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    Showing the Ropes [Mission]

    Yoru Slim
    Yoru Slim

    Posts : 72
    Join date : 2019-12-24

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Kugutsu, Genjutsu, Ijutsu
    Class: D
    Ryo: 0

    Showing the Ropes [Mission] Empty Showing the Ropes [Mission]

    Post by Yoru Slim Thu Jan 02, 2020 7:05 pm

    Mission Info:

    Yoru took the mission slip from the Mizukage's office, looking it over. It was working in tandem with the academy again, only this time, helping a single student learn the daily life of a Genin. It made Yoru wonder what there really was to show. He had been working so far as a one-man utility force taking as many D-Ranked missions as he could, but at the end of the day those missions, while helpful and certainly a contribution to village society, didn't really amount to much. Ultimately, though, Yoru accepted the task and made his way down the streets to the Academy. The place was particularly bustling during this time of year it seemed. With all the hub-bub that came with the Chunin Exams, all the students advancing into Genin were eager to make a name for themselves- even if they were disqualified from competing.

    Yoru met the academy headmaster and chatted with him for a short while. The young boy he was teaching, a lad named Izuno, was going to be paired up with him today. It seemed simple enough. The stranger was more on the quiet and introverted side, suiting Yoru fine. This would all go faster if neither of them really tried to deal with any form of small talk. With Izuno under his wing, Yoru would begin patrolling the walls of Kirigakure, looking out from the parapets over the coast and towns that dotted the archipelago hiding the village hidden in the mist. He introduced the boy to some of the other Genin he might be working with, brought him through the Markets to say hi to some of the frequent clients of the Hokage's office, and even showed him some basic applications of ninutsu that could help speed up the mundane D-Rank missions.

    All in all, Yoru took the boy through a day in his life, as well as all the tips and tricks that came with it. When the sun began to set, Yoru would take Izuno back to his home, escorting him and wishing him good luck ahead of his graduation from the academy. With that, he would return to the Mizukage's office to collect his payment

    +20 EXP (Mission Post + Completion)
    +10k Ryo

    Yoru Information:

      Current date/time is Sun Jun 30, 2024 1:00 pm