this carried away when dealing with her female students, but there was something about a naughty young man who was too smart for his own good that just....incensed her.

    Linh smirked and hopped off the desk. She began collecting the exams as she walked down the rows. They were useless now so maybe she'd start a bonfire on the beach with them.


    Kaori Murai eliminated.

    Hisha hit with the wild cane inflicting a (-) to coordination for the time it takes to get to the second portion of Exams.

    Everyone else has passed and may proceed to Part II.

    Nao Hyūga
    Nao Hyūga
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    Chuunin Exams Part I - The Test [Group B] - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Part I - The Test [Group B]

    Post by Nao Hyūga Fri Jun 07, 2024 1:44 am

    Nao watched the unfolding chaos with a mixture of apprehension and disgust. The room's tension was palpable as the implications of Madame Linh's Tenth Question settled in. The oppressive atmosphere thickened when Kaori stood up, revealing herself as a cheater. Nao didn't understand what she had hoped to achieve from it, but was impressed by the size of her cojones. After she was dismissed The tension only escalated when other genin began betraying their comrades. Nao's stomach churned as he watched Tai and Chouzu's interactions. The smug satisfaction on Tai's face contrasted sharply with Chouzu's growing panic. Nao couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for Chouzu, it was a shame to be betrayed by ones allies.

    When the tall shinobi from the Grass Village stood and coldly exposed Allmona, Nao's disgust deepened. He observed the betrayal etched on Allmona's face and the hatred burning in her eyes. It was a stark reminder of the brutal nature of the Shinobi world, where trust was a fragile commodity easily shattered by ambition. Modai's accusation against the Oto genin was the final straw for Nao. The redhead's harsh words and the subsequent revelation that his intelligence was flawed left Nao shaking his head in disbelief. The classroom had turned into a battlefield of treachery and shattered alliances.

    As Madame Linh handed out her verdicts, Nao smirked slightly. Her harsh but fair treatment of the cheaters and traitors resonated with him. He appreciated her commitment to integrity and the clear message she sent about the value of loyalty. When Linh acknowledged him and his fellow leaf nin, Nao felt a surge of pride. Despite the stress of the exam, they had remained loyal to each other. They had cheated, yes, but they had refused to betray their village bond for personal gain as other villages seemed to do. Madame Linh's lecture on the complexities of intelligence and the importance of loyalty only reinforced Nao's beliefs.

    He made a mental note of her words, understanding that in the world of shinobi, betrayal was sometimes a necessary evil, but it should never be taken lightly. As the class was dismissed, Nao rose from his seat with a sense of relief. The first portion of the Chuunin Exams was over, and he had passed. More importantly, he had passed with his integrity intact. Reaching out a hand to Hibiki, "let's get out of here before she changes her mind." He was ready to face whatever came next, determined to make it through the remainder of the exams.

    Exit Thread to part 2?

    Nao Hyūga
    Strength: D
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    Class: B
    Ryo: 75,625

    Chuunin Exams Part I - The Test [Group B] - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Part I - The Test [Group B]

    Post by Sera Sat Jun 08, 2024 9:39 am

    “Regardless of the outcome, as long as you show honor and the Will of Fire during the tournament, I will promote each and every one of you.” The Hokage's words repeated through Sera’s head as she watched Kaori give herself up for cheating. Kaori detailed everything that she had done throughout the test in what seemed to be an attempt to find a loophole in the rules. She was successfully completing the task of ratting someone out and explaining cheating which would get her to move on to the next portion of the exams, but she also was eliminating herself at the same time. Sera could see many ways in which this played out, but Madam Linh didn’t seem to think too positively about the decision. The Iwagakure genin was promptly given a reward, but simultaneously kicked out of the exams.

    What was “honorable” here? Sera’s heart told her to stand up for Kaori since she was representing konohagakure. Was it honorable to stand up for one’s friends and allies? Absolutely. What if they put themselves into trouble themselves? Maybe less so. Was it honorable to challenge authority? It could be depending on the circumstance. In a situation where something wasn’t “fair”, authority should be challenged to make things right, but Sera couldn’t confidently say that this situation wasn’t fair. They had been told the penalties for being caught cheating and Kaori had taken an unnecessary risk which could have paid off or not. Sera bit her cheek in frustration. A part of “honor” was keeping your obligations and following through on what was established. With all of the contradicting thoughts bustling in Sera’s head, she finally came to the conclusion; she didn’t think she could do anything about Kaori’s disqualification.

    Madam Linh lectured them about the true meaning behind the test, elaborating on the value of information; obtaining and keeping it. Once again, Sera found herself in a situation where the lesson was absorbed, but she still was unsure about how to correctly apply it in situational circumstances. Maybe that was the measure of being a chuunin? Linh pointed out Nao, Hibiki and Sera specifically and mentioned their collaborative cheating, but praised them for it in a roundabout way.  Normally she would feel happy to be mentioned in such a way, but Sera was still feeling a bit confused morally about the whole situation. Once their proctor had finished speaking with them, Sera would leave the room along with the other examinees who passed and make her way towards the next stage of the exams. She tried to wipe the furrow off her brow and replace it with a more cheerful smile. This was just the beginning of a rigorous set of tests, she had to get her game face on.

    [Exit Thread to Chuunin Exams Part 2]


    Techniques Used:
    • Sensing Technique (0.5 cost)

    Total Chakra Remaining: 257/260

    Kaori Murai
    Kaori Murai
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    Chuunin Exams Part I - The Test [Group B] - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Part I - The Test [Group B]

    Post by Kaori Murai Mon Jun 10, 2024 9:13 am

    Kaori stepped up as Linh asked her to, listening to her assessment of her. While she knew the risk she'd taken wasn't totally necessary, Kaori couldn't help but feel offended at the assumption that she'd done this for an ego trip or anything like that. Maybe Linh was stuck in some sort of superiority role, thinking she knew everything about everyone and why they did things, but it was evident on Kaori's face that she was offended by the assumptions themselves, more so than being eliminated.

    Everytime the bone whip was moving to different points on Kaori, she reflexively was applying Doton chakra to the area, ready to activate one of her Jutsu to harden her skin, but never ended up deeming it necessary to do so. Linh didn't hit her, just tried to intimidate her. Kaori wasn't the type to be intimidated though, she kept her cool and stared up at the woman with unflinching resolve.

    "I'll take the elimination if you decide that I've earned that, but I want to correct something so you make your determination fully informed." Kaori said, looking around to the proctors that would be trying to escort her out if she didn't comply. She was prepared to fight to be heard if needed, only because it was important to her that she be understood here.

    "Ego didn't factor into my choice to snitch on myself. I wasn't showing off for any reason more than showcasing myself for the exams. The entire premise of the Chuunin Exams is counter to everything we're taught in the Academy. This is the one time we are to be upfront and showcase our abilities, so that we get to be judged based on what we can do, and are willing to do."

    She looked around to her allies, but nobody had yet said anything. She had been willing to put herself in this situation for their sake, trying to get them information, it would be nice to see some support. Ultimately her eyes fell onto Hibiki, her fellow Iwa native, before putting her full attention back to Madame Linh.

    "A Chuunin needs to be willing to put their career, their life on the line during a mission. You say it was an unnecessary risk, but nobody else was going out of their way to test your game, and I didn't want any on my team to make enemies of their opponents if there was something false about the test, nor risk themselves being snitched on if someone else was to go first. I was showing you my willingness to put myself out there for the sake of the mission, for the sake of my allies, and to gather information. All traits a Chuunin needs to have. If that's something you value, elimination doesn't make sense."

    She gestured to Hibiki.

    "But more to the point, whether or not I stay eliminated, I don't want the reward for the second round. I didn't gamble so that I could get rewards, I wanted to get information about this test, helping out how I could. Give Hibiki the reward going into the second portion. If I put my career on halt getting her proof of this reward, then I want her to have it. We're supposed to look after our own here and help them succeed." After all, Hibiki was the one to help her out with some test answers. It would be the least she could do to repay that kindness.

    "Besides, like I said, the premise of these exams is flawed anyhow. We're encouraged to show off in ways we normally wouldn't. We need to be seen, we need to take risks, showcase chuunin ability. But a Shinobi also needs to keep their abilities secret, so being on display in the exams flies straight in the face of everything we're taught. I'm taking what you call unnecessary risks because that's the mission we've been given. Prove myself in every aspect. If that means showcase I'm willing to sacrifice my own safety or well being for the sake of a mission, so be it. But don't mistake that for me being a showoff with an ego. Normally I much prefer nobody knowing my skills or abilities. I would request that you reconsider my elimination. I'm willing to take whatever detriment you decide necessary, for the exam's purposes I'd like a chance to show more of my capabilities. I gave a fairly accurate assessment of what I did, but you and I both know I didn't give away everything, that alone should tell you I'm not just bragging needlessly."

    Her eyes shifted down to the clone that still remained hidden underground, but only Linh would be able to see that particular movement. The clone was now simply circling under Kaori, having been attracted to the movement of her creator, but not feeling any Jutsu from anyone targeting her. At the very least the "test" test was done, so her purpose was less necessary, but Kaori prime hadn't dismissed it yet. It was trying to keep  anyone from approaching besides Linh.

    "Given the parameters set by the test, ratting someone out is an elimination for the one who was told on, while the one who turned someone over gets to advance. You have successfully eliminated me, but you can also re-instate me without breaking the rules, and hopefully you have to based on the wording. That's the risk I was taking. I wouldn't have wanted a buy to the 3rd round anyhow. That gives less time for me to show that I am Chuunin material."

    She would leave herself standing where she was until dismissed. If Linh decided to keep the elimination as it stood, she would step away without a fuss, but perhaps her mind could be swayed, if not by her, then by someone else as well. Hibiki was more likely to stick her neck out, but it would be nice if some of the other Konoha-nin would show some solidarity.

    'Innocence' maintained Transformation Jutsu (-1), Hidden in Surfaces (-3), and Sensory (-0.5)
    'Innocence': 40/59.5
    Real Kaori: 114/119

    Character Name: Kaori Murai
    Spendable Experience: 160
    Total Experience: 2360
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 290,000
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B
    • Stamina: B
    • Speed: B
    • Coordination: B+
    • Intelligence: D
    • Perception: A

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t7376-kaori-s-updates#58265
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t7353-kaori-murai?nid=1#58247
    Link to Known Techniques:
    Mist Genin
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    Chuunin Exams Part I - The Test [Group B] - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Part I - The Test [Group B]

    Post by Hisha Wed Jun 12, 2024 9:12 am

    As Madam Linh flashed him a savage and wild look, Hisha blushed again, slightly flustered. Why had he winked at her??? And yet... that look excited him nonetheless. He could not help himself from assessing the situation it seemed, and while he had more or less nailed the circumstances on the head, the proctor gave him a lecture on speaking out of turn, something Hisha had always struggled at avoiding. He had to consciously prevent himself from sighing in exasperation, but otherwise complied with the woman and held her tongue.

    The event with Kaori shocked him greatly, partially the insanity of ratting on herself, but also the fact that the proctors decided to expel her. He could agree that she had gambled poorly, but a number of other participants had gambled much worse throughout the exam. Hisha had essentially deduced some kind of cheating from her, but she had certainly acted with greater subtly than her apparent peers had. He assumed most other people in the room, judging by how quickly they had finished the tests, would not be able to have effectively intuited the situation. Linh, of course, was correct: information was expensive, and the longer kept the more valuable it often became. The brash admission of one's abilities had seemed... unwise. But her strange call out of the trio of Konoha nin made him roll his eyes openly, though quietly. From what he could tell, the had not demonstrated an unbreakable bond but a low-grade awareness of the general foolishness of outing one another. They moved as a team, so eliminating one of their own this early on would not suit them.

    It did make him wonder why he did not have a team though. What the hell was Kiri doing? Lots of money and very little coordination.

    The praise showered upon Kaori, however, nearly drove him to visual nausea and his recurring headache flared up for the first time during the exams. He did not think Kaori was a half-wit from what he could tell, but any half-wit could abuse shadow clones. He spent a hard second trying to reason if she had simply made this up to confuse the other participants or get some kind of reaction from them. But he failed to see any reason for this beyond general confusion. Perhaps to drive home that the remaining Konoha ninja were less without her? He could not piece it together, but a part of him supposed she had praised the publicly accessible talents on display.

    While he agreed with at least half of Linh's explanation of the events, he also could not help but agree with Kaori, too. He agreed that part of these exams contained an unspoken demand to show off one's talents that most had been carefully coached for their whole lives into keeping secret until necessary. Certain abilities, of course, had less risk of showing off, but information was a two way street regardless. It sounded like Konoha had perhaps placed some kind of additional pressure upon the participants regarding the exams. Maybe they had been directly instructed to show their skills loudly, or maybe the pressure had been applied more delicately, but in any event they did seem quite... active during the exam, and as Kaori spoke he nodded slightly in agreement with some of her takes. He was not the person to "give himself fully" for a mission - he understood that - but he at minimum had imbibed the importance of covert action. It sounded like the proctors had noted and understood that.

    In the end, he had no idea if she had been bragging, though it did sound like it. But it also did not matter. The question was whether it made sense to eliminate her, and while Hisha had some... interesting tendencies, he was also still young. He would begrudgingly admit only to himself that she had "performed" in a more impressive way than many here. Certainly more so than her apparent red-haired friend, whose.... man? Who's male friend even now seemed intent on dragging the group away. A small, inward smile spread in his mind and a few flowering vine tattoo's crept just out of the color of his shirt. He had done such a good job thus far of keeping that under control too.

    But he couldn't speak, and he both feared and wanted to please Linh for now. He could perhaps do something else though?

    A twin, tiny flash of chakra would flow through him once again, the same as before. He felt and intense loathing at having to repeat the technique with these people around, even if many of them may still not piece together who had activated it or what it did. Still, the irrational part of his brain for reasons he probably could not fully articulate acted. Above Kaori's head, as she spoke, Madam Linh would see a small but easily legible note in his own handwriting saying, Her reward = a second shot w/ penalty? He made no special attempt to conceal that the message came from him to the proctor, and put it over her head only to ensure she knew who the "her" was. He had essentially asked, without speaking, if she could have a lesser sentence. They were genin, after all.

    Even as it happened, Hisha's eyes filled with a tiny horror. He had broken no rules of which he was aware, and had not violated her request not to speak, but whatever had possessed him to do this terrified him just the same. To his more clearly thinking parts of his mind, the risk of this was completely insane and his heart suddenly pounded loudly in his throat, unlike at any moment  thus during the exam. His imagination raced with all the possibilities as he tried to forecast and predict how the woman would react. He had a decent read on her, to be fair, but he had only recently met her as well. And even as it all happened, as if his body acted beyond his control, he felt a kind of competitiveness at Kaori's assuredness. She was right in some ways about this exam, but so wrong in so many others. Being eliminated here would not tell her this. He could sense that from the way she spoke. She was not yet ready to take a lesson that maybe she was wrong. He didn't like the praise given her, and something in him just wanted to win.

    At the same moment, Kaori would see the same message, glowing, over his head. The words, should she not immediately look, would blink and float forward, then back over himself. If it worked, and if she were saved in any form, she would now how had done it, for whatever that might have been worth.

    Should the outcome not prove bad to nuclear proportions, and should Linh still give him her little swat and invite him for... After exam activities, the boy would first tense as stuff as a board when grabbed and whispered to. The sudden communications both terrified and aroused him. He could not remember that a woman had ever touched him. He inhaled sharply, but otherwise tried to remain in a semblance of control, more for anyone else watching. Still holding to her command not to speak out of turn, the smack to his calf met with a rapid exhalation, coming a light, high pitched whine, almost a keening. Before exiting, he would give her a quick glance, meeting her eyes of able, and make a short nod before half-limping half-scurrying away.

    Potential Exit


    Strength: D
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    Chuunin Exams Part I - The Test [Group B] - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Part I - The Test [Group B]

    Post by Hibiki Thu Jun 13, 2024 1:28 am

    Hibiki watched silently from her seat, her gaze fixed on the unfolding drama between Madame Linh and Kaori Murai. The tension in the room was palpable, each word uttered by Linh cutting through the air like a blade.

    When Linh dismissed Kaori with a sharp finality, Hibiki could almost feel the weight of the decision in the room. The atmosphere had shifted, and everyone present understood the uncompromising stance Linh took against cheating. It was a lesson in itself—a reminder that in the world of shinobi, actions had repercussions, and foolish risks could lead to swift and severe consequences.

    As Hibiki listened to Kaori's passionate speech defending her actions, a mix of admiration and concern welled up inside her. She knew Kaori well enough to understand the genuine intent behind her actions. Kaori's willingness to put herself on the line for the sake of her teammates resonated deeply with Hibiki. She couldn't let her friend face this alone.

    Stepping forward, Hibiki looked at Madame Linh with determination in her eyes. "Kaori's right," she began, her voice steady but firm. "She didn't act out of ego or a desire to show off. She acted to protect and inform her team, to demonstrate the very qualities a Chuunin should have: courage, selflessness, and intelligence."

    Turning her gaze to Kaori, she continued, "Kaori has always been someone who puts others before herself. Even now, she's asking for the reward to be given to me instead of her. That kind of selflessness is rare and should be valued, not punished."

    Hibiki paused for a moment, gathering her thoughts. "If the purpose of these exams is to test our abilities and our resolve, then Kaori has already proven herself. She's shown that she's willing to take risks for the greater good, that she's capable of critical thinking under pressure, and that she values her comrades' success as much as her own."

    She then turned back to Madame Linh, her expression earnest. "I ask that you reconsider her elimination. Let her continue in the exams and show everyone what she's truly capable of. Kaori deserves that chance."  hopefully her words had made an impact. She knew Kaori was strong and capable, and she wanted everyone else to see that too.

    Hibiki knew that her Tetsudashi heritage, a well-kept secret among her close friends, would inevitably come to light during the exams. It was a reality she had prepared herself for, albeit with some apprehension.

    As she considered her options, a daring thought crossed her mind. Why not leverage her Tetsudashi abilities to her advantage now, rather than waiting for them to be revealed in a less favorable context?

    "I'll make a deal with you. I'll take a hit from your bone whip in exchange for Kaori's reinstatement. I know I can withstand it," she said, her voice firm. Offering to take a hit had indeed been a calculated move—a weighted gamble, as some might say.
    Because Hibiki’s last name was Mercury, an outsider like Madame Linh would have no idea of her heritage, and therefore her ability to turn her body to steel, adding an extra layer of assurance to her decision. The whip-cane that Madame Linh wielded had been a formidable sight, but Hibiki knew she could withstand its strike without flinching.

    To be honest, Hibiki would have preferred to saving her chakra for the upcoming challenges but well Kaori was worth it. Hibiki's decision to allocate her some chakra towards ensuring Kaori's continued presence in the exams wasn't just about strategy or tactical advantage. It was about loyalty—loyalty to a fellow shinobi who had shown courage in the face of consequences, loyalty to the bonds that tied them together as comrades striving towards a common goal.

    She wasn't acting out of calculated reasoning or tactical brilliance. It was a decision born out of pure heart—a heartfelt gesture to support someone she believed in, despite the risks and challenges that lay ahead.


    Kitsuki Kurahasa
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    Chuunin Exams Part I - The Test [Group B] - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Part I - The Test [Group B]

    Post by Kitsuki Kurahasa Thu Jun 13, 2024 1:57 am

    Linh stood there stone faced as Kaori's insolent mouth indicated that she wished to rebut her proctor's assessment. The same proctor that had escorted her to the bathroom took a step forward. He had worked with Madame Linh for years and knew that the woman had little patience for smart-mouth brats. But before he could take a second, Linh raised a hand. He withdrew back to his original position. She must really like you, kid.

    Madame Linh did in fact like Kaori. The young woman was intelligent and fairly talented in the art of espionage and counter-espionage. But she was incredibly foolish and Linh sensed some kind of bizarre pathology about her. Like she had a something to prove beyond her worth as a Chuunin. It wasn't surprising given that she was from Iwa. The nin from that failed state were often screwed-up beyond belief. Nevertheless, Kaori had performed so well during the first round that Linh decided to hear her out. She had explicitly forbidden the genin from speaking out of turn but none of them had done what Kaori had. She had earned herself a fair hearing.

    Unfortunately, none of it was moving.

    The problem with the genin's thesis was that her decision simply did not make sense. Even under the rubric of "gathering intelligence for one's allies," there was one glaring issue that she had neglected to expound upon. How would informing on oneself demonstrate anything but the consequences of informing on oneself? There wasn't anything in the rules that clearly stated the outcome of her gamble so the only thing she'd find out was how such a niche gamble might fare. It wasn't particularly valuable intelligence and it certainly wasn't worth the risk of eliminating oneself from the Exams. This was obviously true as otherwise Kaori would have taken her loss and left, satisfied that she had scored a significant intelligence boon for her allies. Unfortunately, her gamble did not pay off and now that she knew the intelligence was not worth the price of disqualification, she was trying to turn back. Some gambles you don't get to turn back from so easily. Telling on yourself would not save your friends from being informed upon nor would it tell your allies anything useful about the consequences of snitching on an enemy.

    Linh did in fact value taking risks for the sake of one's team. She had admired Kaori's use of her clandestine clone as a counter-espionage tool, but there were limits to such risks. For one, they needed to make sense and not just be pushing the boundaries of the rules for the sake of pushing the boundaries of the rules. Linh was confident in her assessment of Kaori's mistake, but  even more damning was that this assessment was shared by her countrymen. They clearly recognized the foolishness of her actions and were not keen on coming to her rescue. Linh also noted how quickly Kaori turned to her allies for support. She's made a fatal mistake and now expects her comrades to bail her out. Like an overeager genin that rushes into enemy territory and screams for help when their captured. While the others saw fit to let her holler in vain, Hibiki stood up and joined her comrade. She defended Kaori's actions with an impassioned plea on her friend's behalf. Linh found it rather convienent that the only person who spoke up for Kaori was the very person that had been promised her reward. The two must be close. Linh reasoned.

    Then came the offer. Linh raised an eyebrow and zeroed in on Hibiki. The furrowed brow and unblinking eyes should have made her displeasure clear, but if Hibiki chose to continue she would not be interrupted. Linh had already warned Hisha, and by extension the class, about speaking out of turn and yet the redhead continued to speak up. Too bad it fell far short of what Linh would have expected. Kaori was supposedly willing to risk her tenure in the most competitive Exams to date and Hibiki's sole offer was to take a lash of Linh's whip?

    "Pathetic." Linh pointed her cane at Hibiki. "I already told you lot that unless you wish to inform upon a cheater......I don't want to hear a single word out of your mouth. If you want to taste my whip so badly....then inform upon yourself incorrectly and I'll be glad to deliver your punishment before kicking you out of the Exams. And I promise you....your Steel Release won't save you. This isn't a Balthazar...there will be no negotiating or trading penalties. Snitch or remain silent. Those are your options. Now sit down Hibiki!" Linh said raising her voice.

    She did have to admit that the move was courageous even if it was rather clumsy. Hibiki must have thought highly of Kaori. Either that or she must have thought Linh to be the dumbest proctor in history. If Hibiki's plan was to use the Impervious Armour Technique to protect herself from Madame Linh's whip then she was sorely underestimating the Division Proctor. Linh knew full well the girl was a Tetsudashi. She could sense her chakra and she had noticed her usage of the Dragonfly Technique. As an ANBU analyst, it was her job to recognize jutsu and evaluate a shinobi's capabilities. Hibiki had not done a sophisticated job of hiding her talents which was fine as this was the Chuunin Exams and not the ANBU Exams, but it wouldn't be enough to save her friend. Of course the Dean couldn't know for sure that Hibiki intended to protect herself with her clan's classic jutsu, but she had no intention of finding out. She would not take the Iwa Nin on her offer. It was a trifling token of solidarity and to accept it would only cheapen the lesson being taught.

    Linh also noticed a flicker of chakra and the emanation of words above the flunky's head. She gave no outward indication of her noticing but she was certain that Kaori would sense it as well. The pervert had something to say. She wasn't sure why he was invested in trying to save this girl's career in the Exams. More likely than not, he noticed her extraordinary level of talent and wanted to form an alliance with her. If he could manage to bail her out now, then she'd be in his debt. The thought was interesting but she could not reverse her decision based on the girl's flimsy reasoning. For someone as tactically minded as she was, Linh was sure that Kaori recognized the flaws in her own case. She knew she was taking a big risk. One that would likely only yield actionable information as it related to herself and not her allies. And she had done so without receiving any further intel on the state-of-play by choosing to go first. No. Hisha would not be able to save her with a mere suggestion of reduced penalty. Nor would Hibiki with thier substitute punishment scheme. Their efforts seemed half-hearted, uncommitted and downright uninspiring. It only confirmed to Madame Linh what she had suspected the minute Kaori had begun speaking. She is simply not ready for the rank of Chuunin.....but they might be.

    "I've listened to your rationale and while your argument is interesting....it does not change my decision. You are dismissed."

    Linh would do just as she did before. Point towards the door with her wild cane and wait for her to leave. Assuming no one else had anything further to say on the subject, Linh would move on with the Tenth Question. She would re-iterate the offer and its sweetened terms. The same individuals who snitched would do so, producing identical reactions as previously described. Madame Linh would then reveal the true purpose of the Exam but her praise for the Konoha genin would be reduced in scope and intensity. Additionally, she'd take more time to elaborate on why Kaori had been wrong to take the risks she did. She'd refute the suggestion that her self-snitching could reasonably lead to generally applicable intelligence. She'd explain how logical fallacies like that when combined with reckless shinobi often led to the deaths of whole squads. She'd close with some extra statements about how they should remember the Headmaster's instruction to use their best judgment. A reckless display of their abilities was as useless as not displaying them at all. With that, she'd dismiss them along the same lines as stated prior. She did consider giving Hisha an extra lash due to his impudence. He had placed her under an illusion, an act that ordinarily warranted further correction, but he had wisely remained in compliance with her warning and she could see the strategic benefit of the act so she let it slide. The same invitation would be given as before though. And his little nod would only excite her further. I really need to put the fear of Kami into that little pervert. she'd think too herself as she gathered the exams and headed out.


    Nao Hyūga
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    Post by Nao Hyūga Thu Jun 13, 2024 5:38 am

    Nao wasn't really shocked when the proctor told Kaori to get out for telling on herself, what did shock him was the way Kaori tried to defend herself. She put up a valiant effort on her part and trying to get Linh to undo her dismissal from the exams, in Nao's eyes he could see where Kaori was going with it, but from the look he saw in Linh's eyes she wasn't buying it. A second shock came to him when Hibiki stood defending Kaori, it wasn't that big of a shock considering they were friends and he knew Hibiki would do just about anything for one of her friends, but shocking nonetheless. It reminded Nao of one of the many reasons he loved her, she was selfless.

    Hibiki being willing to take the punishment for her friend if the proctor reinstated her into the exams said a lot about her character, and while he wasn't happy with Linh's reply to Hibiki, he knew jumping up to Hibiki's defense wouldn't do anymore good than Hibiki's defense of Kaori had done. Still, beneath the desk his hands would clench into fists. Linh made her previous statement of dismissal final, and have Kaori ushered to the door before the rest of the class began turning on their teammates. Once everything was said and done, Nao would look to Hibiki as he started to stand. "At least you tried to save your friend, I'm sorry it didn't work out," he said solemnly before waiting for her to rise and walk with him to the next part of the exams.

    Exit Thread

    let's go part 2

    Nao Hyūga
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    Chuunin Exams Part I - The Test [Group B] - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Part I - The Test [Group B]

    Post by Sera Fri Jun 14, 2024 8:44 am

    Hibiki and the young man sitting next to Sera both made cases for why they thought Kaori should pass the exam and Sera remained silent. They were both compelling arguments and she could see where both sides were coming from. Unfortunately, it seemed that their proctor had made up their mind and Kaori would not be moving on to the next round. It was disappointing to hear that one of the konohagakure representatives were being eliminated, but Sera was confident that Kaori would be able to showcase her worth and get promoted regardless of the rest of the exam. Sera hadn’t spent much time with the other girl, but it was clear as day that she had the skill and the drive required. The blond kunoichi made a mental note to get to know her more after this was all over. It was painful to see Hibiki so distraught over the decision and Sera would make sure she checked on her once they left this exam room. There had been enough twists and turns that she wanted to get out of there stat.

    [Exit Thread to Chuunin Exams Part 2]


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    Kaori Murai
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    Post by Kaori Murai Sat Jun 15, 2024 4:47 pm

    Kaori shrugged and left. She'd done what she could. The clone poofed shortly after.


    Character Name: Kaori Murai
    Spendable Experience: 160
    Total Experience: 2360
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 290,000
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B
    • Stamina: B
    • Speed: B
    • Coordination: B+
    • Intelligence: D
    • Perception: A

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t7376-kaori-s-updates#58265
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    Chuunin Exams Part I - The Test [Group B] - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Part I - The Test [Group B]

    Post by Hisha Sat Jun 15, 2024 6:08 pm

    Though somewhat touching, Kaori's ask fell on deaf ears. Hisha felt, despite his having passed this portion, a subtle but notable smack of disappointment, almost as if he had lost. Something about Kaori felt different than most people he had met, even though he also felt a bit like he wanted to physically hit her at times. Perhaps a bit of disappointment he had not managed to secure an ally, as he assumed that Madam Linh would not be able to give him much help in the coming trials. He'd give the group of survivors a full once-over as they trickled out. Would this Hibiki get that prize after all? Unclear. Beyond that, he exited as previously described.


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    Post by Hibiki Sun Jun 16, 2024 12:21 am

    Hibiki bit her lip, frustration bubbling within her as she realized her words were the best she could muster to defend Kaori. She glanced around, hoping for support from her teammates, but they remained silent, their faces a mix of apprehension and resignation. The absence of their voices felt like a betrayal, adding fuel to the fire of her anger.

    Her fists clenched at her sides, and she felt an overwhelming urge to punch the desk in front of her, to release some of the pent-up frustration with her monstrous strength. But she held back at the last second, not wanting to reveal any more about herself. She couldn't afford to give away any more intel, especially in the presence of someone as perceptive as Madame Linh.

    How the heck did she figure out I have Steel Release? Hibiki wondered, her mind racing. She was careful, always trying to conceal the full extent of her abilities. But somehow, Linh had seen through her. A mixture of awe and annoyance filled her. At least she doesn't know about the fourth stage of my bloodline, Hibiki thought, a small comfort in the midst of her turmoil. That was a secret she intended to keep, her ace in the hole.

    As Linh's harsh words echoed in her ears, Hibiki stood there, feeling the weight of the proctor's gaze and the scrutiny of her peers. She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself, to regain her composure. She had done what she could for Kaori, and despite the proctor's scorn, she stood by her actions.

    Linh’s cane still pointed at her, Hibiki finally nodded and took her seat, her frustration simmering just below the surface. She cast a sideways glance at Kaori, hoping her friend understood the depth of her loyalty, even if her defense had fallen short. She resolved to stay vigilant, to protect her teammates, and to learn from this encounter. If there was one thing Hibiki knew, it was that she wouldn't back down from what she believed in, no matter the cost.

    Hibiki watched in silent frustration as Kaori was ushered to the door, Linh’s finality hanging heavily in the air. Her attempt to save her friend had failed, and the sting of that failure was palpable. Beneath the desk, her hands remained clenched, the knuckles white from the tension.

    As the room began to settle and the other students started to murmur amongst themselves, Hibiki felt a mixture of emotions—anger at Linh’s harsh dismissal, disappointment in herself for not being able to protect Kaori, and a deep-seated resolve to do better next time. She took a deep breath, trying to steady the turmoil inside her.

    The Prisoner's Dilemma, the value of loyalty versus personal gain, and the implications of information warfare were all discussed in intricate detail by Linh. Hibiki struggled to keep pace, her mind racing as she tried to comprehend the complexities of shinobi ethics and the strategic implications of the exam's rules.

    As Linh's words flowed, dissecting scenarios where loyalty could either save or doom a team, Hibiki felt a knot of frustration tightening in her chest. The theoretical layers and nuanced arguments seemed to blur together, overwhelming her attempts to focus. She clenched her fists under the desk, feeling the strain of trying to grasp concepts that seemed just out of reach.

    Linh's analysis of the Prisoner's Dilemma painted a vivid picture of the potential betrayals and sacrifices inherent in their line of work. Hibiki could see the logic, but her heart rebelled against the cold calculus of self-preservation versus loyalty. Loyalty wasn't just a strategic choice to her—it was a core part of her identity, a guiding principle she had always believed in.

    Information warfare, Linh explained, was about controlling the flow of knowledge and exploiting the opponent's ignorance. It was about deception, misdirection, and strategic use of information. Hibiki's thoughts flickered to her own hidden abilities, the secrets she kept even from some of her closest allies. She understood the value of keeping certain truths concealed, but it didn't make the proctor's harsh critique any easier to swallow.

    In the end, Hibiki felt like she was drowning in the intricacies of the lecture, but one thing remained clear: she would not abandon her loyalty to her friends. Despite the complexities and the strategic implications, Hibiki knew where she stood. She would protect her friends, stand up for what she believed in, and face whatever consequences came her way.

    As Linh finished her explanation, Hibiki took a deep breath and straightened in her seat, her resolve solidified. She might not grasp every detail of the shinobi ethics and strategies being taught, but her loyalty and determination were unshakable. She would navigate this challenge as she always had—with unwavering strength and an iron will.

    Then, she heard Nao's voice, calm and solemn. "At least you tried to save your friend. I'm sorry it didn't work out."

    She looked up at Nao, appreciating his words more than she could express. There was a solidarity in his acknowledgment that made her feel slightly less alone in the harsh reality of their situation.

    "Thanks, Nao," she replied quietly, her voice steady despite the turmoil she felt. "I couldn't just sit by and do nothing. Kaori deserved better, even if it didn’t change the outcome."

    As she stood, she cast a final glance toward the door where Kaori had exited. The disappointment still weighed on her, but she knew she couldn’t afford to dwell on it. There was still more to come, and she needed to stay focused. She needed to be strong, for herself and for those she cared about.

    Walking alongside Nao to the next part of the exams, Hibiki’s mind raced with thoughts of what lay ahead. A new question surfaced: Would Linh honor Kaori’s request and grant her some kind of advantage in the second round? The thought lingered, a small spark of hope amidst her resolve. If Linh did decide to give her a break, Hibiki vowed to make the most of it, to prove that Kaori’s faith in her wasn’t misplaced.

    "Let's keep moving," she said to Nao, her voice firmer now, determination sharpening her gaze. "We’ve got a lot more to prove."

    She silently vowed to herself that she would learn from this experience, finding a way to balance loyalty and strategy more effectively. And above all, she would continue to fight for her friends, no matter the cost.




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