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    Walking the Hounds [D-Rank]


    Village : Iwagakure
    Posts : 189
    Join date : 2020-10-16

    Walking the Hounds [D-Rank] Empty Walking the Hounds [D-Rank]

    Post by Shin Mon Dec 14, 2020 8:59 pm

    Walking the Hounds:

    It was another day and as such, another day where Shin would return to the kennels he had frequented over the past few days. Much like the past few visits to the kennels, today’s visitation to the kennel was for the same purpose as the previous ones; the completion of a mission. It was a simple task this time around, likely much easier than the time he was here to clean the dogs, though much more difficult than it was feeding them. Today’s mission tasked him and Katsumi with walking the dogs – something a dog walker could do, yet it seemed to fall to them to do such a thing today; not that Shin minded too much. Like usual, as he ventured closer to the kennels to find the dogs, the louder that barking got with each step. The rambunctious noise that emitted from them was a sound he had gotten used to over time.

    As Shin walked into the familiar building, letting the door shut behind him, his eyes sought out any other human being in the vicinity. The kennel master was clearly away, for the middle-aged man that he often saw here was not present. The real notable presence were the dogs, all of whom had turned their attention turned towards him; the noise of the door opening and slamming shut enough to get their attention. With numerous tails wagging, wads of fur running around, Shin couldn’t figure out where one dog ended and another began. It would take some time for them to be leashed, and likely a long walk for them to burn off their energy. Grabbing one of the many leashes that were located near the front desk, Shin let out a sigh and hoped the dogs would calm down for a moment so he could get the leashes attached to their collars.

    Walking the Hounds [D-Rank] WzALqda

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 114
    Join date : 2020-10-03

    Walking the Hounds [D-Rank] Empty Re: Walking the Hounds [D-Rank]

    Post by Katsumi Mon Dec 14, 2020 9:09 pm

    Katsumi was running a moment or two late, but didn't seem to notice for such an outright boring task honestly. His eyes glazed over with his own boredom as he saw the building that he'd been at just previously come into view. Watching from a far off distance as the door closed and the sound of barking began to quiet and muffle behind the door. Moments later, Katsumi would enter in and watch as Shin was busy trying to wrangle various dogs to attach collars and leashes to each of them. Katsumi would smirk as he entered in and closed the door to join the madness, several dogs breaking off to see what the new visitor had to offer them as they sniffed at Katsumi's feet, legs, and torso. Crouching down, he would pet various dogs and call out for a few leashes so he could help attach their collars and collect them in a furious mound of fur and panting so that they could be walked. Again, as every leash attached, he wondered if these tasks were worth anything other than generating small bits of ryo for the village and maintaining the village's image and status.

    Obviously, a well maintained village would look pristine and more focus could be given to the more important tasks and higher ranked missions as these tasks and chores were taken care of but it didn't make Katsumi feel any better that his new home had dedicated such menial tasks to him in the end. Still, as the leashes were applied and the dogs were corraled together in two bundles on each of his hands, Katsumi would begin directing them towards the door, feeling the pull against his arms as all the dogs seemed to wish to go in their own direction. Soon, they'd go across the dogs proper walking path and this mission, while only moderately troublesome, would be completed fairly quickly.

    Walking the Hounds [D-Rank] 4a7aa410b9ab973b984f750474a38bd2

    Village : Iwagakure
    Posts : 189
    Join date : 2020-10-16

    Walking the Hounds [D-Rank] Empty Re: Walking the Hounds [D-Rank]

    Post by Shin Mon Dec 14, 2020 9:24 pm

    Assuming Katsumi had corralled half the canines in the kennel had left Shin to handle the other half of the dogs that were present and clearly much in need for a walk to exert their ample energy. After a bit of coaxing that was required for each dog to be properly leashed and with Shin ensuring he did not release the leash before they would begin their trek on the roads just outside of this building, all of the dogs had their leashes securely attached with Shin ready to go. It seemed like Katsumi had shown up a bit late, though was in the current; process of corralling the other half of the dogs that they would be taking out. Doing these little things as Shin readjusted to living back in Iwagakure no Sato and reincorporating himself into the Muramatsu clan district took a mental toll on the shinobi, but these low class missions were able to alleviate some of that tension he carried, which was a welcome reprieve.

    “Ready to leave?” Shin asked Katsumi, awaiting a response for when the other shinobi was ready to depart for the mission; walking the dogs. Once an affirmative was given, Shin would head out first, expecting that Katsumi would follow, since there was no point in them taking two different paths. The walk, for Shin at least, consisted of staying silent and simply observing the village and the dogs that were being walked. There was ample opportunity to talk to Katsumi or delve in to deep thought during the mission, but today was a day when Shin simply wished to turn his brain off temporarily and just let his body take control. Once the walk was over and they returned to the kennel, Shin would take a moment to pet each dog individually before parting ways with Katsumi for now. “I’ll catch you later.” Shin said as he would make his way back to the clan compound.

    [exit thread]

    Walking the Hounds [D-Rank] WzALqda

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 114
    Join date : 2020-10-03

    Walking the Hounds [D-Rank] Empty Re: Walking the Hounds [D-Rank]

    Post by Katsumi Mon Dec 14, 2020 9:34 pm

    Katsumi would shake his head in confirmation to begin and would watch as Shin headed on his way out the door ahead of him and being led partially by his pack of dogs but controlling them all the same. Katsumi seemed to be having a different experience while Shin was calm and collected; just tending to the walking path, Katsumi seemed to be struggling to maintain a correct course and keep the series of dogs on track. The only saving grace was the other pack of dogs ahead of them would occassionally grab his groups attention and pull them forward instead of just having Katsumi pull the group of leashes in a direction and apply force to keep them moving and relatively on the same path. Still, the general walk in itself was nice, it was a rare occassion to get to observe the village in any detail and with some clarity and aside from the struggle of keeping the dogs walked and stopping every now and then to smell everything in their general vicinity. By the end of it, they would bring the dogs back to the kennel and Katsumi would help distribute some treats to everyone of the dogs for a well completed walk with a few pets and pats to go around to end the mission as well. Shin would offer a calmed departure and they would go their separate ways as they had so many days before, this time a bit more relaxed.

    [Exit Thread]
    [Two Posts and Mission Complete: 65 XP]

    Walking the Hounds [D-Rank] 4a7aa410b9ab973b984f750474a38bd2

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