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    National Secrecy and Annexation Rules

    Airi Ohara
    Airi Ohara
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 2094
    Join date : 2022-10-28

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu | Raiton | Sealing | Summoning | Medical | Taijutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: Check Updates

    National Secrecy and Annexation Rules Empty National Secrecy and Annexation Rules

    Post by Airi Ohara Fri Jun 14, 2024 5:57 pm

    Country Secrecy and Annexation Rules
      To see the Control Map, refer to the Travel Rules for the most up-to-date Control Map. This will show who owns what Minor and Major Countries.

    Country Secrecy
      Major Country Secrecy
      Due to Nozomi Himitsu's actions, doxxing all of the major country's locations, the 5 major shinobi countries: Fire, Wind, Water, Earth, and Lightning, no longer have National Secrecy to protect them.

      Minor Nation Secrecy
      All Minor Nations, however, will have the ability to maintain their secrecy. You can find the secrecy of the nation by checking their specific Village Update to see what their national secrecy level is. A Minor Nation is capable of increasing it's National Secrecy by paying a certain upkeep according to the rank of Secrecy.
        + E-Rank Secrecy: 8,000 ryo per month
        + D-Rank Secrecy: 16,000 ryo per month
        + C-Rank Secrecy: 24,000 ryo per month
        + B-Rank Secrecy: 32,000 ryo per month
        + A-Rank Secrecy: 40,000 ryo per month
      This upkeep will be paid every month during the monthly updates. While you can have Nation Secrecy, people are capable of still wandering into your country. Secrecy may also be used on Organization Complexes/Dwellings to protect their base from being discovered.

      Benefit of Secrecy
      The benefit of secrecy is to restrict who can go searching for your Complex/Minor Nation Dwelling.

    Searching for Dwellings/Complexes under Secrecy
      In order to even go find a Dwelling within a  Minor Nation or an Organization Complex with Secrecy, you will need to fulfill the following requirement: Being of equal or higher Class than the Secrecy. If you are A-Class, you can find Dwellings/Complexes hidden behind A-Rank or lower Secrecy. You will be eligible to actually go searching for Dwellings/Complexes. Other skills may augment this.

      Once you have fulfilled that requirement, you can attempt to search for the Dwelling/Complex hidden under secrecy. To do this, you must travel to the country, using the Travel Rules, and then write a post within the country attempting to Search. You must specify what you wish to search for. The base amount of time for searching is 60 IRL days. There are, however, modifiers that can reduce this time.

        + Base Intelligence or Perception: Whether searching solo or in a group of PCs (NPCs do not count), the user may choose either their Base Intelligence or Base Perception to use as bonuses (if traveling in a group, selecting the person with the highest base stat is suggested). When doing this, the user/group will reduce the required amount of search time by -5 IRL Days for every 1 tier above C of their base stat. (B Tier grants -5 days, A Tier will grant -10 days, S Tier will grant -15 Days).

        + Eagle Eye Perk: If you have the Eagle Eye Perk from Kyujutsu (with base of A-Tier Perception), the person doing the above will reduce the time required by another -10 IRL days.

        + Pet/Summon with Flight: The person doing the Base Perception/Intelligence upon a Flying Pet/Summon can get an additional -10 IRL days. This will stack with the two previous notes.

        + Large Party: If you are searching in a party of other player characters, you will receive a bonus of -5 IRL days for every member in your party that has a Perception higher than C.

      Important: The minimum number of days the user(s) must search is 7 IRL days. This cannot be lowered below 7 IRL days. The user must state their modifiers in their Searching Post.

    Obtaining and Sharing Intelligence
      Once you and your party have completed the search and discovered the Dwelling/Complex, they now have intelligence on the location of this place. The user(s) now have a few choices.
        + Hording Intelligence: The user may horde intelligence for themselves. They will no longer need to search again for this place (unless their memory has been tampered to forget this place). You will need to state this intelligence gathered in your updates.

        + Sharing Intelligence: The user may share this intelligence with their village/organization. Doing so will require the leader to make an announcement in their Amphitheater. Doing this will share the information with the entire village/organization -- This will grant the entire Village/Organization intelligence and will no longer need to search for this particular location in the future.

      Successfully finding a place hidden under secrecy for the first time will also grant you Renown. (See the Renown Rules for more details).

    Annexing Countries
    Once you have finished searching for a Dwelling/Complex that is hidden under secrecy, you are capable of potentially annexing that country if you wish. There are a few ways in which you can annex a country.

    + Initial Buy-Out of a Nation
      You may only initially buy out a country if it is considered "Unclaimed". If nobody has a claim on the country, you are capable of buying out the nation in a more diplomatic manner. You cannot buy-out a nation that is currently controlled by any entity (as shown in the Control Map). In order to do an Initial Buy-Out of a Nation, you are required to bring the amount of Ryo required to buy-out the nation with you upon entering it's Dwelling. You make an RP buying out the nation and handing over the Ryo. Then, and only then, will you/your village/your organization will have control over the minor nation.

      In the event that the nation was previously owned and then goes Unclaimed (through either the player owner going inactive for too long or the owners no longer wanting to own it), it's Initial Buy-Out will automatically be set to a static 25,000,000 ryo. This will only be set once and the amount below will reflect that. This number is subject to change if the staff feels the number should be increased or decreased based on village economy.
      Buy Out Costs:

    + Purchasing from Owner
      In the event a Minor Nation is already owned and you really want that minor nation, you can attempt to purchase it from the owner (village kage/organization leader). The Village Kage/Organization Leader will set the price-point on what they want in exchange for the nation. This price-point will not be regulated by staff and will be up to the whims of the Village Kage/Organization Leader. If the purchaser agrees and makes the payment, ownership of the Minor Nation will be transferred to the buyer. An update must be made on the end of the buyer for this to be reflected. Naturally, this purchase must be roleplayed out.

    + Conquering a Country
      When diplomacy fails, you can take on the role of a conqueror. Attacking a nation until it bends the knee is one method of taking over a Minor Nation. This will require some man-power to perform.
      Conqueror Rules:

    + Winning over "Hearts and Minds"
      If supplying a vast quantity of money or pure violence isn't the answer on how a certain leader wishes to take over a nation, they are capable of winning over the local's 'Hearts and Minds'. Doing politics and opening the wallet is too expensive and committing genocide would lead to bitterness from the locals, winning them over and getting them to join your side will be the best means of a 'peaceful' transition -- even though it is done through subterfuge.

    Gaining Trust:

    Proxy Civil War:

    Nation Artifacts and Exclusives
    See the Artifacts list for more information on each artifact and who is the current owner.

    Village: Konohagakure
    Rank: Hokage
    Class: X
    Recognized by E Tier Intelligence
    Title: The Carmine Hyuga

      Current date/time is Sat Sep 28, 2024 5:12 pm