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    The beginning of El Darado


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    The beginning of El Darado  Empty The beginning of El Darado

    Post by Okane Mon Jan 27, 2020 10:43 pm

    Okane watched through the window of the enclosed wagon he was seated in as it passed along the canyon with sheer walls on either side. A narrow road barely wide enough for perhaps three wagons to get through. He supposed this was to be expected. After all a hidden village would want some easily defensible spot against foreign attacks. Or domestic for that matter. His jade like eyes scanned up as high as he could for a moment. Surely there were shinobi watching him even now. Though he only spotted the one who checked his papers near the entrance. Of course he was allowed passage. He had a scheduled meeting with the village leader later. Some Kage of some sort or another...what was it? Oh right...the great lord Kazekage. A ninja that supposedly stood stronger than the rest. Not that Okane really had any strength himself. He was never shinobi trained. Educated in Fuinjutsu but just the same as the rest of his extensive education. He would take a deep breath before sitting back in his seat. His right hand tapping on the window sill.

    The carriage itself was rather gaudy. Led by a team of two pearl white horses. Stallions pulling an equally pearl white wagon with silver trim. The interior was a red velvet. Purple curtains hiding the inner contents. Okane was more of a fan of darker colors but the heat here seemed to become absorbed by those. Even now he felt the warmth was stifling. His family business was closer to the coast and the ocean cooled the air considerably there. Moisture at least that he could feel. Here it was like all the water was drained from the air itself and people went here to suffer. Oh how he hated suffering. Okane himself was dressed in a more simple color scheme. His dark pants were tucked into shined boots. Over that he was wearing crossed leather belts with one gold clip and one silver clip. A simple white button up with a silver colored tie was held down by a green vest. Checkered with lighter and darker green colors. His coat was bone white with snow white fur around the shoulders and neck while around his temples hung a circlet with two small onyx horns protruding from either temple of the circlet. Not his actual forehead. He didn't actually consider himself like those wretches. Demon spawn.

    Progress through the village was slow. Many people about their business but prosperity wasn't a word he would use to describe it. His passage drew almost desperate eyes but he avoided making eye contact all the same. If the meeting went well this wouldn't be the case for long. A sly smile painted across his pale lips as the carriage pulled up in front of the administration building. If all went well the village under his influence would gain for more than simple prosperity. He intended to make this place a veritable garden of eden. He would step out of the cart and collect a cane. A simple glossy black shaft with a silver eagle at the top with a red jewel in its mouth. Okane would move from the sandy streets as his driver kept to the horses. Allowing himself into the administration building Okane would certainly stand out. He would stride with purpose to the front desk. Luckily there was no line. He would clear his throat. Wishing he had been offered some water but choosing not to bring it up. Instead he would speak in a gentle voice to the attendant there.

    "Pardon my intrusion. I wouldn't normally dare to interrupt anything someone as beautiful as you would be doing. However I, Tomi Okane happen to have an appointment with the lord Kage today. Is there somewhere I should wait for them to be ready for me?"
    Calimari Chef
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Gyuki during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : Kumogakure
    Posts : 402
    Join date : 2018-05-30

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: U/A
    Class: X
    Ryo: 2 million Ryo

    The beginning of El Darado  Empty Re: The beginning of El Darado

    Post by Bayushi Mon Feb 03, 2020 6:21 pm

    The attendant looked up from her desk. Irritated that she was being forced to work a normal desktop job. When she was apart of the assassination corps known as the Death Eaters. This was part of the job, as she was a new recruit. "He's actually free at the moment. His office is upstairs."

    Zhuge was actually the one in the office at the moment. Dressed in all black and wearing a mask as instructed. Raijin had business with Nozomi at the moment and he was left to do the day to day. The name Yami was given to the Kazekage figurehead a name Zhuge would get used to for the moment. He awaited his first guest.

    Strength: C
    Constitution: B > S (Jashin)
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    The beginning of El Darado  Empty Re: The beginning of El Darado

    Post by Okane Tue Feb 04, 2020 9:19 pm

    Okane would nod. His charming demeanor was left behind for the moment. After all this woman seemed cold and immune to it. He wouldn't waste more of her time attempting to accomplish anything more. He had what he wanted after all. A simple "Thank you." was all he said softly before moving passed the desk and following the designated route to the office. There were shinobi coming and going here and there. Most looking tired or displeased from his perspective. Must be the heat. He idly wondered how they prevented sand from entering the halls. Surely it was easy to track in. He would avoid eye contact and move like he was supposed to be there. After all he had an appointment.

    Soon Okane reached the door designated for the Kazekage and would knock politely. He would wait to be allowed in before quietly stepping into the room with grace and a small flourish. He would bow deeply as was to be expected. Surely this was the right place. He would speak only after the full bow was accomplished. Choosing to wait to see if he would be offered a seat. "The great lord Kazekage I presume? I am Okane of the Tomi clan. My family is directly responsible for a flourishing business near the ocean. I would like to bring the same here. Prosperity into your village. And I have just the idea to do it."

    Character Name: Tomi, Okane
    Spendable Experience: 290
    Total Experience: 5440
    Renown: 4600
    Ryo: 2,064,100
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: C
    • Stamina: B
    • Speed: D
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: A
    • Perception: A

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3029-okane-tomi-updates#23588
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3005-tomi-okane
    Link to Known Techniques: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3029-okane-tomi-updates#23588
    Calimari Chef
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Gyuki during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : Kumogakure
    Posts : 402
    Join date : 2018-05-30

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: U/A
    Class: X
    Ryo: 2 million Ryo

    The beginning of El Darado  Empty Re: The beginning of El Darado

    Post by Bayushi Mon Feb 10, 2020 2:23 am

    "Yes I am....he. Call me Yami-sama." Zhuge wasn't used to be addressed in this manner. He would have to make this business quick. "What is your proposal? I am very busy today." He was of course busy after Raijin left him with the brunt of work that a Kage had to deal with it. It was mind numbing experience but orders were orders. Zhuge got up to sit on the front of the Kages desk as he beckoned Okane closer.

    Strength: C
    Constitution: B > S (Jashin)
    Stamina: B > S (Jashin)
    Speed: A
    Coordination: A > A++ (Jashin)
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: A

    Posts : 476
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    The beginning of El Darado  Empty Re: The beginning of El Darado

    Post by Okane Wed Feb 12, 2020 9:23 pm

    Okane would resist the urge to raise an eyebrow. He felt he was being bullied into whatever negotiations were to start. Perhaps they had a decent business sense. Start from a position of power. Force your opponent to negotiate on the defensive. No wonder this person was the Kage. Okane would be beckoned closer as he smiled and moved with confidence and grace. He showed no hint of being intimidated. He couldn't sell something and sell fear in the same hand. Even could this man kill him easily it would not benefit him to do so. After all what Okane was about to propose was simple and yet effective. He would stop at a comfortable speaking distance and calmly cross his hands in front of himself.

    "Very well Yami-Sama. What I have come to propose today shall only take a minute. I am interested in starting my financial expansions within your village. As such improvements will come with me. You see, you were dealt a rough hand. Middle of a desert with scarce water and resources. I have the technology and know how to change that. For a small investment of one hundred thousand ryo I will not only move my business here. But I will put a river of fresh flowing water through a designated path in the village. Providing fresh water for your citizens. Along with that I will begin the construction of green houses. By the end of the month you will have water and food to go around. A great deal less unrest with that result."

    Character Name: Tomi, Okane
    Spendable Experience: 290
    Total Experience: 5440
    Renown: 4600
    Ryo: 2,064,100
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: C
    • Stamina: B
    • Speed: D
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: A
    • Perception: A

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3029-okane-tomi-updates#23588
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3005-tomi-okane
    Link to Known Techniques: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3029-okane-tomi-updates#23588
    Calimari Chef
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Gyuki during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : Kumogakure
    Posts : 402
    Join date : 2018-05-30

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: U/A
    Class: X
    Ryo: 2 million Ryo

    The beginning of El Darado  Empty Re: The beginning of El Darado

    Post by Bayushi Fri Feb 14, 2020 9:31 pm

    Zhuge listened to the civilians proposal. They had just taken the village so money management was at best, frugal now. Zhuge was reluctant to say no. He would not want to anger Raijin by not advancing Suna efforts. "Hmm. That sounds like an excellent plan. 150,000 is doable at the moment. I'll have the secretary funnel you that loan so you can get started. We're eager for new venture here in the village and this is a great start." Zhuge mentioned for a guard to get the secretary to get Okane his money as soon as he walked out.

    "We shall see how your business ideas turn out in due time." Zhuge felt that was good enough.

    Strength: C
    Constitution: B > S (Jashin)
    Stamina: B > S (Jashin)
    Speed: A
    Coordination: A > A++ (Jashin)
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    The beginning of El Darado  Empty Re: The beginning of El Darado

    Post by Okane Sat Feb 15, 2020 12:56 am

    Okane was rather stunned. After all such business deals usually involved contracts and legal aid. Sometimes it took weeks to get everything Ironed out. Still he would be sure to keep the look off his face. Making this seem to be something more along the lines of to be expected. He would smile and bow his head deeply. "Yami-Sama you are truly a wise and gracious person. I am beyond grateful for your investment and you should expect to see improvements within the week." If he was excused he would back out while bowing only to sign for the money before Heading outside the building back to his carriage. Just you watch father, he would think. His business growing already. It was time to set down roots.

    Exit thread

    Character Name: Tomi, Okane
    Spendable Experience: 290
    Total Experience: 5440
    Renown: 4600
    Ryo: 2,064,100
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: C
    • Stamina: B
    • Speed: D
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: A
    • Perception: A

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3029-okane-tomi-updates#23588
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3005-tomi-okane
    Link to Known Techniques: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3029-okane-tomi-updates#23588
    Calimari Chef
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Gyuki during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : Kumogakure
    Posts : 402
    Join date : 2018-05-30

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: U/A
    Class: X
    Ryo: 2 million Ryo

    The beginning of El Darado  Empty Re: The beginning of El Darado

    Post by Bayushi Sun Feb 16, 2020 2:00 am

    Zhuge nodded towards the civilian. He was actually going to be working with one of the most powerful organisations in the world. Although everyone would be aware after the jab to the world leaders by Nozomi. That seemed like a problem for Raijin. As Okane turned to leave the establishment. Zhuge needed to tell Raijin of this new business venture and hope that he would not be angry with his deal.


    Strength: C
    Constitution: B > S (Jashin)
    Stamina: B > S (Jashin)
    Speed: A
    Coordination: A > A++ (Jashin)
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: A

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