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    Beginning Again


    Posts : 106
    Join date : 2021-03-02

    Beginning Again Empty Beginning Again

    Post by Azgodon Wed Mar 03, 2021 8:25 pm

    Clutching his head did not aid in ridding the pain; the pounding headache would not stop. A constant chatter kept erupting in his ears, yet when he opened his eyes to look around he saw nothing; absolutely nothing. Complete and utter darkness surrounded him before it all erupted in a flash of bright light. Closing his eyes did nothing to remove the blinding light. Something was going on around him… he could feel it. Not just in his head, but his body as well. Whatever had happened, it was something his body surely did not expect. Still, he could see absolutely nothing, just the pain in his head slowly dulling. A few select words were the only thing Azgodon was able to make out; ‘Konohagakure no Sato’, ‘Azgodon Zaelious Vernizin Wyllt’ and one other word his mind could not register, as if it were speaking a foreign language to him. Yet, everything felt foreign regardless.

    Such as the shot of pain that erupted from his left leg, as his eyes finally opened and he was able to see. Once he could finally see, all that greeted him was a forest and some… guards wearing a forehead protector with an oddly etched symbol embedded in it. “Who are you and what are you doing in Konohagakure no Sato?”

    The language he could understand. While Azgodon himself did not know what a ‘Konohagakure no Sato’ was, he at least could muster what it meant. Something regarding a village hidden in leaves? That must be a lot of leaves. Well, considering there were numerous trees around, Azgodon could surmise they must have a lot of leaves to hide their village.

    “I don’t know how I got here...” The words were muttered out of his mouth as he clutched at his left thigh. It seemed one of the guards had taken him off his feet by targeting one of his legs with a swift, but powerful kick. Regardless of the power used behind it, Azgodon was not built to take a hit… while these guards seemed trained to do just that and far more. Taking a chance glance upward, it did not seem like Azgodon’s answer was not sufficient enough for the guards, as the steps two of them took towards him were promising far more violent measures to get what they wanted.
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Posts : 594
    Join date : 2020-02-06

    Beginning Again Empty Re: Beginning Again

    Post by Tengoku Wed Mar 03, 2021 11:31 pm

    Tengoku heard through the earpiece in his wolf mask that someone strange seemed to just blip up on the sensory field. A team had been sent to investigate already but they were in the middle of a war. So they had requested him to be on stand by for additional support if needed. He was on patrol that day all the same so he didn't really mind. He was even nearby the site of the disturbance. For his tracker nin outfit Tengoku had a wolf mask with blue lines along it in thorn like patterns. His white hair still spilled about his shoulders and down his back and his wolf ears poked out behind the mask itself a little. He was wearing black shinobi pants and combat boots. His top was a black sleeveless shirt with a black flack jacket over it. The only weapon on his person was the black and red Tetsudashi steel katana. Reforged by a senju to reach near perfection. On his hands were black gloves missing the pointer and middle fingers. Still he was about a mile out so he would dig his toes in and burst into full speed to cover the distance quickly.

    However as he approached from some distance off all he could see was one young looking man surrounded by the team on high alert. It looked as if they had already begun a preemptive attack on him. However Tengoku could see they had no weapons nor any sign of what village they were from. There was still the possibility of them being a spy but there were easier ways to gain entry into the village. There wasn't a travel ban or even a curfew after all. Konoha was fighting wars but they were the attackers. Even from where he was he could hear the young man pleading that he didn't know how he got there. The other soldiers were moving in now with by the looks of it intent to do harm. In a flash of blue electricity suddenly Tengoku was standing between them and the boy. They hesitated before Tengoku would bark out at them.

    "Just because we are at war does not give an excuse to forgo human decency! Stand down!"

    Now Tengoku held rank over the chunnin squad but more than that the lot did not want to force his hand into tangling with them. He was the paladin of Konoha after all and he likely didn't even have to draw his sword to deal with four chunnin. So while still on guard the lot of them would stay back. Tengoku would turn to look down at the boy through the mask. Amber eyes studying him as the electricity died down around him. Tengoku would let out a breath seeing not much damage had been done before turning fully and planting his hands on his hips. His wolf like ears twitching for a moment before he sniffed audibly behind the mask. Speaking up finally.

    "Well you certainly don't smell dangerous. Lets start with a name young man. Then we can address that lack of recalling how you got here. One of you toss the kid a water." He said the last part over his shoulder. There was hesitation and a murmur before one of them unclipped their water skin and tossed it next to the kid on the ground. "Drink slow if you need to then try and remember."

    Name: Shinku, Tengoku
    Age: 27
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Hokage
    Village: Konoha
    Titles: The Paladin of Konoha

    Chakra - 185 (Base) + 25 (Lifestyle) + 100 (Kata) + 100 (Roen Boost) + 385 (Roen CA)

    Strength: B (A with Vambraces of Justice active)
    Constitution: C (B with Pauldrons of courage active )
    Stamina: B (B + From housing)
    Speed: B (A with  Greaves of Tenacity active)
    Coordination: S (X with  Tengoku Kaeri no Ken active)
    Intelligence: C
    Perception:  A (A++ from Hankōgan III)

    Current attunement -
    Tengoku Kaeri no Ken - active
    Greaves of Tenacity  - active
    Kuroikiba Alpha - Inactive
    Vambraces of Justice - inactive
    Pauldrons of Courage - inactive
    Plated gloves of Temperance - Active

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3136-tengoku-shinku-update-page#24365
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3127-tengoku-shinku

    Posts : 106
    Join date : 2021-03-02

    Beginning Again Empty Re: Beginning Again

    Post by Azgodon Thu Mar 04, 2021 12:58 am

    His chance glance upward at the approaching figures of the guards was almost instantaneously obstructed by blue electricity quickly shifting into the shape of a man. The man was fairly tall and likely had a few inches on Azgodon should they both be at full height. An order was barked at them to stand down and they obeyed with little to no hesitation. From his seated spot on the ground, a tilted head would look up to observe the white haired figure, hair that seemed to be of a similar colour to his own, except much shorter. It seemed the masked figure, the mask being that of a wolf, turned to look down on him. Curious looking ears peaked out of the mask just slightly. The ears were fascinating to say the least, the fascination led to Azgodon just slightly reaching up to his hair to fix the flowery earrings he was wearing.

    At the mention of not smelling dangerous, Azgodon took a notable sniff of the air to see if he could smell it. All he could smell was that of the forest. Was that what not smelling dangerous was like? Perhaps there was nothing dangerous around if that was all he could smell? At the prompt for his name, Azgodon would sit for a moment, the remembrance of his name coming to him instantly. As for how he got here… he still wasn’t sure. He couldn’t recall anything prior to being greeted by the squadron wearing headbands with a metal plate with an odd design carved out. Reaching out for the waterskin just at his side, Azgodon would look at the one who tossed it over and thank him.

    Turning to the one who seemed to be in charge here, as he took a drink and remained seated, Azgodon would provide him with the only bits of information he could remember. “My name is Azgodon Zaelious Vernizin Wyllt, sir. You can call me Az or Azzie for short.” His full name he could definitely recall, though if he had a preferred shorter name was not something his limited memory could answer for him. “I don’t remember anything at all… the only thing I can remember is seeing these headband people asking me questions… before that it’s just… pain? It hurts trying to remember.” His words were honest, there was a dull ache in his mind as he tried to recall anything else… but there was absolutely nothing for him to recall, except for being greeted by the squad before him.
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Posts : 594
    Join date : 2020-02-06

    Beginning Again Empty Re: Beginning Again

    Post by Tengoku Thu Mar 04, 2021 8:23 am

    Tengoku would nod and frown behind his mask. Normally people who dealt in violence and lies had a different scent to them. Sometimes it smelled of blood. Sometimes it smelled of poison. Rare were the people that could completely hide any trace from Tengoku. The fact that this one had no memory wouldn't help clear his name. Even if he had papers he would be investigated for not using the road and getting within the sensory field for some distance without being noticed. Ever since the activities of mockingbird in Kumo one could not be more wary of teleportation techniques. Still Tengoku continued to appear calm and let the kid drink a moment. Still there was a way for him to get some answers. Tengoku would frown a moment longer before looking over his shoulder to one of the blonde haired guys in a headband. He was a specialist that had a technique he knew of due to his sister. He would of preferred his sister was here to do it as he trusted her more. But sometimes you make do with what you have. with that he would jolt hid head to the side while looking at the kid to indicate for him to come over.

    "Thomas. You have the mind reading technique yes? I am going to activate my sensory. Be gentle but let me know if he is telling the truth. If he can't recall anything you won't be able to see much either. Beyond that if he attempts to block you my sensory will know."

    Thomas would nod and Tengoku would hold up a finger to suggest to hold on for one moment. Before turning back to their new guest. However uninvited he was if it turned out he was the victim he would not be treated harshly. Tengoku would see to it. Quietly Tengoku would remove his mask and shift it to the side of his head. Revealing a fairly friendly smile which met his eyes. He would crouch down on his toes with his heels up and balance there at eye level with the young man before speaking again.

    "Azzie was it? My name is Tengoku and so long as you are speaking the truth no harm will come to you. This is Thomas. He specializes in reading memories. If you don't resist him this will be a painless process. Just to confirm your story. However I will advise you that I am expanding my sensory field as we speak. I can detect any chakra fluctuations you use. It is in your best interest to let Thomas in calmly. If it turns out this is all just a misunderstanding then you are the victim here. I will make sure you get a hot bath and food and we can talk more after. If it turns out you are lying however I warn you there will be no escape. Our interrogation center will be your next destination. Do we have an understanding?"

    Name: Shinku, Tengoku
    Age: 27
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Hokage
    Village: Konoha
    Titles: The Paladin of Konoha

    Chakra - 185 (Base) + 25 (Lifestyle) + 100 (Kata) + 100 (Roen Boost) + 385 (Roen CA)

    Strength: B (A with Vambraces of Justice active)
    Constitution: C (B with Pauldrons of courage active )
    Stamina: B (B + From housing)
    Speed: B (A with  Greaves of Tenacity active)
    Coordination: S (X with  Tengoku Kaeri no Ken active)
    Intelligence: C
    Perception:  A (A++ from Hankōgan III)

    Current attunement -
    Tengoku Kaeri no Ken - active
    Greaves of Tenacity  - active
    Kuroikiba Alpha - Inactive
    Vambraces of Justice - inactive
    Pauldrons of Courage - inactive
    Plated gloves of Temperance - Active

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3136-tengoku-shinku-update-page#24365
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3127-tengoku-shinku

    Posts : 106
    Join date : 2021-03-02

    Beginning Again Empty Re: Beginning Again

    Post by Azgodon Thu Mar 04, 2021 12:14 pm

    As Azgodon sat there in a moment of silence, waiting for something to happen… whatever that something was, he did not know. As the kind stranger looked over his shoulder to the team that had greeted Azgodon on his initial arrival, the man on the ground would take another sip of water. His throat was feeling rather parched for some reason or another, currently. While Azgodon did not want to actively listen in on the conversation, he did pick up a few select words that the kind stranger had shared with his… ally? Something about reading techniques. Azgodon was sure he could do that as well, reading a book couldn’t be that hard. And there was something about sensory, but he was not sure what to make of it at all.

    As the man would unmask, Azgodon would focus his attention on the animal-like ears that popped out, just briefly as not to stare, before he would turn his attention to the kind eyes that greeted him as the man crouched down. Placing the waterskin off to his left, done with his drink and ready for it to return to its rightful owner. Azgodon would nod when the man asked for confirmation of his name; it wasn’t his full name, but a name he could associate himself with and he would listen to the man who introduced himself as Tengoku. It seemed like Tengoku was here to help him at the very least. While he didn’t fully understand everything that was going on, especially with the mind-reading, there wasn’t much choice that Azgodon had left. Besides, it was better to comply than the alternative of the interrogation center… that did not sound pleasant.

    “Of course Mr. Tengoku. I don’t know if you can find anything I don’t already kn… well, I can’t really remember anything.” Azgodon would let out a half-hearted laugh as he scratched the back of his neck. “Should I stand up for this or remain seated?” Asking was better than getting up and having the squad be far warier of his presence. Once Tengoku or someone else indicated if he should stand or sit, he would comply with the instruction. Whenever the mind-reading technique was utilized, Azgodon highly doubted they’d be able to find anything he already didn’t know about his… short… existence.

    Beginning Again D066O8r
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Posts : 594
    Join date : 2020-02-06

    Beginning Again Empty Re: Beginning Again

    Post by Tengoku Thu Mar 04, 2021 3:41 pm

    As the young man agreed Tengoku would smile before responding calmly to him. "Sit upright but don't stand just yet. These soldiers are on edge as it is. So long as you appear vulnerable I doubt they will react poorly." With that Tengoku would nod to Thomas and rise to his own feet. His own sensory field expanding outwards for about five hundred meters just to keep track of if this was to lure them into an ambush. Of course he knew that if they could get through the sensory field from the village his own wouldn't do so well. However he quickly found he could sense this ones energy. Similar to someone he had met recently that had impressive eyes. Odd but otherwise fine. Thomas would move forward and raise two fingers after preforming some hand signs before reaching out to touch Azzie's forehead. It would feel like the man was attempting to dig around in his memories but so long as he didn't struggle it would only cause a dull ache for about a minute. After a minute had passed Thomas would remove his hand and turn to walk up passed Tengoku and speak his mind.

    "It's true. He doesn't remember anything besides his name aside from when we found him. He could be trained to withstand it but I've never just ran into a wall like that."

    Tengoku would nod before crossing his arms and pondering. He hadn't really sensed any fluctuations with his sensory field in the young mans chakra. Nor anything approaching or even watching nearby. If this was all a hoax to get into Konoha it was very well put together. Those who focused on the logic of it all would just send Azzie away to be someone else's problem. However Tengoku preferred to think with his heart. It led him into trouble sometimes but for now it would do. After a moment of silence Tengoku would sigh and shake his head before turning and addressing the squad of chunnin. "Alright you lot. Back on patrol. This one will be in my custody until we find out more about him. Dismissed." With that the lot of them frowned but grumbled and went on their way. Washing their hands of the responsibility of it all. With them gone Tengoku would look back to Azzie and smile before nodding his head towards the village. Indicating he intended to be followed.

    "For now you're coming with me to my home. Keep in mind to me that place is sacred so if you turn out to be someone wicked, I will bury you there. However so long as you don't betray my trust no harm will come to you there either. Now then. If you can walk let us go home and find something to eat. They forgot the water skin so take that with us. It's pretty common equipment so just consider it yours for now. Pitter patter lets get at er."

    Name: Shinku, Tengoku
    Age: 27
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Hokage
    Village: Konoha
    Titles: The Paladin of Konoha

    Chakra - 185 (Base) + 25 (Lifestyle) + 100 (Kata) + 100 (Roen Boost) + 385 (Roen CA)

    Strength: B (A with Vambraces of Justice active)
    Constitution: C (B with Pauldrons of courage active )
    Stamina: B (B + From housing)
    Speed: B (A with  Greaves of Tenacity active)
    Coordination: S (X with  Tengoku Kaeri no Ken active)
    Intelligence: C
    Perception:  A (A++ from Hankōgan III)

    Current attunement -
    Tengoku Kaeri no Ken - active
    Greaves of Tenacity  - active
    Kuroikiba Alpha - Inactive
    Vambraces of Justice - inactive
    Pauldrons of Courage - inactive
    Plated gloves of Temperance - Active

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3136-tengoku-shinku-update-page#24365
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3127-tengoku-shinku

    Posts : 106
    Join date : 2021-03-02

    Beginning Again Empty Re: Beginning Again

    Post by Azgodon Thu Mar 04, 2021 8:31 pm

    At the instruction to sit upright, Azgodon would comply with the gentle instructions. Complying was simply all he could do, for not only was he outnumbered, but these people all also seemed to be built for combat compared to himself. It was as if his sole purpose had been anything but being in a physical conflict. He wasn’t sure how to ‘appear vulnerable’, though he assumed his current predicament was vulnerable enough; especially letting someone infiltrate his mind. Azgodon visibly gulped as the one identified as Thomas performed some weird hand gestures. He felt the pressure of his hand against his forehead and then a dull ache consistent with the one he experienced before he had been greeted by these people. The pain in his head lasted longer than he would have liked, but he kept quiet in regards to visibly making note of the pain.

    As Thomas provided the group with a brief of what he found in Azgodon’s head, the white-haired male in question began to massage his forehead and let out a slight groan. This was far too much pain in his head than what one would normally consider normal… and he didn’t even have a migraine! Or did he with the constant pain?

    The one called Tengoku decided to send the others back on patrol. Were they finding people all the time? The one in charge also seemed to be the friendliest of the lot, so Azgodon was at least glad for that bit. Once only the two of them remained, Azgodon would look in the direction the other man nodded in; an entire village seemingly behind him. At the notice to follow, Azgodon would get back to his feet, a bit slow at first before rushing the final movements to hop on his feet. He was invited to stay with Tengoku, something Azgodon had not expected, though he wasn’t sure what to expect anyways. He would grab the water skin when Tengoku mentioned taking the item with them.

    “Thank you for letting me stay with you Mr. Tengoku. Do you live in a temple?” Azgodon was curious as to where he would be staying, a temple was surely nicer than an interrogation center. Or perhaps he lived in the interrogation center and considered that a sacred place. “Do you normally bury people in your home?” Curiosity was taking over for him, the man did say he would bury him there… and by there he guessed the man was referring to his home. He gulped audibly and tripped over his steps, though he quickly clambered back to his feet with the assistance of his hands. “Please don’t bury me!” The plea came instantly after he recovered, wishing to keep his life.
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Posts : 594
    Join date : 2020-02-06

    Beginning Again Empty Re: Beginning Again

    Post by Tengoku Fri Mar 05, 2021 11:06 am

    Tengoku would walk with the young man and tilt his head when he inquired about Tengokus house being a temple. It caused Tengoku to raise an eyebrow. The young man remembered nothing of his past but he could pick up on traditions. People with memory loss usually didn't even remember their name yet alone things like people being buried in places considered holy. Imagine explaining a church to someone who had no idea of religion. Was it a slip up and the kid was playing them? No no that was unlikely as they had searched his memories and he hadn't actively used any chakra to resist. There were theories about resisting with sheer willpower and training. It was suspicious but not so much as for Tengoku to call him on it. Instead the kid would trip up and scramble back to his feet to continue walking as he would plea not to be buried. Tengoku would take a breath and sigh with patience. If this was a spy they were certainly going out of their way to appear harmless. Still the team would report the incident of someone getting into the sensory field undetected and better minds would investigate. Questions others would answer. For now he would speak up as they broke the tree line to the road showing a city up ahead.

    "A mans home is his temple. It is up to him to protect it and honor it. As for getting buried so long as you are in fact innocent of any crimes and you do not betray my household you have no need to fear. Come along now."

    Tengoku would walk with him to approach the gate before exchanging words with the guards. Since he outranked them they let him and Azzie through unimpeded though they would keep a mental memory of his face to run through their known database. Of course it wouldn't turn up anything but that would be for another day. Another problem since being unknown entirely wasn't entirely odd but certainly concerning. They would proceed into the housing district passed several basic homes getting progressively wealthier until they came across a large gated manor with a great deal of property and a metal wolf head on the gate. As soon as they approached the guard would open the gate for them. Knowing the lord of the manor would hardly be expected to be checked to be gained entry to his own home even with guest in tow.

    The gates would shut behind them and as soon as they did three huge dire wolves would come charging from the manor full pace before surrounding the pair. Two of them would sniff with curiosity at Azzie without concern for personal space but they would not growl. The third and largest of the pack would hop up and place its paws on Tengokus shoulders happily wagging its tail. However despite its massive size Tengoku didn't seem weighed down at all as he would reach up and scratch its chest affectionately. Speaking over his shoulder.

    "This is my pack. This one is the eldest sister Kiba. Over by you is her little brothers Tsume and Hoeru. Don't worry they are friendly so long as no one has hostile intent against them or my house."

    Name: Shinku, Tengoku
    Age: 27
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Hokage
    Village: Konoha
    Titles: The Paladin of Konoha

    Chakra - 185 (Base) + 25 (Lifestyle) + 100 (Kata) + 100 (Roen Boost) + 385 (Roen CA)

    Strength: B (A with Vambraces of Justice active)
    Constitution: C (B with Pauldrons of courage active )
    Stamina: B (B + From housing)
    Speed: B (A with  Greaves of Tenacity active)
    Coordination: S (X with  Tengoku Kaeri no Ken active)
    Intelligence: C
    Perception:  A (A++ from Hankōgan III)

    Current attunement -
    Tengoku Kaeri no Ken - active
    Greaves of Tenacity  - active
    Kuroikiba Alpha - Inactive
    Vambraces of Justice - inactive
    Pauldrons of Courage - inactive
    Plated gloves of Temperance - Active

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3136-tengoku-shinku-update-page#24365
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3127-tengoku-shinku

    Posts : 106
    Join date : 2021-03-02

    Beginning Again Empty Re: Beginning Again

    Post by Azgodon Fri Mar 05, 2021 9:52 pm

    Innocent of any crimes? Apparently, he just got here and had been in the eyesight of someone the entire time… did he even have enough time to commit a crime? Azgodon had no intention of breaking the man’s trust. Tengoku had helped him out thus far, so what reason did Azgodon have of making an enemy of the only person who showed him kindness thus far? “Well, I certainly don’t have any reason to make you bury me… unless you live in the interrogation center… I don’t know how I feel about that, but it doesn’t sound like a nice place!”

    They would eventually pass by the gate with Tengoku briefly exchanging words with a guard while Azgodon looked about the place and wondered how many leaves it would take to hide this place entirely. Azgodon would watch in wonder as they passed by various houses, each looking like it took more time to make than the previous one. Ultimately, they would reach a gate to a… house?... building… whatever it was, it was larger than the previous buildings he had seen on their way here. Azgodon would curiously inspect the metal wolf head on the gate stepping up to it and looking at it from various angles.

    Walking in, the gate would shut behind them, and almost instantaneously Azgodon found himself circled by a pack of three wolves. He took a chance glance over at Tengoku who seemed unphased, so that gave him at least a bit of relief. Perhaps it was best to simply relax and hope they did not eat him on the spot. Two of the wolves approached him, sniffing at him as Tengoku introduced him to the three - the third keeping Tengoku occupied. He would in return, crouch down before the ones known as Tsume and Hoeru and in return sniff at them. There was a stalemate between the three before the wolves would eventually come closer to him and take a few select licks at his cheeks.

    “Tsume…” He would scratch one of the dire wolves in front of him under the chin. “Hoeru…” Azgodon would do the same to the other one. “And Kiba.” He would briefly turn his attention to the largest of the three before showering the other two with a bit more of his attention. He repeated the names for his own sake, to be able to memorize the names to memory as he’d probably see more of the three in the future. Finally, he would return back to his feet, though his hands still tangled in the coat of the two dire wolves. His eyes would sparkle a bit as he finally noted the sword Tengoku carried with him. An ebony sword with red veins, though he couldn’t really remember any metals… or anything… with red veins normally ingrained into it. “That’s a nice weapon Mr. Tengoku! Though… how is it red and black? I’m curious how it was forged since that would require quite a bit of skill if it was normal steel.”
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Posts : 594
    Join date : 2020-02-06

    Beginning Again Empty Re: Beginning Again

    Post by Tengoku Sat Mar 06, 2021 2:04 pm

    Tengoku would give Kiba a pat before lightly shoving her back and letting her back on all fours to huff at the other two before the three massive wolves would tear off into the large wooded area behind the house. He had wanted some nature in his back yard just to stay close to it still. He might be considered high class these days but he still prefered the scents and calming sounds of the wind through the woods. His wolves enjoyed it too instead of being cooped up in some garden somewhere. Not to mention he had plenty of space to train at home without bothering the neighbors much. He did prefer the grand training facility since it was built to withstand him. He could cover the basics at home but anything pushing his limits he needed somewhere secure. And durable. Still he would glance back to Azzie as he nibbled the inside of his cheek a moment. The wolves liked him well enough. No real threat by the looks of him. Still a mystery was a mystery. However the question of his sword raised an eyebrow before he would smile and place his hands on his hips as he replied.

    "First knowledge of religious practice and then understanding of craftsmanship. Yet no memory of anything but your name. You are an interesting one. This here isn't ordinary steel. Its Tetsudashi steel. A man named Masaru gifted the materials once and my sister made them usable. A boy named Ashitaka then forged it into what it is now. Sadly most of the people on that list are either dead or sick now. That said if you have a talent for crafting it may do you some good to put that to use for the good of the village. For now lets get you cleaned up and fed yeah?"

    Tengoku would look into getting a couple of shops and an anvil set up for the kid if he wished it. But he would need to show more of an interest at supper. Once they reached the manor they would be greeted by a male and female pair of servants. Tengoku would instruct them to prepare a guest room on the west wing for their guest and to prepare him a hot bath and a change of clothes. He would be staying for a while. With that the servants would lead Azzie off to his room to draw him a bath and put clothes as similar to his own style as possible aside for him. Tengoku would go and wash up as well. Taking off his mask and flak jacket and hanging them from an armor stand before placing his katana on its own stand on top of his dresser. More comfortable now he would head down to the dining hall where supper would soon be prepared. There were some reports waiting for him at his seat at a large round table which he would settle down to read while drinking a small cup of wine as he waited for his guest. His sister was likely off training somewhere to make up for lost time and a supper would be set aside for her when she chose to return.

    Name: Shinku, Tengoku
    Age: 27
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Hokage
    Village: Konoha
    Titles: The Paladin of Konoha

    Chakra - 185 (Base) + 25 (Lifestyle) + 100 (Kata) + 100 (Roen Boost) + 385 (Roen CA)

    Strength: B (A with Vambraces of Justice active)
    Constitution: C (B with Pauldrons of courage active )
    Stamina: B (B + From housing)
    Speed: B (A with  Greaves of Tenacity active)
    Coordination: S (X with  Tengoku Kaeri no Ken active)
    Intelligence: C
    Perception:  A (A++ from Hankōgan III)

    Current attunement -
    Tengoku Kaeri no Ken - active
    Greaves of Tenacity  - active
    Kuroikiba Alpha - Inactive
    Vambraces of Justice - inactive
    Pauldrons of Courage - inactive
    Plated gloves of Temperance - Active

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3136-tengoku-shinku-update-page#24365
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3127-tengoku-shinku

    Posts : 106
    Join date : 2021-03-02

    Beginning Again Empty Re: Beginning Again

    Post by Azgodon Sat Mar 06, 2021 5:25 pm

    As the largest of the three wolves backed away from Tengoku and signaled to the other two to follow, Azgodon would turn his full attention to the man that had taken him in. Azgodon would tilt his head downward in a show of embarrassment as Tengoku pointed out his knowledge of religion and craftsmanship… though he only made a comment or two on each. Perhaps he knew quite a bit about everything… except for himself, which in itself was a bit disappointing. Azgodon had no clue what Tetsudashi steel was, though it seemed special if it had its own distinction from ordinary steel. He would try to keep a note of the people Tengoku mentioned, though aside from his sister - if Azgodon ever met her… if she was alive - it was likely he would not be able to remember the names. Instead of focusing on the negative aspects of people dying or being sick, Azgodon perked up at the mention of food and perhaps crafting. “I am rather hungry.” At the mention of that, Azgodon heard his own stomach grumble in a request for food. “I mean… I would love to be able to craft, but I don’t even know where to get started.” Azgodon added on, almost forgetting Tengoku’s mention of being put to use for the village.

    When they entered the manor, Azgodon would follow the pair of servants that Tengoku had sent him off with. Something about a bath and a change of clothes… his robes were rather dirty, he supposed, having been seated on the dirt road earlier when Tengoku found him.

    A bath and getting changed into a fresh pair of clothes, one of the servants would assist him in finding the dining hall. He made sure to attempt to memorize the path back to his room for when it came time to rest for the night. Azgodon had been dressed in the outfit laid out before him, not one similar to his own, but a request for some clothing that was comfortable to wear; it ended up being a black long-sleeved shirt with matching bottoms. Definitely clothing he’d eventually be able to fall asleep in. “What’s for dinner Mr. Tengoku?” He would look at the various pieces of paper from where he stood in the distance, unable to make out a single word if they had any. “Are we going to eat paper?”
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    Beginning Again Empty Re: Beginning Again

    Post by Tengoku Sat Mar 06, 2021 6:02 pm

    Tengoku would glance up as his ears twitched before Azzie ever entered the room. He could hear virtually everything going on in the entire building but he tried not to snoop too much. People rarely liked it when anyone knew their secrets they didn't actually share. He found it was better to mind his business most of the time. However someone approaching from down the hall from the dining room would hardly disturb his peace. As Azzie entered the dining hall it was well lit with a chandelier above the table. He looked more the part of a somewhat thin boy of a youthful appearance. Tengoku would smile warmly before setting down the reports he had been reading as the young man inquired about if they would be eating them. He wasn't sure if he was being silly or if he seriously thought they might eat paper. He supposed his sister could infuse paper with the nutrients to sustain them but it wasn't needed at home. So he would shake his head no before speaking in return.

    "What a silly idea. No no of course not. Dinner will be served shortly. For now take a seat and pour yourself some water."

    Tengoku would smile and idly put all the files in a single stack within an envelope. A servant would step forward and collect them and retire them to his study. They weren't exactly top secret. But if this one was a spy he would eventually go looking into it. And Tengoku would know when he did. Instead once Azzie was seated if he chose to, dinner would be brought out as fresh hot plates for each of them. A peppered pork chop with mixed vegetables and a baked potato with shredded bacon and melted cheese on it. Hardly a five star meal but definitely delicious both in scent and taste. As soon as both were served the servants would clear out leaving the two alone. Tengoku would set about with a knife and fork cutting up his pork and his potato while he spoke up.

    "I find you to be interesting Azzie. Truth be told I noticed something I did not share with the others earlier. You see most folks have an elemental affinity to their chakra. Do you know what chakra is? It is an energy that courses through us. Like any other muscle it can be built up and used. There are five base elements. Earth, Wind, Water, lightning and fire. Most people only ever achieve one or two of these enough to use. You my friend have an affinity for all of them. Which is considered very rare."

    Tengoku would take a bite of the meat before scooping up some vegetables into his potato and eating that as well. He didn't much care for vegetables but when mixed with something they were tolerable. Still He would chew quietly and swallow allowing the young man to process it and even respond accordingly before he continued.

    "Keeping in mind no one will force anything on you, There are options available to you even at the time being when you are under investigation. First of all if you feel you have the talent for it I could acquire an anvil for you and set up a forge here at the manor for you. You seem to have an interest in weapons so if you wanted to pursue that we can set up a shop or two on either side of town for you. A place to display and sell your wares. Alternatively if you wished to learn how to defend yourself and those around you, you could take advantage of your elemental affinities and shadow me. You wouldn't be immediately granted a headband but should you prove yourself both capable and responsible one could be earned. Or both really. Of course this is a lot to think on I understand. Feel free to enjoy your dinner and think on it."

    Name: Shinku, Tengoku
    Age: 27
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Hokage
    Village: Konoha
    Titles: The Paladin of Konoha

    Chakra - 185 (Base) + 25 (Lifestyle) + 100 (Kata) + 100 (Roen Boost) + 385 (Roen CA)

    Strength: B (A with Vambraces of Justice active)
    Constitution: C (B with Pauldrons of courage active )
    Stamina: B (B + From housing)
    Speed: B (A with  Greaves of Tenacity active)
    Coordination: S (X with  Tengoku Kaeri no Ken active)
    Intelligence: C
    Perception:  A (A++ from Hankōgan III)

    Current attunement -
    Tengoku Kaeri no Ken - active
    Greaves of Tenacity  - active
    Kuroikiba Alpha - Inactive
    Vambraces of Justice - inactive
    Pauldrons of Courage - inactive
    Plated gloves of Temperance - Active

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3136-tengoku-shinku-update-page#24365
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3127-tengoku-shinku

    Posts : 106
    Join date : 2021-03-02

    Beginning Again Empty Re: Beginning Again

    Post by Azgodon Sun Mar 07, 2021 1:35 am

    Azgodon didn’t know why the sigh of relief that escaped him from knowing that they wouldn’t have paper for dinner. Perhaps he simply didn’t like eating paper prior to losing all of his memories. Azgodon would happily take his seat at the table, uncaring for which seat he had taken and pouring a glass of water for himself. He would briefly glance over at Tengoku as he put away the pieces of paper, though he would instead turn his attention to the decor of the dining hall, consuming it all as he knew he would likely be staying here for a few days; who knew when Tengoku would kick him out to the street. Perhaps he’d have to work off his stay and then somehow find a way to get a home for himself. Stopping his pondering and letting future Azzie worry about that problem, Azgodon would perk up and turn his attention back to Tengoku at the mention of the man finding him interesting. It was also then that he noticed the food placed on the table before him; perhaps he had zoned out for a bit too long.

    He listened to what Tengoku had to say regarding chakra and elements, yet he couldn’t make sense of any of it. Well… he knew what the elements were in a general sense, but being able to use them? He wasn’t sure that was entirely possible… maybe the people of Konoha were able to do such a thing? While he did not feel like Tengoku was lying to him, he had doubts as to whether he’d be able to use all five elements like Tengoku had stated. Though, what was likely a compliment from Tengoku, had the lad blushing lightly, and his focus turned to his meal immediately before him. “I… I don’t know if I can? I mean… I kind of understand what you’re saying, but… I don’t think I can use those elements. I don’t even know how to use chakra… if that’s a thing you use.” He was flabbergasted as to where to even begin with such a thing, surely Azgodon didn’t have that ability that Tengoku was referring to. After having spoken Azgodon would go back to consuming his dinner while Tengoku continued on.

    He listened and ate, noting that Tengoku was being far more generous than he initially anticipated. It put him in a realm of confusion and wonderment at the same time. Confused on why Tengoku was offering him so much assistance while knowing nothing about him… though Azgodon knew nothing about himself apparently either. Wondrous at how someone could be so generous. The idea of being able to craft weapons definitely intrigued him and would sate his boredom if he did not have much to do; it seemed like he wouldn’t for the near future being a complete stranger in a foreign land.

    “Well, I certainly wouldn’t mind making weapons… I feel like I could get quite good at it. A shop would sound nice too… especially considering I don’t have too much to do right now, being a foreigner and all to the village. If you don’t mind at all, I wouldn’t mind learning a bit from you? Perhaps I could actually use elements, but I just don’t know it. I honestly can’t picture it, but I figure you have a better sense for these things than I do.”

    Azgodon would resume eating his meal, taking small bites every now and then, prepared to respond to Tengoku should the man ask him a question or provide him with something he could respond to. He was fine sitting in silence, though he felt it would eventually seem awkward, being an intruder and all… so he chose to comment on that. “Thanks again for letting me stay here. After the investigation is over, I promise I’ll be out of your hair. I don’t know what will happen… maybe they’ll tell me to leave the village? Or if I get to stay… I could find a place to stay, it shouldn’t be too hard, right?” Of course, this was all hypothetical. There was no one else he knew in this place aside from Tengoku and his wolves. If he was left on his own, Azgodon was not sure what he would end up doing or where he would be.
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Posts : 594
    Join date : 2020-02-06

    Beginning Again Empty Re: Beginning Again

    Post by Tengoku Sun Mar 07, 2021 1:08 pm

    Tengoku would listen quietly as he took another small bite of pork. The peppered meat was delicious if he was being honest. He had managed to finish the vegetables with half the potato first just to get them out of the way. Saving the best bits for last as a bit of a reward to himself. Childish but some habits were difficult to break. He would chew as the young man told him he sort of understood but doubted he had the power Tengoku knew he had. Tengoku would smile before taking another drink of wine. Washing down all the flavors of dinner before deciding they would work on that. Not really for the power added to the Konoha forces but at the very least one should learn to use power if they held it. Unleashing it on instinct could result in harming themselves or others. It needed to be honed if only for the art of self control. Tengoku knew he had to learn patience and control before he could really have been of use to the village or his sister. Swordsmanship had helped him down that road. The art of Kenjutsu was one of patience and control after all.

    Tengoku would remain quiet as his guest would speak. He didn't seem like he was being cold however. He made eye contact with warm eyes and smiled between bites. He would clear his plate quickly as the young man chose to go down the road of both being a weapons smith and to learn his capabilities under Tengoku. To which he would nod and use a napkin to clean his mouth before chuckling at the idea of this one getting out of his hair as the serving staff would come in and clear Tengokus dishes and Azzies if he was done too. To this Tengoku would shake his head and continue once they left.

    "We live a life of plenty here. So when there are those in need it is our responsibility to help. You will not be asked to leave at any time and your needs will be met so long as we can provide. As for when you choose to go out on your own, assuming the investigation doesn't turn against Konoha you will be free to stay or travel as you like. Just remember there will always be a place for you in Konoha if you do. As for chakra and elements....in three days I will have you join a squad with me. You can see how others at around starting level here can preform. Perhaps more your speed even. That said I won't leave you empty handed either. Come with me if you would."

    Tengoku would rise to his feet and wait for Azzie to come along. Assuming he accompanied him they would head into the west wing near where Azzies room was. Since the east wing was reserved for Tengoku and his sister as well as the study. They would actually pass Azzies room on the way and at the end of the hall pass through a pair of oak double doors. Once within it would be a huge library with dozens of books and scrolls with large windows with cushions for reading. Tengoku would lead them over to a specific section before stopping there. Turning to speak to Azzie with a smile.

    "This section is the Ninjutsu section of the library. Everything from the basic academy lessons on chakra to up to A rank jutsu commonly known throughout the world. Use the next three days to study here and learn about your powers. Before the squad meets you should have at least a basic understanding. I don't expect you to be able to actually use any of these jutsu by then of course but it will cover what I find difficult to explain. As for the smithy and shops. I'll make you a deal. You make me two swords of around the same quality as the one you saw before when you get there and I will loan you the four hundred thousand ryo to start up your business. Sound good?"

    Name: Shinku, Tengoku
    Age: 27
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Hokage
    Village: Konoha
    Titles: The Paladin of Konoha

    Chakra - 185 (Base) + 25 (Lifestyle) + 100 (Kata) + 100 (Roen Boost) + 385 (Roen CA)

    Strength: B (A with Vambraces of Justice active)
    Constitution: C (B with Pauldrons of courage active )
    Stamina: B (B + From housing)
    Speed: B (A with  Greaves of Tenacity active)
    Coordination: S (X with  Tengoku Kaeri no Ken active)
    Intelligence: C
    Perception:  A (A++ from Hankōgan III)

    Current attunement -
    Tengoku Kaeri no Ken - active
    Greaves of Tenacity  - active
    Kuroikiba Alpha - Inactive
    Vambraces of Justice - inactive
    Pauldrons of Courage - inactive
    Plated gloves of Temperance - Active

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3136-tengoku-shinku-update-page#24365
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3127-tengoku-shinku

    Posts : 106
    Join date : 2021-03-02

    Beginning Again Empty Re: Beginning Again

    Post by Azgodon Sun Mar 07, 2021 3:13 pm

    With his plate eventually being removed, after Azgodon had finished with the majority of the meal; his appetite not being as much as he initially thought it was from the beginning of dinner. Without the pretense of dinner before them and a pause in the conversation, Azgodon started to feel a bit out of his element, what would he do if his memories never returned? Did he have a family looking for him? How did he even end up in this place? The numerous questions his mind was reeling with were interrupted when Tengoku spoke up once more; a welcome reprieve from the near-constant wandering his mind was prone to doing.

    The offer Tengoku presented him with, of being able to stay so long as wanted to, was a relief to the newcomer. With him effectively only knowing one person in the entire village, Azgodon wished to at least remain here with Tengoku while he got himself situated and more familiar with the village - if it came to be that Konoha would welcome him. At the notion of joining a squad, Azgodon was confused at what exactly that entailed… perhaps it was like those people from earlier? The ones that asked him where he came from and the mind reader guy.

    Azgodon did not pipe up immediately and chose to follow Tengoku as the man indicated to follow him. Again the newcomer would try and remember the layout of the place, especially as to where they were heading so he could remember where things were if he ever did get lost in the manor. A few seconds into their journey, Azgodon came to realize they were traveling in the direction of his room and would eventually even come to pass the room he would be staying in. The room they would enter had numerous bookshelves lining the walls, with a mixture of scrolls also being placed on the shelving. He would follow after Tengoku as he led him to a particular area in the library. It was a Ninjutsu section… whatever that meant. He would nod as Tengoku mentioned that he should at least study the material here to learn a bit about his powers… if he had powers. As for the deal that was proposed as to the shop, Azgodon would nod and figure it was best he try and figure things out in regards to forging weapons as well.

    “That sounds fair. So I just need to read through all these books and scrolls in three days.” At this, Azgodon would tap his chin with his index finger, tilt his head, and stare at the bookshelf. It seemed doable… maybe a few hours of sacrificed sleep and he would be able to read it all. Perhaps not understand it fully, but he’d understand this chakra thing better than he currently did. “I think I can manage that.” He would nod to himself, indicating a confirmation he would attempt such a task. “So, I just eventually need to make you two swords similar to the Tatsumari steel sword you have.” Azgodon was pretty sure he had the name of the steel correct. It would likely take him some time to learn how to make weapons of similar quality, so Azgodon would have to practice with simpler things until he got more proficient with it. “I can do that! Probably not right now… but maybe after I make some other weapons and get more comfortable making more weapons? Oh! I know! I can make spoons! Or maybe forks!” Spoons and forks could easily be weapons. Maybe that would help him learn to make swords on par with Tengoku’s Tatsumari steel sword.
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Posts : 594
    Join date : 2020-02-06

    Beginning Again Empty Re: Beginning Again

    Post by Tengoku Wed Mar 10, 2021 11:35 am

    Tengoku would smile as the young man would agree to look through all the books over the next three days as if it were an easy task. The next day he would be sending out the squad invitations to meet two days after but for now it would do him some good to study. Tengoku would look over the library and smile. This was mostly for his sisters benefit. She always loved to read and if Azzie was going to learn by reading in here he would likely run into her at some point. She had said she was going to dedicate herself to getting stronger after all. He would smile as he tried not to chuckle at the misspoken word. It was normal for a unique quality metal to not be common knowledge yet alone for someone with no memories. It was actually a bit of a comfort that it wasn't another regular memory for him. The thought of him crafting silverware was rather amusing though. He could sell it likely but it wouldn't sell the same as weapons. Not unless he intended to use a giant spoon for a weapon. As amusing as that would be. For now though he would shake his head with a smile before speaking.

    "The word you are looking for is Tetsudashi. Its a unique metal created by a bloodline from...nevermind that. You will find a book on bloodlines here somewhere. For now I suppose that until you see chakra manifested this may all seem as sheer fantasy to you. You can come back here to begin studying soon but first I will provide a demonstration of both Ninjutsu and taijutsu in the backyard. A base for you to see if actually done to further your understanding. Come along Azzie. Follow me."

    With that Tengoku would turn on his heel and stride down the hall towards the downstairs and eventually out the back door. There was a training yard with three dummies set up before entering the forest. Three straw dummies with mock flack jackets on (Not the real thing) of simple grey color with no symbols on them. He wasn't training to eliminate a specific nation of enemies after all. Still he would hold up a hand as they entered the training yard still twenty meters from the nearest dummy. Keeping Azzie from walking closer. Speaking once more for his benefit.

    "These are some rather simple training grounds but will do for the basics. Any time you want to practice a jutsu do so here. However be careful not to catch the house in any of it and do try to keep someone like one of the guards around to supervise until you are comfortable. Now this first demonstration is Ninjutsu of the raiton element. You won't find this in the library as I designed it myself. Now typically a jutsu requires hand signs. However I am uniquely gifted to be able to manifest jutsu without them. Observe."

    Tengoku would step forward and take a breath before holding his hands apart but forming a C shape with each hand facing each other. Blue electricity would begin to arc between his fingers. He would push his hands together until his fingers touched and the lightning formed a blue ball of electricity. With that done he would suddenly thrust it up into the air. The ball would launch up thirty meters before bursting as dark clouds swirled over a three hundred meter diameter over the property. Once it finished forming thunder would crackle. Tengoku would let out a breath before pointing at first one dummy with his left hand and then another with his right. As soon as he pointed two bolts of lightning would slam down from the storm directly above each dummy. Almost instantaneous in their speed and with a bang would incinerate each of them. With that brilliant flash of light Tengoku would release the chakra connection before taking a couple of breaths.

    Jutsu trained 350/350:

    Name: Shinku, Tengoku
    Age: 27
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Hokage
    Village: Konoha
    Titles: The Paladin of Konoha

    Chakra - 185 (Base) + 25 (Lifestyle) + 100 (Kata) + 100 (Roen Boost) + 385 (Roen CA)

    Strength: B (A with Vambraces of Justice active)
    Constitution: C (B with Pauldrons of courage active )
    Stamina: B (B + From housing)
    Speed: B (A with  Greaves of Tenacity active)
    Coordination: S (X with  Tengoku Kaeri no Ken active)
    Intelligence: C
    Perception:  A (A++ from Hankōgan III)

    Current attunement -
    Tengoku Kaeri no Ken - active
    Greaves of Tenacity  - active
    Kuroikiba Alpha - Inactive
    Vambraces of Justice - inactive
    Pauldrons of Courage - inactive
    Plated gloves of Temperance - Active

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3136-tengoku-shinku-update-page#24365
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3127-tengoku-shinku

    Posts : 106
    Join date : 2021-03-02

    Beginning Again Empty Re: Beginning Again

    Post by Azgodon Wed Mar 10, 2021 9:10 pm

    “Tetsudashi and not Tatsumari…” Azgodon muttered to himself, trying to make sure he did not make the same mistake in the future when it came to the steel. Who knew how often he’d have to recall it, but considering it was the main material utilized in Tengoku’s weapon it would be a constant reminder to him. Though he was curious as to what Tengoku mentioned about bloodlines, though having the man mention that he would eventually find those details in a text eventually, Azgodon would accept that reasoning. Perhaps it was a difficult thing to explain for Tengoku that a textbook would actually explain it better. That had to be the case! He would follow Tengoku to the backyard at his invitation to see a demonstration of Ninjutsu and Taijutsu. Again, Azgodon would try to keep track of where they were walking, seeing that the backyard may end up being the place where Azgodon would practice jutsus in the future.

    “Okay, I’ll be sure to tell someone if I do end up practicing here.” Azgodon would chime in before Tengoku would indicate he would be demonstrating a jutsu for him. Azgodon watched as Tengoku would form his hands in a semi-circular shape with what looked to be raiton flowing freely between his fingers. Tengoku would shoot a ball of blue raiton high into the air, before dark clouds would cover the manor. Azgodon would have to cover his eyes for a moment as the bolts of lightning launched towards the target dummies, though once the scene cleared up, what remained was the charred remains of the dummies. “Oh! So I can do that too? I just need to use hand signs?” At this, Azgodon would arrange his hands in various poses, flexing his fingers to see what counted as a hand sign, though all of his efforts proved fruitless; nothing came to be of the motions he made with his hands. “I don’t think my hands work properly?” He would mutter to himself before turning his attention back to Tengoku instead of his hands. “So, I can do that but with katon, fuuton, doton and sooton, as well?”

    Beginning Again D066O8r
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Posts : 594
    Join date : 2020-02-06

    Beginning Again Empty Re: Beginning Again

    Post by Tengoku Sun Mar 14, 2021 1:06 pm

    Tengoku would smile at the innocent appearance of his guest. He had a power in him that Azzie did not yet understand but could be harnessed properly in ways that could protect the village. At least that was what could be done with the right guidance. Tengoku had not intention of turning him into a killer but training him to help defend their home would be good for their future. Assuming he was honestly as innocent as he appeared. Tengoku would shake his head a moment as Azzie would attempt to do some halfway done hand seals before not actually channeling anything. It was amusing but if it was an act it was very well done. Others would have seen this one cut down just to be safe but Tengoku would be hoping to end the war sooner than later. Still there would be a question on if he would be able to do that with other elements and Tengoku would nod before speaking up in return.

    "Most individuals like myself focus into one element. Our bodies only attune to the one naturally though other elements can be trained like any muscle and eventually used if we dedicate ourselves to it. Katon to produce destruction. Doton to shift the earth. Fuuton to mold the air around you, Raiton to break through others defenses and suiton to reshape maps. Each has their own potential and in your studies you will see which is weak to others. If you train hard you can detect what your enemy uses and utilize their counter element for an advantage. Always leaving you with the potential for victory in any confrontation. Now I have shown you external chakra which typically requires hand signs. This time I will be showing you inner chakra manipulation. Taijutsu does not typically require anything other than shifting your energy through your body. I will provide another demonstration. Stand back Azzie."

    Tengoku would turn and casually walk up to the remaining dummy. He would certainly need to order some more it seemed. Especially if there were four ninja training on the property. Regardless he would move straight up to the remaining one and position himself in front of it. Spreading his feet apart and bracing himself. Angling his palm on the part of its chest that aimed mostly between the trees for the least amount of property destruction. At a bit of an upward angle. Tengoku would let out a breath before electricity would visibly spark along his arm and a loud bang would happen suddenly. His feet crunched into the ground leaving cracked earth around where he stood but the dummy itself was virtually gone. Launched at S rank speed up into the sky as it flew 300 meters up and away before dropping just from Tengoku touching it. With that done he would straighten up and roll his shoulder.

    "and that is a taijutsu demonstration."

    Jutsu trained 350/350:

    Name: Shinku, Tengoku
    Age: 27
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Hokage
    Village: Konoha
    Titles: The Paladin of Konoha

    Chakra - 185 (Base) + 25 (Lifestyle) + 100 (Kata) + 100 (Roen Boost) + 385 (Roen CA)

    Strength: B (A with Vambraces of Justice active)
    Constitution: C (B with Pauldrons of courage active )
    Stamina: B (B + From housing)
    Speed: B (A with  Greaves of Tenacity active)
    Coordination: S (X with  Tengoku Kaeri no Ken active)
    Intelligence: C
    Perception:  A (A++ from Hankōgan III)

    Current attunement -
    Tengoku Kaeri no Ken - active
    Greaves of Tenacity  - active
    Kuroikiba Alpha - Inactive
    Vambraces of Justice - inactive
    Pauldrons of Courage - inactive
    Plated gloves of Temperance - Active

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3136-tengoku-shinku-update-page#24365
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3127-tengoku-shinku

    Posts : 106
    Join date : 2021-03-02

    Beginning Again Empty Re: Beginning Again

    Post by Azgodon Thu Mar 18, 2021 8:10 pm

    Taking a mental note of the five elements that Tengoku had described to him. It would be something he would learn more about in the near future; when he had the opportunity to go through the library that Tengoku had shown him earlier. Azgodon was not sure how much time he would spend in the library over the next couple of days, but it would certainly be enough to get a general understanding of the concepts behind chakra, ninjutsu, and the elements that Tengoku had just described to him. The confusion for him laid in the fact of being able to detect what his enemy is capable of using… perhaps that would also be answered in his studies.

    Azgodon would watch Tengoku’s next demonstration with awe; taijutsu, he believed Tengoku had called it. He was unsure if he’d ever be capable of such a feat that Tengoku had presented, though he figured it was something that would require time. Azgodon’s first order of business was reading up on this… chakra… stuff and moving on from there. After getting an understanding of the concept, he could start moving on to the applications of chakra that he could utilize.

    “That was amazing! I… well… I hope I can use chakra to even attempt to do a bit of what you did.” The praise was evident in his voice, wishing that he would be able to at least utilize chakra while he was here. Azgodon had nowhere else to be, thus being able to mold chakra could be of use to Tengoku, the man that helped him settle in a foreign place. “I suppose, if there’s nothing else… I can make my way to my room or the library to get a head start. The… meeting was in… three days?” He would ask his question, and if permitted, Azgodon would attempt to make his way to the library to get started on his studying.

    [attempted exit]

    Beginning Again D066O8r
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Posts : 594
    Join date : 2020-02-06

    Beginning Again Empty Re: Beginning Again

    Post by Tengoku Fri Mar 19, 2021 11:40 am

    Tengoku would let his body settle after expending out a great deal of chakra all at once. The strain was evident on his muscles but nothing he couldn't shrug off. His new jutsu worked as he had suspected they would. At the level he was at now he was sure he could protect what he must. With power like that....any other human was no longer beyond possible. Perhaps he would even be of use against a Bijuu soon. For now he would note the static electricity along the path of destruction and roll his shoulder idly. Once Azzie spoke up however his amber eyes would turn back to the boy and he would smile. The young man had seen that this power was real and not fantasy and he was eager to get to his studies to gain it for himself. With all those elements he would be a potent wielder of the elements. Tengoku would nod quietly at his remembrance that they would have 3 days before watching the young man hike himself off eagerly to the library. He wondered idly if there would be anyone he might run into there. He doubted Matsu even knew there was a library but maybe Tsukiyo.

    Tengoku would take a deep breath once he was alone and simply smell the scents of the forest. Taking it all in for a moment before smiling and relaxing. He liked that they had found a nice manor for his sisters tastes with a large forested backyard for his own. They had strived for so much and now they had virtually everything they ever wanted. However a messenger would soon arrive. Informing him he was being summoned to the hospital and a specific room number by the Hokage. Well the moment was nice while it lasted. He would acknowledge the summons and inform the man he would head over soon. It was best not to keep the Hokage waiting after all. Whatever it was it was likely important if Tengoku was being summoned by name. He was both eager and nervous given the current state of things. However he would obey despite his hesitations on the matter.

    exit thread
    10 posts at 10 exp a post = 100 exp

    Jutsu trained this thread:

    Name: Shinku, Tengoku
    Age: 27
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Hokage
    Village: Konoha
    Titles: The Paladin of Konoha

    Chakra - 185 (Base) + 25 (Lifestyle) + 100 (Kata) + 100 (Roen Boost) + 385 (Roen CA)

    Strength: B (A with Vambraces of Justice active)
    Constitution: C (B with Pauldrons of courage active )
    Stamina: B (B + From housing)
    Speed: B (A with  Greaves of Tenacity active)
    Coordination: S (X with  Tengoku Kaeri no Ken active)
    Intelligence: C
    Perception:  A (A++ from Hankōgan III)

    Current attunement -
    Tengoku Kaeri no Ken - active
    Greaves of Tenacity  - active
    Kuroikiba Alpha - Inactive
    Vambraces of Justice - inactive
    Pauldrons of Courage - inactive
    Plated gloves of Temperance - Active

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3136-tengoku-shinku-update-page#24365
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3127-tengoku-shinku

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