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    It's time to hang a pirate

    Mist Jounin
    Mist Jounin
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : N/A
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    Join date : 2020-07-18

    It's time to hang a pirate Empty It's time to hang a pirate

    Post by Sero Fri Sep 11, 2020 5:07 pm


    Sero had negotiated his place in the turning gears of the country and the day had come where much had become expected of him. Nobody ever wants to die but they would press against Kiri and find that Kiri pushed back hard and fast. As it happened that morning a courier had arrived with a boat for them but had never found himself able to enter the cave. He had left the envelope for them at the entrance and called in "Delivery!" before running as fast as his legs would take him. The place felt wrong to him. Perhaps it was too close to the forbidden isles that were rumored to drive men insane, perhaps he could sense there was something dangerous within or perhaps it was because he had been warned not to linger near monsters. Either way he was long gone before Sero approached the cave entrance. Collecting the envelop before looking to the sky. It was mid afternoon and already he could see storm clouds gathering out by the bay. Thunder rumbling in the distance. His cold blue eyes would observe the dark clouds a moment before he would turn and walk back down the steep path into the cave.

    For the moment more of the cave had been explored and many chambers had been discovered. The main area was now no longer a sleeping space but rather each person had their own tunnel leading to their room. Left to their own decoration choices. For now Sero moved over to a section set aside for reading and keeping a library. So far it had been filled with only a few of his favorite books from the hospital and some scrolls for learning the basic jutsu provided by the village. Nothing restricted of course. Just scrolls anyone could purchase. Scrolls Sero had set about studying in earnest. For now he moved to the desk with the cold lamp next to it. It was well lit in the cave with the hole in the ceiling so he didn't need to light it at the moment. Instead he would settle onto a seat there and open the package. Within was an official mission with an account created for them in the village. If they wished to access the payment for the mission likely Sayuri would need to be in charge of the account. She was the only one among them who didn't have a habit of causing others to weep in terror.

    Within was a description of a pirate ship and it's suspected locations with images of it and it's crew printed out. Along with images of a young man on a yacht with his throat slit. All the evidence of bad men in need of dying. He would shift through the printed pictures without expression as he sat there. White pants and bare feet with a black V neck shirt and a long white coat. So the first mission sent to them was to be pirates. Ten men who needed to die and die badly. A small boat had been anchored for them at the river nearby that led to the coast for them to search for the pirates. Quietly he would set it down and shift to collect a jug of water and drink deeply from it. Something his body required was to hydrate regularly. For now though he would wait. Seated at the low desk on a pillow as he waited for the other two to join him shortly. He wished to bring them both as either would be an undeniable asset to this mission. Not to mention they would see how well they worked together.

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 979
    Join date : 2020-06-24
    Age : 24
    Location : The Bloody Mist

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Hyoton, Fuuton, Suiton, Ninjutsu, Iryojutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Kanchijutsu
    Class: S
    Ryo: I take payment in blood

    It's time to hang a pirate Empty Re: It's time to hang a pirate

    Post by Sayuri Sat Sep 12, 2020 10:08 am

    Sayuri awoke early, still wrapped in the arms of her Angel, like she had every morning for quite some time. She would slowly slide out of bed, trying not to wake him, placing a gentle kiss on his forehead just before she finally left his embrace. With a wave of her hand she would materialize a white off the shoulder gown made of hyoton with coloured gems in geometric patterns with long translucent and diaphanous trailing pieces that hung from the gowns back. With one final loving gaze at Azrael she would walk out of their chamber, through the twisting tunnel and into the main area of the cave. The closer she walked towards the center the deeper the sensation of fear grew, causing a smile to spread across her angelic face. Over time through spending time with Sero and Azrael, Sayuri had learned to cherish her fear, revelling in its pulse quickening thrill.

    She saw Sero sitting at a desk and looking over some papers, so of course she would walk over and sit down beside him, her curiosity piqued enough that she issued her greetings in entirely the wrong order. “What are you looking at?” she said as she leaned forward and peered at a picture of a young man with his throat slit open. Her eyes would light up as she saw the blood and for a second she lost herself in the sight of the open wound. Shaking her head she would look up at Sero again, though unable to completely remove the hungry smile from her face. “Good morning Sero. Are we going to punish people today?” Her words were light and melodic, lilting as though she was asking if they would be going to get ice cream. It had been too long since she’d had the chance to sink her fangs into someone and she could hardly contain her excitement.

    It's time to hang a pirate TjQ3hVh

    The Ice Queen:

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    It's time to hang a pirate Empty Re: It's time to hang a pirate

    Post by Azrael Sat Sep 12, 2020 6:01 pm

    Azrael would begin to stir shortly after Sayu had left the room, waking in a dreamily haze as he reached out for her in the bed. His eyes would shoot open the minute he realized she wasn't there, turning from the midnight blue to the glowing blood red of the Yurei as he searched for her. Sensing her with Sero however he would quickly calm as his eyes returned to their normal deep blue, lifting himself out of bed Azrael would dress in his typical all black attire from head to toe. He would grab his rebreather from the desk but he wouldn't place it on his face just yet instead simply carrying it in his hand, normally he would hide his appearance however not with Sero or Sayu. They were all the same and they saw the truth in him, he had not been here as long as they have but he was slowly picking up on the layout of cave. He knew that there was plenty of rooms for them to have their own, however he could not bare the thought of being away from Sayu all night. Since they met and she brought him to the cave to await Sero's return they had spent every night together, and that was how the ghost like it. He was her Angel and she was his Daeva, and had it not been for Sero he may have never found his love.

    Sero was still a mystery to Azrael, one that drove his curiosity more than even Sayuri did. When they had first met the Ghost said his mind was weak, he had power that was for certain just different than Azrael's own. Since that day Azrael has tried to unravel the mystery to no avail, the man was immune to harm from the physical world and could now easily see through the ghost's illusions. Even with his imprint upon Sayu, he had yielded no results towards Sero, the woman's memories all open to the ghost including ones of Sero yet there was a distortion to them a cloud that prevented him from knowing things about the man. Azrael was content in the fact that Sero the Abomination, as he introduced himself to the ghost was in fact a God. Sero held a power unlike any the ghost had sensed in his life, it was that power that caused Azrael to swear his loyal to Sero. To be the God of Vengeance's Angel of Death and collect the souls of the wicked from the earth, just imagining the chaos in Destruction that would bring about was enough to get Azrael to join Sero. However Sayu had been like a delectable gift from his God, a gift he was thankful for.

    After they met Sero had sent Azrael to find Sero's ally and their cave, but what he found was his meaning in life. He didn't know who she was at first and just as he had done with Sero, the Angel of Death looked into her eyes and saw the truth within them. He had claimed her as his that same night, but in truth he was hers. There was nothing that he would not do for his Daeva, and the imprint made their connection all the stronger. With the exception of her knowledge of Sero, the woman's mind was an open book to him and his to her. It was a connection they would have no matter how far they part, and it would always lead him to her. Though he did not realize it at first it was this connection that had awoken Azrael and was now leading him through the hallways of the cave and to the room that Sero and Sayu were, she was excited and when she got like this Azrael knew there was going to be only one outcome. Blood.

    Sayu and Azrael shared a love for blood, it was something he discovered before he had even imprinted upon her. He did not know if his God Sero held the love for blood, but he knew he held the love for killing at least those that deserved it anyways. As Azrael would round the corner of the door into the library his eyes would first fall upon Sayu and he would speak in her mind 'Good Morning Daeva, excited are we?' As his eyes moved to Sero, Azrael could see there was something stirring in his God's mind even if he was unable to know what it was exactly it did not matter to the ghost, he was but a tool for his God's will and it was time to get to work. Azrael would lift his rebreather to his face, the lipless demon smile upon the front adding to the nightmare he would cause his victims. Without even needing to know what Sero wanted of him Azrael would stated, "This one is ready to Serve your Will, Lord Sero." His voice would still be considered a whisper, however he was more comfortable around Sero then when they had first met and would actually hold some volume in his voice.
    Mist Jounin
    Mist Jounin
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 458
    Join date : 2020-07-18

    It's time to hang a pirate Empty Re: It's time to hang a pirate

    Post by Sero Sat Sep 12, 2020 6:21 pm

    Sero would let his eyes raise from the paper as Sayuri entered. She out of all of them appeared so innocent and yet he knew of the darker side to her heart. Of the side that had chosen to follow him and had shed blood by his side. If one saw an angel they did not notice the demon behind her eyes. Especially when those eyes turned bright white. He knew she was capable. She was shy to most but when it came to it she perhaps had the power to harm him more than most. He could ignore the chill in the air with her around but he also knew not to get caught inside of one of her jutsu. He appreciated her though. Not only could she stand with monsters but she could get by in public as well. Their account would mostly be accessed by her. He cared little for money besides the knowledge of it's use. So he didn't mind her having full control of the funds. Besides that she had been the first to accept him so she held something most others did not. The trust of the dread lord. As for the moment only three people did.

    She would inquire of what he was looking at and he would glance to her quietly before returning to the document. Not moving as she came to look for herself nor denying her the right to do so. She seemed to light up as she saw what most would have considered horrifying. As she asked happily about punishing someone he would nod before glancing up. The second and final member of their party so far had entered. Addressing Sayuri first before putting on that strange mask and informing Sero he was ready. Blue eyes would study the man. Potent was a good word for him. A different kind of power than Sero or Sayuri had but no doubt their enemies would suffer from it. Genjutsu was something that they had found themselves easily a victim to before. Causing them to respect the angel of deaths power all the more. If anyone could stop Sero in his tracks it was this man.

    Quietly Sero would sniff the air twice. They had come from the same space and smelled like each other. Or rather he could smell the man on Sayuri. He understood now that they had become mates. He wasn't sure how that may play out but undoubtedly they would fight harder for each other. He would hold the mission statement out to Sayuri for her to read before standing. Moving to the pool of water and placing his hand within it. A dark liquid seemed to rush out of him and capture a large portion of the clean water before fading back into his hand. Drinking as was normal for him. After he would rise and turn to address them both.

    "The village has sent us our first target. As you may know pirates are a common issue for the village. However this particular ship and crew recently raided a helpless yacht and murdered the occupant. We have been asked to respond to bloodshed with bloodshed. We are to be the gallows for these particular pirates. A boat awaits us outside and we will be arriving under cover of storm and night. Where we go tonight we risk our wellbeing but in turn we bring death and justice upon their heads. If you are opposed to this, speak now."

    Character Name: Jaakuna, Sero
    Spendable Experience: 510
    Total Experience: 6010
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 25,000

    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: D
    • Stamina: B (B+ lifestyle)
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: B
    • Perception: A
    • Speed: A

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3955-jaakuna-sero-updates#30261
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3950-jaakuna-sero
    Link to Known Techniques:https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3955-jaakuna-sero-updates#30261

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 979
    Join date : 2020-06-24
    Age : 24
    Location : The Bloody Mist

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Hyoton, Fuuton, Suiton, Ninjutsu, Iryojutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Kanchijutsu
    Class: S
    Ryo: I take payment in blood

    It's time to hang a pirate Empty Re: It's time to hang a pirate

    Post by Sayuri Mon Sep 14, 2020 2:34 pm

    She was overjoyed that for some unknown reason Sero had pictures of murdered people. It wasn’t quite the same as seeing them in person, of smelling the sweet intoxicating fear, tasting the coppery tang of their blood. But it was nearly good enough. It gave her a delightful idea to make sketches and paintings of the many bodies she played with. She was becoming used to the silent way that Sero had of communicating, it made for fairly peaceful and quiet days. He tended to speak more than she did, but was still a quiet man. The feeling of threat and terror around him was more than loud enough to fill the silence. His nod in confirmation of her question caused another surge of joy to run through her and she would beam widely at him. This was what she had been waiting for, the chance to punish the wicked. Her heart was light and her hunger great as she thought of the bloodshed to come.

    Sayuri felt Azrael in her mind and she would turn to face him as he whispered within it, speaking aloud in reply with a happy grin on her face. “I’m so excited, there was a man on a boat! And then. . .” She would draw her index finger across her neck in mockery of the man’s murdered state, her bright blue eyes shining with malice. She would rise to her feet and make her way over to Azrael a shy smile on her face as she would lean in to place a gentle kiss on his forehead. “Good morning, my Angel.” she would say within her mind as she turned to face Sero again. She watched in fascination as he moved to the pool and used his dark power to consume some of the water. She never got tired of seeing the strange action, it was one of the things that she admired about him. He simply was what he was. There was no pretense or excuse to his behaviour and in a way that only amplified the power he held. When he chose to speak she always knew he was sincere, he said and did what he meant to. And a man who didn’t feel the need to sugar coat themselves was a dangerous one.

    As he addressed them both she would feel her cheeks flush as he spoke of bloodshed. Images of blood rain and tortured bandits and a broken man with yellow eyes would flash through her mind as a wicked smile spread slowly across her face. She was already nodding in agreement before he was finished. Her only sadness coming from the length of time they would have to wait until they could enjoy their game. Her fingers would move to clutch at Azrael’s arm as the intensity of her desire to begin threatened to overwhelm her. She knew he could feel her craving, and that she needed his strength to be patient and she would lean on him as she answered Sero. “I can’t wait.” she would say with that same wicked smile on her face. “I’ve never punished a pirate before.” Her voice was soft but in her mind she was screaming with delight, envisioning a whole host of new ways to bend people to her will.

    It's time to hang a pirate TjQ3hVh

    The Ice Queen:

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    Join date : 2020-07-26

    It's time to hang a pirate Empty Re: It's time to hang a pirate

    Post by Azrael Thu Sep 17, 2020 5:44 am

    Azrael smiled as Sayuri mimicked the slitting of a throat, her eyes sparkling with her excitement. He didn't need to see the images himself, he could see it all in her mind. Ten men that needed to die by his God's law, ten men that would join his collection. His eyes would flash red for a second before returning to the his normal dark blue, the anticipation of the Carnage that was to come getting him excited. The approach of his Daeva instantly settling his thoughts, He would close his eyes as she kissed his forehead as he felt serenity pass through him. Her lips cold as ice and was the only thing he enjoyed more than torturing people. Azrael had always felt dead convinced he was the ghost everyone saw him as, but Sayuri helped remind him that he was yet among the living. Sero wouldn't speak at first, using his strange power to absorb the water. Azrael would watch in fascination as it happened, it didn't matter how many times he sees it it would never cease to amaze him. It was a power he didn't understand a power that only a God held, when Sero did speak Azrael's fist would clench. 'Finally there will be more souls added to our collection,' he thought as he felt Sayuri's tighten her grip on his arm. Understanding her desires, her true nature, Azrael would lift his hand to her cheek running his thumb across her icy cheek as he implanted a small Genjutsu in her mind before he placed his hand on hers on his arm. This illusion wouldn't hurt her that's not what it was meant to do, it was something he created just for his Daeva. A inner world that would help satiate her carvings for the time, 'Be calm Daeva, this one is here for you.' It wasn't something that could not be helped, it was simply her nature. It was all of their natures, to kill. Azrael held a slightly better control of his urges than Sayuri, but there was no doubt in his mind that Sero held better control over his nature than them both. Sero would decide who lives or dies, and Death collects the souls of those that his God has chosen after Sayuri has had her fun. It was a simple task, arrive and have fun while they caused a little murder and mayhem. Azrael could feel his blood boiling at the thought of the Chaos that was about to follow his Gods Judgment, "This one is happy to follow you Lord Sero, We will not fail you." Azrael's eyes would flash blood red again as his voice echoed slightly in the cave, his ghost making only a brief appearance not fully forming as the anticipation of it all starting to get to him as he tried to calm not only his own nature but that of Sayuri as well. There was something he had created that he wished to try out and these pirates would give him that chance to see the fear his horrors create.

    It's time to hang a pirate AzSig3

    Character Name: Azrael, the Angel of Strife
    Clan: Akayurei {Clan Leader}
    Village: Kirigakure
    Rank: Genin
    Renown: 1250
    Skills: Genjutsu | Sensory | Ijutsu | Fuuinjutsu
    Strength: D
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: B+
    Speed: D
    Coordination: C
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: B
    Mist Jounin
    Mist Jounin
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 458
    Join date : 2020-07-18

    It's time to hang a pirate Empty Re: It's time to hang a pirate

    Post by Sero Fri Sep 18, 2020 4:08 pm

    Sero would not mind the affection shared between the two. It was not something he sought after nor understood but despite his nature he did not care to stand in the way of it. Albeit a foreign concept to him he saw that they were happier and as such he had no intentions of putting a halt to any of it. Besides one of his strategy books suggested that someone who had something to fight for was someone who would fight harder for what the held dear than someone who was simply paid to do so. He would settle himself as he acknowledged that both of them had accepted him and followed him. Both of them agreed that they were ready and he would simply turn and begin to walk from the cave. Simply expecting them to follow. No need for orders when destiny was involved. At least not yet. Already a plan was forming in his mind. These men had no way to harm him as far as the intel said. Still he would need to consider the other two. For now this would show him how battle ready they were. How ready to kill men they were instead of beasts. Eagerness aside this would be a first test from him for the both of them.

    If they followed they would emerge from the cave to see the small boat anchored at the river waiting for them. He would follow the straightest path to it as the ground burned under his bare feet. Leaving black marks in the shape of his feet. Before he boarded the boat though Sero would take a breath and calm his chakra. The beast within him surging against his calm as always but the seal was solid. Holding it at bay. Soon the burning under his feet would halt and he would jump before landing at the front of the boat. Not a large boat but one large enough to survive some waves along the shore where the pirates were said to be. He would wait for them to board before he would lift his hands. The water around them surging as he waited for either of them to pull up or sever the anchor. This was supposedly their boat now so likely they would pull it up. However as soon as they were free and the two were settled in the boat would lurch forward as the water obeyed Sero. Pushing them along rapidly while avoiding any rocks.

    It would take some time to reach their destination and by then the storm had come in full. Rain poured down from above and the waves surged against them. Thunder cracked above and it appeared like such a small boat wouldn't survive normally. Yet with Sero there the water directly around them was calm. Darkness fell hiding them in the storm but a crack of thunder would soon reveal the ship they were searching for. Sails raised and all anchors down to withstand the storm. Sero would see it and their progress would slow as they coasted towards it. His cold blue eyes regarding it as they got within twenty meters under cover of darkness. If they got much closer the crew would feel Sero coming and raise the alarm. There were steps to this game he wished to accomplish first. So he would speak and despite the storm he somehow was easily heard.

    "Sayuri, Freeze their anchors in place so they can not raise them and attempt to flee. Azrael....would you introduce us? Spread terror and panic. I want them ready to dive into the storm to escape us."

    Character Name: Jaakuna, Sero
    Spendable Experience: 510
    Total Experience: 6010
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 25,000

    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: D
    • Stamina: B (B+ lifestyle)
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: B
    • Perception: A
    • Speed: A

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3955-jaakuna-sero-updates#30261
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3950-jaakuna-sero
    Link to Known Techniques:https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3955-jaakuna-sero-updates#30261

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 979
    Join date : 2020-06-24
    Age : 24
    Location : The Bloody Mist

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Hyoton, Fuuton, Suiton, Ninjutsu, Iryojutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Kanchijutsu
    Class: S
    Ryo: I take payment in blood

    It's time to hang a pirate Empty Re: It's time to hang a pirate

    Post by Sayuri Wed Sep 23, 2020 2:41 pm

    As Sayuri watched Sero turn and leave she would grin at Azrael and move out of the cave. She was ecstatic at the prospect of playing with a whole boat full of pirates. The images that Azrael placed in her mind had quieted her bloodlust for now, but she longed to feel the blood of the unworthy against her skin, hear their screams as they begged for death. She would hum quietly as she went outside of the cave and got into the boat. The journey to the open water was a long one, and as the hours passed Sayuri found herself increasingly impatient, turning to Azrael in her mind for comfort and entertainment as she switched between running her fingers through the water and lying and staring at the sky.

    The storm that had come was glorious, it churned the waters around them and lit up the sky. The cold rain soaked her to the bone and the closer they came to their destination the wider her smile became. Once they were about twenty meters from the large ship their slowing boat would come to a relative stand still, and the disappointment on Sayuri’s face was palpable. With a small whimper she would look questioningly to Azrael and then Sero, they were barely close enough for her to see anyone on the pirate ship through the rain and she found it maddening. Hearing her name her head would snap in Sero’s direction, her eyes turning white and filling with malice. Without a word she would partially rise from her seat and place her hands on the edge of the boat, rolling herself over the edge and into the icy waters. She had no idea what Sero meant by ‘freeze the anchors’, but she imagined that perhaps it would be best to freeze them to the sea floor as she had frozen the bandits to the ground at the fort in the ravine. Swimming over to the large chains she would place her small hands on the metal links and channel her ice through them. Once she was satisfied that the cooled metal would continue to spread the ice she had placed she would pull herself out of the water again and slowly begin climbing the chain upwards towards the ship.

    It's time to hang a pirate TjQ3hVh

    The Ice Queen:

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 177
    Join date : 2020-07-26

    It's time to hang a pirate Empty Re: It's time to hang a pirate

    Post by Azrael Sun Oct 04, 2020 11:30 am

    Azrael would follow the others silently out of the cave to the boat, they were all silent at least on the outside. The boat ride was boring though Azrael found some amusement in projecting different ideas of what they could do to the pirates into Sayuri's mind, this would also help Sayu's craving considering his vivid imagination. Azrael marvelled at the fact that such a small boat was able to survive the raging storm, but he knew it was Sero that kept them safe through the storm. When they finally neared their destination the boat would stop, Azrael could see the impatience growing within Sayu and knew that she was at the point even his illusions would not be enough to satisfy her nature. At Sero's words Sayu would instantly dive into the water, he could see her plan and yet still his mind would whisper to her. 'Stay safe, Daeva.'

    A smile formed underneath the male's rebreather as Sero asked him to introduce them, "This one would be honored, Lord Sero." The male's eyes would flash glowing red as a fog began to rise from the water as the male projected his chakra into the world around them all those on the boat would find themselves caught in Azrael's world. A world were only monsters like him and Sayuri and gods like Sero would dare to tread. In that same instance hundreds of his chakra ghost appeared on the water all around the ship, on the deck of the ship, on the sails above the ship. All of them with the same glowing eyes as their master, Azrael's sensory would tell him where everyone was on the ship and so he knew where to place his ghosts for the most desired effect. Ensuring everyone on the ship heard is words as his whispers would 'echo' in unison through his ghosts as well as his mind so that Sayuri could hear what he said while she was under water. "Filth of the earth, We are here to collect your souls. You are a plague upon this world, and have been judged by God. His wrath shall rain down upon you with fire and your souls will be in forever torment at our whim. We are the Angels of death, we are Oblivion, and we are the messengers of your fate. You will all die here tonight." Azrael would then look to Sero, while his words would still transfer to Sayuri his ghosts would not repeat his words this time, "There are eleven chakra signatures, this one believes they have an innocent on board."

    It's time to hang a pirate AzSig3

    Character Name: Azrael, the Angel of Strife
    Clan: Akayurei {Clan Leader}
    Village: Kirigakure
    Rank: Genin
    Renown: 1250
    Skills: Genjutsu | Sensory | Ijutsu | Fuuinjutsu
    Strength: D
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: B+
    Speed: D
    Coordination: C
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: B
    Mist Jounin
    Mist Jounin
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 458
    Join date : 2020-07-18

    It's time to hang a pirate Empty Re: It's time to hang a pirate

    Post by Sero Tue Oct 06, 2020 12:36 am

    Sero would stand on the boat they arrived in as the storm raged around them. However somehow it didn't seem to disturb him. As if the very force of nature mattered little to him. He was a man of drive and purpose. He held no fear of the storm and it seemed to shrink away from him. The very wind and waves avoided their boat as each of his allies shifted to do his bidding. Sayuri was the first to move. Eagerly doing as she was told to keep the ship from fleeing. Not that there would be anywhere to go in this storm or that there would be a possibility of escape. However Sero was ensuring it. Still the speech was well said and Sero would scan the side of the ship for a moment with a cold blue gaze that seemed to glow in the darkness of the storm. Men where moving frantically on board to try and form a group for defense. Herding together like sheep as if it may protect them. Fighting not to be on the outside near these red eyes that stared into their souls and threatened their very being. Sero could feel it wash over him. Fear and panic like a sweet scent on the wind.

    A small bit of information was brought to his attention about an innocent possibly being on board. Sero would let a low growl erupt as his eyes locked onto one person scanning from the crows nest above for anyone coming at them but in this storm it was unlikely he would spot them easily. Still Sero would speak up to Az as the man had brought up something important. His voice calm yet easily heard over the roar around them. "We do not allow innocents to die because of our actions. Inform Sayuri so she knows not to damage the ship. Her and I will set about slaying these sinners while you are to search for this innocent and confirm their status. The innocent is not to be harmed beyond any required means to subdue them for their own safety. Go." With that Sero was already forming hand seals at surprising but visible speed. Rat, dog, tiger, scorpion. As soon as he was finished a ten meter long bone tail with foot long blades evenly spaced along it would emerge from his back. At C rank speed it would lash out and grab the side of the ship and yank their little boat to it.

    With a slam they would reach the ship and Sero would grab a loose rope to tie their craft to it. Only once the knot was secure would his tail lift him up and over the side of the ship to sail above the heads of the pirates and land at the front end of the ship. There were cries of surprise and fear as his aura enveloped them. His cold blue eyes would take them in a moment before his tail lashed out above them. There was a surprised grunt before Sero's tail would lift the scout in the crows nest up and over the men. Impaled several times over. With a sudden shift his tail would sunder the man into bits. Chunks of him falling into his circle of crew mates as panic increased. They were dead men. They just hadn't accepted it yet.

    Character Name: Jaakuna, Sero
    Spendable Experience: 510
    Total Experience: 6010
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 25,000

    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: D
    • Stamina: B (B+ lifestyle)
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: B
    • Perception: A
    • Speed: A

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3955-jaakuna-sero-updates#30261
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3950-jaakuna-sero
    Link to Known Techniques:https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3955-jaakuna-sero-updates#30261

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