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    A Day on the town (Calin)

    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

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    A Day on the town (Calin) Empty A Day on the town (Calin)

    Post by Hibiki Thu Sep 27, 2018 8:58 pm

    Early in the morning there was a knock at Calin’s front door. When he went to answer it he would find one of the younger members of the clan clutching a scroll tightly. “Are… are you Calin?” she asked her voice shaky with nervousness. She clearly wasn’t use to this type of work yet but with their numbers down they’d had no choice but to put people who hadn’t yet activated their bloodline to work in order to make sure odd tasks like this where still done.

    “The princess… has a message for you.” she continued once confirming his identity. She quickly handed the scroll to him before running off on her next errand. Their was a wax seal on the parchment holding it closed, one that indicated it had come from the family’s ruling house which it meant it might be a bad idea to choose to ignore it.

    If Calin chose to open the letter he would find the following message inside.

    “Dear Calin,

    I humbly request your presence. If you could meet me at 11 am in the town square in the market place district it would be greatly appreciated. I have information about the incident that I can only share with you in person. Be sure to dress nicely.

    Love - Alkaid ❤️❤️❤️


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    Ryo: You fuckin gold digger

    A Day on the town (Calin) Empty Re: A Day on the town (Calin)

    Post by Peragus Sat Sep 29, 2018 6:13 pm

    A knock on the door? Not an uncommon occurrence for a shinobi. However when he opened the door and saw a clan member holding a scroll his trepidation grew. Not many would contact him within the clan. Not because he was disliked by any means, but because most knew he valued his quiet time and privacy. Especially in the morning, after he had done his morning training. He’d nod his head politely as she double checked his name before taking the scroll she handed him. A message from Alkaid? Hopefully it wasn’t something awkward. He’d nod his head in understanding and the nervous young girl would run off. ‘Why the nervousness? It’s not like I’m anyone special. Must be because it was for Alkaid.’ He’d think before turning back inside and sitting back down to his tea before cracking the seal and opening the scroll. Unrolling it with a practiced ease and reading as he did. His eyes would widen as he read the contents. ‘The incident? What incident could she be talking about? Dress nicely? Love Alkaid? What the hell?’ He would think, a light blush dusting his cheeks as he worked furiously within his own head to understand what in the world she was wanting.

    He wouldn’t deny he found the woman attractive. Anyone who had eyes could tell you that. He vividly remembered their spar from late last week. The craving for battle he had felt as the fight wore on. The techniques he had never used before adding themselves to his repertoire almost instinctively. He hadn’t trained with any of those techniques prior. He merely needed them, and so he used them. It had been equal measures frightening and intoxicating. If his own abilities in combat weren’t so unpracticed he’d wager a guess to say that he could’ve given the princess a run for her money. However it was what happened after the spar that had his cheeks coloured red. Waking up to the blue eyes of Tsubaki over him as Alkaid ran her own fingers through his hair. His utterance of the singular word that truly brought forth a surge of emotion he hadn’t felt before. ‘Beautiful.’ He hadn’t really considered it. Sure, he knew they were absolutely stunning. Intellectually he knew that, but he had never felt that before. They innate draw, the seemingly gravitational pull on his own emotions towards the two women. He’d felt a tempest within him when he awoke, confused, at odds with how his mind normally worked.

    He liked them, a great deal, both of them. That, that was a problem. Even if either of them truly were interested in him, and luckily there was a distant enough relation to allow such a thing within the family, he could never truly pick one. He felt horrible for it, but he simply couldn’t. Did that make him selfish? Sexist? A Pig? He wasn’t sure, and he didn’t want to find out. He couldn’t simply pick one to potentially court. So he wouldn’t pick either. Oh yes, it was running away from the problem. That much was obvious, but in his own eyes it would save a great deal of pain. Definitely for him, he wasn’t sure about them. Their profession and family history caused enough pain for all of them. Especially with Yanagi having kil..So that was it. That was the ‘incident’ Alkaid meant in her letter. For it was the only one that it could be, unless it was regarding the ‘beautiful’ comment. Hell, his own first thoughts went toward that as well, given the context the letter seemed to be in. However his impression of Alkaid was one of a woman who was a bit more outgoing, as least on the surface. She wouldn’t send a messenger to ask for a date. At least, he didn’t think so. That left the only other incident she could mean. For he wasn’t involved in actual clan matters until it arose. Until that bitch Yanagi took his father from this world. So Alkaid had information? That was great, he’d dress nicely, meet her in the market and do as she wished. Be it merely wanting a location away from the prying eyes and ears within the walls of their compound. Or simply wanting to play a little game, neither mattered. He’d play whatever game she wanted to play if it meant he could get a step closer to wringing Yanagi’s neck.

    11 AM didn’t give him too much time however it would be enough for him to get ready. He’d down the rest of his tea and move toward his room to prepare. He’d put on a white undershirt before donning a blue doublet with white trim and gold ornamentation. The blue matched his sapphire-like eyes beautifully and the trimming on the doublet matched his pale skin and white hair. Light blue leggings, almost gray, and blue boots that matched the doublet finished out the outfit and he’d meticulously check the mirror for any signs of lint and wrinkles. Straightening out the odd wrinkle or two and removing a bit of lint from his own shoulder. Luckily, he had showered before sitting down to his tea, so that hadn’t been necessary. To finish his preparations he’d step out to his mother’s garden. She tended to it with a love and devotion that inspired Calin. He knew she wouldn’t object to him taking something from it. ‘Alkaid telling me to dress nicely and meet him in the market makes me think she wants to hide this conversation under the pretense of a date of some kind. So backing up that idea is my best bet.’ He’d think as he’d take a white rose from his mother’s garden. He’d stop by the sink in the kitchen and quickly and methodically use a pair of scissors to cut the thorns off and resize the stem to something manageable. Particular for it to be put behind one’s ear. The colour would match her hair well meaning it would almost have to match anything for might wear.

    After double checking the flower for any thorns he might have missed, noting he had not missed any, he would double check himself in the mirror before leaving and moving toward the market district. The day’s crowd had gotten well underway and countless people went about their business. The hustle and bustle of a busy village moving around him as he arrived at the market district five minutes before 11. He’d have to find Alkaid, but somehow, he had a feeling she’d find him. After all she had every advantage here. She chose the meeting point, and knew which direction he’d more than likely come from. So he’d simply make a bit of a show of looking around a bit, knowing that she would find him when she was ready.

    Character Name: Peragus Hyuuga
    Spendable Experience: 1,310
    Total Experience: 6,000

    Renown: 20,625
    Ryo: 5,913,000
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    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

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    A Day on the town (Calin) Empty Re: A Day on the town (Calin)

    Post by Hibiki Sun Sep 30, 2018 6:40 pm

    A low impressed whistle filled the air as Calin made his way into the market district “Wow, I knew you’d clean up good Calin. But damn you blew even my expectations away.” came an voice that sounded like it was coming from the nearby clock tower that lay in the center of the square.

    Leaning against the wall was Alkaid who had positioned herself in a spot where she’d easily be able to see him coming from. It wasn’t like it was hard for her to guess which direction he’d most likely be taking since the district they both lived on was directly down the street from where she was facing.

    Alkaid herself was dressed up quite nicely. She was wearing a black elegant dress with a long skirt that was just millimeters away from touching the ground. The dress ran all the way up to her armpits leaving her shoulders and arms exposed with a blue clasp right at the center of her bosom to help emphasize her rather generous cleavage which was on fully display.

    “You did so well during the sparring match the other day, I figured you deserved a reward.” She commented in a sultry tone before she quickly trotted over towards him, her arms spread wide as she went in for a hug, pressing herself close against him. “Did you make sure you weren’t followed?” she whispered just loud enough for him to hear.

    She’d set up this “date” so that she could clandestinely exchange information about the murder of a great many of their clan members with him under the radar, but with the way she was acting perhaps their was more to it then that after all. Alkaid liked keeping things ambiguous like that since it made it harder to tell what she was truly after.


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    Ryo: You fuckin gold digger

    A Day on the town (Calin) Empty Re: A Day on the town (Calin)

    Post by Peragus Tue Oct 02, 2018 11:45 am

    Her voice would draw his attention to her, and his heart would catch in his throat. She had caught him off guard with her appearance. She looked, amazing, for lack of a better word. The simple elegance of the dress. The colour chosen bringing her pale features starkly into examination with regal effect. It would take him a moment to get his bearings that he almost missed what she said. The tone however, was not missed. ‘Was I incorrect in her plan? Is this really just a date?’ He would think momentarily as she trotted over to him to take him into an embrace. She pressed him tightly to her, her bosom pressing tightly against him. He blush deepened as he felt that and her voice would draw him from his surprise swiftly. So, he had been right. But by god she was good, and his one hundred percent genuine reaction would only serve to make the cover tighter. Was that her intent? If it was then she truly was good at what she did. The ease in which she manipulated the situation almost sent a shiver of cold down his spine and through his blood. He’d return the embrace of course, not missing a beat. They had to play the game well after all. His arms would wrap around her slim waist, pulling her just as tight to him as he whispered back. A small, confident smirk on his face as he spoke into her ear. To the observing eye it would look like he was whispering flirtations to her. His lips close enough to potentially cause her to feel his breath on her skin. It was his own attempt to get a reaction out of her. Whether or not it was genuine however, he probably wouldn’t be able to tell.

    “No one truly has a reason to follow me as far as I know. Unless our spar gave me some sort of attention I’m unaware of. However, I do make it a habit to make sure I’m not being followed, given my choice in occupation you understand.” He’d say the last with a legitimate grin. It was common operational protocol to make sure you weren’t followed. If you failed to do that then he deserved to friggin die as far as Calin was concerned. After speaking however he would unwrap his arms from her waist before stepping back a singular pace or two and attempting to take her hand into his own. Should he succeed he would bend over her hand and give it a gentle kiss in his own greeting. “You my dear do me great honour with your compliments.” He would begin as he raised his head back up. “You however, look absolutely stunning. I brought a small token that I do believe would compliment your appearance spectacularly.” He would say as he gently held the white rose he had personally cut up to show her. He had been careful not to allow it to become damaged during the hug and a small smile would once again grace his lips as he spoke once again. “Would you allow me to set it within your hair?” He would ask politely. He had meant every word of her appearance. Even now his heart was still working to slow the hell down. An internal sigh would radiate through him as he admitted to himself that it really was just an act though. A necessary one, for Alkaid at least. He didn't have confirmation of what in the hell was going on. However it didn't take the sting out of the situation. She was going to make someone a very lucky man someday.

    Should she assent he would gently raise both hands. He would bring his right one, the one with the rose, up to the side of her head and gently set it behind her ear. In such a way that the rose would stick show in her hair, the pale rose perfectly matching the woman’s hair. The stem was cut perfectly. With just the right length to make sure the rose would hold up, but not enough to show out of the back of her hair, or displace it at all. His left hand would raise up to rest the fingers gently on her left cheek. To anyone watching it would appear he was simply making sure she kept her head still while he set the rose upon her hair. It did however, give the added, and extremely beneficial, effect of bringing both of his arms up to cover their lips. So no one looking toward them would be able to see them talking. The moment his arms were up he’d speak, quietly, almost a whisper, but their proximity would easily allow her to hear. “What’s this about Alkaid? If this were a date you wouldn’t give a rat’s ass if anyone followed me. You even waited against the wall of the tower so when I came you could not only see me, but see behind me while also making sure no one could be behind you.” He would say. His voice laced with an undertone of curiosity, and a bit of concern.

    Character Name: Peragus Hyuuga
    Spendable Experience: 1,310
    Total Experience: 6,000

    Renown: 20,625
    Ryo: 5,913,000
    • Strength: C
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    • Perception: A

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    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

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    A Day on the town (Calin) Empty Re: A Day on the town (Calin)

    Post by Hibiki Tue Oct 02, 2018 9:52 pm

    Alkaid had figured that poor Calin would be too nervious to hug her back, but it seemed she’d underestimated him yet again.  By the gods did it feel good to be held tight by a big strong man like him even if it was only part of the act.  If only it could be real but then if it was would it count as cheating?

    She was “together” with her cousin Tsubaki but the two couldn’t be together together at least not officially.   In the end the issues she had brought up just before the demonstration that day still applied.  The clan still needed a heir and she couldn’t provide one which meant Tsubaki might still need to get married one day.

    In her mind Alkaid didn’t mind sharing as long as it was with the right man, and as long as she got a piece of the action.  They didn’t know each other that well yet but she happened to have grown fond of Calin after their little exchange. A fact which put him in the leading for getting that position.  

    But enough about that. Her brain had wandered to future fantasy enough already. She’d come here for serious business, but it was hard to keep her mind out of the gutter when she had a hot young man literally breathing down her neck.

    “I know you’re eager, but save it for later.” she said looking away bashfully.  Calin reported to her that he had indeed not been followed. If he’d ended things their and stepped back to a more reasonable distance things would have been great but instead he pressed the attack,  acting like a prince charming off a white horse as he took her hand and kissed the back of it.

    Instantly the shade of skin around Alkaid’s face turned three shades deeper.  Making suggestive comments was one thing. She threw those enough that her own defense against it was quite high but she was a real sucker for romantic gestures like that.  If she hadn’t already been dating Tsubaki in secret she’d be absolutely swooning right now.  Even with that it was making her heart pump a mile a minute.

    This is where she’d normally make a snappy comeback. Say something like how she was an animal in bed but she was way to distracted to manage it.  Her eyes wide in wonder as Calin announced that he had a small token for her, thought she’d hardly call a flower that splendid small.  Man he was smooth, she was totally going to have to steal that tactic from him for her own use.

    Nodding her head she held still bracing herself as she allowed him to put the rose in place knowing that it’s addition would make her look absolutely spectacular.  After the date was over she swore to herself that she was totally going to get it preserved so she could remember this day for a long time to come.  

    She was getting so into the atmosphere she’d almost forgotten the real reason she’d come here until Calin reminded her with a whisper that shock her out of her reverie.  She frowned slightly at being forced to face reality but it quickly vanished as she decided to try and get a rise out of him as revenge.

    “My hero, please allow me to thank you appropriately for such a wonderful gift.” She said ignoring his question for the moment since she had a clever way to answer it in mind after the stunt she was about to pull. Reaching out her left arm at max speed she attempted to grab the back of his head softly. If she succeeded she’d lean in as if she was about to kiss him straight on the lips only to swerve at the last second and peck him on the cheek instead.

    “Consider that a preview of the main event.  I’d like to do more but not here please. There are too many eyes and ears for a pure maiden such as myself.  I’d like to take you somewhere more….private before we continue.” she said suggestively.

    “If I might lead the way….” She contiuned. Her words sounding like a request but her tone saying otherwise. Taking Calin’s hand if he’d let her she’d lead him towards a nearby cafe. Lying it the heart of the market district is was vary plain to the point it was almost nondescript and yet despite the fact the building had no particular feature to draw attention to it the cafe was doing a slow but steady flow of business.  

    Of course this wasn’t any ordinary cafe but a front for the phantom organization Alkaid belonged to. The perfect place to have a clandestine meeting right in the open without anyone ever suspecting a thing. Alkaid was sure to make a show of being reluctant of letting go of Calin’s hand before taking a seat and gesturing for him to join her at the table. “Today is my treat. How do you like your coffee?” she asked as they waited to be served.

    Reaching into her purse she pulled out several manila folders full of papers and placed them down on the table with a with a low thump.  She wasn’t supposed to have these and yet she’d managed to sang them anyhow.  Tsubaki happened to be the Mizukage’s secretary and the two looked enough alike that all it took was a wig to fool the guards and get into the secret achieves that where off limits to the general public.

    “Before I begin, why don’t you tell me about what you already know of that day. The day someone murdered our brethren in cold blood.” she said, her voice the most serious it’d been the entire day so far.


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    Ryo: You fuckin gold digger

    A Day on the town (Calin) Empty Re: A Day on the town (Calin)

    Post by Peragus Wed Oct 10, 2018 6:37 am

    As he came back up from kissing the back of her hand he’d see the redness of her features. The blush all but shouting her embarrassment to the world. ‘Oh my, what’s this? Well if it’s romanticism she likes. Then that’s what she’ll get.’ He’d think with an internal smirk. The look in her eye as he presented the small gift caused him to feel a certain satisfaction. He was glad she seemed to enjoy the gift. It had been something he had been a little worried about. Even if the ‘date’ was a game. The next part however sent a shock through his system the likes of which he had never felt before. Her words, portraying the intent of ‘thanking him appropriately’ seemed to be something a little more intimate. She grabbed the back of his head, and began to pull him down toward her. Now, Calin couldn’t know at this point that the absolutely beautiful girl in front of him intended to swerve and kiss his cheek. He knew he liked her, as he liked Tsubaki. However he also told himself that he wouldn’t try to go after either. As he felt it would be incredibly rude to the two woman. He had no right to try to court one of the two of them when he felt strongly for both. Or at the very least was beginning to. However, did that self imposed restriction apply if one of them made the first move? He wasn’t sure, but as she began to pull his head down toward her he decided that he simply didn’t care.

    Of course, this decision would have an act attached to it. For the pale haired teenager would lean his own head in towards hers, adding more speed to the closing of the distance. He’d tilt his head to the side and attempt to capture her own lips in a gentle kiss. Nothing raunchy, or particularly eye catching. Just, a simple kiss. Should this occur Calin would break it after only a second or two. Not prolonging the action, his own cheeks flushed a bit at the higher than expected contact. The moment his lips had left hers he had felt a vacancy occur. He wanted to do it again. However he doubted attempting to would be met well. Especially since in his eyes she had initiated that kiss. With his cheeks still blushing he would say a single word, heart pounding against his chest as he did so. “Wow.” He’d say, simply, wanting nothing more than to disappear then and there for such a lame reaction.

    It would only make her next words all the more tempting. ‘A preview to what main event exactly?..’ He thought as he nodded for her to lead him. ‘Is this..really a date?’ He’d think for a few minutes. Letting the shock of the kiss make him forget every other sign pointing otherwise. They’d enter the plain looking cafe and they’d take their seats. His heart still pounding, his face still flushed from thoughts of what in the world that kiss could have been a ‘preview’ for. He could barely find the ability to answer her “Cream and two sugars.” He’d say simply before shaking his head clear. “Wait, but I don’t mind buying Alkaid, it’d hardly be gentlemanly of me to let you pay. May I?” He’d ask simply, his own upbringing shining through for the moment. Regardless of the ladies answer he’d do nothing as she pulled out the folders. His eyes widening a fraction before looking around quickly and coming to a conclusion “We’re safer here than I initially suspect aren’t we?” He’d say simply. It wouldn’t take long for her to speak, for her to startle him out of his teenage, hormonal induced, dizzy spell with the seriousness of her words. He’d wince visibly at how easily she had suckered him. He’d even come in expecting this and she still wrapped him around her finger. It made him respect her all the more.

    His mind would sort out what she said, and a hardened edge would appear in his eyes. Answer flashing across his features as his lips curled back in a tight snarl. It wasn’t at her, but the memories and the desire for vengeance. “I know Yanagi killed them all, poison if I recall. I also know my father was one of the victims.” He would say simply, to his recollection, telling her that last bit for the first time. “What does it matter? I intend to hunt down Yanagi and kill her.” He’d say simply, a cold anger in his expression.

    Character Name: Peragus Hyuuga
    Spendable Experience: 1,310
    Total Experience: 6,000

    Renown: 20,625
    Ryo: 5,913,000
    • Strength: C
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    Note: My signature stats include my passive buffs. My update page stats are the base values.

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    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

    Posts : 633
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    A Day on the town (Calin) Empty Re: A Day on the town (Calin)

    Post by Hibiki Mon Oct 15, 2018 11:51 pm

    Alkaid had only meant to tease Calin when she went in as if she was about to kiss him. She never would have guessed that the boy would have the balls to lean into it. She really did have to stop underestimating him. One second everything had been going to plan and the next it was like someone had lit off fireworks inside of her head as their lips connected.

    It was so different from when she had been kissing Tsubaki. There it had been more of a way to physically express their intimacy for each other then anything sexual. This to her felt far more primal and it sent shivers of excitement down her spine. It only lasted a few brief seconds which felt like like so much longer and yet somehow not long enough as Calin pulled away.

    “Hmm, delicious.” said Alkaid as she liked her lips suggestively as if she where savoring the spit Calin had left behind. “Just so you know I don’t kiss just anyone, you’d a luck man indeed. Face it tiger, You just hit the jackpot” said Alkaid half jokingly before continuing on with her preview of the main event spiel. Depending on how things went she wouldn’t mind getting a little frisky afterwards, thought not TOO frisky.

    Technically it was a first date after all. There where some lines even she didn’t want to cross. It was one thing to appear to be loose and another to actually be it. She didn’t mind playing at being experienced since it was a handy tool to wrap men around her finger with, but in the end it was only another act.

    “Sure you can pay if you insist.” replied Alkaid shrugging her shoulder indifferently “Thought I don’t see much point in it, considering that I own the place and all. Welcome to the cafe with no name.” she said introducing him to the ironically named store.

    “It’s a place that never stands out, but that’s kind of the point. As you guessed it’s one of the safest spots in town, perfect for swapping secrets and other things.” She said teasingly before getting down to business.

    “Right, that’s the story everyone’s been told. But the facts disclosed to the public aren’t always the truth. I have evidence that suggests that Yanagi isn’t the true culprit behind this case. Evidence to suggest she was framed, used as a scapegoat.” said Alkaid her face serious to show that this time she wasn’t joking at all.

    “What they don’t tell you is what happened with Yanagi before the incident. How she was in a coma from the plague. A comma that lasted for months and ended only just days before the murders happened. I’m no medic but I can tell you that there is no way in hell she’d recovered enough to commit the crime.” said Alkaid as she put a photo of her feeding Yanagi on the table that showed just how weak the girl had gotten during her time trapped in bed.

    “Her sister Yui had also fallen victim to the plague. The difference is that we didn’t find her right away when she collapsed. She was left exposed to the elements for days before I finally located her. Onee-sama and I where the ones taking care of them, but some of the elders where doing everything they could to keep us busy… keep us away from them. At one point they even told me to give up. To just let them die like the rejects they where.” she explained her fist clenched in anger.

    “One day, Yanagai woke up only to find her sister dead beside her already beginning to rot. She flipped out and fled. I quickly located her but she wanted almost nothing to do with me. In her anger she wanted to make the elders pay…….” For a moment Alkaid’s voice trailed off. What she was going to say next wasn’t going to be easy.

    “...At the time I was so angry at what happened that I offered to team up with her to tear the elders from their gilded throne. Toonami the previous Mizukage’s twin happened to overhear us and offered to help, but Yanagi didn’t want help from either of us. No she declared her intentions to tear our clan to the ground with her own hands. That the only way we could pay would be with our blood, every last drop of it” at this Alkaid let off a long sigh.

    “I know that sounds bad, makes her seems like the suspect but there’s more to the story. I offered to take all of her hatred upon myself. I told her to kill me to satisfy her lust for revenge. If my life was the price to spare the rest of our family from her wraith it would have been a small price to pay. If she really wanted to kill us she had the perfect chance to start right there and yet she did nothing. She simply walked away. Does that sound like someone who’s a mass murderer to you? No she was simply a girl saying things she didn't actually mean in her grief”

    Taking a sip of the coffee that had been brought to her Alkaid took a moment to let Calin digest everything she’d told him so far. There was more about the incident itself she had to tell him, but she wanted to make sure she wasn’t moving too fast.


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    Age : 31

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    Ryo: You fuckin gold digger

    A Day on the town (Calin) Empty Re: A Day on the town (Calin)

    Post by Peragus Wed Oct 17, 2018 7:24 am

    His face would darken to a peculiar shade of red at her comment on the kiss. He would readily admit that he had indeed hit the ‘jackpot’ per say. Although he hadn’t mentioned to her that the kiss had been his first. Should he tell her? He might, later on though. Once he knew what this was all about.

    Of course, he would be rather surprised at her response to his insistence to pay. Sapphirical eyes blinking in confusion for a moment before nodding in understanding “I suppose it would be rather pointless then wouldnt it?...” He would ask, reluctant to let it go since every psychological muscle was telling him to pay for the blasted drinks. “Tea, not coffee please. Two sugars..” He would say to the waiter who had come to request his drink of choice. He figured Alkaid was known well enough that they knew how she liked her coffee. Wouldn’t be surprising since she apparently owned the place. ‘That’s an interesting thought though. A place for swapping secrets and other information that so public. Does her taking me here prove that she trusts me to a degree?’ He would think before answering the original question that had been asked.

    Her response however, surprised him.

    His own face darkened at her initial response. Her face turning serious, and his becoming the same. He wasn’t angry, yet. He wasn’t a loud person when he was mad by any means. However it was a bit more obvious for this who knew what to look for. His knee would begin to rise and fall in rhythmic manner and his fingers would begin to drum on the table. Obvious signs of his own personal annoyance. He had long since practiced these motions, making them a normal part of his routine as he thought. Making people think you were angry, annoyed, or any other such ‘negative’ emotion when one was given information could oft times lead to even more. Either by the person trying to assuage them, or by putting you into the position of power in the situation to yank it out of them. Of course, these motions were practiced, he used them every time he was given news he’d rather not hear while he processed the information. So long as he had time to process said information of course.

    Given the fact that they were sitting in the middle of a fucking cafe for the specified purpose of the girl in front of him giving him this information. He was willing to go with ‘Yes, you have fucking time.’ So, he was going to make use of it.

    What Alkaid said made sense, the pictures only backing up her claims. For if what she said was true about the girls coma, and he awakening being just days before the murder. It would be absolutely impossible for her to have done the crime. Listening to Alkaid go on about how she would’ve helped Yanagi murder the elders caused a brief flash of anger to cross his features. She would’ve helped kill his father? Murder him in cold blood? He quickly reigned in his sudden fury however. ‘She was only wanting to help her friend. She might’ve said anything to the girl to calm the hell down.’ He thought to himself after taking a deep breath.

    Continuing to hear the girl say she offered her life to the grief stricken girl instead caused a pang of dismay to shoot through him. If Yanagi had accepted, Alkaid and him would’ve never met. But his father wouldn’t be dead. He wasn’t sure what to feel about that, turning the thought over in his mind. ‘I suppose reflecting on the past doesn’t matter either way. The fact of the matter is he’s gone. Besides, Dad always told me to look toward the future. Not the past.’ He thought as he dropped the thought process, albeit, with some reluctance. Besides, it was possible that future had Alkaid in it. Provided she wasn’t flirting and hadn’t kissed him just to sell the deal and to get him here of course. He wasn’t sure at this point what was real and what wasn’t in that situation and to be frank he didn’t want to think about it at the moment. The pain that shot through his heart at the idea that she might have simply been acting was persistent. However Calin ignored it in favor of returning toward his thoughts.

    The pale haired teen would reach forward and take the drink that the waiter had set before him. He’d take a long drink of the beverage and when the drink was over, and the cup sat down he wasn’t quite the same teen. A haunted look would appear in his eyes, his posture failing, and a cold knot of iron in his stomach as he realized he no longer had anyone to blame for his father’s murder. His memories of discovering his father’s corpse flashing before his eyes. Skin, purple, blood pooling out of his mouth like a sanguine drool that threatened to drown him. Eyes, wide with pain and fear of death. The empty look in Calin’s own eyes wouldn’t leave easily, and he didn’t know whether or not to thank or to be angry with Alkaid for the information. All he knew was that he had spent his time hating the wrong person. Wanting to kill the wrong person, and he didn’t even know who to hunt after now.

    That however, wasn’t even the worst part.

    He wanted to hate Yanagi for it. In a part of his mind, because some part of him. Some, irrational part of him, still wanted to blame the girl. Wanted to squeeze the life out of her. Part of him couldn’t seem to forgive her for a crime she hadn’t even committed. It was at that realization that he decided that he hated himself at that moment. Beyond any kind of hatred he could’ve had for Yanagi. For part of him wanted to murder an innocent girl, just because it might make him feel better. That in it of itself made him a monster in his eyes. He simply didn’t know what to do about it. He’d blink himself back into reality, not realizing that at some point he had gone from drumming his fingers on the table to leaning an elbow on the table and holding his head. His hand splaying his hair around, giving himself a rather disheveled appearance. He had been quiet too long, far too long. However, he simply didn’t know what to say. He put his hand down, taking a moment to smooth out his hair again, straightened his shoulders, and looked into the eyes of the girl sitting in front of him. His eyes hadn’t changed, they still displayed a brutal wound within them. In no way physical, but potentially every bit as crippling. One he didn’t know how to fix, if it even could be. “No, I suppose that does not sound like a mass murderer..” He would say simply. Unsure of what else to say, he would pause for a moment before speaking again. “Thank you for taking the time to tell me this.” He would say. Even if the news did cause a vicious blow to his psyche, the honesty was always appreciated, always wanted. “I-I don’t know what to say anymore..” He would say simply afterwards. Stumbling over the first word and hoping she hadn’t noticed. He was barely holding himself together at this point. He simply wished he knew what to do to keep doing it.

    Character Name: Peragus Hyuuga
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    A Day on the town (Calin) Empty Re: A Day on the town (Calin)

    Post by Hibiki Thu Oct 18, 2018 11:28 pm

    The look on Calin’s face when she revealed that she owned the shop they where in. Priceless. She wasn’t the princess of the clan for nothing and had made a lot of money doing missions over the last year since coming into active service.

    She didn’t really need for much so she’d instead put it towards buying this shop, which served as a front for the secret shadow organization she was a member of a way of stepping up and showing that she was ready to take things to the next level and assume more responsibility. She couldn’t stay a low tier grunt forever. Not if she wanted to reach her goal of becoming the 8th swordsman of the mist.

    Alkaid watched Calin’s face carefully as she spoke to him. What she had to say wasn’t easy to speak let alone hear. All things considered he was taking it well, better then she’d expected anyhow. She wasn’t particular stupid or anything but she also knew she wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed. She mostly got by on a mix of being a world class bullshitter, sharp instincts and being really good at
    reading people.

    It wasn’t hard to see that he’d misunderstood her a bit when she’d talked about teaming up with Yanagai to overthrow the elders. Or rather maybe she’d told him something a little too close to the truth in an effort to exonerate her cousin. In the heat of the moment she’d said something she hadn’t really meant, something she’d taken back once she’d calmed down a bit, but he didn’t need to know that, didn’t need to think less of her.

    “Before I continue I think you got one thing wrong. To be clear when I offered to team up I was talking about forcing the elders to retire. I never wanted… never dreamed something that THAT would happen to them.” said Alkaid sorrowfully.“Now I came to you with this because I like you Calin, and think you deserve the truth. The elders deserve justice for what was done. Taking things out on the scapegoat is only going to help the true culprit get away.” said Alkaid firmly as she took out the remaining files she had on hand.

    “The day of the incident the Mizukage Konami said that she gathered the elders together for a recolonization dinner with Yanagi. I knew that explanation had to be bunk from the moment I read it because I knew Yanagi better then anyone and frankly she couldn’t cook to save her life. The idea anyone could stomach enough of her food to actually be poisoned by it is laughable.” said Alkaid as she as she showed Calin pictures from the last time she’d tried to teach Yanagi to cook something as simple as an egg and how even that had gone wrong.

    “I swear that girl could find a way to light ice cream on fire.” said Alkaid trying to lighten the dark mode a little. “The official report say that she was able to mix the posion together herself, an idea equally laughable as her cooking. Before falling into a coma she knew exactly as much as I do about chemistry which is about jack shit.” said Alkaid speaking with vulgarity due to frustration. She was trying to be more ladylike, trying to be more like Tsubaki now that they where together, but it was a transition that wasn’t coming easy to her. Taking a long sip of her drink which was starting to get cold Alkaid let out a long sigh.

    “This is where it gets tricky. Where the trails goes cold. Their was no autopsy done. No paperwork filed that I could abscond with. I don’t know what Poison got them, or who could have delivered it. The only people who might know something about what happened. Who might have answers about who cooked the food, who had access to poison it are Konami and Toonami themselves. ” said Alkaid as she punched the table in frustration nearly causing her cup to tumble off.

    “Our only lead has gone and vanished. Even if we can find them, even if we can ask them it might not be safe since for all we know they could be the culprit. I wouldn’t be surprised if they where but I can’t prove it.” dejectedly Alkaid glanced at Calin, her eyes on the verge of tears.

    “I spent all this time investigating. All this time trying to uncover the truth and yet I couldn’t get anywhere. Couldn’t solve anything. All I’ve done is let you down, let your father down. All this talk of justice and yet in the end I couldn’t help bring you any.” finally she began to weep as she stood up from her chair and moved to hug Calin tightly. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” so muttered loudly as she sobbed into his shoulder blaming herself for not being able to do more to help him. For not noticing something was wrong sooner in time to stop the incident from happening in the first place. If only she’d kept her mouth shut, if only she hadn’t said something stupid around Toonami planting the idea in her head the elders would still be alive. The guilt she was feeling now was immesurable.


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    A Day on the town (Calin) Empty Re: A Day on the town (Calin)

    Post by Peragus Fri Oct 19, 2018 2:35 am

    It would seem he had judged her mentally before allowing all of the facts to come into play. He took a deep breath, oceanic eyes softening slightly as she explained that she only wanted to oust the elders, not kill them. However soon the look would disappear as she took out the remainings files and opened them and continued to speak. The information regarding the kage, the personal knowledge of the accused inability to cook whatsoever, much less create a poison that would not only affect Kaguya, but kill them also? He couldn’t see it himself. Kaguya themselves were fighters, front line warriors, with the few that could be extremely sneaky. Even those however couldn’t be considered the most brilliant amongst the chemist or the medical experts in the world. He himself wasn’t particularly brilliant beyond a bit of political savvy and how the ‘play the game’ as it were. The kage though? Calin felt his anger stir, a deep hatred that he slowly worked up into a rolling boil within himself. He wanted to kill the one who murdered his father, no, his family. He wanted them to suffer.

    However it was for naught. For the kage accused? Gone, far out of Calin’s reach. So it would seem the quest to avenge his father was over. Incomplete and utterly devoid of any true accomplishment. He felt a sinking void settle within him now, the anger gone. Vanished far more swiftly then it had taken him to create. Was that another sign? The fact that he had to work up the anger? Stoke the flames as it were? Where before any information regarding the possible location of Yanagi would have invoked a fervor within Calin most wouldn’t be able to recreate. A desire for something..dark. A wish for vengeance, a craving to satiate his need for the blood of the one who had taken his father, and other family members so prematurely. Now however, even knowing who had most likely done the deed, Calin barely felt a whisper of the once fiery hatred. Knowing that your quarry was beyond your reach probably did that to you.

    He would still be listening, eyes on Alkaid as she worked herself up. Regretting her inability to do anything about the justice that he had wanted. For the first time he saw tears in the woman’s eyes as she stood and moved to his side. He let her, she buried her face into his shoulder as she hugged him tightly, crying deeply. He hugged her back, just as tight as a thought came back to him. His father had always told him to look toward the future after all. Now, there was a beautiful woman, crying against him for her inability to do anything regarding actions she couldn’t possibly had foreseen. Gently, he ended the hug, not in a huff of anger, or indignation, or discomfort. However instead of letting them move apart completely he’d move to tilt her head up. Where he’d kiss her cheek gently, directly where one of her tears was falling. He’d try to set his forehead against hers after doing so. His arms no on her waist “It’s okay Alkaid, you’ve done the best you could. Did more than anyone else, even me. All I did was wander around and spout my hatred for Yanagi. You actually went so much deeper. I don’t want you to think you’ve wasted your time in any way. If anything, you’ve freed me. My father always told me to look toward the future, but learn from the past. I was so immersed in my hatred that I wasn’t looking toward the future at all. However you’ve ended that. I’ll always miss my father, and I can’t say I wouldn’t kill Konomi if given the opportunity. If it really was her. But you’ve helped me more than you could ever truly know.” He would say, looking into her eyes with his own. Twin sapphires looking deep into hers to show his sincerity.

    “Don’t cry Alkaid, don’t shed any more tears, there’s always time to work toward a better goal.” He would say, his eyes not leaving hers until after the last word where he would attempt to pull her into another hug. Holding the woman tightly against him as he radiated his own acceptance of the situation. “Smile instead, it brightens the day, both mine and the worlds.” He would say simply, as an afterthought. Any embarrassment about how he might feel long since gone. “You’ve done so much for me today that I can’t begin to express it into words. You’ve helped me focus, shattered the metaphorical chains that kept me locked in the past.” He would say, a smile on his face as he pulled apart in the hug, if it succeeded in happening of course. “Oh, and you’ve done one more thing today that truly has made this day memorable.” He would say, with another small smile.

    Character Name: Peragus Hyuuga
    Spendable Experience: 1,310
    Total Experience: 6,000

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    A Day on the town (Calin) Empty Re: A Day on the town (Calin)

    Post by Hibiki Sun Oct 21, 2018 7:37 pm

    Alkaid had been expecting Calin to get mad at her. To blame her for failing her mission to uncover the truth. For taking away any chance he had of getting revenge, for getting justice. She wanted him to throw her off, to yell at her so she could assuage the guilt she felt for fucking up so badly. It took her a long moment to register that instead of being tossed he was hugging her back a fact that made her heart skip a beat.

    “How could he just forgive me like that?”
    she thought as he temporarily ended the hug but only so he could better re-position her. Kissing her tear stained cheek, made her skin flush and her heart flutter. With their for-heads against one another and his arms on her waist they where in an incredibly romantic but compromising position. If Tsubaki had walked in now she’d probably be spitting fire at the both of them.

    That thought made a new wave of guilt wash over Alkaid. What the heck was she doing getting so close to him when she already had someone else she loved dearly. Someone more important to her then anything else on the planet. More important then even the village itself or her various jobs.

    And yet if she hadn’t been with Tsubaki already she would have happily leapt into Calin’s arms. The irony that after spending so long looking outside the clan for the perfect man that she’d found one within her own family wasn’t lost on her but she needed to have a long talk with both of them first before things progressed any further. Being a ninja she knew it was alright for her to cheat at some things but personally she didn’t think relationships should be one of those.

    “Sorry, but I need some more time.” she muttered weakly pulling away from his next intended hug. She wiped the tears from her eyes and attempted to give him a smile like he’d requested even if a half-hearted one was the best she could manage at the moment. “Oh, I did have I? What might that be exactly?” she asked him slyly putting more energy into her grin because she was starting to feeling much better now.


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    A Day on the town (Calin) Empty Re: A Day on the town (Calin)

    Post by Peragus Mon Oct 22, 2018 1:32 am

    He’d nod in understanding at her statement for more time. It was in fact, exactly that. He understood perfectly well. He wasn’t sure if it was good for him to be flirting this openly with someone either. What with the conversation they had just been having. It felt, off, wrong, in some deep way that didn’t sit well with him at all. He’d give her a smile, a warm one, a gentle one that he hoped conveyed that he understood her meaning. Of course, it did prevent him from doing what he wanted to do next. “Well, I had my first kiss. It was with a spectacularly beautiful woman too.” He’d say with a sheepish smile, his eyes now avoiding hers as his face coloured a bit. He had wanted to do something cute and flirtatious. Like ‘You got my first kiss,and with your permission, I’d like to give you the second.’ or something. However with her needing space, he decided it was most definitely a bad time. Hopefully, there would be many more. However that would occur only when Alkaid was ready, and not a moment before. He probably needed to get his head sorted out too anyway. The fact that he was seemingly okay with this kind of talk and actions with the discussion they had just had was something he needed to consider.

    All in all though, he felt this was a lovely day. He was freed from his focus on vengeance, and now looked toward the future. He’d gotten to flirt a bit with Alkaid, which seemed to be more and more entertaining by the day. To top it all off, he even got his first kiss. He’d have to train hard to match her, even surpass her if he wanted to have a real shot in his eyes. How could she respect someone who wasn’t at least her equal after all? But it was a plateau that he would definitely work hard to get to. “I feel like things are winding down a bit madame. Would you allow one as undeserving as myself to escort you home?” He would ask with a small playful smirk. It was a joke, meant to crack the tension and help her feel a bit better about the situation. However he wasn’t certain if it would work. He would definitely make sure she got home alright though. It’s not like it was hard. They lived in the same bloody compound. However her own reactions to the conversation worried him. He wondered, idly, if that concern was evident. If it was, he didn’t care. He had a right to be worried after all. Either way though, he’d see how this situation would continue.

    Character Name: Peragus Hyuuga
    Spendable Experience: 1,310
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    A Day on the town (Calin) Empty Re: A Day on the town (Calin)

    Post by Hibiki Tue Oct 23, 2018 4:34 pm

    When Calin admitted to the fact that the kiss earlier had been his first it made Alkaid’s eyes widen.  She blushed furiously as she realized what she had done, feeling more then a little guilty about corrupting the poor boy and stolen something very important from him.  In another life, another timeline she probably wouldn’t have stopped their either but that was a line she wasn’t going to cross here less she become a truly sinful woman.

    “There you go, selling yourself short again Calin.  It would be an honor being escorted home by someone as distinguished as you.”  She said with a light tone as she held her arm out for him to take.  He wasn’t undeserving, not in the least.  If anyone was it was her for pulling the wool over his eyes at times, for lying to him and manipulating him.   If their relationship was going to move forward she was going to have to be much more truthful with him in the future.



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    A Day on the town (Calin) Empty Re: A Day on the town (Calin)

    Post by Peragus Mon Oct 29, 2018 2:14 am

    A blush would touch his cheeks at her response. Of course his arm would find it's way into hers in order to escort her home as his little joke had suggested. They'd leave, and the sun would be shining outside, the world, still ever turning, would not even notice the distinct changes in the teenager after what happened that day. He was, happier now, thanks to the woman who's arm he held. The woman who had given him his freedom from a past that would potentially chase him down until he was nothing more than a husk.

    "It really is a wonderful day.."
    He would say with a small smile as they moved toward the clan compound.


    Character Name: Peragus Hyuuga
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