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    Post by Riku Thu May 16, 2019 7:05 pm

    Riku felt numb. Facing the events of six years prior had overwhelmed her limited capacity to handle difficult emotions. She and her sister had been failed by the people closest to them when they were at their most vulnerable. Taji had been young, only twenty seven, but Riku had been seven. Tsughi was five. They needed their mother back then, when they were clinging to each other and crying over grief that they were too young to process alone. Instead, they were alone and huddled, until their eyes dried and their throats were raw. Time dragged on agonizingly slow as they quickly became dehydrated and began to revert to their liquid forms. Riku turned into a thick, gelatinous blob first because she'd used water from her body to try and help Tsughi. By the time help came, they were both half-dried jelly, clinging so tightly they couldn't be separated. Their bodies had mixed.

    Riku barely remembered the incident now, she did remember the emptiness and loneliness that had come with it, however. She recalled waking up in the hospital still half fused to her little sister and the blur of healing chakra, medicinal baths, and Anzu's repeated apologies. She had come after not hearing from Taji, but she should have come sooner. The words were light, like cheap plastic baubles, bouncing off of the ill children.

    Afterwards, they watched their mother fade day by day, like some sort of ghost. Unresponsive, also in the hospital, but not nearly as physically damaged by her own retreat from reality. The mental and emotional damage may have been greater. All the while, Kishi, who didn't live as far as Anzu had been absent, leaving Taji with minimal support from their extended family. Perhaps with at least one shoulder to cry on, Taji wouldn't have broken down without finding someone to care for the girls first. Would have been able to get help sooner.

    Maybe if Anzu hadn't distanced them from the clan, Taji could have worked through her grief with people who remembered her dead husband. The reason for this particular tragedy, for the lack of remembrance was still unknown.


    The question pressed on her harder than the pressure of the lake.

    Riku didn't know when she had gone into the water and become one with it nor how long she'd been there. She'd just known that her throat hurt and felt so dry no amount of drinking would help. The pressure was comfortable, almost soothing.

    Some time later, she fell on the shore, soaking wet, hair plastered to her face, cheek pressed to the ground. When had she crawled from the depths of the lake? Who knew.

    Shakily, the blue-haired teen pushed herself to her feet and began to shuffle on aimlessly. Her eyes were vacant, unseeing as she moved. Her mind didn't register her surroundings until there was a door in front of her.

    Smelling of the lake and salt, smudged with dirt and leaves, and so, so tired, Riku arrived at Satori's front door. Her forehead landed on the wood with a near-inaudible thud.




    Satori Ryuutei
    Satori Ryuutei

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    Post by Satori Ryuutei Thu May 16, 2019 7:06 pm

    Satori’s nose was the first to alert him of her presence. Crimson eyes opening to examine his surroundings briefly as her familiar scent filled his senses. Lifting his head once his gaze focused on the door of the bedroom with a yawn. It was odd for her to come by so late. It made him contemplate the idea that perhaps she had needed a place after all… the talk may not have gone as well as he’d hoped.

    Stepping forward he pushed the bedroom door open, shirtless, not that it mattered before his hands gripped the doorknob to the primary entrance. Blinking at the thunk his brow furrowed as he carefully opened the door, and quickly caught her before she could fall in. She smelled of lake mud and salt. Exhausted. She must have been wandering about outdoors.

    Opening a hand he gently pushed the blue curls from her smudged face. Lips pressing briefly to her own.

    “It’s ok,” he murmured simply, before lifting her up into his arms. Pulling her against his chest and using a foot to close the door before turning and walking toward the bathroom with her.


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    Post by Riku Thu May 16, 2019 7:06 pm

    Riku blinked, stirring a bit as Satori kissed her and swept her off her feet. By the time she processed that she wasn’t alone through the mental fog, the man was already walking into the bathroom. She put one hand on his chest, fingers curling as if trying to grip a shirt. Finding only skin, she let her curled hand rest against him, face turning towards the source of warmth.

    Being liquefied in the lake earlier meant that she was both exhausted from pulling herself back together (in a literal sense) and that her skin was permeated with the smell of the body of water she’d retreated to. She was cold, soaked to the bone, and clammy, not that the blue-haired young woman was very aware of it. Satori was warm and his scent comforting, beyond that, Riku perceived little else.

    Distantly, she mustered enough focus to feel ashamed for being so weak, for running from confrontation and nearly dissolving in a lake to avoid facing such difficult emotions. Her eyes closed as she pressed her face into Satori’s skin, as if trying to meld with him, too.




    Satori Ryuutei
    Satori Ryuutei

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    Post by Satori Ryuutei Thu May 16, 2019 7:07 pm

    Satori’s eyes softened as the young woman clung to him silently. Fingertips caressing her clammy body gently as he moved into the bathroom fully. Tucking her easily into one large arm as his other extended to run the tub with hot water. Carefully tossing in herbs and vitamins into the water along with a bit of salt, she needed it if she sat in fresh water this whole time. If she diluted her body too much she’d be in just as bad a state as being dehydrated.

    After it was full he gently stripped them both before falling into the waters with her, fingers caressing through her hair gently as he settled her in his lap and let her curl against him. He had an idea of what had happened. But if he pushed her too hard right now she’d just shut down as well. It would be better to let her initiate, unless he had no choice.

    So Satori remained silent. His fingertips caressed her neck gently, resting his arm around her protectively as his cheek placed itself atop her head quietly. He was a patient man when it came to things like this. When she was ready, she’d tell him a bit, and from there he could gently egg her on and do what he could to help her.


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    Post by Riku Thu May 16, 2019 7:08 pm

    Once they were in the water, Riku felt her body still. Only then did she realize she had been shivering. Her body began to relax in Satori's grasp, letting itself be shaped by his larger one. Water would change form to fit its container, Riku would alter her position to fit her partner.

    Her body softened as the heat soaked in, becoming less solid to allow the bath's ingredients to soak in. She rolled over until her face was buried in his chest, blue hair flowing unnaturally as it too liquefied partially. Riku stayed where she was, in the tall man's lap, body compressing itself to become smaller.

    After a while, a soft sigh was the first sound she made. Maybe ten or twenty minutes after that, when she had warmed fully and her salt balance was restored, the teen lifted her head to look up.

    This wasn't the hospital. It smelled different, familiar, like home. There were no bright lights, no bare, white walls nor curtains cordoning off stiff hospital beds.

    Her vision came into focus as she blinked a few times and remembered how to solidify her eyes fully.

    "Tori?" Riku's voice was quiet and a bit tougher than normal, as if she'd been drinking sand. Finally, she seemed to recognize him.




    Satori Ryuutei
    Satori Ryuutei

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    Post by Satori Ryuutei Thu May 16, 2019 7:08 pm

    Satori smiled softly as she finally responded to him. His fingertips gently catching her chin as he leaned down and pressed his lips against her own fondly.

    “Riku,” he murmured simply in greeting as his forehead pressed against her own gently. Holding her against him as his fingertips played through her hair slowly.

    “Feeling a bit better hm?” Satori inquired before his hand extended, grabbing a nearby canteen of water and placing it in her hands to sip from firmly. Her body absorbed the liquid well, but it wasn’t the same as her properly hydrating herself either. Still, Satori didn’t ask the question, his eyes silently met her own hazy gaze.

    It was her choice if she wanted to talk. If she didn't want to, then he’d take the next step. But he wanted to give her the option to talk to him, to confide in him, first.


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    Post by Riku Thu May 16, 2019 7:08 pm

    This time, Riku kissed him back and leaned her forehead against his. Something stirred within her, a pulling sensation that seemed to suck everything towards its center, longing. She set her hand on his stomach just to feel his skin under her palm. Her free hand had a canteen of water in it and Satori was speaking again.

    Her brows furrowed. She sipped at the water and struggled to think. The blue haired young woman still felt as though she were submerged, with gallons of water pressing down on her. Everything seemed too slow and distant. Riku squinted, ears straining to catch Satori's words.

    "I…" was she better? "I don't know."

    His face came into focus again. She took another drink from the canteen, fingers grasping it tightly. Riku was holding on, for what, she didn't know.

    "I met Kishi-oji…" the teen explained. "He… said some things and… and I talked to Okaa-san… she… I don't know… it was too much."

    A frown crossed her face.

    "It was good but then it wasn't. She said she would do better but that doesn't make it go away. I still don't understand why." A frustrated sigh cut off her speech. "I still don't understand why we left the clan. I left to get some space to think. And then I was… in water. I got out and then I was here."

    The words were hard to string together. What parts of the events that had transpired hours ago mattered? Which painful details would she dredge to the surface?

    She squirmed in an attempt to get out of the tub. Why was she still in it? Her body slid over the edge of the tub and pooled on the floor. The thick puddle transformed back into the young woman, leaving her naked but mostly dry. She sniffed again.

    "This isn't the hospital…." Riku looked around, confused. The past and present were mixing in uncomfortable ways and she wasn't entirely sure which was which.




    Satori Ryuutei
    Satori Ryuutei

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    Post by Satori Ryuutei Thu May 16, 2019 7:09 pm

    Satori watched her quietly as she gradually began to come to her senses--sort of. It was clear she was still greatly confused and wasn’t entirely aware of her surroundings just yet. Grunting, Satori simply hauled himself out of the tub alongside her as he gently took the canteen, placing it to the side for now as he wrapped her up in a towel.

    “You came here subconsciously, likely. Seeking a place that was safe. Don’t think about it, for now, Riku, your mind is too confused,” his hands lifted once she was dry and wrapped in the towel, cupping her face gently as he offered a smile.

    “Let’s just sleep. Tomorrow we’ll talk when your mind is clear,” he murmured simply, before kissing her and scooping her up in his arm. As he did so he idly walked toward the door of the bathroom and bit into his thumb, placing it against the wall as he walked as the burst of smoke filled the air. A small cat appearing as it yawned visibly and blinked up at him in confusion.

    Reaching into a jar, he tossed the cat a mouse before smiling softly. “Go tell Taji that Riku is safe with me, please,” he requested as the cat picked up the payment and nodded once. Flickering off toward the catdoor as Satori turned and moved toward the bedroom with Riku in his arms. No need for Taji to drive herself insane.

    He had a general idea of the situation now. But it also meant talking about it with Riku like this was foolhardy. Once she’d slept in his arms and recovered a bit mentally and emotionally, they’d talk.


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    Post by Riku Thu May 16, 2019 7:09 pm

    "Mmm," Riku hummed quietly in agreement. She didn't protest being cared for like a small child and acquiesced to being dried, comforted, and carried around. She snuggled into Satori's arms as he carried her to bed and placed a soft kiss on his chest before nuzzling. Relaxing, Riku let her head rest against him while he took care of everything else.

    A yawn made its way past her lips, highlighting just how tired she was.

    "Can we sleep naked?" the teen asked, probably the most coherent thing she'd said since arriving.




    Satori Ryuutei
    Satori Ryuutei

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    Post by Satori Ryuutei Thu May 16, 2019 7:10 pm

    “We can,” he responded with simply. Kissing the top of her head and pulling her into the bed with him. Wrapping his arms around her as he pulled her into his chest. Fingertips caressing her lovingly as his eyes softened.

    “Just sleep, for now, Riku-chan,” he murmured into her ear before his lips pressed into the nape of her neck. “You’re safe,” he promised firmly. With those words he closed his eyes and allowed himself to slowly relax against her with a slight smile. Even if she was clearly under emotional duress, it was nice, just holding her.

    Tomorrow was a new day. For now, he’d enjoy her scent, and knowing she was safe in his arms.


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    Post by Riku Thu May 16, 2019 7:18 pm

    Riku settled into bed and scooted back to get as much skin on skin with Satori as possible before curling up. She sighed quietly, content to be in his arms. The blue haired teen didn't need to know anything else, she was with Tori and safe. Letting herself drift was the easiest thing she'd done that night.

    The female genin woke up several hours later, warm and comfortable. She yawned and began to uncurl a bit. Slowly, the events of the day before came back to her. Frowning, Riku realized she owed Satori an explanation, or perhaps several of them.

    She rolled over to face him and cuddled closer, peppering his skin with soft kisses. They would talk, yes, but not before enjoying waking up together first.




    Satori Ryuutei
    Satori Ryuutei

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    Post by Satori Ryuutei Thu May 16, 2019 7:19 pm

    Satori slowly opened his eyes as he felt her stirring in his arms, a grunt forming from his chest as one arm lifted briefly for her to re-adjust herself. Once she’d curled up against him once more his body relaxed and his arm dropped. Idly glancing down and smiling softly as she peppered him with soft kisses, lowering his lips and marking her neck softly in retaliation.

    “Morning,” he murmured to her gently with a smile, before he lifted a hand up from her waist to trail through her hair slowly. “Feeling better now?” he inquired, this time knowing she was far more coherent. The emotional shock of the entire situation had shut her down last night. He was just happy she’d come to him, really.

    The risk of her just wandering off had been high, and hell, she’d done that initially. Leaning down he nuzzled his nose briefly against her own, eyes soft. “What do you want for breakfast?” He asked simply as he gave her backside a light swat. A silent statement that they should probably get up to talk, and get proper nutrition in her. The vitamins in the bath had helped, but it wasn’t the same as real food.


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    Post by Riku Thu May 16, 2019 8:08 pm

    The bite to her neck earned Satori a soft gasp and moan.

    Face flushed, she nodded to indicate that she was indeed feeling better. The swat to her backside made Riku grumble and whine. Nevertheless, the young woman understood the message --time to get up.

    "Can we have miso soup with rice?" She asked before sitting up to swing her legs over the edge of the bed. Yawning again, Riku stretched her arms above her head and got up. The short young woman went over to Satori's dresser and began to look for something to wear, shamelessly stealing one of his shirts. She paused.

    "Saa-kun?" Riku looked over her shoulder. "What happened too my underwear?"




    Satori Ryuutei
    Satori Ryuutei

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    Post by Satori Ryuutei Thu May 16, 2019 8:11 pm

    Satori chuckled softly at her whines, but made it clear there was no getting around it. Lowering a hand to pet her head until she rose, following suit and rising up as he began to perform his morning stretches casually. Not concerned with shame either, he’d been raised in an environment where you fought one another nude. It was nothing that would ever cause him embarrassment or shame.

    Instead he nodded once to her request for breakfast, a simple meal like that would be easy to make. Stretching out his legs he glanced up as she paused and inquired about her underwear, Satori nodding toward the door.

    “On the rack to dry with the rest of your clothes. It should be ready now, I wanted to wash it since it smelled like lake mud.” As he explained this Satori stretched his arms over his head, grunting once before he straightened and moved toward the dresser. Reaching around her to pull out one of his shirts and a pair of underwear for himself so he could get dressed.

    “I’ll get some fish and tsukemono too,” he stated idly for the breakfast. They’d need more then some carbs likely, and they’d need a bigger proper meal to talk over anyway.


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    Post by Riku Thu May 16, 2019 8:12 pm

    Riku inclined her head in understanding. "Ah, thank you."

    The shirt she'd selected was like a dress, falling a bit past her knees. The teen pulled her fingers through her hair a few times in an attempt to ease the bed-head before padding out of the bedroom to get her undergarments.

    Once she was suitably dressed, Riku made her way to the kitchen and began gathering things to make tea. There was no avoiding the upcoming talk, but it would go down easier with a steaming cup of something relaxing.




    Satori Ryuutei
    Satori Ryuutei

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    Post by Satori Ryuutei Thu May 16, 2019 8:14 pm

    Satori went to work on the food while Riku prepared the tea. Placing the rice to cook over the stove along with a pot of water that he added a bit of dried miso paste he’d made himself into the water. The boiling liquid quickly went to work as Satori stirred the pot while the rice cooked, and the fish seared over the open flame slowly. Using their own skin as a bag to steam the meat inside with.

    Glancing down as Riku worked he smiled softly. She didn’t cook much since he usually took over before she could, but she was excellent when it came to tea and herbs. Something her mother had taught her he knew. Little things like that, would help her ease the shaking in her heart. He couldn’t blame Taji for what he had surmised she had done.

    He couldn’t say he wouldn’t do the same if he had been in her shoes, raised the way normal people were. The Ryuutei way of looking at the loss of loved ones was rare, and difficult for anyone not born in such an environment and raised in it every day to grasp. Human emotions were as dangerous as they were amazing.

    Once the meal was prepared, he placed them on the dishes and laid them out across the table before settling in, using the same chopsticks made from his grandfathers bones as he had that first day he had brought her over as he settled into his cushion across from her with a slight smile.

    “Thank you for the tea, Riku-chan,” he stated simply before he then placed his hands together and murmured a soft thanks to all the life that had been used to create the meal, and an apology for their loss. With this he used the chopsticks to easily separate a chunk of the fish, tossing it into his mouth as he gathered the bowl of rice in his hand.


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    Post by Riku Thu May 16, 2019 8:15 pm

    Riku brought the tea into the dining room and set it on the table before retrieving mugs. She was pretty sure they were carved bone, a pointed reminder of how the Ryuutei dealt with loss. Quietly, she paused and bowed her own head when Satori gave thanks for the food. Afterwards she prepared a mug of tea for each of them.

    "It's nothing," she murmured softly, giving Satori one of the drinks before taking her own seat.

    She took a spoonful of the soup and let its savory flavor coat her mouth before swallowing. Riku took a few bites of rice as well, but she didn't feel particularly hungry. Nevertheless, bits and pieces of the food disappeared into her stomach.

    Taking a break from trying to eat, the blue-haired teen focused on her tea. It was green tea with a bit of honey and a splash of milk. Smooth, strong, and sweet in flavor as well as having caffeine for energy. While she picked at her meal, Riku thought about what to say and how much detail was needed to make sure she was understood.

    "Yesterday was the first time I've seen Kishi-oji since I was seven. I don't think Tsu-chan remembers him at all. He looks so much like him." Her hands gripped the mug between them tightly.

    "We talked. It was hard, but it was good. He apologized for not offering us his support after… and told me that he waited until I was an adult to reach out because Kaa-san and Anzu-oba wanted to be separate from the clan. It's hard to remember being alone and waking up in the hospital and knowing someone could have come but didn't. It's almost worse knowing you could have had family to lean on but couldn't go to them…. I lost Tou-san and the rest of my family as well."

    Her eyes watered, but Riku pressed her lips together firmly, refusing to let tears fall. She absorbed them to keep the salty liquid contained.

    "I don't know how to feel."




    Satori Ryuutei
    Satori Ryuutei

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    Post by Satori Ryuutei Thu May 16, 2019 8:34 pm

    Satori’s eyes softened as the tears began to well up in her eyes. His hand extended to gently caress her cheek once she finished, stating that she didn’t know how to feel.

    “It’s not that you don’t know what to feel, Riku-chan. It’s that you don’t know if how you feel is right, no?” he inquired simply, looking into her eyes. She was depressed. Sad. Angry. But she didn’t know if that was ok to do. The entire situation, after all, was something that could be understood from any angle.

    Both her mother and her uncle had made mistakes, and had made choices that had negatively impacted Riku and Tsughi as well as helped them in some ways. It was impossible to judge if it was “ok” for her to be angry, or sad, or any other emotion. Satori simply smiled at her.

    “What did your mother tell you?” he asked simply, gently pushing her to keep talking. To let those emotions spill out. She was bottling them up, uncertain what to feel. The only way she was going to step forward was letting them out, all of them, bad or good. No overthinking, just… letting herself be human. Letting herself expose that raw, pained side of her heart she always kept cooped up.


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    Post by Riku Thu May 16, 2019 8:35 pm

    Taking a shaky breath, Riku answered, "She said that she shut down and didn't even know how much time had passed, that she was too scared to reach out to the clan and… she said she'd do better."

    The tea wasn't as soothing as the blue-haired young woman had hoped.

    "She didn't even realize we were getting sick until we were all in the hospital. We were… Tsu-chan was…."

    Her eyes watered. "How can I be angry with her when I failed Tsu-chan, too? She was dying and I couldn't do anything. I tried but it wasn't enough, I couldn't pull myself away from her to go get help and I didn't even know how much time was passing."

    Riku was shaking now. "It was days, Tori. I ran out of water to give Tsughi.. I was drying out and…" her throat tightened painfully, "we were fused together. I don't know when I lost track of everything but I woke up in a bath in the hospital. They were trying to get us apart before we solidified again."

    Her face felt wet. A quiet sob escaped. Perhaps the most traumatic part of losing her father had been grieving alone and falling dangerously ill from neglect and her bloodline.

    "It still hurts, Tori." She stiffened, trying to calm her breathing and absorb the tears.




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    Satori Ryuutei

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    Post by Satori Ryuutei Thu May 16, 2019 8:35 pm

    Satori’s eyes softened as she finally broke. The tears fell, and the sobs came with them, but that was a good thing. Even if it didn’t feel like it for her right now. His hand lifted, gently cupping her cheek in his palm and caressing her as he rose up from his seat and moved around to her. Gently pulling her head into his shoulder as he knelt down by her chair while she spoke.

    “What you did was more than many children would ever have been able to do after a loss like that, Riku,” he murmured to her softly. Fingertips playing gently through her hair as he kissed the side of her head.

    “It was no ones fault, and everyone's fault. That’s how most things are. You can’t blame your mother, but you can’t blame yourself either. Nor your uncle. You’ve all been hurt, and you all have regrets. You all could have done better. Everyone can always do better at their lowest. It’s part of being human. Be angry, be sad, hurt and grieve Riku,” as he spoke he gently pulled her head back from his chest to look into her teary eyes with a gentle smile.

    “Hurt and move forward. Talk to your mother. Tell her what you told me… tell her why it hurts. Tell her you want to reconnect with the family you still have, while you still can. Try to bring them together, and maybe they’ll be able to heal just a bit too.” His hands trailed down from her hair to cup her face within both his hands gently.

    “You’re strong enough, smart enough, to be the cornerstone. To make up for your weakness then, by being strong now… and bringing your family, all of them, back together. Wouldn’t your father want that, too?”


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    Post by Riku Thu May 16, 2019 8:36 pm

    Rather than answer, she buried her face into Satori's chest to hide her sobs. The tears were uncontrollable now and she could hardly think let alone talk. Riku's body shook with the force of her cries and the grief she had been repressing for so long seemed to erase everything else. She seemed to run out of tears for a moment before turning away from the spiky-haired man to throw up.

    The vomit was followed by more tears. Riku drew in on herself, still shuddering. Her whole body ached, her head throbbed, and her throat was raw. Not much else registered. The night before, she'd submersed herself in a lake to avoid feeling like this, but today that wasn't an option. It had been a bad idea the first time, nearly making her ill, and she knew Satori wouldn't just let her do it again.

    Eventually her body began to heave again, but only acid came out, followed by weaker sobs and dry heaving.

    Riku coughed and used the sleeve of her borrowed shirt to wipe her mouth.

    "Sorry," she said weakly. If she had looked better when they first got up, the blue-haired teen looked awful now. Her face was unusually pale and her eyes red and puffy. She sniffed.




    Satori Ryuutei
    Satori Ryuutei

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    Post by Satori Ryuutei Thu May 16, 2019 8:40 pm

    Satori continued to gently pet her as she finally broke down and let all the negative emotions pour out of her. She cried and threw up, and Satori simply rubbed her back through it all. Holding her blue curls and kissing the nape of her neck softly as he let her cry as much as she needed too. Eventually, as she weakly apologized, he gently lifted one of the cloths that acted as a napkin at the table to her nose.

    “Blow,” he murmured firmly, knowing it would hurt. But she needed to get the acid out of her nose and esophagus. Once she had, he wiped her face gently and tossed it into the puddle without a thought. Lifting the tea to her lips for her to sip as he kissed her forehead gently and smiled.

    “... You never need to apologize to me for feeling emotions, Riku,” he murmured gently before his lips pressed to her forehead. Taking steps to make her mind focus on something else so that she could slowly calm down. She’d let out the emotions, but now she needed to let herself relax for a bit.

    “Thank you,” he murmured softly to her in thanks for her lowering her walls, for talking to him and letting the emotions well out of her. It would hurt now. But in a day, maybe two, it would help her get her head on straight tremendously. His arms wrapped around her gently as he rested his chin on top of her head with a slight smile. “I love you,” he murmured softly to her, nuzzling his nose gently against the side of her throat.


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    Post by Riku Thu May 16, 2019 8:40 pm

    Once the pain lightened up some, she could feel Satori rubbing her back and stroking her hair, kissing her head.

    Rather than let her apologize, he helped her blow her nose and gave her tea. She drank the warm liquid gratefully and relaxed a bit while he held her.

    His thanks was a bit confusing. Riku had made him wait years to learn of the extent of the grief she carried with her, never fully explaining. Satori was glad she'd opened up, but the blue-haired girl was a bit embarrassed at having thrown up on his floor, ruining one of his napkins, and getting vomit on his shirt that she'd borrowed. He probably didn't care about any of that, but Riku still wished she could have done this less messily.

    "Love you, too," she said quietly, reaching up to run her fingers through his hair.

    "I think I need to brush my teeth and take another bath," the teen added after a short silence. "I feel gross."

    She looked down at the puddle frowning. "I'll get that." Riku stood shakily band began making her way towards the cleaning supplies.




    Satori Ryuutei
    Satori Ryuutei

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    Post by Satori Ryuutei Thu May 16, 2019 8:41 pm

    As she started to get up, Satori firmly reached up and caught her wrist. Re-directing her toward the bathroom instead as he arched a brow. “You take a bath and brush your teeth,” he stated firmly. Giving her a gently smack to her backside as emphasis that there was no arguing allowed. She needed to rest now, and think.

    “I’ll handle the mess,” he stated simply as he straightened. “I’ll bring you some rice once your stomach has settled a bit, too,” he added. Not wanting to give her anything heavier than that. Just the rice, maybe some broth to sip on until her body relaxed more. Thankfully she wasn’t truly sick, it was just a stress reaction.

    Still, no need to overwhelm her tender stomach now either.


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    Post by Riku Thu May 16, 2019 8:41 pm

    Riku opened her mouth to protest but stopped when he emphasized his orders with a smack on the butt. She nodded and went to the bathroom as Satori had instructed.

    Once her teeth were clean and she was in the bath, Riku let herself go, liquefying completely. After enjoying the warm water and herbs in it, she solidified and got washed. She climbed out, wrapped up in a towel, and headed back to bed.

    Making sure she was dry, Riku hung the towel and climbed into Satori's bed, burrowing into the blankets and wrapping up like a sushi roll before it's cut.





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