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    Chemistry Shadows

    Alois Ozlokale
    Alois Ozlokale

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 10
    Join date : 2021-12-07

    Chemistry Shadows Empty Chemistry Shadows

    Post by Alois Ozlokale Fri Dec 10, 2021 1:08 am

    After her [previous night and late wake up] Alois finished styling her hair before she made her way out of her bathroom in her usual black with violet red accented outfit towards her record player to turn it off and put the record away. She grabbed her boots and lipped on the black high heels with gold trimming and put the knee highs on before checking herself in the mirror, struck some poses before returning to her room and quickly swapped out her black pants with violet red puffy pants. Far better.

    She then made her way out of her house after locking up and grabbing a notebook and pen. She made her way down the road giving pleasant smiles and waves to the people she passed. Her smile is easily seen from aftar given her dark lipstick color. The friendly interactions easily showed kindness to those who were fond of her, while subtly mocking the ones who disliked her. Smiles were so useful like that.

    When you use them correctly they could provide a warm feeling while giving those people reason to think you are nothing but friendly and defend you when you openly mock others who dislike you by smiling at them. After all, in those who liked your eyes you were only being kind and friendly. She flipped her hair over her shoulder as she passed by a few travelers that she easily towered over given the extra added height of her heels that made her tower a staggering 209 cm.

    Despite how her parents saw her height as a useful method of making her a better ninja in the past she had taken back the pride of her height from them in knowing it helped more people look at her and speak about her. And like she always believed, one day she’d need that kind of talk to help spread word of her creations in the future to help them spread farther faster…. That and she did enjoy coming off as a prim and proper princess and she felt the height added to that some days. Today was one of such days. She made her way into the chemistry lab soon enough. Today she had planned on shadowing some people there for future ideas as well as studying their techniques. It wasn't super crowded given it was now later in the afternoon but thankfully there were some people still lingering about. Now… who to shadow…?



    50 / 50 CP

    Post 1

    Immediate Information:
    Kiyogi Uso
    Kiyogi Uso
    Stone Special Jounin
    Stone Special Jounin
    Calimari Chef
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Gyuki during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Posts : 347
    Join date : 2020-11-25

    Chemistry Shadows Empty Re: Chemistry Shadows

    Post by Kiyogi Uso Sat Dec 11, 2021 10:02 pm

    There was a common misconception that the combined brainpower of the human race could achieve impossible feats. That simply by the masses putting their heads together hurdles could become overcome regardless of what they were. That for every problem there was a solution. For Tadara he had surmised this was more of a control device for the masses. Some leader at some point had come up with a way to calm said masses into obedience. They used science as a masquerade and accomplished little over a large period of time. In truth most progressive moments in history technological and biological had happened because of some truly bright minds...not bullied and belittled by the calm masses in their pointless servitude but actually given their resources they needed to accomplish what their great minds could. Tadara considered himself one of these minds.

    Of course the majority of the lab was shared by the same sheep who believed in their own collective community. In truth he considered most of them to be on average high D to mid C range. Those that truly stood out in this particular part of the hospital research lab were B and almost A but lacking in something. He had little time to invest in them and as such a separation had occurred. His cold demeanor led them to feel uncomfortable talking to him. He was dismissive and spoke with no empathy. But those eyes...those dark pits filled with nothing...all that intelligence and no part of it telling him what it was like to be a person. To feel connections to anyone...even his own mother. No connection to a pet or a friend...something behind those eyes reeked of potential homicide. As if there would be no hesitation if he simply decided to dissect someone. Right there in the lab. And so they let him be.

    They were working in teams on some improved answer to a common virus that was mutating thanks to their earlier meddling with it. They had developed a vaccine but thought nothing of the consequences. In time if this continued...vaccine to mutation to vaccine and on and on...eventually it would mutate beyond their control. As the plague appeared to be a mutation itself. At such a time Tadara would have to step in...and undo the damage...but for now it was good to gather data...to make new devilries of his own. These teams moved about one half of the large lab. Speaking casually and comparing notes. On the other half of the lab...all that could be heard was the scribbling of pencil to notepad. A lone man...Dr. Kamizuru Tadara was looking into a magnifying device at a template he had there and drawing the chemical reaction in its stages. He was wearing black slacks with an untucked white button up shirt. The last button undone with a black lab coat over it. Black dress shoes adorned his feet but the traction was different..as if designed to fit into social events but still be useful for movement. Over his coats breast pocket was the Iwa ninja headband stitched in like a badge. His white hair hanging loose around his face and unkept. Those empty black eyes simply observing his own work in silence...his notes seemed to be in depth and mixed between biological lingo and advanced mathematics.

    Name: Kamizuru Tadara
    Title: The honeyed scholar

    • Total: - 6010 
    • Spendable:  4910

    • 2,120,500 ryo total ryo



    • Chemistry
    • Iryojutsu
    • Genjutsu
    • Sealing
    • Taijutsu

    • - Honey/Wax
    • - Blast

    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: D
    • Stamina: B (+ from lifestyle) (+ from chakra armor)
    • Speed: B
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: S
    • Perception: B

    (21/21 Stat Raises)
    Alois Ozlokale
    Alois Ozlokale

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 10
    Join date : 2021-12-07

    Chemistry Shadows Empty Re: Chemistry Shadows

    Post by Alois Ozlokale Mon Dec 13, 2021 9:30 pm

    Most people were partners there… one stood out though. The one that others seemed to shy from, who spoke with no emotion, and with hollow eyes. Eyes that reminded her of the empty sockets of a doll or object. He radiated someone who only saw interest in learning. Not to bond. She was perfect. She man her way over waving to those who she knew until she reached his location. She then promptly held up her book and pencil with a smirk and asked.

    "Mind if I watch and learn? Promise we won't have to make awkward small talk or be besties by the time it's over." She offered with a playful tone still trying to keep up her friendly and charismatic act.

    She herself didn't really like people. Which is why this guy was her best option. He seemed less like people and more like a walking textbook. That and he likely wouldn't try to be her friend either so no loose ends would occur. If he was a good resource of learning however she may have to return here more often to repeat this process then apologized playfully later about it despite likely not really feeling sorry about the bothering aspect of the whole thing.



    50 / 50 CP

    Post 2

    Immediate Information:
    Kiyogi Uso
    Kiyogi Uso
    Stone Special Jounin
    Stone Special Jounin
    Calimari Chef
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Gyuki during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Posts : 347
    Join date : 2020-11-25

    Chemistry Shadows Empty Re: Chemistry Shadows

    Post by Kiyogi Uso Wed Dec 15, 2021 10:35 pm

    Tadara would blink from his observations as he was addressed. His demeanor would pause a moment mid pen stroke as he slowly would raise his head to glance about himself. It was as if it was the first time he was taking in that he had been in fact alone in this section of the lab. He hadn't minded after all being left to his own devices. Still those almost blank black eyes would stop on the young woman who had addressed him. He knew he had been addressed in some form or another. So he would delve into his memory banks. After all even if he hadn't been fully aware of it at the time he had heard something. So he shifted through the general information until detecting the verbal memory. She had said something about watching and learning but of course he wondered if she would indeed learn simply from watching....although avoiding small talk or whatever this besties was.....that suited Tadara fine. If she wished to increase her value he would allow the company...which was nice really. No need for small talk aside from whatever explanations he would give in hopes it would help her understand his work instead of simply watching with no criteria.

    With a glance he would shift to look to the displayed image on a nearby monitor. It was blank as he hadn't connected it to the magnifying glass. He had no need as no one was paying him any attention anyway. So he would follow the wire and sure enough there was a green switch on one. "Very well. I will narrate in order to make this a teaching moment." He stated before flicking the green switch. The monitor hummed to life before displaying what was on the magnifying glasses sample surface. Studying something on a molecular level. "This is the chemical breakdown of your average soldier pill. This pill will restore a very small portion of ones chakra if consumed orally. However I find the amount to be unsatisfactory." With that he would reach down and replace the sample template with a second one. This one focused on a specific part of the cell. "Here is a Mitochondria. It is essentially what powers a cell. Though its tiny it is sufficient and efficient. It is an organelle found in large numbers in most cells, in which the biochemical processes of respiration and energy production occur. Now one way to regain chakra is to increase the rate at which the body reproduces it. Thus I intend to use soldier pills as a foundation to increase the output of the Mitochondria in the cells to produce more chakra. A new and improved soldier pill."

    Name: Kamizuru Tadara
    Title: The honeyed scholar

    • Total: - 6010 
    • Spendable:  4910

    • 2,120,500 ryo total ryo



    • Chemistry
    • Iryojutsu
    • Genjutsu
    • Sealing
    • Taijutsu

    • - Honey/Wax
    • - Blast

    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: D
    • Stamina: B (+ from lifestyle) (+ from chakra armor)
    • Speed: B
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: S
    • Perception: B

    (21/21 Stat Raises)
    Alois Ozlokale
    Alois Ozlokale

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 10
    Join date : 2021-12-07

    Chemistry Shadows Empty Re: Chemistry Shadows

    Post by Alois Ozlokale Mon Dec 20, 2021 7:28 pm

    Once he gave his permission for her to watch over his work she nodded and moved to a position where she could satch without getting in his way nor hinder his movements nor focus. She pulled her notebook out at the ready as well as her pencil. She looked to the monitor when he turned it on and began to do a rough sketch of what she saw to go along with hdr notes.

    "Much appriciated." She said then silently nodded here and there as she took note of what she was looking at and the intentions of the current task he was doing. "Now does this pill just create more of these cells rapidly or empower preexisting ones inorder to rapidly restore chakra?"

    She inquired as she make a new sketch. Her tone was less playful when she asked her questions and was far more serious, as was her face as she took notes. She was less focused on vomingnoff a ceetain way when she did these things. She was far more focused on actually learning.



    50 / 50 CP

    Post 3

    Immediate Information:
    Kiyogi Uso
    Kiyogi Uso
    Stone Special Jounin
    Stone Special Jounin
    Calimari Chef
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Gyuki during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Posts : 347
    Join date : 2020-11-25

    Chemistry Shadows Empty Re: Chemistry Shadows

    Post by Kiyogi Uso Tue Dec 28, 2021 7:11 pm

    Tadara would continue to push the slide as he tuned the magnification to clear the picture up more. His black eyes taking it all in before she spoke. Her inquiry was a satisfactory one. More would have assumed it provided more but his goal was simply to empower what was already there. Of course it would be...but he would need to explain why.

    "It will empower the cells already there. The body either accepts or rejects foreign elements but it does so by expending energy. If we empower the cells already present in the body the amount of energy the body uses to absorb the god pill will be exceptionally less...thus a greater end result. With some effort and time...it can be tuned so the body doesn't view it as a foreign element at all...."

    With that he would pick up his notebook...adding a clear chemical to the slide before placing a cover on it. Pushing it down and sealing it from foreign elements. With that done he would lock the slide once more and adjust the magnification as his chemical mixed with the cells....some of them seemed to replicate faster...before erupting like popcorn.

    "Hmm...trial two hundred and thirty two...failure."

    It was a pity of course but in the end it was to be expected. He would eventually solve the equation but for now he realized he had not slept in about fifty four hours. His mental capacity was suffering for it. So without a word he would shake his head before leaving the lab. Heading to get eight hours before continuing his research

    Exit thread 3 posts = 30 exp

    Name: Kamizuru Tadara
    Title: The honeyed scholar

    • Total: - 6010 
    • Spendable:  4910

    • 2,120,500 ryo total ryo



    • Chemistry
    • Iryojutsu
    • Genjutsu
    • Sealing
    • Taijutsu

    • - Honey/Wax
    • - Blast

    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: D
    • Stamina: B (+ from lifestyle) (+ from chakra armor)
    • Speed: B
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: S
    • Perception: B

    (21/21 Stat Raises)

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