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    Uzumaki Treats or Not[Five Social]

    Hoshigaki Yui
    Hoshigaki Yui

    Posts : 51
    Join date : 2018-11-16

    Uzumaki Treats or Not[Five Social] Empty Uzumaki Treats or Not[Five Social]

    Post by Hoshigaki Yui Sat Jan 18, 2020 8:43 pm

    Uzumaki Yui wanted to test her cooking skills out, she had been making delicious food for herself for a long time. When she was younger during the war she had been injured in her head and this lead to her taste buds not functioning exactly as they should. Food to her was very bland so she began to cook for herself, learning over the years how to make the most delicious food. The appearance of the food was world-class but for some reason when people tasted it they always had a shocked look of disgust and immediate vomiting. Maybe she did something wrong or maybe it was so good they didn't know how to react.

    So today she went to the market district setting up her sweets for people to try as she waited with a smile. Due to the rumors of her cooking people avoided her like the plague saying it was so gross it even brought someone near death back into life resurrecting their soul through the pain. She would wave and smile as people would wave back but not one person was grabbing her food despite the appearance and smell being fantastic.

    "I wonder if someone will try it today, I know its great people just don't know the great flavor, I am sure I did well this time."

    Character Name: Uzumaki Yui
    Spendable Experience: 0
    Total Experience: 3,000/3,500

    Village : Minor Nation
    Posts : 226
    Join date : 2017-11-21
    Location : Iron

    Uzumaki Treats or Not[Five Social] Empty Re: Uzumaki Treats or Not[Five Social]

    Post by Oda Sat Jan 18, 2020 9:27 pm

    Five had come to the market today simply to be out and about. After all there was little point in simply staying home. Though it was far more luxurious and spacious than his cell had been it was still just another cage if he let it become one. The village wasn't too far away and it had been far too long since he had dressed up on gone out. His uniform had always been that same bland orange and it was such a pity because orange clashed so hard with his skin tone. So he had spent the morning styling his hair to stay out of his face and doing his nails in black and purple. He even took the time to brush his eye lashes and pick his brows before placing some lip liner on. He painted a purple heart under one eye and a long blue drop under the other. With his make up done and finally dried he would slip into a nice suit for the day. Recently dry cleaned so the creases were still in place and the black nearly shined with how fresh and clean it was. Some lavender perfume topped off the black suit in its entirety. Creased black pants with a dark midnight blue tucked in shirt unbuttoned at the top two buttons revealing his pale chest and neck a little. Lastly a black suit coat fitted to him. A single trench knife was tucked into the inner coat pocket which was also left open.

    The walk to the market was only thirty minutes for him. A casual pace avoiding the mud on his shined dress shoes..also, you guessed it, black. For such a uniform color though against his pale skin and purple hair it worked for him. His purple eyes scanned the market with a sly smile on his lips. Yet anyone within several yards of him felt it. The ominous aura he exuded just simple being here. A wolf among the sheep. Shop keepers avoided eye contact and shoppers moved to the opposite side of the walkway. It was a pity but he couldn't blame them. He wasn't interested in making friends after all. Idly he would select one stall selling sweets. He had been literally living under a rock for a decade so of course he hadn't heard the rumors. Nor did anyone approach him to warn him. Instead they waited with bated breath as he dropped the coins in the payment tray and without speaking a word to Yui he would scoop up the sweet treat nearest to him and plop it into his mouth. He would chew a little bit before swallowing. He could tell it was far from good. However the prison had been harsh to its prisoners. Harsher still to the high risk inmates who got their own floors. He had eaten food that had been stomped into the ground and drink with spit in it just to survive. To him this was a delicacy. He would idly purr to her.

    "Perhaps a little less salt love. We wouldn't wish to dehydrate your customers would we?"

    Character Name: Hinode Oda
    Spendable Experience: 455
    Total Experience: 3655
    Ryo: 670,000
    • Strength: C
      Constitution: B
      Stamina: S
      Speed: C
      Coordination: B
      Intelligence: D
      Perception:  B

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3726-hinode-oda-updates
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    Hoshigaki Yui
    Hoshigaki Yui

    Posts : 51
    Join date : 2018-11-16

    Uzumaki Treats or Not[Five Social] Empty Re: Uzumaki Treats or Not[Five Social]

    Post by Hoshigaki Yui Sun Jan 19, 2020 6:09 pm

    Yui was shocked someone finally came and grabbed one of her sweets as he ate it he said something about less salt. She took another bite of one and had the best expression like it was delicious. She was unsure why people disliked it to her it tasted so good, maybe she was just odd.

    "It tastes so good for me are you sure it's salty, I am unsure why everyone says it doesn't taste good. I know it was a long time ago but for some time food tasted plain I just figured people were not using anything to flavor food maybe I am broken."

    She scratched her head clearly showing she was confused and she wasn't playing if anything it showed she had a horrid sense of taste. People were shocked he was not writhing in pain on the ground after eating her food. Yui would simply smile and wave at them as the hurried by, her food was sent by the devil to kill humanity that was how they felt. Even kids cried just seeing her food bringing back the tragedy of when they had ate the food. Soon three men would approach the stall smiling as they took one of the treats and smiled at Yui.

    "You know your food is awful even for free I wouldn't give this to my worst enemy, in fact, how about wearing it and covering yourself in filth like the slut you probably are."

    He would throw it quickly at Yui as she easily caught it with one hand and scowled at the man, he was not a nice man and she really wanted to kick his butt. She wanted to so badly but that was not fitting or becoming of a Jounin even if the guy was a jerk. He would move and flip the table over knocking all her food to the ground and laugh with his two friends.

    "Your stupid clan isn't even real Kiri nin you lost and got forced to join us you should be our slaves and servants."

    That's when she noticed his hair color, he was a Yuki and an arrogant ass of one to top it off, she hated people like this she could easily teach him a lesson if she wanted to. She was breathing slowly to calm herself down, he was nothing but trash and wasn't even close to strong she had met real Yuki before and he was a punk bitch of one.

    "You know I know a lot of Yuki but I bet you are the punk bitch of your clan getting smacked around like a dog. You won't ever amount to anything so insulting me makes you feel better, oh well life isn't fair and I am far superior to low blood Yuki like yourself."

    The man was pissed and went to take a swing at Yui, now that he took the swing she would put him down with force as she suddenly caught his arm mid-air before grabbing him and drilling him with her fist into the ground leaving a massive crater in the process. The other two would run off making Yui laugh a bit, she was right such weaklings they were. Those that flexed strength rarely were strong they were cowards trying to hide behind a mask of strength.

    Character Name: Uzumaki Yui
    Spendable Experience: 0
    Total Experience: 3,000/3,500

    Village : Minor Nation
    Posts : 226
    Join date : 2017-11-21
    Location : Iron

    Uzumaki Treats or Not[Five Social] Empty Re: Uzumaki Treats or Not[Five Social]

    Post by Oda Mon Jan 20, 2020 5:20 pm

    Five would smile at the moment for he was rather enjoying himself. Despite him the market was peaceful. Nothing going wrong for once. No devilishly chilling rain, no screaming children causing slight pain to his ears. In fact he felt rather good despite the people avoiding him. She would seem rather surprised about his comment about the salt and he would smile. He wanted some water really to wash it down but didn't wish to be so rude as to imply as much. She mentioned how others typically didn't like her cooking. How she thought it tasted fine and he wasn't about to be one to dissuade her confidence further. Instead he would speak in return. His voice like silk as he watched her with ever observant purple eyes.

    "Well to each their own. Every person experiences things in a unique and different way. You might just taste things differently. It doesn't mean defective or broken. Simply different."

    Five would glance over the other delectable options as three men approached and rudely positioned themselves in his way. Five would watch as their leader spoke before throwing a treat at the shop keep without much success. He would idly shift over to the cart next door. The distraction was enough for him to purchase a small bottle of lemonade. He would slowly spin off the cap and sip from it as he simply watched without much care for the interaction. However they had been rude enough to move him from his position. He didn't care for this type of person really. Blustering and bolstering without any reason or care. A simpleton who shouldn't speak. Still as the stall table was flipped he would raise an eye brow. So this was acceptable behavior? Defiling a shop keeps goods? His purple eyes scanned the area. No one was coming to police this. People were watching but doing nothing. He would frown a little. He knew they were there. Watching him and waiting for him to slip up. Was it so important to them that they remain hidden from him? He fairly ignored the bit about slaves or servants. He did need new servants but good help was hard to find. Avoiding him because 'people who strayed too close to Five's house got nightmares'. poppy squash. He didn't get nightmares. He didn't even dream. He simply was and enjoyed being as was his way.

    She would return with a fairly harsh rebuttal and he would turn his head to the side and purse his lips. Ooh that had to hit a soft spot. He wouldn't let someone get away with talking to him like that. Sure enough the leader of the three man posse would take his swing and instantly get dealt into the dirt. Impressive. However the other two began to run and Five just couldn't have that. They supported the losing side. Idly he would lift one hand and make a tiger seal with it. They hadn't gotten five meters before suddenly they slammed face first into the road. Everyone for 80 meters around Yui and Five aside from themselves suddenly couldn't seem to move. Twitching as he confined their movement into a minimal space. A sly genjutsu this one was. Fear. He could taste it. Permeating the air as shined black boots moved towards the two. Moving in front of them as he crouched down. Pale fingers reaching down as an aura filled the air. Like some heavy blanket was darkening the street. His hand would tilt up the chin on one of the men as he looked down to him. Purple eyes turning to a bright red as he smiled. Speaking in a silky sweet voice again.

    "Well now, that was rude. So very rude. Destroying such tasty treats and not having the nerve to pay for the damages." He would click his tongue in disappointment before continuing. "What to do with you... what to do... You were planning on leaving without paying after all. Making you thieves. I can see your life force and it is sooo weak. In another culture they would cut off the hands of thieves. I just don't think you would survive. What a tragedy that would be."

    Character Name: Hinode Oda
    Spendable Experience: 455
    Total Experience: 3655
    Ryo: 670,000
    • Strength: C
      Constitution: B
      Stamina: S
      Speed: C
      Coordination: B
      Intelligence: D
      Perception:  B

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3726-hinode-oda-updates
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    Hoshigaki Yui
    Hoshigaki Yui

    Posts : 51
    Join date : 2018-11-16

    Uzumaki Treats or Not[Five Social] Empty Re: Uzumaki Treats or Not[Five Social]

    Post by Hoshigaki Yui Mon Jan 20, 2020 11:30 pm

    Yui watched as Five reacted suddenly the entire area was in a Genjutsu with him speaking his words, Yui knew this was bad. The men deserved it but the market itself being completely effected was something she could not allow to continue. Too many innocents were now caught up in it she would politely ask him to stop and if he refused she would show him how quickly an Uzumaki could show down chakra use.

    "You need to release the Genjutsu Five, I don't care if you use it on the men but everyone else around is innocent. Please let them go I do not want to have to force you to let them go, do not worry those two men were not going to get away from me anyway. My clan has so very fun jutsu great at capturing people, especially those that are bad boys."

    She waited to see if he would comply, she could feel his sadistic side as the vibe certainly was noticeable by Yui. If he let them go Yui would simply grab the men with her chains and restrain them and get the guards to throw them in jail. They only destroyed food people likely would not eat anyways so she was fine with this. She truly hoped Five would cooperate with her, the last thing she wanted to do was be forced to battle. At her age, it made her body annoyingly sore and she was in no mood to battle at the moment.

    Character Name: Uzumaki Yui
    Spendable Experience: 0
    Total Experience: 3,000/3,500

    Village : Minor Nation
    Posts : 226
    Join date : 2017-11-21
    Location : Iron

    Uzumaki Treats or Not[Five Social] Empty Re: Uzumaki Treats or Not[Five Social]

    Post by Oda Tue Jan 21, 2020 12:02 am

    "Force me?"

    It was a quiet inquiry but those red eyes turned to her and studied her. Tilting his head as he let his fingers slip from the mans chin. He would slowly stand up a moment and take a swig of his lemonade. Never letting those eyes off the woman in front of him as he did so. He was measuring her life force. Potent to be sure. If he didn't comply she might actually have the means of taking him down. Aside from that even if she didn't manage it he wasn't in any position to take her and any back up that would likely arrive within moments. He seemed to be contemplating his options before he would shrug and toss the empty bottle of lemonade over his shoulder. Before it hit the ground people could move again. A great sigh of relief from the lot of them. Still it took a moment for the red to fade from his eyes. Replaced with the usual lavender. He would speak once more to her as he casually put one hand in his pants pocket. People already moving in whatever manner they chose, Either to leave this place or to gather themselves and keep selling or shopping.

    "It was actually a rather specific tactic to protect them. (he lied) If you think about it, if one of these men decides to start say, cratering people into the street it might create a panic. Masses shuffling around trying to escape. Trampling over each other leaving injuries and possibly death and destruction in their primal panic. Holding them all in place was simply a structuring for their own safety."

    He would sigh as they were simply captured with chains and carted off by actual authorities. Idly he would pull a cigarette out of his coat. Briefly revealing the trench knife as he swiped the match on his palm. Lighting it with the friction and using it to light his smoke. Letting out a smoke ring as he waited for her to finish her talk with the authorities. People were being very wary of him now but that was hardly anything new. Instead he smiled as she returned. He was still unhappy with that threat. However he didn't let it show on his face. Instead he let her goods being ruined as compensation for the slight in his own mind. Instead he would let out another ring of smoke into the first before leaning on the table next to the remnants of her own.

    "I suppose letting them off easy shows mercy. Do you have some aversion to letting the citizens be afraid? Don't tell me, you were a girl scout right?"

    Character Name: Hinode Oda
    Spendable Experience: 455
    Total Experience: 3655
    Ryo: 670,000
    • Strength: C
      Constitution: B
      Stamina: S
      Speed: C
      Coordination: B
      Intelligence: D
      Perception:  B

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3726-hinode-oda-updates
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    Hoshigaki Yui
    Hoshigaki Yui

    Posts : 51
    Join date : 2018-11-16

    Uzumaki Treats or Not[Five Social] Empty Re: Uzumaki Treats or Not[Five Social]

    Post by Hoshigaki Yui Tue Jan 21, 2020 7:47 am

    He did as asked but she could tell he was mad the way she had worded what she said, he did not know the true suffering of a village being in fear. The fear that someone would just end your life on a whim being born in a time of war and strife the people in the villages never knew when someone would come and slaughter them. The Daimyo would start wars on a whim and everyone would suffer, this was before the great villages were formed but it was still frightening, to say the least.

    "The reason I don't want the village to be afraid is that when I was young and growing up the wars and death surrounded the world. Daimyos would rage war at the drop of a hat as well as clans starting wars with other clans. This lead to so many pointless deaths, the hate caused by the fear of the unknown I never want to see that happen in the world again. I am much older than I appear I was in wars before the great villages were even established, I saw what controlling people with fear causes and you never want to have a world like this."

    She did not say her exact age but if she was alive before the great villages were formed it meant she was quite old. She looked not a day over eighteen but that was a gift of her clan living very long lives and appearing young until the very end. She hoped he understood what she meant as she walked around and made sure the people in the district were okay, helping up children crying and rubbing the top of their heads. Her smile brightened their days as they would hug her after several minutes everything returned to normal.

    "I am sorry if I sounded harsh but it's not right to effect the innocents in any conflict we have with the actual enemy. If we were to harm our own civilians we would be no better than the rogue scourge in the world."

    Character Name: Uzumaki Yui
    Spendable Experience: 0
    Total Experience: 3,000/3,500

    Village : Minor Nation
    Posts : 226
    Join date : 2017-11-21
    Location : Iron

    Uzumaki Treats or Not[Five Social] Empty Re: Uzumaki Treats or Not[Five Social]

    Post by Oda Tue Jan 21, 2020 9:24 am

    Five would listen to the lecture with a sense of boredom washing over him. It was to him like everything his instructors and birth providers had said to him growing up. A wise ruler never seeks out war but is always ready for it. God how he had hated all those lectures. He always admired the conquerors of old. They had their names in history and he was certain they were feared. Besides a population that knows only peace becomes complacent. Someone else out there was preparing and waiting for an opportunity. However he was familiar with whimsical Daimyo. He had spent his time in prison for nearly half his life. Their arrogance had robbed him of so much. Well rather his ignorance had in combination with their arrogance. Still he would watch her quietly without responding as she spoke. Her personal experience being very dramatic. He felt the evidence spoke for itself. No one was making a move against him. People were behaving better now so long as he was around. His eyes shifted to survey them as he wondered. In a world of peace people like him would be hated. His skills perceived as evil. How quickly the rabble would turn on him.

    He would continue to smoke as she went around and comforted the random folk. Crying children were an annoyance to him but they seemed to like her. He almost snorted as he considered her a village grandmother. For a hag she looked good. Hell people even began to help clean up her overturned table right next to him. Avoiding eye contact with him of course. One old shop keeper that helped right the table virtually by himself with his large stature even met his gaze and grunted at him. It was unclear if it was for Five taking the Uzumaki's side or not. Still she would return to him and continue speaking. His purple eyes glancing to her before dropping his smoke and smothering it under his heel. His hands sliding into his pants pockets. Shrugging in a non committal way. Speaking in return to her as he was less annoyed now at being threatened. She had apologized after all.

    "I suppose there is a time and place for everything. I don't personally see the point in giving the illusion of peace to everyone. Those saturated by simpler times will suffer more when war does come. And war always does come. Because war, war never changes."

    Character Name: Hinode Oda
    Spendable Experience: 455
    Total Experience: 3655
    Ryo: 670,000
    • Strength: C
      Constitution: B
      Stamina: S
      Speed: C
      Coordination: B
      Intelligence: D
      Perception:  B

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3726-hinode-oda-updates
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    Hoshigaki Yui
    Hoshigaki Yui

    Posts : 51
    Join date : 2018-11-16

    Uzumaki Treats or Not[Five Social] Empty Re: Uzumaki Treats or Not[Five Social]

    Post by Hoshigaki Yui Tue Jan 21, 2020 10:30 am

    Yui sighed he was much younger than herself so she could understand. She also had no idea what his life had been like so she was not one that had any right to judge his decisions, despite this she was glad to see the people coming to help her clean up the mess. He did not understand why giving people an illusion of hope and peace was good, and she could understand him feeling this way. The thing is this generation was the first to have more peace than war, a generation was able to grow up and see what a peaceful world could be like, she was born in a time where peace was not possible. The blood and carnage, the slaughter of people because of their clans or because of their village it was merciless and gruesome. She had to make sure this never occurred again and to do this she had to make sure she could explain her point of view to people like Five.

    "I understand to you it seems foolish but at least they get to grow up and be kids, I never had the chance. War was violent and didn't care about age, being forced to fight in battles at a very young age I never got to enjoy my life until much later. I was robbed of my childhood but I strive to help the world move forward so we can one day have many generations that don't have to suffer the same fate my generation did."

    She was not condescending but simply explaining her point of view, even if he did not understand it she just wanted to be clear she had no hatred toward him. She would move next to him and smile that had been quite fun so maybe getting a nice drink will settle down the day.

    "We should go get a drink, as an apology, I will pay for it, I don't like threatening people and I am sorry if we got off on the wrong foot. So what do you say have some drinks and talk so more, I would love to hear more of your perspective you have, I promise I won't judge I know the world is full of different opinions and I cannot be stubborn to think the only mine is right. The wars in the past were caused by people refusing to listen to others something I will avoid at all costs."

    Character Name: Uzumaki Yui
    Spendable Experience: 0
    Total Experience: 3,000/3,500

    Village : Minor Nation
    Posts : 226
    Join date : 2017-11-21
    Location : Iron

    Uzumaki Treats or Not[Five Social] Empty Re: Uzumaki Treats or Not[Five Social]

    Post by Oda Tue Jan 21, 2020 11:32 am

    Five would adjust his coat collar and brush it off slightly as she explained how kids should get the opportunity to be kids. He didn't necessarily disagree. After all his upbringing has been rather strict in an effort to make him educated enough for the family business as well as attempt to divert him from his cruel ways. He had always enjoyed violence. After his parents passed it had been very freeing for him. Moving on to become a ninja and a successful assassin. Even his liberties being taken from him when he was placed in prison had been less than fortunate for him. Even then he had been forced to learn valuable lessons in patience and humility. Not his strongest attributes. Still for an older woman she was certainly attractive and a red head. Oh he liked red heads. Especially ones who could crater a man. Satisfying to see someone destroyed so utterly. Though she likely didn't view it as such. She was capable of violence and powerful clearly. He knew if he pushed the issue he could find himself at a disadvantage quickly. Not a place he preferred to be.So he would make peace with her for now.

    "I suppose I could understand your point of view. Still there are those like me who are necessary to preserve that peace for them. Someone needs to have blood on their hands."

    He would smile and idly run his right hand through his hair. She offered him a drink for further conversation. He had been fairly done with the topic before but this was meeting some conditions for him. An attractive and violent red head was offering him a drink in order for him to continue to listen and not necessarily trying to change his mind. He would purr a little as a bit of a habit before nodding slightly. His tastes were a bit expensive but if she was willing to pay for it he would forgive her entirely for that earlier threat. After all holding grudges with allies rarely did anything to help his living condition. He would lower his hand to stroke his chin. Was she hitting on him? It wouldn't be the first time. Ahh a cougar...wonderful He would speak up with a sly smile.

    "I would certainly enjoy a good drink. I recently was released from prison after all. My tastes in drinks were top shelf before I warn you. I could certainly enjoy something top shelf now if you are willing."

    Character Name: Hinode Oda
    Spendable Experience: 455
    Total Experience: 3655
    Ryo: 670,000
    • Strength: C
      Constitution: B
      Stamina: S
      Speed: C
      Coordination: B
      Intelligence: D
      Perception:  B

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3726-hinode-oda-updates
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    Hoshigaki Yui
    Hoshigaki Yui

    Posts : 51
    Join date : 2018-11-16

    Uzumaki Treats or Not[Five Social] Empty Re: Uzumaki Treats or Not[Five Social]

    Post by Hoshigaki Yui Wed Jan 22, 2020 12:56 pm

    In a way he was right, she was going to be the hope and good for the village but she was not so naive to think it also needed less savory people to do the dirty work. People like him were needed, in the same way, people like her were also required. She would simply sigh, she knew he was right and she wasn't stubborn enough to force her views on him, he had his way and she had her way to do things. She did not mind his expensive taste in drinking. That did not bother her one but she wanted to hear his story and was more than willing to listen to see what created a man like him.

    "I do not mind about your taste in drinks anything is fine, as for what you said yes sadly villages also need men with your talents, not everything can be done in the open so less savory things must be done by those, not in the light. Let us go I have a perfect place for our conversation."

    She would motion for him to follow as she began to weave through alleys until they made their way to what appeared to be a run-down pile of junk pub. However stepping inside it completely changed, the outside was an illusion to cover up a quite high-class bar. Inside were many in suits that waved to Yui and had their eyes follow the man she was with. They did not know this man but if Yui was with him they felt safe.

    "Choose anything you like I will take a scotch on the rocks and whatever this man is getting."

    She would let him choose as her drink was given to her with her slamming it down in a second not seeming to be phased one bit by the drink. She was happy to hear his tales, and if he really wanted to hear the tales of her wars she would be more than happy to share them with him. She would be more than glad to tell him why she feels the way she does about saving this world and having peace finally.

    Character Name: Uzumaki Yui
    Spendable Experience: 0
    Total Experience: 3,000/3,500

    Village : Minor Nation
    Posts : 226
    Join date : 2017-11-21
    Location : Iron

    Uzumaki Treats or Not[Five Social] Empty Re: Uzumaki Treats or Not[Five Social]

    Post by Oda Wed Jan 22, 2020 1:59 pm

    Five would follow her quietly as he observed her from behind slightly. Oh it was always nice to appreciate a work of art. Flowing with life force perhaps more potent than his own and yet that shape from just below here waist. Idly he would lick his lips. He hadn't tasted beautiful in some time. Still an alley was not the time or place and he doubted she was flirting with him just yet. She didn't seem to be out for another conquest. Still one could admire art without touching it. Still he would be led several blocks to the point where he had lost track of how many turns they had made. Still he was familiar enough with the streets to know in general where they were. He would nearly pause in dissapointment as they approached what appeared to be a run down pub. Oh dear he wasn't sure the glasses would even be clean. Or if they served anything better than ale. He shuddered at the thought. If she was just going to buy him a local beer he was likely not going to stick around long. Still something felt off about it as they approached. Was there a slight shimmer in the window instead of a reflection?

    As they stepped through the doors it made sense to him now. Someone had set an illusion over the place. How exclusive of a club was this? Eyes fell on him as he glanced back at other men in suits with little interest but a sly smile. He was entering with the lady. Not them. He lorded it over them subtly as he was brought to the bar. She ordered a typical strong drink and downed it quickly while he was more reserved. His pallet needed something lovely. So he spoke to the bartender as he spotted a vintage he enjoyed. "Armand de Brignac Brut Rose Champagne please. Chilled if you can." The wine was better warm but he wanted something cold for the moment. The bartender would nod before opening the bottle and pouring him a glass. Five would inhale it slowly before taking a sip. His shoulders slumping in satisfaction. Oh how wonderful it was to truly taste again. The aged drink was heavenly as it washed his pallet entirely. He would sip again and savor it a moment. No one seemed shaken or stirred by the expensive order. How disappointing. Still he would start them off.

    "Ten years ago I was special black ops. I went places I can't discuss and did things to people I can't elaborate on. I was a professional assassin and infiltrator known as the white rabbit. However my downfall was my pride. I crossed the wrong powerful people and until very recently was to spend the rest of my life buried in a prison cell for it. How about you?"

    Character Name: Hinode Oda
    Spendable Experience: 455
    Total Experience: 3655
    Ryo: 670,000
    • Strength: C
      Constitution: B
      Stamina: S
      Speed: C
      Coordination: B
      Intelligence: D
      Perception:  B

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3726-hinode-oda-updates
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    Hoshigaki Yui
    Hoshigaki Yui

    Posts : 51
    Join date : 2018-11-16

    Uzumaki Treats or Not[Five Social] Empty Re: Uzumaki Treats or Not[Five Social]

    Post by Hoshigaki Yui Thu Jan 23, 2020 7:46 pm

    She was impressed he picked a good drink as he would seem to savor the taste of the wine, she imagined in prison he didn't exactly have luxury food or drink. He began to explain what he did and how he had to kill, to her this was no shock she new such groups excited in Kiri and many other nations. All nations had black ops that did things not too dissimilar to the mercenary work she did back during the wars, she was on whatever side paid her the most money. He asked about herself well she had a lot of ales for sure, she did not mind sharing it was long ago after all.

    "Well in my younger years my clan had some issues and our nation basically collapsed, to make ends meet I decided to join in on clan wars working for whatever side paid the most. The battled between the Hyuuga and Uchiha were particularly nasty, a lot of deaths happened in that war and the scar on the back of my neck is from that war."

    She would lift her hair showing a long scar going down her neck and up into her head, it was quite clear she had taken a life-threatening hit and was lucky to be alive. She would order another scotch and down it in a second, the wars certainly left her with some haunting memories but she had moved on from those times and wanted to teach people never to allow that sort of world to happen again.

    "You see it happened when I was siding with the Uchiha for one of the battles, I had thought I had a clear shot at the current leader of the Hyuuga and went in for the kill but I was betrayed by an Uchiha that thought himself to become the leader of both clans with him striking the back of the neck and head with Chidori. As I laid there certain I would die the very clan I had been fighting saved my life they stuck down the Uchiha and treated my injuries when I asked why they saved an enemy they said the war had been far too bloody and they wanted to end this war. I was just a mercenary and not their enemy. After that the battled slowed and finally stopped with both sides agree to peace finally. So I was lucky and saved by the very people I was fighting and ever since that day food had no flavor unless I made it for myself, I am sure it was brain damage that caused this issue."

    Character Name: Uzumaki Yui
    Spendable Experience: 0
    Total Experience: 3,000/3,500

    Village : Minor Nation
    Posts : 226
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    Location : Iron

    Uzumaki Treats or Not[Five Social] Empty Re: Uzumaki Treats or Not[Five Social]

    Post by Oda Thu Jan 23, 2020 8:14 pm

    Five would sip at his own wine as he listened. He wasn't much of one for interrupting. After all this story likely meant a lot to this woman and if he was being realistic with his history of interactions with people they tended not to overshare when they felt the other party was less interested. It was old information certainly but even old information sometimes had it's uses. He would be certain to write it all down later and add it to his hidden trove of information he had already begun to collect. Individuals and their talents, organizations and their ambitions. For him every bit of information held a place. His purple eyes glanced to a man who when they made eye contact looked away. Jealousy perhaps? Good. Whenever Five was in a room he would like to be the person others focused on. Short of being on a mission of course. Another sip of his wine would mostly hide his coy smile. Let them be jealous of him. It was the proper state of others around him. Perhaps that one would even be so daring as to come after him later for some imagined slight. Oh how he hoped the man brought friends. He could use a good bit of fun in self defense.

    He would watch her down another drink out of the corner of his eye. So she likely still felt some post trauma from the whole ordeal. Self medicating with alcohol was so common among old soldiers. He was a different breed and enjoyed war but he had seen those broken by it. He wouldn't consider her weak by any means but he would have liked to have known her in those mercenary days she spoke of. Of course he didn't have any scars to compare as on the few occasions someone had caught him he was able to heal before they affected his perfect form. His pale body was to remain unmarked if he was to remain non-homicidal. A simple and basic rule for him. Still he also was one for taking liberties. He would set his half finished wine down. Warm fingers would suddenly touch the scar on her neck and slowly trace up it into her hair line. Gentle to the touch and warm yet as he touched her if she allowed it she would feel it. The sense like something oily was saturating her chakra. He wasn't doing anything to her but his chakra was something dark. Tainted in some way by the dark prison or his history of murder. He had focused on so much negative. Still his touch and his voice were like silk.

    "You might not know it but I do have other skills outside of killing. I practice Ijutsu as a source of income. If you wished it we could discuss researching your issue. Applying the right kind of healing chakra at the right spot under the right conditions could alleviate your symptoms. Of course....there is something I would ask in return."

    Character Name: Hinode Oda
    Spendable Experience: 455
    Total Experience: 3655
    Ryo: 670,000
    • Strength: C
      Constitution: B
      Stamina: S
      Speed: C
      Coordination: B
      Intelligence: D
      Perception:  B

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3726-hinode-oda-updates
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3725-hinode-oda
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    Hoshigaki Yui
    Hoshigaki Yui

    Posts : 51
    Join date : 2018-11-16

    Uzumaki Treats or Not[Five Social] Empty Re: Uzumaki Treats or Not[Five Social]

    Post by Hoshigaki Yui Thu Jan 23, 2020 8:41 pm

    He listened to her story before he moved his finger to trace along her scar, it sent chills down her spine as she felt an almost darkness to his chakra. A man with so much murder had a very dark chakra compared to someone like herself, she had killed a lot but she toom no joy in killing where he likely did. He then ha an offer or her he could try to fix her issues but he wanted something in return she could not imagine what he would want but this taste issue was becoming worse so she was almost desperate to fix it.

    "What exactly would you want to help me, I can imagine many things coming from your mouth but I would like the hear it from your own mouth."

    She could only imagine what he wanted the way he ran his finger along the scar the way his voice sounded, he was not a normal man. No, he likely was a monster in sheep's clothing, his mind completely broken a total sociopath, this is what she pictured from him. Still, she would wait to hear what he had to say, maybe he wouldn't ask for what she thought, maybe he would just do it as a nice guy but she highly doubted what he would ask for was nice or kind.

    Character Name: Uzumaki Yui
    Spendable Experience: 0
    Total Experience: 3,000/3,500

    Village : Minor Nation
    Posts : 226
    Join date : 2017-11-21
    Location : Iron

    Uzumaki Treats or Not[Five Social] Empty Re: Uzumaki Treats or Not[Five Social]

    Post by Oda Fri Jan 24, 2020 7:47 pm

    Five would smile as he finally let his hand return to his drink. Sipping at it slightly as the flavor seemed wonderful each time it touched his tongue. Like experiencing perfection in a glass over and over. He thought it might begin to fade slightly as he grew accustomed to it but each time he was wrong. He would purr slightly under his breath as he breathed in the whole room. Perfume and cigars filled the air. Some might say it was stuffy but it drew his mind away from the dank and mold of the prison. His own home was comfortable but he noted he should likely burn some incense. Lavender perhaps. Maybe peppermint. He liked both of those. He was also enjoying drawing out the moment of suspense. His eyes met his smile like he was up to some mischief. "My dear you must fancy me nothing more than a cruel boy. I assure you, there are layers to me. My request would never be so foul or wicked. I assure you it is rather simple. First though, this tune is rather catchy. Do you know how to dance?" He would smile to her with a wink in his eye.

    Five would finish his drink and rise from his seat. Pale hand stretched out to her. He wanted her to ponder his meaning. To consider his words and perhaps her mind would turn to dirtier thoughts. Lovely but nasty imaginations of him and her. Still if she took his hand he would attempt to lead. If she let him he would prove to be nothing short of an attentive and graceful dance partner. Each move calculated and precise but still fluid. His purple eyes watching hers as he smiled. He was truly an attractive man but he was playing games. As the song drew to a close he would smile and draw in close to whisper in her ear. "Come now. Tell me you aren't the least bit curious and I will leave you be here and now."

    Character Name: Hinode Oda
    Spendable Experience: 455
    Total Experience: 3655
    Ryo: 670,000
    • Strength: C
      Constitution: B
      Stamina: S
      Speed: C
      Coordination: B
      Intelligence: D
      Perception:  B

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3726-hinode-oda-updates
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3725-hinode-oda
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    Hoshigaki Yui
    Hoshigaki Yui

    Posts : 51
    Join date : 2018-11-16

    Uzumaki Treats or Not[Five Social] Empty Re: Uzumaki Treats or Not[Five Social]

    Post by Hoshigaki Yui Sun Jan 26, 2020 8:41 am

    She waite for his response and was a bit surprised as he asked if she could dance, naturally she could she had a lot of life experience and dancing had been learned over those many years. She would accept his hand and begin to dance, he was quite graceful which surprised her, but at the same time he seemed like a playboy so maybe he had got the skill to woo the woman in his conquest path. He would ask her to say if she was a bit curious, she may be but she also was not someone that ever slept around. She did want to try to fix what was wrong with her brain if possible of course.

    "Sure I am interested to see if you can fix my brain, as for extracurricular activities I don't really get around if you know what I mean. If you think you can help me sure I am curious, I have had others try to no avail and I can't exactly mess with my own brain despite being a medical shinobi."

    She would wait for his answer as she continued to dance until the song stopped, once it did she would take a step back away from him. She was quite amazing looking for her age having many men staring at her, even as a regular here most men didn't have the balls to ask her to dance. She was a strong woman and they simply were not ready for the rejection she would likely offer them.

    Character Name: Uzumaki Yui
    Spendable Experience: 0
    Total Experience: 3,000/3,500

    Village : Minor Nation
    Posts : 226
    Join date : 2017-11-21
    Location : Iron

    Uzumaki Treats or Not[Five Social] Empty Re: Uzumaki Treats or Not[Five Social]

    Post by Oda Sun Jan 26, 2020 11:44 am

    Five would smile with a look as full of mischief as a chesire cat. Of course he was playing a role with her. Toying with her imagination for now. It was so dull to simply ask for something straight out. Not to mention the quicker one was to suggest what they wanted the more desperate they appeared for it. Desperation meant giving your bartering partner the upper hand. If he was playing games with the idea of course he wasn't that invested in the subject. Considering she thought he wanted her body the true thing he desired might even be a relief. While it was true that at the moment he could do nothing for her condition it didn't mean there were not answers out there. Still when she finished speaking he would laugh whole hardheartedly. Drawing eyes and caring nothing about it. It wasn't a mocking sound but one of someone fully amused. He would finally stop and move back to the bar. Not suggesting that she follow him but enticing her to all the same. Perhaps out of curiosity. Or to find out if he was laughing at the idea of sleeping with her. He also ignored how it aggravated her admirers. He didn't fear them. Nor did he seem to fear this extremely potent woman.

    Five would tap on the bar for a refill on his champagne before taking a seat. Purple eyes focusing back on her own. He had been doing that a lot. Instead of letting his gaze drift over her body. Not that the other men noticed. Some of them even whispering to each other and stealing glances to him. Perhaps planning something unpleasant. Still he would speak with humor in his voice. "My dear you can rest easy. I have no intention of bartering for physical attention. If anything I value something you have in droves. I will be preforming some non invasive research into your condition for now. Some you can even assist with if you like to speed up the progress. In return I want something simple. Once a month I ask for a simple report. Anything you learn that you don't feel is betraying anyone. People ranking up anywhere, new additions to the ranks, accomplishments of any kinds. Organizations and their movements. Things I am sure you discover on the regular." He would smile to her and take a sip from his newly poured wine.

    Character Name: Hinode Oda
    Spendable Experience: 455
    Total Experience: 3655
    Ryo: 670,000
    • Strength: C
      Constitution: B
      Stamina: S
      Speed: C
      Coordination: B
      Intelligence: D
      Perception:  B

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3726-hinode-oda-updates
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3725-hinode-oda
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    Hoshigaki Yui
    Hoshigaki Yui

    Posts : 51
    Join date : 2018-11-16

    Uzumaki Treats or Not[Five Social] Empty Re: Uzumaki Treats or Not[Five Social]

    Post by Hoshigaki Yui Mon Jan 27, 2020 7:06 am

    She would listen to his words as she watched him pour himself another glass of wine, he simply wanted information but nothing that could harm the village. This certainly was something she could do, she was unsure how much information outside of Kiri she could get but she had ways of getting information inside the village. Being as old as she was she had a lot of connections to a lot of different people and people owing her favors, this was something she would be willing to do. Still, it felt way too simple, if that was what he wanted then so be it maybe he was the eccentric type who knew.

    "I can do that if that is all you want it will be simple enough but I won't give you any classified information, obvious reasons of course. If it's just basic information like this no issue what so ever, and sue I can try to help you with investigating what's wrong with my brain if you think I can be of use."

    She would order another shot and slam it down she was not drunk but she did have a glaze over her eyes, so she was clearly starting to feel the effects of the alcohol. She was just really good at hiding such facts. It was quite clear her memories of the war still haunted her to this day, she was just a tough girl who simply used alcohol to soothe the painful memories in her mind.

    Character Name: Uzumaki Yui
    Spendable Experience: 0
    Total Experience: 3,000/3,500

    Village : Minor Nation
    Posts : 226
    Join date : 2017-11-21
    Location : Iron

    Uzumaki Treats or Not[Five Social] Empty Re: Uzumaki Treats or Not[Five Social]

    Post by Oda Wed Jan 29, 2020 11:22 am

    Five would smile to himself as he took another sip of his champagne. Today was turning out to be far more profitable than he had thought it might. He was feeding off this atmosphere and loving it. Jealous men as they should be, more information promised to come his way and a new project to focus his idle mind on. He could almost feel the enjoyment seeping through him. Threatening to overcome him and reveal his nature all the more. Not that she didn't already know but the facade of being capable or even wanting to reign it in suited him more here. He would collect a pen from someone passing by so carefully that the individual didn't even notice. His fingers were certainly nimble. Still he would take a napkin and begin writing on it. Not the sturdiest material but it worked out. Once he was done he would slide it over to her before speaking.

    "That is my address. Please send your reports there. Feel free to come by as well to help with the research or check on its progress. Or perhaps even if something else strikes your fancy."

    He would wink before rising from his stool. He would take the rest of his glass and throw it back. Drinking the rest of it quickly now. Perhaps he had other places to be? The truth was a little more sinister. He supposed his charm would only hold for so long. The longer he remained the more work he had to put into it and frankly that sounded exhausting. Better she thought him a player than a murderer. Still he would set the glass down and move passed her. Only pausing long enough to place a hand on her shoulder and whisper in her ear. Like a sweet melody. "I'll be waiting." And with that he was gone. Like a wisp on the wind he was out the door faster than most could perceive. He was walking the streets home as he contemplated. A unique woman but that life force she passively pushed off was intense. She held a great deal of power within her and he was not looking to cross someone like that. He would idly bring up the fingers that had most recently touched her and touch them softly to his lips. She was a treat but he wouldn't likely pursue her. He preferred they pursue him after all.

    exit thread
    posts 10

    Character Name: Hinode Oda
    Spendable Experience: 455
    Total Experience: 3655
    Ryo: 670,000
    • Strength: C
      Constitution: B
      Stamina: S
      Speed: C
      Coordination: B
      Intelligence: D
      Perception:  B

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3726-hinode-oda-updates
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3725-hinode-oda
    Link to Known Techniques: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3726-hinode-oda-updates
    Hoshigaki Yui
    Hoshigaki Yui

    Posts : 51
    Join date : 2018-11-16

    Uzumaki Treats or Not[Five Social] Empty Re: Uzumaki Treats or Not[Five Social]

    Post by Hoshigaki Yui Wed Feb 05, 2020 10:05 am

    Yui listened to the man as he had given her his address to send the information to, this was fine not like she planned to physically visit him after all. Still, the whisper in her ear made her shudder as he was now gone, he was an interesting man but he was also trouble. She would need to keep a close eye on him, she was unsure if Kiri should trust him at all, and she did not trust the surveillance that had been placed on him. She would stand up after another drink and leave waving bye to everyone inside. She felt very suspicious of him and why he wanted this information it was time for her to keep an eye on him.

    -Exit Thread-

    Character Name: Uzumaki Yui
    Spendable Experience: 0
    Total Experience: 3,000/3,500

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