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    Fighting Street Art [mission]


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    Fighting Street Art [mission]  Empty Fighting Street Art [mission]

    Post by Astaroth Sun Mar 22, 2020 7:50 pm

    Mission Name: Beat up the Delinquents
    Mission Type:  Guard
    Mission Rank: C
    Mission Goal: Beat up the Delinquents
    Description: A group of juvenile delinquents have been going around at night tagging various shops with graffiti. The owners of these shops are getting fed up with it and have decided to finally do something about it. They are looking to hire a Shinobi to stake out the market district at night and wait for the delinquents to show up and then teach them a lesson. Beat the delinquents or install fear into them to get them to stop their evil ways.
    Payment: 15,000 Ryo
    Requirements: Genin +

    Silence in all it’s silken glory slid over Nagato for a moment as the shadow of an archway threw his features into muted relief. Sliding the tough almost towards the back corner of the right side of his mouth - the satisfying crunch as his molars split the nut filled his ears.

    After the vicious heralding of the almond’s untimely death - Nagato chewed without further fanfare as he surveyed the markets with a number of eyes.

    Firstly: the expedient orbs of a potential buyer - regardless of individual resources. These were greedy and self-serving. Akin to tourists, merchants and the thrifty, Nagato joined these less than august bodies as he stepped out of shadow and into solas’ dying nimbus.

    To his left, the markets were slowly dying down as their lifeblood fled the darkening streets and retreated to the safety of their homes. A few stall owners half-heartedly hailed Nagato as he entered and left their realm of attention. His lack of response hardly faltered their cacahony, but they stopped sooner than they would have normally - even accustomed to a day’s work of shouting and haggling, they were tired. A small tick under his eye drew his attention to their sagging limbs, and the increased time their eyes spent looking into the wild blue yonder.

    Could-bes, perhapses and the tantalizing promise of the bed was breeding weakness within their ranks. However, tonight it wouldn’t be Nagato that preyed upon their vulnerabilities. As the shopfronts slowly retreated within themselves -chairs and signage hauled back behind supposedly locked doors- Nagato took his time to find a more permanent seat.

    Secondly; Nagato looked with the eyes of a professional across the marketplace. Now KEOT sleepily peered out through his cerulean orbs. Nagato inhaled, the scents of fatty fried foots and sweets percolating the saliva in his mouth. Draw by both an innate destructive intent and greed - KEOT reckoned that the truant folk of Nagato’s mission would find themselves drawn there.

    By contrast, Nagato found himself eyeing off the brightest and most distinctive of parlors within the market's confines: a ramen house, boldly declaring itself in bright red and black lettering on a white background. Even in the dying light, it drew the eye. And Nagato wasn’t even the sort to enjoy the meal.

    Shrouding himself with his dark green overcoat, his hands found a pair of the many pockets within its voluminous depths and snuggled himself inside to ward off the harbor’s chill breeze. Underneath the overcoat’s protective layering, he hadn’t dressed for idle activities and the lack of coverage from his light blue tank top and grey shorts was beginning to eat into him. At least his feet were warm within their snug confines of sock and shoe. Not for the first time, he wondered why they had laces when they were taken on and off via a zipper on the side.

    Now the only thing to do was wait.
    Fushidarana Uzumaki
    Fushidarana Uzumaki

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    Fighting Street Art [mission]  Empty Re: Fighting Street Art [mission]

    Post by Fushidarana Uzumaki Sun Mar 22, 2020 8:42 pm

    It was beginning to reach nightfall and the noble Uzumaki had actual mission gear on this time, midnight blue cloth clung tightly to hed features as her face was obscured by wraps of the same color. This would keep the filthy urchin hands off of her or at least help stem infection from their dirty peasant diseases that came about from lack of bathing ugh what a horrid concept. Let them eat soap. In the opinion of the raven haired genin she would prefer to finish up in this poor person district as soon as possible anyways.

    Stepping in heels that did little in the way of hindering her coordination or speed but greatly increasing his awesome her calves looked in this skintight fabric she would come upon the market square with a bratty huff. The stench of the unsophistocated masses filled her nostrils along with the noise from their scurrying about in the last fading light of the sun much like rats in a hurry to get back to their hovels before the owl swooped in to catch them.

    This owl was hungry for effeminent male mice and was currently on the prowl for one to become a new friend of hers. Fushi did need some new friends after all the mansion was getting surprisingly lonely these days if she had to be honest with herself and so she would be finding herself scouting out the markets for cute little twinks of all varieties. Even though the shops were closing down the Uzumaki knew she could pull some tail in, she did feel like a predator on the hunt but this beast would only feast upon those that were willing.

    The eyes of the doton user would fall upon a young man in a long overcoat and a blue tank top that contrasted the dark green over the overcoat amd the grey of the booty shorts worn by the adorable thing. He even had zipper shoes what a little goofball, the poor little thing looked cold however and that simply would not do. He even looked abouther age so she started to get excited and even more so when she noticed the headband around his relatively small shoulder.

    Placing her arm on the wall above where the young ninja was standing, it would flex revealing her muscles for only a second before returning to what looked like soft thin arms thanks to her ridiculous height. Fushi used her superior elevation to leer over him with a kindhearted smile in order to give away her intentions right of the bat. "So cutie, do you come here often? You look cold, I could keep you warm until I have to start my mission if you want. You are a dime piece after all" Fushi laid it on thick with the flirting her eyes filled with a playful look belaying the joy she found in this. She had no idea if this was her partner but she would let the suspense build for herself before directly asking.

    Strength: C [450]
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    Fighting Street Art [mission]  Empty Re: Fighting Street Art [mission]

    Post by Astaroth Sun Mar 22, 2020 9:06 pm

    Perhaps the first thought that struck Nagato as the footfalls of another individual approached him was 'who on earth wears heels to a mission?' - but he was well versed enough in the complexities of Shinobi ego and idealism that being so forward was often a quick path too offending the artistic souls that made up the intelligence and armed forces of the nation. Who knew that such a bloodthirsty profession would house a wealth of fashionistas in full bloom.

    Narrowing his dark blue eyes, Nagato cocked an eyebrow; embodying both an unspoken question and his wry amusement about working with such a tall woman. Her proximity to him didn't bother him - yet. As far as he could tell, her intentions seemed to be mostly playful. And he wore a much worse being closer to the skin than this. KEOT warmed his forearm slightly, a blooming flume of heat before it died away entirely.

    From the cloth bound tightly to her face - Nagato couldn't read the expression on his partners face. But the angel of empathy alighted on his shoulder and informed him in business-like tones that it was probably a cheerful smile that the old geezers would wear without shame when a girl with a nice ass walked by. If nothing else, her words added evidence to this assumption. "More often than you at least. Are you ashamed of being spotted here?" Nagato didn't have room to gesture with his hands without getting them caught in various...things, which hung roughly at eye level.

    "My father always said that cold builds character I'm afraid - no need to worry about me." Despite his cheery tones, Nagato's face remained relatively still. Whatever his inner instincts might say of her intentions, it remained to be shown so. Whilst it looked like his partner was more than happy to beat around the bush, he was not so inclined. "I assume that you're my assignment partner for the evening - and not a high-class escort who's gotten lost." At this, Nagato cracked a lopsided smirk at his own poor taste in humour. However, in his own defence, she had definitely asked for it.
    Fushidarana Uzumaki
    Fushidarana Uzumaki

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    Fighting Street Art [mission]  Empty Re: Fighting Street Art [mission]

    Post by Fushidarana Uzumaki Sun Mar 22, 2020 9:28 pm

    Undoing her face wraps quickly in response the Uzumaki would reveal her soft facial features to the ninja opposite on her, "Well I'm on a mission silly billy." The tones were light and playful and the nobles voice meant no disrespect to the ninja near her short as he was. "Fine little bud sorry I dont have a jacket to give you, a little biddy like you seems to have enough character on your own" Fushi paid this compliment and then recieved his question on its heels probably thanks to her heels.

    Suddenly growing a bit self conscious about being compared to a lady of the night a flood of emotions would surge through the woman which brought her on a bit of a ride throughout the experience. The smile was the only thing that prevented her from retreating into her shell and into a shame spiral. So it was simply a joke and should be responded in kind.

    The ninja thought of smacking the young ninja on one of his set of cheeks but thought better of it, she was no brute who would slap those smaller than her without them begging her to first. "If you're asking to pay for a night with me you're out of luck, you'll have to win me over big shooter" Fushidarana would alight her cheeks with a smile before shifting her focus to the shop keep for a moment. "Two ramen and two soju, if you will" the tone was polite but she immediately shifted her attention back to the shorter male.

    "So wanna have a seat partner? We can finish the mission after we dine and I get to learn more about you. Do you have a sensei already? How about a boyfriend? Girlfriend?" Fushi would tilt her head innocently and subconsciously as she began to relax her body around him waiting for the other ninja to take a seat before she would.

    Strength: C [450]
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    Fighting Street Art [mission]  Empty Re: Fighting Street Art [mission]

    Post by Astaroth Sun Mar 22, 2020 9:55 pm

    Afforded the opportunity to properly gleam his partner's features - Nagato took a moment to commit them to memory; a task that he found no hardship in and was sure he would recognise her at the drop of a hat in future.
    "I could have said the same for you - I doubt it is the first time you've been told that you're quite distinctive." Nagato idly played with an almond between thumb and forefinger as he spoke, rolling the tight bud of nutrition between words in time with the cadence of his soft voice.
    The Kirigakure accent was not known for harsher elements to vocal landscaping, and coming from a more rural community - Nagato's voice was somewhat more lilting and pitchy than convention within the figurative 'big city' of Kirigakure might deem fashionable.

    "If I was going to be paying for a night with you I suspect I'd be trying for quite some time." There was a certain dryness to Nagato's voice as he spoke - not for the first time, noting the relative disparity between their clothing. His jacket was in many senses of the word, ugly. Its colour and cut would both classify as offensive, and for an insult to injury, it was oversized for the muscular genin: making him look even shorter than he already did. The woman's height and easily discernable quality of garments merely made the differences more obvious.
    "Hypothetically speaking of course, I would wager a challenge or something more meaningful than a gift would have a greater chance of success." Nagato thoughtfully crunched the almond - swallowing both thought and food before taking the seat next to her.

    "Well, I'll start with an introduction." The impulse was to rib her about skipping over the first and most banal of formalities, but the night was young and for the time being he reigned in the more obnoxious of impulses. "Call me Nagato; a fresh bag of blood here to grease the gears of the economy." Pale lips drew into a tight smile that didn't reach eyes etched from the from Yuki lakes. "And a negative to all of the other questions."

    "How about you? I wager your story is much more interesting than mine, Miss...?"
    Fushidarana Uzumaki
    Fushidarana Uzumaki

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    Fighting Street Art [mission]  Empty Re: Fighting Street Art [mission]

    Post by Fushidarana Uzumaki Mon Mar 23, 2020 2:01 pm

    "That's if most people say anything at all darling, I'm quite used to mute staff and simpering nobles. Not that a little simpering is bad but I do love someone who has something to say" Fushidarana spoke while taking in her surroundings a bit more before focusing her attention back upon the man whom she had under her arm, the thought of which made her blush slightly. While her accent was distinctly aristocratic, this farmer boy's heavy accent would confuse one about the intelligence he held. Fushi may not be the smartest herself but she had a good talent for spotting those smarter than herself, this peasant may be such a case which was good at the Uzumaki turned quickly of airheaded playthings.

    "Oh I think a challenge would be much better honestly, I have quite enough money myself. I pick whom I go after" delivered with a wink like most things the female ninja did it was not subtle in the least.

    "Didn't you read the mission introduction it's why I skipped names, my apologies Nagato. For you please just call me Fushi though most would have to call me miss so good instinct and manners. My if you have some good chakra reserves and control you really would be the full....package, wouldnt you?" Upon saying this the Uzumaki would attempt to slide her hand under Nagato's ass and lift him into the air a bit squeezing one of his cheeks in the process before using her grip to slow gravity's pull on him back to the stool. Immediately acting like nothing happened she would use her other hand to toss the soju in it back into her mouth in a quick jerk emptying the glass of its contents into her throat. "Gonna drink yours? Why did you take this mission?"

    Strength: C [450]
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    Fighting Street Art [mission]  Empty Re: Fighting Street Art [mission]

    Post by Astaroth Mon Mar 23, 2020 5:25 pm

    Nagato searched for words for a moment - looking for the crux of the matter, or the proverbial anvil to strike whilst the iron was fresh. But it cooled; it was not every day that you ran into a darling of an estate. For a moment, concerns of safety and the broader implications of consequence crashed down on Nagato like thunderous arrows. He blinked slowly, like a tired bat before returning to full cognizance.
    "Don't take offence but that sounds quite dull."  Nagato mused on this, taking some refuge in his caustic, perhaps even juvenile, sensibilities. "It seems fortuitous that you've flourished into such a healthy personality."

    Not for the first time, Nagato was thankful he wasn't the blushing daisy type - his partner would have picked up on that weakness like a hot rash and been all over it. But nonetheless, his preferred stoicism required a little more manufactured maintenance than usual. The wink with saucy raunchiness poured all over was hardly assisting in matters.
    "Okay, how would you feel about taking the mission a little more leisurely - no ninja arts, no chakra. I've got mouths to feed and could spare the energy for other tasks."

    "I'll have to keep an eye out for it next time - I missed the memo." A vague recollection of sweeping out of the office drifted across the dark recesses of his mind as his eyes flicked waywardly - and to the past. If anything, this was more likely to cause him embarrassment than the attentions of Fushi.

    soon as he had received perhaps one of the most scandalizing experiences of his life - being lifted into the air and squeezed like a squeaky toy - it was just as emasculating either way. Somewhere inside him, a squeak out outrage threatened to bubble through his lips - and he clamped down on it fiercely.
    "..." Nagato's metaphorical carriage wheels spun as he looked for verbal traction. Landing -finally- upon the solid ground of both the bench and sane conversation: "I will in a second." He took a steadying sip, something to do with his mouth instead of talking. Or, more likely, saying something thoughtlessly. "The same reason that everyone does; money and field experience. Only one of those applies to you, however. So why? To experience the great unwashed outdoors?"
    Fushidarana Uzumaki
    Fushidarana Uzumaki

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    Fighting Street Art [mission]  Empty Re: Fighting Street Art [mission]

    Post by Fushidarana Uzumaki Mon Mar 23, 2020 5:46 pm

    "None taken, it was dreadfully, undesirably dull" Fushi would say in response before thanking the ninja for his compliment with her own style of compliment. "Thank you, you're far smarter than your style of dress normally indicates" like a mac truck bearing down on a pet store, Fushi was looking to slay some pussy. Though now her mind shifted to her upbringing in the Uzumaki clan, it was refined for sure but unlively and sterile to a degree she disdained. It was not a subject the woman wished to dwell on so she shelved the thoughts for now, to come back to later.

    The deal was an interesting one and thus the ninjutsu user would ponder this for a second before remembering the level of people she would be dealing with if it did indeed come to a fight. "That would not be a problem, they arent worth the chakra anyways I'd imagine" a rude dismissal based upon the percieved power of the pair posturing in that pasta parlor. It would make things slightly more interesting anyways and give her a bit of training on the throwing skills she was developing. While there were not official weapons in her arsenal she planned on using the environment to her advantage anyways to bring about her desired outcome in battle.

    Missing the memo was nothing to be ashamed of, if she hadn't been bored on the way over the earth Drake ninja would not have known herself but the time afforded her the gander. Through it she had only his name though, no physical description had been given though in a metropolis like this it may be needed.

    Not the most perceptive nor intelligent Fushidara would notice the fire inside Nagato though he suppressed it well, this was thanks to her style of flirting and experience in it. The ones with burning fire usually had burning desire and the Uzumaki enjoyed that quite a bit.

    "Atta boy" the comment was congratulatory in nature and delivered in a chippy encouraging tone. "Exactly, I'm just a widdwe innocent gurl, could you pwotect me wiff dose big muscle wuscles of yours big guy?" This tone was far more joking but Fushi would try shrinking in her seat and playing coy. With a finger to her mouth she stared at Nagato with puppy dog eyes and swiveled back and forth on her stool while maintaining eye contact and using her free hand to seperate the wraps at the exact area to show some cleavage. As soon as the line was finished the physically capable genin would burst out laughing and choke out a "You wish" before continuing to chuckle about her satirization of 'girly girls'.

    Strength: C [450]
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    Fighting Street Art [mission]  Empty Re: Fighting Street Art [mission]

    Post by Astaroth Mon Mar 23, 2020 7:52 pm

    Nagato held duality of beliefs; the thick skin of those too ignorant to understand an insult when it was thrown at them. And those prickly enough to find offence in the colour of the sky. For the time being, he found himself sitting firmly in between both polarities - the very image of a diplomat filled with poise. This was a Buddhist state with a very short half-life, however, and all too quickly, Nagato teetered off the edge of serenity and fell back to humanist responses.
    It appeared that both of them were of a mood to sail on past this topic, fortunately. Nagato was not of a mind to tolerate slights to his intelligence or appearance - and Fushi had deftly managed both in one easy swoop.

    "That's the spirit!" However, verbally abusing people who weren't even within hearing distance to pick up on it? He was quite prepared to enjoy this as a pastime. "Just think of it as training weights - and if you fail the challenge, I'll consider taking you out to the firing range and pulling out the 'big shooter' as it were." Nagato wrinkled his nose in equal parts self-disgust and amusement at the twist of words employed but stuck the landing with his typical aloof amusement. Even if internally he felt less than certain about the approach. Especially when he had no intentions of going through with it.

    Although her rendition of infantilism brought his internal bemusements to an ice-cold halt as the happy warm feelings froze over and retreated somewhere deep inside. Even KEOT seemed to be horrified - but this was probably part of his emotional symbiosis. Nagato had noticed a number of times that the unknown consciousness seemed to be most reflective of his hosts emotional state. And then when it was something he had a poor understanding of: amplificative.

    "Perhaps the challenge will be too easy for you, I'm sure exposing the delinquents to that would instantly cause them to turn tail and flee into the night. Please warn me before you're going to do so, however." As if to exaggerate the point beyond its already comical nature - Nagato grabbed his drink and drained it in one long motion before putting it back on the table.
    Fushidarana Uzumaki
    Fushidarana Uzumaki

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    Fighting Street Art [mission]  Empty Re: Fighting Street Art [mission]

    Post by Fushidarana Uzumaki Mon Mar 23, 2020 8:38 pm

    Fushi's face twisted into confusion and then pity before patting her partners hand and looking at him with a knowing expression. "Oh hunny, that joke just doesnt work on a few levels. Why reward me if I fail the challenge and number two I wanna see your ass not your dick silly." Bluntly delivered like most everything the Uzumaki genin did the words were sincere and not meant to be patronizing in any way but rather a guiding light to the warm shores of comedy. A lighthouse of enlightenment to that poor man who just made a shipwreck of a joke. Though she did hope his shooter was big that would make things easier in the long run as she needed a ranged ninja to back up her throwing an pin the enemy down.

    Though truth be told the Uzumaki was wondering moreso about how exactly to win him over, the ninja's outward expression was a bit cold as if to ward away others from getting close and Fushidarana had never been good at closing the distance without her physical charm. Something which was shot down and frowned upon by the next words to come out of his mouth.

    "Oh, um I uh I guess it um, I g-g" she stopped, that god damn stutter was back. The tall woman hadn't stuttered since she was sixteen for christ sakes and now she was back to it. She wished that the dismal of the lines as comedy was not so ridiculous thanks to the tone delivered it in.

    Well there goes that then, Fushi thought defeatedly, visibly drooping a tad before finishing what she had in front of her and paying for the bill half heartedly. "Well...I um guess we should...g-get those...taggers h-huh?" The words came out mumbled and very soft as the ninja stood up and prepared to leave the ramen stand.

    Strength: C [450]
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    Fighting Street Art [mission]  Empty Re: Fighting Street Art [mission]

    Post by Astaroth Mon Mar 23, 2020 10:22 pm

    "Oh. Well then." Sometimes it was best not to think too much about these things - and for starters, Nagato had no idea what his ass was even like. It wasn't a body part he tended to think of, or consider much. It was like running slap bang into a hard glass wall - not that he had any real idea how it had got there or what to do about it.
    The Other loomed out of the mist, unfathomable and unknowable. Inviting the foolish to gaze in and see what happened when it gazed back.

    And like two ships sailing in the night, they passed each other by. Nagato watched Fushi fumble with her words for a moment - big eyes watching patiently. He felt the gutted stab of the guilty; suspecting he had done something wrong but not knowing how to whether he should even attempt to rectify it. "Okay, show me the way."

    Nagato always found action to be much more preferable to inaction and happily rose from his seat and pursued Fushi. The feeling of human movement helped distract him from the pangs of an inconsiderate conscience and he forged ahead indifferently. "Shall we make a lap of the perimeter to 'case the joint', as it were?"
    Fushidarana Uzumaki
    Fushidarana Uzumaki

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    Fighting Street Art [mission]  Empty Re: Fighting Street Art [mission]

    Post by Fushidarana Uzumaki Mon Mar 23, 2020 11:03 pm

    "I...will show y-you deh whey" Fushidarana mumbled out while leaving the stand to head to where the tags were sprouting up in the market square, once outside her confidence started to slowly build back but she began to wonder. What was behind those eyes that didnt line up well with the rest of him? She simply wasnt a smart enough ninja to know, perhaps a chemist would know but not a doton ninjutsu user such as herself. Instead the Uzumaki shelved thoughts as she was want to do on occasion or in rapid succession as need demanded. Instead she would focus rebuilding esteem and finding these damn poor people.

    Needing someone to take her frustrations out on the female ninja was hesitant to agree with Nagato's plan though it was logical. "Well fine I suppose we could but the sooner I can put my fist into someone's jaw the better, lead on mister man." All of the words except the last which was delivered deadpan, were done in a low growl. That was simply how the noble dealt with self doubt by shoving it down and using it as coal for the wood burner of her quick but long running temper. Some old fashion brawling would help clear her head anyways, she would simply have to retract herself until she was in a more emotionally stable state though that was hard to do when she had to walk next to the man who caused it in the first place.

    The task may have seemed like an insurmountable one but Fushidarana could tackle any challenge she set her mind to and she simply would this time through use of her fists and throwing skills. Perhaps this day could yet be salvaged and some positive experience would come from the mission that had seemed so mundane at first.

    Strength: C [450]
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    Fighting Street Art [mission]  Empty Re: Fighting Street Art [mission]

    Post by Astaroth Tue Mar 24, 2020 6:18 am

    An unknown and partially evolved instinct that resides in the brain somewhere near the part that knows when you're being bad-mouthed rolled over in its sleep. Half-heartedly, Nagato wondered if he was being made fun of. Attributing it to his country-bumpkin upbringing, he gilded the proverbial lily and fell into lockstep with Fushi. The conversation fell behind them with each sound of their feet striking the ground. The silence suited Nagato just fine, and he took the time to reflect and recollect himself. After all, he was only an average man in the matters of the emotion.

    Some blueblood scion was walking beside him? Check.
    Self-same blueblood scion had a particular interest in asses? Check.
    Did they have a plan for dealing with the artists of the streets? Che- wait, no.
    Had they made life harder for themselves by limiting their potential methods of dealing with the vandals? Another fat, if slightly disappointed, checkmark.

    Nagato favoured Fushi with a long sidelong glance before taking her up on the offer and moving into the front, reluctant to say anything just yet. He had done enough damage already it seemed. Nodding to himself, Nagato found himself having to walk slightly faster than he would normally have done so. The difference between the gaits was a simple derivative of their respective heights; Fushi simply covered more ground than his own steps. The first step of galvanising over the area was actually in the finding of the perimeter - which took longer than Nagato had expected by far. And in the end, it became an exercise in executive decision making on his part.

    All in all, he kept their area of observation localised around the central cases but wasn't so afraid to meander a little outside of the beaten track. "Don't mind me, just curious. And somewhat superstitious. Call it being a birckhead farmboy." Perhaps now would be as good as time as any to get words running between the two of them again.

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