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    Workers United (Konoha/Kirigakure)


    Village : Kumogakure
    Posts : 85
    Join date : 2020-10-04
    Age : 30

    Workers United (Konoha/Kirigakure) Empty Workers United (Konoha/Kirigakure)

    Post by Marcus Sat Oct 24, 2020 7:56 pm

    Within the Heavenly Emporium, two rooms had been reserved for meetings between representatives of a continent wide union of laborers, craftsmen, and other working class occupations. The war had had some devastating impacts on the economies of the world, no one country managing to escape the consequences. Yes, some industries had begun to thrive because of the constant demand for weapons and armor, but farmers who had their fields burned to the ground and ordinary shop owners who have been robbed or forced to sell their goods for less than they wished were feeling the burn. Everything had been turned towards the war effort and the people had had enough.

    To that end, three representatives from the Union had been carefully chosen and sent to meet with three representatives of the remaining great nations that were relevant to the war effort. The Heavenly Emporium had been gracious enough to provide the space for this negotiation, the space being two identical rooms within their diplomacy section of the floating trade hub. Each room had the appearance of a board room, with a large oval table made of rare wood in the center of each. Each was seven meters long and had been sanded then polished smooth to the touch. The finish was absolutely exquisite, and the chairs that surrounded the table matched it in both material and quality. A lush, very well kept carpet of a gray coloring provided the flooring for each room.

    Each wall was made of polished Senju Wood, polished and cut in such a manner that each panel of wood slid in perfectly to the panels on either side for a seamless appearance. The look was very difficult to pull off and was the mark of a master carpenter, one who had spent their entire lifetime to have the skill necessary to accomplish such a feat. This is where the similarities ended between the two rooms. The room set aside for the dignitaries from Konohagakure and Kirigakure had the walls decorated with various pictures of individual trees, forests, coastlines, and isles in the sea surrounded by the mists of Kirigakure.

    One wall had a fountain built into it, the water cascading down a series of steps into a small pool. The material of the fountain was marble that had been expertly chiseled, sanded, and molded into a nearly perfect form. It was a display of vanity, one that only a master stonemason would have been able to accomplish over the course of months of meticulous work. This represented the Land of Water in its negotiations. The Land of Fire was represented by a latticework of vines being painted on the walls of the room in a large but abstract mural. Various fruits dangled from the vines on each wall, and there were a few plants of various kinds that had been potted and placed in the room. The touch of nature and the gentle sound of the fountain provided a nice backdrop to the room considering what was to be discussed within.

    At the table sat a small group of five. Two sat at the central chairs on the long side of the table opposite the door to the room. The one on the left was a woman of slender build with medium length hair that was completely gray. Her face was wrinkled and her skin coppery, though her eyes were a sharp blue color. They seemed to stare through you when her attention found your person, and she had an almost regal air surrounding her. This woman was Miyaki Hozuki, a woman who had made her name in the Land of Water as an expert weaver and shrewd businesswoman. She was in charge of the weavers sect of the union and had been for fifteen years now. Nobody would have guessed her to be in her seventies by the way she could still weave any fabric in any pattern without a single flaw in the design.

    The man on the right was younger than the woman was by a good twenty years and kept eyeing the fountain built into one of the walls of the room. He was of average height and did not have any gray in his hair yet despite being in the later stages of his middle years. His body was not particularly muscular, though his hands were rough and calloused. They had a light discoloring to them from the years of work he had been through as a stonemason. His name was Riku Sato and he had only recently been given the rank of master within the union. However, he was known to be quiet and thoughtful with his words always having the weight of wisdom behind them. He had made a successful business with his intelligence and wit more than with his raw talent for his craft.

    To his right were two men, one of which was tall and lean while the other was quite a bit shorter but also lean. Neither bore any particularly interesting features other than the stack of papers in front of them that bore the in depth descriptions of each demand the union was making of all the great nations. To Miyaki's left was the final member of the group, a woman similar in appearance to Miyaki though about ten years younger. This was her sister, Rin Hozuki, a woman who had become a respected legal scholar within the clan. She sat with a sheaf of paper as well as a pen and inkwell nearby to record what was said in this meeting. The terms of the deal, should one be reached, would also be recorded by her so that there was a written record. Across the table from the two central figures were two identical pieces of paper with a shorthand list of the demands the union was making of each of the great nations for the representatives of Kirigakure and Konohagakure to reference. These demands are:

    1- No nation shall buy any material, raw or finished, from a business that does not belong to the union.

    2- No nation shall provide work for any non-union businesses in any way, shape, or form.

    3- No nation shall provide protection for non-union businesses whether this be with shinobi or ordinary armed men.

    4- No nation shall destroy a business belonging to the union in the course of war if it can be avoided, and if one is destroyed then the nation with which the business resides in will fully compensate the business by said nation for any and all repairs, new construction, goods lost, and lives taken.

    5- Every nation will have one member of the union as part of their advisory council or the equivalent of one with this bearing should the nation's governmental form differ from the norm. This representative will have the same powers as other members of the council and will have final say over any dealings the nation has with businesses, including which businesses are to be used for what projects within the nation.

    6- Every nation will buy goods and services from union businesses at the price determined fair by the union. No negotiations, threats, or under the table deals will be attempted or tolerated.

    7- Each laborer within the union will be guaranteed a small salary by the nation to ensure a bare minimum standard of living to prevent any individual laborer from sliding into poverty due to the unforeseen circumstances of war or life in general. No worker should starve when they provide so much to society. In addition, any laborer belonging to the union shall have any health expenses paid for by the state to prevent them from accruing outstanding debts caused by illnesses or injuries they had little to no control over.

    8- No laborer will be expected to work more than six hours on any given day and no more than five days per week. The amount they receive each day is to remain the same and will be provided even if the laborer does not work on a specific day. See demand 7 for further details.

    9- No machine that has the capacity to replace a laborer shall be permitted in any nation. To lose employment to something which has no need of it is an insult to any person and will only serve to impoverish those who are replaced for no reason.


    Workers United (Konoha/Kirigakure) Empty Re: Workers United (Konoha/Kirigakure)

    Post by Guest Sun Oct 25, 2020 8:55 am

    Fujikawa was incensed. That much could be said for sure. As she marched through the halls of the Heavenly Emporium and was shown to her destination in the diplomacy centre, she had been reading and re-reading the letter of demands issued by the union and they were quite frankly never going to happen. Some of them may have been achievable under peacetime but demanding a full monopoly over every single nation's industries? And then demanding the state ONLY deal with those industries and be responsible for footing the bill for any wartime destruction? These fools knew nothing for supposed businessmen.

    It was fortunate that she had worn a suit today. A navy-blue thing, consisting of jacket and trousers, worn over a white shirt with an accompanying tie. Today was a serious matter and this mission was incredibly important hence the question of how she was going to handle this. In an ideal world, she would have simply come to some sort of under the table deal that everyone important would have walked away from happy but, as stipulated in demand six, that was not possible. She supposed it was time to get dirty then. To lie, cheat, manipulate and threaten.

    The chemist walked into the meeting room and took a seat opposite the union representatives, taking their forms into account. An elderly lady, a young man, a woman who looked like a younger version of the elderly lady and two men, the opposite of the other in terms of build who Fujikawa could only assume were security. She knew these figures, at least the elderly lady. She was a famed weaver who had spread her business enterprise throughout the Land of Water. Of course, she wanted a total monopoly of all weaving, to screw over both the nations and those who wished to remain free of the union. This reeked of being a glorified protection racket.

    “Good morning members of the worker’s union. I am pleased to make your acquaintance, even if the circumstances are not ideal for fostering positive relations. Before we delve into the negotiations proper, I would like to await the arrival of our final member but in the meantime, introductions?” She sat up straight in her chair, expression stern and patient to hide the sheer irritation she felt at these jumped up little maggots and their unreasonable demands. For businessmen and women, they sure as hell did not know the first thing in negotiations: establishing a positive rapport.

    “My name is Fujikawa Setsuko. I run a small independent chemist’s store in Kirigakure.” It had been a busy week at her store in fact. She may have avoided being drafted to the frontlines but that was only so she could mass produce medical supplies which had now been jeopardised by this strike action utterly killing her suppliers. It was a situation she wished to end. No. Needed to end. She needed it to end as she had no interest in signing up with such an obviously corrupt union.
    Leaf Chuunin
    Leaf Chuunin

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 203
    Join date : 2018-11-25

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Taijutsu, Ninjutsu
    Class: A
    Ryo: 615,000

    Workers United (Konoha/Kirigakure) Empty Re: Workers United (Konoha/Kirigakure)

    Post by Suguru Tue Nov 03, 2020 7:17 pm

    “Hey, you. Finally Awake.”


    Pain flared across Suguru’s temple, white streaks splitting the blackness in front of him.

    He did not recognize the voice that spoke, nor what it meant.

    He tried to move his hands to wipe away the darkness, yet whatever movement they did came from the jarring movement of whatever he was sitting on, not what he willed of them. Sweat poured from every pore in his body, the only feeling that seemed to come through from the numbness of his being.

    “You were trying to cross the border, right?”

    “Eh? What border?”

    Words still eluded Suguru, and so did the meaning of this cryptic voice. Yet before he could ponder further what sense this mysterious words could, his senses left him once more.


    Suguru’s senses snapped back into reality as he was being prodded gently but incessantly on his right shoulder.

    “Ummm, Shinobi Sir, we have arrived.” A meek man stood in front of him, his head bald and in his hands a cap he seemed to be intent on wringing. He seemed to be the coach driver.

    Suguru shook away the daze, trying to remember where and what was going on as he stepped down from the cart.

    “Ah yes, thank you.” He replied with a bluffed sense of authority.

    “Would you be so kind as to remind me where I am at? I’ve been on the move so much, I tend to forget where is where.” He followed this with a false laugh. Another lie, this one even less believable than the one that came before it.

    “Well, The Heavenly Emporium of course sir. Not many floating cities around.”

    “Oh yea, of course.” Suguru replied with a smile yet his eyes unable to hide the fact that he had no idea a floating city existed, let alone that he was on one.

    “Well, I better get going then. Have a good Shinobi sir.” And the driver started to climb back on the seat of his coach, ready to depart the floating city, the how a mystery to Suguru, which somehow found its way in his mind despite the urgency of the situation he was in.

    “Umm Sir, you forgot this.” The driver was once again in front of him, a letter in hand, thankfully not being wrung.[color=#339966 “Seems rather important.”[/color]

    Suguru took the letter, and eyed it quickly. The seal of Konohagakure was stamped on the envelope flap, unbroken. He turned it and on the back, he saw written in clear lettering:


    “Hmm, Indeed. Thank you very much.” Suguru nodded, as he fished his pockets for change to give a tip to this conveniently helpful cart driver. His hands wrapped around a Ryo, and he produced it with a flourish before dropping it in the man’s palm. It turned out it actually was a shiny button, and no shirt he owned had such style.

    Suguru just nodded and stormed off with an important purpose and haste.

    After he had made sufficient distance between himself and the cart, he opened the envelope gingerly and scanned the letter inside.

    “You have been hereby selected for an important assignment, as important if not more, than any in the current war effort…” Oh shit. “…The leaders of this so-called union are threatening to shackle our economy with their threats, veiled as concessions…” Oh shit, Oh shit “…You must make sure that this does not happen and put a halt to this situation, at any cost bar bodily harm. Konohagakure’s future, and that of our allies, rests on your shoulders…” Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.

    Panic flooded through Suguru as sweat beads pattered on the fine stationery. Konoha was at war? And he was assigned to break up some worker’s union in negotiation? All Suguru could remember was laying down with a terrible fever and next thing he knew, he was on top of a floating city carrying out a highly important mission for his village.

    Why me? Why-

    A cold sensation flared from between Suguru’s shoulder blades, spreading across his whole being. His bones creaked, and spittle oozed from between his clenched teeth. In the low light of the side street shade, Suguru’s retina turning into dark slits.

    “You just sit back and relax, I’ll handle this.” The voice in his head was sharp and cold. It was not his.


    Suguru marched down the corridor with panache and purpose, its head held high as it passed all manners of well-dressed people, even though it was robed in a stained blue floral horai that reeked of old sweat and knee-length shorts, equally stained and sweaty; yet its confidence was undeterred as it barged in the meeting room, door slamming open.

    “Gentlemen.” Suguru nodded, its face fixed with a grin of self-assurance and faecal consumption. “Women.” It saluted to the rest.

    Closing the door behind him, he then took a seat in the remaining chair, sitting opposed to the representatives and next to what it could smell as women, even though it was dressed on what it had learned was typically worn by the male of the species.

    “The boy would have melted in this room. Good thing I took the reins.”

    “It seems we are all here. I think it’s safe to say we can begin?” Suguru asked with open arms, as he looked over to the other side of the table, his face still frozen in a sly smirk.

    WC: 910

    Last edited by Suguru on Tue Nov 03, 2020 7:18 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : WC added.)

    Village : Kumogakure
    Posts : 85
    Join date : 2020-10-04
    Age : 30

    Workers United (Konoha/Kirigakure) Empty Re: Workers United (Konoha/Kirigakure)

    Post by Marcus Thu Nov 05, 2020 7:26 pm

    The group of five all looked up as one when the first representative entered. The representative was a woman from her appearance and she made to sit across from them at the table. Riku's eyes gave a quick up and down in appreciation of her. He likely wouldn't mind the negotiations as long as they got to negotiate with this one more often than not. He made no other outward gestures other than the movement of his eyes, the faintest acknowledgement of his admiration. The young woman greeted them politely before asking for introductions while waiting for her partner to get there. They hadn't come together? Miyaki raised one eyebrow at the revelation. It had been assumed they would arrive together in solidarity, but it seemed as if their schedules had not been in sync.

    Her name was Fujikawa Setsuko and she apparently owned her own shop within the Land of Water. Miyaki smiled faintly at that. She was glad to be discussing things with one who might understand the plight of the common worker, even if that person happened to be a shinobi. One who made things for a living tended to be more grounded than those who thrived off of that labor. Miyaki would be the first to speak in introduction as Riku was more than happy to defer to her for now.

    "A pleasure, Ms. Fujikawa. I am Hozuki Miyaki and my associate here is Sato Riku,"
    Miyaki began, indicating Riku with a gesture. "We were most pleased to hear that both Kirigakure and Konohagakure were interested in a meeting and wish to express our gratitude for the opportunity to shore up this nas-" Miyaki stopped speaking, the eyes of both Riku and herself glancing up towards another man entering the room.

    He... well, quite honestly, he smelled terrible. That was the first thing Miyaki noted, her nose crinkling in open disgust at the scent to the point that every wrinkle on her face deepened into a ravine. Had he even bathed before coming here? That wasn't even mentioning his disheveled appearance. This man was a stark contrast to Setsuko who had dressed appropriately for the occasion and, so far, appeared to be well mannered. This man chose instead to flop down into the chair and speak about beginning negotiations immediately without even introducing himself. Riku's reaction wasn't much better.

    While his nose didn't crinkle to the extent of Miyaki's, his face did contort into one that displayed a mixture of annoyance and disgust both. He sat up a bit straighter, his eyes narrowing in disapproval at the new arrival's appearance. "-ty business... Pardon, who might you be?" Miyaki had ceased her opening remarks at the interruption in favor of addressing the disheveled man. The other three members of their group were all also disdainful of the new man in the room with Miyaki's sister opting to glance down rather than paying direct attention to him and his supposed companion, Setsuko.


    Workers United (Konoha/Kirigakure) Empty Re: Workers United (Konoha/Kirigakure)

    Post by Guest Fri Nov 06, 2020 7:02 am

    Fujikawa was more than a little surprised, and very very irked, when her supposed partner showed up. He barged into the meeting room, all confidence and energy, dressed in a nice-looking outfit that nevertheless reeked of sweat while also sporting a great deal of stains. He was making a mockery out of these negotiations and judging by the expressions on the faces of the union representatives, they were not happy to see him. Fujikawa needed to subtly inform him that neither his attire nor general level of presentation were suitable for today's events.

    As I was saying. I do run an independent chemist and as such, I do have a certain degree of understanding for your situation. Instead of being deployed to the front lines I have been put to work producing everything from simple antiseptics for wound cleaning all the way to, oddly, perfumes. Apparently they have use at keeping rats away due to their pungent aroma.” It was entirely false. Perfume had no real use in driving rats away but it did have a use in making a certain someone stink less.

    However yes, I do feel it would be prudent to begin negotiations. Allow me to start then. Under normal circumstances, some of your conditions may have been possible to meet but given the current nature of the conflict? We cannot meet them.” Understandably, Fujikawa was expecting the union representatives to ignore that and demand all the conditions be met but she already had an answer in mind for that. Before either of the representatives could speak up she would continue her spiel.

    Let me ask this. What if the shoe was on the other foot? What if the administration of the Shinobi villages refused your workers the freedom to trade with non-village businesses? What if you were denied the freedom to acquire goods and resources from outside the lands of the nation? What if we demanded you involve a Shinobi in all of your business dealings? What if we demanded you paid us for the damage and destruction sustained to state buildings? What if you were expected to provide a living stipend for all Shinobi?

    Fujikawa would let the scenario she painted sink in, complying her thoughts on just how foolish these two union representatives were. For supposed business leaders they had displayed no understanding of the two core requirements for successful negotiations: Flexibility and establishing a rapport. To simply demand things and refuse to compromise was an unworkable situation that was bound to fail from day one. Although, it did occur to Fujikawa that perhaps that was the point.

    Would those conditions not both restrict your business’s ability to expand and be self-sustaining? Would that not be deeply unfair? Do remember, not every citizen of the nations are skilled craftsmen such as yourselves and those you represent. Some are Shinobi such as myself. Others are simple farmers. These conditions you seek to impose upon us are quite simply not financially sustainable and will damage the economy of the hidden villages.” She hoped the meaning hidden between her words was clear but if not, she was going to make it clear.

    The point I am making is that these policies would be so damaging to the economies of the nations that entire industries will suffer greatly. The price for food and other basic goods will skyrocket. The state would need to accrue additional revenue streams, and enhance existing ones, by increasing the tax rate and cost of hiring Shinobi. You may then hit back by saying you would simply increase the price of your services and demand the state living wage is increased accordingly but do you not see how that would cause mass inflation? The more money the state has to expend the more it has to bring in. You may be thinking why not simply dissolve Shinobi or cut back on expenditures then? But who would protect you then? Especially during war.

    Fujikawa turned her gaze to the young man, her crimson eyes locking onto him with an energy and passion that she deliberately intended to imply some form of sexual and romantic attraction. She batted her eyelashes towards him ever so slightly, her smile confident but warm. She had seen this boy’s eyes checking her out, looking up and down the entire length of her body, and it was something she was fully intending to take advantage of.

    To put it simply, if the nations I am representing loose we will not be able to protect you, or in any way ever meet even the simplest of your conditions in the future. So, let us cooperate in the short term. We do not need to like each other, even though I would very much like for us to establish a good working rapport, but imagine the opportunities a Konoha and Kirigakure victory could bring you and the workers of their respective villages. More wealth, more development, new resources, more territory, more customers and most importantly, more opportunities.” With that, Fujikawa leaned back in her chair, relaxing and catching her breath as her speech had been delivered.

    "As such, a compromise is what I see as the best solution." She wished she had her pipe. The familiar scent of her tobaco would have helped keep her calm and nerves sharp.
    Leaf Chuunin
    Leaf Chuunin

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 203
    Join date : 2018-11-25

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Taijutsu, Ninjutsu
    Class: A
    Ryo: 615,000

    Workers United (Konoha/Kirigakure) Empty Re: Workers United (Konoha/Kirigakure)

    Post by Suguru Sat Nov 07, 2020 10:13 am

    “My name is not important. What is important is what I am going to do. That is, negotiate on Konohagakure’s behalf. That means as far as you are concerned, I am Konohagakure.” Suguru replied as it turned its gaze to the speaker, without a single blink or twitch as it did so, before sweeping the room with his gaze once more.

    The boy was a specimen of patheticness, and it seemed that undertaking this assignment had put him under so much stress, he practically begged it to come and take the reins. It could do nothing but oblige unless it wanted the boy to lose his senses and mess himself.

    It had taken a long time to be able to bind itself fully with the boy, because his mind was surprisingly stubborn and his body rejected its attempts by nearly killing itself, an outcome which would have made all its efforts in vain. So, it had not thought it would be able to take on its own so soon, but there it was, at the helm, with the boy having not a single say. This was the most control it ever exerted on the body, and while it would have preferred it if it did less talking and more gene stealing, this made perfect practice for blending in with them.

    It made for a rather uncanny being; a dishevelled shabby genin that moved with the air of a hunter-killer and had the gaze of one too.

    The one at its side then agreed that it’s time to start the negotiations, which Suguru gave a nod to.

    She stated that they were not able to meet the demands.

    Ah, shame that she began on the wrong foot. Nothing that cannot be fixed.

    “Will not meet the demands.” It corrected with a strong voice, before letting her continue, his gaze not moving a single inch from looking straight ahead. Showing weakness, in any confrontation, is a sure sign one is weak.

    She then went on to make claims about perfume driving away rodents. An interesting point, something it would surely test out since the boy’s room was infested with them on account of him not cleaning, and eating rodent flesh made the boy sick for days and it did not care much for the taste either, so an alternative solution was needed.

    She continued, making the arguments that appealed to the empathy of the ones that stood on the other side of the table, before turning to attack their purses. A cunning female, that cannot be denied. Those who have no emotion usually replace it with Ryo. Yet why was she being so placid with these fools, even suggesting that they cooperate? That it could not understand.

    Still, Suguru let her finish and waited to see the response of the other side. It will play the game the female at its side was playing.

    If they met her words with disdain, then it would show them how little they really meant. Let them be the ones who take the offensive, and once they are down and beaten, they can only blame themselves. No need to bite into their throats and tear their windpipes out until they do that, letting them choke on their own bile and blood as their life drains away by each passing second. Metaphorically of course.

    Village : Kumogakure
    Posts : 85
    Join date : 2020-10-04
    Age : 30

    Workers United (Konoha/Kirigakure) Empty Re: Workers United (Konoha/Kirigakure)

    Post by Marcus Sat Nov 07, 2020 5:22 pm

    Miyaki tsked at Suguru's lack of care for the situation. "Little boys who can't be polite don't get to speak with the grown ups," she said calmly, her attention turning to Fujikawa along with Riku's attention. He hadn't appreciated Suguru's stubbornness either and was letting it be known. He seemed to think he was better than he was and such petty nonsense would not be tolerated with these two. The woman at least had some courtesy, and she cared enough to show up well dressed and smelling better than a used gym sock.

    She had been willing to listen to all of Fujikawa's monologue, but Riku was not as kind as Miyaki in this regard. Where she liked to listen and think upon a careful and well-worded answer, he was more of an analyze for a few moments and fire at anything that moved type of person. Sure, he was intelligent for a man of his caliber but he was still a man. Quick to annoy and quicker to react with far too much stubbornness to compliment. But he had to be here for some reason she could not fathom, so she would not interrupt his own interruption. Still, she expected him to say something callous that would hamper their chances in the long run.

    Riku held up a hand when Fujikawa after he felt enough of her drivel had gone on long enough. “Would those conditions not both restrict your business’s ability to expand and be self-sustaining? Would that not be deeply unfair? Do remember, not every citizen of the nations are skilled craftsmen such as yourselves and those you represent. Some are Shinobi such as myself. Others are simple farmers. These conditions you seek-"

    "Yes, yes, we've heard this blather before. We know how much income just the villages make alone within each country and they're by far and away the largest earners. Whatever nonsense you have about affording shinobi and other costs is moot. You have enough of a surplus after cost that a bit more won't kill you," he said clearly and rather blandly. She had charm and eloquence, for sure, but Riku was not one for overly flowery speeches. "We're not going to do anything to hurt anyone who is-"

    Miyaki laid a hand on his arm and he paused to glance at her. After a moment he would shrug and relax against the back of his chair to allow her to speak.

    "Yes, Riku-san here is a very outspoken man but he lacks the ability to speak creatively." She smiled at Fujikawa here, but her eyes... those eyes were razors aimed at Fujikawa's throat. Miyaki sounded nice, but if one paid enough attention it was more than clear what her intentions were. There would be no mercy from her either.

    She would continue with a slightly breathy voice, attempting to smoothe over any potentially harsh words that could be said. "But what he means is that we're not the nation. Our union makes sure that each member is paid accordingly to their skill. I don't see why that could possibly be a bad thing. The richer members of our society can more than afford to make up what any land could need in excess taxation, but the building up of the commoners under a common banner separate from the nation such as the union would greatly boost their working potential." Miyaki's sister pulled a list out of one of the folders in front of her and handed it to Miyaki who gratefully took it.

    There were two lists comprised of about twenty bound pages. She slid one to each shinobi across the smooth tabletop. Inside was a list of businesses spread throughout the Land of Water and the Land of Fire who either were part of the Union or wished to be part of the Union, one from each land and slid to their respective representative. To be a part of the Union you agreed to fair wages and prices that all businesses had to follow to keep everything on a level playing field. The title of the list read 'Businesses Willing to Trade Within the Guaranteed Protection of Shinobi Villages'.

    "If the villages were in contract with them, they could work and produce without fear of expanding too much for their own good. And when they have assured income they can do more without fear of going into poverty which would grow them even more. People would need to improve to compete and the amount of low quality trash in the market would all but disappear. When the people prosper, so too does the government with the increased taxation from growing businesses. Keeping prices down by allowing low-quality work to drive down the value of labor only benefits the government when they could instead help everyone. With the union being in every land, then trade between the lands after this catastrophe of a war is over would increase as the union would have no need to fight or compete with other union businesses. Truly, providing what we need would ensure the growth of the nation in the long run even if the short term benefits are lacking. We prefer to think of the future in grand terms rather than in quick glances."

    Riku coughed here, shaking his head. "You can talk too much sometimes, Miyaki." He glanced back at Fujikawa and Suguru. "What parts of all this do you think are unworkable? Everything on that list helps people like me. I run a good business but I'm not some rich aristocrat sitting on a heap of gold. Any of that extra cost can easily be paid for with an additional tax on them, so I really don't see the issue with most of them, but we're willing to hear you out."

    He stayed laid back the entire time, his words coming out calmly with a rich baritone that did not show signs of his age. Miyaki and he complimented each other well, but man, she could talk a lot. Sometimes she put people to sleep trying to be fancy and that wasn't something he enjoyed listening too. Even still, the woman was a terrifyingly effective businesswoman. She got what she wanted and did what she had to to take it. But, just like with any other woman, she wanted to talk and talk and talk instead of just getting to the point.

    The two of them would await the response of the two shinobi representatives, each eager in their own unique ways to see whether these two could actually negotiate or if they were just here to trip over their tongues.


    Workers United (Konoha/Kirigakure) Empty Re: Workers United (Konoha/Kirigakure)

    Post by Guest Sat Nov 07, 2020 7:09 pm

    Fujikawa sighed to herself, eyes scowling at this jumped up maggot of a man who had the audacity to interrupt her. She had expected his female companion to allow her to finish after she silenced her companion but no, that had not been the case. The union's reps had been irritating enough. Do not get her started on the Konoha representative. The chemist met this woman’s expression with an equally hostile one of her own, simmering embers of bitterness dancing amid her crimson gaze. Fine. If that was how this would be played, then let it be so.

    You raise a good point, one I personally agree with. Yes, the richest members of the village would surely be able to compensate for the increased economic demands of ensuring all union members receive a living wage and yes, paying people according to their needs is a noble ideal but...” Her voice trailed off as she picked up the stack of papers that had been slid towards her, thumbing through the pages to get a grasp of its contents.

    You have failed to grasp a key issue: Simply appealing to the virtious nature of an ideal will not be enough to make it a realty. Allow me to elaborate without interruption please.” Fujikawa shot a brief glance towards Suguru, scowling at him in a manner that could only be to say one thing: Be quiet. She had found his lateness, poor presentation, interruption and putting of words in her mouth unproductive. Hopefully, Suguru had the mental capacity required to realise that. They were here to negotiate, not squabble after all.

    The richest members of society are often rich due to them having a significant amount of influence upon the state’s decisions. They are under no obligation to actually pay higher taxes when they could simply force that upon the ordinary people. In fact, there is no guarantee an increased tax rate would be successfully implemented to begin with. Do you mind if I smoke?” If none of the representatives objected Fujikawa would reach into one of her suit’s inner pockets, removing a match, pipe and a small tin. The tin would be opened, the tobacco inside added to the pipe and the pipe lit.

    Now, regarding the union being in every land… that is not a business. That is a monopoly. You could charge anything you want from everyone for even the most basic of goods and when you control the entire industry, you would not be competing against anyone.” The chemist would take a simple puff upon her Kiseru, exhaling away from the representatives and her associate. The smell of burning wood would soon begin to spread, a rather soft and gentle scent paired with the aroma of flowers?

    But the enforcement of taxation and combating corruption within the village’s administration would be our issue, however as you are both clearly highly educated I am sure you realise how hard corruption can be to remove and now young man, I will address my issues with your proposals.” She shot another scowl towards Suguru, intending to yet again remind him that he should STAY quiet for now or at the very least not put words into her mouth.

    Item nine I would have no issue accepting in its current state. Items one, two, three and six cannot be accepted under any circumstances given the current conflict.” That simply left the remaining items and it was with these that the chemist intended to offer an olive branch, an opportunity to settle this amicably in a form both sides would be happy with. She took another puff from her metal and wood pipe, the wisp of smoke floating upwards from its far end towards the ceiling.

    As for the remaining items I have counter proposals. Item four. Kirigakure would accept this provided the following is met. Instead of offering money, we would subsidise costs by offering a tax exemption upon the labour and goods. ” She did wish to point out the inherent contradiction in the union reps saying their demands were done JUST because they were for the best of the nations but...let us not burn that bridge just yet.

    Item five would require the following: Your representative being assigned status equal to other members of Kirigakure’s council. We can not allow a single figure within the council the power to make final decisions. Such levels of influence are ripe for abuses.” That’s it Fujikawa. Present your objections as being about ensuring corruption was stamped out and maintaining a fair and balanced means of government. Her eyes looked from Riku to Miyaki, crimson gaze showing sparks of energy within them.

    Item six will also be subjected to a similar arrangement for it to be acceptable. We would accept the union mandating a starting price, which can serve as an emergency fall back price in case negotiations break down, provided the specific individuals, regardless of who they are, are allowed to negotiate and collectively come to agreements. As a caveat we would absolutely enforce strict laws to prevent and punish violent or other unlawful means of persuasion..” Fujikawa’s list of suggestions was slowly starting to be emptied yet she still had a few more to deliver.

    Item seven we are willing to cover fifty percent of the minimum wage for all workers, regardless of being union affiliated or not, provided the union is willing to cover the remaining fifty percent. However, we must insist this minimum wage is extended to everybody within the village and this is for your benefit not our’s. If non-craftsman, non-union members and Shinobi discovered union craftsmen were being given free income that would result in a huge amount of public backlash.” And finally, Fujikawa got to her most important suggestions.

    Item eight can be accepted as a baseline, provided employers are given the means and right to negotiate additional hours from their employees for additional pay. The state will not demand additional hours from workers, except in the case of national emergencies agreed upon by its administration. We would also enshrine laws to punish abuses of this trust. ” Now came the most controversial of her recommendations.

    I would also like to add an additional item to your recommendations. That all unions MUST have a degree of separation. Each village will have its own union, unable to arrange strikes outside of their own village. I wish to avoid one union leader in a village rival to my own from demanding the Kirigakure workers walk out, while their own village’s workers do not. The potential for the union being exploited to achieve military victories over any other village is far too great.

    And do not say you are all so perfect as to never allow such a thing to happen. You two may be, others are not. Especially when you consider the risk of rival villages employing subversion to infiltrate your ranks and twist you to their own purposes. You do not wish to be used by rival states I trust?” This degree of separation was something Fujikawa was insisting on, if only to avoid the union as a whole being turned into just another tool for conquest.

    "For the sake of both the parties we represent, please accept the olive branch I have extended. I wish this matter resolved in a way fair to us both just as much as you do." That. That was genuine. There was no anger, condecension of arrogance in the chemist's tone. Just a simple genuine desire to ensure everyone walked away content.

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    Workers United (Konoha/Kirigakure) Empty Re: Workers United (Konoha/Kirigakure)

    Post by Marcus Thu Nov 19, 2020 9:14 pm

    The man-child from Konoha said nothing as the negotiations went on. Perhaps he was there for contrast only? It would certainly be the most unique way Miyaki had ever seen such a tactic enacted and, she had to admit, it had caught her off guard. Shinobi were clever and masters in the art of subtlety, being ninjas and all. They were also strangely good at causing natural disaster levels of damage on a whim... what a weird dichotomy. It was nothing like business, not to her. Business was simple to learn and very difficult to master.

    But Miyaki had mastered business before this child had been born. She had more failed ideas than this woman had in total and had a relentlessness that had proven... effective.

    She waved her hand at her asking about smoking, a slight grin coming to her face. The old woman produced a hand wrapped cigarette from a hidden pocket in her left sleeve. "I could use one of those, if you don't mind," she said in response, indicating the kunoichi's matches. Assuming one was given, Miyaki would light her cigarette to enjoy with her opposition. Riku's face turned sour at the smoke in the air though he said nothing. He didn't care for smoking and wasn't fond of it but didn't care too much if other people as long as it didn't get ridiculous.

    "Please continue," Miyaki said after taking a puff. To the side of the representatives was the sound of pens scratching paper as another type of shorthand slightly different from that used by Hiyoto's scribe was used to write everything down. Had to give them a little time to prepare. They could tell that this was going to be another long one...

    Riku yawned twice during Fujikawa's monologue, half listening to what she said as he wondered how he was going to complete a large order he took on a few months before the strike had been initiated. How much more marble would he need? Should he go with granite instead? No, that was too plain. It would have to be marble to be done correctly.

    Miyaki paid much closer attention, retrieving a piece of paper and a pen from her sister that had been prepared in advance. The older woman took quick notes of Fujikawa's various points, small sets of bullet points so that she could remember everything the woman said. She had some good and compelling arguments but was leaving a few aspects out. That or she hadn't thought of them. Once Fujikawa had finished, Miyaki would do a quick once over of her notes while extinguishing the cigarette with her own watery body. The cigarette was set to the side carefully so as to not get anything on the expensive table, the burnt end hovering over the edge of the table. Then she would begin to speak.

    "It's probably a good thing I got you rather than Hiyoto. That man is rather brash," she commented lazily to begin. "You would talk circles around him. Very good, I'm glad one village sent someone with a brain." She placed her hand one over the other in front of her, covering her piece of paper completely from view. "Forgive me for assuming this, but shinobi are very powerful in relation to normal people in most cases. I doubt that any aristocrat would do anything so foolish as to punish or refuse to cooperate with a power that possesses hundreds of people capable of wiping your city out without too much effort. They need the people more than the people need them. New leaders can be found from the mob without too much of an issue. There's always someone who wants their moment in the spotlight, but it takes years to be able to learn what a craftsman does well. If they push these people too far, then with the backing of shinobi to protect them as we will agree upon later these same people could refuse to do anything with these rebellious aristocrats. Even a rich man can become poor if nobody will do business with him. A lord cannot run his kingdom successfully if commerce stops and his own laborers have their materials taken from them. Hungry mouths can do... bad things to people who sit too high on their horse."

    Miyaki stopped here for that point, glancing to Riku to see if he had anything to add. Shrugging, the man would say a few words to help back Miyaki up on this. "Their taxes might go up, but prices will remain stable longer. It'll be easier to plan a budget, they'll still be rich as hell, they won't be dead, and the people of the nations have a more fair place to compete. Sounds good to me."

    His companion glanced at him with some slight distaste. He was almost as uncouth as that bear Hiyoto. She wondered briefly how Kumogakure's representative thought of Hiyoto. Truth be told she wouldn't be surprised if he had caused the representative to walk away. He was about as subtle as a bear, too.

    "As to the Union being a monopoly, I fear you're not familiar with how the Union operates. It is comprised of hundreds of businesses, each having a degree of power within the Union. Any business can bring a complaint and cause a discussion between the board if it receives enough support. That's where a few of these demands came from, actually. They are what the people want, even if you do not."

    She glanced down at her paper quickly before regaining eye contact with Fujikawa and continuing. "A monopoly is concentrated power in the hands of the few rather than power in the masses. People will not be able to raise prices too high or nobody will be able to afford them at the agreed upon wages. There's not enough money in any economy to maintain something like that and, yes, it will eventually cause some sort of a collapse. Business owners want to be able to sell to their communities as that is where the majority of the business comes from. Selling a single raw chicken leg for 5,000 ryo is not likely to bring anybody any money, and business owners are quite fond of money."

    Miyaki smiled sweetly at this juncture. "Really, there's no reason not to accept the first three points other than a lack of sympathy for the laborers of the world and an inherent belief that you're superior to them in every way. Giving lip service to these demands as you seem to think would happen would only disenfranchise them more. The strike would continue and it would be much, much worse then that it is now. We both want this to end, but we must start with a good basis on which to negotiate. I believe settling on an agreement to the first three demands would be a very solid foundation with which to continue." Miyaki would wait for Fujikawa's response to this and would be wary of the Konohagakure representative. He was distracting her a little just with his presence but had seemed reluctant to speak. Perhaps her first guess was right?


    Workers United (Konoha/Kirigakure) Empty Re: Workers United (Konoha/Kirigakure)

    Post by Guest Fri Nov 20, 2020 7:55 am

    It would be my pleasure.” A second match was lit, the flame flickering in the light as Fujikawa extended it towards the elderly lady opposite her. An amused grin was decorating the red head’s features, a soft chuckle escaping her lips. Smoking may have been an immensely unhealthy vice but it was still a pleasurable experience regardless. Once the smoke began to fill the air and the chemist had rattled off her spiel in full, she went silent and allowed the union representatives to respond.

    Ho? I am glad you feel that way. They say flattery gets you everywhere.” Despite how the complement was appreciated, it did not change the fact Miyuki had blundered and made a series of highly stupid assumptions which when coupled with her refusal to see any potential for abuse within the union. It was saddening but perhaps Fujikawa had erred in her initial assumption of these two’s mental capabilities.

    I seem to not understand how the union works? Perhaps I do, perhaps I do not but allow me to offer a few corrections of my own. Firstly, a monopoly is not power concentrated into the hands of the few. A monopoly is when one single group or entity controls either the entire supply of an item or the means by which that item is produced.” She took another puff from her pipe, blowing the earthy smoke from behind her lips.

    Secondly, let me elaborate as to why your first three demands are destructive to your own cause: they open up the union to mass abuse.” She was going to need some good sake after this. The stress of today’s activities were already starting to weigh on Fujikawa and she knew it was only going to worsen. Negotiations were hard, especially when the other party was clearly uninterested in meeting a reasonable middle ground and simply wished to bully people into agreeing to their demands.

    But allow me to explain how. Let us assume we do agree to the first three demands. What happens to businesses that do not wish to join the union? Suddenly, they can not sell their goods nor be protected from banditry and crime. And then, what if the union’s leadership decides to implement a membership fee and the poorer business can not afford it.” Then she got to the real kicker in her argument, the central point that she considered the most dangerous.

    Or, what if the leaders decide to use the union to destroy competition? What if Riku over there decides he will abuse his position to deny or delay membership being granted to rival stonemasons and those stonemasons then go out of business? After all, demand seven of your proposal does specifically state only union workers will receive a living wage.” A knowing glint appeared in Fujikawa’s eye. She was confident that she had gotten these two. The union’s chosen representatives were not as smart as they thought.

    You may argue that you would never allow that to happen and yes, maybe you would but...you are not every member of the union. There are those with leadership powers other than you no? And besides...Shinobi can do this.” Fujikawa rested her pipe upon the table, rising to her feet as her fingers danced through the dog, boar, ram hand signs. In a puff of smoke she simply transformed into a perfect copy of the elderly lady, right down to the voice. The chemist allowed her display to continue for a few moments before returning to her seat, sitting down as she released the transformation jutsu and returned to normal in a puff of smoke.

    The sole fact I can transform into you, an art that is both basic and taught to every Shinobi, only further exposes the union to potential abuse. I could simply kill the both of you and have two transformation specialists take your places to twist the union to my own ends.” The noose was in place, hanging loosely around the union representative’s necks. They had blundered into this mess and Fujikawa was going to make sure they knew it.

    Shinobi are powerful yes but in this new order you wish to impose very little would really change. Money would still be power and Shinobi, like anyone else, need to eat. Human hearts are so easily twisted by the glint of gold.” Greed, envy, wrath. Such things were emotions Fujikawa had a great deal of experience with. Her primary summon contract were the spirits of the dead who had been twisted by such negative emotions after all.

    You speak of a lack of sympathy and an inherent belief of superiority on my part. You act as if we are simply power hungry tyrants, grabbing at anything and everything to keep us in power. You talk as if you are heroes of the people, out to protect the everyman from tyrannical desposts that control the villages. You speak of solid foundations for future negotiations and make emotional pleas but…" Fujikawa took one final puff from her pipe, exchaling the smoke as a knowing laugh escaped her lips.

    You do not care about any of that do you? You care not for breaking the wheel. You only wish to make it roll over and use it to crush the people who used to be on the top. Before you lecture me on establishing “good basis” for future negotiations, perhaps you should do the same and accept that your first three demands are wide open for nepotism and abuse?”” Her knowing and confident laugh rang out throughout the room.

    That would do a great deal to convince me you are here to negotiate in good faith and not simply out to bring the world under heel. Of course, I can not blame you for that. In fact, it is simply what humans do no? We are a selfish species but the only real difference between you and me is that I admit it.” Fujikawa had no delusions that she was out to negotiate a fair deal for such lofty and noble reasons such as fairness or appealing to a foolish ideal.

    So do me a favour. Wear your greed on your sleeve. Do not mock me by acting as if you are driven by your ideals. I have no desire to be led around on a leash by those who vastly overestimate the strength of their position and before you act as if I am simply your enemy, do remember that I have offered you a compromise. ” Fujikawa’s noose tightened, a knowing and confident smile decorating her features as she calmly sucked on her pipe.

    Last edited by Fujikawa Setsuko on Mon Nov 23, 2020 6:33 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Leaf Chuunin
    Leaf Chuunin

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    Workers United (Konoha/Kirigakure) Empty Re: Workers United (Konoha/Kirigakure)

    Post by Suguru Mon Nov 23, 2020 6:31 pm

    It was obvious to Suguru that the whole room was cracking under its cool swagger, so it leaned back on its chair, shrugged, and closed its eyes, letting them talk.

    And talk they did. Over and over and over.

    They did so much talking yet said nothing. Suguru’s hands wrapped around the armrest of his chair, gradually tightening it grasp as their meaningless babble continued over and over. The polished wood armpost began to creak ever so slightly, as the force of each finger began digging in, before finally, starting to splinter the wood below.

    “People!” It said, jumping up to its feet as it took advantage of the single moment of silence as the Kirikagure representative finished. “Why are we still pretending?” Suguru asked as it swept its arms around the room, its eyes following.

    “This negotiation is nothing but a charade. Nothing else. And like all charades, it has a predefined ending.” It stopped, licking its lips. “The ending were you people fold and things continue like they were.” It said looking directly at the other side of the table.

    It gave no quarter for anyone else to speak. “So stop acting like there is a chance to change this ending.”

    “You are dealing with a breed of people who spent the last two whole years killing each other with nothing more than their supernatural abilities. Fire that can melt steel. Water that can crush a city into the size of a peanut. Men who can warp time and space itself to their will.”

    It gave a dramatic pause, yet it was not going to let anyone else speak over him.

    “The only reason this talk is happening is the same reason you don’t go out in the forest and kill every ant there is. Because, no matter how tedious ants are, its not worth the hassle.”

    It then turned to face directly to Miyaki.

    “Your mind must be going ”Oh you can breathe fire and shoot rocks but we are masters of our craft, years in making.” It parroted these words in a falsetto voice while it’s right hand flapped like a mouth.

    “How old are you? 40? 50 tops? Training a decent shinobi takes about..” it paused “...4 to 6 years. The average shinobi, if trained properly can create about a 100 clones of themselves. That means your big 40-year expertise? A shinobi can learn that in 5 months. Then, that shinobi can turn into 100 craftsman, equally as able as you. And there goes your advantage, sugarplums.”

    “The only reason this talk is happening is because the Kage have decided that they don’t want to go through all the motions of killing every last one of you. Because they can. Easily. They don’t even need to really put any resources to it. One squad of ANBU can roast a whole village of your patsies in a month, and have it set up and operational by the next. But they don’t. Because we choose not to. Maybe its because the Kage likes you. Maybe it’s because they want to be just. Or maybe it’s not worth the hassle.”

    “But the nail that sticks out to snag the Kage's sleeve, which might inconvenience him for a second or two, maybe even tear a bit of cloth has then to face the biggest hammers that this world has ever seen and I assure you, you do not want to be that nail or the wood it's bored in. No Kage wants to go down in history as 'The Bloody', but that's better than the Kage who got scared of craftsmen and bitched out.”

    With that, it set back down.

    “Or you can just ignore that and keep yapping away. I get paid regardless.”

    At that, it would turn to the Kirigakure representive and whisper "We are getting paid, right?

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    Workers United (Konoha/Kirigakure) Empty Re: Workers United (Konoha/Kirigakure)

    Post by Marcus Tue Dec 08, 2020 8:10 pm

    (So sorry this took so long, my body and life in general hasn't liked me much the last couple weeks. Since Lunar left, I'm going to reset with this post since Ashitaka would like to take Fujikawa's place in the negotiations.)

    Fujikawa began to reply to Miyaki's words once the smoking was underway when she suddenly and inexplicably cut off and grew very quiet. Her eyes stared but it didn't appear as if anybody was home despite her still breathing. The smoke from her pipe continued to coil into the air as Miyaki narrowed her eyes and examined the woman. Yes, she was most certainly still breathing and had appeared find before. Miyaki's eyes fell to the pipe in her hand. Perhaps poison in the tobacco? That would be a cunning ploy by some third party, though you would think a chemist such as herself would have been able to detect something like that. But no, Miyaki had never heard of a poison that caused paralysis this quickly that did not also prevent breathing. This was something different. Perhaps it was...? No, surely the chances weren't high enough for that? After a few seconds of observation...


    There was absolutely nothing resembling "life" in a philosophical sense within this body. Not right now, anyways. Hissing as if she had been attacked by an adder, Miyaki would fly to her feet to back away from the table. She stumbled slightly over the chair she had been sitting on as she had sent it skittering backwards and onto its back with her sudden rise. The chair had bounced off the back of her legs, unnoticed in her flight from the table.

    "She's got the plague," Miyaki growled, glaring at Fujikawa. "You, go get help!" She motioned towards one of the scribes who had also jumped up with everyone else on their side of the table. He hesitated for a long moment before going the long way around the table to get to the door as far away from Fujikawa as possible.

    This was definitely not what she had been expecting, that was for certain. "Kirigakure sends an infected shinobi to the meeting in the hopes she could hold out long enough to make the discussion before we all somehow caught the plague? I would laugh if it wasn't a possibility," she said with more than a hint of disgust in her voice.

    "Now calm down Miyaki, that's probably not what happened," Riku grunted derisively at her. Soon, a team of suited men would come and retrieve the comatose Fujikawa to take her to a proper medical facility where she could be put on life support until she died. Or didn't. It was a coin toss at this point, no cure but not always lethal either.

    Once Fujikawa was out of the room, the entire group would be directed out of the room and then disinfected with some sort of medical ninjutsu as a precaution before being shown to another room that was exactly like the other one, except it was more plain with its decoration. No plants or fancy fountains, nor any murals. Just boring, plain walls, the fancy woodwork, and the furniture this time. The group representing the union would seat themselves on the far side of the table, waiting for Suguru to follow suit.

    Miyaki would speak once he had done so. "We've sent word of this... unfortunate occurrence. We just received word before coming into this room that someone will be coming to take her place in the negotiations. They didn't think two against one was exactly... fair," she said. Then, the group would wait for the newcomer to join before continuing on with negotiations.


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    Workers United (Konoha/Kirigakure) Empty Re: Workers United (Konoha/Kirigakure)

    Post by Ashitaka_Inuzuka Wed Dec 09, 2020 12:30 am

    Ashitaka really couldn't explain how he'd gotten to the Emporium from the Trenches as quickly as he had. To be honest, the space-time distortions around Kishin seemed to be multiplying at an alarming rate, but nobody ever mentioned them. He chalked them up to be another symptom of the Otsutsuki invasion that he was going to have to deal with as soon as he had the necessary freedom and power to even try. For now, though, there was a much more pressing matter: the negotiations with the Revolutionary United Labor establishment were falling apart. This crisis was amplified by the Kiri representative, who had notably shown up on time, suddenly falling to the Plague (yet another problem for his growing list) and needing to be removed from the proceedings. The younger of the Emporium's two Princes only had moments to clean himself up en route to the meeting, but fortunately that was all he needed. He wasn't the sort of person who smelled foul even when dirty (he'd know, the Inuzuka would have told him), yet he'd still mastered the art of making himself presentable in moments. Consequently, the young man for whom the door was opened by the suited persons escorting him to the room walked in looking like he owned the place. Still, he made certain to bow politely to the visitors representing the Union. There would be time enough for savagery as it was demanded.

    "Ladies and gentlemen, I am Ashitaka Inuzuka Senju. Before we start, I'd like to offer my thanks to you all for your patience regarding this conference. I've been informed that it has been... troubled." His voice was as pleasant as could be expected from someone who had superb hearing and had to tune himself to even tolerate the sounds his own mouth made. Then he got a good look at Suguru and, having identified as both a Konoha ninja and a disgrace, fixed him with a stare that would have made ice shiver. He'd gotten a bit of practice doing that against an Otsutsuki his own age. "You. Go clean yourself up and return only when you can present yourself with the dignity expected of a Shinobi of the Leaf."

    Not waiting for his command to be obeyed or retorted to, he returned his attention to the gathered civilians, softening his expression as he did so. Leaning forward slightly, he pressed the palms of his hands against one another and rested his chin on his fingertips and his elbows on the table. The palace he'd built with Okane loomed in the window's view, but he didn't acknowledge it, instead focusing entirely on the group of craftsmen, the workings of their faces and body language, and the things they'd brought with them. To say that he was subjecting them to intense scrutiny was to make a gross and terrible understatement.

    "I'll understand if this might be seen as a terrible inconvenience, given the delays that this exchange has already suffered, but might I have a copy of the conversation to this point, in addition to a copy of your list of requests and their detailed explanations? I would like to make sure that there is no confusion going forward from this point. I promise that I will read both quickly and thoroughly before making any retorts or demands of my own."

    Ashitaka Inuzuka:
    Leaf Chuunin
    Leaf Chuunin

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    Workers United (Konoha/Kirigakure) Empty Re: Workers United (Konoha/Kirigakure)

    Post by Suguru Thu Dec 24, 2020 12:46 am

    Suguru’s mind finally finished composing the last note that would end this melody of empty words, the one piercing note that will strike through with the truth of the situation.

    Yet as soon as it rose from its seat, the elderly woman across started shrieking about the plague. Had she cracked under the pressure of Suguru’s presence and was now raving about a plague in a weak attempt to get out of the room and away from it?

    Suguru was going to protest, yet it too then realized the gravity of the situation. It could smell the stench from under the layer of perfume and sweat that hung on the woman that was set next to it.

    Alas, this was no diversionary tactic, confirmed as the hottie slumped forward lifelessly in her chair. Its heartbeat spiked as it made it’s way out of the room and medical shinobi rushed in. Sweat crowned its head, as it felt its grasp of control weaken on the body of Suguru. It seemed the duration of its dominance was cut short by the stress of the situation. Or maybe the body could only handle so much before it began to buckle.

    Shame, he could have closed the deal with its speech. With shit for brains taking back the reins, that window of opportunity was welded shut.

    Clutching his chest, Suguru set down on a nearby chair, his head planted in his other head. His fingers shivered, while his forehead was hot to the touch. He felt like the whole world was spinning around him, and he could feel the taste of bile in his throat, heralding the need to vomit.

    He rose shakily to his feet and came face to face with an austere looking shinobi. Suguru moved to excuse himself, yet the man did not let him leave without a parting command. Suguru’s mind was filled with chilling whispers and heated shrieking, yet he still made out the gist of what was told to him. It was a familiar command to him, as was the scorn of disapproval.

    “Clean yourself up.”

    By luck or by the grace of some unseen force, Suguru found the restrooms, even though he was practically moving by following the wall. His vision was hazy and he could barely stand up by the time he opened the doors of the latrine. Wanting no interference, he picked the one for the “special shinobi”.

    Vomit unleashed from his nose and mouth as if a dam had burst under pressure, his eyes filled with tears and his ears leaking some kind of ichor. Yet as he kneeled down spraying dark spew, he had no notice of such small details, being occupied mostly with controlling the flow into a manageable splatter zone.

    Time seemed to not move at all, or move so fast it seemed not to move, as his body shivered with cold and sweated gales that made his clothing stick to his clammy skin.

    Suguru’s consciousness blurred between the splattered tiled floor and the ebbing darkness, his deathly grasp on the porcelain throne the only thing keeping him from falling back.
    Nyguyen Uchiha
    Nyguyen Uchiha

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    Workers United (Konoha/Kirigakure) Empty Re: Workers United (Konoha/Kirigakure)

    Post by Nyguyen Uchiha Wed Jan 27, 2021 1:07 am

    To say that the negotiations had gone left was an understatement. Miyaki brushed a strand of hair from in front of her face and nodded to one of the legal secretaries. The secretary slid a copy of the Union's demands in front of Ashitaka. The fact that Konoha was so desperate it was sending a young boy to negotiate on its face spoke to how embroiled the nation was in conflict. It appeared any capable shinobi was probably on the frontlines fighting to the death in depths of the trenches.

    The list of demands would be handed over to Ashitaka along with a brief summary of the negotiations up to this point.

    Union Demands:

    Negotiations Thus Far:

    Miyaki would take the lead from here. Pressing what was the most important aspect of the deal as far as Revolutionary United Labor was concerned. Now that that other ruffian was gone there was hope that things could progress more smoothly although the stubbornness of ninja tempered her expectations.

    "The first three points are considered absolutely essential for our organization. If you agree to those three then perhaps we might be able to come to an agreement on the others. We're willing to compromise....but securing a rock solid foundation for our laborers is and will always be our primary concern"


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    Workers United (Konoha/Kirigakure) Empty Re: Workers United (Konoha/Kirigakure)

    Post by Ashitaka_Inuzuka Wed Jan 27, 2021 1:35 am

    Reading through the list of demands, coupled with the negotiator's insistence that they wouldn't budge on the first three totally unacceptable points, Ashitaka's stony face cracked. As he finished the read-through, he actually started laughing out loud (in particular, at the last demand) before he got to the summary of negotiations thus far.

    "You people must be either seriously underestimating us ninja on every possible level, or grossly overestimating your own value. Tell me, what is to become of the services we already provide you civilians under the terms of your intended new arrangement? You want to be paid full wages for merely existing, in addition to us having to wait on you hand and foot and protect you with our lives? Just who do you think you are?" He stopped laughing and sighed, the frustration and stress of the burdens pushed on him at far too young an age coupled with the audacity of these people who lack both to make demands of him and those he represented instilling an emotion in him that he couldn't yet identify.

    "Don't think you can push me around just because I'm a kid. You don't know what I've been through before arriving here. I'm going to be generous and assume that these demands were made with the assumption that they would be met with counter-demands on our part and we will negotiate our way to an acceptable middle ground. To that end: I will both address them in turn and contextualize my comrades' statements up to this point:

    1. No nation shall buy any material, raw or finished, from a business that belongs to the union.

    2. No nation shall provide work for any union businesses in any way, shape, or form.

    3. No nation shall provide protection for union businesses whether this be with shinobi or ordinary armed men.

    4. Any business owned by the union may be pillaged and looted with impunity, assuming the assailants can defeat whomever they manage to hire to defend themselves.

    5. The union will be branded traitors to their respective countries and face exile to a place where they will have to develop their own government, economy and defense force. Their well-being will be their own responsibility.

    6. See points 1 and 2.

    7. See point 5.

    8. As they are clearly declaring their own sovereignty; the working hours, wages, and non-fiscal benefits of union members are their own business and will not be provided by the Great Nations.

    9. Really? How far do you intend to take this thought process? Will bellows be outlawed because it deprives work from laborers who could be blowing on the coals? Will you dispose of ploughs and force people to work the soil with their bare hands? Well, whatever. As has been addressed in the previous statements, that will be your problem, not ours."
    Ashitaka had written everything he said on a paper which he then slid across the desk by elevating his end of it briefly before returning it to normal. He left it unclear whether he'd picked it up or actually changed its shape using his chakra.

    "Now. Let's negotiate, shall we? I'm sure we can find a compromise that all parties can at least tolerate. Just bear in mind that although my comrades played their hands poorly, there is one point on which they are absolutely correct: the ninja are the ones negotiating from a position of power here. You're threatening us with an inconvenience. The only reason you're not being executed on the spot is because the uproar would be annoying to have to deal with."

    Ashitaka Inuzuka:
    Nyguyen Uchiha
    Nyguyen Uchiha

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    Workers United (Konoha/Kirigakure) Empty Re: Workers United (Konoha/Kirigakure)

    Post by Nyguyen Uchiha Mon Feb 01, 2021 12:15 pm

    When the boy started laughing at their demands, Miyaki exchanged a look with Riku. Who was the child and who did he think he was? Miyaki tilted her head to the side and listened patiently as the child prattled on about how useless the civilian class was and how their demands were unacceptable. Its a shame they didn't have a tape recorder, for if the masses knew that this was how the military thought of them, there'd be uprisings in all the major lands and probably most of the minor ones.

    Before Ashitaka launched into his rebuttal of their demands, Riku responded: "Oh I don't doubt you've been through hell. The shinobi are a barbaric class and so I'm not surprised they'd throw a newborn boy into the trenches."

    Miyaki opened her mouth to speak as Ashitaka threatened the Union with irrelevance and destruction. She closed it when she realized that reasoning with this kid was probably a waste of time. The Fujikawa woman was difficult but respectful. Perhaps under her leadership a deal might have been reached. Unfortunately, her replacement was every bit as cantankerous as Suguru. This negotiation was either going to be very long or very short.

    Riku snatched the paper with Ashi's anti-proletariat drivel. He unceremoniously tore it in half and let it fall to the floor.

    "Now. Let's negotiate, shall we?

    Riku nodded to one of the aides and brought forth an envelope which was then slid over to Ashitaka. It was time to play hardball.

    "You talk as though losing the war is an inconvenience. Konoha has the backing of three major nations and yet you cannot find it within yourselves to defeat a single village? Am I supposed to believe that you will wage unfettered war against your own working class because your Kage was too stingy to give us what we rightfully deserve? You're going to pull shinobi from the battlefront so that they can toil the mines, grow the food, smelt the steel, and do all the things that keep your war machine running? Don't make me laugh. Strike down one laborer and twenty more will take up his tools."

    Riku was the hammer in this scenario. He had come with what he believed were reasonable demands and Konoha's reps had threatened him twice. It was time to stop playing nice.

    If Ashitaka decided to open the envelope, he'd find a list of all the factories, mines, farms, and even service sector jobs that had sworn allegiance to Revolutionary United Labor. The sheer length of the list was designed to intimidate him and make him realize just how small he was compared to the indomitable might of the laboring masses.

    "If you declare war on us.....you declare war on your people. I know killing innocent civilians is how many of you nations get down but I think your smart enough to avoid doing it when it matters most. My advice? Accept the first three terms and we can talk about the rest."

    Mist Genin
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    Workers United (Konoha/Kirigakure) Empty Re: Workers United (Konoha/Kirigakure)

    Post by Lily Wed Feb 03, 2021 1:19 pm

    Lily's Outfit:

    Lily was...conflicted. Kit-Kit had her come to the meeting so she could learn more about...something. It was something related to business. She only recalled that it was related to learning business stuff was because she was wearing a fancy suit made by Kit-Kit. There was also the briefcase she was holding, which was not from the Angel Princess but of her own ownership, having rented the thing in order to sneak in her five sets of Knives. She was told that she wasn't allowed to kill on the Heaven Store, but that didn't prevent her from having her knives.

    Things didn't quite go that way, as she was barred from entry for some reasons she wasn't aware of. However, when both negotiators came down with the Plague, she happened to be the closest nearby Kiri shinobi who could fill in. So, armed with her suit, briefcase, and what the little things she had been taught over the year she was given the rundown as to what had gone on so far. It was a mess, and not just because she had to be told several times due to the information not being able to stick easily. Supposedly the Kiri rep was replaced by a Konoha boy, and now she was filling in for the Konoha rep. An odd choice, but it being brought back to 1 representative from each village was good enough for her. As she made her was to enter, she';d stop in front of the door and take a moment to collect herself.

    Breathe. She could do this.

    Lily would open the door and enter, giving a small bow before she spoke to those gathered in the room.

    "I apologize for my lateness. I was being briefed on what has happened so far after the unfortunate events that happened before my arrival, and I wanted to make sure that I understood what was precisely at stake."

    Good, she was doing good so far. She'd quickly scan the room, and would notice something interesting to her. She didn't see a Kumo headband anywhere. How...odd.

    "My name is Lily Sisyphus. I understand that I have missed a lot, and while I was filled in, there is something I don't understand. If you were truly intent on having all three powers agree on the same demands, why is the third group not here with us? To someone who has just come into this negotiation, like myself, it seems counterproductive to your union to agree to being split up into two separate rooms. How do we know that you aren't giving us harsher demands? How do you know that your supposed ally hasn't sold you two out? How do we know that you are not, in fact, lying to the people to gain power? After all, if someone in your union doesn't agree with you, you could revoke their union rights and kill their business on the spot."

    She'd take a small step forward, giving a smile.

    "In addition, I am also rescinding Kiri's agreement to demand nine, as it is an insult to my future children. I want to be able to grow old, have children, and watch them play without them worrying about having to work, let them being able to choose what they want to do in life, not be stuck making knives because we need people to make them."

    Child of Vandel:

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    Workers United (Konoha/Kirigakure) Empty Re: Workers United (Konoha/Kirigakure)

    Post by Ashitaka_Inuzuka Wed Feb 03, 2021 9:56 pm

    "That's no good, Sir. Tipping your hand like that." Ashitaka said, before a small girl entered the room with something approaching courtesy before peppering the civilians with accusatory questions. He looked at Monika, then gestured with his eyes to an unoccupied chair which the uniformed teenager pulled out for the newcomer. "Hello, welcome to the negotiations. Please try to contain yourself, Miss. I'm sure that these people have already considered all the ins and outs of their proposals before bringing them to this meeting. They clearly separated these meetings in order to maintain the paranoia that they could get a better offer from our enemies or vice versa."

    He turned to Riku, facing the temperamental man with a visible mix of amusement and annoyance, like he'd just seen a puppy pull a trash can down onto himself.

    "The paper you tore up had contained merely your own arguments, with some slight alterations so that the demands listed therein had been perfectly mirrored. As I understand it, this is a perfectly reasonable starting point for negotiations from which both sides are expected to give ground. And yet upon seeing them, you had a fit and destroyed it. What am I supposed to make of that? Did you not know that your demands were so infuriating to merely look at? Or was an outburst like that from the shinobi representatives your intention all along?" As the rain pattered against the window, Ashitaka briefly spared the Union reps the intensity of his gaze. He opened the envelope, briefly scanning over the long list of names on the packet before returning it to its paper container and passing it along to the small girl. It didn't take a rocket scientist to identify that the names themselves weren't important, only their quantity was. But as the representatives of the Union themselves indicated, even that was irrelevant.

    "You bring up a couple of interesting points, Ma'am. Kumogakure has lost an entire town's worth of people of your caliber, and they are faring much better in this war than one might expect of a nation beset on all sides. Tell me, do you suspect that the correlation between these two events might be causative? After all, they have proven unwilling or unable to defend the very masses you claim to represent, and those are the ones who have treated them with loyalty and allegedly, profit. What do you have to bring them but your silly demands and the untenable needs of a vast army of refugees? Perhaps they are doing better because they've had a load of dead weight removed from their shoulders. A weight that is currently insistent making itself even more burdensome.

    Your first three demands will not be met. We will not allow your Union the power to simply blacklist people into facing a life of banditry and ostracism or death by starvation for whatever reasons you deem appropriate. It's ludicrous that you'd even ask. Insulting, even. Either amend them to allow for voluntary participation or not with the Union, absent consequence beyond the lack of the fringe benefits you're allegedly offering, or consider them off the table. Do that, and I might give your other demands -save the ninth one, of course, because really- some thought."

    Ashitaka Inuzuka:
    Nyguyen Uchiha
    Nyguyen Uchiha

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    Workers United (Konoha/Kirigakure) Empty Re: Workers United (Konoha/Kirigakure)

    Post by Nyguyen Uchiha Wed Feb 10, 2021 1:00 am

    When Lily Sisypphus entered the meeting room, Riku frowned. This one was also a child. He was willing to overlook Ashitaka but at this point he was beginning to think that he was being insulted. He got up to leave when she opened her mouth and eloquently introduced herself and apologized for being tardy. The man found himself sitting back down as he noticed how well groomed she was. The suit, the briefcase, the respectful but firm tone. It appeared Kiri had finally sent someone worth dealing with. Between Fujikawa and Lily, it seemed like on the Mist was taking these negotiations seriously.

    He turned to her and listened as she asked several questions about the meeting. They were good questions and Riku felt obliged to answer.

    "Kumogakure is negotiating separately with our rep from that region. You shinobi are a violent and disagreeable lot"

    Riku looked at Ashitaka and smiled.

    "Already we've had our peaceful organization threatened by two representatives from Konoha. We've made almost zero progress since this meeting began. If Kiri-Konoha cannot be expected to come to peaceful terms with Kumo and if they cannot be trusted to negotiate in good-faith in an isolated meeting such as this....then what use is having all of you in the same room at once? There'd be shouting, threats, and almost nothing would get done. Our Central Committee predicted they'd be difficult doing them as it is but doing them with your sworn enemy? Impossible. As for the integrity of our brother representative....you don't have to worry about that. We are all united in spirit and purpose. We'd never betray the Union. The people you see sitting across from you were involved since near the beginning. During a time where it seemed we had little to gain and everything to lose. Now our organization has swelled to the size of some of your biggest corporations. We are here because we are the most trusted of representatives. Once Kumo accepts to our terms.....and I'm sure they will, by some accounts they are winning the war and this labor dispute is the only thing holding them back, but once they accept our terms then they will be published for all to see."

    When Lily impinged on the honor of the Union with respect to other businesses, Miyaki was quick to jump in:

    "We could...and we would. The bullet points you see on this list wasn't something we cobbled together on short notice. It is the product of hundreds of hours of research, personal experience, and strategic planning. These points will form the bedrock for a truly emancipated working class. Any business that stands in the way of that is our enemy."

    Miyaki saw no harm in being rather blunt on this point and since Lily came off as rather intelligent, she decided that it was best to be clear about their intentions. It might score them some points.

    Riku was about to open his mouth and discuss the matter more with Lily (who seemed the more intelligent and reasonable one) when an aide rushed in and whispered something into Riku's ear and then Miyaki's. The pair looked at each other and then back at the playacting children.

    "Excuse us for a moment. We need to confer with the Central Committee."

    The two would get up and abruptly leave. They'd remain gone for about ten minutes and when they came back in, they seemed just as calm as when they had left. They sat down in perfect sync but it was Miyaki who first spoke up.

    "The Union is prepared to amend the first three provisions as follows:

    1- No nation shall buy any steel, lumber, or fish from a business that does not belong to the union.

    Our rationale here is that these sectors are of particular importance to the Union as a majority of our members hail from businesses within those industries.

    2- No nation shall provide work for any non-union business that obstructs, attacks, or otherwise unfairly denigrates any worker in any way, shape, or form.

    Our rationale here is that the Central Committee has decided that it is more important that labor be protected from bad actors

    3- Every nation shall provide an additional protection force for Union businesses, the size of which is to be determined at a later date in time pursuant to good-faith negotiations.

    The thinking for this one is that rhe Central Committee believes that there ought to be some significant benefit to joining the Union. While we are willing to acknowledge that the villages cannot decline protection to others it can incentivize membership by providing certain VIP defense services.

    The sudden and dramatic reversal was bound to catch the children off guard. They'd be suspicious and would likely discern that either the Union had gotten a threat worth taking seriously or their bargaining position had weakened considerably. Fortunately, the labor negotiators had a well-rehearsed lie prepared. They wanted to close a deal now more than ever, but if Lily and Ashi proved stubborn then they had their own ways of mitigating losses.


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    Workers United (Konoha/Kirigakure) Empty Re: Workers United (Konoha/Kirigakure)

    Post by Ashitaka_Inuzuka Wed Feb 10, 2021 7:12 am

    "Your 'peaceful organization' is the one jumping to threats of war over the slightest inconvenience. I gave you all the option of taking your services and leaving, which is exactly what you threatened to do. I'm calling your bluff by saying we would step out of the way of your departure. I'm not saying the military going to fight against you. We couldn't, even if we would, for the same reason I'm refusing your demands to exceptional protection with our forces: we don't have the spare manpower. Every soldier who is wounded or dies on the battlefield won't be coming home to guard your doorsteps. And in case it's slipped your mind, we've lost a lot. To say nothing of turning our blades against our own families, friends, and neighbors. Which is who I thought you people represented. But if you think you can convince enough people to go around murdering your veterans in their hospital beds, well, I've clearly failed to understand human beings on a fundamental level."

    He watched them get up and leave after being notified by an aide of something that was more important to them than their demands. They were gone for an uncomfortably long time, which his alleged partner spent deliberately refusing to interact with him. He spent the time going back over the list of demands as he tried to sort out a deeper understanding of the people he was dealing with until they returned with amendments to the first three. He flicked his hand in Monika's general direction, and she silently got up and went to get him some tea, which was brought back in less than a minute. Reading his mood, she'd brought back the hard traditional stuff: green, with the leaves ground directly into the boiling water. He sipped it slowly as he waited for them to return and listened to their amended demands.

    "I already told you what concessions we're willing to make on those points. Your Union will be tolerated, endorsed even, but it will not be allowed to monopolize the distribution of any good or service. Period. This is not up for debate. Likewise, I couldn't help but noticing your blatant lack of interest in protecting Union employees in your new second demand. Your rationale is starkly lacking in the compassion for the common man you have come in here brandishing like a weapon. And thirdly, if your Central Committee believes that there should be a significant benefit to joining your Union, I can't help but to whole-heartedly agree. But there is a point I do disagree on: and that is who it falls to in order to provide that incentive."

    He took another sip of his tea. Then he got out a few fresh sheets of notepaper and began writing as he spoke.

    "You seem to be under this misconception that it is our responsibility to provide benefits to Union members, as opposed to the Union's. That's hilarious. However, believe it or not, I think that it's really better for the people to have as much personal independence as they can reasonably be provided. To that end, I propose the following:

    1. The Government shall not interfere in trade that does not violate their existing laws. If laws do not currently exist to protect laborers from employment abuse, they will be recommended to Government leadership. A business owner found guilty of abusing their employees will be removed from their position and relegated to hard labor, within their area of expertise if possible.

    2. A representative from the Union shall be appointed to National Councils with the power and authority to deem whether new or current laws are in the best interests of the laborers, and appeal changes to either. This Union Councilmember shall have no more or less authority than any other seated member of said Councils.

    3. A recommendation will be forth that the National Tax shall be abolished in place of a Voluntary Tribute. Given human nature, Government benefits will undoubtedly trend towards favoritism for those who offer greater and/or more frequent Tributes.

    4. The Union will be added as a beneficiary bloc for annual Government Budget, of which the Union Councilmember will be allowed to make negotiations for. In exchange, however, the Union must agree to regular (minimum quarterly) Government audits to see to it that this money is truly being spent in the best interest of all its members. If the agreed upon money is insufficient to provide the benefits which the Union has offered its members, then it falls to the Union to make up the difference. However, in the interest of good faith, the Government will be expected to meet the Union halfway. How that works out will be determined by negotiations between the Government and the Union at a later date.

    5. Neither the Government nor the Union, and I cannot stress this enough, will be allowed to blacklist people from work. The latter also shall not show any favoritism towards nor discrimination against any of its members for any reason barring criminal history. In the interest of protecting laborers' rights, Union benefits will be uniform among all its members.

    6. The Government shall not seize or harm any civilian persons or possessions without their consent, barring reasonable suspicion that either is associated with criminal activity. How that works out can be determined in greater detail later, but to start they should not be allowed to enter a home or establishment without written orders. A member of the Government found guilty of such a crime will be summarily demoted and expected to compensate the person or establishment for their losses in a manner to be negotiated at a later date. The Union is also barred from harm and seizure of person and property, with no exceptions.

    7. The Military shall perform its utmost to protect the well-being of Civilians from assault by criminals and enemy forces. The Military is to be considered an extension of the Government for Point 6. That said, we are not your lapdogs. We will fulfill contracts set forth and agreed upon, but you should not expect us to attack and heel at your command."

    He passed the new papers to the Union representatives, looking each in the eyes in turn.

    "I believe that I have offered enough concessions here, given that contrary to what you insist, you are the ones who acted in bad faith by not only coming in here with threats and demands, and no offers in exchange, but also attacking your own guardians in a time of war. Please take this opportunity to do the right thing. Personally, at the end of the day, I don't need anyone. I could walk away from all of humanity and live freely in the wilds I spent my formative years in. Hell, it'd be easier now that I have power and don't need to eat.

    But I don't want to. Regardless of who needs whom, the military do the things they do because they believe that their actions are in service to the civilians. We want you to be here, and to be happy. That's why we do everything from walking your dogs to fighting your wars. If you're genuinely concerned that people aren't getting enough work, well, that shouldn't be a problem once you start running out of ninja to do it for them. But I really don't think that giving you any of the things you've demanded will make you happy. In fact, I doubt that even giving you everything you've demanded would make you happy. When I was taken in from the woods, I was told that the entire point of a city was to make a home for as many people as we could manage. And what you're doing here is the equivalent of tearing up bricks from the walls built for your protection to throw them at the people who are taking a more active approach. And I can't help but wonder at the nature of the kind of people who would do such a thing."

    Ashitaka Inuzuka:

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    Workers United (Konoha/Kirigakure) Empty Re: Workers United (Konoha/Kirigakure)

    Post by Yen-Lì Wed Feb 10, 2021 2:06 pm

    She heard muffled voices through the door and considered knocking, but she also knew that knocking would give someone the opportunity to stop her, which is exactly what she thought the union wanted. Taking a deep breath she would grasp the door handle and open the door, moving in slowly just as she heard Ashitaka’s last sentence.

    ”And I can't help but wonder at the nature of the kind of people who would do such a thing."

    Yenn unceremoniously waddled into the meeting room and was struck by the absurdity of the situation in front of her. Two women and three men, of varying ages, sat on one side of the long table. These were clearly the representatives of the union and their assistants, a similar setting to what she had just observed in her own meeting with Hiyoto. And the shinobi that were there to negotiate with them were. . . children. Literally. One of them she recognized, though she doubted he recognized her. Ashitaka Senju, the boy who had fought her fiance at the Battle of the Icons and someone she had not thought she would have the opportunity to meet given that their villages were still at war. The other girl looked much younger than Ashitaka and was not someone that Yenn recognized, though she assumed the girl was the representative of Kirigakure as she knew that Ashitaka was from Konohagakure. Her gaze softened as she looked at them both, her heart breaking at the thought of these two children being in positions that no child should ever have to be in.

    Placing her hands on her belly as she walked forward, in a vain effort to support the weight and somehow make it less uncomfortable, the leather clad woman would clear her throat and address the two young shinobi. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but I need to speak with you before negotiations continue. I am Yenn Inazuma, the representative sent from Kumogakure. I realize that our nations are currently at war, but I was hoping that we could set that aside for a moment while we work to solve a grave problem that affects us all equally.”

    Workers United (Konoha/Kirigakure) XTcMCR9

    The Storm:
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    Workers United (Konoha/Kirigakure) Empty Re: Workers United (Konoha/Kirigakure)

    Post by Lily Fri Feb 12, 2021 1:59 pm

    Lily wasn't sure if she liked what she was hearing. On one hand the casual insults to shinobi were warranted, albeit misguided as shinobi were no less violent in her eyes then regular people, shinobi just had the advantage of flashy magical powers. Then there was the split, which was an advantage she could take advantage of, at least, in theory she could were it not for the news of Konoha's reps being a supposed pain. Overall it was a lot worse then she had originally thought, but they were still in discussion, so the fight wasn't over yet. She could do this.

    She'd continue to mull over what both the Konoha boy that she already didn't like and the representatives who were more approachable talked about, it had already occurred to her why Konoha was boing a big dumbus. They had forgotten the mission, or part of it at least seeing how open he was with verbal hostility. Not good, not good at all. It didn't help that the boy acted as if he wasn't human (it was probably battle fatigue, she'd seen it a few times) which made him aloof. For the time being, she'd stay silent until the attendant came in and pulled the civilians away.

    Once the two had left, Lily would give Ashitaka a harsh side glance as she slowly opened up her briefcase, letting only the Konoha boy see all the neatly-organized knives within it as she pulled out a light blue notebook with the name 'Lily A. Sisyphus' crudely written on the front and a Tulipwood pencil with little kunai designs pained on the wood. She'd then close the case and set the two items to the side. She'd then make small notes on what was going on, cross-checking her briefing with the summary of the meeting itself. it really wasn't looking good, but when the two returned with amendments, she was in fact surprised.

    While the first amendment wasn't that important to her and would still have some debate later, the second was a better agreement that she could more or less agree on (though she'd need to bring up the fact Shinobi weren't a union), it was the third demand that peaked her interest. Instead of not protection non-unions, they were to protect unions now. a clever loophole plugged, but still an odd choice. As the Konoha Boy took his sip of tea she'd quickly interject her own thoughts, doing so calmly as to make it clear she was only stating what was before her.

    "I'm surprised the Central Committee decided that all those hundreds of hours of research, personal experience, and strategic planning were to be amended this quickly. I assume that the Kumogakure civilian and shinobi representatives were also informed of this decision?"

    She'd already started to piece it together. While a threat was possible (and most likely from Konoha given how this boy and the previous rep acted), killing the civilians would only make them martyrs. No, something had to have gone wrong in the other meeting. Why else would they want protection for their own businesses instead of not protecting non-union businesses. Maybe Kumo threatened them, it was certainly possible, though she'd want to meet their rep first. She wasn't sure how to take advantage of this, but she was sure the Konoha Boy was going to mess it up. Speaking of the lightning representative, in came in said woman after the Konoha Boy finished up his sentence.

    She looked like she was close to having a child, and briefly debated slipping her one of her knives as a gift. maybe later. For now, once the woman had spoken Lily would respond in a cheerful tone, doing her best to play off of the woman's assumed maternal instincts. "Did you bring the Kumogakure civilian representative with you Miss Inazuma? I want to listen to what you have to say here, but I do hope they came with you as it'd be such a shame if they already left and ruined negotiations for the people the unions stand for because of pride. If the civilian representative isn't with you I can wait here while the Konoha boy talks to you and give him a little time to refresh his mind while I clear up some more miscon- mis- mis con ceptions with Miss Miyaki and Mr. Riku." It might have been a little thick, but hopefully it would work on the woman.

    Child of Vandel:
    Nyguyen Uchiha
    Nyguyen Uchiha

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    Workers United (Konoha/Kirigakure) Empty Re: Workers United (Konoha/Kirigakure)

    Post by Nyguyen Uchiha Fri Feb 12, 2021 7:57 pm

    Miyaki and Riku looked at each other as the young man continued to run his mouth. The negotiations were quickly becoming an exercise in who could pontificate about their ideology the longest as opposed to arriving at a solution. The pair listened as Ashitaka made a rigorous counter-offer. One that they were not necessarily obliged to accept, but that perhaps they could negotiate from. The pair began to take notes, consult with their legal secretaries, and prepare a response to the dogkin's amendments. However, before they could even reply, a pregnant woman barged into the negotiations.

    Riku immediately recognized the woman based off her description. He rose to his feet and pointed at her.

    "What are doing here?! This is a private negotiation between the representatives of Revolutionary United Labor and the villages of Konohagakure and Kirigakure. How dare you interrupt!"

    Miyaki was a bit calmer, opting to keep a poker face as Yenn explained that she was here to solve a problem that affected both villages equally. She remained silent for now curious to see how the Konoha-Kiri Nin would react to their enemy's intrusion. Riku's face went red as he realized what she was hear to try and do.

    "I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave at once Lady Inazuma"

    Lily, who appeared to be the only negotiator with some sense, noticed how abrupt their changes appeared to be. Riku had of course had a planned response to this but Yenn's sudden arrival changed the calculus of things. Lily offered to clear things up with the two of them and as young and inexperienced as the kid was she seemed the most stable and most likely to help the Union reach a deal. Miyaki didn't seize on Lily's words but she did keep them in mind as she formulated a new strategy.


    Village : Konohagakure
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    Skills & Elements: Doton, Suiton, Mokuton, Bukijutsu, Sensory, Weapon Smithing (S), Ninjutsu, Kyujutsu
    Class: S
    Ryo: 460,837

    Workers United (Konoha/Kirigakure) Empty Re: Workers United (Konoha/Kirigakure)

    Post by Ashitaka_Inuzuka Fri Feb 12, 2021 9:23 pm

    Ashitaka saw the Union representatives' eyes glaze over as he spoke to them. (So this is how the Hokage must feel...) he thought to himself, mentally noting the limits of their cognitive capacities. That was going to be troublesome to work with. Just like his partner, who had the gall to bring weapons into this meeting room. He treated her to a glare more withering than the one he'd delivered to the idiot who struck his face while he was trying to undo the damage Konoha had done to his country. As much more comfortable as he felt with them than without, he had entered the room with none of his many dozens of death implements and expected all other parties to have at least met that bare minimum of courtesy. Although, given his ability to generate them out of functionally thin air, it's not as though he needed to bring any.

    "Just what kind of idiot are you?" he growled at her, but luckily she at least had the sense to close the briefcase before the civilians returned. She did bring up a good point regarding the swiftness of their amendments to their demands though, so she wasn't a complete moron, at least.

    Still, they didn't immediately destroy nor barge out on his counter-offers, so it was possible they had a spark of intelligence. Good. He'd give them the opportunity to try to weasel their way around the far superior offer (in terms of all parties' well-being) that he'd provided to them by delivering the same treatment the Union reps had just subjected the two of them to a moment ago. A plan which was made much simpler by the sudden barging of a woman showing signs of late-term pregnancy with what had to be either twins or a record-setting single baby. The ninja world was a weird place though, so it was hard to be sure without his Sensing Field active.

    "Hold on now, there's no need to be hostile here. I'm sure the Kumo representative's presence means that negotiations with their share of your Union's personnel have ended. So you shouldn't worry yourselves too much about what she has to say, and instead focus on what our knowledge of that fact means for you."

    Ashitaka stood and approached the woman, bowing to her politely as his assistant did so in tandem. His bearing around her was generally much softer and warmer than it was around... well literally anyone else present at the moment. Not that the bar was high, but she was likely seeing him at his most human out of anyone other than his own adoptive mother.

    "Hello ma'am. I'm Ashitaka Inuzuka Senju. And I'd be happy to hear you out. In spite of our situation, Kumo has proven kinder to me than my hometown. Perhaps we should speak in another room, though." he offered politely. Monika, taking up the implication, quietly offered to help her walk back out the door and across the hall into the conference room on that side. The Senju boy would return his attention to the Union reps as he waited for that process to reach its conclusion, giving them a smile that was not the least bit warm or friendly.

    "If you would please, give us about ten minutes. That should be plenty of time for you to come up with excuses for why my offers aren't good enough for you, so I hope they'll be impressive." that said, he headed toward the door. He looked over his shoulder at Lily. "Come on. I know you're at least as curious about what she's up to as I am."

    Ashitaka Inuzuka:

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