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    Kitsuki v. Chigetsu


    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 979
    Join date : 2020-06-24
    Age : 24
    Location : The Bloody Mist

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Hyoton, Fuuton, Suiton, Ninjutsu, Iryojutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Kanchijutsu
    Class: S
    Ryo: I take payment in blood

    Kitsuki v. Chigetsu Empty Kitsuki v. Chigetsu

    Post by Sayuri Mon Nov 16, 2020 5:35 pm

    After reviewing everything I am ruling that Chigetsu attempt make it to within 5 meters of Kitsuki as she is attempting to fly upwards is VALID based on the following;

    Kitsuki’s Speed at that moment is B, and while her Coordination (S) would allow her to activate both her cane into a bow and activate her armor’s wings, the distance between Kitsuki and Chigetsu (as agreed upon by both parties) is 25 meters. Even without including the activation of V2, Chigetsu’s Speed is A, which is more than double the meters per second of Kitsuki’s, making the 25 meters that separate them negligible in terms of raw speed. Once the boost from V2 is factored in Chigetsu’s Speed becomes S and the distance between them even less of an issue.

    Kitsuki’s coordination will allow for her bow to be activated with an arrow nocked and her armor activated.

    However it should be noted - in order for that to happen Chigetsu would have to slash at Hana - as Hana is between Chigetsu and Kitsuki, and at the moment Hana flies and Chigetsu sprints and slashes both have the same speed (S), and as stated in Chigetsu’s post;

    It was hard to tell if in this state he would be able to resist also attacking Hana herself if she came too close, or anyone else.

    It is highly likely that Hana may receive two sword slashes to the back as she would be the closest available target, based on the discussed positioning.

    As for the conflict regarding the efficiency and speed of Chigetsu’s actions during and immediately following the transformation;

    Chigetsu performed two techniques that required hand seals, Kirisame and Water Gun: Two Guns (I realize that while technically it does say N/A in the ‘hand seals’ requirement, the weaknesses seem clear that it requires both hands be free to make ‘gun’ gestures)  - all others were sealless and/or Kenjutsu. With his Coordination of A-Rank before the transformation, the Hand Signs Guide allows for up to 10 hand seals per second, and Kirisame only requires 3, and technically Two Guns requires two. Were there more complicated actions taken, such as techniques that required additional hand seals, it may have been reasonable to apply some restraints. However even in his current emotional state Chigetsu is not attempting to do anything complicated or that he is unskilled in. However, in order to perform Water Gun: Two Guns, Chigetsu must drop/release his sword, or edit to perform the one handed variant, as the tech requires both hands to make a ‘gun’ gesture.

    The canon example given (Naruto Shippuden: The Long-Awaited Reunion Episode 41 – The Top-Secret Mission Begins) shows Naruto in V1 with 3 tails - according to our rules on Gladius that would imply that he has already been in that state for 9 posts of consistent use, and in order for the additional 6 to be added (as is shown when he explodes everything and yells a bunch) would by our rules either require E-Rank INT (which is unlikely given his cognisance in his mindscape) and 6 more posts or 18 more posts. My point being that the amount of time shown in canon is subjective and more for narrative than it is an accurate representation of time passing. That being said - the canon example clearly shows the process being extremely painful and bloody. All but S/X rank CON are still subject to pain (A-Rank CON says that high level techniques can still hurt you). I find this relevant because of the following additional rule regarding Bijuu/Jinchuuriki;

    Like all Restricted Abilities, Bijuu are considered upper level and as such, Jinchuuriki are held to a higher standard of roleplay, meaning that those characters are to avoid abusing the powerful abilities granted them and actively work to make the game a fun and interesting place for everybody. This doesn't limit the actions of your character, but it does mean that we expect more out of you as a player.

    It clearly states that a character's actions are not limited. Version Two is clear that ‘emotions run wildly out of control’, and the description of blind rage etc. is in keeping with this.

    The Eastern Gate

    Kitsuki v. Chigetsu TjQ3hVh

    The Ice Queen:

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