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    Battle for Meijing City: Seid vs Kimiko (ToW)


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    Battle for Meijing City: Seid vs Kimiko (ToW) Empty Battle for Meijing City: Seid vs Kimiko (ToW)

    Post by Seid Tue Sep 08, 2020 8:46 pm

    The sounds of explosions could be heard around the giant city of Meijing. Seid stood on top of the roof of broken building, to overlook the forces fighting against them. He had just finished drinking a rather unpleasant potion. It seemed Konoha had joined the fray as the fight began consume the entire city.  The Iwa forces were having their handfuls with the Mountain alliance. Alone the two nations were nothing to fear, but together they posed a sizeable threat. Kumo's Flaming Swordsman had made his way to the battlefield. As ANBU member he usually donned his mask, but didn't bother to do that.

    After becoming the Ten-tails jinchuuriki. He had gone a physical and permanent change to his body. Half a horn took up the side of his face, no longer able to keep an identity held to himself. No mask would be able to hide who he was now. On his body he wearing black and red Jade armor, his complete set was already on. He was armed with all his ninja tools, keeping the Fire Sword in one hand. And one Windmill of Shadow on him. His Rinnegan eyes shared with the Pains was eery and noticeable.

    Below him on the ground were 3 people dressed in black robes. Seid and his Pains were already splattered with blood They had just killed a group of Fang ninja, and their bodies were littered across the ground. With numerous craters all around him, Seid alone had Flee on Sight orders placed on him. One of his Pains had interrogated the last member of this squad. They were aware of his presence and have dispatched someone to deal with him.

    Seid had recovered this part of the city with ease. There was none that stood up either of his Pains. However, down a swath of completely cleared buildings. On the road there was someone coming towards him. He could pick up they were about 100 meters away. Perhaps this was their Black Ops ninja?

    Potion of Fire Resistance: Countdown 2 posts

    Seid: Chakra Visualization -0.2
    3 Paths of Pain - 3 CP =  446.8/450

    Strength: C
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: S++ (Otsu)
    Speed: A+ (Wealthy)
    Coordination: C
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: B

    Strength: C
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: S++ (Otsu, Metropolis)
    Speed: A
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: C
    Perception: B
    Leaf Jounin Commander
    Leaf Jounin Commander

    Posts : 222
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    Battle for Meijing City: Seid vs Kimiko (ToW) Empty Re: Battle for Meijing City: Seid vs Kimiko (ToW)

    Post by Kimiko Thu Sep 10, 2020 10:18 am

    Kimiko had been taking down several of the enemy troops, the Sharingan giving her a massive advantage in close quarter combat. However, she was above any of the small fry that Iwa and their assisting troops could muster. She had stopped caring as much about the lesser troops, and focused her attention more on locating the higher ups. It was happen stance that she came upon a familiar sight. Her sharingan picked up the intense and familiar chakra levels and color of Seid and his paths. Like before, the chakra in the bodies were entirely the same chakra system, and seemed to be pooling at several locations from their bodies.

    She'd noticed it during their last encounter. Every time one of them used a jutsu, all of their chakra levels fluctuated. It was like they were connected to each other some how. And the one who had stayed behind the last time seemed to be the source of their power. This time, seeing him, she knew she was prepared. She didn't know what his face looked like until now, and she immediately knew that he was undergoing some sort of transformation. His rinnegan was visible, and everything started to make more sense. There was a powerful Otsutsuki in Kumogakure, and he was evolving, changing.

    Still, she wouldn't let the shock of that get her. It wasn't like she'd been sitting around doing nothing. Kimiko was stocked up on armor and gear this time, and had done some training to bring out some of her potential. The Kimiko that had fought him before had been unaware of his abilities, and had gotten caught off guard, but she'd been doing well enough against him that she was stalemating him until he caught her off guard. That wouldn't happen this time. This time she knew what he could do. She had had time to prepare for him. And she knew who he was, but he didn't know who she was. He'd left her for dead there, but she had been masked the entire time.

    If it wasn't for the Sharingan, she wouldn't have known it was the same person though, but it was likely that it was. The way he stood, the flee on sight orders, the immense chakra, the same signature color, the way the others were fed by his chakra, it was too much to be a coincidence.

    Withdrawing the tanto that was on her back and a bottle of hero water from her pouch, Kimiko advanced slowly towards the paths and Seid, keeping a normal walking pace towards him while she emptied the content of the bottle into her mouth and swallowed, throwing the glass away. Immediately, she felt refreshed and ready to go, a sense of power surging through her. She wasn't sure what his opening move would be, and she'd learned to be cautious. This time she wasn't marred by having to defend an area, so she was more free to move around as she wished. However, she should probably make this fight as quick as possible. She wasn't sure if her allies would need some assistance at all, and the sooner she took down Seid, the sooner she could assist her teammates.

    She kept an eye towards the paths and Seid though, this time understanding exactly how his portal worked, so there would be none of that sneaky attack from behind stuff like before. It was good that she wasn't identified last time. There were key differences about her. She was stronger, smarter, faster, and amped by the Hero Water, so her reserves of chakra were much higher. She wasn't spamming Multi Shadow Clone either. And with the Tanto out, she was using a different fighting style than she'd displayed previously. There was little to indicate that she was the same person at all.

    -Analyzing Seid & the paths

    Used: Hero Water x1

    Stamina: 210/210
    +100 Hero Water buff
    -0.2 Sharingan

    Distribution and wearing:

    Strength: C -> B [Hero Water]
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: B+
    Speed: B -> A [Hero Water]
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: B -> A [Sharingan]


    Village : Kumogakure
    Posts : 325
    Join date : 2018-08-02

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    Battle for Meijing City: Seid vs Kimiko (ToW) Empty Re: Battle for Meijing City: Seid vs Kimiko (ToW)

    Post by Seid Sat Sep 12, 2020 2:53 pm

    He wasn't sure of what he was looking at. The Rinnegan eyes was able to see the flow of chakra in the body, and this enemy was strong. Apparently they sent a high ranking ninja out on the battlefield. But by the chakra flow of the body, they seemed familiar. Then she drunk something, and their chakra jumped significantly. The Pains were the first to notice the Sharingan eyes. Like their enemy before at the Black Site. He kept his eyes focused on her legs, though he could view her easily through the Pains. He was now more experienced with dealing with the Sharingan users. Shimiko had a similar Doujutsu herself. Seid would have to quickly end this fight if he were to help the rest of his squad. He knew of a way to battle the Sharingan.

    As Kimi came closer and closer, Seid jumped from the roof. Landing a few feet in front of his Pains. A white chakra began to form around the Jinchuriki's body. The bubbling white cloak covered the Flaming Swordsman, giving off a truly menacing feeling. Down his back, three tails were created behind him, moving on its own accord. Seid could feel Karaka rousing within him. His incredible dark presence yearned to escape, so that it could inflict terror upon everyone.

    Seid began to walk towards the Uchiha as well, he raised his sword above. Making a circular motion with it, leaving a trace of afterimages behind. He then charged forward at tremendous speeds. Moving well beyond normal ninja capabilities. The confusing nature of this move threw opponents off their game. He would zig-zag making it incredibly difficult to know where he was going.

    The Jinchuriki used his speed to get within 10 meters before he used his Banshō Ten'in. The incredible invisible pull would lift her off the ground and come straight towards him. A white chakra arm would burst from one of his tails, to try and grab at her midsection. Hoping for a strong attack to put her out of commission. With his Fire Sword at ready, he would be ready to incinerate the entire area if she tried anything. If this were to all happen, this would give him ample time to swing his blade, too cut her chest open with a horizontal slash

    The Pains on the other hand would try to follow the Seid, but they were not as fast the he was. The trio would push forward, while Pain 1 made a few handsigns. Pain 1 would stop about 50m away waiting for the perfect moment. Pain 2 and 3 would continue on to help Seid.


    Potion of Fire Resistance: Countdown 1 posts

    V1 with 3 Tails: 1/5 post

    Seids Tail
    Power: A
    Speed: A

    Seid: Chakra Visualization -0.5
    3 Paths of Pain - 3 CP
    Hazy Moon Night -5
    Banshō Ten'in -10
    True Eyes -3=  425/450

    Strength: C > B (V1)
    Constitution: C > B (V1)
    Stamina: S++ (Otsu)
    Speed: A+ > S (Wealthy, V1)
    Coordination: C > C++ (V1)
    Intelligence: B < D++ (V1)
    Perception: B > A++ (Chakra Visualisation, True Eyes)

    Debuffs to Kimi -2 tiers to Perception. From Hazy Moon Night and V1 form. It also scrambles Sharingan

    Strength: C
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: S++ (Otsu, Metropolis)
    Speed: A
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: C
    Perception: B
    Leaf Jounin Commander
    Leaf Jounin Commander

    Posts : 222
    Join date : 2019-08-23

    Battle for Meijing City: Seid vs Kimiko (ToW) Empty Re: Battle for Meijing City: Seid vs Kimiko (ToW)

    Post by Kimiko Mon Sep 14, 2020 10:50 am

    Kimiko saw Seid jump down from the roof and land among his Pains, a chakra form wrapping around his body, and she was taken aback for a moment. She hadn't counted on him having some sort of mode like that, and her plan was starting to unravel a little bit. It seemed like he had either not shown it previously, or he had gained some additional power of his own, something she wasn't quite as keen on fighting. If he was willing to join the fray himself, then he must be confident that he could fight her, so she needed to buy some time to think of a new plan of attack.

    She already knew that blasting him with high level techniques from a distance was likely to result in a simple stalemate clash with the Pains, as that had been the nature of their previous match, but she was also quite sure that she could just as easily buy herself a moment to think by using one of her newer techniques.

    The Uchiha clan was home to some powerful abilities, and famed for their Katon jutsu and genjutsu, but that wasn't the only thing that they had up their sleeves. As Seid began his circular motion of his sword, Kimiko slammed her hand into the ground, and instantly the area in front of her was consumed with a massive red barrier, locking the Pains and Seid into the 100 meter wide barrier, with Kimiko right on the outside.

    She skipped backwards, clearing about 50 meters from the edge of the barrier in case they managed to take it down, but it was a powerful one to begin with. Little was known about how their barrier really operated outside of the Uchiha clan, but it was designed to even lock in Bijuu, so it should do the job while she figured out how Seid's cloak worked, and how she was going to deal with the new developments.

    Of course, this fight wouldn't be over as fast as she would have liked. She just hoped her allies could hold on long enough for her to come up with a plan and take Seid out of the equation. "You're an Otsutsuki, right? That makes us cousins. We don't have to be enemies, ya know? The Uchiha clan has interest in forming alliances with our Doujutsu brethren. We don't hold any ill will towards ya, ya know?"

    Perhaps he'd be willing to talk it out. Perhaps not. One of her failings at the Black Site had been a refusal to attempt negotiation beyond telling them to leave outright. If neither had anything to gain, and they would lose out anyhow, it was far less likely that they'd treat something with any less than full force.

    Still, best be prepared. She pulled out a second bottle of liquid, this one being her Potion of Fire Resistance. If it came down to it, she'd rather have it to protect herself from a repeat of last time, or any flame jutsu this guy might have if he didn't want to discuss. Downing the bottle, she felt the warmth spread through her body as it started the process of doing its thing.

    Analysis 2/2. Analysis complete.
    Precogs: 2/2
    Drank 1 Potion of Fire Resistance: Countdown 2 posts

    Used: Uchiha Flame Formation
    Maintained Sharingan
    Stamina: 309.8/310
    -0.2 Sharingan
    -3 Uchiha Flame Formation [Katon Affinity]
    Stamina: 306.6/310

    Strength: C -> B [Hero Water]
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: B+
    Speed: B -> A [Hero Water]
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: B -> A [Sharingan] -> B [For Seid related tracking]


    Village : Kumogakure
    Posts : 325
    Join date : 2018-08-02

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    Class: S
    Ryo: 260,000

    Battle for Meijing City: Seid vs Kimiko (ToW) Empty Re: Battle for Meijing City: Seid vs Kimiko (ToW)

    Post by Seid Wed Sep 16, 2020 12:57 am

    As Seid stopped circling his sword in the air. The Uchiha across from him immediately acted, seeing him as a high threat. She was correct in that regard. Almost instantly there was a blazing fire that erupted around him and his Pains. He was unfazed by it of course. She had not recognized that he was known by another name famously from the Village Hidden in the Clouds. The Flaming Swordsman.

    When the barrier infused with flames popped up Seid continued his attack without the cloak. Seids Rinnegan flashed, a 5 meter tall and wide portal opened in front of the Pains and Seid. Seids personal portal, at the same size, would open 50 meters into the sky over where Kimiko was just standing. Not wasting any time with barriers of any sort. Pain 1 would charge forward, making a seal as it went through the portal.

    The Pain would appear instantly in the air and levitate. Then with the handsigns already made, it held a hand to its mouth. All of a sudden a large torrent of water came shooting out aiming at Kimiko, almost like a giant waterfall. This would threaten to overwhelm the entire area as it would crash into buildings and Kimiko. These would cause large surging waves even bigger than a building, though they were in a area where there were only a few which were the ones Seid had been on. This area was more open.

    The rest of the gang stood still waiting for their chance to come out. Though Seid marveled at the speed and power of her technique.


    Potion of Fire Resistance: 1/8 posts

    Seid: Chakra Visualization -0.5
    3 Paths of Pain - 3 CP
    Great Exploding Water Colliding Wave -20
    Levitation =  417/450

    Strength: C
    Constitution: D++
    Stamina: S++ (Otsu)
    Speed: A+ (Wealthy)
    Coordination: C
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: B > A (Chakra Visualisation)

    Strength: C
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: S++ (Otsu, Metropolis)
    Speed: A
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: C
    Perception: B
    Leaf Jounin Commander
    Leaf Jounin Commander

    Posts : 222
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    Battle for Meijing City: Seid vs Kimiko (ToW) Empty Re: Battle for Meijing City: Seid vs Kimiko (ToW)

    Post by Kimiko Fri Sep 18, 2020 12:42 am

    Kimiko, having had some experience with the portals before, actually had a response well in advance to Seid's portal opening. She knew how it operated, having fallen victim to it before. As Seid's chakra form had dropped, Kimiko's Sharingan was once again perfectly able to predict his movements, and all she had to wait for was a single instance of chakra in her visual range, indicating the portal opening up. When he began to open it, she'd already shifted her gaze around to cover her blind spots, and thus noticed the chakra forming where it would. Even as the Path stepped through, Kimiko had already completed the hand seal required for GFA, which launched upwards and engulfed the portal as the Path stepped through.

    He had prepared a handseal before hand, but had to step through, and then hold his hand to his face before launching the Suiton technique, which would be his undoing as the Flames would engulf the body and leave it in a similar situation to how Kimiko had ended the last fight. She needed to take down at least some of the Paths, or it would be more difficult to fight Seid, and hopefully she'd managed to take down one of them, with the others still locked in her barrier.

    His lack of acknowledging her words indicated that she was not going to talk him down, and so she would have to put him down instead. It was a shame they couldn't work things out. Of course, with her having potentially just taken down a Path, she'd have shown Seid that the same tricks as last time wouldn't work, and that she was a much bigger problem. Taking out 3 Military Ration pills though, Kimiko would stuff them in her mouth and chomp down, letting them replenish her chakra a little bit. This was going to be a battle of attrition, and she needed to keep topped off if she stood a chance at beating him. She couldn't afford to make mistakes. The others were counting on her to win this match. She couldn't let them down by losing here.

    The mistake was that they weren't discussing any mutual benefit here though, and instead were only attacking. Kimiko would have much preferred to negotiate and remove their enemy through talking rather than fighting this particular person again. Kumogakure wasn't their enemy, and frankly, it wasn't any of their business what they did when dealing with a rebelling colony of theirs. "Look, Iwagakure is a colony of Konoha's. You interfering here is an act of war. We can excuse it, but you'll have to either step aside and let us deal with the rebellion our own way, or work towards an alliance by helping us quash this little rebellion of Iwa's. Your choice."
    Potion of Fire Resistance: 1 Post Countdown
    Precogs: 2/2

    -20 Uchiha Flame Formation activation from last round
    -20 GFA
    -0.2 Sharingan
    +30 Military Ration Pills 3/3 for thread
    Stamina: 296.4/310

    Strength: C -> B [Hero Water]
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: B+
    Speed: B -> A [Hero Water]
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: B -> A [Sharingan]


    Village : Kumogakure
    Posts : 325
    Join date : 2018-08-02

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    Class: S
    Ryo: 260,000

    Battle for Meijing City: Seid vs Kimiko (ToW) Empty Re: Battle for Meijing City: Seid vs Kimiko (ToW)

    Post by Seid Sun Sep 20, 2020 12:39 am

    It seemed as if the Uchiha before him was indeed endowed with great power. Seid had every intention of laying bare his true power if needed. Like the Black Site, his enemies were becoming stronger and smarter. Though there was not many who can withstand his onslaught. It was time to use 'that'. Seid and his Pains shared vision noticed Kimiko bring a hand up to make single handseal. Pain 1 had poked its head out as the Uchiha prepared to fire. But the speed of the attack was to much. As soon as the Pain stepped out. The great fire attack blasted him from the sky. Giving him severe third degree burns. He fell to the ground incapacitated, but it felt no such thing as pain.

    Pains 2 and 3 both made their handsigns and activated separate ten footer portals in front of themselves. The other end of Pain 2's portal ending up 200 meters to the far right of Kimiko. It was also 100 meters in the air. Each had already made their handseals necessary for their next techniques. Pain 2 stuck only the top half of his body outside the full sized portal. He fired off an incredible blast of water, aiming it towards the Uchiha. The area was clear enough save for a few buildings that would be quickly consumed by the crushing waves.

    Pain 3's other end opened about 200 meters behind Kimiko. Same sized portal opened facing her back right above the ground. It was much further down on the pathway. Bursting out the portal, it held a hand to its mouth. All of a sudden a large torrent of water came shooting out aiming at Kimiko, almost like a giant waterfall. This would threaten to overwhelm the entire area as it would crash into buildings and Kimiko. These would cause large surging waves even bigger than a building, though they were in a area where there were only a few which were the ones Seid had been on. This area was more open. This would supply the necessary pressure on Kimiko for the duration of this fight.

    Though he was technically safe inside the Uchihas barrier he decided to join the battle as well. Making handseals he too prepped a technique. Holding his blade ready, he kept a watchful eye on Kimikos next move.

    Potion of Fire Resistance: 2/8 posts

    Seid: Chakra Visualization -0.5
    2 Paths of Pain - 2 CP
    Great Exploding Water Colliding Wave -40
    Yomotsu Hirasaka -10
    Kendo -5
    =  380.5/450

    Strength: C > C+ (Kendo)
    Constitution: D++
    Stamina: S++ (Otsu)
    Speed: A+ (Wealthy)
    Coordination: C > B (Kendo)
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: B > A (Chakra Visualisation)

    Last edited by Seid on Thu Sep 24, 2020 8:36 pm; edited 2 times in total
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    Battle for Meijing City: Seid vs Kimiko (ToW) Empty Re: Battle for Meijing City: Seid vs Kimiko (ToW)

    Post by Ryuko Tue Sep 22, 2020 1:23 am

    OOC staff ruling:

    The presence of the extra 3 Paths is null and void and Seid will need to redo his post to reflect that.

    The scroll he used was never claimed in his updates. Even if someone gave it to him in character you can't use something that hasn't be claimed before the fight starts.

    In addition while anyone can unseal a scroll sealing stuff back into one requires the Fuin skill. Since Sied lacks this skill he must have someone else since as another pc do it for him or pay an npc for the service.

    Stat wise Speed is mainly for how fast you can move from point a to point b. Coordination is more about hand eye reflexes and partly reaction time.

    Because Seid's coordination is a tier lower then the Path's he's controlling he'd experience a slight amount of lag while using them. This wouldn't be to the point it's debilitating but they aren't at peak performance either

    Ryuko's Ninja Card

    Strength: B
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A-> A++ (Arch Angel's Tiara)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: B

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 273
    Join date : 2020-09-08
    Age : 23

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu, Sensory, Raiton, Suiton, Ranton
    Class: A
    Ryo: Gooseberries and Lilac

    Battle for Meijing City: Seid vs Kimiko (ToW) Empty Re: Battle for Meijing City: Seid vs Kimiko (ToW)

    Post by Yen-Lì Tue Sep 22, 2020 10:42 pm

    OOC staff ruling - second opinion:

    The Coordination stat explanations mainly focus on accuracy and physical dexterity, there does not seem to be any mention of it controlling the ‘transfer of information’. Which seems to be the implication in the idea behind ‘lag’.

    Because there is no mention of a ‘drawback’ disparity between the user’s coordination and the pains coordination it seems reasonable that the pains would be able to use their own coordination (B-Rank in this case) regardless of Seid’s coordination (C-Rank).

    That being said, since Seid is controlling them and his Coordination is lower, the gap that I see occurring is between Seid being able to react quickly enough and the pains then following his commands. While the pains having B-Rank Coordination would allow them to react etc. more quickly and efficiently, they must first rely on Seid’s ability to task them with reacting since they are not autonomous.

    This means that once the pains are given commands they may act with their own Coordination, but until then they are limited to the users Coordination stat, again owing to the fact that they are not autonomous.

    Battle for Meijing City: Seid vs Kimiko (ToW) XTcMCR9

    The Storm:
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    Battle for Meijing City: Seid vs Kimiko (ToW) Empty Re: Battle for Meijing City: Seid vs Kimiko (ToW)

    Post by Kimiko Wed Sep 23, 2020 1:32 pm


    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    Battle for Meijing City: Seid vs Kimiko (ToW) Empty Re: Battle for Meijing City: Seid vs Kimiko (ToW)

    Post by Ryuko Thu Sep 24, 2020 2:15 am

    ooc: Given the relative speed between the  GFA and how fast  Kimiko can launch it the only way the path would have been able to get thought the portal in time before being engulfed in the flames would have been through the use of a precog.

    Given the two tier difference in constitution between the Path and the attack it's taking I would suggest describing the damage around third degree burn level in severity

    Ryuko's Ninja Card

    Strength: B
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A-> A++ (Arch Angel's Tiara)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: B
    Leaf Jounin Commander
    Leaf Jounin Commander

    Posts : 222
    Join date : 2019-08-23

    Battle for Meijing City: Seid vs Kimiko (ToW) Empty Re: Battle for Meijing City: Seid vs Kimiko (ToW)

    Post by Kimiko Sat Sep 26, 2020 12:37 pm

    One down! Kimiko's blast hit true, crisping the Path that had tried to get the drop on her. Kimiko's experience with Seid's portals had given her some knowledge that was crucial to defeating his tactics. The portals wouldn't be able to get the drop on her like they had before. It was obvious that they were going to try a similar tactic from a little bit further, a cowardly tactic that didn't show any amount of subtlety. Of course, having just lost a Path, the other two would spawn in a little further away, to give some time to defend if needed, and to let them get out their jutsu. Seid was still about 80 meters away from Kimiko, having not moved, but he had switched to a combat stance.

    The other two pains were still a problem though, launching massive Suiton jutsu towards her. Kimiko knew they would likely do that, as it was the weakness of her main element. Already holding a seal from using GFA, Kimiko's hands swapped quickly to activate two shadow clones, with one of them formed behind her and dropped low, bringing up a second barrier, intersecting with the original, but including the three of them and Seid in its sphere of influence. This clones would stay and deal with the Paths, while Kimiko would focus on Seid.

    Kimiko had immediately switched into a taijutsu stance, forming the Body Flicker seal from the Shadow Clone seal in quick succession, dropping her original barrier as she did so, launching herself towards Seid. She kept low, using part of a maneuver to dash faster while she launched forward, hoping to get in for some quick close quarters combat. At her speed, she cleared the distance between the two of them in almost no time, watching the seal he had made for any chakra. Mid launch, she'd activated her left arm's Lightning Flash Blade Creation and  launched 4 kunai with an explosive tag attached to each of them. Forming the Snake Hand seal, they'd blow up, as she was about 15 meters away from them when they reached Seid's location, hopefully injuring him or staggering him, as well as interrupting his hand seals.

    Even if not, the combined explosions were quite powerful, and if Seid had launched a jutsu before hand, they'd likely have cancelled it out, allowing Kimiko to get in a moment afterwards and launch a strike at Seid, Sharingan keeping an eye out for subtle movements, for a sword swing, for a jutsu. There was a pale flame covering the tips of her fingers, prepared to launch her hand into him, while her other hand had released the tanto slightly earlier, her palm fully open as it she was going to try and deflect a sword strike with a slap.

    Of course, she had no way of knowing that fire wasn't going to be particularly effective against him, having also taken a Fire Resistance potion, but if Seid didn't know how all of Kimiko's techniques worked, so even if he could see the pale flames on her hands, which was unlikely with having been distracted by the explosions, he wouldn't know what Kimiko had planned, or have much time to react. Her speed was immense, and his reaction time was much lower. Additionally, while the explosions would have obscured his view of Kimiko's front, his Paths were too far away and behind Kimiko to see her hand clearly enough to make out the pale flames. For all they knew, she was completely disarmed, but could only provide the location of Kimiko for a slash from Seid, which would be all he really had time to even attempt to do, given Kimiko's massive speed. Kendo was good for sword play, but Taijutsu and Kenjutsu didn't increase a person's base coordination, and as he wouldn't have been expecting Kimiko's plays, she was hoping to keep him fully off guard and get him before he had a chance to respond, to open a portal, or to activate any of his path abilities or Bijuu abilities.

    Of course, if Kimiko's hand connected with Seid, it would be revealed that the flames were not in fact a Katon jutsu, but instead a fuuinjutsu. The 5 Elements Seal, which would lock Seid down for a while, giving her time to assist her allies. The Hero Water had come in handy, without it, she wouldn't be able to reach this level of speed and capability, but that also meant she needed to make full use of it.


    Kimiko's clone's quick barrier had formed around the group, and the two Suiton Jutsu slammed into it, being enough to destroy the barrier, but cancelling the force behind the massive water waves. The water sizzled and evaporated into steam as it made contact, the barrier coming down but dissipating all water in the area. This would have further served to blind the paths to Kimiko's movements, as she would have outsped the Suiton by a fair margin. However, given the timeline of events, the water from the Jutsu used were moving at 100 m/s from 200 meters away, which was a travel time of 2 seconds before reaching Kimiko's original location, and Kimiko was moving at 175 m/s. They'd already launched a little by the time she started her movement, so she'd have gotten to him as the water reached the clone's barrier. At her distance of 80 meters from Seid to begin with, she'd have easily reached Seid and pulled off her maneuver, so if it was successful, the Paths would have lost Seid to unconsciousness, and both dropped out of the air.

    If for some reason it hadn't worked and Seid still stood, he'd have lost his concentration anyhow, and hence his control on the Paths, as Kimiko had been observing their delayed reaction for some time now, and now was the time to strike. Her two clones formed seals to launch two GFA's at the Paths [Assuming Seid still stood], which Seid would have to re-order to dodge or counter. This was an unlikely turn of events, and Seid would have to choose between himself or his paths at that point.

    Of course, if Kimiko's plan was a success, then their jutsu wouldn't be necessary, and the paths would be spared any additional damage. Either way, the course of the battle had shifted immensely.

    Kunai thrown with B tier Str and A tier Coord [Taijutsu doesn't assist it] Kunai, A tier spd from Kimiko's S tier movement spd.
    Kimiko and 2 Shadow Clones  = 98.8
    Uchiha Flame Formation
    Taijutsu Stance: Strong Fist    | ++ Coord, + Stre (cost -1 Taijutsu Perk)
    Taijutsu Move: Leaf Great Flash | +1 Tier Spd, halted mid manuever so no kick (cost -1 Taijutsu Perk)
    Body Flicker | +1 Tier Spd
    Lightning Flash Blade Creation | -1 for an unseal, using 4 Kunai with Dhark Explosive Tags [B rank explosive]
    Five Element Seal
    Sharingan | +1 Tier Perception

    Kimiko's Stamina: 66.6/310
    Clone 1: 78.8 OR 58.8
    Clone 2: 98.8 OR 78.8


    Strength: C -> B [UQ, Hero's Water] -> B+ [Strong Fist]
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: B+
    Speed: B -> A [UQ, Hero's Water] -> A++(+) Body Flicker -> S [Leaf Great Flash]
    Coordination: A -> A++ [Strong Fist]
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: B -> A [Sharingan]

    Leaf Jounin Commander
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    Battle for Meijing City: Seid vs Kimiko (ToW) Empty Re: Battle for Meijing City: Seid vs Kimiko (ToW)

    Post by Kimiko Mon Sep 28, 2020 12:37 pm


    The massive explosion ripped through and completely interrupted Seid's prepared attack. Significantly damaged by the explosion itself, he was injured to an extreme level, enough to take him out of the fight, but Kimiko's whole attack had already been prepared, and her fist barreled up into his stomach, the Five Element Seal attaching to him. Even had he remained conscious from the explosions, a questionable thing at best, the fuuinjutsu and force of her fist would make quick work of that.

    Lifted into the air by the force of her strike, Kimiko would have sent him flying had it not been for her grabbing onto him, starting to drain the chakra from his limp and unconscious form. Her momentum barreled her through where he had been, and they crashed into the side of the building, but Seid's form cushioned her so there was nothing done to her.

    The Paths, as Kimiko had predicted, dropped from their positions and slammed into the ground, their bones in their bodies breaking on impact. The one that had only been half through slumped forward, falling through completely. Without Seid's chakra flowing through them, they were simply corpses, and even if he awoke, they'd be unusable given their state. Not that it mattered too much. With the seal on him, they'd be unusable to begin with.

    Kimiko punched his face with her free hand a few times, to make sure he wouldn't wake up anytime soon. When it came down to it, she'd planned for this fight, taking him out during their rematch due in large part to it. She hadn't been prepared last time, but had it not been for their first fight, she'd have no doubt lost this time as well.

    The area around them had been devastated by the backwash of Seid's Path's attacks. The water jutsu had done quite a bit of surrounding damage to the town, spreading out back from where the barrier had stopped it for several hundred meters. The water that had contacted the barrier had evaporated, but there was a lot that hadn't, that had flooded the surrounding area. This Kumo nin (and the other one, although she didn't know that) had seemingly no respect for their surroundings. They had come to protect Iwagakure, interfering with Konoha's affairs, but were doing more damage to the place than anyone else.

    Dragging Seid's limp body back to where she'd dropped her Tanto, Kimiko picked her weapon back up and proceeded to cut some moderate wounds into him, sure not to make them instantly lethal. However, without medical attention provided soon, he was fully likely to bleed out. This provided her a valuable hostage. While Iwa may not care about the Kumo-nin, if he had any allies here, she may be able to convince them to actually leave. Then it was Konoha's problem like it should be.

    Stowing her blade, Kimiko made 3 clones with the Multi Shadow Clone jutsu to pick up the Paths of Pain. She only needed one hand to make seals, so she didn't need to release Seid's body at all. Kimiko's two original clones rejoined her.

    Now the only thing left for her to do was figure out where the battles were, and see what sort of aid she could offer her allies. Hopefully their fights were going as smoothly as hers. Kimiko's mouth had a signature smirk on it. Even one of Kumo's best had fallen to Konoha. That should serve as assurance for them to leave this battle well enough alone, and to back out for the time being if they didn't want a war. Or at least get him immediate attention. She knew the Otsutsuki was too precious to let die, which is why she didn't kill him here and now. As much as taking his Rinnegan would bolster them, the Jounin knew the benefit of leverage.

    2/8 Fire Resistance

    +25 Chakra Drain
    -0.2 Sharingan
    -0.3 Multi Shadow Clone

    Stamina: 91.1/310
    Clone 1: 78.8
    Clone 2: 98.8

    Clone 3-5: 0.1


    We all know MSC.

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    Battle for Meijing City: Seid vs Kimiko (ToW) Empty Re: Battle for Meijing City: Seid vs Kimiko (ToW)

    Post by Seid Thu Oct 01, 2020 3:09 pm

    Seid had apparently lost his focus. He was able to catch sight of the Uchiha. But suddenly he blanked out.  Possibly because of the Ten-Tails, Karaka. His interruption threw Seid off. Kimi took advantage of this laspse and knocked him unconscious. And he was defeated for once in his career.

    [Exit - KOed]

    Strength: C
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: S++ (Otsu, Metropolis)
    Speed: A
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: C
    Perception: B
    Leaf Jounin Commander
    Leaf Jounin Commander

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    Battle for Meijing City: Seid vs Kimiko (ToW) Empty Re: Battle for Meijing City: Seid vs Kimiko (ToW)

    Post by Kimiko Thu Oct 01, 2020 4:29 pm

    Kimiko was about to head out to find the other battles when she noticed several chakra signatures out in the distance moving towards her location. They were still several miles out, but that was potentially problematic for her. That meant that it was likely the other fights had come to their conclusions and that she was about to be set upon. Luckily for her, the distance between them was assured to grant her some time, time which was valuable.

    Due to the flooding damage of the two Great Exploding Water Colliding Waves, several buildings had been collapsed, which meant that there was plenty of rubble around. With all the water more or less dispersed, that created an interesting situation for Kimiko. Communicating a quick plan, Kimiko's clones got to work.

    She had of course continued holding Seid's body, grabbing him by the back of the neck. His chakra drained into her body, continually restoring her own reserves, which was good because she had no clue what sort of enemies she was going to face. Ideally she could send some of them home, and only deal with Masaru, but it was up in the air as to who she'd need to fight,
    so for now, a back up plan would ensue.

    The phenomenal thing about becoming inanimate objects in the midst of rubble and desctruction was that even if there was a flaw on the transformation, it wasn't really relevant. So long as nobody could sense chakra, the clones would be hidden. The clone closest to Kimiko, about 60 meters away, had taken up position where a door had caved in, transforming into the broken door and taking its place. Another, 40 meters down the line from it, took the form of part of a collapsed section of wall, blending in with the rubble there. One of the clones had become Seid, and lay in the middle of the road at Kimiko's clone's feet, close to where the Path's Bodies had been distributed.

    The three that had been carrying the path's bodies collected all the explosive tagged Kunai from Kimiko's hip pouch, and 4 from her other Lightning Flash Blade Creation, so that both were even and went to work. They dropped the bodies 80 meters away from Kimiko, partially lining the street haphazardly with them. Armed with 14 Kunai with explosive tags, it was just a matter of positioning. Removing the tags, but also marking them with small traces of chakra so as to be able to set them off, they threw the Kunai into the path's bodies to make it look like they had been done in by actual kunai. However, they also lined the backs of the bodies with explosive tags, hidden from view by their clothing. Anyone walking past the corpses would find a nasty surprise waiting for them. Each body had 3 tags affixed to them, and 11 kunai (4 in one, 7 in the other) had been launched into the non burnt bodies for injury purposes. A few punches here and there, to make it believable that a fight had taken place. The wounds would be convincing. One's throat was slashed, the other's neck snapped, while the burnt one didn't even need any additional wounds.

    They were spread out within a few meters of each other, but more or less took up the road's main path with their explosive range. They had been spread out organically so that they wouldn't look like they'd been placed there, but rather had fallen at that place. Then the remaining 5 tags were affixed to the backs of Kimiko's clone (2) and the Seid Clone (3) inside their clothes, hidden from view. The 3 kunai left over were scattered and hurled into the ground, a building side, and part of the sidewalk, to indicate a battle had indeed taken place.

    Then they took up a defensive stance in front of Kimiko, each wielding 2 of their supply of Singing Kunai with Dhark Explosive Tags applied to them. The tags were wrapped around the handle in such a way that they were covered by the clones' hands when gripped. These would be "Kimiko's" main guards.

    One of the best parts about getting time to set up a defense was that she was able to lay traps. Kimiko dispersed the clones that held the majority of her chakra, regaining a lot of hers in the process. It wasn't really something that would last though, as she formed another one handed seal, making 4 clones with her new reserves, and let them spread out. Each of them took up positions along the side of the road near destroyed buildings. This was the path they'd have to travel in order to meet up with Kimiko in the first place. Of course, her plan was undone if any of them had sensory, but hopefully none of the enemy did.

    With that set up, "Kimiko's" blade was pressed against the unconscious "Seid's" neck, and she held him kneeled. The problem with Seid's transformation was that Kimiko didn't actually know what he sounded like, but seeing as how one of the clones was just pretending to be him unconscious, it shouldn't matter. If his allies knew what he sounded like, they'd be able to tell it was fake only by voice, and she wasn't using it.

    Kimiko herself had taken the real Seid into the building he'd originally been standing on, hiding inside the place with him. She'd be able to peer out of a window and get a vantage of the fight rather easily, while the glare from the sun as well as pure distance alone would keep her from being spotted at all. It was always much more difficult to look into a window that was reflecting sunlight from it from the outside, than it was to look out of it from the inside. Much like looking outside at night is harder when you have a light on, but people in the dark outside could look into your house with the light on. This placed herself a good distance away from where the fight would take place (over 100 meters), as well as having the clones and fake Seid between her and the incoming reinforcements.

    Now, Kimiko could only wait and see what was happening. She wasn't expecting any allies to come to her aid, so she had to play this one smart. Luckily, she was a genius. While she was a physically gifted fighter, sometimes using your brains was better than just trying to brawl it out. There was only a couple of variables she couldn't account for, and that was primarily if they had a sensory type on their side, but if they didn't, then this was going to be a very interesting encounter. If these people were able to take out Nyguyen, Ari, and Chika, then they'd likely be a little tired themselves, and Kimiko's only hope was to capitalize on that.
    3/8 Fire Resistance

    +25 Chakra Drain
    +177.6 Clones dispersed
    Chakra: 293.7/310
    Reused Shadow Clone Jutsu for 4 Clones
    Kimiko: 58.75/310
    -1 Unsealed 4 Kunai with Dhark Explosives from Lightning Flash Blade Creation
    -0.2 Sharingan
    Kimiko: 57.55/310

    Clones 1-4: 58.75
    Clones 2,3,and 4 using Transformation Jutsu (57.75)

    Clones 5-7: 0.1

    Kotoshura Yui
    Kotoshura Yui

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    Battle for Meijing City: Seid vs Kimiko (ToW) Empty Re: Battle for Meijing City: Seid vs Kimiko (ToW)

    Post by Kotoshura Yui Sun Oct 04, 2020 1:59 am

    Yui had made her way toward the destination the area had been rather damaged from the fighting. This did anger her but she had to keep calm, they had an ally here and it seemed he had lost this battle, She would appear on a dragon, a dragon of clay and look down from the air to get a better look at the situation. She was not here to fight to make it clear as she would have a white flag out and show she meant no harm, the last thing she wanted was to cause an allied nations shinobi to die.

    "I know you can likely hear me I am not here to fight, we are bringing you, someone to exchange for that man, you see we can't let an ally shinobi suffer like this. Once they arrive you will understand your situation more. I do not know why you are choosing to ignore your previous kages deal with Iwa but it is a mistake."

    She would continue to wait for her allies at any sign of trouble or an attack she would immediately activate her gates, she was not playing around and if someone chooses to attack her most likely knowing who she was they understood the consequences of such an attack. She would be located outside of the town area about one hundred meters from the entrance and also flying in the air three hundred meters high.

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    Battle for Meijing City: Seid vs Kimiko (ToW) Empty Re: Battle for Meijing City: Seid vs Kimiko (ToW)

    Post by Masaru Sun Oct 04, 2020 3:11 am

    Masaru would be standing over 2km away from where "Kimiko and Seid" were, the destruction to the area had been even greater here then the other parts of the town. It was apparent that the two individuals were of great power, more so than the so call Kage that was now unconscious at his feet. Having dropped Nyguyen's unconscious body from his shoulder without so much as a second thought to the fact that it was a six foot drop from his shoulder for the unconscious man, Masaru now held his bow Soulstring in his hand the custom bow made by the grand merchant himself was a true work of art and was fully uncurled from it's storage size ready to be fired at a moment's notice.

    He had let Yui fly ahead on her dragon while he remained behind to watch her back, he cared little whether the puppet or the Kumo nin stayed were he was or tried to move closer to speak to the leaf ninja that appeared to have the other Kumo ninja beaten. If they got in the way of his shot to protect Yui that would be their own loss, and if they stayed near him he would have his Impervious Armor active so he was not worried about them trying to jump him. He wanted the leaf ninja to just surrender, but it may come down to a fight and if that happened then the destruction would only increase. Masaru only hoped that the woman would surrender without this drawing out into a long fight, it would just be a simple matter of her releasing the Kumo Ninja and then her and the puppet could take the wannabe Kage and the unconscious girl that the puppet had back to the leaf village with their tails between their legs and staying out of his Land. Of course if she refused she would join her fakage in defeat and unconsciousness, it was all a choice for the woman heed Yui's words or fight and face the consequences.

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    Battle for Meijing City: Seid vs Kimiko (ToW) Empty Re: Battle for Meijing City: Seid vs Kimiko (ToW)

    Post by Data_Sora Mon Oct 05, 2020 2:04 am

    Chika, his puppet armor still holding up very well despite it not intended to hold him for this long unless something truly wild happened, had decided to stay back where it was a little safer near Tsuchikage Masaru, a good 50m away as it was close enough to recover the Hokage if things went terribly wrong. Sure he could go on ahead and try to talk down his teammate, but given he had finally stabilized Ari and would need his puppets to carry Nyg once he'd be able to properly carry him, it was the smarted idea in his mind. And while he couldn't scope in given he was over 2 kilometers away, he could still see their chakra signatures, and a part of him couldn't help but smile under the armor, thankful that the puppet's static facial movements didn't match his own.

    "You know, there's something that Chikamatsu has been trying to understand about you and the Kotoshura girl, but mainly just you. Is your dislike for the village due to the village itself, or more the Uchiha Clan? Excluding the fourth Hokage Tatts, which was a tragedy for both of our lands and something we'd rather forget, every recent major interaction that Iwa has had with Konoha was with an Uchiha wearing the hat. You have the second taking over the land, then the sixth giving the land back, and now the foolish seventh attempting to take the land back for 'the second's legacy' or something along those lines. Unless he has missed a detail, which is a possibility, no other outside clan has done as much damage as they have to this nation as of late."

    He could see the traps Kimoko had set up, and while he couldn't discern the real Uchiha from the clones, it was a clever setup. Would it work? Maybe, though with one opponent in the air and another drawing their bow from afar, it would probably be most effective with the Kumo-nin. For now though, he'd keep an eye of the Stone Shadow Kage, curious to see if he'd even answer.

    96.9/135 CP
    Byakugan Stage 4; -0.3 CP (17 posts till strain)
    96.6/135 CP

    The Mod account of Data_Sora#0001
    Valen Minamoto
    Valen Minamoto

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    Class: A

    Battle for Meijing City: Seid vs Kimiko (ToW) Empty Re: Battle for Meijing City: Seid vs Kimiko (ToW)

    Post by Valen Minamoto Mon Oct 05, 2020 6:35 am

    Standing between Masaru and Chikamatsu, twenty five meters away from either of them to be precise. They were just over two kilometers from the remnants of the fight. They were standing atop a three story building, which was tall for the area that they were in and was a solid vantage point for the area. It was the last of such buildings for a while and it was clear why it had been chosen as Masaru dropped the Hokage and drew a bow. The raised vantage, fifty meters up to be precise, would make for a fine shooting location. The yellow eyed Chuunin of Kumogakure would stay near the man, giving him ample space to fire and guarding him as well. A potential enemy shinobi was still here, well, a conscious one anyway, and Tamwyn wasn't about to leave the man alone with a potential knife aimed at his back. "If my comrade was defeated before we began traveling here, and she's still there. Then traps have likely been set. I doubt she'll leave her nest and she doesn't know we have her leader hostage, and that her other comrade is effectively out of the fighting." He would say, glaring pointedly at 'Sakura' as if to say 'don't make that be untrue.' He felt horrible for the damage he'd done to the Konoha girl. However he wasn't about to abandon his duty to take Sakura down if she tried anything.

    "It's your country, and my orders are to support you by following any reasonable order and to use my best judgement when necessary. So it's your call Masaru-sama. What would you rather me do? I'll support you however I can, but I'm useless from this distance." He would say. He could be used in multiple ways on a battlefield. He could harry the Uchiha woman using speed and hit and run tactics to keep her on her toes. He could go in for an all out assault and rush the woman. He could play rear guard against a potential attack form 'Sakura'. He could probably support Yui too for a time if that was what he used but his wings took a fair amount and chakra and he lost a good portion of his speed while in the air. "I would like to note however that I am obviously interested in obtaining my comrade, alive if possible." He would say as he eyed the unconscious form of the Hokage, a trade maybe? Perhaps, Seid was powerful but Uchiha at Masaru's feet was the Hokage, he was worth far more than the alien man in terms of symbolism and political maneuvering. Not to mention that they had 'Sakura' here too.

    "Perhaps allow the 'thing' and girl to go to her as a sign of good faith? That removes the potential knife at your back and gives our opponent something to have to worry about the safety of. Not to mention the fact that thus far, Sakura hasn't been restrained or unconscious in anyway. The idea that there might have been a betrayal might occur to our opponent and make them have to spend that much more time looking over their shoulder." He would respectfully suggest. He wasn't a masterful tactician by any means. This was more or less the best he could come up with in this situation. With that, he would quiet down and wait for any response, while keeping his senses open to potential threats from the enemy, or 'Sakura'.


    Character Name: Valen Minamoto
    Spendable Experience: 0
    Total Experience: 6,160
    Renown: 9,250
    Ryo: 8,750,000
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B
    • Stamina: A+
    • Speed: A
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: C
    • Perception: A

    Link to Character Updates: Here
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    Leaf Jounin Commander
    Leaf Jounin Commander

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    Battle for Meijing City: Seid vs Kimiko (ToW) Empty Re: Battle for Meijing City: Seid vs Kimiko (ToW)

    Post by Kimiko Wed Oct 07, 2020 12:23 pm

    As soon as she heard the wing beats of the dragon, Kimiko's clone had activated her sharingan, scanning the area until she caught sight of the thing. "Come down here and let's talk then. I got something to discuss with ya anyway, Yui Kotoshura." Kimiko's clone called out in response to Yui. She placed heavy emphasis on the Kotoshura part, safe in the knowledge that she'd never be a member of the Uchiha clan. Despite whatever relationship she and Rin had as teammates, or as partners. "If ya try anything, then this Kumo-nin gets the business end of my tanto."

    If Yui dropped closer to her, Kimiko's clone, the real Kimiko as far as anyone could tell, held the tanto blade a little closer to "Seid's" neck. As long as Yui came close enough for Kimiko to speak without yelling, she would begin talking. Of course, that would mean that the dragon had to come fairly close, but realistically it didn't matter if she could convince Yui to pull out of the battle. Kimiko had realized that she was the only person capable of pulling a victory in this campaign, and she couldn't rely on the good will of her allies. As much as they'd like to do something, she was the most powerful of the advanced force, and having taken out Seid meant that Yui was one of the bigger threats to remove from the fight, one way or another.

    "I'll give ya one chance to leave this uprising. For the benefit of Rin, and the benefit of your clan. You can stay here in Iwa all you want, and we'll let your clan return to you here, so long as you don't fight against Konoha, but ya gotta know its gunna fail. Even if ya push us back, we'll just come back with stronger forces. As for Rin, we have him safe and sound, but that can be changed and the 9 tails reassigned. He certainly deserves it after ya both worked so much for the Society. We know all about the deals with Menza, and Rin's work with them in Kumo, and in Suna. The Kumo map for the Society. Giving Menza the Treasured Tools for ya. Swearing loyalty to Nozomi. Rin's been a bad boy and certainly deserves death, but we can keep him safe if ya cooperate. He was willing to do a lot for ya. So you could throw it all away.... Or ya could stay a hero in our eyes."

    Kimiko was getting on a roll. When she had some amount of leverage, or information, she wielded it like any other weapon. It was one of her more adept skills, always had been. Rin's involvement with Yui had been evident given the lengths they had gone to protect each other. It was obvious that they cared about each other, and would do whatever it took to keep the other safe. Rin had been freed from the Society, but returning to Konoha had been a mistake that was costly. Since he was their prisoner, to be kept safe until such time as he was needed, they wouldn't hurt him if they didn't need to, but nobody would really do much to Kimiko if she was going to punish him a little further. A slap on the wrist maybe, or a court martial. But she'd be fine in the end.

    "Do as ya like, staying here and fighting, or leaving and benefiting. If ya leave, we'll pardon any actions up til now against us, but it's a one time offer. We have no urge to destroy Iwa, this Kumo nin did all the damage ya see here, but we'll certainly do so if we need to send a message. And just in case ya think you'll solve anything by killing one of us, it won't. Satomi didn't stay dead, we got ways of bringing ours back, but I doubt ya got the same protections. And killing me will only bring the ire of Akihiro. Our kage he would defend out of loyalty to his clan and village, but I'm his girlfriend. There's no ends he wouldn't go to for me. So be smart and leave."

    A nail in the coffin of her threat as well. Satomi's death was something she'd have known about. With no real information on the process of resurrection, the ability to bring someone back from the dead made resistance here futile. Even without that information, Yui had to know deep down that any victory here would be shallow and fruitless in the long run. It was a good deal really. She'd partaken in the defense of Iwagakure, but Kimiko was willing to get them to overlook that. But even Yui had to know that messing with Akihiro was a death sentence. He'd taken over multiple minor nations in a single night, a feat that had gathered him some notoriety. He'd executed Tattsu as well, proving him a Kage level threat. While the identity of the person responsible for it wasn't known, it had come almost immediately after the Hokage had labeled him a missing-nin and issued her declaration of the Nekonian Empire. There were few people who were so skilled as to deal with that so fast.

    In the meantime, Kimiko's real self continued her draining of Seid in the safety of the building she was hiding in about 100 meters away. For now, she'd keep an eye on the situation. Seid was still out, and everything was going to plan as of yet, but she knew the situation could change at any point. Luckily, she was out of the line of fire for the most part, with plenty of time to react in case an attack was coming her direction. She doubted one would, the entire place was devastated primarily by Seid.

    -Analyzing Yui 1/2
    4/8 Fire Resistance

    Kimiko: 57.55/310
    +25 Chakra Drain
    -0.2 Sharingan
    Kimiko: 82.35/310

    Clone 1: 58.75
    Clone 1 Sharingan (58.55)
    Clones 2-4: 57.75
    Clones 2,3,and 4 using Transformation Jutsu (56.75)

    Clones 5-7: 0.1

    Kotoshura Yui
    Kotoshura Yui

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    Battle for Meijing City: Seid vs Kimiko (ToW) Empty Re: Battle for Meijing City: Seid vs Kimiko (ToW)

    Post by Kotoshura Yui Thu Oct 08, 2020 6:38 am

    Yui would hear Kimiko as she told her to get closer, this could be a trap but she also knew Kimiko knew she had gates and forcing her to use them would mean this fight would be a fight for life or death. She would move closer as she would land and get within normal talking range to Kimiko, she could see the Kumo nin was out cold but she also felt she could not leave him hostage in her hands. A swap of hostages certainly benefited both sides and Yui would likely retreat at that point.

    Kimiko would begin to speak as Yui would clearly have a shocked look on her face, she very clearly did not know all the deals Rin had made and her poker face about it was terrible. This was clearly new news to her but she could not hate Rin for doing whatever he could to try to save her life. She was going to try to do the same thing and it also was very clear Rin was Konohas hostage. She knew she should have talked him out of that meeting as she grinded her teeth a bit. The biggest shock came Kimiko offered her a full pardon up until now for any actions she had done, as much as she wanted to crush Konoha she knew it wasn't feasible, at least not by herself. They had Rin hostage but maybe she could negotiate some of her own terms. Swap the hostages and let Kimiko have her kage back in exchange for her allied nations shinobi, and the second thing she wanted was having Rin be able to stay with her in Iwa. They could do something to make sure he can't betray them but she wanted to be with her husband and wanted him to be with their child.

    "I can't argue you actually know how to negotiate, honestly had your Kage done the same type of negotiations I likely never would have been involved in the battle. He instead told us to bend the knee and bow to him, even if I am in a land under the control of Konoha don't expect me to worship you like a master, it's disrespectful and considering he is so weak compared to me it's quite insulting really. I must say it is a very good offer, but let us maybe add a bit of negotiation from my side, let us have our allied shinobi back we will leave the battle with him and it would make Kumos Ire far less. The second thing is I don't care how you want to secure a way for him to not be able to go against you but let Rin live with me in Iwa, we have a daughter together, and having him not around is rather hard. I am not used to this motherhood thing, and maybe this is why I am more willing to negotiate. I told you this info with good faith you would never try to harm an innocent child."

    Yui would make it quite clear she was not here to fight, she showed no signs of aggression and even if Kimiko refused to surrender the man to her she really only wanted one thing to be with Rin again. If she could have that really that's all she desired and her desire to crush Konoha would be much less. Sure she still wanted revenge but now was not the time, she could wait and play nice for a good long while until the time was right. Then again maybe she could eventually forgive them, if they ever actually explained anything to her this would never have happened in the first place, they were terrible about transparency even among their own shinobi.

    Analyzing Kimiko: 1/4
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    Join date : 2020-06-06

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    Battle for Meijing City: Seid vs Kimiko (ToW) Empty Re: Battle for Meijing City: Seid vs Kimiko (ToW)

    Post by Data_Sora Fri Oct 09, 2020 3:19 pm

    Chika would continue to sit there, just waiting to see what happened. He'd watch the Kotoshura land, a little surprised she actually do so given the threat of traps, all of which were a legitimate thing. Sure it wasn't easy to see, but even if his sight wasn't the greatest compared to his peers he still could see the discrepancies within the battlefield. However, since there was no fighting yet, his mind was more on the lack of a response from the kage as he held that unknown bow; probably custom-made. "Huh. I know he doesn't want to speak with me, but to not want to speak to a Clan leader? That's unexpected."

    Upon hearing the Kumo-nin's comments, Chika would bring up an armored hand in a mock 'oh my' fashion. "Wow, it's like you have no faith in the power of a Kage who took down another one. Given he's aiming at a target that far, I wouldn't be surprised if he was dexterous and perceptive enough to take Chikamatsu on solo." He really just wanted the lightning-nin to go ahead and get his teammate, as he could probably handle a 1 on one fight with a man who seemed more occupied with firing an arrow. He really didn't even need to do that much, just a paralysis, grab the Kage, and go. Combine that with the fact he didn't want to kill the 7th, he could probably pull it off. Maybe. At the very least he could probably take an arrow in case the man did try to kill him. Though he'd need to deal with the fact Kimiko might lose and then he'd have deserted an ally on the battlefield. This would need more of a plan then he thought. "And good faith? Isn't the reason you stopped fighting us was because you considered my companion a civilian by this point? Kind of rude to send a civilian and their temporary medical practitioner out to a potential death zone given the history that Kotoshura has with us. I get this is a war, but to go back on your ideal so fast...eh, but who am I to judge seeing as I'm technically still in this fight, although I'd rather just leave and try to fix this sorry mess."

    "Speaking of The Tsuchikage, is it just me or does he seem to be in a bit of a trance? Like yeah I get he's preparing to fire if need be, but the dude looks like he's gonna fall over at any moment." Maybe it was the strange sickness people got every so often that put them inside a coma. Sure he hadn't witnessed it in person, but this could be a prime opportunity to improve his medical-no! The Kage could wait, he had the battlefield to pay attention to and a better plan needing thing of. "Well, seeing as he isn't responding to either of us, I guess you get to make the big call: Go and try to help your ally, or guard a kage who knows of my presence and probably doesn't need you by his side. Either way, I'm staying here till I get the 7th so I can deal with this contract his predecessor signed.

    96.6/135 CP
    Byakugan Stage 4; -0.3 CP (16 posts till strain)
    96.3/135 CP

    The Mod account of Data_Sora#0001
    Valen Minamoto
    Valen Minamoto

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    Age : 31

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    Class: A

    Battle for Meijing City: Seid vs Kimiko (ToW) Empty Re: Battle for Meijing City: Seid vs Kimiko (ToW)

    Post by Valen Minamoto Sun Oct 11, 2020 2:27 am

    His queries would go unanswered, his suggestions ignored. It was at that moment that Tamwyn realized there was a problem. His lack of response implied that he was no longer paying attention to what was occurring around him. Or couldn't, and that was a risky situation to gamble on. At the end of the day Tamwyn and Sakura had been working with each other mostly because the other Konoha girl was severely injured and needed the medical assistance and Sakura had wanted to end the fighting as well. They had the Hokage's unconscious form with them. Now though he couldn't afford to go forward and leave the man in a position to be rescued by the woman. Not and leave Masaru unprotected. Especially not with Seid out of the fighting. For all he knew Yui would be defeated and that would leave him the only allied shinobi on the field against two potential enemies. Because despite her willingness to work with him thus far Tamwyn was not under any delusions that it would continue if there was a valid chance for them to obtain victory for Konoha. That would end the bloodshed just as easily as getting the Hokage to leave would have.

    He hated to have to do it, but he had to take down the woman. It wasn't something he wanted to do. However the situation called for him to leave no one at his back to ambush him and especially to ensure that no one could attack the Tsuchikage or take the Hokage's unconscious form. As Sakura spoke, she too would point out that she was technically still in this fight. Although Tamwyn would view her attempt to say that he was going back on his ideal as an attempt to manipulate him. He had allowed her to care for the injured Konoha shinobi, but he hadn't allowed her alone with any of the allied shinobi either. That wasn't about to change. As Sakura would point out that he got to make the big call, the big call that he had already made unknown to her, the pale haired shinobi would strike as she said the word 'guard.' Without a moments hesitation Tamwyn would activate his Lightning Release Armor, amping it up to it's full level two state as he moved and fell into his Ambush of Xuen stance. The stance would be an 'on the fly' movement as he took it midstride toward Sakura. Moving as his full speed lightning would coalesce around his arm as he lifted his arm and made to arm bar the woman across the back. The entire 25 meter distance between them and the attack would take an eighth of a second to land hard against her with the lightning from the Lariat technique dealing just as much damage as the strike itself. He would however make the effort to keep Ari from falling off the building.

    Stuff and Things:

    Character Name: Valen Minamoto
    Spendable Experience: 0
    Total Experience: 6,160
    Renown: 9,250
    Ryo: 8,750,000
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B
    • Stamina: A+
    • Speed: A
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: C
    • Perception: A

    Link to Character Updates: Here
    Link to Character Application: Outdated at this point
    Leaf Jounin Commander
    Leaf Jounin Commander

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    Battle for Meijing City: Seid vs Kimiko (ToW) Empty Re: Battle for Meijing City: Seid vs Kimiko (ToW)

    Post by Kimiko Mon Oct 12, 2020 11:50 am

    Kimiko's clone smiled, negotiation was always good. Standing up the Seid transformed clone, she popped it, returning the chakra of Seid's clone to Kimiko. The explosive tags that had been on it floated to the ground, and she leaned over to pick them up, pocketing the items. They'd still be useful to her against whoever else came.

    With the clone's knowledge returned to Kimiko, she knew the entire details of Yui's deal, and was fine with turning over Seid to her. She formed the Clone seal, making another cheap clone to hand over Seid. It was still advantageous to remain hidden in the building for the moment herself. Grabbing him for a little longer, soaking up the final bit of chakra she'd be able to take advantage of from him, she waited until Yui affirmed that she was okay with the deal that she'd present next.

    Kimiko's clone replied. "I can hand over the real Seid, sure. That's doable. The matter of Rin is a different story. He's training to be an asset in the future. We may need to work together in the coming future, 's why he's still alive. The best I can offer ya is supervised visitation until after our need to work with him is done. I expect he'll have earned his pardon at that point, and ya can have him back for good after that. Something about needing him for the Disciples or what have ya."

    If Yui was still fine with those terms, then Kimiko's clone would raise a hand, dropping it after a moment. The clone in the building would then take Seid out to Yui, handing him to her. If she wasn't fine with it, then Kimiko would be prepared for combat to come, because she wasn't willing to negotiate any different terms. It was a very generous deal after all. Still, Kimiko didn't expect that Yui would turn it down.

    Kimiko's eyes from inside the building at her elevated vantage would make out something in the distance, a sharp and bright spike of chakra, and a building taking some damage. A fight. Was this where her next opponents were? Did she still have allies in the fight? It might take her a little bit of time to close that distance, maybe 20 seconds. Would her ally still be standing at that point?

    Fire Resistance: 5/8
    Analyzing Yui 2/2 Complete

    Kimiko: 82.35/310
    +25 Chakra Drain
    -0.2 Sharingan
    -0.1 Clone
    Kimiko: 163.8/310

    Clone 1: 58.55
    Clone 1 Sharingan (58.35)
    Clones 2-4: 56.75 (Popping Clone 2 and returning chakra)
    Clones 3 and 4 using Transformation Jutsu (55.75)

    Clones 5-7: 0.1
    Clone 8: 0.1

    Kotoshura Yui
    Kotoshura Yui

    Posts : 328
    Join date : 2017-11-08

    Battle for Meijing City: Seid vs Kimiko (ToW) Empty Re: Battle for Meijing City: Seid vs Kimiko (ToW)

    Post by Kotoshura Yui Tue Oct 13, 2020 9:00 pm

    This was the best deal she could get, she knew Kimiko was being more than generous so she would be an idiot to refuse this. She could get Seid and fly back to Kumo with him, this would make Kumo owe her big time as well as make this man owe her. She needed as many favors from people as possible as she had no clue if Konoha would follow Kimikos deal, she wanted the pardon written and submitted to all villages so they knew she was not an enemy.

    "I would be stupid to refuse this deal, so I accept, I will take their shinobi and return him back to Kumo. I will expect you to get ahold of me for when Rin can visit his wife and child, I expect you to keep your word. Id also like a written pardon, I trust you mean it but I do not trust Konoha overall."

    Once the real Seid was brought out to Yui she would Grab him and give a light bow to Kimiko before taking off into the sky and leaving the area at rapid speeds. She would love to help the remaining Kumo nin but making sure this man was safe and also making sure Rins life was safe was far more important. He was on his own, Masaru was also on his own he would have to understand this situation was a once in a lifetime chance if he didn't then that was not her issue that was his. She would quickly exit the area of battle making a beeline heading toward Kumo.

    Stats and Jutsu:

    -Exit Thread- Earth->Bear->Kumo->Lightning Village

    Last edited by Kotoshura Yui on Mon Nov 16, 2020 7:06 pm; edited 1 time in total


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