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    Splendid Shopping

    Mist Chuunin
    Mist Chuunin
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 588
    Join date : 2020-09-15

    Splendid Shopping Empty Splendid Shopping

    Post by Gyokusho Sun Nov 01, 2020 6:21 pm

    Having found a bit of respite from what had been a rather unrelenting week at the forge and the chemistry labs, he continued his shopping spree. He'd already purchased a selection of basic crafting materials for an upcoming project, but he had a few other errands to run, as well as a few places to peruse. As well as a drop to make. He considered some various packaging options, but at the end of the day he realized that any attempt at significant red herrings probably didn't really matter; he lived in a village of ninja, so if anyone really cared they could probably find some way to track down some of his dealings. For now, he entered a rather high-brow shop and in a short period was ushered into a private back room for ViPs. Here he would pawn off most of the rest of his stock of toxins, but also view the wares.

    Status in a wealthy clan with a state-sponsored living district opened up doors which even his personal famousness could not always penetrate.

    He meandered around the room, a small case of poison left on the counter as he looked at various chemicals, materials, weapons, and the like. He asked for an explanation of the finely crafted set of blades, finding them quite intriguing even though he had no ability to wield chakra flow. Yamamoto may make good use of this, but he didn't think that he could have a puppet wield it with any level of effectiveness. Perhaps if he added some kind of enchantment? He moved on, a mask catching his eye. He touched it and appreciated the fine weave and went through a few mental calculations. He'd like a second one, just in case, but they were a bit spendy and he did need to make sure he could properly invest in his joint venture with Okane-san. Still, these sort of wares tended to come and go, so time was of the essence.

    He looked wistfully toward the materials, though he likely could not put too much money into raw materials at this time. Perhaps with some kind of loan or contract with the Crown he could, or by doing a host of tedious missions, but otherwise it simply would not be in the cards likely for the whole month; beyond his investing plans, he was looking at setting up a shop, and he liked to keep a bit of spending money on hand for crafting projects, as well as for unexpected opportunities. So, as nice as the platinum and eel hide looked, he'd have to overlook them. Even a second mask may stretch the coffers for now, so instead he would pick up one before heading out.

    Next he stopped at one of the unfortunately departed Damien's shops. He wished he could have met the man, but alas, the assault had made such an event impossible, and yet the man's incredible business still chugged along. He sat on a couch and looked through the catalogue of wares, eying the various ingenious molds the man had developed, and at such a fantastic price too! The Kumo discount certainly helped. And so he placed an order for four of each of them, waited for the clerk to retrieve them, and then went along with his day.

    Purchase 4 of every mold (4000 ryo)
    1x Sacred Mask (50,000 ryo)
    Sell 13 vials of Nerve Rot (13 x 40,000 = 500,000 (rounded down for Month Cap))


    Hyakkiako, Gyokusho

    Strength: E++
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A
    Speed: D
    Coord: X
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: A+
    Mist Chuunin
    Mist Chuunin
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 588
    Join date : 2020-09-15

    Splendid Shopping Empty Re: Splendid Shopping

    Post by Gyokusho Thu Jul 01, 2021 1:34 am

    Though he had not been conscious, still it seemed so readily apparent the amount of time he had missed. The markets as a whole had changed very little, but individual locals and shops were gone, replaced instead by new versions of themselves. Here a fruit stand where once there had been nothing; and there, instead of weapons it was now a cobbler. And so on. As he moved, he purchased things he would need as staples, having decided to look a bit towards making some different items, and perhaps some armors. However, eventually he ventured into a backroom a place of choice wares, and he found a treasure trove. He placed a few orders for delivery, a couple special requests, and picked a few raw materials for himself. And then he placed a bid for something he knew very, very little about; something very, very expensive and not guaranteed and made via a simple number scribbled onto a piece of heavy cardstock. It gave him a small rush, something he had not felt in such a time, and he savored the feeling as he handed over the little bid.

    20 x Titanium: 20,000
    3 x Monarch's Providence: 90,000
    2 x Spirit Breaker: 100,000
    2 x Metric Warhammers: 140,000
    Menza Puppet Bid: 450,000


    Hyakkiako, Gyokusho

    Strength: E++
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A
    Speed: D
    Coord: X
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: A+

      Current date/time is Sun Jul 07, 2024 10:37 pm