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    Showing the Ropes

    Ryu Uzumaki
    Ryu Uzumaki
    Mist Genin
    Mist Genin

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 70
    Join date : 2024-04-05
    Age : 36

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Suiton
    Class: D
    Ryo: About that much

    Showing the Ropes Empty Showing the Ropes

    Post by Ryu Uzumaki Wed May 29, 2024 8:36 am

    Ryu lazily unrolled the mission scroll and skimmed through it. "Easy enough," he muttered to himself, rubbing his eyes. He rolled the scroll back up and stuffed it into his pocket. "Alright, let's get this over with." He made his way to the Academy, his usual unhurried pace making the journey feel longer than it was. When he arrived, the head instructor greeted him with a smile and a nod. "Good morning, Ryu. We’re pairing our soon-to-be Genin with older Shinobi today. You’ll be taking one of our students around the village, showing them your daily duties. If you can, involve your friends to give the student a broader perspective." Ryu nodded, suppressing a yawn. "Got it. Where's the kid?"

    The instructor pointed to a young student standing off to the side, looking both excited and nervous. Ryu walked over, giving the student a lazy wave. "Hey there. I'm Ryu," he said. "What's your name?" The student straightened up and replied, "My name is Kenta. Nice to meet you, Ryu-sensei!" Ryu chuckled. "Just Ryu is fine. Alright, Kenta, let's get started." They began their walk through the village. Ryu figured the best way to start was to show Kenta the basics of a shinobi's daily life. As they walked, Ryu pointed out various places and people of interest. "This is the marketplace," Ryu said, gesturing to the bustling area. "We often come here for supplies. As a shinobi, you'll need to know where to find things quickly."

    Kenta nodded eagerly, absorbing every word. They continued their tour, stopping at a few key locations. At the training grounds, Ryu demonstrated some basic exercises and techniques, explaining their importance in maintaining physical readiness. "Training is a big part of our lives," Ryu explained, effortlessly performing a series of shuriken throws. "You'll spend a lot of time here, honing your skills." Kenta tried a few throws himself, and Ryu gave him pointers on improving his technique. As they moved on, they encountered a few of Ryu's friends, other Genin who were also out on various errands. Ryu introduced Kenta to them, and they shared their own experiences and tips for a new Genin.

    One of Ryu's friends, a kunoichi named Yara, showed Kenta how she used stealth and agility in her missions. Another friend, Hiro, demonstrated some of his favorite jutsu, impressing Kenta with his control over elemental techniques. Ryu could see that Kenta was enjoying himself and learning a lot from the different perspectives. They even stopped by the mission office, where Ryu picked up a simple errand mission, explaining the process of accepting and completing missions. "Every mission, no matter how small, is important," Ryu said as they walked away from the office. "They all contribute to the village and your growth as a shinobi."

    As the day went on, they took a break at a local teahouse. Over tea and snacks, Ryu and Kenta talked more casually about what it meant to be a shinobi. Ryu shared some of his own experiences, the challenges he'd faced, and the lessons he'd learned. "Being a shinobi isn't just about fighting and missions," Ryu said. "It's also about protecting the village and helping people. It's about teamwork and trust." Kenta listened intently, clearly inspired by Ryu's words. When the sun began to set, they made their way back to the Academy. The head instructor was waiting for them, and Kenta looked both tired and exhilarated. "Thank you, Ryu," Kenta said, bowing respectfully. "I learned a lot today."

    Ryu smiled and ruffled Kenta's hair. "You did great, Kenta. Keep practicing and stay curious. You'll make a fine Genin." Ryu reported back to the mission office, summarizing the day’s activities. The mission handler nodded approvingly and handed Ryu a pouch with 10,000 Ryo. "Good work, Ryu. It sounds like Kenta had a valuable experience." Ryu accepted the payment with a casual smile. "Thanks," he said, turning to leave. He walked away with a sense of fulfillment, knowing he had helped guide the next generation of shinobi, all while keeping things as relaxed and enjoyable as possible.

    Exit Thread

    Mission Completed

    Ryu Uzumaki
    Strength: C
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: C -> B
    Speed: C
    Coordination: C
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: C

      Current date/time is Fri Jun 28, 2024 3:16 am