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    Team B Day 2. Let's get cracking. (Social)


    Posts : 330
    Join date : 2019-04-05
    Age : 39

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: BL, Sensory, Chemistry, Engineering, Taijutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Ijutsu
    Class: B

    Team B Day 2. Let's get cracking. (Social) Empty Team B Day 2. Let's get cracking. (Social)

    Post by Short_Stack Mon Mar 02, 2020 2:44 am

    Miyu carted Shinsui's unconscious body into a sheltered glade with the smol twins in tow. They had a limited time frame to relax now that the second day of the Exams was upon them, and hopefully a good day to just relax and get their bearings while trying to form a good seal that would let them keep Shinsui's body sealed while they did the rest of the Exams.

    At least until they could get the body to Kumo where they could earn brownie points, and lighten the mood, the promise of lessons that was given earlier was thoroughly ruined as the twins were recuperating from their wounds, and Miyu needed to occasionally ensure that the body was both unconscious, broken, and living. Made even more difficult from the fact that it seemed to have regenerative properties.

    Something Miyu felt was horribly unfair to her. Having to cart around a regenerator like that was just all sorts of bad news. But Shimi-Nee, she'd work through that hardship. Which brought her to her main problem.

    How to seal the bastard now that they had his relic?


    Miyu Ryuutei

    Bloodline, Sensory, Chemistry, Engineering, Taijutsu, Puppetry, Fuuin, Ijutsu

    Strength: C (450) : C+ (Comfortable Living)
    Con: C (450)
    Stam: C (450) : B+ (Uzumaki Female) :
    Speed: D (150)
    Coord: C (450)
    Int: A (950)
    Perc: C (450)

    T: (15/ 18)


    205 CP / -1 CP per Post (Long Sighted UA.)

    Precog: 7 (tied to Empathy UA.)
    Chinoike Yui and Yua
    Chinoike Yui and Yua
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

    Posts : 250
    Join date : 2017-11-14

    Team B Day 2. Let's get cracking. (Social) Empty Re: Team B Day 2. Let's get cracking. (Social)

    Post by Chinoike Yui and Yua Mon Mar 02, 2020 8:40 am

    The twins continued to walk with Miyu but it was clear they were far from one hundred percent, the damage they had sustained was a lot and even with Miyu blood, it was still having injuries as they would have to stop occasionally and take a break to let their body try to recover some.

    "We are sorry Miyu for slowing you down, our body is still pretty injured so its a struggle to even walk very fast at the moment. We need to be very careful if we run into anyone else we would likely lose the fight considering the damage we both have sustained."

    They would continue to worry and if they had to fight someone else they certainly would surrender as they got a much bigger prize. The body was worth far more than the exams, even if they were not named Chuunin here it was very likely Kumo would name them as one anyways once they made it back home.

    Character Name: Shinda Yui and Yua
    Spendable Experience: 1,215
    Total Experience: 3,580/6000
    Akari Chinoike
    Akari Chinoike

    Posts : 202
    Join date : 2020-01-04

    Team B Day 2. Let's get cracking. (Social) Empty Re: Team B Day 2. Let's get cracking. (Social)

    Post by Akari Chinoike Mon Mar 02, 2020 1:57 pm

    The good news was they wouldn't have to worry about how to keep his unconscious body preserved with some crazy strange seal. Something, woke the unknown Senju up. A pull, tentative at first, but getting stronger. It was as if something was pulling on his chakra from far away. What would happen if he took the pull? Would it take him from here? Would it kill him? Honestly, dying now was better than being around these crazy fucking Kumogakure nin any day of the week. So what did he have to lose? The groggy Shinsui would accept the pull the moment the strange sensation hit him, He'd feel a foreign chakra overwhelm him and overtake him. Was he dying? Was this what one felt when one died and ones soul separated from the meat suit it piloted?

    God he hurt, was this bitch constantly trying to cause pain? Why? It wasn't like he regenerated or anything. That would imply he had some kind of special bloodline which as far as he knew, he didn't have. Man, what would that be like? Being able to regenerate wounds just by existing? That would be really swell man.

    It was a good thing that Taiga had the relic, and if they didn't bother to search her, wouldn't have the item they needed to pass. He remembered offering to ingest the small chess piece to his emerald haired partner at the start of the exam. However she objected, and he relented, offering it to the fastest of the two of them to keep away from their opponents, rather than keep it himself as the one who would be in the midst of the mud and the blood.

    It could be him returning to the world he assumed. However something was strange, had he felt this chakra before? He wouldn't sit there and try to say he'd communed with any kind of entity that could be considered a 'god' so what was this feeling? It must be someone he'd met before.  Someone he'd come into contact with, but who? It didn't matter, the pull had taken him and he felt himself shift, his form disappearing from the glade and reappearing....



    Character Name: Madrigal Hyuga
    Spendable Experience: 105
    Total Experience: 2,155
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 171,375

    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: D
    • Stamina: C
    • Speed: S
    • Coordination: S
    • Intelligence: D
    • Perception: A

    Link to Character Updates: Here
    Link to Character Application: N/A
    Link to Known Techniques: See Character Updates.

    Posts : 330
    Join date : 2019-04-05
    Age : 39

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: BL, Sensory, Chemistry, Engineering, Taijutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Ijutsu
    Class: B

    Team B Day 2. Let's get cracking. (Social) Empty Re: Team B Day 2. Let's get cracking. (Social)

    Post by Short_Stack Tue Mar 03, 2020 2:09 am

    Miyu screamed bloody murder and gave a big middle finger to all that is holy and unholy, swearing death to all life and that will ever be born for her attempted murderer to be taken from her.

    If the divine wanted to dick her, she'd shank them with a high powered drilldo made out of impotent rage, dark Fuuin, and hormonal teenage angst as she could muster and fill them with a lot of new holes.

    All of this said in excruciating detail so the people on the cameras and the heavens themselves could hear how utterly pissed she was.

    Almost dying multiple times, only one of those, from her own teammate was an accident, not preventing a person from waltzing unloaded with explosives like a suicide bomber.

    And then letting some Ninja whisk away Shinsui, their attempted murderer who needed to face the Church's Justice.

    So she let them have it.

    Before turning to Yui. "No more running, no more diplomacy. You're carrying me so I can focus on seeing everyone, and I'm treating everyone but you three as enemies. We talk telepathically, and work on removing our trail. I'mI'm sorry, not sorry, but that attack and that theft was the straw that broke the camels back. I don'tcare about teamwork with other teams, I don't care who they are. If they aren't you, Yua, or Shikaku, they are threats and I will treat them as such.

    "You worry about being my legs and I will be our eyes and blade."

    // exit.

    Miyu Ryuutei

    Bloodline, Sensory, Chemistry, Engineering, Taijutsu, Puppetry, Fuuin, Ijutsu

    Strength: C (450) : C+ (Comfortable Living)
    Con: C (450)
    Stam: C (450) : B+ (Uzumaki Female) :
    Speed: D (150)
    Coord: C (450)
    Int: A (950)
    Perc: C (450)

    T: (15/ 18)


    205 CP / -1 CP per Post (Long Sighted UA.)

    Precog: 7 (tied to Empathy UA.)
    Chinoike Yui and Yua
    Chinoike Yui and Yua
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

    Posts : 250
    Join date : 2017-11-14

    Team B Day 2. Let's get cracking. (Social) Empty Re: Team B Day 2. Let's get cracking. (Social)

    Post by Chinoike Yui and Yua Tue Mar 03, 2020 9:13 am

    The twins couldn't believe it as their kill suddenly vanished without a trace, they were angry that was their kill and someone stole their sacrifice to Jashin. While they agreed with the girl they still had serious injuries, to the point it likely was not a good idea to have another heavy battle. Still, they felt stronger, they had felt something was this, yes they had gained control of their magnet. A smile would cross their face as they stared at Miyu. They would begin to talk to Miyu in their mind and let her know the good news.

    "Miyu, we can control magnet release now, so yes the next set of morons that pick a fight with us will regret it, we won't show them any mercy, this pissed us off quite a lot and they won't like the results."

    They would continue to smile as they would begin to head off with Miyu, their prize was stolen so someone else would become their prize soon.

    -Exit Thread-

    Character Name: Shinda Yui and Yua
    Spendable Experience: 1,215
    Total Experience: 3,580/6000

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    Team B Day 2. Let's get cracking. (Social) Empty Re: Team B Day 2. Let's get cracking. (Social)

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