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    Darhk Designs

    Nyguyen Uchiha
    Nyguyen Uchiha

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    Darhk Designs - Page 2 Empty Re: Darhk Designs

    Post by Nyguyen Uchiha Tue Aug 11, 2020 12:14 am

    DamienDarhk wrote:Note: items that have (Max X at a time) means the player can purchase that many and have them built within the same craft time. Purchases beyond this adds an additional crafting time of X amount of days depending on the rank of the item in conjunction with crafting guidelines.

    Name: Hangar
    Item Rank: S
    Material Rank: N/A
    Units Used: 1 Mil
    Description: Is required to build Airships larger than a Helios or Shuttle. However there are 3 classes of Airships (Kraken, Colossus, Dreadnaught) a single Hanger can house 16 Krakens, 8 Colossus, or 4 Dreadnaughts or any combination. However to have more, then Additional Hangers are required.
    Requirement: 4 Building Slots
    Crafting Time: 14 Days
    Yield: 1

    Name: Hanger Upgrade
    Item Rank: S
    Material Rank: N/A
    Units Used: 1.5 Mil Ryo
    Description: An upgraded system that can be installed into the hanger to allowed automatic maintaince of the AirShips stored within them. Reduces Build Time of AirShips by 25% | Reduces Upkeep of AirShips by 25%
    Upkeep: 50k
    Requirement: Engineering
    Crafting Time: 14 Days
    Yield: 1

    Name: CPG ~ Chakra Propulsion Generator
    Item Rank: S
    Material Rank: N/A
    Units Used: N/A
    Description: The CPG is just as it's name suggest, it is a self sustaining generator capable of powering Airships as well as provide their propulsion. By gathering natural chakra from around it, the device then transfers this chakra into energy which can be used as a source for clean energy capable of powering Airships allowing for their levitation as well as propulsion.
    Requirement: N/A
    Crafting Time: {Storyline Plot Item}
    Yield: N/A

    Name: CDC ~ Chakra Diffusion Cannon
    Item Rank: S
    Material Rank: N/A
    Units Used: 150k per Cannon
    Description: a weaponized version of the CPG, much like the name suggest this device operates similar to a normal cannon and are just as bulky with some slight difference, mainly it's ammunition. Like the CPG the CDC gathers natural chakra from around them and then converts that chakra into a pure beam of energy that is then fired from the device at S Speeds dealing A-Rank damage and is capable of demolishing a building with a single shot. Once fired the cannon takes 2 posts to recharge before it can be fired again, a PC can bypass this recharge time by transfer 30 chakra from their pool to the device allowing it to be fired in the following post after it had been fired. These are stationary devices that can be placed upon walls or building for village defense, or built into ships. That are built on a rotating platform, so while it cannot move it can be angled various directions to be fired in a near 360°.
    Range: 650m
    Maintenance: 25k
    Requirement: Engineer
    Crafting Time: 14 days (Max 3 at a time)
    Yield: 1

    Name: ADG ~ Arial Defense Grid
    Item Rank: S
    Material Rank: N/A
    Units Used: 350k
    Description: This is a complex Structure designed in the appearance of an Obelisk, the VDG is yet another design based off of the CPG. Gathering Natural Chakra from around it, the Obelisk then transforms that chakra into energy projecting it out around it creating a 10km radius shield that can protect the covered area from the energy blasts of the CDCs. Due to the fact that they only cover a 10km radius, the larger a village is the more they will need to fully protect the village. Unlike the others an engineer must craft each obelisk individually.
    Requirement: Engineer
    Crafting Time: 14 Days
    Yield: 1

    Name: War Balloon
    Item Rank: B
    Material Rank: N/A
    Units Used: 600k Ryo (Cannon included)
    Description: https://i.pinimg.com/236x/9f/cb/d6/9fcbd6d71bbfb9ff6e51e75b946be10c.jpg
    The war balloon is designed to look like the balloon part is made of cloth but in reality it is a thin ebony shell, it's movement and levitation is granted through two CPGs. Though they are not the greatest for invasion, what they lack in fire power and movementthey make up in defense with it's Hull have S rank quality and hardness and can withstand multiple shots from a chakra cannon to the same spot before a breach is formed. These make for a great defensive line from Air assaults, but can also be used to bombard villages.
    Weapons: 1 Chakra Cannon on the bottom of the ship *chakra cannons are set on rotators allowing for various angles of shots
    Battle Value: 9 + 1 (1 per each canon) = 10
    Movement Factor: .3
    Capacity: 5 PCs
    Maintenance: 50k ryo per month
    Properties: Village Protection, Can interfere with communications.
    Requirement: -
    Crafting Time: 10 Days (Max 3 at a time)
    Yield: 1

    Name: Airship Colossus Class
    Item Rank: S
    Material Rank: N/A
    Units Used: 5 Mil Ryo (Cannons included)
    Description: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/1f/17/03/1f17038982d27db62164363fc8ca0bcf.jpg
    The Colossus is the second largest of the airfleet, manned by several thousand it can take hits most fortresses couldn't take. However they are slow and can be out maneuvered and taken down through Helios attacks, requiring the to have Helios protecting their blindspots.
    Weapons: 16 chakra cannons (3 along each broadside, 6 on the bow and 4 on the stern) *all cannons are set on rotators allow for various angles of shots
    Battle Value: 40 + 16 (1 per cannon) = 56
    Movement Factor: 2
    Capacity: 40 PC's
    Maintenance: 200k ryo per month
    Properties: Can interfere with communications, can destroy village
    Crafting Time:

    Name: Airship Kraken Class
    Item Rank: A
    Material Rank: N/A
    Units Used: 4 Mil Ryo (Cannons included)
    Description: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a1/c4/9b/a1c49b3941cd5b1995f79379c399d8ab.jpg
    The Kraken is the smallest of the 3 Large AirShips, however they are also the fastest. They are often the front line of an invading force, but also the easiest of the three to destroy.
    Weapons: 14 Chakra Cannons (4 on each broadside, 4 on the bottom of the bow, and 2 on the top stern) *all cannons are set on rotators allow for various angles of shots
    Battle Value: 25 + 14 (1 per cannon) = 39
    Movement Factor: 3
    Capacity: 30 PC's
    Maintenance: 100k ryo per month
    Properties: Can interfere with communications, can destroy village
    Crafting Time:

    Name: Shuttle
    Item Rank: B
    Material Rank: N/A
    Units Used: 250k
    Description: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a5/45/50/a545507633890e6b43040045fdd3b231.jpg
    A heavily armored non-combatant airship, meant to carry Diplomatic parties or even soldiers to the front line, however that possess no cannons. A shuttle can carry 20 PC's, and shortens all travel time by half.
    Weapons: N/A
    Battle Value: .5
    Movement Factor: 5
    Capacity: 10 PC's
    Maintenance: 10k ryo per month
    Properties: Shorten travel time between nations by half.
    Requirement: -
    Crafting Time: 6 Days (Max 5 at a time)

    Name: Command Ship (Dreadnaught Class)
    Item Rank: S
    Material Rank: N/A
    Units Used: 6 Mil (Cannons included)
    Description: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b8/fc/f7/b8fcf7f3c0ed18a5961cccfc1c321bbf.jpg
    The Man-o'-war of the Air for they demand their presence known. Operated by several thousands operators, this flying fortress is the King of the Sky. Only a well disciplined airfleet can bring one down and never without casualties. It's equiped with a hanger allowing the storage of smaller aircrafts.
    Weapons: 20 Chakra Cannons (5 on each broadside, 5 on the lower Bow, 5 spread across the top) *all cannons are set on rotators allow for various angles of shots
    Battle Value: 50 + 20 (1 per each canon) = 70
    Movement Factor: 1
    Capacity: 50 PCs. (10 Shuttles)
    Maintenance: 250k ryo per month
    Properties: Can interfere with communications, can destroy village
    Requirement: -
    Crafting Time: 30 Days (Max 2 at a time)



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    Darhk Designs - Page 2 Empty Re: Darhk Designs

    Post by DamienDarhk Fri Aug 14, 2020 5:27 pm

    Note: making changes to the following based on conversation in Discord

    Name: Hangar
    Item Rank: A
    Material Rank: N/A
    Units Used: 1.5 Mil
    Description: Is required to build Airships larger than a Helios or Shuttle. However there are 3 classes of Airships (Kraken, Colossus, Dreadnaught) a single Hanger can house 16 Krakens, 8 Colossus, or 4 Dreadnaughts or any combination. However to have more, then Additional Hangers are required.
    Requirement: 4 Building Slots
    Crafting Time: 7 Days
    Yield: 1

    Name: War Balloon
    Item Rank: C
    Material Rank: N/A
    Units Used: 600k Ryo (Cannon included)
    Description: https://i.pinimg.com/236x/9f/cb/d6/9fcbd6d71bbfb9ff6e51e75b946be10c.jpg
    The war balloon is designed to look like the balloon part is made of cloth but in reality it is a thin ebony shell, it's movement and levitation is granted through two CPGs. Though they are not the greatest for invasion, what they lack in fire power and movementthey make up in defense with it's Hull have S rank quality and hardness and can withstand multiple shots from a chakra cannon to the same spot before a breach is formed. These make for a great defensive line from Air assaults, but can also be used to bombard villages.
    Weapons: 1 Chakra Cannon on the bottom of the ship *chakra cannons are set on rotators allowing for various angles of shots
    Battle Value: 9 + 1 (1 per each canon) = 10
    Movement Factor: .3
    Capacity: 5 PCs
    Maintenance: 50k ryo per month
    Properties: Village Protection, Can interfere with communications.
    Requirement: Engineering
    Crafting Time: 1 Day
    Yield: 1

    Name: Airship Colossus Class
    Item Rank: A
    Material Rank: N/A
    Units Used: 5 Mil Ryo (Cannons included)
    Description: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/1f/17/03/1f17038982d27db62164363fc8ca0bcf.jpg
    The Colossus is the second largest of the airfleet, manned by several thousand it can take hits most fortresses couldn't take. However they are slow and can be out maneuvered and taken down through Helios attacks, requiring the to have Helios protecting their blindspots.
    Weapons: 16 chakra cannons (3 along each broadside, 6 on the bow and 4 on the stern) *all cannons are set on rotators allow for various angles of shots
    Battle Value: 40 + 16 (1 per cannon) = 56
    Movement Factor: 2
    Capacity: 40 PC's
    Maintenance: 200k ryo per month
    Properties: Can interfere with communications, can occupy village
    Requirement: Engineering
    Crafting Time: 7 Days
    Yield: 1

    Name: Airship Kraken Class
    Item Rank: B
    Material Rank: N/A
    Units Used: 4 Mil Ryo (Cannons included)
    Description: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a1/c4/9b/a1c49b3941cd5b1995f79379c399d8ab.jpg
    The Kraken is the smallest of the 3 Large AirShips, however they are also the fastest. They are often the front line of an invading force, but also the easiest of the three to destroy.
    Weapons: 14 Chakra Cannons (4 on each broadside, 4 on the bottom of the bow, and 2 on the top stern) *all cannons are set on rotators allow for various angles of shots
    Battle Value: 25 + 14 (1 per cannon) = 39
    Movement Factor: 3
    Capacity: 30 PC's
    Maintenance: 100k ryo per month
    Properties: Can interfere with communications, can occupy village
    Requirement: Engineering
    Crafting Time: 3 Days
    Yield: 1

    Name: Shuttle
    Item Rank: B
    Material Rank: N/A
    Units Used: 250k
    Description: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a5/45/50/a545507633890e6b43040045fdd3b231.jpg
    A heavily armored non-combatant airship, meant to carry Diplomatic parties or even soldiers to the front line, however that possess no cannons. A shuttle can carry 20 PC's, and shortens all travel time by half.
    Weapons: N/A
    Battle Value: .5
    Movement Factor: 5
    Capacity: 10 PC's
    Maintenance: 10k ryo per month
    Properties: Shorten travel time between nations by half.
    Requirement: Engineering
    Crafting Time: 3 Days
    Yield: 1

    Name: Command Ship (Dreadnaught Class)
    Item Rank: S
    Material Rank: N/A
    Units Used: 6 Mil (Cannons included)
    Description: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b8/fc/f7/b8fcf7f3c0ed18a5961cccfc1c321bbf.jpg
    The Man-o'-war of the Air for they demand their presence known. Operated by several thousands operators, this flying fortress is the King of the Sky. Only a well disciplined airfleet can bring one down and never without casualties. It's equiped with a hanger allowing the storage of smaller aircrafts.
    Weapons: 20 Chakra Cannons (5 on each broadside, 5 on the lower Bow, 5 spread across the top) *all cannons are set on rotators allow for various angles of shots
    Battle Value: 50 + 20 (1 per each canon) = 70
    Movement Factor: 1
    Capacity: 50 PCs. (10 Shuttles)
    Maintenance: 250k ryo per month
    Properties: Can interfere with communications, can occupy village
    Requirement: -
    Crafting Time: 14 Days
    Yield: 1
    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

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    Darhk Designs - Page 2 Empty Re: Darhk Designs

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Sat Aug 15, 2020 2:34 pm

    DamienDarhk wrote:Note: making changes to the following based on conversation in Discord

    Name: Hangar
    Item Rank: A
    Material Rank: N/A
    Units Used: 1.5 Mil
    Description: Is required to build Airships larger than a Helios or Shuttle. However there are 3 classes of Airships (Kraken, Colossus, Dreadnaught) a single Hanger can house 16 Krakens, 8 Colossus, or 4 Dreadnaughts or any combination. However to have more, then Additional Hangers are required.
    Requirement: 4 Building Slots
    Crafting Time: 7 Days
    Yield: 1

    Name: War Balloon
    Item Rank: C
    Material Rank: N/A
    Units Used: 600k Ryo (Cannon included)
    Description: https://i.pinimg.com/236x/9f/cb/d6/9fcbd6d71bbfb9ff6e51e75b946be10c.jpg
    The war balloon is designed to look like the balloon part is made of cloth but in reality it is a thin ebony shell, it's movement and levitation is granted through two CPGs. Though they are not the greatest for invasion, what they lack in fire power and movementthey make up in defense with it's Hull have S rank quality and hardness and can withstand multiple shots from a chakra cannon to the same spot before a breach is formed. These make for a great defensive line from Air assaults, but can also be used to bombard villages.
    Weapons: 1 Chakra Cannon on the bottom of the ship *chakra cannons are set on rotators allowing for various angles of shots
    Battle Value: 9 + 1 (1 per each canon) = 10
    Movement Factor: .3
    Capacity: 5 PCs
    Maintenance: 50k ryo per month
    Properties: Village Protection, Can interfere with communications.
    Requirement: Engineering
    Crafting Time: 1 Day
    Yield: 1

    Name: Airship Colossus Class
    Item Rank: A
    Material Rank: N/A
    Units Used: 5 Mil Ryo (Cannons included)
    Description: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/1f/17/03/1f17038982d27db62164363fc8ca0bcf.jpg
    The Colossus is the second largest of the airfleet, manned by several thousand it can take hits most fortresses couldn't take. However they are slow and can be out maneuvered and taken down through Helios attacks, requiring the to have Helios protecting their blindspots.
    Weapons: 16 chakra cannons (3 along each broadside, 6 on the bow and 4 on the stern) *all cannons are set on rotators allow for various angles of shots
    Battle Value: 40 + 16 (1 per cannon) = 56
    Movement Factor: 2
    Capacity: 40 PC's
    Maintenance: 200k ryo per month
    Properties: Can interfere with communications, can occupy village
    Requirement: Engineering
    Crafting Time: 7 Days
    Yield: 1

    Name: Airship Kraken Class
    Item Rank: B
    Material Rank: N/A
    Units Used: 4 Mil Ryo (Cannons included)
    Description: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a1/c4/9b/a1c49b3941cd5b1995f79379c399d8ab.jpg
    The Kraken is the smallest of the 3 Large AirShips, however they are also the fastest. They are often the front line of an invading force, but also the easiest of the three to destroy.
    Weapons: 14 Chakra Cannons (4 on each broadside, 4 on the bottom of the bow, and 2 on the top stern) *all cannons are set on rotators allow for various angles of shots
    Battle Value: 25 + 14 (1 per cannon) = 39
    Movement Factor: 3
    Capacity: 30 PC's
    Maintenance: 100k ryo per month
    Properties: Can interfere with communications, can occupy village
    Requirement: Engineering
    Crafting Time: 3 Days
    Yield: 1

    Name: Shuttle
    Item Rank: B
    Material Rank: N/A
    Units Used: 250k
    Description: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a5/45/50/a545507633890e6b43040045fdd3b231.jpg
    A heavily armored non-combatant airship, meant to carry Diplomatic parties or even soldiers to the front line, however that possess no cannons. A shuttle can carry 20 PC's, and shortens all travel time by half.
    Weapons: N/A
    Battle Value: .5
    Movement Factor: 5
    Capacity: 10 PC's
    Maintenance: 10k ryo per month
    Properties: Shorten travel time between nations by half.
    Requirement: Engineering
    Crafting Time: 3 Days
    Yield: 1

    Name: Command Ship (Dreadnaught Class)
    Item Rank: S
    Material Rank: N/A
    Units Used: 6 Mil (Cannons included)
    Description: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b8/fc/f7/b8fcf7f3c0ed18a5961cccfc1c321bbf.jpg
    The Man-o'-war of the Air for they demand their presence known. Operated by several thousands operators, this flying fortress is the King of the Sky. Only a well disciplined airfleet can bring one down and never without casualties. It's equiped with a hanger allowing the storage of smaller aircrafts.
    Weapons: 20 Chakra Cannons (5 on each broadside, 5 on the lower Bow, 5 spread across the top) *all cannons are set on rotators allow for various angles of shots
    Battle Value: 50 + 20 (1 per each canon) = 70
    Movement Factor: 1
    Capacity: 50 PCs. (10 Shuttles)
    Maintenance: 250k ryo per month
    Properties: Can interfere with communications, can occupy village
    Requirement: -
    Crafting Time: 14 Days
    Yield: 1



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    Darhk Designs - Page 2 Empty Re: Darhk Designs

    Post by DamienDarhk Sun Aug 30, 2020 9:31 am

    Name: Suna Flak Jacket
    Item Rank: A
    Material Rank:
    Units Used: 2 units of Heat-Resistant cloth, 2 units of Leather
    Description: The flak jacket of the hidden sand village, like other flak jackets this holds several pockets for various Ninja tools. It is tan in color and with the added heat resistant cloth, is capable of nullifying B-Rank and lower Katon techs on contact.
    Requirement: -
    Crafting Time: 7 Days
    Yield: 1

    Name: Shinobi Gloves
    Item Rank: A
    Material Rank: B+
    Units Used: 1 unit of steel, 1 unit of leather
    Description: Standard shinobi fingerless gloves that have a small metal plating on the backside of the hand made of steel that is capable of blocking blades weapons if the wearer is fast enough.
    Requirement: -
    Crafting Time: 7 days
    Yield: 10 (5 pairs)

    Name: Shinobi Headband
    Item Rank: A
    Material Rank: B+
    Units Used: 1 unit of Steel, 1 unit of leather
    Description: a Standard headband, the steel can be engraved with whatever symbol the crafter wishes allowing them to make them to fit any order of requests. The steel is attached to leather which can be tied around the head, arm, leg, neck, waist, etc of the wearer
    Requirement: -
    Crafting Time: 7 Days
    Yield: 10

    Name: Battle Cloak
    Item Rank: A
    Material Rank: A++
    Units Used: 1 unit of Ebony, 1 unit of Heat-Resistant cloth
    Description: Designed using the heat resistant cloth of the sand village, interwoven with Ebony for added protection this cloak can defend the wearer from most common attacks. Due to the cloth used this cloak can nullify B-Rank and lower Katon Techniques on contact.
    Requirement: -
    Crafting Time: 7 Days
    Yield: 1

    Name: Dress of a Goddess
    Item Rank: S
    Material Rank: S
    Units Used: 2 units of Spidersilk, 1 unit of Adamantite, 1 unit of Gold
    Description: A specially designed dress by Damien, fitted to Kara's exact measurements. The dress looks like a designer silk dress befitting a beautiful woman with gold designs tracing over the elegant dress, yet the Adamantite sown into the spidersilk provides protection on the level of shinobi armor.  While revealing, this dress is considered full body armor, and would require precision timing to get a weapon through an opening. The dress is resistance to anything that would try to cut through it, the Adamantite woven into it stopping all blades from penetrating it instead it would just be like a blunt object striking the dress.
    Requirement: -
    Crafting Time: 14 Days
    Yield: 1

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 979
    Join date : 2020-06-24
    Age : 24
    Location : The Bloody Mist

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Hyoton, Fuuton, Suiton, Ninjutsu, Iryojutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Kanchijutsu
    Class: S
    Ryo: I take payment in blood

    Darhk Designs - Page 2 Empty Re: Darhk Designs

    Post by Sayuri Mon Aug 31, 2020 1:14 am

    DamienDarhk wrote:Name: Suna Flak Jacket
    Item Rank: A
    Material Rank:
    Units Used: 2 units of Heat-Resistant cloth, 2 units of Leather
    Description: The flak jacket of the hidden sand village, like other flak jackets this holds several pockets for various Ninja tools. It is tan in color and with the added heat resistant cloth, is capable of nullifying B-Rank and lower Katon techs on contact.
    Requirement: -
    Crafting Time: 7 Days
    Yield: 1

    Name: Shinobi Gloves
    Item Rank: A
    Material Rank: B+
    Units Used: 1 unit of steel, 1 unit of leather
    Description: Standard shinobi fingerless gloves that have a small metal plating on the backside of the hand made of steel that is capable of blocking blades weapons if the wearer is fast enough.
    Requirement: -
    Crafting Time: 7 days
    Yield: 10 (5 pairs)

    Name: Shinobi Headband
    Item Rank: A
    Material Rank: B+
    Units Used: 1 unit of Steel, 1 unit of leather
    Description: a Standard headband, the steel can be engraved with whatever symbol the crafter wishes allowing them to make them to fit any order of requests. The steel is attached to leather which can be tied around the head, arm, leg, neck, waist, etc of the wearer
    Requirement: -
    Crafting Time: 7 Days
    Yield: 10

    Name: Battle Cloak
    Item Rank: A
    Material Rank: A++
    Units Used: 1 unit of Ebony, 1 unit of Heat-Resistant cloth
    Description: Designed using the heat resistant cloth of the sand village, interwoven with Ebony for added protection this cloak can defend the wearer from most common attacks. Due to the cloth used this cloak can nullify B-Rank and lower Katon Techniques on contact.
    Requirement: -
    Crafting Time: 7 Days
    Yield: 1

    Name: Dress of a Goddess
    Item Rank: S
    Material Rank: S
    Units Used: 2 units of Spidersilk, 1 unit of Adamantite, 1 unit of Gold
    Description: A specially designed dress by Damien, fitted to Kara's exact measurements. The dress looks like a designer silk dress befitting a beautiful woman with gold designs tracing over the elegant dress, yet the Adamantite sown into the spidersilk provides protection on the level of shinobi armor.  While revealing, this dress is considered full body armor, and would require precision timing to get a weapon through an opening. The dress is resistance to anything that would try to cut through it, the Adamantite woven into it stopping all blades from penetrating it instead it would just be like a blunt object striking the dress.
    Requirement: -
    Crafting Time: 14 Days
    Yield: 1


    Darhk Designs - Page 2 TjQ3hVh

    The Ice Queen:

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    Darhk Designs - Page 2 Empty Re: Darhk Designs

    Post by DamienDarhk Sat Sep 05, 2020 9:06 pm

    Name: Flash-Bang
    Item Rank: B
    Material Rank: B
    Units Used:
    Description: A specially crafted item filled with a unique mixture that when impact is made by throwing it, the item explodes creating a loud Bang and a bright flash. This flash and bang is bright enough and loud enough to temporarily blind and deafen anyone within a 50 meters radius for 2 posts.
    Requirement: -
    Crafting Time: 3 Days
    Yield: 5

    Name: Particle Cloud Exposive
    Item Rank: A
    Material Rank: A++
    Units Used: 1 unit of Ebony | 15 feet of Aluminum piping
    Description: A small canister filled with a unique mixture that when impact is made with at least D-Rank speed the item explodes releasing a 25 meter radius cloud of microscopic shards of Ebony. This metal while harmless to the most of the body are sharp enough to cause micro cuts as they embed in the eyes and nose as well as the mouth, throat, and lungs when inhaled as well as travel down the esophagus damaging their entire digestive tract. This microscopic shards Ebony leads to causing excruciating pain, blindness, lost of smell, nose bleeding, as well as internal bleeding. Those within the cloud for a full post will suffer blindness until healed, unless they have protection for their eyes. After 2 posts nose bleeding and excruciating pain to mouth and throat, in addition to trouble breathing if they don't have protection for their breathing. If 3 posts are spent within this cloud, the lungs and digestive tract begin getting affected slowly filling with blood causing even further pain. After the third post Death will follow within 4 posts if medical treatment is not received, the cloud settles after 4 post of it activating.
    Requirement: -
    Crafting Time: 7 Days
    Yield: 5

    Name: Mantle of the Scarlet Emperor
    Item Rank: S
    Material Rank: S+
    Units Used: 4 units of Adamantite, 3 units of Platinum
    Description: A special designed fully body armor for the legendary Shinobi Satomi Uchiha. This armor is made to fit perfectly without interfering in his fighting style or hindering his movements, it's light despite it's appearance to be heavy. The armor is Scarlet red with streaks of black, a mix of camo and a Roshak test. This armor boosts it's wearers Constitution by +1 Tier, and due to the platinum within it, it's enchantment holds double the charge.
    Requirement: Can Only be Used by an Uchiha
    Crafting Time: 14 Days
    Yield: 1

    Enchantment ~
    Name: Hail to the King
    Rank: S
    Function: Active
    Price: 100k
    Description: (Requires knowledge of Sharingan as well as one present and active during the enchanting and recharging stages) This enchantment allows the wearer to manipulate an opponents perception of the armor, causing them to see the black upon the armor taking shape and changing. By using a charge the wearer is capable of casting any Sharingan related Technique by using the armor as the trigger for contact as the target will see the Sharingan form upon the armor wherever the wearer wills it. This does not work for MS techniques and only Sharingan techs that would normally require I sight to Activate, the wearer must still pay the chakra for the Technique.
    Charges: 90 Uses due to Platinum

    Name: Darhk Distillery
    Item Rank: S
    Material Rank: N/A
    Units Used: 1 Mil
    Description: the distillery manufacturers, packages, and distributes alcohol. This earns the owner an income of 200k per month, maintaining daily operations however have its own costs of 10k per month.
    Requirement: Engineering
    Crafting Time: 14 Days
    Yield: 1

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 979
    Join date : 2020-06-24
    Age : 24
    Location : The Bloody Mist

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Hyoton, Fuuton, Suiton, Ninjutsu, Iryojutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Kanchijutsu
    Class: S
    Ryo: I take payment in blood

    Darhk Designs - Page 2 Empty Re: Darhk Designs

    Post by Sayuri Sat Sep 05, 2020 9:29 pm

    DamienDarhk wrote:Name: Flash-Bang
    Item Rank: B
    Material Rank: B
    Units Used:
    Description: A specially crafted item filled with a unique mixture that when impact is made by throwing it, the item explodes creating a loud Bang and a bright flash. This flash and bang is bright enough and loud enough to temporarily blind and deafen anyone within a 50 meters radius for 2 posts.
    Requirement: -
    Crafting Time: 3 Days
    Yield: 5

    Name: Particle Cloud Exposive
    Item Rank: A
    Material Rank: A++
    Units Used: 1 unit of Ebony | 15 feet of Aluminum piping
    Description: A small canister filled with a unique mixture that when impact is made with at least D-Rank speed the item explodes releasing a 25 meter radius cloud of microscopic shards of Ebony. This metal while harmless to the most of the body are sharp enough to cause micro cuts as they embed in the eyes and nose as well as the mouth, throat, and lungs when inhaled as well as travel down the esophagus damaging their entire digestive tract. This microscopic shards Ebony leads to causing excruciating pain, blindness, lost of smell, nose bleeding, as well as internal bleeding. Those within the cloud for a full post will suffer blindness until healed, unless they have protection for their eyes. After 2 posts nose bleeding and excruciating pain to mouth and throat, in addition to trouble breathing if they don't have protection for their breathing. If 3 posts are spent within this cloud, the lungs and digestive tract begin getting affected slowly filling with blood causing even further pain. After the third post Death will follow within 4 posts if medical treatment is not received, the cloud settles after 4 post of it activating.
    Requirement: -
    Crafting Time: 7 Days
    Yield: 5

    Name: Mantle of the Scarlet Emperor
    Item Rank: S
    Material Rank: S+
    Units Used: 4 units of Adamantite, 3 units of Platinum
    Description: A special designed fully body armor for the legendary Shinobi Satomi Uchiha. This armor is made to fit perfectly without interfering in his fighting style or hindering his movements, it's light despite it's appearance to be heavy. The armor is Scarlet red with streaks of black, a mix of camo and a Roshak test. This armor boosts it's wearers Constitution by +1 Tier, and due to the platinum within it, it's enchantment holds double the charge.
    Requirement: Can Only be Used by an Uchiha
    Crafting Time: 14 Days
    Yield: 1

    Enchantment ~
    Name: Hail to the King
    Rank: S
    Function: Active
    Price: 100k
    Description: (Requires knowledge of Sharingan as well as one present and active during the enchanting and recharging stages) This enchantment allows the wearer to manipulate an opponents perception of the armor, causing them to see the black upon the armor taking shape and changing. By using a charge the wearer is capable of casting any Sharingan related Technique by using the armor as the trigger for contact as the target will see the Sharingan form upon the armor wherever the wearer wills it. This does not work for MS techniques and only Sharingan techs that would normally require I sight to Activate, the wearer must still pay the chakra for the Technique.
    Charges: 90 Uses due to Platinum

    Name: Darhk Distillery
    Item Rank: S
    Material Rank: N/A
    Units Used: 1 Mil
    Description: the distillery manufacturers, packages, and distributes alcohol. This earns the owner an income of 200k per month, maintaining daily operations however have its own costs of 10k per month.
    Requirement: Engineering
    Crafting Time: 14 Days
    Yield: 1
    Approved ~

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    Darhk Designs - Page 2 Empty Re: Darhk Designs

    Post by DamienDarhk Fri Sep 11, 2020 2:20 pm


    Name: Heart Shield
    Item Rank: S
    Material Rank: S
    Units Used: 1 Unit of Adamantite
    Description: A specially designed armor made to fit perfectly around a person's heart without hindering the normal functions of the organ. After creation the player must undergo a surgery in order to have this armor applied and determine the rate of success. 0-25 failure patient dies, 26-50 failure but patient was saved, 51-75 Successful attachment however not total success causing a -1 to Stamina, 76-100 total success no downsides. Bonuses to rolls apply the same as if it were a transplant, +10 for hospital, etc.
    Requirement: Surgery
    Crafting Time: 14 Days
    Yield: 1

    Name: Storm Trooper Armor
    Item Rank: A
    Material Rank: A
    Units Used: 4 Units of Ebony | 2 Units of Cloudstalker Eel Hide | 2 Units of Vibranium
    Description: Specially designed Armor for Damien's Storm Troopers. Using the knowledge he gained from the Snow Chakra Armor, Damien was able to reproduce such effect for his own soldiers. The armor is capable of absorbing B-Rank and below Ninjutsu. It can absorb the equivalent of 5-B Rank Techniques (but never A-Ranks). The chakra absorbed by the suit is then distributed into the wearer's body. After absorbing the equivalent of 5-B Rank Jutsu it just becomes standard armor for the remainder of the thread. The Chakra absorption device will then re-calibrate and be ready to absorb again in the next thread. The wrist guards of the armor each contain a built in wire-launcher capable of shooting up to 500ft of wire, which can be used to grapple or subdue a target as well as be a guideline for jutsu. Due to the Cloudstalker Eel Hide used in the armors creation this suit negates B-Rank and lower Raiton Techniques, while the Vibranium used provides the wearer with a -1 rank reduction to the cost of Raiton Ninjutsu. The armor has a Cowl capable of covering the head of the wearer, as well as a mask that can hide their appearance and disguise their voice.
    Requirement: Snow Chakra Armor
    Crafting Time: 3 Days
    Yield: 1

    Name: Storm Trooper Commander Armor
    Item Rank: S
    Material Rank: S+
    Units Used: 4 Units of Adamantite | 2 Units of Cloudstalker Eel Hide | 2 Units of Vibranium
    Description: Specially designed Armor for the commander of the Storm Troopers, different only in appearance and quality with stronger metal from the normal troopers to distinguish the commander on the frontlines. Using the knowledge he gained from the Snow Chakra Armor, Damien was able to reproduce such effect for his own soldiers. The armor is capable of absorbing B-Rank and below Ninjutsu. It can absorb the equivalent of 5-B Rank Techniques (but never A-Ranks). The chakra absorbed by the suit is then distributed into the wearer's body. After absorbing the equivalent of 5-B Rank Jutsu it just becomes standard armor for the remainder of the thread. The Chakra absorption device will then re-calibrate and be ready to absorb again in the next thread. The wrist guards of the armor each contain a built in wire-launcher capable of shooting up to 500ft of wire, which can be used to grapple or subdue a target as well as be a guideline for jutsu. Due to the Cloudstalker Eel Hide used in the armors creation this suit negates B-Rank and lower Raiton Techniques, while the Vibranium used provides the wearer with a -1 rank reduction to the cost of Raiton Ninjutsu. The armor has a Cowl capable of covering the head of the wearer, as well as a mask that can hide their appearance and disguise their voice.
    Requirement: Snow Chakra Armor
    Crafting Time: 14 Days
    Yield: 1

    Name: Crystal Necklace
    Item Rank: A
    Material Rank: S
    Units Used: 1 Unit of Adamantite
    Description: A decorative necklace, the chain made of Adamantite holding a small red crystal dangling from it.
    Requirement: -
    Crafting Time: 7 Days
    Yield: 1

    Name: Grounded
    Rank: S
    Function: Passive
    Price: 50k
    Description: When worn it reduces the damage from Lightning elemental attacks that strike the user by two tiers
    Charges: 45 uses

    Name: Scroll of Preservation
    Item Rank: B
    Material Rank: B+
    Units Used: 1 small Scroll | 1 ml of Ink
    Description: This is a specially designed scroll which bares the Fuuinjutsu formula for Damien's Tamotsu Technique.
    Through this scroll an individual is able to activate this seal by paying 20 chakra even when they don't possess Fuuinjutsu. Once activated this scroll instantly seals the biological organ or body within it, this scroll can hold 10 pints of Blood, 7 organs or 1 Full body. However once sealed it can only be unsealed by someone who not only possesses Fuuinjutsu but also holds equal or greater intelligence to Damien.
    Requirement: -
    Crafting Time: 3 Days
    Yield: 1

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 979
    Join date : 2020-06-24
    Age : 24
    Location : The Bloody Mist

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Hyoton, Fuuton, Suiton, Ninjutsu, Iryojutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Kanchijutsu
    Class: S
    Ryo: I take payment in blood

    Darhk Designs - Page 2 Empty Re: Darhk Designs

    Post by Sayuri Fri Sep 11, 2020 2:31 pm

    DamienDarhk wrote:

    Name: Heart Shield
    Item Rank: S
    Material Rank: S
    Units Used: 1 Unit of Adamantite
    Description: A specially designed armor made to fit perfectly around a person's heart without hindering the normal functions of the organ. After creation the player must undergo a surgery in order to have this armor applied and determine the rate of success. 0-25 failure patient dies, 26-50 failure but patient was saved, 51-75 Successful attachment however not total success causing a -1 to Stamina, 76-100 total success no downsides. Bonuses to rolls apply the same as if it were a transplant, +10 for hospital, etc.
    Requirement: Surgery
    Crafting Time: 14 Days
    Yield: 1

    Name: Storm Trooper Armor
    Item Rank: A
    Material Rank: A
    Units Used: 4 Units of Ebony | 2 Units of Cloudstalker Eel Hide | 2 Units of Vibranium
    Description: Specially designed Armor for Damien's Storm Troopers. Using the knowledge he gained from the Snow Chakra Armor, Damien was able to reproduce such effect for his own soldiers. The armor is capable of absorbing B-Rank and below Ninjutsu. It can absorb the equivalent of 5-B Rank Techniques (but never A-Ranks). The chakra absorbed by the suit is then distributed into the wearer's body. After absorbing the equivalent of 5-B Rank Jutsu it just becomes standard armor for the remainder of the thread. The Chakra absorption device will then re-calibrate and be ready to absorb again in the next thread. The wrist guards of the armor each contain a built in wire-launcher capable of shooting up to 500ft of wire, which can be used to grapple or subdue a target as well as be a guideline for jutsu. Due to the Cloudstalker Eel Hide used in the armors creation this suit negates B-Rank and lower Raiton Techniques, while the Vibranium used provides the wearer with a -1 rank reduction to the cost of Raiton Ninjutsu. The armor has a Cowl capable of covering the head of the wearer, as well as a mask that can hide their appearance and disguise their voice.
    Requirement: Snow Chakra Armor
    Crafting Time: 3 Days
    Yield: 1

    Name: Storm Trooper Commander Armor
    Item Rank: S
    Material Rank: S+
    Units Used: 4 Units of Adamantite | 2 Units of Cloudstalker Eel Hide | 2 Units of Vibranium
    Description: Specially designed Armor for the commander of the Storm Troopers, different only in appearance and quality with stronger metal from the normal troopers to distinguish the commander on the frontlines. Using the knowledge he gained from the Snow Chakra Armor, Damien was able to reproduce such effect for his own soldiers. The armor is capable of absorbing B-Rank and below Ninjutsu. It can absorb the equivalent of 5-B Rank Techniques (but never A-Ranks). The chakra absorbed by the suit is then distributed into the wearer's body. After absorbing the equivalent of 5-B Rank Jutsu it just becomes standard armor for the remainder of the thread. The Chakra absorption device will then re-calibrate and be ready to absorb again in the next thread. The wrist guards of the armor each contain a built in wire-launcher capable of shooting up to 500ft of wire, which can be used to grapple or subdue a target as well as be a guideline for jutsu. Due to the Cloudstalker Eel Hide used in the armors creation this suit negates B-Rank and lower Raiton Techniques, while the Vibranium used provides the wearer with a -1 rank reduction to the cost of Raiton Ninjutsu. The armor has a Cowl capable of covering the head of the wearer, as well as a mask that can hide their appearance and disguise their voice.
    Requirement: Snow Chakra Armor
    Crafting Time: 14 Days
    Yield: 1

    Name: Crystal Necklace
    Item Rank: A
    Material Rank: S
    Units Used: 1 Unit of Adamantite
    Description: A decorative necklace, the chain made of Adamantite holding a small red crystal dangling from it.
    Requirement: -
    Crafting Time: 7 Days
    Yield: 1

    Name: Grounded
    Rank: S
    Function: Passive
    Price: 50k
    Description: When worn it reduces the damage from Lightning elemental attacks that strike the user by two tiers
    Charges: 45 uses

    Name: Scroll of Preservation
    Item Rank: B
    Material Rank: B+
    Units Used: 1 small Scroll | 1 ml of Ink
    Description: This is a specially designed scroll which bares the Fuuinjutsu formula for Damien's Tamotsu Technique.
    Through this scroll an individual is able to activate this seal by paying 20 chakra even when they don't possess Fuuinjutsu. Once activated this scroll instantly seals the biological organ or body within it, this scroll can hold 10 pints of Blood, 7 organs or 1 Full body. However once sealed it can only be unsealed by someone who not only possesses Fuuinjutsu but also holds equal or greater intelligence to Damien.
    Requirement: -
    Crafting Time: 3 Days
    Yield: 1


    Darhk Designs - Page 2 TjQ3hVh

    The Ice Queen:
    Kim Chang-Min
    Kim Chang-Min

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    Class: X
    Ryo: 750,000 Ryo

    Darhk Designs - Page 2 Empty Re: Darhk Designs

    Post by Kim Chang-Min Wed Sep 16, 2020 11:54 am

    Shimiko Chinoike wrote:
    DamienDarhk wrote:Note: making changes to the following based on conversation in Discord

    Name: Hangar
    Item Rank: A
    Material Rank: N/A
    Units Used: 1.5 Mil
    Description: Is required to build Airships larger than a Helios or Shuttle. However there are 3 classes of Airships (Kraken, Colossus, Dreadnaught) a single Hanger can house 16 Krakens, 8 Colossus, or 4 Dreadnaughts or any combination. However to have more, then Additional Hangers are required.
    Requirement: 4 Building Slots
    Crafting Time: 7 Days
    Yield: 1

    Name: War Balloon
    Item Rank: C
    Material Rank: N/A
    Units Used: 600k Ryo (Cannon included)
    Description: https://i.pinimg.com/236x/9f/cb/d6/9fcbd6d71bbfb9ff6e51e75b946be10c.jpg
    The war balloon is designed to look like the balloon part is made of cloth but in reality it is a thin ebony shell, it's movement and levitation is granted through two CPGs. Though they are not the greatest for invasion, what they lack in fire power and movementthey make up in defense with it's Hull have S rank quality and hardness and can withstand multiple shots from a chakra cannon to the same spot before a breach is formed. These make for a great defensive line from Air assaults, but can also be used to bombard villages.
    Weapons: 1 Chakra Cannon on the bottom of the ship *chakra cannons are set on rotators allowing for various angles of shots
    Battle Value: 9 + 1 (1 per each canon) = 10
    Movement Factor: .3
    Capacity: 5 PCs
    Maintenance: 50k ryo per month
    Properties: Village Protection, Can interfere with communications.
    Requirement: Engineering
    Crafting Time: 1 Day
    Yield: 1

    Name: Airship Colossus Class
    Item Rank: A
    Material Rank: N/A
    Units Used: 5 Mil Ryo (Cannons included)
    Description: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/1f/17/03/1f17038982d27db62164363fc8ca0bcf.jpg
    The Colossus is the second largest of the airfleet, manned by several thousand it can take hits most fortresses couldn't take. However they are slow and can be out maneuvered and taken down through Helios attacks, requiring the to have Helios protecting their blindspots.
    Weapons: 16 chakra cannons (3 along each broadside, 6 on the bow and 4 on the stern) *all cannons are set on rotators allow for various angles of shots
    Battle Value: 40 + 16 (1 per cannon) = 56
    Movement Factor: 2
    Capacity: 40 PC's
    Maintenance: 200k ryo per month
    Properties: Can interfere with communications, can occupy village
    Requirement: Engineering
    Crafting Time: 7 Days
    Yield: 1

    Name: Airship Kraken Class
    Item Rank: B
    Material Rank: N/A
    Units Used: 4 Mil Ryo (Cannons included)
    Description: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a1/c4/9b/a1c49b3941cd5b1995f79379c399d8ab.jpg
    The Kraken is the smallest of the 3 Large AirShips, however they are also the fastest. They are often the front line of an invading force, but also the easiest of the three to destroy.
    Weapons: 14 Chakra Cannons (4 on each broadside, 4 on the bottom of the bow, and 2 on the top stern) *all cannons are set on rotators allow for various angles of shots
    Battle Value: 25 + 14 (1 per cannon) = 39
    Movement Factor: 3
    Capacity: 30 PC's
    Maintenance: 100k ryo per month
    Properties: Can interfere with communications, can occupy village
    Requirement: Engineering
    Crafting Time: 3 Days
    Yield: 1

    Name: Shuttle
    Item Rank: B
    Material Rank: N/A
    Units Used: 250k
    Description: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a5/45/50/a545507633890e6b43040045fdd3b231.jpg
    A heavily armored non-combatant airship, meant to carry Diplomatic parties or even soldiers to the front line, however that possess no cannons. A shuttle can carry 20 PC's, and shortens all travel time by half.
    Weapons: N/A
    Battle Value: .5
    Movement Factor: 5
    Capacity: 10 PC's
    Maintenance: 10k ryo per month
    Properties: Shorten travel time between nations by half.
    Requirement: Engineering
    Crafting Time: 3 Days
    Yield: 1

    Name: Command Ship (Dreadnaught Class)
    Item Rank: S
    Material Rank: N/A
    Units Used: 6 Mil (Cannons included)
    Description: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b8/fc/f7/b8fcf7f3c0ed18a5961cccfc1c321bbf.jpg
    The Man-o'-war of the Air for they demand their presence known. Operated by several thousands operators, this flying fortress is the King of the Sky. Only a well disciplined airfleet can bring one down and never without casualties. It's equiped with a hanger allowing the storage of smaller aircrafts.
    Weapons: 20 Chakra Cannons (5 on each broadside, 5 on the lower Bow, 5 spread across the top) *all cannons are set on rotators allow for various angles of shots
    Battle Value: 50 + 20 (1 per each canon) = 70
    Movement Factor: 1
    Capacity: 50 PCs. (10 Shuttles)
    Maintenance: 250k ryo per month
    Properties: Can interfere with communications, can occupy village
    Requirement: -
    Crafting Time: 14 Days
    Yield: 1


    These ships and those like it are unapproved. It must specify that the damage from the cannons do not stack. One A-Rank damage per post no matter how many cannons are fired at the same target.

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    Darhk Designs - Page 2 Empty Re: Darhk Designs

    Post by DamienDarhk Mon Sep 21, 2020 10:58 am

    Toonami & Konami wrote:These ships and those like it are unapproved. It must specify that the damage from the cannons do not stack. One A-Rank damage per post no matter how many cannons are fired at the same target.

    I don't think that was really necessary when it can be covered by stating it in the Cannon itself rather than having to edit every Airship.

    Name: CDC ~ Chakra Diffusion Cannon
    Item Rank: S
    Material Rank: N/A
    Units Used: 150k per Cannon
    Description: a weaponized version of the CPG, much like the name suggest this device operates similar to a normal cannon and are just as bulky with some slight difference, mainly it's ammunition. Like the CPG the CDC gathers natural chakra from around them and then converts that chakra into a pure beam of energy that is then fired from the device at S Speeds dealing A-Rank damage and is capable of demolishing a building with a single shot. Once fired the cannon takes 2 posts to recharge before it can be fired again, a PC can bypass this recharge time by transfer 30 chakra from their pool to the device allowing it to be fired in the following post after it had been fired. These are stationary devices that can be placed upon walls or building for village defense, or built into ships. That are built on a rotating platform, so while it cannot move it can be angled various directions to be fired in a near 360°. The Damage of these Cannons whether on an Airship or other object cannot be stacked in the same post, One A-Rank damage per post no matter how many cannons are fired. Damage can only be stacked over the course of multiple posts.
    Range: 650m
    Maintenance: 25k
    Requirement: Engineer
    Crafting Time: 14 days (Max 3 at a time)
    Yield: 1
    Nyguyen Uchiha
    Nyguyen Uchiha

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    Darhk Designs - Page 2 Empty Re: Darhk Designs

    Post by Nyguyen Uchiha Wed Sep 23, 2020 2:23 pm

    DamienDarhk wrote:
    Name: From Me To You
    Rank: S
    Function: Passive
    Price: 100k
    Description: A special formula of Damien's design, this allows the enchanted item to reciprocate any physical interaction back to the object that caused the interaction. (A punch which makes contact with the item will have the force of the punch on impact transfer back to it. A weapon would have the force of the impact transferred back to it, this can cause damage to the weapon.)
    Charges: 45 uses (90 with Platinum)

    This is unapproved. This is better than Water Mirror and Repulsion combined which are both Exclusive level techniques.

    PS: The unapproval of the airships is revoked. So long as we're official and on the same page about the damage stacking.

    Last edited by Nyguyen Uchiha on Wed Sep 23, 2020 11:56 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    Darhk Designs - Page 2 Empty Re: Darhk Designs

    Post by DamienDarhk Wed Sep 23, 2020 3:24 pm

    Andariel's Order

    Name: Demon's Cleaver
    Item Rank: S
    Material Rank: S
    Units Used: 5 Ebony
    Description: Andariel's favorite axe. Made entirely of ebony, this ax is designed with a large crescent blade for hewing human bodies in a single swing. Due to its construct it is incredibly heavy requiring superhuman strength to wield efficiently. But this comes as an advantage when pinning a foe with incredible strength.

    +1 tier to Strength when striking.

    Requirement: B-tier Strength to wield | Anvil to craft
    Crafting Time: 14 days
    Yield: 1

    Name: Hell Spire
    Item Rank: A
    Material Rank: S
    Units Used: 3 Ebony
    Description: Andariel's favorite Estoc. This construct is entirely ebony and is longer than the standard estoc, custom made to be wielded by a large master. Like all estocs, this weapon is primarily suited for thrusting as its triangular taper serves its purpose when piercing armor.

    +2 adv to Coordination.
    Requirement: Anvil to craft
    Crafting Time: 7 days
    Yield: 1

    Name: Bonemeal
    Item Rank: A
    Material Rank: S
    Units Used: 3 Ebony
    Description: Andariel's favorite hammer. As a backup upon, nothing beats down an opponent much like a solid ebony hammer. Durable, dependable, and heavy, it is designed with a back spike to breach armor.
    Requirement: Anvil to craft.
    Crafting Time: 7 days
    Yield: 1

    Name: Oni Dagger
    Item Rank: A
    Material Rank: S
    Units Used: 1 Ebony
    Description: Andariel's favorite dagger. Concealable and stout, daggers should never be underestimated as personal carry or the battlefield. Made entirely of ebony it is fairly long, the blade being just below two feet in length.
    Requirement: Anvil to craft
    Crafting Time: 7 days
    Yield: 1

    Name: Tower Shield
    Item Rank: A
    Material Rank: S
    Units Used: 10 Ebony
    Description: Andariel's favorite shield. This shield serves more like a portable wall than anything, being thick and broad to act as a barrier between her and anything she'd rather not face. Due to its massive size and weight it easily doubles as an emergency bludgeon.
    Requirement: A-tier Strength to use | Anvil to craft
    Crafting Time: 7 days
    Yield: 1

    Name: Javelin
    Item Rank: A
    Material Rank: S
    Units Used: 2 Ebony
    Description: Andariel's preferred range weapon. These javelins are more like spikes if anything. Thick and long they can be easily carrier and hurled with massive strength to breach almost any armor it comes in contact with.
    Requirement: Anvil to craft
    Crafting Time: 7 days
    Yield: 5

    Name: Shadow Mantel
    Item Rank: A
    Material Rank: S
    Units Used: 25 Ebony
    Description: Andariel's favorite armor. This is her pride and joy and is rarely seen without it. The plated armor takes on a standard European design leaving little to no gaps for weakness. It consists of full body coverage from the boots to the helmet. Due to its design it can effectively reduce or even glace off physical attacks.

    +1 tier to Constitution for Physical Attacks.
    Requirement: Anvil to craft | A-tier Strength
    Crafting Time: 14 days
    Yield: 1

    Name: Ebony Mail
    Item Rank: A
    Material Rank: S
    Units Used: 5 Ebony
    Description: Andariel's 2nd favorite armor. This mail is a lighter alternative and serves as a more casual option to her armor routine. This mail is a simple hauberk which covers her torso, arms, and thighs.
    Requirement: Anvil to craft
    Crafting Time: 7 days
    Yield: 1
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    Darhk Designs - Page 2 Empty Re: Darhk Designs

    Post by Ryuko Wed Sep 23, 2020 8:59 pm

    DamienDarhk wrote:
    Andariel's Order

    Name: Demon's Cleaver
    Item Rank: S
    Material Rank: S
    Units Used: 5 Ebony
    Description: Andariel's favorite axe. Made entirely of ebony, this ax is designed with a large crescent blade for hewing human bodies in a single swing. Due to its construct it is incredibly heavy requiring superhuman strength to wield efficiently. But this comes as an advantage when pinning a foe with incredible strength.

    +1 tier to Strength when striking.

    Requirement: B-tier Strength to wield | Anvil to craft
    Crafting Time: 14 days
    Yield: 1

    Name: Hell Spire
    Item Rank: A
    Material Rank: S
    Units Used: 3 Ebony
    Description: Andariel's favorite Estoc. This construct is entirely ebony and is longer than the standard estoc, custom made to be wielded by a large master. Like all estocs, this weapon is primarily suited for thrusting as its triangular taper serves its purpose when piercing armor.

    +2 adv to Coordination.
    Requirement: Anvil to craft
    Crafting Time: 7 days
    Yield: 1

    Name: Bonemeal
    Item Rank: A
    Material Rank: S
    Units Used: 3 Ebony
    Description: Andariel's favorite hammer. As a backup upon, nothing beats down an opponent much like a solid ebony hammer. Durable, dependable, and heavy, it is designed with a back spike to breach armor.
    Requirement: Anvil to craft.
    Crafting Time: 7 days
    Yield: 1

    Name: Oni Dagger
    Item Rank: A
    Material Rank: S
    Units Used: 1 Ebony
    Description: Andariel's favorite dagger. Concealable and stout, daggers should never be underestimated as personal carry or the battlefield. Made entirely of ebony it is fairly long, the blade being just below two feet in length.
    Requirement: Anvil to craft
    Crafting Time: 7 days
    Yield: 1

    Name: Tower Shield
    Item Rank: A
    Material Rank: S
    Units Used: 10 Ebony
    Description: Andariel's favorite shield. This shield serves more like a portable wall than anything, being thick and broad to act as a barrier between her and anything she'd rather not face. Due to its massive size and weight it easily doubles as an emergency bludgeon.
    Requirement: A-tier Strength to use | Anvil to craft
    Crafting Time: 7 days
    Yield: 1

    Name: Javelin
    Item Rank: A
    Material Rank: S
    Units Used: 2 Ebony
    Description: Andariel's preferred range weapon. These javelins are more like spikes if anything. Thick and long they can be easily carrier and hurled with massive strength to breach almost any armor it comes in contact with.
    Requirement: Anvil to craft
    Crafting Time: 7 days
    Yield: 5

    Name: Shadow Mantel
    Item Rank: A
    Material Rank: S
    Units Used: 25 Ebony
    Description: Andariel's favorite armor. This is her pride and joy and is rarely seen without it. The plated armor takes on a standard European design leaving little to no gaps for weakness. It consists of full body coverage from the boots to the helmet. Due to its design it can effectively reduce or even glace off physical attacks.

    +1 tier to Constitution for Physical Attacks.
    Requirement: Anvil to craft | A-tier Strength
    Crafting Time: 14 days
    Yield: 1

    Name: Ebony Mail
    Item Rank: A
    Material Rank: S
    Units Used: 5 Ebony
    Description: Andariel's 2nd favorite armor. This mail is a lighter alternative and serves as a more casual option to her armor routine. This mail is a simple hauberk which covers her torso, arms, and thighs.
    Requirement: Anvil to craft
    Crafting Time: 7 days
    Yield: 1


    Ryuko's Ninja Card

    Strength: B
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A-> A++ (Arch Angel's Tiara)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: B
    Nyguyen Uchiha
    Nyguyen Uchiha

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    Join date : 2020-06-06

    Darhk Designs - Page 2 Empty Re: Darhk Designs

    Post by Nyguyen Uchiha Wed Sep 23, 2020 11:57 pm

    DamienDarhk wrote:
    Toonami & Konami wrote:These ships and those like it are unapproved. It must specify that the damage from the cannons do not stack. One A-Rank damage per post no matter how many cannons are fired at the same target.

    I don't think that was really necessary when it can be covered by stating it in the Cannon itself rather than having to edit every Airship.

    Name: CDC ~ Chakra Diffusion Cannon
    Item Rank: S
    Material Rank: N/A
    Units Used: 150k per Cannon
    Description: a weaponized version of the CPG, much like the name suggest this device operates similar to a normal cannon and are just as bulky with some slight difference, mainly it's ammunition. Like the CPG the CDC gathers natural chakra from around them and then converts that chakra into a pure beam of energy that is then fired from the device at S Speeds dealing A-Rank damage and is capable of demolishing a building with a single shot. Once fired the cannon takes 2 posts to recharge before it can be fired again, a PC can bypass this recharge time by transfer 30 chakra from their pool to the device allowing it to be fired in the following post after it had been fired. These are stationary devices that can be placed upon walls or building for village defense, or built into ships. That are built on a rotating platform, so while it cannot move it can be angled various directions to be fired in a near 360°. The Damage of these Cannons whether on an Airship or other object cannot be stacked in the same post, One A-Rank damage per post no matter how many cannons are fired. Damage can only be stacked over the course of multiple posts.
    Range: 650m
    Maintenance: 25k
    Requirement: Engineer
    Crafting Time: 14 days (Max 3 at a time)
    Yield: 1


    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

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    Darhk Designs - Page 2 Empty Re: Darhk Designs

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Thu Sep 24, 2020 3:31 pm

    DamienDarhk wrote:Name: Tanto
    Item Rank: A
    Material Rank: A+
    Units Used: 1 unit of Platinum
    Description: A beautifully designed Tanto that grants (++) to the users strength. With the item made of platinum an enchantment placed upon it will have its charges doubled.
    Requirement: -
    Crafting Time: 7 Days
    Yield: 1

    Name: Stardust Staff
    Item Rank: S
    Material Rank: S+
    Units Used: 1 unit of Adamantite, 1 unit of Platinum
    Description: A specially designed staff that is attuned to nature, it can be used as a anchoring point for summons allowing the Summoner to have 1 additional S-Rank summon out at a time. This can be broken down for smaller summons instead of an S-Rank, i.e. 2 A-Ranks, etc following the guidelines for Summoning.
    Requirement: -
    Crafting Time: 14 Days
    Yield: 1

    I'd like to unapprove these two as well. I think the allowing 1 additional S-Rank summon out is kind of a roundabout way of getting a stat boost because the number of summons you can have out depends on your Stamina. I also think doubling duration posts is waaay to OP for an enchantment.

    Hana Kaguya
    Hana Kaguya

    Posts : 870
    Join date : 2017-09-13

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Taijutsu | Sensory | Ninjutsu| Kenjutsu | Water | Lightning
    Class: X
    Ryo: 10,000

    Darhk Designs - Page 2 Empty Re: Darhk Designs

    Post by Hana Kaguya Wed Sep 30, 2020 2:24 am

    DamienDarhk wrote:
    Name: Twin blades of Justice
    Rank: S
    Function: Active
    Price: 100k
    Description: This is a special enchantment formula designed by Damien, requiring 2 items of the same kind of material in order to enchant. This allows the blades to duplicate the jutsu used through them, meaning if a jutsu such as chakra flow or samurai sabre technique was activated upon one of the blades the same effect will be bestowed upon the other without additional cost however this costs a charge from both blades as they are each effected.
    Charges: 45 uses (90 with Platinum)

    I am unapproving these with permission from another Administrator. The ability to duplicate any technique absolutely trumps any chakra reduction. Not even the super powerful elemental swords are that good (Kibas and the Kiba ripoffs.)

    Strength: B
    Constitution: A (A++ Physical)
    Stamina: A (S w/Demon Bell)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A+
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: A
    Hana Kaguya
    Hana Kaguya

    Posts : 870
    Join date : 2017-09-13

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Taijutsu | Sensory | Ninjutsu| Kenjutsu | Water | Lightning
    Class: X
    Ryo: 10,000

    Darhk Designs - Page 2 Empty Re: Darhk Designs

    Post by Hana Kaguya Thu Oct 22, 2020 4:44 am

    DamienDarhk wrote:
    Name: Storm Trooper Armor
    Item Rank: A
    Material Rank: A
    Units Used: 4 Units of Ebony | 2 Units of Cloudstalker Eel Hide | 2 Units of Vibranium
    Description: Specially designed Armor for Damien's Storm Troopers. Using the knowledge he gained from the Snow Chakra Armor, Damien was able to reproduce such effect for his own soldiers. The armor is capable of absorbing B-Rank and below Ninjutsu. It can absorb the equivalent of 5-B Rank Techniques (but never A-Ranks). The chakra absorbed by the suit is then distributed into the wearer's body. After absorbing the equivalent of 5-B Rank Jutsu it just becomes standard armor for the remainder of the thread. The Chakra absorption device will then re-calibrate and be ready to absorb again in the next thread. The wrist guards of the armor each contain a built in wire-launcher capable of shooting up to 500ft of wire, which can be used to grapple or subdue a target as well as be a guideline for jutsu. Due to the Cloudstalker Eel Hide used in the armors creation this suit negates B-Rank and lower Raiton Techniques, while the Vibranium used provides the wearer with a -1 rank reduction to the cost of Raiton Ninjutsu. The armor has a Cowl capable of covering the head of the wearer, as well as a mask that can hide their appearance and disguise their voice.
    Requirement: Snow Chakra Armor
    Crafting Time: 3 Days
    Yield: 1

    Name: Storm Trooper Commander Armor
    Item Rank: S
    Material Rank: S+
    Units Used: 4 Units of Adamantite | 2 Units of Cloudstalker Eel Hide | 2 Units of Vibranium
    Description: Specially designed Armor for the commander of the Storm Troopers, different only in appearance and quality with stronger metal from the normal troopers to distinguish the commander on the frontlines. Using the knowledge he gained from the Snow Chakra Armor, Damien was able to reproduce such effect for his own soldiers. The armor is capable of absorbing B-Rank and below Ninjutsu. It can absorb the equivalent of 5-B Rank Techniques (but never A-Ranks). The chakra absorbed by the suit is then distributed into the wearer's body. After absorbing the equivalent of 5-B Rank Jutsu it just becomes standard armor for the remainder of the thread. The Chakra absorption device will then re-calibrate and be ready to absorb again in the next thread. The wrist guards of the armor each contain a built in wire-launcher capable of shooting up to 500ft of wire, which can be used to grapple or subdue a target as well as be a guideline for jutsu. Due to the Cloudstalker Eel Hide used in the armors creation this suit negates B-Rank and lower Raiton Techniques, while the Vibranium used provides the wearer with a -1 rank reduction to the cost of Raiton Ninjutsu. The armor has a Cowl capable of covering the head of the wearer, as well as a mask that can hide their appearance and disguise their voice.
    Requirement: Snow Chakra Armor
    Crafting Time: 14 Days
    Yield: 1

    Storm Trooper Armor and Storm Trooper Commander Armor have been pulled. Artifacts are supposed to be finite. Allowing duplications of artifacts is not allowed.

    Strength: B
    Constitution: A (A++ Physical)
    Stamina: A (S w/Demon Bell)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A+
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: A

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