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Rebecca Smith
Nao Hyūga
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    Beaches can be for Fighting too

    Leaf Genin
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    Beaches can be for Fighting too - Page 2 Empty Re: Beaches can be for Fighting too

    Post by Nakaba Sun Jun 23, 2024 8:50 am

    Nakaba had seen all he had needed to see. Nao definitely didn’t disappoint. As amazed as he was, he needed to get back to training. He’d walk off thesame way he came to begin with, waving at the gang with Hibiki. “See you later.”

    [Attempted exit]

    Ninja Info Card:
    Nao Hyūga
    Nao Hyūga
    Leaf Genin
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    Beaches can be for Fighting too - Page 2 Empty Re: Beaches can be for Fighting too

    Post by Nao Hyūga Tue Jun 25, 2024 9:37 am

    Nao’s eyes narrowed as he observed Burittsu’s swift movements, the streak of ice on the sand and the dropping in the temperature around him. As Burittsu moved to attack, aiming a swipe at his thigh, Nao instinctively activated the Rotation technique. With a deep breath, Nao began to spin rapidly, generating a powerful sphere of chakra around him. The Rotation technique, created a formidable defense against the incoming ice claw with a burst of chakra. The force of the Rotation would be enough to knock Burittsu back a few meters. The repelling chakra sent him sliding across the ice he had created, increasing the distance between the two shinobi.

    Nao maintained his rotation, his Byakugan activated, he watched his surroundings waiting for a clear moment. The cold air around them intensified, but Nao remained a spinning blur of chakra. He knew that it was near impossible to break through this defense, but it also meant that he couldn't go on the attack either. For now, he would just have to wait and see what his opponent would do.

    Current Stats:
    Strength: D
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: A
    Speed: A+ (Gentle Fist gives ++, Accretion gives ++)
    Coordination: S (Nao's armor gives ++, Gentle Fist gives +1 Tier, Accretion gives +)
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: B+ (Byakugan)

    Chakra: 219/260

    Maintained Techniques:
    Byakugan -0.2
    Gentle Fist Style (A-Rank) -5 (Reduction due to Taijutsu)
    Accretion (C-Rank) -1 (Reduction due to Taijutsu)

    Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven (A-Rank) -10 (Reduction due to Taijutsu)

    Chakra: 202.8/260


    Nao Hyūga
    Strength: D
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: A
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A++
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: B
    Leaf Genin
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    Beaches can be for Fighting too - Page 2 Empty Re: Beaches can be for Fighting too

    Post by Hibiki Tue Jun 25, 2024 8:39 pm

    Belatedly, Hibiki realized she had been talking Rebecca's ear off. She bit her lip and offered a sheepish smile. "Sorry about that, Rebecca. I get a bit carried away when I'm excited. I'm just really happy to make a new friend. I don't have very many so far," she admitted, her voice softening with a hint of vulnerability.

    As she tried to answer Rebecca’s question, she put a finger to her forehead, struggling to remember the name of the crafter who had made her scarf and other special equipment. "What was his name again...?" she murmured, tapping her temple thoughtfully. Then, with a spark of recollection, she hit her right fist into her left palm. "Oh yeah! Mr. Jomei was the one who made it. He works for The Cosmic Menagerie," she announced proudly, happy to have remembered.

    "Oh hey, I live in Konoha too!" Hibiki exclaimed her eyes lighting up with surprise and delight when Rebecaca revealed in the same village "Maybe we'll run into each other more often. It's nice to know there's another talented craftsman around. We could totally hang out!"

    Hibiki glanced over at the ongoing fight, her curiosity piqued.  "It’s amazing how intense things can get around here, isn't it?" she mused, watching the combatants with a mix of admiration and concern. She heard Natsuki’s whisper and leaned in closer to respond quietly, her tone thoughtful. "I think he's just a bit jumpy. Can't blame him, though. This fight is something else."

    When Mamoru mentioned Kirigakure and the familiarity of the armor, Hibiki's eyes widened with interest. "Really? That's fascinating. I wonder who it could be. It's always a small world, isn't it?" She smiled at Mamoru, appreciating his efforts to provide more context about the fight.


    Rebecca Smith
    Rebecca Smith
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

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    Beaches can be for Fighting too - Page 2 Empty Re: Beaches can be for Fighting too

    Post by Rebecca Smith Tue Jun 25, 2024 9:05 pm

    She just eyeballed Mamoru for a moment as she continued to brush off the sand from her body. "None-o-us are, honey. Just take it slow. Well, unless you like the taste of sand, I guess," she raised a brow and shook her head slightly. She stood up and started to pat down her legs and her rear. Thankfully, her lower half was basically covered by a modest sarong, so nothing was clearly visible, though her patting off her rear end did make it bounce a bit like jell-o. Something she'd have to wash off, a bit more in-depth, once she got back to the hotel.  

    Her skin was starting to burn while she remained out in the sun. She fanned herself with her hand before turning to look towards Hibiki. "Oh no, yer just fine dear. I'd just rather not get splashed with sand is all," she sighed a bit. "Oh? From the Cosmic Menagerie? Oh, that's in Kow-no-haw. I'll totally have ta give him a visit sometime. Oh and we will totally definitely run into each other, Hee-bee-kee. I'd totally make ya something, fer a price of course," she said with a wink. She doesn't do friend discounts nor does she do work for free.

    "Well, it was nice meetin' all-o-yous, but I think I need to head back before I turn into a lobster. It was really nice meetin' ya Hee-bee-kee," she said smiling and nodding to Hibiki. "Nat-soo-kee," she said turning to look towards Natsuki with a smile and then back towards Mamoru. He addressed himself as Mamoru earlier. "And I guess you too, Mam-moooo-rooo," she said, placing her straw hat back upon her head and waved to everyone and started to walk off. Her skin was starting to turn red. A very cold bath was definitely in her future.

    OOC Section
    == Attempted Exit ==

    +40 EXP this post
    195 EXP total

    Update: Rebecca Smith

    Rebecca is an Omni-Crafter. If you need anything crafted, let me know.

    Rebecca speaks in a southern belle accent and mis-pronounces names constantly.
    Natsuki Uchiha
    Natsuki Uchiha
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    Beaches can be for Fighting too - Page 2 Empty Re: Beaches can be for Fighting too

    Post by Natsuki Uchiha Wed Jun 26, 2024 2:02 am

    "Oh damn, wait, that's ice?" As the strange shinobi skated on its slick surface, it seemed so obvious in retrospect. Still, though, there was so much it seemed to be able to do that Natsuki would never have dreamed. And then there was Nao's spinning ball, ever full of surprises himself.

    Is this what fights between shinobi look like? "Oh," he murmured as he watched Nakaba leave and snapping himself out of his thoughts. Natsuki gave him a nod, but quickly returned his eyes to the fight at hand.

    He was so engrossed, and glossing over much of Hibiki and Rebecca's conversation that Natsuki almost missed that she was leaving! As she rose up, he very awkwardly looked around at anything else as not to be caught looking at anything. It was one thing to pronounce their names that way, but "Kow-no-haw?" She's not from around here... All he would say, however, was "Bye, it was good meeting you too!"

    He flashed a look, something that read "Dude!" to Mamoru at his having, ostensibly, caused her departure.


    Kaguya Mamoru
    Kaguya Mamoru
    Mist Genin
    Mist Genin

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    Beaches can be for Fighting too - Page 2 Empty Re: Beaches can be for Fighting too

    Post by Kaguya Mamoru Thu Jun 27, 2024 10:54 am

    Mamoru watched the fight unfold. The way they both moved, the man with armor that he half recognized, utilized ice and slid around with a certain level of grace and struck with ice claws. While, in a perfect response, Nao spun his body rapidly, enveloping himself in a dome of...wind? No. That wasn't wind. Nao had a dome of pure chakra as a defense. Mamoru was intrigued at the techniques being used. He had no idea such powers existed. Then again, he could produce bones from his body, so it wasn't completely unbelievable.

    Although his eyes were cast toward the fight, Mamoru had split his perception, his hearing focused more on te conversation around him. He noted that the only person that didn't really introduce her name was the blonde, but it seemed Hibiki would provide that information. Rebecca. He noted. He really did feel bad for splashing her with sand. The shit was becoming more and more uncomfortable.

    "I would be a bit jumpy, too if I had to fight someone using ice. He's doing pretty damn good, though. I'm not ashamed to admit, I have my doubts I wouldn't fair this long against either of them." He said honestly. But that didn't mean he wasn't pumped thinking about it and would give it everything he had just keep up with them.

    His thoughts were caught short with Rebecca's departure. The way she enunciated his name was cute. He was watching her leave, when he felt eyes on him. He turns and looks at Natsuki, blinking in confusion, trying to comprehend his expression.

    Character Name: Kaguya Mamoru
       Spendable Experience:
       Total Experience: 0
       Renown: 0
       Ryo: 1,050,000
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: C
    • Stamina: D
    • Speed: C
    • Coordination: C
    • Intelligence: D
    • Perception: D

       Link to Kaguya Mamoru Updates
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    Mist Jounin
    Mist Jounin
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    Class: S
    Ryo: 4,062,000

    Beaches can be for Fighting too - Page 2 Empty Re: Beaches can be for Fighting too

    Post by Burittsu Sat Jun 29, 2024 12:27 pm

    Burittsu finally achieved what he wanted from the start watching as Nao attempted to get into form for a counter attack. Burittsu moved faster than Nao would have liked in regards to speed yet it was all experience putting a smile on his face Burittsu simply cut his attack short stopping meters away from Nao. Watching the young shinobi spin and produce his defense cutting off his ice meant the Jutsu itself would dissolve amongst everyone around. Bringing back the warmth to the area Burittsu heard of this technique yet to see it in person was indeed a work of art and a good defense indeed. Burittsu kept his distance but yet he did nothing keeping the boy on his defense was good enough.

    Smiling he only had time before it was his part of the show to get up and leave and begin the hunt he had no fear. Jumping into the rotation of the Hyuga taking the full effects of the jutsu before being blasted off of it sending him back ten meters into the sand of the beach. Landing on his feet as he imprinted his boots back into the sand the defense itself indeed did not lie it was a proper set up. A good setup indeed keeps enemies at bay well until they decide other means of getting past a technique like this. He had options but yet he was amused enough with this battle there was no need for him to continue to push at the threshold of this encounter.

    Unlike Blitz he was always willing to pull out the fight when he had his fill of information. A difference yet one that could easily be overlooked depending on the opponent the enjoyment of battle he consumed was indeed deadly. But it was him gaining control of the boys' needs, having such a tolerance for never ending battle until one side loses was a different type of seduction. Laughing a little, Burittsu decided to give it away.

    “Congratulations you landed a hit. Happy Red Hair has a choice of shinobi in her gallery. Haha. You can calm down now. Next time we dance we will have fun if the life of a shinobi doesn’t take us. Let’s call this match your victory what do you say?”

    Watching himself he didn’t pull out anything remained stoic under the sun if denied the easy victory Burittsu would only watch to see his answer as defense would be the easiest solution if he decided to push in for a assault.

    Beaches can be for Fighting too - Page 2 Aomine14

    Life Mocks Us In The End..
    [Kenjutsu] - [Ninjutsu] - [Hyoton] - [Sensory] - [Summoning]
    [D-Rank: 0] - [C-Rank: 1] - [B-Rank: 4] - [A-Rank: 0] - [S-Rank: 0]
    Strength: B
    Constitution: B ~ A
    Stamina: A+
    Speed: B ~ A
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: A
    :: Saiken
    :: Samehada
    :: Leggings is S Rank granting +1 Tier to speed
    :: Chestplate is S Rank granting +1 Tier to Con
    Nao Hyūga
    Nao Hyūga
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

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    Age : 36

    Beaches can be for Fighting too - Page 2 Empty Re: Beaches can be for Fighting too

    Post by Nao Hyūga Sun Jun 30, 2024 3:07 am

    From within the rotation, Nao observed Burittsu's demeanor and noted the shift in temperature as the ice dissipated. The Hyuga took a deep breath, feeling the warmth return to the area. Nao had always known his defense was nearly impenetrable, but seeing Burittsu willingly throw himself into the technique and take the full brunt of it was surprising. Nao's rotation began to slow as he watched Burittsu's movements carefully. The initial rush of relief he felt from repelling the attack was quickly replaced by a keen awareness of Burittsu's intentions. As his spinning came to a halt, Nao stood firm, his Byakugan still activated, scanning for any possible trick or hidden attack.

    When Burittsu spoke, congratulating him and suggesting an end to the match, Nao maintained his stoic expression. He was wary, knowing that the shinobi before him was not one to be underestimated. The offer of a victory was tempting, but Nao knew better than to let his guard down completely. Keeping his distance, Nao responded calmly, "Your words are appreciated, Burittsu. It was an honor to face you in combat, I accept your offer to end this match." He relaxed his stance slightly but kept his Byakugan active, ready to react if Burittsu decided to change his mind. "Next time, I will be stronger," Nao added, a note of determination in his voice. "Until then, stay safe. The life of a shinobi is unpredictable."

    With that, Nao would turn from Burittsu ending the Accretion technique as he moved towards Hibiki and the others that had gathered to watch his spar with the former Kage. Though he ended his other techniques, his Byakugan would remain active, keeping an eye on the former Kage despite his back being turned to the man. Nao was no fool and wouldn't lower his guard just yet, he knew that not everyone was trustworthy and while he would like to take the former Kage at his words that the fight was over, he knew that he did not know the man well enough to completely lower his guard. Reaching the group, Nao would instinctively wrap an arm around Hibiki's waist and give her a kiss before looking to the others that were there.

    "Hey Natsuki, good to see you." Nao started, looking to the other man that was there with a smile Nao would give a small wave with his free hand. "I don't believe we have met, name's Nao. Nice to meet you." Nao would then turn back to Hibiki with a smile, "so what are you talking about?" He asked curiously with a raised eyebrow, attempting to join in the conversation as he finally deactivated his Byakugan. His guard not completely lowered, but he felt more comfortable with Hibiki by his side and felt that it was less likely for Burittsu to attack him with others standing next to him as they were. "Did you enjoy the show?"

    Nao Hyūga
    Strength: D
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: A
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A++
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: B
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

    Posts : 631
    Join date : 2017-11-24

    Beaches can be for Fighting too - Page 2 Empty Re: Beaches can be for Fighting too

    Post by Hibiki Sun Jun 30, 2024 11:25 pm

    Hibiki watched as Rebecca brushed off the sand, her nonchalant demeanor contrasting with Mamoru's evident discomfort. "Well, sand in places it shouldn't be isn't fun for anyone," she chuckled softly,  "If you visit, I'll be around. Always up for a trade," she replied with a friendly grin.

    As Rebecca bid her farewells, Hibiki waved back. "Take care, Rebecca. Stay cool," she called out, noticing the sunburn on Rebecca's skin.  Hopefully she had applied enough sunscreen to herself so that she wouldn’t end up suffering the same fate.

    She glanced at Mamoru, catching his bewildered look after Rebecca's departure. "She's something, huh?" Hibiki chuckled lightly.  "Looks like someone caught your eye," she teased gently, nudging Mamoru playfully. "Or maybe it's just the sand in your boots," she added with a wink, trying to lighten the mood amidst the tension of the ongoing battle.

    When Mamoru mentioned his own doubts about facing such formidable opponents, Hibiki grinned, nodding in understanding. "It's alright to feel that way. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses," she reassured him, her tone encouraging. "But you've got your own tricks up your sleeve, right? That's what counts."

    "Anyway, it looks like the fight's heating up. Or maybe I should say cooling down, what with all that Ice.” she observed, turning her attention back to the ongoing battle. 

    Hibiki observed the unfolding battle with keen interest, her eyes tracking the swift movements of Burittsu and the strategic defenses of Nao. As Burittsu gracefully evaded Nao's counterattack and acknowledged the effectiveness of Nao's defensive technique, Hibiki couldn't help but admire the skill on display.

    As the tension eased slightly, Hibiki glanced around, sensing the subtle shifts in energy among the onlookers. She respected Burittsu's choice to withdraw gracefully, his demeanor under the sun betraying no hint of disappointment or frustration. 

    Hibiki's brow furrowed slightly as she processed Burittsu's comment. The mention of "Happy Red Hair" and her gallery of shinobi left her intrigued and somewhat puzzled. She glanced around discreetly, confirming she was indeed the only one present with red hair.

    What did he mean by 'choice of shinobi in her gallery'? Hibiki wondered silently, the question mark figuratively hovering over her head. The phrase suggested something about her having options or perhaps being associated with a group of skilled individuals. It sparked her curiosity about Burittsu's perception of her and what he might know or assume about her background.

    Her thoughts swirled with possibilities—was it a metaphorical reference to her connections, her abilities, or something else entirely? Hibiki made a mental note to keep an eye on Burittsu, sensing there might be more to his cryptic statement than met the eye.

    Hibiki watched as Nao approached, his Byakugan still active despite the apparent conclusion of the spar with Burittsu. She couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and admiration for his cautious nature, knowing well the unpredictability of shinobi encounters. 

    As Nao wrapped his arm around Hibiki's waist and surprised her with a kiss on the lips, her eyes widened momentarily in surprise. Her heart skipped a beat as warmth spread through her, and she returned the kiss softly, feeling a rush of affection for him. Pulling back slightly, she looked up at him with a gentle smile, her cheeks tinged with a faint blush.

    "Hey," she murmured warmly, her voice soft but filled with fondness. The brief intimacy amidst their friends left her feeling a mix of happiness and a hint of shyness. "You really know how to make an entrance," she added playfully, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

    "This is Mamoru," she introduced, gesturing towards the newcomer. As Mamoru's name was pronounced, she couldn't resist a playful grin, mimicking Rebecca's exaggerated pronunciation with a slight twinkle in her eye. "Mam-moooo-rooo," she repeated with a light chuckle, her tone teasing but friendly.  

    "We were just discussing the battle—it was quite a display, wasn't it?"  she asked as her gaze shifted between Natsuki and Mamoru, curious about their perspectives on the spectacle they had just witnessed.

    At Nao's question about the show, she nodded, her eyes brightening with enthusiasm. "It was intense! You handled yourself really well out there," she praised, genuinely impressed by his skill and composure during the fight. "That other guy certainly made an impression, though, Do you know who is his?" she asked, her mind still processing the implications of his earlier comment about her.

    Focusing on her fiance, Hibiki's expression softened. "You really had me worried for a moment there, you know," she admitted, her gaze sincere as she gently touched his arm. "But you handled it like a true shinobi. I'm proud of you," she added quietly, her admiration evident in her eyes.  As they stood together with their friends, the tension from the battle gradually dissipating, Hibiki felt a sense of relief and contentment.



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    Beaches can be for Fighting too - Page 2 Empty Re: Beaches can be for Fighting too

    Post by Sponsored content

      Current date/time is Tue Jul 02, 2024 10:29 am