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    Kitsuki Kurahasa

    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Mist Jounin
    Mist Jounin

    Posts : 1145
    Join date : 2017-09-13

    Kitsuki Kurahasa Empty Kitsuki Kurahasa

    Post by Kitsuki Kurahasa Sun Sep 01, 2019 7:12 pm

    Name: Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Village: Kirigakure
    Rank: Genin
    Title: N/A

    Clan: N/A
    Bloodline: N/A
    Element(s): Wind
    Skill(s): Taijutsu, Ninjutsu


    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: D
    • Stamina: D
    • Speed: D
    • Coordination: D
    • Intelligence: D
    • Perception: D

    Unique Abilities:

    Learning Class Advantage: Kitsuki has studied under the infamous Reisan Tetsudashi, one of the world's greatest Taijutsu instructors. The lessons he has beaten into her head will echo for the rest of her life. She has become a perfectionist not just in the field of martial arts, but all shinobi skills. She may learn techniques one rank above what what her class allows. Unfortunately, this has the side effect of forcing her to take more time to get things perfectly correct before moving onto the next stage of her development. She therefore must spend an additional 10% experience to advance into the next class.

    One-handed Seals: Kitsuki has mastered the art of one-handed seals. She can weave handsigns with one hand, but as a result she loses one tier of Coordination for that hand with respect to handseals.

    [Freebie] Will of the WASP: Kitsuki has inherited Master Sukimori's Will of the WASP. The philosophy holds that when one acts in the service and goodness of others, they develop an indomitable will that strengthens them to their very core. They can endure more pain and hardship than someone who fights for evil or selfish reasons. Kitsuki gains a tier to Constitution at any moment of her choosing by tapping into this inner will.


    Kitsuki Kurahasa Rsz-2011-canary

    Kitsuki is a dark skinned girl standing at 5'4. She has a youthful appearance in general, but her most striking feature is her eyes. Kitsuki's eyes are a dark green, bordering on greyish black, and they have an inquisitive and curious character to them. They are large, soft, and contain an innocent glow rarely found in shinobi. Another unique feature regarding her appearance is her hair. Kitsuki styles her ultra curly hair in the form of a series of afro-pigtails tied with orange or red bands at the very ends.

    Kitsuki is of modest weight and bust for a girl her age, but for what she lacks in figure she more than makes up for in fashion. Kitsuki is fond of expensive and refined formal attire. She often wears a uniform consisting of a dark navy suit jacket complete with coattails, a white dress shirt, matching slacks, heel-boots, and a sleek bolo tie with an attached ornamental clasp. When she isn't wearing this standard uniform, she often wears equestrian attire made from the finest silks and leathers.

    Kitsuki also has an intricate Japanese tattoo on her back. The tattoo stretches from her neck to her upper thighs in traditional Yakuza style. It depicts an angelic figure which sports multiple wings overlaid with musical notes, kanji, and flowers. Kitsuki is an ex-smoker who has used gum to break her habit. She can often be seen chewing bubble gum and blowing bubbles.


    Born the youngest daughter to a prominent merchant family, Kitsuki Kurahasa had a privileged childhood. The Kurahasa Family were quite wealthy and had made a fortune on the Isle for years by getting involved in fishing, timber, and transport. The unspeakable wealth they brought in was more than enough to create several generations of idle descendants who could live off of the labor of their ancestors. Fortunately, the Kurahasa's have always prided themselves in raising their children to work hard and generate new wealth. Kitsuki and her older sister Katsumi however proved less than amenable to this tradition. Katsumi often rebelled against the restrictions which often accompanied highborn girls. Kitsuki was the meeker of the two, but nevertheless she idolized her older sister and often took after her. The two were almost always getting in trouble with the law and their shenanigans were a constant source of embarrassment to the Kurahasa household.

    The constant fighting, smoking, and cursing took its toll on their parents' patience. When they found out that Kitsuki had decided to get a near full body tattoo, they reached out to several of their contacts in high society. The solution came in the form of a finishing school. A mysterious man by the name of Master Sukimori Hyuuga had taken over a reformatory for criminal youth and had converted it into a intensive and selective private school for the rich. The institution retained certain elements of a reformatory, but narrowed its focus to helping young women of extraordinary talent and influence. The Kurahasa girls were skilled, countless bouts of violence proved that, they also had the surname of one of the most powerful civilian families on the Isles. This background made them ideal candidates for this new experimental institution: The Sukimori School for War, Art, Science, and Philosophy (S.S.WASP).

    Kitsuki was only 12 years old when she and her sister were shipped off to the remote boarding school. To this day, Kitsuki isn't exactly sure where the school is. They never told her its location and there wasn't much to go off of with respect to the geography and climate. The size and scope of the institution made it one of a kind. It took young girls from all over the world. Most came from very prominent families, but a few were there on a scholarship. From the moment they arrived, Kitsuki and her sister learned that the only way to excel at the Sukimori School was to strive for excellence. The curriculum was difficult and the teachers demanding. It was here that Kitsuki turned her hobby of making music into a lifestyle. Under the brutal tutelage of some of the world's finest instructors, she became an absolute virtuoso. Kitsuki had depended on her sister to protect her for years, but after training under Sensei Reisan she had learned to master martial arts. During her time at the WASP School, Kitsuki came to believe in its ideals: Perfectionism for the service of others. Everything she did was examined under a microscope. She was being molded into a kunoichi of unrivaled virtue and skill. Master Sukimori took a personal interest in the Kurahasa girls. Kitsuki shunned the leadership positions he offered her, but she had learned to tolerate his guidance.

    In Kitsuki, he saw the future. A class of kunoichi who could not be swayed or broken by passions or ideologies. A true renaissance warrior that fought for the benefit of those who could not fight for themselves. Without even realizing it, Kitsuki had become the model WASP student. She spent four years at the school before she graduated out, having mastered its principles and courses. After graduation, Kitsuki and Katsumi were sent to Kirigakure to serve the village as genin. The school had essentially served as a replacement for the Academy. It wouldn't be inaccurate to say that they were well beyond the skill level of the average new graduate. Kitsuki may have left the WASP school behind, but its mission is still in her heart. She loves music and while she'll tell you it is her primary focus, there will always be that compelling drive to be and do more for her country and the world. She now starts her ninja journey as a reluctant hero with the mind of a warrior but the heart of an artist.


    Kitsuki is a quiet girl. She is fairly inexpressive and many mistake that for apathy and emotional unavailability. In truth, Kitsuki feels deeply. She merely expresses her emotions through music and dance. The latter she tends to perform in private, but the former she often composes and plays for others. Kitsuki is a musician at her core and she is trained classically and contemporaneously. She can play a wide variety of musical instruments (her favorite being the piano). She has also taken on a keen interest in electronic musical production and wants to study sound engineering for the purpose of increasing her production quality. She believes that sound heals the soul and to that end she takes its development quite seriously. The girl has strong opinions about the ab(use) of sound for the purposes of warfare and she shuns those who incorporate it into their offensive techniques.

    Fashion and clothing also have a special place in her heart. Kitsuki enjoys expressing herself through clothing and has thus developed an impeccable sense of style. The WASP graduate entered the academy a timid follower, often tagging along with Katsumi. However, since leaving the academy, she has grown into being a disciplined, well-mannered, and ambitious young woman. While it would be a bit of an overstatement to call her strict, there is an edge to her posture and body language that suggests a high level of maturity.  

    Kitsuki keeps to herself mostly, although she has the capacity to make and maintain close friendships. Her time at S.S. WASP has instilled (or perhaps reawoken) a strong sense of justice within her. While she'd often rather focus on her music, she can't help but feel a call to something greater. Kitsuki has a strong moral compass that often compels her to fight evil and uphold the law. No matter how much she would rather leave it be, her heart will usually win out with respect to standing up for others. This character trait is partially the result of her education, but it also comes from the deep love and respect she has for her sister Katsumi. Katsumi often protected her younger sister who for most of their lives was unwilling to engage in confrontation since she was an artsy, shy, and naturally timid girl. As they grew older, Kitsuki became more willing to fight alongside her sister and stand up for herself. Kitsuki has since grown more independent and is no longer the type to take disrespect from others. Additionally, upon graduating from the notorious finishing school, she has vowed to defend not only her sister but others who could not stand up for themselves.

    Roleplay Sample: N/A
    Uchiha Akihiro
    Uchiha Akihiro

    Posts : 869
    Join date : 2018-08-06
    Age : 28

    Character File
    Skills & Elements:
    Class: X
    Ryo: a looot

    Kitsuki Kurahasa Empty Re: Kitsuki Kurahasa

    Post by Uchiha Akihiro Sun Sep 01, 2019 7:47 pm

    Kitsuki Kurahasa wrote:Name: Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Village: Kirigakure
    Rank: Genin
    Title: N/A

    Clan: N/A
    Bloodline: N/A
    Element(s): Wind
    Skill(s): Taijutsu, Ninjutsu


    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: D
    • Stamina: D
    • Speed: D
    • Coordination: D
    • Intelligence: D
    • Perception: D

    Unique Abilities:

    Learning Class Advantage: Kitsuki has studied under the infamous Reisan Tetsudashi, one of the world's greatest Taijutsu instructors. The lessons he has beaten into her head will echo for the rest of her life. She has become a perfectionist not just in the field of martial arts, but all shinobi skills. She may learn techniques one rank above what what her class allows. Unfortunately, this has the side effect of forcing her to take more time to get things perfectly correct before moving onto the next stage of her development. She therefore must spend an additional 10% experience to advance into the next class.

    One-handed Seals: Kitsuki has mastered the art of one-handed seals. She can weave handsigns with one hand, but as a result she loses one tier of Coordination for that hand with respect to handseals.

    [Freebie] Will of the WASP: Kitsuki has inherited Master Sukimori's Will of the WASP. The philosophy holds that when one acts in the service and goodness of others, they develop an indomitable will that strengthens them to their very core. They can endure more pain and hardship than someone who fights for evil or selfish reasons. Kitsuki gains a tier to Constitution at any moment of her choosing by tapping into this inner will.


    Kitsuki Kurahasa Rsz-2011-canary

    Kitsuki is a dark skinned girl standing at 5'4. She has a youthful appearance in general, but her most striking feature is her eyes. Kitsuki's eyes are a dark green, bordering on greyish black, and they have an inquisitive and curious character to them. They are large, soft, and contain an innocent glow rarely found in shinobi. Another unique feature regarding her appearance is her hair. Kitsuki styles her ultra curly hair in the form of a series of afro-pigtails tied with orange or red bands at the very ends.

    Kitsuki is of modest weight and bust for a girl her age, but for what she lacks in figure she more than makes up for in fashion. Kitsuki is fond of expensive and refined formal attire. She often wears a uniform consisting of a dark navy suit jacket complete with coattails, a white dress shirt, matching slacks, heel-boots, and a sleek bolo tie with an attached ornamental clasp. When she isn't wearing this standard uniform, she often wears equestrian attire made from the finest silks and leathers.

    Kitsuki also has an intricate Japanese tattoo on her back. The tattoo stretches from her neck to her upper thighs in traditional Yakuza style. It depicts an angelic figure which sports multiple wings overlaid with musical notes, kanji, and flowers. Kitsuki is an ex-smoker who has used gum to break her habit. She can often be seen chewing bubble gum and blowing bubbles.


    Born the youngest daughter to a prominent merchant family, Kitsuki Kurahasa had a privileged childhood. The Kurahasa Family were quite wealthy and had made a fortune on the Isle for years by getting involved in fishing, timber, and transport. The unspeakable wealth they brought in was more than enough to create several generations of idle descendants who could live off of the labor of their ancestors. Fortunately, the Kurahasa's have always prided themselves in raising their children to work hard and generate new wealth. Kitsuki and her older sister Katsumi however proved less than amenable to this tradition. Katsumi often rebelled against the restrictions which often accompanied highborn girls. Kitsuki was the meeker of the two, but nevertheless she idolized her older sister and often took after her. The two were almost always getting in trouble with the law and their shenanigans were a constant source of embarrassment to the Kurahasa household.

    The constant fighting, smoking, and cursing took its toll on their parents' patience. When they found out that Kitsuki had decided to get a near full body tattoo, they reached out to several of their contacts in high society. The solution came in the form of a finishing school. A mysterious man by the name of Master Sukimori Hyuuga had taken over a reformatory for criminal youth and had converted it into a intensive and selective private school for the rich. The institution retained certain elements of a reformatory, but narrowed its focus to helping young women of extraordinary talent and influence. The Kurahasa girls were skilled, countless bouts of violence proved that, they also had the surname of one of the most powerful civilian families on the Isles. This background made them ideal candidates for this new experimental institution: The Sukimori School for War, Art, Science, and Philosophy (S.S.WASP).

    Kitsuki was only 12 years old when she and her sister were shipped off to the remote boarding school. To this day, Kitsuki isn't exactly sure where the school is. They never told her its location and there wasn't much to go off of with respect to the geography and climate. The size and scope of the institution made it one of a kind. It took young girls from all over the world. Most came from very prominent families, but a few were there on a scholarship. From the moment they arrived, Kitsuki and her sister learned that the only way to excel at the Sukimori School was to strive for excellence. The curriculum was difficult and the teachers demanding. It was here that Kitsuki turned her hobby of making music into a lifestyle. Under the brutal tutelage of some of the world's finest instructors, she became an absolute virtuoso. Kitsuki had depended on her sister to protect her for years, but after training under Sensei Reisan she had learned to master martial arts. During her time at the WASP School, Kitsuki came to believe in its ideals: Perfectionism for the service of others. Everything she did was examined under a microscope. She was being molded into a kunoichi of unrivaled virtue and skill. Master Sukimori took a personal interest in the Kurahasa girls. Kitsuki shunned the leadership positions he offered her, but she had learned to tolerate his guidance.

    In Kitsuki, he saw the future. A class of kunoichi who could not be swayed or broken by passions or ideologies. A true renaissance warrior that fought for the benefit of those who could not fight for themselves. Without even realizing it, Kitsuki had become the model WASP student. She spent four years at the school before she graduated out, having mastered its principles and courses. After graduation, Kitsuki and Katsumi were sent to Kirigakure to serve the village as genin. The school had essentially served as a replacement for the Academy. It wouldn't be inaccurate to say that they were well beyond the skill level of the average new graduate. Kitsuki may have left the WASP school behind, but its mission is still in her heart. She loves music and while she'll tell you it is her primary focus, there will always be that compelling drive to be and do more for her country and the world. She now starts her ninja journey as a reluctant hero with the mind of a warrior but the heart of an artist.


    Kitsuki is a quiet girl. She is fairly inexpressive and many mistake that for apathy and emotional unavailability. In truth, Kitsuki feels deeply. She merely expresses her emotions through music and dance. The latter she tends to perform in private, but the former she often composes and plays for others. Kitsuki is a musician at her core and she is trained classically and contemporaneously. She can play a wide variety of musical instruments (her favorite being the piano). She has also taken on a keen interest in electronic musical production and wants to study sound engineering for the purpose of increasing her production quality. She believes that sound heals the soul and to that end she takes its development quite seriously. The girl has strong opinions about the ab(use) of sound for the purposes of warfare and she shuns those who incorporate it into their offensive techniques.

    Fashion and clothing also have a special place in her heart. Kitsuki enjoys expressing herself through clothing and has thus developed an impeccable sense of style. The WASP graduate entered the academy a timid follower, often tagging along with Katsumi. However, since leaving the academy, she has grown into being a disciplined, well-mannered, and ambitious young woman. While it would be a bit of an overstatement to call her strict, there is an edge to her posture and body language that suggests a high level of maturity.  

    Kitsuki keeps to herself mostly, although she has the capacity to make and maintain close friendships. Her time at S.S. WASP has instilled (or perhaps reawoken) a strong sense of justice within her. While she'd often rather focus on her music, she can't help but feel a call to something greater. Kitsuki has a strong moral compass that often compels her to fight evil and uphold the law. No matter how much she would rather leave it be, her heart will usually win out with respect to standing up for others. This character trait is partially the result of her education, but it also comes from the deep love and respect she has for her sister Katsumi. Katsumi often protected her younger sister who for most of their lives was unwilling to engage in confrontation since she was an artsy, shy, and naturally timid girl. As they grew older, Kitsuki became more willing to fight alongside her sister and stand up for herself. Kitsuki has since grown more independent and is no longer the type to take disrespect from others. Additionally, upon graduating from the notorious finishing school, she has vowed to defend not only her sister but others who could not stand up for themselves.

    Roleplay Sample: N/A


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