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    Kumogakure Marketplace Topic

    Akashi Uzumaki
    Akashi Uzumaki

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    Kumogakure Marketplace Topic Empty Kumogakure Marketplace Topic

    Post by Akashi Uzumaki Sun Sep 24, 2017 12:24 am

    Link to marketplace prices

    Having received a sizable bonus from a recent mission Akashi decided to splurge on some basic ninja tools and more specifically a pair of swords he'd heard about that enhanced the Raiton techniques flowed through them. Excited to try them out he quickly purchased the two and head home to see how they ticked.

    Super-Vibrato Sword x2 - 40,000
    Baldric - 50
    Hip Pouch - 50
    Steel Wire (30 feet) - 200
    Kusarigama - 5,000
    Manriki - 2,000
    Holster x2 - 50
    Kunai x10 - 1,000
    Generic Sealing Scroll - 1,000

    50,000 - 49,350 = 650 remaining ryo

    Andariel Bloodworth
    Andariel Bloodworth

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    Kumogakure Marketplace Topic Empty Re: Kumogakure Marketplace Topic

    Post by Andariel Bloodworth Wed Sep 27, 2017 3:37 am

    Natsuru found herself wandering the marketplace to replenish her goodies to function as a Kunoichi. Natsuru dresses similar to most Kumogakure shinobi as she prefers the simplicity and darkness their uniform provides. Black sandals cover both feet secured tightly providing comfort and protection. She wears black pants with a black lapel on the left side. Along with a mesh, sleeveless undershirt she wears a sleeveless black top with a zipper running down the middle. Her outfit is completed by wearing her forehead protector around her forehead. Being made with black cloth she has the steel plated emblem facing the front in clear view. Natsuru has very fair skin with an almost ink-like navy blue hair, which matches her eyes in the same regards. Standing at 5'10 she has a very slender frame which maximizes her role as an archer. She needed some fresh armor and a new bow. She wanted to remain somewhat a minimalist, not expecting to be exposed to combat, though still having the means to defend herself. After browsing the weapon portion of the store for a bit she bought a variety of standard tools and armor provided by the local smith. With her purchase she would arm herself and leave to wander the village for clues and inspiration.

    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    Kumogakure Marketplace Topic Empty Re: Kumogakure Marketplace Topic

    Post by Ryuko Tue Oct 03, 2017 2:32 am

    Ryuko could feel her confusion growing as she wandered around not knowing where to go.  Thought her main profession was being half part Ninja, half part Priestess (all badass in her humble opinion) she was also a bit of an armor smith, though still quite a green one.

    Admittedly it had started out as more of a hobby then anything she’d intended to take seriously but as it turned out she was quite a naturally at it so it seemed a shame not to actually put her skill to use.  Sure she might not be able to do much with it right now, but it was bound to come in handy down the road if she practiced enough.

    She had come to the market place with the intention of gathering supplies to start crafting with but had since gotten lost for several critical reasons. One was that this was her first time in Kumogakure having just been commissioned and so she had yet to learn he way around the city.  The second being that this was her first time she had ever gone shopping by herself and she had little idea how to properly go about it.

    It wasn’t that she didn’t understand the concept of money, but until now if she had wanted something she’d simply had to ask one of her servants to pick it up for her and be done with it.  Normally she’d almost never be alone like this, but in her rush to move in she had sent them ahead to a modest estate her family owned in the village so that they could prepare properly for her arrival.  

    Deciding that this was indeed troublesome she decided it was time to take a break in order to clear her head before the confusion grew to outright panic. Just as she was about to head towards the nearest park a flash of light being reflected off a black surface caught her eye.

    Turning towards it she saw a pair of batons sitting out on display of the shelf of a somewhat rundown looking weapons stall, though the owner seemed reputable enough and the price was hard to argue with. More importantly she didn’t have a lick of equipment on her and she needed to have at least something is she was going to call herself combat ready.

    “I’ll take these please.” with those words she pulled out her coin purse and pulled out the exact amount of cash in the form of one 1000 ryo bill and one 50 ryo coin before slapping it down on the table then picking up batons as well as a couple of holsters to go with them.  It was a simple matter to hook the holsters up, placing them just far enough behind her back that her mantle would help to conceal them when they weren’t in use.  

    “You have my thanks good sir. May Hakkin’s blessing be upon you.”  with those parting words Ryuko waved goodbuy as she quickly left the area.


    Ryuko's Ninja Card

    Strength: B
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A-> A++ (Arch Angel's Tiara)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: B
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    Kumogakure Marketplace Topic Empty Re: Kumogakure Marketplace Topic

    Post by Ryuko Tue Oct 17, 2017 10:32 pm

    Having found her way back to the marketplace after the completion of her recent training session with her new team Ryuko quickly made her way to the biggest ninja supply store she could find. It was a wonder she hadn't spotted it the first time around, but prehaps she had been too distracted by all the people to notice.

    Gathering up some basic supplies she placed them on the counter to check out when she noticed that the shop didn't just sell tools but also raw materals as well, perfect for the armor she wanted to make for her team.

    "I'll take 40 pounds of copper as well please." She said causing the clerk to sweetdrop a little wondering if such a slim girl like her would really be ok carrying that much weight onto of all the other stuff she'd bought even as she made her way out of the store.


    Supply list
    10 Kunai
    10 Shuriken
    100 Caltrops
    1 Hip Pouch
    1 Med kit
    40 lbs Copper

    Ryuko's Ninja Card

    Strength: B
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A-> A++ (Arch Angel's Tiara)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: B
    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

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    Kumogakure Marketplace Topic Empty Re: Kumogakure Marketplace Topic

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Fri Oct 20, 2017 8:23 am

    Shimiko walked in to the store and purchased some supplies for her next mission. She would buy:

    Kunaix15 - 1,500
    Shurikenx15 - 1,500
    Hip Pouchx15 - 1,500
    Explosive Tagx2 - 3,000
    Flash Bombx3 - 3,000
    Smoke Bombx3 - 3,000

    Total Spent: 13,500

    Shimiko would then leave to prepare for her mission.


    Andariel Bloodworth
    Andariel Bloodworth

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    Kumogakure Marketplace Topic Empty Re: Kumogakure Marketplace Topic

    Post by Andariel Bloodworth Sat Dec 16, 2017 5:17 pm

    Natsuru would approach the market place with Ryuko by her side. She wanted to tag Ryuko along to help give her some deals on the material she needed. Natsuru had a way with the marketplace. Her parents were successful business owners. Her family name have been in trade and corporations for generations. Although she was a natural at speech craft, being the daughter of two successful business owners helped a bit, too. Natsuru dresses similar to most Kumogakure shinobi as she prefers the simplicity and darkness their uniform provides. Black sandals cover both feet secured tightly providing comfort and protection. This is paired by a set of steel shin guards which start at base of her shin and up just below her knees.

    The steel is dyed white with three red lines running down the front face, a common feature done by Kumogakure-forged armor. She wears black pants with a black lapel on the left side. Strapped to her right thigh is a tanto crafted with red and black scabbard. Along with a mesh, sleeveless undershirt she wears a sleeveless black top with a zipper running down the middle. On both arms she wears leather forearm guards made with blackened leather with reinforced padding. Her outfit is completed by wearing her forehead protector around her forehead. Being made with black cloth she has the steel plated emblem facing the front in clear view. Her quiver is secured on her belt on her backside, her recurve bow worn across her body with the bow running down her cleavage while the string ran across her back. Natsuru has very fair skin with an almost ink-like navy blue hair, which matches her eyes in the same regards. Standing at 5'10 she has a very slender frame which maximizes her role as an archer.

    "Here we are! Did you bring your money? Do you know what you want to buy? I know what I'm going to buy, but it's a secret. I can't let you or Shimiko see what I plan to get." Natsuru and Ryuko would stand in the middle of the marketplace, Natsuru with her hands on her hips waiting to hear what Ryuko had wanted from the market.

    Strength: C++
    Constitution: C (B w/Living Exp and Oni)
    Stamina: B
    Speed: C
    Coordination: C
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: B
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    Kumogakure Marketplace Topic Empty Re: Kumogakure Marketplace Topic

    Post by Ryuko Sun Dec 17, 2017 6:51 pm

    As Ryuko followed her best friend Natsuru into the marketplace she found it hard to believe that she had only just visited it the other day. So much had happened since then that it seemed almost strange that this place was the almost the exact same as when she’d left it. It was a buzz of activity, people browsing for wares and haggling over prices as they went about their days in peace if not quiet.

    It was a clatter of back ground noise, with so many people talking at once that it was near impossible to make any sense out of what they where all saying. Ryuko who was used to the tranquility of the monastery found the cacophony very distracting. It was so hard to think when you had to devote so much of your brainpower just to process words correctly when someone was speaking directly to you among the din.

    “Money, check.” said Ryuko as she softly pat the pouch that hung from her side. In addtion to her currency it also happened to have most of her shinobi tools. Shuriken, Kunai and the like as well as a medical kit. It didn’t have a lot of anything in particular in it but it should be enough for today’s supply run at least.

    “As for my list one sec.” she said holding up a hand signaling for Natsuru to wait for just a moment as she did some quick math in her head. Normally she’d be able to come up with numbers with a snap of a finger but once again the noise was slowing down her mind forcing her to do some actual number crunching.

    “Let’s see I’m going to need about fifty, no sixty lbs of iron if I’m going to make better chain-mail for the entire squad, plus another set for Hahashi-san and one to present to the new err old Raikage. I’ll have just enough left over for making some proper foot wear. These shinobi sandals just aren’t cutting it.” she said off handedly.

    Even with wearing stockings her feet sometimes still got a chilly so she didn’t understand why so many people ran around in them without socks of any kind. In a mountains environment that was practically asking for frostbite to happen.

    At half price the amount of Iron she was requesting would be 9000 ryo. A steal considering how even just one set of chainmail at the store would cost over 3 times that amount. Of course it wasn’t the material itself that was the expensive part but the labor that went into it since they took quite a bit of time for the normal person to make. If Ryuko was so inclinced she could make a generous profit here, but she was more intrested in protecting her friends lives then turning over a quick dollar. To her crafting was an art form, not a way to generate income.

    “Then I’ll need about twenty pounds of Insulation and twelve 10'x10'cloth sheets” she went on. Even at full price those things where fairly cheap. At half it’d only cost 500 ryo for the insulation. The cloth was a bit more expensive clocking in at 3000 ryo. “Oh and I almost forgot I’ll need one leather 10’x10’ sheet at well.” she said adding another 500 ryo to the tally. In total it would cost her 13,000 ryo out of the 53,900 she had on hand.

    Taking her wallet out of the pouch she quickly counted the amount out and handed it to Natsuru. She’d had her heart set on getting a Resonating Echo Speaker so that she could embed the technology into her batons but she didn’t have enough money to buy one of those AND outfit her friends. In the end her friends would always come first.

    “If tis a secret then let me know when the time is right and we can split up for a bit. I can pick up some weapons while you’re doing whatever.” said Ryuko who was feeling intensely curious about whatever it was that Natsuru didn’t want her to see, but not curious enough to try tailing her friend. At least not when she knew she’d almost certainly be caught trying.

    Ryuko's Ninja Card

    Strength: B
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A-> A++ (Arch Angel's Tiara)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: B
    Andariel Bloodworth
    Andariel Bloodworth

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    Class: B
    Ryo: 0

    Kumogakure Marketplace Topic Empty Re: Kumogakure Marketplace Topic

    Post by Andariel Bloodworth Thu Dec 21, 2017 3:46 am

    Natsuru took mental notes of what Ryuko needed. They were fairly basic materials overall and nothing too out of the ordinary to remember. They were quite common to be purchased with each other. Iron, leather, stuffing, and cloth. It was quite obvious Ryuko was an armorer. She was quite excited to know Ryuko was making them another set of armor. Something about wearing armor made her feel more official, as well as secure. Knowing her crafting has obviously improved she could not wait to see her new set of armor. "Hope you've been lifting.
    That's an awful lot to carry. Maybe we can get it delivered."
    Regardless, Natsuru accepted Ryuko's cash. She would work something out somehow. She would lead Ryuko to the hardware store before entering in herself. The interior smelled like rust and lumber. Not much was on display, aside from a few basic tools. The raw material were held in the back room where the rest of the employees worked to keep it organized and fetch orders. Natsuru would approach the counter where the clerk turned, passing Natsuru a wide smile.

    "Hello there, Natsu-san. How are you doing today?" The man was a little over middle aged with a tall frame and weathered muscles. He looked like a man whom spent his young years doing manual labor. Natsuru leaned over the counter with her arms folder allowing her chest to rest upon them. "Good evening, Takashi-kun. I'm doing just fine. Got out of the springs and had some lunch before stopping by here. I am currently in recovery from a mission." The man would open his eyes in surprise, genuinely curious about her life. "No kidding? I hope you're alright." She would give a small shrug in response, straightening up her posture. "Nothing but a few pokes. The doctor fixed me up. Alas,
    I have at least a week to recover. So I figured I might get some crafts done.
    I need sixty pounds of iron in ingots, twelve sheets of linen, one sheet of leather, and about twenty pounds of horsehair."
    Takashi wrote down her order intently. "Could you have it delivered to...my house?"

    Natsuru had forgotten to ask where Ryuko lived, but it was no biggie. She could just swing by. They had to live close unless Ryuko was in a rural part of the the land of lightning, which she highly doubt. "It's my pleasure to serve. Tell Shizuku to stop by some time." Natsuru would smile and nod before turning the other way and heading back out the door. There, she hoped to find Ryuko waiting. "It's done. The material should be shipped to my house. 8184 Himeko Avenue in the Sky Construct. Until then, I will see you around." Natsuru would depart from Ryuko from there. She had to buy her own goodies, which were meant to be a surprise to Shimiko and Ryuko. After that should would immediately get to crafting them. Natsuru would be extra cautious of her surroundings, ensuring Ryuko or Shimiko were not nearby before making her purchase. Upon doing so, she would leave the market and head to her house.

    [Exit --> Sky Construct]

    Strength: C++
    Constitution: C (B w/Living Exp and Oni)
    Stamina: B
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    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    Kumogakure Marketplace Topic Empty Re: Kumogakure Marketplace Topic

    Post by Ryuko Thu Dec 21, 2017 4:23 pm

    Ryuko had to admit that her friend had a point.  Eighty plus pounds was quite a bit to carry even for someone who had slightly above average strength.  It wasn’t that she couldn’t carry it if she really wanted to but it would be a real work out and quickly tire her out given her stamina was still quite normal.

    “Delivery would be nice.” said Ryuko as she wandeded over to a weapons booth and picked up 15 feet of ninja wire which was dirt cheap at only 100 ryo.  She could have gotten more but this was plenty for the jutsu she wanted to train.   Then she grabbed a Fuuma Shuriken for 3000 ryo and attached it to her belt by the loop until she could figure out a better storage solution.

    By the time she was finished getting her new weapons it seemed Natsuru was ready to wrap up as she told her she had the supplies ordered and on the way to her house which gave Ryuko the perfect excuse to visit.  As luck would have it they lived right in the same neighborhood only a few streets apart.

    “Many thanks. I can’t wait to get to work.” said Ryuko cheerfully as she skipped her way out of the market place.

    [exit - to workshop]

    Ryuko's Ninja Card

    Strength: B
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A-> A++ (Arch Angel's Tiara)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: B

    Posts : 275
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    Age : 24

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    Class: A
    Ryo: 494,950

    Kumogakure Marketplace Topic Empty Re: Kumogakure Marketplace Topic

    Post by Sakata Mon Dec 25, 2017 6:41 pm

    Simon's initial plans involved heading on into this economic district, getting some stuff, seeing if someone could produce something out of the material, and leaving... but things didn't go as planned. Before he knew it, he was strolling on into one of the blacksmith shops.

    "Eh. I'm not getting much. Just one Super Vibrato--whatever. The sword, right? That's what I want please---oh, and a baldric, and a backpack." Simon remarks, glancing at some of the demonstrations of what smith #39 was capable of. It wasn't long before the smith emerged from the back of their shop from a hot room, presumably containing their forge, and bearing what he wanted. He forked over his ryo, then took the weapon of refined craftsmanship into his grasp.

    The male eyed it, squinting curiously and letting out various hmmms. After abit, he glances up, nodding and offering his traditional grin that stretched from ear to ear. With a brief demonstration of dexterity, the male twisted and shifted it about in a showy nature, then secured it in a reverse grip.

    He attached the baldric, and shortly after, headed out with the weapon secured in it, and an empty backpack in his grasp. Fashioned with a dull yellow tone, and black zippers.

    -20,100 ryo

    Kumogakure Marketplace Topic 7c48c66a96290cfc1ccdef3c0cd48325
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    Sora Inazuma
    Sora Inazuma

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    Kumogakure Marketplace Topic Empty Re: Kumogakure Marketplace Topic

    Post by Sora Inazuma Sat Jan 13, 2018 2:42 pm

    Sora walked into the shop with his hands in his pockets and letting out a huge ass yawn. He was sleeping all the before he walked towards the the stand.

    He started grabbing some weapons he needed for mission and traing
    He took:
    2 trench knives 6.000 ryo
    2 15 m steel wire 200 ryo
    10 kunai 1.000 ryo
    20 shuriken 2.000 ryo
    2 hip pouches 100 ryo
    2 holsters 50 ryo

    total 9.350 ryo

    Sora calmly laid down the money and placed everything in the holsters and pouches before walking away again making a simple wrist flick salute to the shop keeper as thank you good bye.

    Kumogakure Marketplace Topic Ea36b6acb20c4315cb2d59a1b7794b16

    Kumogakure Marketplace Topic Empty Re: Kumogakure Marketplace Topic

    Post by Guest Sun Jan 14, 2018 1:25 pm

    Deciding that now of all times would be a good time to stock up on some supplies, Morikawa walks into the shop in a rather hurried pace. He already knew what to buy as he already had the list in his mind. So least to say he was rather quick and efficient on purchasing the following items:

    2 Kunai (200 Ryo)
    2 Flash Bomb (2k Ryo)
    2 Chili Pepper Bomb (2k Ryo)
    5 Generic Sealing Scroll (5k Ryo)
    1 Backpack (50 Ryo)
    1 Hip Pouch (50 Ryo)
    1 Medikit (5k Ryo)
    1 Military Ration Pills (5k Ryo)
    50 Vials (500 Ryo)
    10 Small Flask (500 Ryo)
    10 Medium Flask (1k Ryo)
    10 Large Flask (1.5k Ryo)

    Total Ryo Spent: 22,800 Ryo

    Once Morikawa bought these items and stored them in the backpack for the big handheld items and the others such as the kunai, bombs, and vials in the hip pouch. Then Morikawa would depart from the store in search of his students.

    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

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    Kumogakure Marketplace Topic Empty Re: Kumogakure Marketplace Topic

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Tue Apr 24, 2018 2:15 pm

    Shimiko walked into the marketplace intent on buying some materials to start crafting. She had just just recovered from her stay at the hospital and was now looking forward to getting some quality time in her forge constructing instruments of death and torture. The blonde girl waltzed into the marketplace feeling rather chipper and purchased 20lbs worth of steel for 10,000 ryo. She collected the material in a sturdy wagon and then had it carted off to her forge.

    Steel | 20lbs for 10,000 ryo


    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

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    Kumogakure Marketplace Topic Empty Re: Kumogakure Marketplace Topic

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Wed Apr 25, 2018 4:12 pm

    Shimiko doubled back and decided she also wanted to buy some Jade. She purchased 15,000 worth placed them in her wagon and left.

    Jade | 15,000 ryo per 10 lbs



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    Kumogakure Marketplace Topic Empty Re: Kumogakure Marketplace Topic

    Post by Sakata Fri Apr 27, 2018 10:59 pm

    Simon ambles along at a slow pace, his hands tucked into his pockets and his gaze directed forth as he shuffles along. Once he shows up at the destination, the Kageyama gives a good look at the outside of the location, before sauntering on in. With a few chin rubs here and there, and some brief glances at his wallet and what he was willing to spend, he finally decides on what his purchase will be.

    Five-Way Kunai [x2] (-6,000)
    Multi-Way Shuriken [x2] (-10,000)
    Steel Wire [x5 / 75 feet] (-500)
    Hip Pouch [x1] (-50)
    Holster [x2] (-50)
    Kunai [x10] (-1,000)
    Shuriken [x5] (-500)
    Smoke Bomb [x3] (-3,000)
    Caltrops [x15] (-150)

    With a total of 21,250 Ryo spent on equipment, and Simon's wallet still pleased, he slips out of the store, primarily to store some of his newfound belongings away.


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    Andariel Bloodworth
    Andariel Bloodworth

    Posts : 368
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    Class: B
    Ryo: 0

    Kumogakure Marketplace Topic Empty Re: Kumogakure Marketplace Topic

    Post by Andariel Bloodworth Sat Apr 28, 2018 12:11 am

    It was the day after her party with her friends. She had full motivation to craft her friends some new gimmicks after spending time with them and reuniting once again. She spent the evening brainstorming on some useful accessories that could aide them on the field as well as thoughtful gifts they could use every day. Approaching the general goods store Natsuru would buy a variety of common metals, rare metals, lumber, and components necessary for what she had planned. Leaving the establishment she would hurry home to work on her creations.


    10 lbs Iron - 1,500 ryo
    20 lbs Steel - 5,000 ryo
    10 lbs Jade - 7,500 ryo
    50 lbs Glass - 500 ryo
    15 ft Pipe - 1,250 ryo
    2 Canisters Pressurized Air - 2,500 ryo
    2 Logs - 500 ryo

    Net Total: 18,750 ryo


    Strength: C++
    Constitution: C (B w/Living Exp and Oni)
    Stamina: B
    Speed: C
    Coordination: C
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: B

    Posts : 275
    Join date : 2017-11-15
    Age : 24

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Raiton, Chemistry, Kenjutsu, Ijutsu
    Class: A
    Ryo: 494,950

    Kumogakure Marketplace Topic Empty Re: Kumogakure Marketplace Topic

    Post by Sakata Sun May 13, 2018 2:17 pm

    The Chuunin steps into the hefty establishment to purchase just one thing he had on his mind. A purchase that would do nothing but good for his wallet. The heavily-awaited for chemistry station..! He eagerly shifts his gaze about the common goods store until he locks his eyes upon it, and immediately lays claim upon just what he was waiting for all along. The thing that he had finally saved up enough for.

    Simon slaps the fat load of ryo at his disposal upon the table and shifts his head in the direction of the chemistry station, making it clear what he intended to purchase--vocalizing it as well. "That's all I'll be taking." He remarks. After getting it paid for and what not, Simon works away at mostly tugging it out of the store, heading home with what he'd been wanting for awhile.


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    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

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    Kumogakure Marketplace Topic Empty Re: Kumogakure Marketplace Topic

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Wed May 16, 2018 11:20 pm

    Shimiko went into the store to buy some more Jade. She got 20lbs of Jade and put it in her wagon. She then went off to her forge.

    Jade | 15,000 ryo per 20 lbs (Kumo Bonus)


    Sora Inazuma
    Sora Inazuma

    Posts : 52
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    Class: D
    Ryo: 0

    Kumogakure Marketplace Topic Empty Re: Kumogakure Marketplace Topic

    Post by Sora Inazuma Sat May 26, 2018 4:57 pm

    Sora walked calmly into the market place and bought he got about 10 lbs of steel

    Steel | 5,000 ryo for 10 lbs

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    Ryo: 20,000

    Kumogakure Marketplace Topic Empty Re: Kumogakure Marketplace Topic

    Post by Kye Mon Jul 02, 2018 6:09 am

    Iro would enter the market district shortly after settling in, and getting over her cold. The drastic weather change did a number on her body. Fortunately she was able to recover nicely. Iro would buy a variety of weapons and tools to help her on the field. She was willing to arm herself better than before given her new conditions.

    Bo Staff | 1,500 ryo
    Shuriken | 100 ryo x10
    Kunai | 100 ryo x15
    Explosive Tag | 1,500 ryo x10
    Flash Bomb | 1,000 ryo ea. x3
    Smoke Bomb | 1,000 ryo ea. x3
    Chili Pepper Bomb | 1,000 ryo ea. x3
    Baldric | 50 ryo ea.
    Hip Pouch | 50 ryo ea.
    Holster | 25 ryo ea.
    Ink Pot 50mls | 200 ryo ea.
    Ink Pot 125mls | 400 ryo ea. x2
    Ink Brush | 50 ryo ea.
    Blank Sealing Paper | 10 ryo ea. x30
    Small Blank Scroll | 500 ryo ea. x2
    Medium Blank Scroll | 1,000 ryo ea. x3
    Large Blank Scroll | 3,000 ryo ea. x2
    Sealing Ink Pen | 100 ryo ea.
    Sealing Chisel | 1,000 ryo ea.
    Military Ration Pills | 5,000 ryo
    Medikit | 5,000 ryo ea.
    Leather Arm Guards | 5,000 ryo


    Character Sheet:

    Kumogakure Marketplace Topic Image-URL-3
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    Kumogakure Marketplace Topic Empty Re: Kumogakure Marketplace Topic

    Post by Ryuko Fri Jul 27, 2018 7:45 pm

    Ryuko sighed as she brought her goods to the check out counter, 10 measly lbs of insolation which was far more then what she needed for her current project and 3 cloth sheets

    There was more stuff she wanted to buy but Jade and Ebony where extremely expensive so she would rather wait until she had Natsuru with her in order to cut down her costs and take her money further. Completeing her purcahse she went home to begin crafting.


    Insulation | 500 ryo per 10 lbs Cotton, Horse Hair, Plant Fiber, etc.
    Cloth | 500 ryo ea. 10'x10' x 3

    Total = 2000 ryo

    Ryuko's Ninja Card

    Strength: B
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A-> A++ (Arch Angel's Tiara)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: B
    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

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    Join date : 2017-09-21

    Kumogakure Marketplace Topic Empty Re: Kumogakure Marketplace Topic

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Sat Aug 04, 2018 2:01 pm

    Shimiko walked in to buy some materials for her Sensishi Needles. She bought 20lbs of steel for 5,000 ryo (Kumo Bonus). Then she left.

    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

    Posts : 2318
    Join date : 2017-09-21

    Kumogakure Marketplace Topic Empty Re: Kumogakure Marketplace Topic

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Fri Aug 10, 2018 2:55 am

    Shimiko's clone walked in and bought the following items:

    3x Transducers - 7,500
    3x Pressurized Air - 3,750
    1x Resonating Echo Speaker - 10,000
    10bs Ebony - 15,000
    50lbs Steel - 12,500

    Total: 48,750

    (Kumo Bonus in effect)

    The clone then took the materials and left.


    Village : Kumogakure
    Posts : 385
    Join date : 2018-08-03
    Age : 32
    Location : The Abyss of the Whispers for Eternity

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Kuchiyôse, Iijutsu, Ninjutsu, Fuuinjutsu; Ototon, Stormztrohm
    Class: S
    Ryo: ~

    Kumogakure Marketplace Topic Empty Re: Kumogakure Marketplace Topic

    Post by KhaixRozary Thu Aug 16, 2018 1:03 pm

    Along my journey of patrols, I finally found the market place which held a benevolent number of supplies within the village for shinobi to purchase and utilize. I searched thier wares and found all which was intriguing for I. There wasn't much I needed to buy, however I inquired the Resonating Echo Speakers. I didn't have enough to purchase the ones which were stock and fully crafted. 'Oh no. Those won't do. They are way too heavy for my form because of the acclimation of the metal which they were crafted with.' I begin to search through the supplies wondering if I could craft them with other materials other than metal. With the cloudian avail, I was able to find a way to make them light weight and effeciently cheaper. They would be the same grade and provide the same benefits, excellently without the metals. After I was finished. I picked up the supplies and placed them on the counter, pleading thr crafter to make the same Resonators, only with wood and plant materials. She gallantly accepted and began swift work manifolding the items into the Resonance Echo Speakers. I gifted her the appropiate ryo and left the shop in joyous glee, acquiring a prominent discount for the crafted items.


    Kumogakure Marketplace Topic Kumoga10

    Opening of the Whylds, the unsealing of the Clouds...:

    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Posts : 2179
    Join date : 2017-09-29

    Kumogakure Marketplace Topic Empty Re: Kumogakure Marketplace Topic

    Post by Ryuko Fri Aug 17, 2018 10:51 pm

    It was funny really how things tended to repeat themselves. It wasn't that long ago that Ryuko had last been here and yet here she was again buying the exact same thing she had last time just so she could make another set of the same damn thing all over again just with a different recepiant. She had to be quick because they'd been leaving on their mission soon. scooping up the goods she made her way back home to begin crafting.

    Insulation | 500 ryo per 10 lbs Cotton, Horse Hair, Plant Fiber, etc.
    Cloth | 500 ryo ea. 10'x10' x 3

    Total = 2000 ryo

    Ryuko's Ninja Card

    Strength: B
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A-> A++ (Arch Angel's Tiara)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: B

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