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Defensive Assault

Leaf Jounin
Leaf Jounin

Village : Minor Nation
Posts : 711
Join date : 2022-11-07
Location : Wouldn't you like to know

Defensive Assault Empty Defensive Assault

Post by Ren Tue Dec 20, 2022 8:59 pm


Ren would once again find himself standing at the gates of the village awaiting the arrival of his mission partner, or rather partners. This would be the first time he would be in charge of the mission, as well as the first time he had more than one mission partner, in truth it would be a true test of his skills to see if he was ready for his next step as a shinobi of the hidden leaf village. The good news about this newfound situation that the male had found himself in, was that he was allowed to pick the two that would accompany him to Tanzaku Town to deal with these bandits. He did not even have to think long when the Jounin asked him who he wanted, not even looking at the different pictures he was offered to choose from. His first choice was of course, Airi Ohara. Having grown an attraction to her since their first mission together, as well as during their date a few days later. The fact that he had a crush on the woman was written plainly on his face, every time he saw her. If given the opportunity to spend more time with her was given to him, he would be stupid not to take it.

The second choice would be made just as quickly as the first, Suzuya Nara. Ren's newest and possibly only friend at the moment, with the exception of Airi. Having met him during a training session, Ren actually was inspired enough by him that he began studying and figured out how to manipulate Raiton as well as his Katon, his Katon was still much easier for him to manipulate, and he still needed a lot of practice with Raiton to even get half as good as either Airi or Suzuya were with Raiton. Beyond just the inspiration from the other man, Ren felt a connection to him based on the fact that they were both loners whenever they were younger. Having promised to help Suzuya make it on some missions with him, having the chance to deliver on his promise so soon seemed almost too good to be true. With his mission partners chosen, Ren would have messages delivered to both of them to explain they had been called on a mission with him to Tanzaku Town, to pack for a journey, and then meet him at the gate. The letter would actually be written by the jounin so it was possible that he made it sound less bossy than Ren's words tended to be. Of course, he was not trying to be rude either, but he had what some people called resting A###### voice. Though around the two, his voice didn't seem to have that effect so who better to come with him rather than people that he enjoyed the company of and those that enjoyed his company.

Their mission was simple, Tanzaku Town has had some problems with bandits. They were hired to help defend the town and drive them back, once that was accomplished, they simply needed to follow those that were retreating back to whatever base they had and finish them off so that they stop causing problems. This was why the two he picked were perfect choices for this mission, despite his personal opinion as to why he picked them. Airi is perfect as a tracker, he ability from her clan was one hell of an advantage for any team in his opinion. Not to mention the fact that Airi was one of the best hand to hand combatant he had met and there were few other he would trust to watch his back. Suzuya was ten times smarter than Ren, it was as if the Nara's mind never stopped thinking and that would be something Ren knew he could use on this mission.

Character Name: Ren Uchiha
Village: Konoha
Rank: Jounin | Anbu
Class: X
Renown: 25,500
Skills: Ninjutsu | Taijutsu | Genjutsu | Bukijutsu | Kuchiyose | Sensory
Elements: Katon | Raiton | Suiton | Doton | Fuuton
Techniques: Here
Stats: (19/23)
Strength: D
Constitution: C
Stamina: A
Speed: B -> B+ (Lifestyle)
Coordination: B
Intelligence: B
Perception: B (A w/Sharingan)

Attunement Slots:
Uchiha Gunbai
Mask of the Ancients
Airi Ohara
Airi Ohara
Bug Zapper
Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

Village : Konohagakure
Posts : 2089
Join date : 2022-10-28

Character File
Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu | Raiton | Sealing | Summoning | Medical | Taijutsu
Class: X
Ryo: Check Updates

Defensive Assault Empty Re: Defensive Assault

Post by Airi Ohara Wed Dec 21, 2022 12:54 am

Airi stood in front of the mirror in her room while double-checking the attachments of her gear. Everything had to be in place properly. This was the first mission she would undergo in her new, temporary gear. That was, until she ends up getting a bit of time to stay within her workshop and hammer out her new armor. She still needed to figure out a good way to stimulate her chakra system, thinking of a way but it was a long-shot in theory. Stimulation of the Tenketsu points would give her more chakra flow. She shook her head and tried to think of something else. Everything was on from her Stay-Put Bra, to her Stay-Put Shorts, her usual pants, her usual top, and then above all of that her red lamellar armor. She had just put on the chestplate and then placed the pauldrons over-top, now connecting each one properly. She was still quite the apprentice when it came to creating armor, hoping that she would go a step up with the set of gear she planned to make for her and her teammates -- win or lose, it was her decision to make the armor for them and deliver it to them after their fight -- whenever that will be.

After affixing the pauldrons upon her shoulders, she placed the Sakkat upon her head and headed out. Yes, she looked ridiculous with battle armor and a sakkat, but they each had their uses, even if they didn't match and made Airi look like an idiot. She didn't really care, these weren't the 'cream of the crop' of her work. The house was eerily empty today for some reason. Normally she'd be greeted by her mother and her mother would greet her with a cup of coffee, but for some reason none of the lights were on as if there wasn't any life in the house. Bizarre but not uncommon. She wrote a quick note stating that she was going on a couple missions and will probably be gone for a while. Not that her mother particularly cared because of Airi's 'dirty blood'.

She had plenty of time to adapt and get over the events that happened in the last mission she had done with Ren. While she didn't like killing people, she knew that it was a necessary danger and if she had only done it before, it wouldn't have put either her nor Ren at risk of injury or death. A lesson she had to mull over for some time. Making her way towards the village gates, she smiled and tipped her sakkat to several villagers that recognized her. Saying hello to the massive dog 'Taro', to the boy that painted the Hokage faces, and several other people that she had grown accustomed to. Even the men in black that constantly shadowed her. These where shinobi in black cloaks wearing black cloth masks over their faces. They'd been following her a lot lately, but they didn't seem too hostile nor did they take any action for nor against Airi. "Don't you creeps have anything better to do?" she asked with no response. They just simply sat upon rooftops like gargoyles, watching her and observing her actions.

As she continued walking, she pulled out the letter that wsa given to her. It was a note from Ren with a reminder to pack for a journey. She grimaced a bit, not having any rations nor medication with her. Yes, one could call her a bad ninja for not being prepared for all scenarios, but under normal circumstances, other people would have medication and what-not on them. "Tanzaku Town? That place exists?" she asked before lowering the letter, encountering Ren back at the gate. She removed the Sakkat from her head and held it over her chest and in both hands as she quickly scooted over towards him. "Heeeeeey, Ren!" she said with a big and bright smile, almost as if nothing happened since the last time they went on a mission together. She came to a sliding halt directly in front of him, holding her straw hat in front of her and gave him a bit of a cat-like grin. "Soooo, how've you beeeeeen?" she asked in a flirtatious manner.

Village: Konohagakure
Rank: Hokage
Class: X
Recognized by E Tier Intelligence
Title: The Carmine Hyuga
Suzuya Nara
Suzuya Nara

Village : Konohagakure
Posts : 71
Join date : 2022-12-02
Age : 25

Character File
Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu | Raiton
Class: D
Ryo: 3,075

Defensive Assault Empty Re: Defensive Assault

Post by Suzuya Nara Wed Dec 21, 2022 2:01 am

Upon hearing that Ren had chosen him to join him on a mission, Suzuya became both excited and nervous as he hadn't been a part of something like this before. He had only ever doing small things around Konoha and mainly just training for actually this exact thing. He was one to wake up early to have the possibility of triple checking all of his equipment before he left his home. "Wired Senbon, smoke bombs, quick rations for the group. Extra rations just in case things take longer than expected..." His prep for rations was replicated with basic medicinal items, the ease of use type. Suzuya had purchased most of this after hearing about the mission as all missions need prep. And even if someone else had also done the same, it doesn't hurt to have extra of this sort of stuff.

He would set off, seeing his parents on his way to the from door of his home. They were waiting for him, to wish him luck on the mission and to always keep vigilant of the unexpected. He would fist bump his father and hug and kiss the cheek of his mother before heading out. Once outside, he would take a long detour through the village to the designated gates for meeting up with his two first and only friends at this point in time; Ren and Airi.

On this detour, Suzuya would mentally run through all of his possible strategies all while altering some of the existing ones to add the other shinobi into them all while factoring in their specific abilities and effectiveness. He would think of countless situations of the 3 of them fighting together against multiple settings consisting of differing counts of enemies. Some where there were only 2 enemies or some with 5 enemies. Most of his plans consist of him capturing some of the enemies in his shadow techniques, while the others handled enemies of their own before taking care of the trapped ones. Suzuya would speak out loud to himself, "Well, I mean it's not like I can't fight either. I definitely could handle a few enemies on my own. I have techniques that target multiple enemies for that reason alone... Plus I'm not gonna be alone, so I have nothing to worry about." He spends the rest of his walk pepping himself up and reminding himself that he wouldn't be alone in this whole situation.

Finally reaching the gates of the village, Suzuya's eyes fall on Ren and Airi standing and waiting and having what seems like a fun conversation; knowing how they both react to the thought of each other. His mind had been racing and thinking so much since the night before. If only one of them were standing there at the gate, the other could have been walking behind him the whole time and he wouldn't have noticed at all. That is Suzuya, in his head too much during a simple walk. I was around then that he would make the self-realization that he was headed on a mission with his only friends. They are shinobi like all others and very capable, but they are his friends. He wouldn't be able to keep hold on the emotion of caring for them even though he had only known them for a short amount of time. "Nothing shall happen to them while I have my eyes on them..." Suzuya would say this out loud but quiet enough for only himself to hear. Then he would laugh at his own comment. He would remember that they both have their own special eyes that probably work just as well and most likely better than his own.

Most would notice that Suzuya was wearing similar clothing to what he was seen training in as he is definitely a person who feels his mind works best when his body is comfortable. This is typically some light and loose, almost free flowing outerwear that would consist of an unzipped jacket and knee length shorts. The articles of clothing that were underneath and still visible were his almost skin-tight black t-shirt under his jacket and black athletic tights under his shorts. A very similar get up to how they met him before and practically his signature uniform.

"Ren. Airi. Hiya. How's it going? Ready for this mission?" Suzuya would say this and visible become more excited as the words fall from his mouth.


Purchased Items:
Backpack x1 - 50ryo
Soothing Cream x2 - 2,000ryo
Bandage Wrap x8 - 4,000ryo
Grain Alcohol x8 - 800ryo
Military Ration Pills x1 bag - 5,000ryo

Ryo Before Purchases: 14,925ryo
Cost: 11,850ryo
Cost after Comfortable Lifestyle -25%: 8,888ryp
Ryo After Purchases: 6037ryo

Last edited by Suzuya Nara on Sat Dec 24, 2022 4:35 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Ryo mathing correction)

Stats and Items:
Leaf Jounin
Leaf Jounin

Village : Minor Nation
Posts : 711
Join date : 2022-11-07
Location : Wouldn't you like to know

Defensive Assault Empty Re: Defensive Assault

Post by Ren Thu Dec 22, 2022 9:49 am

Ren had been lost in his own thoughts, as such when Airi approached he didn't notice until she was right next to him. Her small form within the battle armor filling his view as he turned to look towards her, causing him to smile. She seemed to have that effect, where others would barely get a passing smirk, she seemed to bring out actual smiles from him. Although today the smile was from seeing her in the armor, though he didn't care for armor, she looked cute in it. Feeling his face turning red, not so much out of embarrassment but rather delight at the fact of getting to see her again. "Hello, Airi. Oh you know same old same," he would say nonchalantly, or at the very least trying to. "What about yourself, how have you been?" He wouldn't say anything about the armor, or the sakkat she was holding.

Having told himself over and over again that he would not let himself get distracted this time with her, and within two seconds of looking at her, he had already forgotten that they were about to start a mission. This distraction didn't last long, as shortly after Suzuya arrived. Break is daydream as he stared at her, as well as preventing him from potentially making a fool of himself. Seeing Suzuya arrive in that moment was oddly both an annoyance and a relief for Ren. An annoyance only until he remembered that they were all going on a mission, and relief that perhaps he wouldn't get distracted on the mission. He hoped that with a third person around, it might help him to focus on things other than Airi. Such as the actual mission, which is likely more dangerous than the last one him and Airi had gone on. The fact that Suzuya seemed to already know Airi was a good thing as well, meant they could save time with introductions. "Suzuya, I'm glad you could make it, yes I believe we are."

Ren would motion for them to follow him before folding his hands together in front of him as he walked, allowing the long sleeves of his Haori to cover his hands as they slid together. The urgency of the situation in Tanzaku Town as well as the journey to reach it, it would be best if they walked and talked. "I'm glad to see you two know each other, makes things easier. Do you both understand what needs to be done? Any questions?" Assuming that they were both walking with him and he wasn't talking to himself, Ren would look to the other two to wait for a reply or acknowledgement. Once he had answers from both he would move through the gates of the village headed for the town in need of help

Character Name: Ren Uchiha
Village: Konoha
Rank: Jounin | Anbu
Class: X
Renown: 25,500
Skills: Ninjutsu | Taijutsu | Genjutsu | Bukijutsu | Kuchiyose | Sensory
Elements: Katon | Raiton | Suiton | Doton | Fuuton
Techniques: Here
Stats: (19/23)
Strength: D
Constitution: C
Stamina: A
Speed: B -> B+ (Lifestyle)
Coordination: B
Intelligence: B
Perception: B (A w/Sharingan)

Attunement Slots:
Uchiha Gunbai
Mask of the Ancients
Airi Ohara
Airi Ohara
Bug Zapper
Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

Village : Konohagakure
Posts : 2089
Join date : 2022-10-28

Character File
Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu | Raiton | Sealing | Summoning | Medical | Taijutsu
Class: X
Ryo: Check Updates

Defensive Assault Empty Re: Defensive Assault

Post by Airi Ohara Thu Dec 22, 2022 3:49 pm

She nodded her head at Ren's answer, still having a big and cheesy grin across her face. Something about this man brought light into her world, well, until she finds out about his and Hanabi's past and then things might change a bit, but ignorance was truly bliss for her at the moment. It wasn't until she was asked how she was that her bright and shiny disposition quickly changed. Her hands were placed behind her back, clasped, and she swung her shoulders from side-to-side. "Well, mom wasn't super happy about us going out like that, heh," she said. Thankfully her clothing covered up a good portion of her body to hide the bruises from the day after their little date where her mother beat the shit out of her as a means of 'training'.

"Nothing to worry about though," she said, giving a relatively uncomfortable. laugh. She needed something that'd bail her out of this awkward topic and she received divine providence in the manner of Suzuya. She moved her left hand from behind her and wiggled her fingers in a little wave to Suzuya. "Hi there, Suzuya. Fancy seeing you here," she said, noticing him in full battle-rattle. This gave her a reminder as she moved both of her hands over to her hips and let out a sigh of relief. She did pack her trenchknife this time around. She needed to give fighting with that a shot. She was then beckoned to follow him and she complied, walking behind him just a step and to his left like a squire would to their knight. She was asked if she read the specifics and her cheerful demeanor started to turn sour.

Her last mission with Ren was still fresh in her mind and the mistake she made leading to her first kill. "Yeah, crystal clear. No prisoners. Not going to make that same mistake again," she turned her head towards Suzuya and gave him an inquisitive look. She didn't seem happy, in the slightest, especially involving bandits. "You ever kill anyone Suzuya? If not, you will on these missions," she said flatly before turning to face forward walk continuing to follow Ren. "you will," she finished. She had issues with bandits starting from when she was a small girl and they only intensified since her and Ren's last mission. It was uncertain whether she was uneasy about the mission or just had a vendetta or clearly not wanting to repeat the same mistakes as last time. "I do have one question, Ren. Are we going to immediately going to clean them up or are we going to take a bit of a rest and strike back fresh?" Either answer worked for her -- strike early to not give them a chance to rest and recooperate, but at the same time she probably wants to recooperate her chakra so she could just go buck wild

Village: Konohagakure
Rank: Hokage
Class: X
Recognized by E Tier Intelligence
Title: The Carmine Hyuga
Suzuya Nara
Suzuya Nara

Village : Konohagakure
Posts : 71
Join date : 2022-12-02
Age : 25

Character File
Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu | Raiton
Class: D
Ryo: 3,075

Defensive Assault Empty Re: Defensive Assault

Post by Suzuya Nara Fri Dec 23, 2022 6:17 pm

Although this was one of his first missions, Suzuya was mentally prepared for whatever could happen. That's a mentality that is taught to all members of the Nara clan. They are trained to be hard decision makers for others in difficult situations. At the same time, they are also taught to avoid undesirable situations at all costs. So it is more so on par to plan ahead before becoming trapped and having escape plans for everything. All of this thought process was sparked by Ren asking if the other two understood what was expected of them as a team. "Yes. Absolutely." Suzuya's usual calm and jovial facial expressions and physical tendencies would be nowhere to be found. The only thing present in his body language was seriousness and vigilance. Poised for anything even as they exited the gates of Konoha.

"You ever kill anyone Suzuya? If not, you will on these missions."

When Airi asked this question, she was met with a serious glance. A look so serious, it could make people question that this was the same Suzuya that they had met prior to this mission. A slight lack of emotion that almost makes him look older and experienced, despite his actual lack there of, is something that made even some of his family members take a step back. Suzuya's ability to focus and his mental fortitude have always been at levels that are normally incomparable for children when he was younger. Those traits haven't changed much. "No, I've never killed anyone, but as it is a necessity on missions like these, there is very little to think of while doing so. Aside from your mission goal."

To those who are unfamiliar with the Nara clan, some might think they were a dangerous group due to Suzuya's behaviors and expressions. But this isn't a Nara trait. This is solely the work and strives of intellect, change and progress. From a young age, he was mentally wired towards how to make things different and better, and started to at the very least, apply it to ninjutsu and the procurement of knowledge. These traits had scared his family previously, causing them to wonder if he even had emotions. This was later debunked but rather realized that its just a matter of priority. A priority that put progress ahead of individual feelings. Though, it wasn't until recently that these specific subconscious ideals very slowly started to change.

"You guys need not worry, my priority will be to support you two during combat. You guys are my friends and keeping you alive and well is my subgoal of this mission. You guys both have eyes of the gifted. And I don't mean for this to sound derogatory, but I have confidence in my intelligence as rigorous mental training is dropped upon us from very young ages. So I will be keeping an eye on everything going on around us at all times; it may slow us down in travels though."

Suzuya would hold his serious expression while delivering that statement. He would await a response from the other two, while checking the integrity of everyone's equipment during the beginning of the journey. After confirming the respectable quality and state of everything, he would zip his jacket up and place his hands in the pockets. As they walked, he stayed behind the two. He would mimic Airi's station behind Ren to a degree. Behind her, to the right a step and back two. His goal was to keep the both of them in his vision as much as possible. After hearing Airi's next question, he would listen silently for a reply.

Stats and Items:
Leaf Jounin
Leaf Jounin

Village : Minor Nation
Posts : 711
Join date : 2022-11-07
Location : Wouldn't you like to know

Defensive Assault Empty Re: Defensive Assault

Post by Ren Sun Dec 25, 2022 12:14 am

Hearing that her mother did not approve of their date was not a surprise, considering how she had reacted to him showing up at their house to pick Airi up. He would notice her uncomfortable laugh as she tried to disregard it as nothing to worry about, he wouldn't say anything about it as Suzuya would arrive, but he would likely bring it up again later after the mission. He couldn't let himself get distracted right now, as they began walking, he would not notice her change in demeanor with her behind him. He would however hear the change in her voice as she asked Suzuya about killing. He wasn't sure if it was because of the fact that killing still bothered her or if it was because she was forced to kill during their last mission. He would listen to Suzuya's answer, followed by the question to him about whether they would have time to rest before they strike back from Airi. "Well the hope is that we are able to reach the town before the bandits begin another attack. If we can do that and manage to set up so kind of defense, then we may be able to push them back without much chakra usage and we could attack right away as we would still be somewhat fresh." Ren would pause for a second as if he was considering something and then would continue, "I suppose if we do have to use up too much chakra or something, we could rest to recover before we attack their base. As long as we have a way to track them down, I do not see it as being a problem." Of course, he would like nothing more than spending a night with Airi, he would shake his head slightly trying to knock that thought from his brain.

"It will all come down to timing really, though we should probably talk a little about tactics on the way. I have worked with Airi, so I know some of her abilities. But I don't know much about you, Suzuya. Other than that, fast-thinking brain of yours and what you showed me at the training grounds. I know you said you were going to be support for us, but if we cannot protect you can you handle yourself in a fight?" Ren would pause again, thinking that might come off as rude to most people. "I do not mean to come off as condescending or anything, I would just prefer to know, if we need to keep an eye out for you." Ren wanted to punch himself because that wasn't much better than the first thing he said, no wonder people don't like you. "I'm Sorry, I really didn't mean anything by that. I don't always think about my words." He had confidence in Suzuya's abilities it was why he chose him for the mission, he just didn't know how good he was in an actual fight. He would hate to think the man could handle himself and end up dead on his watch, he didn't think he could live with that on his conscience. He was of course worried about Airi as well but considering the fact that they had been on a mission before and also saved his live, he was less so. He knew that the Nara had their secret techs, but that didn't mean much if he overexerted his chakra reserves to fast. Once through the gate they would be moving at a faster rate than they were in the village, though not to fast that Suzuya would not be able to keep up, meaning they would still be able to talk as needed. Considering they need to at least have a plan and a possible back up plan just in case, even travelling faster it would still take time for them to reach the town.

Character Name: Ren Uchiha
Village: Konoha
Rank: Jounin | Anbu
Class: X
Renown: 25,500
Skills: Ninjutsu | Taijutsu | Genjutsu | Bukijutsu | Kuchiyose | Sensory
Elements: Katon | Raiton | Suiton | Doton | Fuuton
Techniques: Here
Stats: (19/23)
Strength: D
Constitution: C
Stamina: A
Speed: B -> B+ (Lifestyle)
Coordination: B
Intelligence: B
Perception: B (A w/Sharingan)

Attunement Slots:
Uchiha Gunbai
Mask of the Ancients
Airi Ohara
Airi Ohara
Bug Zapper
Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

Village : Konohagakure
Posts : 2089
Join date : 2022-10-28

Character File
Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu | Raiton | Sealing | Summoning | Medical | Taijutsu
Class: X
Ryo: Check Updates

Defensive Assault Empty Re: Defensive Assault

Post by Airi Ohara Mon Dec 26, 2022 7:25 pm

After Suzuya was done, she gave him a rather impish grin, turning her head to look at him before nudging him with her elbow a couple times in a rather jovial manner. "I never took you to be the serious and sentimental type," she teased a bit. "But let's hope," she said before turning her gaze back down the road. She just stopped her words right there, not proceeding what she was going to say any further. She just left it at that. She liked where Suzuya's head was at. Something about the last mission and her necessity to kill that man had changed her mindset drastically. While having a considerable amount of time to reflect on the situation, the week and some change, caused her to evaluate what it was like to be a shinobi. Did her mother go through this same transformation when she was younger? She'd only imagine her mother being a sweet, kind, and caring woman before she had to do what she had to do. Having lost her entire team due to being in the hospital due to an illness must have hit her hard. If only she had been there on the mission, she would have been there to help her team and save them. Perhaps it was that regret that changed her? There was just so much she didn't know about her mother nor her struggles.

Ren's voice appeared and her eyes turned to look towards the drastically taller man. She was kicked into business mode and had to focus on the task at hand. While Ren was talking, she turned her eyes back towards Suzuya and wave him forward to stand side-to-side with her. She didn't need anyone watching her back when she had her Byakugan. The group didn't need a rear-guard at the moment and it only made Suzuya look like the weaker and the lowest ranking in the group. She only stood slightly behind Ren because he was the team leader for this mission. Her attention returned to Ren as he continued to speak. "So you'd expect us to set up some kind of trap to thin out the herd? Well, I don't really know how to do that, but I think I know someone here that might," she said, easily hinting at Suzuya's potential and capability of creating traps due to his vast intellect. All she had was just some lengths of ninja wire. Improvising traps was NOT her forte.

Then Ren hit her with some reality. She let out a grumble, not being capable of tracking so much yet. If her Byakugan was considerably stronger, she'd easily be able to see all the way into whatever hole they live in to rout them. However, her Byakugan wasn't strong enough, so the most she could do is track the fleeing bandits and jump straight into the fire. She relented with the idea of taking a rest and she slouched her shoulders. "I guess you win this time. There's only so much my Byakugan can do," she groaned out before he started to criticize some of the words spoken by Suzuya.

She tapped the side of her temple and turned to look towards Suzuya. "I already got our backs. Don't you worry. We're probably going to need to use that brain of yours, however, to give us strategies and tactics, especially setting up defenses and traps in the town and probably how to approach whatever stronghold those creeps crawl into. And you can always use that shadowy thing to hold them in place if they get too close," she said with a big smile upon her face. She had all the confidence in the world for her Byakugan in a close-up engagement. With that said, she formed a single handseal and muttered, "Byakugan," before everything, outside of her blind spot, began to appear very clearly to her. Her sapphire blue eyes melted away and veins bulged upon her temples, giving way to the pure white eyes of Konoha.

Activate: Byakugan Stage 3. 0.3 Chakra maintain

Village: Konohagakure
Rank: Hokage
Class: X
Recognized by E Tier Intelligence
Title: The Carmine Hyuga
Suzuya Nara
Suzuya Nara

Village : Konohagakure
Posts : 71
Join date : 2022-12-02
Age : 25

Character File
Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu | Raiton
Class: D
Ryo: 3,075

Defensive Assault Empty Re: Defensive Assault

Post by Suzuya Nara Tue Dec 27, 2022 5:30 am

As Ren questioned Suzuya about his ability to protect himself, he wouldn't respond immediately. He would take time and assess his abilities that he has cultured specifically for his combat style that would allow him to fair decently alone. He knows he is capable, but the only thing holding him back, from speaking instantly, is the possibility of what he can do could not be enough for the group. But then he remembers the main part of the question. Himself. As he stops himself from overthinking and losing the actual question he would respond after a very brief pause. "I am capable of preventing enemies from getting close and also capable of quick escape on my own. Though I never plan of escaping and leaving you 2, you can count on that." Speaking those words out loud even helped Suzuya find even more confidence in himself to be more useful for this mission in itself. "And no need to worry about the wording of your questions. I have heard that I myself speak a little rude or inconsiderably towards people, though its not on purpose. You only spoke out loud the questions I had myself about you guys as I haven't done much with you guys aside from training. It is good to know that you 2 have been on missions together before, as that eases my worry a lot."

Noticing Airi's motions for him to walk closer and speaking on the capabilities of her visual abilities, he would fall in closer formation to them. "Well granted, most of my strategies include my shadow techniques as I can capture someone in their spot while you guys take them out. That is my initial plan as I kept an eye on the battle as a whole. This is the only reason I like to have everyone in sight. To keep my strategy and active decision making as accurate as possible. I apologize if that is a little off-putting to you." Suzuya would show an apologetic face as he said that.

"Now, as for other strategies, where I could also join in and attack some enemies. Most of my offensive techniques can target multiple enemies. On top of that, if there were possibly something that either of you would not or could not see that I could have, I could use my shadow to stop you before it happened giving you a second to readjust. But that specifically is situational and most situations don't even warrant the necessary use of such a tactic. As for following any escaping enemies, I can create a shadow clone that could hide in a shadow around the way they enter the village. This also brings out the possibility of a shadow clone hiding in one of the enemies shadows as they attempt to escape. This would allow us to understand distance and a general knowledge and idea of where their base could be. We could also attempt to interrogate one of them to get information. Many ways we could go about it all. What do you guys want to do specifically?" Suzuya would complete his statement and await any answers from his friends. Any ideas or criticism of his plan is welcome to him as it would only prove that he still has experience to gain, even if this is the specific thing he was specially trained for.

Stats and Items:
Leaf Jounin
Leaf Jounin

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Defensive Assault Empty Re: Defensive Assault

Post by Ren Wed Dec 28, 2022 8:58 pm

"It doesn't necessarily have to be a trap, it could be something as simple as a blockade that would keep them from certain areas, funnel them to us so that we are all together rather than spread out across the town. If we can work together, we would have an easier time at conserving our chakra. Shadow clones can be very consuming on your chakra not to mention the focus needed to maintain them and the limited distance of them if their base is further than a kilometer away. Even if it is within the range, if your reserves get low that clone could dissipate before they reached the base." Ren would state in response to both Airi and Suzuya's answers, he wasn't against Suzuya's plan it was just that the plan included a lot of variables to fall into their favor and there was no guarantee that they would get that lucky. Knowing that he could take care of himself was one thing, but he had no way of knowing how deep Suzuya's reserves were. It was information that played a factor into the plan, and if even one equation was wrong it would fall apart. Ren would turn to look behind him as they moved to look at Suzuya, trying to avoid looking towards Airi for now. He knew he needed to focus, and he kept finding himself distracted by her when he looked at her. It was nothing she did, it was simply him. Hearing her voice made it hard enough not to look at her, let alone focus on the mission. 

"It's not a bad idea, but the use of clones can get tricky if we are not careful." He would then turn to face ahead again, "I don't know how many there will be in the attack, and with so many variables it is hard to say whether or not it could be a success or not. We will not take that option off the table just yet. Do we have other options?" Though he would seem to be talking to Suzuya, it would be a question for both of them. He was open to any more ideas that either of them might have, he wasn't the best at making plans until he saw what he was up against. More of a last minute planner type thing, which might be why he kept thinking about the variables of the situation. To many options and not enough information, he didn't like it at all.

Character Name: Ren Uchiha
Village: Konoha
Rank: Jounin | Anbu
Class: X
Renown: 25,500
Skills: Ninjutsu | Taijutsu | Genjutsu | Bukijutsu | Kuchiyose | Sensory
Elements: Katon | Raiton | Suiton | Doton | Fuuton
Techniques: Here
Stats: (19/23)
Strength: D
Constitution: C
Stamina: A
Speed: B -> B+ (Lifestyle)
Coordination: B
Intelligence: B
Perception: B (A w/Sharingan)

Attunement Slots:
Uchiha Gunbai
Mask of the Ancients
Airi Ohara
Airi Ohara
Bug Zapper
Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

Village : Konohagakure
Posts : 2089
Join date : 2022-10-28

Character File
Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu | Raiton | Sealing | Summoning | Medical | Taijutsu
Class: X
Ryo: Check Updates

Defensive Assault Empty Re: Defensive Assault

Post by Airi Ohara Wed Dec 28, 2022 11:31 pm

She continued to walk and gave a little cute eyebrow to what Suzuya said. "Oh, you better not leave us high and dry," she said before turning back forward, giving a little giggle. That would be the best way to lose all respect from Airi -- to turn tail and run away. Besides, cowardice wasn't a good look on men and men don't wear it with any form of flattery. After he moved closer, he started to talk about his capabilities and she turned towards Ren with an approving nod. "Yes, yes he can. Any normal people would have a lot of issues getting out too. Thankfully he's on our side," she turned to look towards Ren briefly, affirming Suzuya's claims. She had fallen into the trap of getting her shadow caught and if it wasn't for her One Body Blow, she would've been stuck in that for quite the long time. That was certainly not a predicament she wanted to be in.

Ren began to speak in response to her idea of setting up a trap. Yes, her means was probably too much work and funneling them would probably be more beneficial in the long run. She simply nodded her head at Ren's assertions, agreeing with his suggestion. She didn't even have to look at Suzuya to agree with Ren that Shadow Clones might be a bit too taxing for Suzuya. It was more than taxing enough for her let alone someone with a smaller chakra pool. It's like the jutsu was designed to cause people to fail. Split their chakra pool in half and then once they reach thirty percent, they are instantly exhausted? It was, as if, Shadow Clones was setting everyone up for failure. But those were just ponderings of someone who perpetually lived in the training grounds.

She continued to listen, not really having much more to input. Again, tactics weren't her forte and would rather leave that up to the more intelligent two of the three that were here. She knew she had to go somewhere, smash some people up, and then go to their base, smash up some more people and the base. The talk of strategy became static noise in her ears. All she needed was 'who to hit' and 'how how to hit' and she would do her job. Even though she was warming up to the idea of more tactical combat and even more stealthy combat, as displayed in her last mission with Ren, she still preferred to just knock down the front door and tear things up. She simply shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. Just point me in the right direction and I'll do what I do best."

Byakugan Stage 3 - 0.3 Chakra maintain

Village: Konohagakure
Rank: Hokage
Class: X
Recognized by E Tier Intelligence
Title: The Carmine Hyuga
Suzuya Nara
Suzuya Nara

Village : Konohagakure
Posts : 71
Join date : 2022-12-02
Age : 25

Character File
Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu | Raiton
Class: D
Ryo: 3,075

Defensive Assault Empty Re: Defensive Assault

Post by Suzuya Nara Thu Dec 29, 2022 9:29 pm

Raising his right hand up to his chin and folding his left arm across his chest, Suzuya would begin to ponder their possibilities. "I assume you have been here before? Could you describe the layout of the town for me? If we plan to create a specific funnel for the bandits, we will need to know the parameters of such an action. What would we use to do such a thing as well?" Continuing to think after speaking, he would consider setting a trap inside a large building while simulating a town gathering of some sort. Or possibly traversing past the town and intercepting the bandits on the road. "No... intercepting on the road outside of town would render me close to useless with the lack of buildings and shadows to use for my own advantage. Maybe..." Suzuya would go silent again, fading in and out of his thoughts and speaking out loud occasionally. He is racking his brain for this one as it is a test of his training as a Nara.

"It is a difficult task to think of a strategy without knowing the layout of our battlefield. Now aside from the plan of a funnel, we do have the option of an ambush right at the entrance of the town where I could stop a decent bit of them in their tracks and then escape away in a few shadows. In turn, while I have them trapped, you both could unleash some heavy hitting jutsu to take them out. I could trip a few at the start and then switch from tripping to a capture of the ones not laying on the ground or off balance. The only full out issue is that I'm not too fast so I would need you guys to try and prevent the jutsu from hitting the ground after I enter a shadow. Actually, you guys should both be able to see me with your special eyes, that is if I understand my technique correctly. So if you want to attempt to avoid hitting me, that could be a possible tactic, then continuing to finish off anyone left. It would minimize the chakra use quite a bit and be fairly quick on the draw, giving us the possible opportunity to immediately seek out the base." He would scratch his chin a bit before looking towards Ren, then to Airi who is just watching the both of them strategize. Returning his gaze back to Ren, he would speak up again to consolidate the current end of his train of thought. "What do you think? Or what else you got? The more possibilities, the better."

Stats and Items:
Leaf Jounin
Leaf Jounin

Village : Minor Nation
Posts : 711
Join date : 2022-11-07
Location : Wouldn't you like to know

Defensive Assault Empty Re: Defensive Assault

Post by Ren Sun Jan 01, 2023 4:35 am

It wasn't surprising to hear Airi's response to his question, it was fairly similar to the answer she gave during their first mission together. It was similar to how he was, though he liked the idea of having some sort of plan, as he hated going into a situation blind. "I had visited the town only once in the past with my family, though I was younger and not nearly as observant of my surroundings. So unfortunately, I do not know the layout of the village itself. Though as far as the funnel idea, my thoughts were creating a wall of fire or something similar. Anything really that could deter the bandits, if I had Doton I would say a wall of earth would work as well, but fire is the best I got since I haven't figured out Raiton fully yet." Ren replied once Suzuya had finished his with his long train of thought, it actually made him smile that Suzuya was thinking so fast and the idea of Suzuya himself hiding in a shadow rather than a clone wasn't such a bad idea in his eyes. Though before he could reply Tanzaku town would come into view, and it would seem that Airi would get her wish, as the town was already under attack. The Town wasn't nearly as large as Konoha but was still a decent size that would make it hard for Ren to see how many bandits there were in total, but he could see at least twenty from where they were standing.

As his Sharingan activated, Ren would look to Airi and Suzuya. "Alright Airi, you do what you do best, just stay close. Suzuya, this will be a test to that fast brain of yours. If you see a chance to get into a shadow, take it. If it can lead us to their base then it's all the better, just be careful and don't do anything risky. We move as a unit, we are not aiming to kill them, remember we need to get them to retreat so we can find their base." Ren would wait for the two to respond before he would begin moving towards the town, he would be at point simply because he preferred that when it came to the use of his techniques so that he did not risk hurting his teammates by mistake. With Airi's Byakugan, it wouldn't matter if she would be able to see more than he could, so he would be relying on her for direction as far as where the enemies were. Considering Suzuya was much smarter than him, so Ren would rely on him for planning as they moved. As they neared the first group of bandits at the edge of the town closest to where they were, Ren formed a string of seven hand seals. Releasing a flame from his mouth that would form into a dragon as if began moving in front of the trio towards the bandits, slightly above their heads as his main goal was to try to scare the bandits rather than actually burn them but if some got to close to the dragon that was their own fault.


Character Name: Ren Uchiha
Village: Konoha
Rank: Jounin | Anbu
Class: X
Renown: 25,500
Skills: Ninjutsu | Taijutsu | Genjutsu | Bukijutsu | Kuchiyose | Sensory
Elements: Katon | Raiton | Suiton | Doton | Fuuton
Techniques: Here
Stats: (19/23)
Strength: D
Constitution: C
Stamina: A
Speed: B -> B+ (Lifestyle)
Coordination: B
Intelligence: B
Perception: B (A w/Sharingan)

Attunement Slots:
Uchiha Gunbai
Mask of the Ancients
Airi Ohara
Airi Ohara
Bug Zapper
Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

Village : Konohagakure
Posts : 2089
Join date : 2022-10-28

Character File
Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu | Raiton | Sealing | Summoning | Medical | Taijutsu
Class: X
Ryo: Check Updates

Defensive Assault Empty Re: Defensive Assault

Post by Airi Ohara Sun Jan 01, 2023 6:51 pm

She continued to listen to the ideas brought forward by the two. Regardless of the strategy, she was more than willing to just do whatever. She wasn't very strategically minded, in the slightest, preferring to throw punches and kicks and throw balls of lightning and pure chakra around rather than using her noodle. Airi turned to Ren and simply shrugged her shoulders. She didn't have a lot of utility Raiton jutsu as the majority of the jutsu available were all offensive in nature. She did have a few Doton jutsu, but they were primarily all 'dig a hole and move around underground' type jutsu. She didn't really have any jutsu at her disposal, at the moment, used for maneuvering people around. She can push and pull a group of people, but for creating walls and what-not was currently outside of her repetoire. That's something she would have to change after these missions.

She continued to walk with the group. "I actually kinda like Suzuya's idea of him trapping a bunch of bandits in his shadowy flypaper. Wouldn't hurt to group them all together," she said with a bit of a thought. She started to think and she started to think real hard. Her thoughts were broken when their objective wasn't to kill the bandits, but to deflect them for now to chase them back to their base -- which was where Suzuya would kick in. Lure them in, beat them up, Suzuya hides in their shadows, bang-bing-bam, they retreat while Suzuya rides their shadow back to base. It would be at this time that Airi would use her Byakugan to keep a close eye on them. "Okay, that one seems fair enough," she said before turning her head towards Suzuya with a big smile. "We're counting on you," she said with a light nod before turning to look forward, seeing the town in sight. "Oooo! Contact, 3 just at the edge of the village," she said before creating a series of handseals before a series of electrical discs appear directly around her. She released the discs of electricity at around the same time as Ren's dragon was released. Seeing the trajectory of the dragon, realizing that he was intentionally missing, she let the discs follow the dragon and then quickly turn downwards, bombarding the area around them with intentional misses as well.

"Heyyyyyy, douchebags! Come here and get some! You're on our turf!" she said, trying to draw attention towards herself. "There's 5 more to our left, about 30 meters" she responded quiet-enough only for Ren and Suzuya to hear.
Maintain: Byakugan [-0.3]
*Lightning Rat Violent Quake -- B Rank | -5 CP

Village: Konohagakure
Rank: Hokage
Class: X
Recognized by E Tier Intelligence
Title: The Carmine Hyuga
Suzuya Nara
Suzuya Nara

Village : Konohagakure
Posts : 71
Join date : 2022-12-02
Age : 25

Character File
Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu | Raiton
Class: D
Ryo: 3,075

Defensive Assault Empty Re: Defensive Assault

Post by Suzuya Nara Mon Jan 02, 2023 1:41 pm

Listening to Ren as he spoke, Suzuya would nod in acceptance of the plan he proposed. Right as the bandits were noticed, he would look the town over but not find anyone until it was being called out by Airi. Thinking to himself that it makes sense that they see more than him anyway, he focuses on the best way to go about this whole scenario. He took notice of 5 bandits on the left just as Airi called it out. "On it." Following her suit and making the same 6 hand seals, he would also produce discs. 15 of them, to specifically send 3 at each of their positions, though still with the intent of sending them towards the same direction the first few ran off.

As they approached the town, Suzuya takes note of the position of the sun and the shadows that were cast throughout the immediate vicinity. "Would you guys prefer if I used the shadows to find the exit they head towards and wait for you guys to run them all out?” Watching the road ahead of them and into the town, Suzuya scans the area for any sign of the bandits as he waits for a response from either person.

Stats and Items:
Leaf Jounin
Leaf Jounin

Village : Minor Nation
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Location : Wouldn't you like to know

Defensive Assault Empty Re: Defensive Assault

Post by Ren Sat Jan 07, 2023 3:22 pm

His Sharingan would activate as he released his fire dragon and in that instant Ren would be able to easily see what he needed to know about the jutsu Airi used as he released his Fire Dragon. Instantly memorizing it thanks to his Copy technique, watching as she sent out fifteen discs hitting the ground in front of the three in front of them as his dragon flew over their head, their small screams as they ran away from the trio of shinobi. There would be no need for him to use the jutsu he copied off of Airi now, especially after he notices Suzuya forming the exact same hand seals as he aimed his jutsu towards the other five Airi pointed them too. The sounds of the techniques hitting the ground in front of the five echoing as dust filled the air around them, unlike the first three these five did not run away all of them brandishing some form of weaponry as the dust settled. "Suzuya, find a shadow both of us will be able to see your chakra so we won't hit you. Airi, the two of us need to thin out those that are here. There is too many of them for us to expect to simply repel them like I thought, be mindful of your chakra both of you and please be careful. I am going to the roof for a better vantage point, but I will make sure I can see the both of you and not move too far away." He would form a string of six hand seals, inhaling a breath as if he was about to release a fire technique. This Technique was of his own creation, and while it was inspired by his knowledge of the fire technique, rather than using his Katon chakra he instead would use his Raiton chakra. Releasing a ball of lightning from his mouth that quickly took the shape of the head of a Dragon as it flew through the air at the five bandits that didn't run away, exploding into them and frying them with electricity as it impacted with the group.

From there he would jump to the nearest rooftop ensuring to keep a watchful eye on the other two with him, knowing that no matter where he moved Airi would be able to see him. Once on the rooftop he was able to get a wider view of the town, Seeing bandits all over the many streets of the small town. There would plenty of bandits for Suzuya to choose from, and many more for Airi to punch and there still be some left to follow. His flame dragon still flying overhead, he would direct it down the street nearest to him to ensure it stayed within his range as he formed another string of seven hand seals. This time, just like before he would move like he was going to release a breath of fire only to release a dragon made of Raiton, though unlike the one before it was more than just the head of a dragon. This was identical to his full-size dragon of fire, flying from him it would join his fire dragon as it moved down the street. Ren manipulating the two dragons to move in prefect synchronization with each other, as they traveled down the street intertwining with one another. Almost forming a new technique as they nearly combined together as they impacted a group of bandits 'Combination Technique: Twin Dragon'. Ren didn't need to worry about the citizens of the town, most were already locked away in their homes, and those that weren't in their homes weren't on the street that his two dragon techniques would be traveling down. As the two techniques would near the edge of their range, they would split off from one another separating once again as they moved down separate paths through the town.

190 Chakra (210-20 last post)
-0.2 Chakra for Sharingan
-3 Chakra to Copy Lightning Rat Violent Quake
-10 Chakra to maintain Fire Dragon Flame Bullet
-10 Chakra to use Lightning Dragon Missile (Custom B-Rank ~ 250/250)
-20 Chakra to use Lightning Soaring Thunder Dragon (Custom A-Rank 300/300)


Character Name: Ren Uchiha
Village: Konoha
Rank: Jounin | Anbu
Class: X
Renown: 25,500
Skills: Ninjutsu | Taijutsu | Genjutsu | Bukijutsu | Kuchiyose | Sensory
Elements: Katon | Raiton | Suiton | Doton | Fuuton
Techniques: Here
Stats: (19/23)
Strength: D
Constitution: C
Stamina: A
Speed: B -> B+ (Lifestyle)
Coordination: B
Intelligence: B
Perception: B (A w/Sharingan)

Attunement Slots:
Uchiha Gunbai
Mask of the Ancients
Airi Ohara
Airi Ohara
Bug Zapper
Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

Village : Konohagakure
Posts : 2089
Join date : 2022-10-28

Character File
Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu | Raiton | Sealing | Summoning | Medical | Taijutsu
Class: X
Ryo: Check Updates

Defensive Assault Empty Re: Defensive Assault

Post by Airi Ohara Sun Jan 08, 2023 5:58 pm

Noticed everyone seemed to make great use of that jutsu, the Lightning Rat Violent Quake. She did really like the jutsu as it was a saturation attack with plenty of discs to go around. It was then that she took a deep breath, entered Gentle Fist stance and stomped her foot causing a fiery red energy to envelope her. This was a new jutsu she developed the other day right before the mission. "Thin out the herd, you say?" she said as she turned her attention towards the 5 that she spotted earlier, the ones that didn't turn-tail and run. She saw them brandishing weapons unlike the others who used more simple weapons like knives and knuckle dusters. This group actually appeared to pose a bit of a threat. She noticed a ball of chakra forming from above her, turning her attention without facing that direction, using her 360 degree vision to focus on that. It appeared Ren breathed out a ball of lightning.

She received pings on her Byakugan throughout the entire city. Turning towards Suzuya, she smiled to him and gave him a small salute. "Good luck. I'll have my eye on you the whole time if you stay in range. The town isn't that large so try to stay within 500 meters of me, alright?" she stated before turning and running off into the city. "C'mere you bastards!" she shouted as she quickly ran into the town, throwing multiple punches at the enemy before performing her own set of handseals. She wanted to use one of her new abilities, but doing so might actually completely level the entire town. Temperance was the answer here as her job was to repel them from the city, not level the city. With the series of handseals resolved, she focused chakra on her feet before running up the side of one of the buildings until she found the town square. She found herself on the roof overlooking the town square and opened her mouth as a bolt of lightning shrieked through the sky, causing a loud and thunderous boom as she used False Darkness upon one of the bandits. After cooking one of the bandits, a series of 3 turned upwards, pointed their weapons towards Airi and shouted. "Shinobi! On the rooftop!"

Airi laughed at the bandits. "That's right, come get some, assholes!" she shouted to them, pompous because she knew that normal people had no chance against her. As she was about to make her way towards the ground, she saw an arrow being shot from her left and leaned back as the arrow tore through some of her clothing, creating a massive gash over her top, exposing her black stayput sports bra. "Be careful! There are archers!" she shouted out towards her other two teammates.

Stats after Boosts:
+ Speed: B
+ Coordination: A

+ Byakugan Maintain: -0.3 Chakra
+ Gentle Fist: -5 Chakra (SPD+/COORD++)
+ Accretion: -3 Chakra (SPD++/COORD+)
+ False Darkness: -5 Chakra

Village: Konohagakure
Rank: Hokage
Class: X
Recognized by E Tier Intelligence
Title: The Carmine Hyuga
Suzuya Nara
Suzuya Nara

Village : Konohagakure
Posts : 71
Join date : 2022-12-02
Age : 25

Character File
Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu | Raiton
Class: D
Ryo: 3,075

Defensive Assault Empty Re: Defensive Assault

Post by Suzuya Nara Sun Jan 08, 2023 8:53 pm

Reacting immediately to Ren's call out and orders as he follows them into the town after Ren delivers a powerful Raiton technique to the 5 bandits that Suzuya attempted to scare off. Once inside the town, the three of us somewhat split apart to carry out our roles in this endeavor. Ren hops onto a roof for a decent vantage point, Airi charges on ahead directly to a small group of approaching enemies, and Suzuya takes not of all of the towns shadows, mapping out his rush route through all of the streets and buildings. Airi calls out reminding him that with her Byakugan, she can see up to a far distance, practically covering the whole town and to stay within range. He would confirm and assure her that he would do just that and she would watch him as he forms the Tiger seal and walks straight into a shadow sprawled across a building wall, disappearing from physical sight, but not invisible to his teammates special eyes. As the other two fire off jutsu after jutsu indefinitely incapacitating enemies left and right, Suzuya takes care to avoid all damaging attacks that flew around over head while keeping hidden in the shadows; Literally.

It wasn't too long later that Suzuya had spotted some individuals climbing onto a roof as he was following near to Airi. While she was mainly focused on the enemies in the town square, he would rush off towards the roof the enemies had climbed up onto. Luckily, it wasn't just passed Noon leaving a lot of overlapping shadows for him to use to his advantage, Suzuya would travel up the shadow cased on a tree that stretched over the bandit archers' perch. With a sharp cool and smoothness, he glided out of the shadow just as Airi called out for archers, though he was already on them. Immediately recalling a raiton jutsu he had been planning on training when he got back to the village, he felt it was an opportune moment to do so right now, considering its effectiveness in what needs to happen right now. Silent and graceful, Suzuya would form 7 hand seals quickly as if time were flowing slowly as he exited the shadow at point blank range of the 4 archers who just lined the edge of the roof opposite to Airi. As she watched and called out the archers, she would see Suzuya produce the same technique she just let off. Only difference, is that he added a seal on the end of it. The Snake seal. That seal basically meant party time, because it can make anything a total roit. The bandit on the end would turn and come eye to eye with Suzuya who would taunt him saying "Too late." just as he formed that last seal.

What was seen afterwards was a mixture of timing, strategy, and pure luck, as a long beam of Raiton chakra shot out to 60 meters away from Suzuya. It would pierce the 4 intended targets, one of them at point blank range, and accidentally take out an extra 2 archers that just took position on another roof 50 meters away. That alone made this move even more cool just before he yells out to Airi. "Got 'em. Oh and them too. That's all I'mma do for now. See you on the other side of the town." He would point to the 2 accidental targets before forming the Tiger seal once again, diving almost gracefully into yet another shadow and trekking around the open area of the town square.


OOC Jutsu/CP Used/Trained:

Stats and Items:
Leaf Jounin
Leaf Jounin

Village : Minor Nation
Posts : 711
Join date : 2022-11-07
Location : Wouldn't you like to know

Defensive Assault Empty Re: Defensive Assault

Post by Ren Mon Jan 16, 2023 5:17 pm

Keeping his eyes on the other two with him while he directed his dragons through the streets before dismissing the dragons, they were powerful, but they consumed to much of his chakra right now and he couldn't afford to be wasteful especially after telling the others to be conservative with theirs. Ren would watch as Suzuya would move through the shadows, using the hiding in shadows technique. Seeing just the other male's chakra signature as he moved, his eyes moving to Airi just as she made it to the rooftops. His Sharingan catching and copying the False Darkness technique as she unleashed it, this time he would unleash it as well. Aimed at a group that was not far from him that had climbed up onto a nearby roof, the spear of lightning shooting out from his mouth striking the man in the center. The man would throw his arm out as he was struck, knocking the others off the rooftop with him as he fell backwards from the hit. A smirk would form on Ren's face as he turned to look around to get a view of the situation so far, this part of the town seemed to not be in danger anymore. They were making quick work of those within the area, those that have not been killed already beginning to retreat. Ren would let out a whistle to Airi before point in the direction that the bandits were retreating in, he knew that she could probably see them retreating, as well as see him without looking, but he would do it anyways before beginning to give chase.

Their plan was working so far, if they continued at this rate, they could end up driving the bandits out of the town all together. Then it would come down to Suzuya, so long as he was able to get inside one of their shadows as they fled, him and Airi would then be able to pursue after them easier, but they could still pull it off if he did not manage it. Either way there would be time to figure it out, there were plenty of other bandits on the other side of town. They still needed to drive them away as they had begun the ones on the first side, Ren would keep his eyes on the other two as they moved towards the next group of bandits. There were only fifteen or sixteen more, at least that he could see from where he was as he moved across the rooftops. Not all of them had to be driven away of course, the more they dealt with now the easier the job would be later, but they had to ensure that at least some retreated for them to follow. He would hang back slightly ensuring he had a good view of the next part of the town so that they could deal with the enemies, his eyes watching Airi in case she used other techniques he could copy as it really was an effective way for him to pick up more Raiton techniques.

146.8 Chakra
-0.2 for sharingan
-3 for to copy False Darkness
143.6 Chakra remaining

Character Name: Ren Uchiha
Village: Konoha
Rank: Jounin | Anbu
Class: X
Renown: 25,500
Skills: Ninjutsu | Taijutsu | Genjutsu | Bukijutsu | Kuchiyose | Sensory
Elements: Katon | Raiton | Suiton | Doton | Fuuton
Techniques: Here
Stats: (19/23)
Strength: D
Constitution: C
Stamina: A
Speed: B -> B+ (Lifestyle)
Coordination: B
Intelligence: B
Perception: B (A w/Sharingan)

Attunement Slots:
Uchiha Gunbai
Mask of the Ancients
Airi Ohara
Airi Ohara
Bug Zapper
Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

Village : Konohagakure
Posts : 2089
Join date : 2022-10-28

Character File
Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu | Raiton | Sealing | Summoning | Medical | Taijutsu
Class: X
Ryo: Check Updates

Defensive Assault Empty Re: Defensive Assault

Post by Airi Ohara Mon Jan 16, 2023 6:20 pm

Another arrow whistled by her, gently grazing her left shoulder enough for a tiny bit of blood to ooze of her capillaries. "Ouch," she muttered, before turning her eyes towards the archer that had shot her. While keeping her attention on the archer, she also kept her eyes on the other teammates. Suzuya was creeping through the shadows while she saw Ren's dragon just rampage through the street. She cleared her throat and performed a series of handseals, causing her left hand to glow and thrust it forward, causing a projectile to blow her backwards, but travel at blinding speeds towards the archer's throat, but it appeared that Suzuya had beat her to it. What she saw was something amazing. Something quite strong at that. All three knew the jutsu, which means she had to start pulling out the big guns. She raised a hand with a thumbs up towards Suzuya.

A series of three pops could be heard as signal flares were shot straight up into the sky, lingering as it let out three brightly colored lights. It was a clear sign of retreat, causing the remaining bandits to scramble towards the outside of the village. She pointed towards Suzuya and made a circular hand gesture. It was his time to catch a ride. Leaving him to do this, she moved over towards Ren and took a deep breath. "Looks like they're retreating," she said, taking a deep breath inwards. Now it was entirely up to Suzuya to catch a ride. Along with the three signal flares, a loud horn could be heard to also assist in the retreat order. It was at this point that Ren took off to clean up the bandits that were retreating. It was true that the more they cleaned up now, the less they'd have to fight later. She walked up onto a building and started to look around with her byakugan.

She began to stalk them like a predator and waited for a group to leave the village before performing a single handseal as her movement increased tremendously with the Body Flicker technique. She appeared in the center of the fleeing group of bandits, hearing them panic about shinobi. "Oh hey, I'm one of those shinobi. You know being a bandit comes with a lot of risks? I mean, the pay isn't even that great and nobody likes you," she said as she ran with the group, blending in while they continued to flee.

"Yeah! You're right. Being a bandit IS hard work. But what do we have as an alternative? We've been --" one of the bandits tried talking to Airi, not even realizing she was a shinobi.

"Yeah, I don't care," she said as the group of 4 bandits turned to look at Airi. "Oh shit! She's a shinobi!" the bandits replied.

She performed two handseals and held the Half Tiger seal and started to form a near solid trail behind her, now going much faster than the men, she ran in front of them and created a semi-circle in front of them before they all collided with the wall and began to be electrocuted upon touching it. As the 4 of them continued to get electrocuted, she shrugged her shoulders and returned back towards the town. Once she ran the 100 meters, the wall of electricity stopped appearing before her and then quickly vanished, causing 4 burnt corpses to fall to the ground. Returning to the town, she stood at the entrance of the town, in the direction the bandits retreated from and just waited for Ren.

Stats after boosts:
:: Speed: C to B
:: Coordination: B to A
+Byakugan: 0.3
+Accretion: 1
+Gentle Fist: 1

Jutsus used
Stellar Particle: -10 chakra
Stellar Particle:
Electric Slide: -10 CP
Electric Slide:

Mission: The Bandits Strike Back -- Mission Accomplished!

Village: Konohagakure
Rank: Hokage
Class: X
Recognized by E Tier Intelligence
Title: The Carmine Hyuga
Suzuya Nara
Suzuya Nara

Village : Konohagakure
Posts : 71
Join date : 2022-12-02
Age : 25

Character File
Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu | Raiton
Class: D
Ryo: 3,075

Defensive Assault Empty Re: Defensive Assault

Post by Suzuya Nara Tue Jan 17, 2023 10:25 am

"These two definitely have been training a lot. The sheer amount of jutsu they demonstrate goes to show and back that ideal up." Suzuya thinks this to himself as he continues to travel through the shadows of the buildings. Though as he rounds the corner of one of them into an alleyway, he notices Airi's colorful technique explode in the sky. A notification that the bandits were in retreat. This meant He had to find someone's shadow and quickly. Luckily after his last attacking jutsu, he had focused on making it the the exit of the village.

One bandit seems to have a leg injury and in the middle of bandaging it, though it seems like none of the other bandits had the intentions of waiting for him to complete his first aid. This just gave Suzuya an easy ride out of the town and hopefully directly to the hideout. Though as he left the town, he couldn't help but feel a bit worried leaving the other two behind. Worried about them, but also worried about himself and his ability to stay hidden the whole time.

It wasn't too far too the hideout of the bandits. Suzuya watched as the uninjured bandits ran off in the distance leaving this one behind and all  disappear downward into what seemed like a subterranean hideout. It was dug out of a few large rocks and the ground itself though it is covered by tons of foliage and shrubbery. As the last bandit ahead of his ride snuck into the entrance, the injured one spoke out to himself. "I hope they didn't close it off yet. Even though they said they would take a head count before doing so... they don't seem like the trustworthy type... why did I do this to myself?" He started to contemplate his life's choices, though it proved a bit too late to do such now.

Suzuya begins to exit the bandit's shadow holding the Tiger hand seal. This was immediately followed by him extending his right arm outward and touching the bandit's spine, in the middle of his back. This caused his body to seize up entirely, forcing him to tumble onto the ground and roll once onto his back. Without wasting time, Suzuya drags the bandit off to the side of the road behind a tree before crouching and speaking to him.

"My friend, seems you chose the wrong group to follow. You also took me right to their hideout as well. Sadly, it's a bit late to contemplate your choices." Suzuya would smirk at the frozen bandit before forming 5 seals followed by the snake seal and charging his palm with raiton chakra in front of his chest. The light from his chakra casts shadows upwards over his own face giving the bandit a bit of a horror scene, even though this was not Suzuya's intended outcome yet he did not notice any of it as he looks down upon his enemy. He continues to speak out calmly. "I apologize for this necessity, as much as I would have chose a different outcome in a different meeting between us. Lucky you have proved useful to me."

With that, Suzuya reaches out and palms the bandit's face, releasing all of the charged raiton chakra into him. This sent the body into an uncontrollable fit of trembling and shaking before coming to a sizzling and smoking rest. Pulling his hand back he would notice that blood began to stream out of the eyes, nose, mouth and ears of the bandit. Finally realizing the gruesome scene, he would turn to his right and puke a little bit before remembering a technique he did not think he would have to utilize any time soon. Body Elimination. But nonetheless, here he is needing to use it for his own mental benefit. Replacing his hand on the face of the corpse, he would force more chakra into it, causing it to burst into blue flames for a few seconds before leaving not a single trace of what had transpired. After wiping his hand off on the grass around him, he would climb the tree and sit in wait for his comrades or for any of the bandits to reemerge from the hideout. While waiting he would rub his temples to release some of the stress of witnessing what he could do to an individual with his powers.


Jutsu and CP:

Stats and Items:
Leaf Jounin
Leaf Jounin

Village : Minor Nation
Posts : 711
Join date : 2022-11-07
Location : Wouldn't you like to know

Defensive Assault Empty Re: Defensive Assault

Post by Ren Sat Jan 21, 2023 2:59 pm

Watching Airi dart off after some of the fleeing bandits, Ren's eyes would begin to search for Suzuya within the shadows. Seeing his chakra within the shadow of one of the fleeing bandits that was injured, with that knowledge Ren would move to meet back up with Airi. Phase one of their mission was a success, the town was no longer in danger from the bandit's attacks. Of course, the villagers were likely going to be cleaning up the mess of dead bodies scattered throughout their town, at least now they were safe. Now it was time to move on to phase two, the complete and total annihilation of the bandits and their little hideout. "Looks like Suzuya is already on the move," Ren stated once he had finally caught up with Airi and seeing the bodies of the bandits she took care of, "are we ready?" he would add the question after a moment to ensure that Airi was indeed able to track the group as planned. If she wasn't able to, it would make it slightly more difficult sure, but at least they knew the direction that the bandits were retreating so they could move out in that direction until they caught up to them if needed.

When they caught up to Suzuya, Ren noticed him rubbing his temples. "Suzuya, are you ok?" would be all he asks however as he began looking around toward the bandits hide out. Once he was sure that Suzuya was in fact ok, Ren would step out from the tree line they were hidden behind. There was no more need for secrecy and stealth it was time to deal with the bandits and end their terrorizing of tanzaku town once and for all. Their hideout was an abandoned building that looked like it had seen better days, the fact that it was still standing at all was impressive, the fact that it was two stories however was slightly troubling as there could be more bandits within than what had attacked the town and they wouldn't know. Well, they would know thanks to Airi, but still he wasn't taking any chances, forming a string of five hand seals Ren would hold up his palm as a marble sized ball of raiton formed before launching it forward through one of the many open windows of the building. There would be a bright flash of light as the marble exploded within the building the crackle of electricity and screams filling the air from within the building. Ren would look to Airi and Suzuya with a smirk, "clean up time guys, no one remains after this." His technique likely killed a good portion within the building and stunned another good portion that didn't get killed by it, but there was still the chance that there were those that avoided the blast and it was those individuals that Ren would be on the look out for as they entered the building.

Learning Impacting Marble Bomb Shot (A-Rank Custom 300/300)

Character Name: Ren Uchiha
Village: Konoha
Rank: Jounin | Anbu
Class: X
Renown: 25,500
Skills: Ninjutsu | Taijutsu | Genjutsu | Bukijutsu | Kuchiyose | Sensory
Elements: Katon | Raiton | Suiton | Doton | Fuuton
Techniques: Here
Stats: (19/23)
Strength: D
Constitution: C
Stamina: A
Speed: B -> B+ (Lifestyle)
Coordination: B
Intelligence: B
Perception: B (A w/Sharingan)

Attunement Slots:
Uchiha Gunbai
Mask of the Ancients
Airi Ohara
Airi Ohara
Bug Zapper
Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

Village : Konohagakure
Posts : 2089
Join date : 2022-10-28

Character File
Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu | Raiton | Sealing | Summoning | Medical | Taijutsu
Class: X
Ryo: Check Updates

Defensive Assault Empty Re: Defensive Assault

Post by Airi Ohara Mon Jan 23, 2023 6:14 pm

Seeing Suzuya's chakra signature take off, she let out a big smile as Ren appeared near her. "Yeah, let's keep this moving along. Seems like Suzuya caught a ride on an injured bandit," she said, tracking Suzuya's movements and the movement of his 'ride' with her Byakugan. She turned her attention towards where she noticed the bandit hobbling. Clearing her throat, she leapt from roof to roof following behind before trailing them, at a reasonable distance towards the bandit-hideout.

After catching up to Suzuya and noticing his work, she looked at him with a bit of a grimace. "Remind me to never get on your bad-side," she said before moving towards him and patting him on the back. "Good job. Couldn't have done this without you," she said with a big smile. It was then that she could see chakra sparkling around Ren before a small ball was shot in through the building, causing a massive explosion. This caused Airi's jaw to drop. "What the hell was that?" she asked, her voice cracking. "You've totally gotta teach me that!" she said before turning back towards Suzuya.

"Ready to whoop some ass? Remember, no survivors," she asked before kicking the corpse of the man that he dealt with earlier. She grinned a bit as an idea popped into her head. "You guys wanna see something cool? You'll have to stay here for a bit though," she said before turning back towards the building and charged in. "Hey, assholes! Wanna see what happens when you bandit for too long!? Hahahaha!" she said as she zipped off like a bat-out-of-hell and started to walk upon the walls of the building, pressing her back upon it before forming a few handseals. She grimaced as the handseals didn't work. She snorted a bit and shouted out. "Nevermind! I can't learn that one yet! Come on in!" she shouted towards Ren and Suzuya.

Hearing Airi's voice, a few bandits, ones that weren't torn to pieces by Ren's jutsu came running out. Unaware of Airi's location, they were covered in blood and shrapnel. Almost brainless in their attempt to keep fighting. Why would people keep fighting in this instance? Wouldn't it be more prudent to run away. Airi quickly performed a series of handseals before placing a hand upon her forehead, causing a loud sound of a thousand birds to be heard. This was enough to draw their attention before an arrow of pure electricity shout through the hearts of the four men who, conveniently, stopped in a straight line, instantly striking them down. "Chidori! Shock Arrow," she said before dispatching them. She started to climb up a bit to see an absolute wasteland within the building.

"Uh. It seems we still have a few survivors. I'm surprised anyone lived through that. And nevermind. We have a group of about 20 coming from our west. About a 500 meters and closing in pretty fast. Show us what you got, Suzuya!"
Stats after boosts:
:: Speed: C to B
:: Coordination: B to A
+Byakugan: 0.3
+Accretion: 1
+Gentle Fist: 1
Jutsu Costs
:: Chidori Shock Arrow: 10 CP

Jutsu used and learned

Village: Konohagakure
Rank: Hokage
Class: X
Recognized by E Tier Intelligence
Title: The Carmine Hyuga
Suzuya Nara
Suzuya Nara

Village : Konohagakure
Posts : 71
Join date : 2022-12-02
Age : 25

Character File
Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu | Raiton
Class: D
Ryo: 3,075

Defensive Assault Empty Re: Defensive Assault

Post by Suzuya Nara Tue Jan 31, 2023 9:18 am

After a few moments waiting for Ren and Airi to arrive, they mention his method of dispatching the injured bandit. Asking if he was okay, he would nod to Ren before Airi spoke up about not wanting to get on his bad side. This made Suzuya chuckle a little bit before be responded. "As friends, I doubt you guys would be on my bad side. That is my wish and hope it to stay that way, you guys are scary in your own rights, heh." After that Ren would declare that the mission was nearing its end as he launched a powerful technique into the hideout of the bandits. That surely took out alot of them, if not all of them. Any that were still hobbling around wouldn't be uninjured which should make things easier to fully clean up. Airi speaks up about showing off and Suzuya and Ren staying back to witness it all as she attempts... something that we don't know as it seems to not work before a few bandits run out wildly unknowing of her exact position before she uses a different technique in a reactionary manner.

Seeing that and hearing Airi mention scraping her impromptu show and to come forth, Suzuya followed suit though only speak in range of the two to usher a warning. "Seeing new things and you attempt some, I've been inspired for my own but experimenting on the fly like this isn't something I usually do so don't enter until I disburse my chakra. After finishing that statement, he would waltz into the entryway and take stock of the situation, though obviously making sure no one was waiting right inside the doorway. He would activate Static burst as he steps in with a few hand seals. After about a second, seeing everyone who was still moving, moaning and groaning, he would form a couple of seals again. 8 to be exact before he extended both arms out in front of him and the inside of the building lights up with a surge of electricity. Suzuya had discharged enough chakra that it even syphoned his Static Burst away. He would walk out shaking electricity from his hands that still lingered after his technique. He would take a deep breath before speaking to his teammates. "Woah, that definitely took my breath for a second. I wasn't expecting it to be that powerful. After the static seemingly finally left his hands, he raises his palm to his forehead to wipe a bit of sweat off before one last string of static lightly shocks his forehead leaving it a bit red. He would laugh at himself before turning and taking a deep breath.



Stats and Items:
Leaf Jounin
Leaf Jounin

Village : Minor Nation
Posts : 711
Join date : 2022-11-07
Location : Wouldn't you like to know

Defensive Assault Empty Re: Defensive Assault

Post by Ren Fri Feb 03, 2023 2:43 pm

"Once we get back, I can teach you any technique that you want that I know." Ren would reply to Airi with a wink and a smile before he watched her dart towards the building telling them to stay back. It seemed as though she had something planned but it didn't to work, or at least it didn't seem to at first. Airi calling out to them to come forward would be met with some more bandits coming out that survived his attack, a small smirk formed on his face as he waved to them just before getting obliterated by Airi's jutsu. A small frown forming on his face for just a second, as he watched the jutsu hoping to copy it with his Sharingan only to not understand it. He wasn't sure why, maybe it was simply too complicated of a jutsu. He wasn't sure the whole understanding of the eye's ability, and Satomi had not exactly been completely clear on its functionality. Still, he would note that done for something to figure out later as Airi mentions a group coming from five hundred meters to the west of where they were. Seeing Suzuya go to back Airi up at the building Ren would turn towards the west, before briefly looking back to the other two. "Cover your eyes, it's about to get bright." The group was closing in fast as Ren began weaving a string of hand seals, waiting until they were all within 50 meters of them before raising his hands to his face. Unleashing his Sudden Flash technique releasing Raiton chakra in a burst of blinding light, as bright as the sun, that span the fifty-meter distance between him and the bandits. They would all throw their hands to their eyes as they cried out from the bright light, but it would be too late. They would all be blinded by his technique, now vulnerable to futher attacks. With that taken care of he would weave another string of hand seals before releasing eight Fireballs from his mouth one by one they would lift into the air above him before beginning to circle around as if forming a flaming halo for a brief second before he would launch all of them at the twenty men in front of him. Spreading them far enough out that he would ensure that the resulting explosions would engulf all of the blinded men, with a satisfied smile upon his face he would look back to the other two to make sure that they were ok and that they didn't need his help with dealing with anymore stragglers. Assuming that they had the situation under control then he would simply watch and wait for them to finish as he did not want to get in the way, and watching with his sharingan would allow him to copy techniques he saw, unless they were more complicated ones like what Airi seemed to know.

Once he was sure that there was no one left he would look at the other two, "I don't suppose either one of you know a technique capable of destroying this place, do you? I would like to bury it all so no one can try to operate out of here in the future." If neither did then he would release multiple raiton techniques upon the stone building in an attempt to bring it crumbling down before looking back to them once more, "you two ready to head back to the village? I think I could use some relaxation after this." he would add with a small chuckle.

Learning Sudden Flash (B-Rank custom) 250/250

Character Name: Ren Uchiha
Village: Konoha
Rank: Jounin | Anbu
Class: X
Renown: 25,500
Skills: Ninjutsu | Taijutsu | Genjutsu | Bukijutsu | Kuchiyose | Sensory
Elements: Katon | Raiton | Suiton | Doton | Fuuton
Techniques: Here
Stats: (19/23)
Strength: D
Constitution: C
Stamina: A
Speed: B -> B+ (Lifestyle)
Coordination: B
Intelligence: B
Perception: B (A w/Sharingan)

Attunement Slots:
Uchiha Gunbai
Mask of the Ancients

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