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    Uzumaki Yui Kiri Jounin

    Hoshigaki Yui
    Hoshigaki Yui

    Posts : 51
    Join date : 2018-11-16

    Uzumaki Yui Kiri Jounin Empty Uzumaki Yui Kiri Jounin

    Post by Hoshigaki Yui Mon Dec 16, 2019 1:04 pm

    Name: Uzumaki Yui
    Age: 64
    Gender: Female
    Village: Kiri
    Rank: Jounin
    Title:Crimson Chains

    Clan: Uzumaki
    Bloodline: Kazen Tentai Strong Lifeforce Level 3, Adamantine Chains 1,000 EXP
    Skill(s): Fuuinjutsu, Ijutsu, Taijutsu
    Traded two skills for two stat raises and 1,000 spendable EXP
    1650 Starter
    2,000 starting jounin
    1,000 Skill point trade in
    1,000 UA EXP=
    5,650 spendable exp

    • Strength: B
    • Constitution: C
    • Stamina: D->C+ 1+ from bloodline
    • Speed: C
    • Coordination: B
    • Intelligence: B
    • Perception: C

    Unique Abilities:

    Experience Advantage: Start with an EXP Debt of 1,000 EXP

    Uzumaki Yui Kiri Jounin Mm3kuOK

    She was born to her mother Rekka Uzumaki and her father Saijin Uzumaki in 870 A.S, the pair were happy and excited they had given birth to a daughter. It had been a long time coming and both had nearly given up on having children before she appeared in their lives. However, their happiness would not last long many wars raged across the land and even as the clan tried to stay out of conflict one man Rin Uzumaki was trying to expand the clans influence.

    He was a strong man and had led the Uzumaki to become a strong and powerful force, but this also made the world angry at the group. Still as troubling as the times were Yui grew up strong and learned quite well. Her clear talents were Taijutsu as well as Funijutsu. She showed amazing talents in those and also developed a strong ability in Ijutsu. These early days were fond memories for her as her love for her parents knew no bounds.

    Around the age of eighteen she chose to leave her family and explore the world, she did not let them know where she was going but she had to learn the truth about the world and what existed. She soon came to realize there were many wars between various clans sometimes even being accused of being a clan she wasn't but she took this chance to help different clans in battles for some money. She began to be known as a mercenary the various clans would hire when they needed some extra muscle in an important fight.

    During this time was when she met the first person she fell in love with, he was a Hyuuga man and while this relationship would never be accepted by either clan the pair did well to hide this. They truly loved each other and often took part in a battle with each other enjoying each other's company until a fateful day happened. She was waiting for him at the meeting point he had told her to meet him at but instead of the man several other Hyuuga arrived and attacked her. It seemed their relationship had been discovered after a brutal battle she had won leaving behind the men's corpses but know she could no longer see the man she loved.

    She continued this lifestyle of fighting for others until the villages began to form, one after another village began to spring to life. This changed everything as the clans began to calm down and the massive battles began to fade. Soon there was no sides to really join and her funds began to run low, just when she was running out of hope she got word her clan had joined with Kiri, this made her smile while she had been nowhere near her clan in years it gave her a chance. She approached the village and explained she was an Uzumaki. After several months of negotiations, she was allowed into the village and given the rank of Jounin. She had proven her battle mettle over those months and they understood what a strong asset she was, now she enjoys her days waiting for another major war to begin. Until that day comes she was more than happy to help train some Genins to become strong.

    Yui is a rather calm individual as she had been through so many battles and wars she had learned being angry and letting emotions control an action lead to bad things. She tends to be thoughtful when speaking to others and tries her best to keep the peace. While she desires more wars she does not desire her own village being at each other's throats, she saw many battles between clans and it never led to anything good.

    She has not had a love life for a good long time, but it isn't that she would not like it just she hasn't found the right person. She is the type to fall for one person and remains loyal to her there are no many lovers there is just the right person for yourself. She doesn't particularly care what sex the person is at her age having a child is like a dream so just a companion to love and hold tight on cold nights was perfect.

    In battle, she is what some would call a sadist, she likes to pick her opponents apart thinking about her actions but also thinking of what would widdle down her opponent. She likes to slowly wear down her opponent as this makes it where they do not realize what her goal is until it is too late. She is very effective in her use of Taijutsu with her chains, the devastating and unexpected damage her chains can cause often puts her opponents on their back foot.

    Roleplay Sample:

    Yui began to survey the battlefield, this battle she had been hired by the Hyuuga to help defeat the Uchiha. This battle had been taking place for nearly three weeks and being nearly exhausted in supplies they called for some mercenaries to help. As she looked over the battlefield she received her orders, she was to make her way toward the Uchiha camp and destroy their supply lines. By doing this she would make them unable to sustain the war and they would be forced to retreat from the battle.

    Yui smiled at her orders and would be on her way to enact the plan, it was simple she had to destroy the supply line, the difficult part would be doing so and getting away with it. She had a plan as she began to make her way toward the location she had been given. his would be difficult because the Uchiha were very perceptive to movement but in wars like this most of the ones with the Sharingan would be fighting on the front lines with only a scarce few left to keep an eye and scout the supply line.

    She quietly made her way as she spotted an Uchiha looking to the west, they were clearly keeping an eye on the Hyuuga and not expecting a force from this direction. The Hyuuga were doing a good job to keep them distracted as much as possible as Yui would form a chain before quickly throwing it up and wrapping it around the neck of the Uchiha. Unable to speak or breathe Yui pulled down the man before she would snap his neck, sadly she did not have the ability to leave anyone alive that had seen her. It would risk the mission failing and possibly her death, she continued on her mission taking out the occasional Uchiha she saw until she could see the supply tent.

    This would be where she had to use her true power, in order to avoid others catching on to fast she had to destroy the supplies in one blow. She would begin to prepare as she moved chains all around her body and leaped into the air she would activate her chakra enhanced strength. As she neared the tent she would fire out her chains into a large ball obliterating everything as it struck, combined with her massive strength it destroyed it in one blow and left a massive crater. She knew she had little time to wait around as the alarms were sounded because of the large noise her attack made. She quickly retreated in the direction where she had taken out the guards she took out on the way to the location.

    She took her time making sure to be unseen as she thought she was clear she hears a man's voice behind her.

    "Well You are certainly no Uchiha Crimson Chain, you sure caused us quite the mess. I am not mad at you doing your job but I cannot let your killing of my Uchiha Breathen go unpunished."

    She quickly turned to see the man driving straight at her with his sword leaving her little time to react she surrounded her body rapidly with her chains with his blade slamming into them doing no damage. However, he was an Uchiha she knew he would boil her alive with his fire if she tried to hide in the chains as she suddenly would whip the chains out in all directions with the main keeping back but being cut deeply by one of the chains. He, however, did manage to land a blow on Yui as she looked down on her arm and could see he had sliced her tendon in her right arm making it useless. He would hear the sound for retreat as he smiled, as much as he wanted to retreat he knew this battle had to have a winner.

    "Well that's the sound for me to go but I cannot leave I have far to much honor for this, let us have one final clash the winner will move on in history the loser will be forgotten in the history as just another side note."

    He would rush Yui confident he could win but he greatly underestimated her clan bloodline as she would suddenly heal her right arm with her chains quickly wiping by the man with her sidestepping his hard slash down. The man's head would suddenly fly off as it would go falling to the ground with his body falling onto the ground. Yui would not smile this was the end of the battle for her but she was not going to let anyone disrespect his honor. She moved over to where his head was, those eyes had so much value but he died a warrior and she would not let anyone do this to him slamming her chain on the head-crushing the eyes or anything else left of his head.

    She would make her way back toward the Hyuuga clan collecting her money as they cheered for her helping them win. She, however, felt soured after the battle they did win but she did not enjoy killing that man, she moved on from the battle which was the last between these two clans.

    Posts : 576
    Join date : 2017-12-06

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu. Fuuinjutsu, Sensory, Doton, Katon, Lava,
    Class: S
    Ryo: 100,000

    Uzumaki Yui Kiri Jounin Empty Re: Uzumaki Yui Kiri Jounin

    Post by Tatsuya Wed Dec 18, 2019 12:38 am

    Uzumaki Yui wrote:Name: Uzumaki Yui
    Age: 64
    Gender: Female
    Village: Kiri
    Rank: Jounin
    Title:Crimson Chains

    Clan: Uzumaki
    Bloodline: Kazen Tentai Strong Lifeforce Level 3, Adamantine Chains 1,000 EXP
    Skill(s): Fuuinjutsu, Ijutsu, Taijutsu
    Traded two skills for two stat raises and 1,000 spendable EXP
    1650 Starter
    2,000 starting jounin
    1,000 Skill point trade in
    1,000 UA EXP=
    5,650 spendable exp

    • Strength: B
    • Constitution: C
    • Stamina: D->C+ 1+ from bloodline
    • Speed: C
    • Coordination: B
    • Intelligence: B
    • Perception: C

    Unique Abilities:

    Experience Advantage: Start with an EXP Debt of 1,000 EXP

    Uzumaki Yui Kiri Jounin Mm3kuOK

    She was born to her mother Rekka Uzumaki and her father Saijin Uzumaki in 870 A.S, the pair were happy and excited they had given birth to a daughter. It had been a long time coming and both had nearly given up on having children before she appeared in their lives. However, their happiness would not last long many wars raged across the land and even as the clan tried to stay out of conflict one man Rin Uzumaki was trying to expand the clans influence.

    He was a strong man and had led the Uzumaki to become a strong and powerful force, but this also made the world angry at the group. Still as troubling as the times were Yui grew up strong and learned quite well. Her clear talents were Taijutsu as well as Funijutsu. She showed amazing talents in those and also developed a strong ability in Ijutsu. These early days were fond memories for her as her love for her parents knew no bounds.

    Around the age of eighteen she chose to leave her family and explore the world, she did not let them know where she was going but she had to learn the truth about the world and what existed. She soon came to realize there were many wars between various clans sometimes even being accused of being a clan she wasn't but she took this chance to help different clans in battles for some money. She began to be known as a mercenary the various clans would hire when they needed some extra muscle in an important fight.

    During this time was when she met the first person she fell in love with, he was a Hyuuga man and while this relationship would never be accepted by either clan the pair did well to hide this. They truly loved each other and often took part in a battle with each other enjoying each other's company until a fateful day happened. She was waiting for him at the meeting point he had told her to meet him at but instead of the man several other Hyuuga arrived and attacked her. It seemed their relationship had been discovered after a brutal battle she had won leaving behind the men's corpses but know she could no longer see the man she loved.

    She continued this lifestyle of fighting for others until the villages began to form, one after another village began to spring to life. This changed everything as the clans began to calm down and the massive battles began to fade. Soon there was no sides to really join and her funds began to run low, just when she was running out of hope she got word her clan had joined with Kiri, this made her smile while she had been nowhere near her clan in years it gave her a chance. She approached the village and explained she was an Uzumaki. After several months of negotiations, she was allowed into the village and given the rank of Jounin. She had proven her battle mettle over those months and they understood what a strong asset she was, now she enjoys her days waiting for another major war to begin. Until that day comes she was more than happy to help train some Genins to become strong.

    Yui is a rather calm individual as she had been through so many battles and wars she had learned being angry and letting emotions control an action lead to bad things. She tends to be thoughtful when speaking to others and tries her best to keep the peace. While she desires more wars she does not desire her own village being at each other's throats, she saw many battles between clans and it never led to anything good.

    She has not had a love life for a good long time, but it isn't that she would not like it just she hasn't found the right person. She is the type to fall for one person and remains loyal to her there are no many lovers there is just the right person for yourself. She doesn't particularly care what sex the person is at her age having a child is like a dream so just a companion to love and hold tight on cold nights was perfect.

    In battle, she is what some would call a sadist, she likes to pick her opponents apart thinking about her actions but also thinking of what would widdle down her opponent. She likes to slowly wear down her opponent as this makes it where they do not realize what her goal is until it is too late. She is very effective in her use of Taijutsu with her chains, the devastating and unexpected damage her chains can cause often puts her opponents on their back foot.

    Roleplay Sample:

    Yui began to survey the battlefield, this battle she had been hired by the Hyuuga to help defeat the Uchiha. This battle had been taking place for nearly three weeks and being nearly exhausted in supplies they called for some mercenaries to help. As she looked over the battlefield she received her orders, she was to make her way toward the Uchiha camp and destroy their supply lines. By doing this she would make them unable to sustain the war and they would be forced to retreat from the battle.

    Yui smiled at her orders and would be on her way to enact the plan, it was simple she had to destroy the supply line, the difficult part would be doing so and getting away with it. She had a plan as she began to make her way toward the location she had been given. his would be difficult because the Uchiha were very perceptive to movement but in wars like this most of the ones with the Sharingan would be fighting on the front lines with only a scarce few left to keep an eye and scout the supply line.

    She quietly made her way as she spotted an Uchiha looking to the west, they were clearly keeping an eye on the Hyuuga and not expecting a force from this direction. The Hyuuga were doing a good job to keep them distracted as much as possible as Yui would form a chain before quickly throwing it up and wrapping it around the neck of the Uchiha. Unable to speak or breathe Yui pulled down the man before she would snap his neck, sadly she did not have the ability to leave anyone alive that had seen her. It would risk the mission failing and possibly her death, she continued on her mission taking out the occasional Uchiha she saw until she could see the supply tent.

    This would be where she had to use her true power, in order to avoid others catching on to fast she had to destroy the supplies in one blow. She would begin to prepare as she moved chains all around her body and leaped into the air she would activate her chakra enhanced strength. As she neared the tent she would fire out her chains into a large ball obliterating everything as it struck, combined with her massive strength it destroyed it in one blow and left a massive crater. She knew she had little time to wait around as the alarms were sounded because of the large noise her attack made. She quickly retreated in the direction where she had taken out the guards she took out on the way to the location.

    She took her time making sure to be unseen as she thought she was clear she hears a man's voice behind her.

    "Well You are certainly no Uchiha Crimson Chain, you sure caused us quite the mess. I am not mad at you doing your job but I cannot let your killing of my Uchiha Breathen go unpunished."

    She quickly turned to see the man driving straight at her with his sword leaving her little time to react she surrounded her body rapidly with her chains with his blade slamming into them doing no damage. However, he was an Uchiha she knew he would boil her alive with his fire if she tried to hide in the chains as she suddenly would whip the chains out in all directions with the main keeping back but being cut deeply by one of the chains. He, however, did manage to land a blow on Yui as she looked down on her arm and could see he had sliced her tendon in her right arm making it useless. He would hear the sound for retreat as he smiled, as much as he wanted to retreat he knew this battle had to have a winner.

    "Well that's the sound for me to go but I cannot leave I have far to much honor for this, let us have one final clash the winner will move on in history the loser will be forgotten in the history as just another side note."

    He would rush Yui confident he could win but he greatly underestimated her clan bloodline as she would suddenly heal her right arm with her chains quickly wiping by the man with her sidestepping his hard slash down. The man's head would suddenly fly off as it would go falling to the ground with his body falling onto the ground. Yui would not smile this was the end of the battle for her but she was not going to let anyone disrespect his honor. She moved over to where his head was, those eyes had so much value but he died a warrior and she would not let anyone do this to him slamming her chain on the head-crushing the eyes or anything else left of his head.

    She would make her way back toward the Hyuuga clan collecting her money as they cheered for her helping them win. She, however, felt soured after the battle they did win but she did not enjoy killing that man, she moved on from the battle which was the last between these two clans.


    Character Name: Tatsuya Tatsuda
    Spendable Experience: 2,910
    Total Experience: 7,660
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 100,000

    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B
    • Stamina: A
    • Speed: C
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: A
    • Perception: B

    Limit Break Points:

    • Physical: 0
    • Technique: 0
    • Destiny: 0

    Link to Character Updates: Updated Sheet
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t5187-tatsuya-tatsuda?nid=648#40721
    Link to Known Techniques:

      Current date/time is Sun Jul 07, 2024 7:32 am