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    An Un/bear/able Situation

    Tsukiyo Shinku
    Tsukiyo Shinku

    Posts : 144
    Join date : 2020-02-05
    Age : 25
    Location : Konohagakure

    An Un/bear/able Situation Empty An Un/bear/able Situation

    Post by Tsukiyo Shinku Sun Mar 01, 2020 7:05 am

    Mission Name: Rampaging Bear
    Mission Type: Eliminate
    Mission Rank: B
    Mission Goal: Eliminate a Savage Bear that has been spotted around Konoha.
    Description: A giant bear standing over eight feet in height has been spotted lurking close to the roads leading to Konohagakure. The bear has been terrorising travels, attacking them without provocation. Find the bear and eliminate it.

    Bear Stats:
    Payment: 25,000 Ryo
    Requirements: Two Chuunin, Jonin

    Recent warnings of a wild bear having been spotted in random places around the village, didn't stop the proud Wolf from going about her business as usual, her near the Third Training grounds, off in the wooded area around the Training Grounds. The young woman stepped slowly through the woods, careful not to trip over anything. It was night, the moon is all that provided any light, but this was her favorite time to be out...kept her away from everyone else.

    The voluptuous woman was in her rather new outfit, which left little to the imagination, but still was very appealing to the eye, an eye catching red with pink hues, matching her stunning eyes. It made her pretty visible, even in the night as she walked through the forest with as much grace as she could muster on the uneven terrain. Her eyes stayed sharp, her natural expression was a disinterested glare, but these pinkish-red hues fell to the ground as she walked. She stopped, seeing a small pool on the ground.

    Tsukiyo knelled down and reached down, dipping a single finger into it...bringing the finger back and rolling it with her thumb confirmed her suspicions. Blood. She started looking around, beginning to see claw marks on nearby trees. She sighed and wiped off her finger with a cloth she had hidden inside her Kimono. "...This is fresh." she uttered to herself. The woman had strange markings on her cheeks, they had been a shade of Azure, but as she became more focused--and thinking more--her markings shifted to the same color as her eyes and outfit...one of her quirks, one could say. Being a mutant was to blame for the inhuman color-shifting cheek markings.

    Still, she would try her best to follow the blood trail. She wasn't quite the tracker her brother was, but she wasn't quite useless either. The blood trail was fresh and easy enough to follow. She crept through the forest as quietly as she could until she came about a small clearing in the brush, finding a sight she could only look at with anger, and a layer of sorrow. Slumped up under a tree was a wolf, coat tainted by blood, torn by claws visible clearly to the woman. She simply could only shut her eyes and turn her head, but otherwise expression remaining cold. She had her connection to wolves..this was one of the few things that could actually shake her, and even then she kept composed. Her ears burned, the sound of whimpering. She quickly turned and looked over to some bushes, seeing a young Wolf Pup. She quickly surmised what happened--the fallen Wolf was the mother, and this had to be her kin.

    Tsukiyo could see blood on the young Wolf...it was injured, its leg visibly cut by sharp claws. She approached slowly, not wanting to frighten it, making herself lower as she did. She activated a unique ability of hers, entering another state of mind, where she is able to communicate with Wolves--as well as Hawks--able to understand them as if speaking normally...but unable to process human language during this state. "Don't worry...I can help you." she said trying to calm the scared pup. This only earned more whimpering. 'Stay back'. Tsu stopped and sighed, knelling down fully. "I can heal you...but you have to trust me." she spoke to the young Wolf. Understanding her far better then any other human speaking to it, the pup would after some hesitation come forward out from under the bush.

    Tsukiyo scooted closer to the female wolf pup, and would ask for its injured paw with an open hand. Given said paw, she would examine it closer. It wasn't too bad, luckily. She sighed and gently set the pup's paw down. She'd sit down in a more comfortable position, and would perform two hand seals. Ox and Tiger. Following this her hands begun glowing a bright green, medical chakra pushed into her palms. She'd bring her hands to hover over the pup's injury, and it'd begin healing. It wouldn't take long, this was Mystical Palm Technique, she had learned about it years ago but only practiced it in cases like this, injured animals. She still hasn't tried it on a human yet. Still...this would heal the cut, taking only about a minute or so. In the mean time, she spoke to the young pup to keep it calm and figure out what happened.

    "What did this to you and your mom..." 'Bear' "...You're lucky to have survived. But you'll be ok...I am sorry, I can't do anything for your mother." 'I understand...'

    To any outside observers this conversation may look like Tsukiyo talking to herself, but it really was actual communication. After a moment, she finished, and the pup stood up on its newly healed paw, lifting it to sniff the freshly healed wound. It was then the pup turned around quickly, back too Tsukiyo, and begun growling--reversing nearly into the young woman's leg. Tsukiyo was given a warning...the Wolf smelled the Bear--it was back. The young woman looked up and there it was, about 20 meters out, a large imposing bear. Her eyes narrowed to glare at it. The woman slowly begun to reach down, and pick up the wolf pup, rising to stand up very slowly...but the bear begun approaching, taking subtle steps towards Tsukiyo and the pup...She begun stepping back, she knew she stood no chance against it, and had no time to use Genjutsu.

    With a mighty roar the bear begun charging after her, Tsukiyo turning around and running as fast as she could away, hugging the pup she'd healed within her arms as she did. She grit her teeth, her own canine fangs showing for a moment, as she kept running. The bear was roughly the same speed as her, gaining no ground, but she was carrying a pup and couldn't run nearly as long as a full grown bear could. She knew this. She had to figure out something fast. Molding her chakra within herself she would begin shaping it to her will within, no need for hand seals, but suddenly her foot caught a rock...not again. She tripped at her full speed, and could only brace herself and twist to land shoulder or back first to keep the pup she carried safe.

    She hit the ground with her shoulder hard before sliding a good meter and a half on her back, the whole time eyes shut and gritting her teeth in pain. Her back came to rest against a tree trunk, knocking the wind out of her upon doing so, heard as a painted grunt. Through her pain she managed to open a wincing eye, a pink-ish red hue looking up to see something that put fear in her heart. The bear was standing over her, now towering at a full 8 feet tall. Was this it for her? A simple stroll in the woods one night without her brother, and she gets mauled by a bear? She still refused to just sit there and accept this as her fate...but what could she do? The bear swung its claw at her and she barely managed to roll to the side, the claws slashing the tree she had been against. She got back up and took off running again, the pup let free as it was naturally faster then her and had a better chance on its own, but this time the bear was hot on her heels. She used her hand that had examined the Wolf's injury earlier, having a bit of blood on the finger, she reached up to put a mark on her forehead in the blood, a diamond shape.

    She performed a series of hand seals, four of them, and activated her Chitan-tai no Noroi Fuuin ('Titanium Body Curse Seal'), a Fuuin that used her Doton chakra to increse her body's overall durability. Just in time to, just as the seal was activated, the bear took a swipe at her. She tried to dodge, but it caught her arm, sending her off to the side with its power and causing 3 deep cuts on her upper arm. The woman landed hard again, wincing in pain...once again she found herself being towered over by the massive bear...unless someone has heard the commotion and decided to help, she was done for, a winced eye glaring up at the bear as she held her now bleeding arm.

    ((I am not even putting the WC to this, its like 1500+, learned the dang jutsu lmao. Learned: Mystical Palm Technique))

    Data Book Entry: Tsukiyo Shinku:

    Posts : 568
    Join date : 2020-02-18

    An Un/bear/able Situation Empty Re: An Un/bear/able Situation

    Post by Masaru Mon Mar 02, 2020 2:57 am

    Another beautiful day within the  Hidden Leaf Village, rather than let his daughter ignore another beautiful day Masaru decided to have Amaya accompany him to the training fields. Amaya objected when he told her his plan on them training her speed, claiming she was faster than him already. Of course this was true she was in most aspects, but that was exactly why he wanted to train. Though he would never admit it to the young girl, this was more of training to improve himself because he knew no faster target than his daughter and it would help him work on his aim. After a long discussion over the matter, Masaru managed to convince his daughter to see things his way and she agreed to train with him. The pair would enter the training grounds around mid afternoon finding a quiet meadow for them to train in.

    "No taking it easy on me just because I'm old, I want you moving at your top speed." Masaru stated to his daughter as he waited for her to finish stretching, with a nod from Amaya signalling that she was ready Masaru would begin. With his left hand the man would form the half tiger seal, creating a mud river to flow beneath his daughter. However Amaya seemed to be a step ahead dodging the attack with easy, "come on old timer is that the best you got," the young girl chastised her father with a chuckle. "Old timer? Is that how your father raised you to speak to your elder?" Masaru jokingly questioned back while he formed the ram horse dragon half hand seal, hoping his question would keep his daughter distracted while he attempted to use the mud from his river into the earth dragon bullet. Considering it was his first attempt at the Jutsu he was actually surprised that it formed, releasing a shot of mud at Amaya.

    Amaya of course was not distracted and saw the dragon's head from in the mud next to her, dodging it's initial shot and then bursting into laughter as it collapsed when Masaru pivoted the dragon's head to follow her. "Seriously Dad? You gotta do better than that!" Masaru would chuckle at his daughters comment, though he knew she was right but that's why they were out there so he could train all of these jutsu. Of course earth techniques came easy for him, it was the fire techniques that he really need to train. Forming the half dragon seal, Masaru would focus his Katon chakra into twelve small orbs of fire in the air. Though he intended to fire them one at a time at his daughter, they quickly fizzled out causing more laughter to erupt from his daughter. "How are we suppose to train if you can't even make the Jutsu Dad? Do you need to sit down and rest?" She asked in a sarcastic tone, trying her best to push her dad's buttons. Masaru decided he best avoid his daughters scrutiny and just use work on his earth techniques as he could always train alone later and work on his fire techniques. Though there were still some fire techniques that he did know, and he could use them for now. Forming the ram horse and dragon handseals, Masaru formed the earth dragon bullet technique once more from the mud. Only this time he would also form the tiger dragon and boar handseals to activate his fire dragon bullet in conjunction with the technique in hopes that by using it with a tech he knew it may stand up better than the last one did.

    This combination of the earth and fire dragon bullet would make it so that Amaya had to stay on her toes, of course Masaru would never intentionally hurt his daughter he would not pull his punches go easy on her as it would not be fair to her if he did. With the dragon shooting flaming mud balls for his daughter to dodge, Masaru would form the half dragon seal once more to attempt to create the twelve flaming orbs in the sky to rain down upon his daughter. Of course the did not hold the power a master of the technique would hold with the Jutsu the explosions were enough to cause Amaya some concern as she attempted to dodge the multiple attacks her father threw at her. Her speed was enough to keep her ahead of the attacks for the most part, she did get blown a few feet by one of the blast from Masaru's flame flower causing even the girls father to wince though she claimed she was fine and insisted they continued training.

    Their training would continue for several hours as Masaru tried different combinations of Jutsu to trip his daughter up from the dragon bullets to the swamp of the underworld and earth moving core on a larger scale than he had before. The two had been so focused on their training that they had not even realized that the sun had set and night was upon them until they heard something in the trees nearby, "was that a bear?" Amaya asked the fear obvious in her voice. Masaru knew what it was, it wasn't just a bear it was a bear attacking something. "Amaya, stay here I'm going to check it out." "But.." "no buts, it could be dangerous now stay here, that's final!" Masaru stated with authority as he took off into the forest towards the sound he heard. Masaru would arrive just as the bear struck the woman and move in to finish the job.

    Masaru would waste no time quickly forming shuriken from his Kōton, launching them at the bear striking it in its back side and drawing it's attention away from the woman. "That's right big guy, come on and mess with someone your own size." Masaru stated mockingly to the bear as his skin began to turn a dark black with a hint of red as he activated his Impervious Armor. With his attention on the bear, Masaru would not notice that his daughter did not listen to him and now crouched close to the woman. "It's ok my dad can handle this, your safe now. My name's Amaya, are you ok?"

    Fire release: Grand Flame Flower {A-Rank}(250/250)
    Fire Release: Fire Dragon flame Bullet {A-Rank} (250/250)
    Earth Release: Earth Dragon Bullet {A-Rank}(250/250)
    Earth Release: Swamp of the Underworld {A-Rank} (250/250)

    Last edited by Masaru on Fri Mar 06, 2020 9:02 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Tsukiyo Shinku
    Tsukiyo Shinku

    Posts : 144
    Join date : 2020-02-05
    Age : 25
    Location : Konohagakure

    An Un/bear/able Situation Empty Re: An Un/bear/able Situation

    Post by Tsukiyo Shinku Mon Mar 02, 2020 1:25 pm

    The long silver haired girl glared up at the bear towering above her, for the moment unsure what to even do. She didn't want to just let the beast kill her, but she was too slow to get away. She could maybe use a jutsu, but in the heat of the moment, in pain, with certain death looming over her, the woman wasn't quite thinking straight. Odd for her, but this is how reality was, sometimes even the smartest people couldn't think straight when in a dire situation. The bear pulled its paw back, ready for a powerful swing, when suddenly it was hit by Shuriken from behind. She hadn't even noticed that she wasn't quite alone yet, not until some words came across her ears, as well as the bear's, between the words and the Shuriken now lodged in its back, the Bear glared back away from Tsukiyo, and turned to face a newcomer. Tsukiyo's eyes shifted past the bear, and now fell on Masaru, widening just a bit as she saw the Ronin.

    She wasn't quite the most perceptive person in the world, suddenly with what seemed like little warning, she had a child beside her. Amaya spoke to Tsukiyo and pinkish red hues shifted to look to Amaya. Thing was, Tsukiyo was in the 'mode' to be able to speak to the Wolf, and during that time she was unable to process human speech--simply looking at the pre-teen as if she spoke to her in a completely foreign language. Everything said by Masaru and Amaya was straight gibberish to her, the woman having to take a moment to shift herself back, releasing this state of mind that connected her with nature. Still, she hadn't caught what Amaya said, the woman shifting her attention back to the Bear. It was still very close, and could easily turn back around to attack Tsu and Amaya. She forced herself to stand back up, one hand gripping her bloodied arm. The bear roared at Masaru, and went down on all fours--charging towards the Ronin. Tsukiyo took this moment to turn towards the pre-teen who had approached her, and tried to shoo her out of the dangerzone along with her, as she tried to get away and create some distance.

    Tsukiyo though...she wasn't the type to just run away, after getting enough distance to feel safe--by now the Bear taking a mighty swing with his paw towards Masaru--the woman turned around, having been molding her chakra within herself ever since she had stood up. She growled a little, angered by what was happening, but now she wasn't alone, and had escaped the looming threat of death for now. Thinking more clearly and having shaped her chakra within, she would perform a Genjutsu--luckily not requiring the Bear's attention to cast it, as it was going to effect everyone in the area.

    Almost like snow, white feathers would begin floating down slowly for everyone involved, this was Tsukiyo's Temple of Nirvana technique, a Genjutsu that would after some time put all those infected to sleep. The woman knew the Bear had no escape from such a jutsu, but would give a verbal warning to both Masaru and Amaya, "I'm using a Genjutsu, Kai out if you can" she tried to tell them, giving the two the knowledge to use Kai to escape falling asleep. Sadly, this would take time, until then--Masaru had to deal with the Bear.

    Data Book Entry: Tsukiyo Shinku:

    Posts : 568
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    An Un/bear/able Situation Empty Re: An Un/bear/able Situation

    Post by Masaru Fri Mar 06, 2020 10:42 pm

    Masaru's attempt to get the bear's attention away from the woman worked, the beast would let out a roar at the man before charging at him. With his Impervious Armor however, the man had little to fear from the bear as he was protected from anything the bear could do. His concern was of that of the woman, he hoped she was able to get herself up and away now that the bear was not upon her. Still not knowing that his daughter had disobeyed him and found her way to the woman. Amaya was a bit concerned that the bear knocked the woman into a concussion, based on the blank stare she received from her question it was entirely possible. The concern would subside as the woman stood, even in her injured condition to motion for Amaya to move.

    Masaru could easily kill the bear, but that was not something he wished to do if he did not have too. Instead he would slowly be leading it deeper into the woods, dodging the bear's first strike with a simple side step and a spin. Through his armor would protect him from the bear's strikes, it would not stop the power behind it and could throw him like he had the woman. Still if he could get the beast further into the woods he could get it out of harm's way. Amaya lead the way as they began putting some distance between them, "so what's your name?" Amaya would ask turning to look back towards the woman to see the woman had stopped and was facing back towards the bear and Masaru, "what are you doing?" Amaya would ask when the woman stated she was activating a genjutsu, "I told you my dad could handle this." But the words were too late as feathers began to fall from the sky, Amaya form the tiger seal quickly releasing chakra to prevent herself from falling asleep through the use of the genjutsu kai technique. "Weren't you listening, there is no need to do this. My dad is more than capable of dealing with this bear, you're just going to get in the way."

    Masaru would not hear the woman's warning, however he did know of this Jutsu and it's effect. Forming the half Tiger seal to activate Kai, the man would look to see who was casting the genjutsu. Seeing the woman not far away, the answer became clear. The sight of his daughter standing with the woman caused worry as he feared the bear turning on them, doing his best to ensure he kept the bear's attention away from the woman and his daughter Masaru would form a sword out of his Kōton. Gripping the blade in one hand Masaru would let out his own roar at the beast as it reared up for another strike, Masaru would drive the blade into the bear aiming for it's heart.

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    Tsukiyo Shinku
    Tsukiyo Shinku

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    Age : 25
    Location : Konohagakure

    An Un/bear/able Situation Empty Re: An Un/bear/able Situation

    Post by Tsukiyo Shinku Sat Mar 07, 2020 11:25 am

    Tsukiyo would hear Amaya this time, actually understanding the young girl this time, but she was too busy in the moment to answer about a name--maybe later--at that time she was focused on casting her Genjutsu. She'd be questioned by the little girl, exclaming her father could handle it. A quick judgement of ages would tell the sharp woman it was unlikely the two were actually a father-daughter combo, he'd had to have been basically a kid himself when she was born. Still this was quickly pushed to the back of her mind, taking note that both of them would activate Kai--dispelling the Genjutsu. This was a relief to Tsukiyo--no accidental Genjutsuing others today. "I'm making sure this ends, even if he can't do it himself" she would finally respond to Amaya, not taking her eyes off the Bear and Masaru, words sharp and quick, laced with annoyance at being pelted with questions when there was a threat to deal with. Difference between an adult and child, it seemed.

    But when Masaru caught wind Amaya was in the danger zone, it seemed it switched him into kill mode. The bear found a sword formed by the Ronin, and thrust towards its heart in an attempt to end it as a threat. The Bear wasn't having this, a swift paw was able to swat away the slightly weaker man's sword, burning its pat in the process but making the blade miss. The Bear wasted no time in trying to come down onto the man, trying to tackle him down and sink teeth into Masaru's shoulder in a powerful, albeit somewhat slow movement. Tsukiyo grit her teeth, watching to see what would happen.

    Data Book Entry: Tsukiyo Shinku:

    Posts : 568
    Join date : 2020-02-18

    An Un/bear/able Situation Empty Re: An Un/bear/able Situation

    Post by Masaru Sat Mar 07, 2020 2:43 pm

    Amaya would be confused even more by the woman's words, she never once imagined that there was a situation that Masaru couldn't handle. She view her father as if he were invincible, the young girl of course naive in her belief, however Amaya had never thought to get involved in situations like this. The girls way of helping is staying out of the way while Masaru did what needed to be done, it had been this way for the past four years. Though she was naive in the belief that her father was invincible, she was not so naive in linguistics. Picking up on the woman's annoyance in the tone of her voice, Amaya thought it was perhaps due to her own words of the woman getting in the way that caused this reaction. Thinking that it was possible that this woman was like her father, in the respect that they both rely on themselves and not others. Amaya would look down at her feet, she wouldn't say another word as she sunk back behind the woman to stay out of her way as she does her father.

    The bear knocked the blade from it's mark with a single swipe of it's paw, causing Masaru to have to recover as he struggled to hold onto the blade. Before he could recover his ground the bear was on top of him pushing the man to the ground as it landed on him pinning him to the ground and knocking the blade from his hand as it went in to bite down on the man's shoulder. Masaru couldn't help but laugh as the bear's teeth were not even stronger enough to leave a scratch on his steel skin, the strength of the bite weakened severely by his Impervious Armor to where it was as if a baby was gumming him. The bear would grow tired of this, or it would seem as it lifted it's head from Masaru's shoulder and begin sniffing the air. The bear stood on Masaru preventing him from moving as it followed it's nose and turned it's eyes upon the woman, letting out a roar it would charge towards the woman. Masaru knew that Amaya was near the woman and he would do whatever he had to to ensure she was unharmed by this creature, as soon as the beast was off of him he would flip up to a crouched position before slamming his palms upon the ground. Masaru would release a burst of chakra into the earth causing it to mold the earth into a dome around the creature in an attempt to stop it from getting to the woman and his daughter, his earth prison would be more than enough to hold the beast the only problem was that now Masaru would be unable to move as he held the Earth Prison Dome of Magnificent Nothingness in place.

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    Tsukiyo Shinku
    Tsukiyo Shinku

    Posts : 144
    Join date : 2020-02-05
    Age : 25
    Location : Konohagakure

    An Un/bear/able Situation Empty Re: An Un/bear/able Situation

    Post by Tsukiyo Shinku Sat Mar 07, 2020 4:02 pm

    Tsukiyo glanced back for only a quick moment, noticing the twelve year old looking down and sliding in more behind her, the Genjutsu prodigy turning her gaze back towards Masaru and the bear. Right now her goal had shifted, she was a wall between the beast and the little girl now, even if a fairly frail wall. The next thing was to get away if need be, if it kept her--and the child--safe, that was what she intended to do. Masaru...helping him was secondary, she would try her best, but push came to shove, Tsukiyo was running and probably taking the girl with her. Blood dripped down the woman's arm from her injury, but she did everything she could to try to ignore the pain. She grit her teeth at first when she saw the bear tackle the man, almost growling when she watched it bite his shoulder...but her features softened and the tense look slowly faded when she heard the man laugh, and was unable to see any blood from the bites...the bear clearly struggling.

    It had him pinned for the moment. But it didn't appear to have the man down for the count, he was handling a large half-ton beast on himself pretty well, one could say. But as the Bear got bored, and its head would rise, her eyes widened just a bit. She backed up, one step at first...the bear turned to look at them. She again grit her teeth as the roar from the beast echoed. The bear turned and charged for the two females, letting Masaru up in the process. The Ronin was quick to respond, slamming his hands down to the ground and bringing forth a dome of earth, trying to rise up and capture the charging bear. But it too a split second too long, just as the dome begun to form at its max range of 10m, the bear was able to leap over the leading edge, its strength giving it quote the jump.

    The bear was now bearing down, no pun intended, upon the young woman and little girl. charging full speed at them. They only had about 30m between them and the bear was closing this distance at 9m a second. The woman was doing math in her head as an instinctual hand came out to just make herself that much wider to keep Amaya protected behind her--surely seen by the girl, she didn't have time to use the jutsu she wanted, and could only resort to something she could pull off quickly. The woman's eyes narrowed in distaste of the charging bear, the fear she had before was gone, and the confident side of her was coming out. She'd gesture with her hand, a simple swipe of her palm, and a number of spears of earth jutted from the ground, not aiming to pierce the bear--but instead it shot up directly in the Bear's path crisscrossed to form a wall of Earth by the spikes, letting it run straight into the hardened spikes of Earth, it stopping the beast in its tracks as it slammed head first into it and stumbled back, plopping down in a sitting position as it sat, dazed by the thunk to the head.

    The bear itself was just beginning to regain itself when its eyes fell heavy suddenly....the bear wasn't even able to move from the sitting position, a deep exhaustion falling over the animal. With no way to defend against the Genjutsu from earlier, the Bear was to succumb to the illusion technique, and with a large yawn, the beast would slowly lower down--eyes shutting as it suddenly slumped limp onto its face...snoring. Tsukiyo let out a labored breath, relieved that the Temple of Nirvana from earlier had been successful. The threat was ended. She didn't have time to celebrate though, the woman was nearly at her limits...Her own Titanium Body Curse Seal. the Temple of Nirvana, followed up by a Earth Release: Rock Pillar Spears...the woman was absolutely exhausted, her stamina levels not up to par for back to back jutsu like that.

    She dropped to the ground, her defensive jutsu that'd likely saved her from greater injury deactivating, legs crumbling out from under her, knees simply giving way and letting her body fall. Before she fell forward she had to catch herself as she almost continued right on into a faceplant, both hands hitting the ground to stop this from happening as she tried to catch her breath. She'd used almost all her chakra...she'd keep looking at the ground as she slowly caught her breath. watching blood continue to drip from her wound, but after a moment--long enough for Masaru and Amaya to regroup if they had--she looked up...eyes searching for the two she'd run into during this situation.

    "Are...you two...okay..." she said through her exhaustion and pain. She was thankful to not be alone...and recognized if it wasn't for Masaru, she probably be bear food right now. The markings on her cheeks had this whole time been the same color as her eyes, a pinkish red--but now they shifted, dulling to a subtle blue color, reflective of her mood as well as her fatigue levels, not having the energy to even be angry anymore over the situation. She tried to stand, but only fell forward again, unable to get up.

    Data Book Entry: Tsukiyo Shinku:

    Posts : 568
    Join date : 2020-02-18

    An Un/bear/able Situation Empty Re: An Un/bear/able Situation

    Post by Masaru Mon Mar 09, 2020 12:27 am

    Masaru would leap to his feet when he saw the bear make it past his dome before it could form, taking off at full speed while forming hand seals. Unfortunately the bear had a head start and the man feared he may not be able to reach the woman or Amaya in time even with his jutsu, luckily for him the woman was able to produce a jutsu that was able to stop the beast. Masaru would slow his approach as he noticed the beast growing weary, knowing that it must be the genjutsu from before that the woman had cast. It was obvious that he had made a mistake thinking her vulnerable earlier, he shouldn't of viewed her as a damsel in distress. Thinking to himself, that he would have to thank the woman for protecting Amaya, as he released his Impervious Armor on his approach to the woman and Amaya.

    Masaru was not far from the woman and would rush forward catching the woman as she fell, slowly lowering her to the ground softly and helping her to her back. The man would chuckle slightly at the woman's question and stop her from trying to get up, "I think I should be asking you that ma'am, you are in no condition to stand right now you been through quite the ordeal. The bear wouldn't be able to hurt me, and thanks to you my daughter is safe." At those words he would turn his attention to Amaya, "I had told you to stay back." The man stated in a displeased tone, "but since you're here you can help. This woman is in no condition to move, go find a medic and bring them here immediately."

    Amaya had been standing quietly behind the woman frozen until her father spoken, snapping her back to reality. "Yes father," were her only words as she took off to find the medic as he father asked. Once Amaya was off after the medic, Masaru would turn to the woman who laid on the ground next to him. He would inspect the woman's wound to try to determine it's severity, though without proper medical knowledge nor the knowledge of experiencing these types of things for himself he truly had no idea. "What exactly did you do to get that thing to attack you, if you don't mind me asking?"

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    Tsukiyo Shinku
    Tsukiyo Shinku

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    Age : 25
    Location : Konohagakure

    An Un/bear/able Situation Empty Re: An Un/bear/able Situation

    Post by Tsukiyo Shinku Mon Mar 09, 2020 2:45 am

    Tsukiyo found her fall softened a bit, she hadn't even noticed how quickly Masaru had closed the distance to get over to the two girls. He managed to catch her a bit, easing her fall as she went to the ground. By the time she would catch her breath enough to get her words out, the Ronin was quick to respond with throwing the question back towards her, the man pointing out she was in no condition to stand after trying to make sure she didn't even try. She dropped her head back, once more not looking at them and to the ground, still trying to regain herself. Her breaths was becoming more controlled at this point though.

    When he mentioned she'd help protect his daughter, she'd let out a quiet sigh between breaths, trying to switch to more normal breathing pattern but it was still labored. Hearing the man scold Amaya for not hanging back before asking the pre-teen to go after a medic. Tsukiyo quickly, or, as quickly as she could raised up her hand to try to gesture for Amaya to not go. "I'm a medic...I just...need a second." she'd say as she would shift to a more comfortable sitting position next to Masaru, the woman looking up to Masaru. "...I guess I should thank you." she'd say, her voice smoothing out but still a bit breathy from being so winded. "I'd be bear food if you hadn't intervened...I ..I appreciate your good timing to save me...thank you" she'd say, although seemed to struggle to get it out. She wasn't usually the thankful type, at least not without good reason. But saving her? Good reason.

    The woman would slowly form a number of hand seals before focusing what little chakra she had into her hand, it emitting a green hue of chakra upon activating. She took this to her upper arm, holding this medical chakra over the wound, and letting it begin healing slowly, her watching for how it was going. It wasn't too bad of an injury, nothing she couldn't fix...unless she passed out first from the chakra usage. "I'm Tsukiyo...she asked earlier but...was kind of distracted" she'd answer, a bit delayed from the question Amaya posed not to long ago. The woman was naturally grumpy and unsocial, but due to the situation and her weakened state, her usual fury wasn't going to do her any good.

    Besides, Masaru had saved her, she did feel grateful, even if she wasn't extremely expressive of it. She'd look back to Masaru, taking in the man's features. He wasn't a shinobi, that much she could tell--and had no headband. It'd take her a moment but it clicked. She'd heard of a Ronin warrior, and this man matched the description. "You're Masaru Tatsudashi, aren't you?" she said, recognizing the B-Class Wandering Ronin. The name was of a clan she'd heard of, and thinking back--his abilities matched up. Steel Release. But...did she see something else too? She was extremely smart and had even heard of people less known then him, but still wasn't sure of his abilities outside of what his name told her.

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    An Un/bear/able Situation Empty Re: An Un/bear/able Situation

    Post by Masaru Mon Mar 09, 2020 6:43 am

    Masaru would back up so that the woman would have room when she sat up, though he stayed close enough that he could stop her if she attempted to stand. When the woman thanked him for intervening Masaru would just smile, "There is no need to thank me ma'am, it is what anyone would do in a situation like that, it was just lucky we were nearby." Despite the woman's claim of being able to take care of the injury herself, as the woman formed her handseals Masaru would motion with his head for Amaya to do as he told her and find a medic. Even if the woman was able to heal herself she looked as though she could pass out any second, at least with Amaya bringing a medic back if that did happen it won't be as bad as it could be.

    As the woman healed her wound she would introduce herself as Tsukiyo, no clan name just her given name. Then before Masaru could even introduce himself the woman seemed to have heard of him, this was strange considering the fact that his picture was not out anywhere. While his name does carry weight with it, the man found himself recognize easily by his name, this however was a first for him to be recognized by his appearance in a place he had never been. "Well I guess my reputation proceeds me further than I knew, yes my name is Masaru Tatsudashi. The girl is my daughter Amaya, she went ahead to find a medic just in case. It's not that I doubt your skills, but you look as though you are on the verge of passing out and I prefer not to take chances. I would also appreciate it if you didn't try to get up and move around too much until she returns with the medic, if you don't mind." Masaru wasn't sure how the woman would react to being told to be still, but he didn't care as it was for her own good that he said this.

    While they waited for Amaya to return Masaru would make an attempt to start a conversation and learn some about the woman and perhaps Konoha, information was always something that one could use more of and with his wish to meet with the Hokage if the man found time for him he needed what information he could gather. He would start off small with a simple question, "so what brings you out here all by yourself?"

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    Tsukiyo Shinku
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    An Un/bear/able Situation Empty Re: An Un/bear/able Situation

    Post by Tsukiyo Shinku Mon Mar 09, 2020 9:14 pm

    It'd seem the Ronin would still send off his daughter to get help, probably was for the best, as it literally took only a few seconds for her to have to quit using the medical jutsu she tried--only able to stop the immidiate bleeding but otherwise the wound was still there and pretty bad. She sighed in defeat, knowing if she did anything else she'd likely simply pass out. Masaru seemed to understand that, basically saying it about the time she was forced to give up healing herself, the woman listening to the Ronin's words. "I just do a lot of research...plus rumors spread once you make some name for yourself...was an edcuated guess at best." she explained to him vaguely how she recognized him. While she felt no need to tell him her business, she'd go ahead and let him in on some of the events leading up to this point, but would fail to mention why she was out there in the first place. Or at least passed it off as a simple walk in the woods.

    "I was getting some fresh air, this area is usually secluded at night. When I was walking through the woods I found a trail of blood, followed it to find a wolf who'd clearly been mauled by a bear...Found a pup, and was healing her when the bear showed back up. It caught me off guard, thats all." she'd say, eyes narrowing in annoyance, a bit reluctant to admit she had panicked in the situation when she could've taken measures earlier on to save herself the trouble. But still, the man had saved her, she was grateful, even if annoyed with herself for not performing better in the situation. She still had a lot more to grow...her mind was sharp--her body wasn't.

    She huffed a sigh and stubbornly would go to stand again, even if he tried to stop her she'd still fight to stand, feeling she'd caught her breath by now and could. She was a prideful woman and wouldn't let him hold her down...well...at least would try, Masaru completely able to if he really wanted. If she managed to get up, despite going against the Ronin's wishes, she'd wobble just a little before she'd fully regain herself, wincing a little as the pain in her arm started sinking in, the adrenaline from what had happened fading. "What about you...you're not a Ninja from around here...you're not even a Ninja." she'd say after looking back over to Masaru, wherever he'd be at this point.

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    An Un/bear/able Situation Empty Re: An Un/bear/able Situation

    Post by Masaru Tue Mar 10, 2020 9:43 pm

    Masaru knew he had made the right choice in sending Amaya, as he watched the healing chakra fade from the woman's hand. She had managed to stop the bleeding, however the wound was still there. The man could understood how easy it was too get blindsided by something, if it wasn't for Amaya he would have it happen to him a lot more than it already did. When the woman went to stand against Masaru's advice, the man would stand as well and simply ensure he stayed close in case she fell again. Though he felt uncomfortable letting her stand, he was fearful of injuring her further if he attempted to actually stop her. After a few seconds the woman seemed to get her bearings back, asking him the same question he asked her on top of mentioning the fact that he wasn't from around here. "I used to be a Shinobi, many years ago." Masaru would look off into the direction Amaya had ran off too in search of a medic with a pained look upon his face, as if he was thinking back to the days long past before he continued. "I was a Jounin of the Hidden Stone before the ruling government collapsed when the Tsuchikage disappeared, everything fell into chaos after that. Men and women who once called each other brothers fought and killed one another in fights for control, it was then that I realized a life like that held no honor. I sought to create a new life for myself, I found Amaya not long after I left Iwagakure. The girl was a mere eight years old, her parents were killed by some bandits. She's been with me ever since." Masaru would stop as he realized he got off topic, the woman had asked why he was here not why he wasn't a shinobi nor did she ask for his life story. Letting out a sigh the man continued, "anyways, we are here because I wish to meet with your Hokage about some things that are of a personal matter. I don't suppose you could tell me anything about them so I know what to expect from meeting with them, could you?"

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    An Un/bear/able Situation Empty Re: An Un/bear/able Situation

    Post by Tsukiyo Shinku Wed Mar 11, 2020 2:06 am

    Luckily Tsukiyo wasn't forced to fight off the clearly stronger and in much better condition man just to stand, but she noticed him stand along with her. At this point their height difference would become pretty clear, the woman was only 5'4", pretty short. She'd look up to Masaru as the man told her he did actually used to be a Shinobi, not always a Samurai, her showing a subtle hint of widening a little, but this was unlikely to be seen as it was when he'd averted his gaze away from Tsukiyo--in the direction his daughter went. The woman would remain quiet as the Ronin went on to explain a decent recap of what in his life had lead to where he stood now, vague enough to not involve to many details, but enough for her to get a good idea what he'd been through to get to this point in his life.

    A shinobi of Iwagakure...again this village came up, it caused Tsukiyo to avert her own gaze, pinkish-red gates to the soul shifting to the ground, somewhere near Masaru's feet, loosing focus on anything, a slow breath taken in and let out as a nearly silent but drawn out sigh. Konoha had been left in poor state, and even now was only recovering from the previous Hokage's conquest of Iwagakure in recent political turmoil. She resented Tatsu's actions, and even the mention of the village drew just a hint of anger from within. But she understood...to this man, that was his home. Where he grew up...where he watched those who used to care for each other turn on one another. It was at that point of his explanation her eyes just shut. She wasn't exactly the emotional type...but she understood pain. She wasn't completely heartless...she could feel for his story.

    The mention of when Amaya came into the picture caused the younger woman to open her eyes and lift her gaze back to him, although she managed to keep a more straight and stoic expression, showing little emotion. Only her eyes could hint at what empathy she felt. The little girl...she was so young to have lost her parents. Tsukiyo wasn't the sympathetic type normally, or at least would hide or suppress such feelings, casting them out as 'weak' traits unfitting of a Shinobi. But kids...she couldn't help but feel badly for Amaya. It gave her some respect for Masaru, taking her under his wing and being a father-figure for her. Tsukiyo never was afforded this luxury...she was an orphan, all she ever had was her twin brother, for the longest time it was always just the two of them. 'The Pack'. But...maybe one day they can expand...be more then just the Shinku twins.

    "...Its very good of you...to have taken her in to raise her, Masaru." she said with a softer tone. "Me and my brother...we was never given such a gift as a father figure...we been alone since the beginning." she'd finish during his pause between words. She'd listen to him finish, finally stating what brought him to The Land of Fire to begin with. Asking about the Hokage...her own sensei. This caused her to blink a moment, before sighing. She'd turn so her shoulder was now towards him--the one that didn't have 3 claw marks in it, glancing to the side towards him as she fell back more towards her typical tone of voice. The tenderness of her voice previously was gone, replaced with a much more sharply spoken and clear tone, laced with a hint of attitude. This was more the 'normal' Tsukiyo...when she wasn't having her heart strings pulled or under attack by a bear.

    "He is very to the point, and has no problem trying to belittle or talk down to you...but he means well. He very aggressive to supporters of the...ugh...that filthy Cat-Kage that had taken over your former home of Iwa and tried to desert Konoha, leaving it as a ghost town...I do hope you're smart enough to not be a Tatts-Baka follower...otherwise dealing with my Sensei isn't too much a big deal, he's reasonable." she said, noting that she was indeed the Hokage's student, at least for now. So far Haku had more tossed them off on random Missions with no guidance...once again the Shinku twins was left to fend for themselves. Things hadn't changed much...but Tsukiyo planned to change that.

    "...What is it you want to talk to Tweenkage about?" she'd ask, turning her head enough to now at least look straight at him instead of from a side-glare. Her calling her own Sensei and Hokage 'tweenkage' both hinted at the fact she was older then the young man, despite only being 20 herself, and that she wasn't quite so formal in how she treated him. This is how she generally was with most people, the woman had a very sharp mind, she was easily leagues above the Hokage in pure mental prowess, her intellect far above the young Hokage's. She was easily one of the most intelligent people within the world, let alone Konoha. This is why even as a lowly Genin, she was deemed a fairly valuable asset to the village. What she lacked in combat power, she made up for with her wit.

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    An Un/bear/able Situation Empty Re: An Un/bear/able Situation

    Post by Masaru Wed Mar 11, 2020 5:37 pm

    The woman would tell Masaru a little about the Hokage, but seemed to focus on his feelings towards this single individual and those who chose to align themselves with him. Masaru knew nothing of the man she spoke of other then his part with Iwagakure, though he personally did not care for the man based on those actions alone he would not hold others accountable just because they believed in their former lord and he viewed doing so as childish. Unfortunately that's the better part of the shinobi, especially these days. Everyone looking out for themselves and what they want rather than those around them, though this woman might be one of the few exceptions to that claim.

    When the woman called the Hokage 'Tweenkage', Masaru's eyes would flash with annoyance, though it wouldn't be noticable unless the woman was looking directly into his eyes. Though he did not know nor have any alliance to the Hokage nor did Masaru care about his relationship with his student, the blatant lack of respect for one's superior was one of Masaru's biggest pet peeves. It caused the man to lose a slight bit of respect he had for her, that she had gained in her actions to protect Amaya. It wouldn't be noticable as the respect he held for the protect of his daughter was held high, it would mere cause the man to wonder what kind of kage this man was that his underling would speak of him in such a disrespectful way to a complete stranger.

    Masaru's outer expression would never change from it's blank emotionless look it had been since he faced the bear, his years had taught him many things, one of which was not expressing what he was thinking in fact nothing in his outward appearance would change when he heard her speak of the Hokage. It was as if he was a sponge just soaking it in, and when asked why he wanted to meet with the kage Masaru would answer it without pause. Carrying on a conversation with the woman as the separate thoughts crossed his mind. "I do not know of this Tatts you speak of, other than reputation. I do not condone what was done nor does any of it affect me, what is done is done and can never be changed. I am not one that lives in the past, and I do not hold grudges. I am looking towards the future, a better life than this for my daughter." At his words he would motion his arm towards the bear, and then the woman's arms. "I am meeting with the Hokage to discuss the future, as well as some matters that I would prefer to not discuss in the open."  Masaru's eyes would narrow and turn towards the sound of rapidly approaching foot steps, seeing Amaya running at full speed with 2 medics on her heals with confusion upon their face. "She wouldn't tell us what happened, just that it was an emergency and that we were needed. What's going on here?" The first one that reach Masaru asked, the man would motion towards the bear and the woman and then step back to allow the medics to do their jobs.

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    An Un/bear/able Situation Empty Re: An Un/bear/able Situation

    Post by Tsukiyo Shinku Thu Mar 12, 2020 1:13 am

    Maybe it was his straight face, maybe it was her lack of perception, but the woman wasn't able to pick up on his annoyance at her disrespect towards the Hokage. But this was just Tsukiyo...she didn't respect others until they earned it in her eyes, and the only thing Haku had done to earn even the slightest of her respect was toss a cheap sword to her brother so he didn't have to wield a literal stick as a weapon. If Masaru stuck around her a bit more he'd probably come to realize this about her. Either way, she'd pretty quickly get an answer, no hesitation to speak once she asked him, although the answer the woman got was about as vague as before. She decided not to pry any further, she'd either find out some day, or not--and that was how it just was. Although the want for a better life was one she could be on board with, and wishing to provide such a life for Amaya still was respectable in Tsukiyo's eyes.

    She winced a bit more as the pain from her injury surged just a bit, but it wasn't enough to distract her from seeing Masaru shift his gaze, causing her to look that direction as well. She'd see a set of three heading their way, Masaru's adopted daughter Amaya had returned with two medics, both wearing matching uniforms known to be worn by medics and doctors of the Leaf. She sighed and remained quiet for now as Masaru briefly motioned the medic her way, as well as to the snoozing bear. Tsukiyo was reluctant to let someone else hear her...turning a cold shoulder to the medic at first, but after a moment relenting and letting him do his job, the medic beginning to use the same jutsu she'd tried to use earlier to stop the bleeding, but now with someone who had the energy to actually do it.

    She glanced back to Masaru as the medic was working on healing her, the other having went over to check on the bear. Other then a headache the bear would be perfectly fine, and simply appeared to be sleeping--as that is exactly what it was. "...Well...Haku-sama should be willing to have a meeting with you if requested...just a busy guy considering the recent events." she said, explaining it may take time to meet with the Hokage too Masaru. This earned a glance from the medic, who already knew he was treating the student of the Hokage...it only made him wish to work harder and faster to make sure the woman was okay.

    This is when Tsukiyo would shift her gaze to Amaya instead of Masaru...she said nothing but a quick glance to her eyes told the story. She clearly felt bad for what the little girl has been through..Tsukiyo would have to bring it up again sometime that Masaru was a good person for taking her under his wing like this. He had either missed what she said before, or opted to ignore it and brush it aside. She'd speak up, her voice showing hints of kindness behind it, less potent then when she had spoken about Haku before. "Amaya, was it? Your father is a strong man, you must be so happy to be by his side..." she said, giving the 12 year old a subtle smile, through the pain she felt.

    What none of them was realizing is someone was stirring...and they surely wouldn't be happy when they awoke...the bear wasn't done just yet.

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    An Un/bear/able Situation Empty Re: An Un/bear/able Situation

    Post by Masaru Sat Mar 14, 2020 8:25 pm

    Masaru would turn to Amaya while the doctor's dealt with Tsukiyo, talking to his daughter in a tone barely above a whisper so that none of the others present would hear them as they spoke.

    "Amaya, earlier.. you shouldn't have come up here, I told you to stay back because it could have been dangerous. If that bear would have gotten to you, I don't know what I would have done. I cannot risk losing you, if I tell you to stay back you need to listen because it's for your safety. I cannot be at 100% if I am worried about you, you understand that right?" "Yes, Father. I am sorry for disobeying you." "Don't be sorry just listen, next time. I care too much for you to lose you." "I understand, I will listen next time." "It's not that I am angry with you, I just want you to be safe."

    Though he would not acknowledge Tsukiyo's words at first, they did spike his interest. He now had a name for the faceless Kage, second he learned that something happened recently to keep the man occupied. Masaru would want to ask the woman for more details, however he would wait until after the medics were done and gone. After a finished talking to Amaya he would turn to the woman, "well I do hope he will be able to find time to meet with me. Though I don't mind waiting." The man would say with a smile directed at Tsukiyo.

    When Tsukiyo spoke to Amaya, the young girl would smile back to the woman. "Yes I am. And I am thankful that he found me, and I'm glad you are ok as well." her voice was soft and low, unlike how she had spoken to the woman earlier. Masaru would drape and arm over her shoulder squeezing it slight, knowing full well the reason she spoke so softly now as well as why she didn't really speak to the two medics. Both Masaru and Amaya would have their backs to the bear, looking at the woman and medics in front of them, oblivious to the awakening of the bear.

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    Tsukiyo Shinku
    Tsukiyo Shinku

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    An Un/bear/able Situation Empty Re: An Un/bear/able Situation

    Post by Tsukiyo Shinku Sat Mar 14, 2020 11:27 pm

    While Masaru and Amaya had their discussion, unable to be heard by Tsukiyo or the medic next to her, said medic would finish healing her shoulder, then went on to rush over to help the other medic with the bear. Tsukiyo turned her attention back to the father-daughter duo, Masaru addressing her after having finished telling Amaya how dangerous her actions could've been. She'd only nod in response, clearly exhausted still even if she no longer was injured. The doctor had done well to heal her arm, only a couple scars left in the wake of the bear claws, mostly healed. Healed enough to not re-open at least. She could've done better, and will when she can.

    She turned her attention to Amaya, the pre-teen casting a smile her direction almost like her father had only a moment ago, and responding to what Tsukiyo said. Seeing the man wrap an arm around Amaya and give her a half hug squeeze drew a subtle smile on the jaded woman's lips. "Well...I'm glad you two found each other. Family matters a lot...I don't know what I'd do without my brother...well...I guess I end up in situations like this." she'd go on to say, eyes falling to the ground, no longer looking up as she went over the events of tonight.

    To bad it wasn't over.

    None of the trio was looking at the bear or medics...that had been checking the bear over, other then a good ring to the head it was fine...more fine then they thought. The bear suddenly would rise up, both medics looking in awe and terror as it would rise to stand above them, completely frozen in fear and unable to even scream for help. In one foul swipe, both medics would have the forest floor painted with their blood. This was oddly silent, as the bear begun a sudden charge towards the next targets he seen...Masaru and Amaya. There wasn't but a few meters to cross, even at a slow speed--the bear crossing this distance in under 3 seconds. Just as Tsukiyo looked up, her eyes lit up in horror...the bear was directly behind the distracted Wandering Duo. All three of them had been oblivious to it...and now they'd pay the price.

    A brutish tackle would slam into Masaru, enough to knock the man down--and to the young woman's terror as she watched this all happen, the bear had pinned down Amaya with one of its paws--claws digging into the poor girl's shoulder. Tsukiyo was frozen, she couldn't do anything, her chakra levels was too low to use the jutsu she'd used before to knock it out in order to quickly kill it and save Amaya. It'd be up to Masaru to save his daughter, the weaker and drained woman simply unable to do anything.

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    An Un/bear/able Situation Empty Re: An Un/bear/able Situation

    Post by Masaru Wed Mar 18, 2020 10:59 pm

    The woman's words of family and it's importance would be followed by a downward gaze at the ground, Masaru wouldn't assume to know what was going on in the woman's head though he wouldn't have much time to think about it either. The smell of blood soon found its way to Masaru's nostrils causing the man to look behind him just as the bear slammed into him sending him crashing to the ground, the sound of Amaya screaming out in pain filled the otherwise quiet meadow. Time seemed to slow down for the man as he was sent flying to the ground, his daughters screams of pain shaking him to his core as he knew he had failed to protect her.

    The face of the eight year old girl he had found flashed into his mind as his body hit the ground, her sad face staring at him through the rain that poured down upon the pair. Anger began to fill the man as he heard the young girls screams of pain, clenching his fist as he jumped to his feet the man would be instantly surrounded in black armor as he activated his Impervious Exo-Skeleton. Unlike before this was more than just his skin turning into armor, this was full plated samurai armor. With each action another image of the young girl alone in the rain would flash in his mind, from the moment they met to the moment Masaru tracked down the bandits that killed the girls parents, each moment fueling the fire that was the man's rage. The samurai armor would be all black, smallred vein-like fissures that frayed off in different directions across the armor seemingly pulsating with the man's rage. When his feet hit the ground the man heard the first words the girl had ever said to the man deep in his mind, "Mommy and Daddy won't wake up." The man would form the half ox seal with his left hand as he made a motion with his right, a whip would be created out of rubber in the man's right hand mid-motion lashing out at the beast and melting into the arm the pinned Amaya down. The image of the girl leading him back down the road to her house not far from the road, the rain unrelenting in it's downpour as he tried to keep up with her. The girl would be unharmed by the whip as where the whip struck is the only thing effected by it, with his whip attached to to the beast and the increased strength granted to him by his armor, Masaru would pull back unpinning his daughter from the beast's grasp and pulling the beast away from her as well. The man felt the pit in his stomach grow as the eight year old lead him up the steps and into the house, the girl kneeling over the corpses of her parents trying to shake them awake The ground would begin to shake as the man had never stopped forming hand seals with his left hand, forming the hare, ram, snake, hare, ram, snake the man would activate greater earth moving core causing the very ground around them to shift and change to the man's will on a massive scale, even where Tsukiyo was would be effected yet remain unharmed as the man changed the very landscape. Tears would roll down the man's face as he clutched the child close to his chest and pulled her from the home, the gravity of everything as he had to explain to the child as well as find out what happened. Amaya and Tsukiyo would both be moved to safety as the ground would shift them to over one hundred meters away from Masaru and the bear on an elevation. If either of them looked around they would see this happening in a hundred meter radius around the man, a slight elevation leaving the man and he bear in an almost bowl like arena with there being no chance of the bear getting to Amaya or Tsukiyo again.

    The man wasn't done there he could feel the young child beating on his chest, not wanting what the man said to be true, as if it was happening right now. A another string of half seals would be formed with his left hand causing lava to pool around them locking Masaru and the bear in a ring of lava, the man would then drop the whip dissipating the Jutsu and drawing the blade that hung from his hip. Tracking the scum wasn't hard, a trail of blood and carnage seemed to surround the truope. All eight of the other bandits would fall to the man's blade on his path to the leader until none were left except him and the leader. "Now it's just me and you, you will pay for what you have done." The words would echo in the man's mind, the very same words he had spoken to the leader of the bandits when he tracked them down. The bear would be reared up on its hind legs roaring at the man, but all Masaru would see is the bandit leader. As the samurai clad warrior would clash with the bear, his encounter with the leader would replay in his head, the man replicating his actions onto the bear. He would dodge the bears strike with it's left paw, and then met it with Devorakos. The blade showing its name as it sliced through the bears leg with ease, blood splattering around them before he quickly cut the second front leg off the beast. The leader would beg for mercy as Masaru brought his blade level with his neck, pulling the man outside into the rain to kneel before the young girl. The bear would fall forward roaring in pain at the man's feet, with no compassion left in the man he would form a half seal causing part of the ground beneath the bear to lift so that there would be space below it's head and with one swing beheaded the beast.

    The rage would begin to subside with the threat now gone, forming the needed handseals once more Masaru would shift the earth back to it's original form before he cast the Jutsu the first time. The look of fear on the girl's face when she saw the bandit leader, once confirmed that he was the one, the man was sentenced to death by beheading. A deed Masaru would immediately carry out, in front of the girl. As the ground would shift back the man's armor would dissipate as would the ring of Lava, instantly running to his daughters side to check on her condition. The promise he had made her all those years ago ringing in his ears, as he prayed that his daughter was alright.

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    An Un/bear/able Situation Empty Re: An Un/bear/able Situation

    Post by Tsukiyo Shinku Thu Mar 19, 2020 6:48 am

    Tsukiyo heard the pre-teen's scream and it pierced her ears, mind, and heart--the woman may had been cold, may have been unfriendly, was the type to kill without a second thought...but kids? No, this was different. She grit her teeth and her cheek markings flared red, even if there was nothing she could do--and luckily...she wouldn't have to, or at least, nothing combat related that is. No--something seemed to snap in Masaru, and Tsukiyo could see it when the man rose back to his feet, and had nearly instantly become encased in what could only be best described as Samurai Armor, dark as the night--only lit by the moon's gaze from above, and creeping veins of molten red pulsating with a nearly primal rage. This man...he could be stronger then her own Sensei, the Hokage himself, with such abilities like this.

    But it was only a fleeting thought as she watched on, glancing back to the bear and the girl--Tsukiyo glaring daggers at the bear pinning Amaya. But a whip barely caught her eye as it lashed out, wrapping and melting right into the bear's leg pinning Amaya, Tsukiyo backed up if only a little, trying to compose herself. She couldn't let fear cloud her thoughts anymore--its what had gotten herself, and now these two, into this situation.

    Masaru with a mighty tug ripped the bear off of Amaya, and using what strength she had Tsukiyo rushed to the girl's side. She barely made it by the time the earth around her shifted, its contours broken by Masaru's effective Doton jutsu. She was forced to the ground as it begun to rise from under her, her barely catching herself as her and Amaya was forced 100 meters up, upon an ever-expanding wall that would form something best described as an 'arena' for the two combatants...or simply, a pit of death for the Bear. It was all happening so fast that Tsukiyo could barely keep up watching, so she turned her attention back to the girl. She was hurt--the bear's claws had dug into her shoulder and she was loosing blood. "Damnit" growled the woman as she knelled beside Amaya, gritting her teeth at the sight of the blood.

    Against everything telling her not to, her energy reserves already on nothing but fumes, the woman pushed on and formed two hand seals, Ox and Tiger, before wincing in strain as her hands begun emitting the familiar green medical chakra. "You're going to be fine Amaya, please just hold still." she tried to reassure the young girl as she would hover both her hands over her injured shoulder, gritting her teeth as she was now forcing every bit of chakra she had into maintaining this technique. She was to focused on this to watch the battle, although it was brief--and left the bear without its head.

    Tsukiyo didn't break focus when the earth about her and Amaya begun shifting again, bringing the terrain back to its normal state, Tsu continuing to use the Mystical Palm Technique, the bleeding itself already having stopped, and slowly she was closing up and repairing the claw marks on the pre-teen. She'd be quickly joined by Masaru, but no words was said by the man as he came to the side opposite of what Tsukiyo was on, the woman forced to shut one of her eyes and grit her teeth even more--revealing her elongated wolf-life canine teeth as she pushed herself to keep healing the girl. Without treatment, the girl's condition could've gotten worse--maybe not lfie threatening--but possibility of infection could've risked the arm near the wound needing to be amputated. So Tsukiyo pressed on, her hands visibly shaking as they hovered over Amaya's shoulder.

    "A-almost..." she grunted as she saw the wounds getting closer and closer to closing up. She held on, a few more seconds, until the moment the punctures from the claws of the bear closed, only leaving small scarring in their place. Tsukiyo dropped back, letting out a very labored breath as if she hadn't even been breathing the last few moments. Amaya was healed...a weak smile came to Tsukiyo's lips as she knew she'd healed her...and this was the last thought to cross her mind as she simply fell from where she knelled, eyes shutting as her body gave out, completely drained...Tsukiyo knocked out cold by the strain she'd exerted.

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    An Un/bear/able Situation Empty Re: An Un/bear/able Situation

    Post by Masaru Fri Mar 20, 2020 11:30 pm

    Amaya would scream as the beast pushed her to the ground, crying as it's claw would dig into her shoulder. She would cry out again as the beast would be pulled off of her and the blood started to pour out, she was in near shock when Tsukiyo reached her. "Is it just me or is the sky shaking," Amaya asked Tsukiyo when the ground began to shake and shift beneath them, by the time Tsukiyo told Amaya to hold still the girl would pass out from the pain and blood loss.

    Masaru would rush to Amaya's side opposite of Tsukiyo as he watched her working on healing his daughter, he would not speak for fear of disrupting her concentration. In the back of his mind the man knew the woman didn't have the strength to heal the girl, but in the moment he only cared about his daughter and ensuring that she was alright. Amaya would begin to stir as the wounds drew closer to closing, the woman would stop after the wound fully closed leaving only a minor scar where the wound once was. "Dad?" Came the slight whispered words of Amaya as she realized he was by her side, "what happened?" The man couldn't help but let out a small chuckle, "we will talk about it later, Tsukiyo I really must thank you. I don't know what we..." His words would be cut short when he looked towards the woman to see she had collapsed, he cursed himself in his mind for his willingness to let her endanger her own health just to save his daughter. A life for a life leaves everyone dead, the man would rush to the woman's side and check her pulse. "There's a pulse, she's alive." Masaru would say aloud more for the benefit of his daughter as he removed his coat and rolled it into a makeshift pillow and adjust the woman to lay her head on it. "She is ok, she just passed out from the exhaustion. We owe her a lot, we will wait here with her until she wakes up." Masaru would say as he went back to Amaya's side and explained what had happened and how the woman saved her life.

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    Tsukiyo Shinku
    Tsukiyo Shinku

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    An Un/bear/able Situation Empty Re: An Un/bear/able Situation

    Post by Tsukiyo Shinku Sat Mar 21, 2020 4:17 am

    It was likely lucky for Tsukiyo Masaru was a respectable Wandering Ronin, with Tsukiyo out cold--the woman was beyond vulnerable. No telling what could've happened, Tsukiyo could've never been allowed to wake up, slain in her lost consciousness, robbed, any number of horrible things. But no, she was safe--and kept safe for the duration of her forced rest. It'd be a while, a good while even, probably long enough to bore the less patient, but eventually the woman begun to stir, her eyes the first to move, tightening, wincing, before barely peeking open before closing again. She was so tired she could've just...went to sleep there. But as the thoughts of tonight's events flashed across her mind, the woman suddenly shot up, eyes wide and searching--a pleading look in them as she groggily scanned about for Amaya--half expecting the girl to still be on the ground.

    But as she composed herself and the woman's eyes fell onto Amaya, whom seemed safe and sound, she let out a sigh of relief, before having to catch herself. The act of sitting up so quickly had made her light headed. After a second she shifted her gaze, first down to where she'd been laying, spotting Masaru's coat folded into a makeshift pillow, before rising up to find the Ronin, warrior of steel and lava. A weak smile crossed her features. "O-opps...I guess...I overdid it huh...." she'd say with a hint of embarrassment in her voice, an emotion the woman was very much not used to, being as prideful as she was--she typically would never feel ashamed by her actions. But tonight...well, it'd been a big breakdown in her emotions, they was all over the place.

    The woman slowly would try to get to her feet, if Masaru was close enough at this point or doing what he'd done last time she stood up when she shouldn't have, she'd likely use a hand on the man's arm or shoulder as a point of support to keep from toppling back over. If not, she managed on her own, but would stumble a moment before regaining some resemblance of balance. She turned her attention to Amaya, wherever she may be at this point an undisclosed amount of time after Tsukiyo had passed out, the woman approaching the girl and knelling down to be eye level with her--which considering Tsukiyo herself was pretty short, wasn't even that far, in fact she'd unintentionally find herself actualyl knelled shorter then the young girl. "Are you okay...I hope I managed to take care of your injury...are you in any pain?" she asked the girl...an undertone of care in her voice. Almost motherly. Did Tsukiyo hit her head on the way down after passing out? She was acting very strange, more caring then usual.

    She'd drop her gaze though, it falling to the ground near Amaya's feet. "...I'm sorry...to the both of you." she said as if there was a lump in her throat, almost pained just to apologize. But truth was...it was washing over Tsukiyo...guilt. A feeling she had no experience dealing with...if she had been more perceptive, stronger, faster--even kept her wits about her, or asked her brother to come with her tonight...the situation with the bear would've never gotten to where it did. She could've handled the bear herself...but her panic ended up dragging Masaru and Amaya into the situation. And Amaya ended up hurt because of it. "...If I wouldn't have panicked, you two would've never been involved..." she said almost quietly, sighing as she stood back up, faced away from the both of them.

    Data Book Entry: Tsukiyo Shinku:

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    An Un/bear/able Situation Empty Re: An Un/bear/able Situation

    Post by Masaru Mon Mar 23, 2020 8:25 am

    Masaru would wait until he was Amaya was ok before he would move his daughter to the base of a tree just a few meters away from where Tsukiyo laid. Positioning the girl against the tree so that she was able to sit up without straining herself, though it would not matter as the girl would drift off to sleep knowing she was once again safe. Masaru would pull a blanket from his bag to cover Amaya, unfortunately there was only the one as Masaru never used one so the he wouldn't be able to cover the woman. Once he was certain Amaya was taken care of he would turn his attention back to Tsukiyo. With the woman unconscious she had no way of defending herself, she used up the last of her energy and consciousness to save Amaya. This is why the man would sit next to the unconscious woman with his sword across his lap in case anything happened, he would not let his guard down as he had earlier focusing every sense on the surroundings so that he could ensure both Amaya's and Tsukiyo's  safety. It had been a long night and the quiet would be peaceful and the man could feel the call of sleep, however Masaru would not let himself fall asleep. Taking up his old role of the ever watchful sentinel, Masaru would guard both females in a meditated yet aware state while they rested.

    It would be in the twilight hours, the sky just beginning to lighten, when the woman began to stir. Her sudden bolt upright enough to startle Amaya awake as well, Masaru would let out a little chuckle at her comment of overdoing it. "That may be true, but I owe you more than I can say. If it was not for you Amaya might not of made it." Came the kind calm words of the man who sat next to the woman, Masaru would instantly stand offering his help to the woman however he could to help her find her feet. The woman would find Amaya sitting against the base of the tree where Masaru had positioned her, and Masaru would walk close by her just as he had before to ensure the woman's knees did not buckle from under her. When asked about the injury the young girl would smile faintly. "I'm ok now, and other than a little tenderness I'm not in any pain." When the woman apologized and began to blame herself for panicking and getting them involved in the situation, Masaru would step around in front of her grabbing her gently by the shoulder that was not injured earlier by the bear. He did not think or concern himself with the fact that he was affectly invading the woman's personal space or how she would feel about it, he had something to say and he was going to say it. "You have NOTHING to apologize for. You did not get us involved, we got involved of our own will. There is ABSOLUTELY no reason for you to blame yourself either, the threat is over and we are all ok. What happened on this night happened, there is no changing it and there is no sense in dwelling on a path not taken. We are all alive, we survived the night and we have another day to look forward too." Masaru's words would be firm almost as if he was ordering the woman not to feel the way she did, but his tone would hold the sense of understanding of where she was coming from. There were many things in his past the man would like to have changed, but as he just told the girl there was no point in dwelling on the past. After he finished talking and received a suitable response to his remark he would remove his hand from her shoulder, moving to help Amaya stand as she had began the process during him speaking. With his arm wrapped around his daughter to give her some extra support whether she needed it or not, Masaru would turn back to Tsukiyo. "It has been a long night, I think we could all get some good from a nice meal and some sleep in actual bed. You are more than welcome to join us for some breakfast, my treat. It is the least I can do after you saved Amaya."

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    Tsukiyo Shinku
    Tsukiyo Shinku

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    An Un/bear/able Situation Empty Re: An Un/bear/able Situation

    Post by Tsukiyo Shinku Mon Mar 23, 2020 11:52 am

    Tsukiyo didn't even realize it was already morning by this point. She'd hear what Masaru said, and appreciated his support in standing, but for the moment the woman kept her attention on Amaya--her finding the girl at the base of a nearby tree, pinkish red hues scanning over her to check for any more signs of injury. As the young girl smiled and expressed she was okay, a wave of relief had washed over her, knowing she'd managed to do right in healing Amaya.

    But once she'd apologized, and shown the side of her hardly any seen, the woman would feel Masaru's hand fall upon her shoulder, turning to see the man, him for sure within her 'personal bubble' but, she said nothing--he'd taken the initiative to say what he had on his mind after hearing her begin to blame herself for what happened tonight. She'd listen to him, sighing after the Ronin finished, and simply noting to not respond as she watched him move on to help Amaya up, supporting the girl as he kept an arm around her, Tsukiyo watching the man aid his adoptive daughter.

    Her eyes would meet with Masaru's once he turned back to face her, the woman once more hearing what he had to say. Although this time, she'd respond without hesitation, shaking her head to decline the invitation for breakfast. "No, I should probably get back home...If Ten-nii woke up and I wasn't there he'd probably get worried." she said, referring to her brother Tengoku as 'Ten-nii', obviously speaking of her brother. "I appreciate the offer, Masaru...but before you go, can I ask you something...?" she'd say, finishing with a request to ask him something. Not sure why, because she was going to ask him anyways.

    "For years, the only person who's ever had my back was my brother Tengoku...its always just been me and him, no one else. But...tonight has opened my eyes to something..." she'd start off, at this point breaking eye contact with him to look past both of them. "...Maybe expanding the pack to beyond just me and him could be beneficial..." she'd continue on, her spotting his coat he'd used to give her a less uncomfortable experience when she was out cold, her picking it up and stepping a few steps closer to Masaru as she'd bring her pinkish red gaze up to the taller Ronin's. "...I want to ask you to join me and my brother...Become part of the pack...om...awkward name aside--its what I call...my circle of friends." she'd say, offering Masaru his folded up coat. She hoped he didn't take this question she had for him lightly...the woman wasn't the most trusting, the fact it was literally just her and her brother was enough proof of this. But tonight...Masaru had earned her trust. Something no one else had done...

    "...I hope you'll consider it, Masaru-san...." she'd say, before her gaze shifted down to the shorter pre-teen. "Of course, Amaya-chan is welcome too..." she'd say with a faint smile, reaching over and gently patting Amaya on the head, a slight ruffle of her hair. Clearly the woman had grown a soft spot for the little girl in a short time, knowing exactly how it was so be an orphan...and feeling for how Masaru took it upon himself to raise her, to be her father. She'd sigh quietly and look back up to Masaru, awaiting his response...

    Data Book Entry: Tsukiyo Shinku:

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    An Un/bear/able Situation Empty Re: An Un/bear/able Situation

    Post by Masaru Sat Mar 28, 2020 7:20 pm

    Masaru would nod understandingly at Tsukiyo wish to return home so her brother did not worry as it was something he was all too familiar with. Masaru would listen to the woman's question in entirety, taking his coat back from the woman as she finished before he would answer. "Tsukiyo, I must tell you that Amaya and myself will not be sticking around for long, once my business here is concluded we will need to move on." Masaru would pause briefly looking down at his daughter, "that said however, we would be honored to be considered among your friends, Tsukiyo-san." The man would grin wide at his words as it was the truth, the woman had more than earned the respect of the man to be considered his friend and the fact that the woman considered him a friend made it all the better. "Perhaps we can find some time before we leave to get together again, under better circumstances of course." He added with a chuckle as his gaze fell on the corpse of the bear he had slain, "I would love to meet your brother some time as well." Masaru stated before him and Amaya would take their leave, heading to get some breakfast.


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