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Rebecca Smith
Nao Hyūga
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    Beaches can be for Fighting too

    Nao Hyūga
    Nao Hyūga
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

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    Age : 36

    Beaches can be for Fighting too Empty Beaches can be for Fighting too

    Post by Nao Hyūga Sat Jun 08, 2024 3:04 am

    As the first light of dawn crept over the horizon, Nao stood on the soft sands of the beach, his feet firmly planted and his gaze unwavering. The gentle sound of waves lapping against the shore mingled with the early morning stillness, creating a serene backdrop for his intense focus. Each breath he took was steady, purposeful, as he prepared his body and mind for the training he had planned. Most would be using this time to enjoy the sun, sand, and water, but Nao knew he needed to prepare for the road that was ahead of him. He had enjoyed himself at the fair the day before, and now it was time for him to focus himself once more.

    With the rising sun casting a warm, golden glow across the beach, Nao activated his Byakugan. His vision expanded, allowing him to see up to 250 meters in all directions. The intricate network of chakra points on every living thing within his range became visible, a testament to his lineage's powerful dojutsu. His purple eyes scanned the surroundings with acute awareness, every detail and movement within his field of vision registering with crystal clarity. It was mostly to ensure that someone didn't walk up in the way while he was training, but also so he didn't have to worry about someone attacking him from behind, he wasn't in the safety of his village and enemies could be anywhere.

    Raising his hands into the initial stance of the Gentle Fist, Nao didn't worry about flowing chakra through for this, it was more about precise control. With a swift, fluid motion, he struck the air in front of him, visualizing the tenketsu points he would target on an opponent's body. Each strike was a delicate balance of grace and power, designed not to harm externally but to disrupt the flow of chakra within. There were other styles he could have practiced, like the strong fist or even his own created style, but he figured he would save that for when he needed it in the exams. No sense in letting others know what he could do in case other competitors were watching him.

    The beach provided the perfect training ground. The uneven sand beneath his feet forced him to adjust his balance constantly, honing his agility and stability. As he moved through his forms, the sand whispered beneath his feet, a testament to the speed and precision of his techniques. Nao’s training was more than physical. It was a mental exercise, a discipline that demanded complete concentration. His mind was a blank slate, free from distraction, focusing solely on the perfection of each technique. Taking momentary breaks between the techniques, allowing the peace of the scene to wash over him, knowing that every drop of sweat and every second spent practicing brought him closer to his goal.

    Nao Hyūga
    Strength: D
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: A
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A++
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: B
    Rebecca Smith
    Rebecca Smith
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 102
    Join date : 2022-12-04
    Location : Living Rent-Free in your head

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    Class: C
    Ryo: Check Update

    Beaches can be for Fighting too Empty Re: Beaches can be for Fighting too

    Post by Rebecca Smith Mon Jun 10, 2024 12:57 am

    Gemma's eyes opened wide when she walked up to the beach. She was here to observe and learn from other crafters but couldn't hold back on finding her way to the beach. She wore a wide-brimmed straw hat, sunglasses too big for her face, a frilled bikini top that gently hugged her not so large yet not so small breasts; a bit more than a hand full. She had what most would call the 'perfect midriff' with a tight stomach which flared out to slightly wider hips. Her bottom was covered in a white translucent sarong that clung to her hips with a small bikini bottom, presumably a thong or g-string underneath. Upon her feet were fashionable sandals. She was captivated by the sand and the surf and all of the beautiful people hanging out on the beach. With a firm breeze, her wide-brimmed straw hat took off into the sky, presumably never to be seen again.

    She pouted for a brief moment, watching the hat she just bought get carried off by the zephyr. She puffed her cheeks a bit and started to tease her extra long hair, moving her hands up to the top of her hair and teasing the curls a bit, causing her breasts to wiggle a little bit while she did it. Her breasts might not be huge, but she was still able to have a little bit of cleavage. She realized that eyes were plastered towards here. She wasn't too interested in the eyes plastered all over her body, what did catch her interest was a man fighting the air in a very familiar style. She wasn't quite the smartest nor was she the most well-traveled, being a country girl that ended up living in Konoha to excel at her trade, she turned to look towards Nao.

    With a flick of her long hair, she started to walk towards him, her hips swaying almost in an exaggerated manner before stopping within 3 meters of him, giving him a bit of space while he practices. "Fittin' to get into a fight or somethin', bubba? Or just practicing to practice?" Yes, she was a bit awkward in her approach and her thick southern accent may sound like she was trying to hit-on or seduce the young Hyuga, but that was just her mannerisms.  She focused her emerald green eyes upon Nao for a moment and pressed her palms together. "Oh! Yer one of them..." she paused to think, her tongue poking out of her mouth while thinking. She withdrew her tongue, snapped her fingers and pointed at Nao. "One of them Hai-yuugas, aint'cha?" she asked. Her pronunciation of the Hyuuga clan left a bit to be desired, not that she would change how she said the word even when corrected.

    "Oh! Does that mean you could... see through my bikini, oh my!" she said in a, now, flirtatious manner, covering up her body with her hands as a means of playing around.

    OOC Section

    Update: Rebecca Smith

    Rebecca is an Omni-Crafter. If you need anything crafted, let me know.

    Rebecca speaks in a southern belle accent and mis-pronounces names constantly.
    Mist Jounin
    Mist Jounin
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 946
    Join date : 2021-03-20
    Location : Hidden Mist

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu, Kenjutsu, Hyoton, Sensory, & Summoning
    Class: S
    Ryo: 4,062,000

    Beaches can be for Fighting too Empty Re: Beaches can be for Fighting too

    Post by Burittsu Mon Jun 10, 2024 5:56 pm

    Burittsu found himself hearing about the current exams and the rookies that came within it yet being on a beach wasn’t something he’d expect himself to do. Looking out to the sea Burittsu never saw or experienced anything such as this even Blitz never actually took himself to such occasions. Sporting his usual crimson demonic armor and boots the navy blue haired Yuki made his way around the beach mostly focused on the beauty and difference of the scenery. Visiting this island upon this day it seemed the exams brought out more people then he would care to be around but he was sure upon this beach something interesting would catch his attention.

    Sporting two golden rings one for each hand placed upon both of his middle fingers his eyes told the story. A matching set of eyes and hair with the ability to bring the cold he doubted he even belonged amongst these people everyone seemed to be there to have fun and enjoy their time. Burittsu remained vigilant since the reputation of him and battling was known to the shinobi of the world but he wondered if the common people knew. If they did they wondered and probably were concerned once seeing him but yet no one made a sudden movement or a cry of help. Scratching the back of his head it didn’t matter to him no one was a threat upon the beach everyone had their own motives for coming.

    Upon thinking of this, what seemed to be a floating hat upon the run danced its way across the air escaping the grasp of whoever it belonged to. Feeling the heat upon his skin as he remained in one spot before sighing quickly as it seemed once more he must play the fool to keep up appearances. It was clear to him that the longer he remained motionless people would eventually realize a former Kage stood in their presence enjoying the scenery like a normal human being. Burittsu lifted one hand as his fingers were already crossed over one another forming a unique hand seal before a mirror appeared in front of him. Quickly Burittsu walked in the mirror submerging his body before disappearing from view.

    Burittsu followed the hat outward into the sky before another ice mirror appeared in its headed direction. Snatching the hat as the ice mirror disappeared from the sky as Burittsu appeared slowly moving out of the ice mirror upon the beach now with a straw hat upon his head. Covering his neck from the sun as the ice mirror broke down and scattered into the sand before turning into water and dissolved. Everyone seemed to be there for the beach and ocean but what caught his attention was two people one who was training and the other who simply was observing his question was for the one who seemed to be working on his own fighting style. Making his way to the two as he got closer the details revealed a woman ready for the sun and playtime in the water.

    The other his fighting style was indeed different from what he had seen yet the only thing that he caught was the fact that she questioned him if he could see through her clothing. It all became clear to who he was seeing another student of the famous leaf village and one that belonged to the clan of what some would say the best Taijutsu fighters in their village. It reminded him of the other he met a long time ago when visiting their village, one with a golden eye yet the time flew faster than he could handle and the memories of a time were much simpler for him. At least the male looked fit to fight walking up behind the women.

    Burittsu removed the straw hat and placed it firmly on her head; he had no use for it if he was actually battling. It seemed best to give it to someone who would use it for its actual purpose rather than bring it into battle and destroy it. Cracking his neck, Burittsu laughed a little while watching the young man throw his punches. The blue haired Yuki had something to entertain him for a little bit while on this land the fact that the exams were continuing meant all was well.

    “Hyuga, come fight someone who will enjoy combat with you. Well maybe fight isn’t a good word. Spar is a better term. I don’t want Red getting mad at me after all so what do you say I want to get some blood on our clothes and enjoy it to the fullest.”

    Beaches can be for Fighting too Aomine14

    Life Mocks Us In The End..
    [Kenjutsu] - [Ninjutsu] - [Hyoton] - [Sensory] - [Summoning]
    [D-Rank: 0] - [C-Rank: 1] - [B-Rank: 4] - [A-Rank: 0] - [S-Rank: 0]
    Strength: B
    Constitution: B ~ A
    Stamina: A+
    Speed: B ~ A
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: A
    :: Saiken
    :: Samehada
    :: Leggings is S Rank granting +1 Tier to speed
    :: Chestplate is S Rank granting +1 Tier to Con
    Nao Hyūga
    Nao Hyūga
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 322
    Join date : 2024-03-23
    Age : 36

    Beaches can be for Fighting too Empty Re: Beaches can be for Fighting too

    Post by Nao Hyūga Mon Jun 10, 2024 7:12 pm

    Nao's concentration had been deep, his strikes precise, the movements of his Gentle Fist executed with disciplined grace. The rhythmic flow of his training was interrupted by a flicker of movement on the edge of his expanded vision. The presence of the young woman approaching didn't go unnoticed, her entire ensemble seemed designed to draw attention, but he didn't let it distract him from his training. Nao continued his training, his strikes fluid and precise, each movement a testament to his years of discipline. She seemed harmless enough, still he maintained his guard as he knew looks could be deceiving.

    His purple eyes observed the girl approaching with a curiosity that was tempered by caution. Her exaggerated sway, the teasing flick of her hair, and the unmistakable Southern accent painted a stark contrast to his intense focus. Nao let out a small sigh as she spoke, before he had met Hibiki he would have likely told the woman to buzz off for interrupting his training. Instead his thoughts of how Hibiki handled encounters with new people, and how he wanted to be more polite like she was would take hold. "No, not getting into a fight. Just training for the exams," he replied evenly, his voice calm and measured, speaking without actual looking towards her direction. His eyes narrowed slightly as she attempted to recall the name of his clan, and finally managed to pronounce it, albeit imperfectly, but he did not break his stride in his movements.

    "Yes, I'm from the Hyuuga clan," he confirmed, placing the proper accent on the name. Her next words however would catch him by surprise, there would be a slight falter in his movements, and Nao found himself momentarily at a loss for words. Shaking his head slightly as he returned to his movements, "I suppose I could, if I was some kind of pervert, and if I was your arms wouldn't do much to stop it." Nao began, his voice holding a slight disbelief that the stranger would accuse him of such a thing. "The Byakugan isn’t for that, it's a tool for defense and insight, used for combat not for invading people's privacy." His Byakugan remained active, surveying the surroundings even as he focused on his techniques.

    The appearance of chakra mirrors, one on the ground and one in the air, behind the woman caught his eye, though even that did not hinder his training. The mirrors were far enough away that he didn't perceive them as a threat, likely just someone else that was training. When the individual approached and suddenly placed the straw hat on the woman, Nao assumed that they knew each other. He felt a slight relief that the woman would leave with her boyfriend and allow him to return to his peaceful training, unfortunately the other man seemed to have a different agenda on his mind. The man's words would cause Nao to stop his training, turning his face to look at the pair with a quizzical look on his face.

    The former Mizukage’s presence was unmistakable, while he didn't know what the man had to gain from fighting with a genin, unless the idea was to gather Intel for his own shinobi competing in the exams on their potential opponents. The offer of a sparring match intrigued Nao, and he knew this was an opportunity he couldn’t pass up. Training against someone of Burittsu’s caliber would be invaluable, even if he didn't stand a chance against the man. “Very well,” Nao replied, his eyes narrowing with determination. “A spar it is. I appreciate the opportunity to test my skills against someone like you.” He took a deep breath and moving a few meters away from where they were, he dropped into a ready stance of the gentle fist style. He would wait for the woman to get a safe distance away as well, before looking to the former Kage with determination in his eyes. “Let’s begin,” he said, his voice steady but with a hint of excitement.

    Nao Hyūga
    Strength: D
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: A
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A++
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: B
    Rebecca Smith
    Rebecca Smith
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 102
    Join date : 2022-12-04
    Location : Living Rent-Free in your head

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Omni-Crafter
    Class: C
    Ryo: Check Update

    Beaches can be for Fighting too Empty Re: Beaches can be for Fighting too

    Post by Rebecca Smith Tue Jun 11, 2024 1:36 am

    Rebecca placed a single hand upon her hip and pushed her hips out, letting the outline of her hips are further accentuated by her curves, even covered by the sarong, one could easily see her curves. She removed her sunglasses and placed them upon the top of her head. She gave the young Nao a plesant smile. "Oh my stars, for the Chuunin Exams, hm? That must mean you're quite competent, at least that's what the village would say, hm?" she said in her firm and very thick southern accent. It wouldn't be a surprise if Rebecca had come from a different dimension with her mannerisms and her strange accent.

    She pressed her palms together, pleased that her assumptions on his clan was correct. She did chuckle in response to her cringe attempt flirting -- unaware of his age and unaware of whether or not he was in a relationship with someone else. She didn't really mean much with her harmless flirting. "Well, that's good to know that any form of covering myself would do no good towards a powerful Hyuuga like yourself," she said with a strange charm; even if it might come off as awkward. She removed her arms from over her chest, knowing now that it's pointless.  

    It was then that she would notice Nao looking around. She looked around, her weight still shifted towards one side, she looked around towards the mirrors and asked Nao without looking back towards him. "What in tarnation are those?" she asked. She didn't know much of anything when it came to clan techniques. And just like that the mirrors vanished. She looked back towards Nao, completely dumbfounded. A cool ocean breeze blew passed her, teasing some of her extremely long hair and blowing some of it over her face, blowing some of the hair into her mouth. She recoiled and spat out some of her hair from her mouth.

    As she was too focused on hair entering her mouth, she felt a hat being placed upon her head. She blinked and looked up to the man that put the hat on her head. He was quite handsome, but what she was more interested in were what he had on him. Her eyes lit up, removing the hat from her head and removed the sunglasses from her head and then placed the hat on first and then the sunglasses afterwards.

    "Oh wow! That armor! Such craftsmanship! Whoever did this must've been a master at armor crafting! Wow, the level of detail, the sturdiness of the armor," she said as she knocked on the metal armor. "Oh! Wow wow! Meteor Metal?. Oh, and thank you for retrieving my hat, darlin," she said giving Burittsu a radiant smile.

    And the familiar sound of knuckles crackling instantly told her what this man is here for. She turned to look towards Nao. Seems he acknowledged this contest of strength. "Oh my, you boys are about to tussle? Well, I'll stand by here and watch on. Maybe it'll give me inspiration for making new armor or weapons," she said smiling to the two of them. "Now don't kill each other now, okay?, she said, leaning over to show off a bit of her cleavage for the two of them. "I'll be standing over there so don't hurt poor little me, okay?" she said as she waved to the two of them and walked off in a dainty manner, hear rear end bouncing as she ran off in the sand away from the two, standing about 100m away from them. "Oh yeah! And don't kill me either okay! Thaaaaanks," she shouted, her voice echoing throughout the beach.

    OOC Section
    20 EXP last post
    20 EXP this post
    40 EXP total

    Update: Rebecca Smith

    Rebecca is an Omni-Crafter. If you need anything crafted, let me know.

    Rebecca speaks in a southern belle accent and mis-pronounces names constantly.
    Mist Jounin
    Mist Jounin
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 946
    Join date : 2021-03-20
    Location : Hidden Mist

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu, Kenjutsu, Hyoton, Sensory, & Summoning
    Class: S
    Ryo: 4,062,000

    Beaches can be for Fighting too Empty Re: Beaches can be for Fighting too

    Post by Burittsu Tue Jun 11, 2024 3:11 am

    A thank you was enough but the women decided to smile at Burittsu. The world indeed was a unique place. Before she left to stand and observe, Burittsu only sighed and wondered if the new generation of shinobi were indeed some monsters or just like that. He found the most different of the shinobi working the nest together in situations. If the woman didn’t walk away he would have considered her to join the battle two. Indeed it would be a fun way to enjoy his first time on a beach. His stance was unique to see something he needed to test out the will of Blitz moving through him only meant he needed to fight.

    To see and experience battle regardless of his opponent Burittsu never understood the need to fight such as this but the man enjoyed it. Well at least his very body did. Making his way towards his opponent at full speed until he was about a couple meters away. Burittsu kept his hands out in the open for all to see. He only wondered how unique this shinobi was and how well he could do it. Holding back made no sense to him when the training would be best if he felt the full force of shinobi in turn making him think harder and challenge himself.

    But yet he kept a promise. Leaping into the air above the male by five feet Burittsu came down crashing with an ax kick powerful but not brutal. Enough to bruise the shinobi at most he aimed for the left shoulder in hopes of bringing down the shinobi. If successful Burittsu would follow by leaping into the air once more above the shinobi with the plan of using him as a landing pad. Burittsu folded both of his legs using his knees as weapons themselves aiming to crush his opponent into the sand. Yet again he did restrain himself a bit but nothing could be done for the falling if the Hyuga ended up in such a situation.

    Burittsu only wanted to push his limits and force the young man to enjoy the fight the way he did. Yet all this depended if the male remained in place he was free to move and wander the same as Burittsu nothing was meant to be exact but indeed he would enjoy the tactics of today's game. In the midst of this thrill he felt within himself a Taijutsu fight was needed against the paladin. A fight Blitz left maybe his patience got thin. Regardless, stronger fighters awaited everywhere he went these days training one to be stronger than his peers wasn’t bad.

    Indeed he was there for this type of enjoyment but he wondered when he would see the true essence of his opponent. What he would do under this situation and how would he follow up for the next regardless of whether Burittsu was prepared if the first plan didn’t go for the second phase. Burittsu remained vigilant and composed a thought that if the Hyuga made it to his sides he would have to react quicker once landing by either.

    Attacking or defending interesting development could cause there were indeed many ways to go about this but his mind was already made up. With his kick coming down Burittsu had his mind set on having fun and enjoying the battle. Such opportunities for the young player he had no choice but to continue to be a good sport to the next generation and see what was going on inside his mind. No words needed to be spoken but he understood what needed to be done and what was going to be done.

    Beaches can be for Fighting too Aomine14

    Life Mocks Us In The End..
    [Kenjutsu] - [Ninjutsu] - [Hyoton] - [Sensory] - [Summoning]
    [D-Rank: 0] - [C-Rank: 1] - [B-Rank: 4] - [A-Rank: 0] - [S-Rank: 0]
    Strength: B
    Constitution: B ~ A
    Stamina: A+
    Speed: B ~ A
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: A
    :: Saiken
    :: Samehada
    :: Leggings is S Rank granting +1 Tier to speed
    :: Chestplate is S Rank granting +1 Tier to Con
    Nao Hyūga
    Nao Hyūga
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 322
    Join date : 2024-03-23
    Age : 36

    Beaches can be for Fighting too Empty Re: Beaches can be for Fighting too

    Post by Nao Hyūga Tue Jun 11, 2024 6:35 am

    Nao considered Rebecca's words about his competence, despite her odd behavior and thick accent, he knew she was just trying to make conversation. "The village has its reasons for selecting us for the Chuunin Exams," he replied, his voice calm and composed. "It's a test of our skills and our ability to handle various situations. Competence is just one part of it." He wouldn't respond to her question about the mirrors however, with the exception of knowing that they were made from chakra he had no idea what they were, but he didn't have to mention that. As the woman began gushing over the Mizukage's armor, it became apparently clear that the two weren't together. Nao's eyes remained on the Kage, barely registering the woman's comment of getting out of the way and them not killing each other.

    Already in his gentle fist stance, as the woman departed from the Kage's side Nao would activate the Accretion technique Airi had taught him hoping it would help close the gap between the Kage's ability and his own. Nao felt the wind shift as Burittsu dashed forward before launching himself into the air, the former Mizukage's speed becoming immediately apparent but nothing that he couldn't keep up with. He knew this was not going to be an easy sparring match, but that was exactly what he wanted. The challenge would help him grow.  As Burittsu's ax kick descended toward his left shoulder, Nao's Byakugan allowed him to see the attack in perfect detail.

    His reaction was swift and fluid, years of training in the Gentle Fist making his movements second nature and the boost granted from Accretion helping him match the Kage's speed. He sidestepped to his right, using minimal movement to avoid the powerful kick while maintaining his balance and readiness. In the same motion, he countered by aiming a precise strike with his left palm toward Burittsu's midsection. The aim was not to inflict serious damage but to stun him, limiting Burittsu's movements. Nao understood that against an opponent of Burittsu's caliber, precision and strategy would be his greatest assets. If the strike was successful then the former kage would find himself momentarily unable to move.

    If successful, Nao would move on to the next step of his attack before Burittsu had a chance to recover. Nao advanced swiftly, his movements a blur of precision. He aimed a series of rapid strikes at Burittsu, each one targeting specific tenketsu points as he used the 32 palms technique. The intent was to gradually wear down Burittsu's ability to mold chakra, reducing his combat effectiveness over time. Nao knew he had to keep moving, to remain unpredictable. This sparring match was a valuable opportunity, and Nao intended to make the most of it, learning and adapting with each exchange. If all 32 palms strikes connected, Nao would continue to use the time to his advantage as the former kage would remain stunned, moving straight to the 64 palms technique. After which he would finish with the vacuum wall palm technique to send the man flying backwards.

    If his first attack with the palm bottom missed or was unsuccessful, Nao would do his best to avoid whatever follow-up the former kage might unleash, using his boosted speed and coordination in an attempt to keep himself a step ahead of the other man.

    Current Stats:
    Strength: D
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: A
    Speed: A+ (Gentle Fist gives ++, Accretion gives ++)
    Coordination: S (Nao's armor gives ++, Gentle Fist gives +1 Tier, Accretion gives +)
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: B+ (Byakugan)


    Chakra: 259.6/260 (-0.4 for the previous 2 posts of Byakugan)

    Byakugan -0.2
    Gentle Fist Style (A-Rank) -5 (Reduction due to Taijutsu)
    Accretion (C-Rank) -3 (Reduction due to Taijutsu)
    Palm Bottom (A-Rank) -10 (Reduction due to Taijutsu)

    Chakra: 241.4/260

    8 Trigrams 32 Palms (C-Rank) -3 (Reduction due to Taijutsu)
    8 Trigrams 64 Palms (B-Rank) -5 (Reduction due to Taijutsu)
    Vacuum Wall Palm (B-Rank) -5 (Reduction due to Taijutsu)

    Chakra: 228.4/260


    Nao Hyūga
    Strength: D
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: A
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A++
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: B
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

    Posts : 631
    Join date : 2017-11-24

    Beaches can be for Fighting too Empty Re: Beaches can be for Fighting too

    Post by Hibiki Tue Jun 11, 2024 11:06 pm

    Hibiki stepped onto the sandy shore, the gentle breeze tousling her hair as she scanned the beach for her fiancé, Nao. She had been looking forward to spending the day with him, enjoying the warmth of the sun and the sound of the waves crashing against the shore.

    She rocking a stylish combo of a white cropped jacket with dark blue and gold accents, complete with a Leaf Ninja headband for that extra shinobi flair. Underneath, she sported a bold red bandeau bikini top paired with matching bottoms adorned with a playful white ruffled skirt overlay.

    As she walked closer to the shoreline, her eyes caught sight of Nao sparring with an armored warrior from the Hidden Mist Village. There was something about the way the warrior moved, the fluidity of his strikes and the strength in his stance, that seemed familiar to her. But try as she might, she couldn't quite place where she might have seen him before.

    Curiosity piqued, Hibiki approached the sparring match, her steps quickening with each passing moment. She watched intently as Nao and the warrior exchanged blows, their movements a blur of speed and precision.

    Hibiki was about to call out to Nao, but she hesitated, realizing that he was in the midst of a match and didn't want to disrupt his concentration. She watched him intently, admiration shining in her eyes as he moved with skill and determination.

    Hibiki decided to wait until the match was over to call out to her darling.  She knew that Nao would appreciate her support from the sidelines, and she didn't want to distract him from his focus on the sparring match.

    Hibiki couldn't help but notice the blond girl standing nearby, her oversized sunglasses giving her an air of mystery.  Her attention was also focused on the sparring match. With a playful smile, Hibiki decided to strike up a conversation.

    Hibiki couldn't resist the urge to make a grand entrance. With a dramatic flourish, she skipped over to the blond girl, striking a pose with a grin that stretched from ear to ear.

    "Hey there, fellow beach enthusiast!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with playful energy. "I'm Hibiki, your friendly neighborhood beachcomber and sparring match spectator extraordinaire!"

    "Enjoying the show?" she asked, gesturing towards the sparring match with a dramatic sweep of her hand.


    Rebecca Smith
    Rebecca Smith
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 102
    Join date : 2022-12-04
    Location : Living Rent-Free in your head

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Omni-Crafter
    Class: C
    Ryo: Check Update

    Beaches can be for Fighting too Empty Re: Beaches can be for Fighting too

    Post by Rebecca Smith Wed Jun 12, 2024 1:58 am

    She sat back and watched the two boys fight, having taken a seat directly in the sand. She hugged her knees and swayed from side to side and just watched the boys kick up sand and went to town against one another. Burritsu jumped into the air as she narrowed her eyes, moving her straw hat to block the sun as she observed the armor moving around. She made a few mental notes. As the two jumped into a fight, and started to slap each other around, she was interrupted by a small girl with bright red hair and blueish green eyes.

    She was dressed in a cute frilly bikini as she called out to the Hyuuga and she tilted her head to the side. A spark and a bulb appeared upon the top of her head. Oh! Those two must be in a romantic relationship with one another -- or just really good friends. Her head-cannon naturally leaning towards the romantic relationship; they'd make such a cute couple. It was then that Hibiki skipped over and struck a pose with a grin from ear-to-ear. Yes, she was a cute girl, that's for certain. Rebecca raised her head up a bit and gave her a big bright smile.

    "Well, aren'tcha precious," she said in her thick southern-belle accent. "It's a pleasure ta meetcha, Hee-bee-kee," she said, saying Hibiki's name a bit weird. Her accent certainly made pronouncing some words, especially names, sound quite awkward. "Oh, it isn't really the fight that interests me much at all. Meat-heads can fight each other all they want, what I'm interested in was the armor that seafoam-headed man was wearing. Makes me wonder if it would serve him well on the beach and in this heat. But where are my manners," she said patting the sand next to her, inviting her to have a seat.

    "My name is Rebecca. Rebecca Smith. I know my name is a bit strange compared to the rest of ya'll, but that's my name," she said with a cheesy grin. Her hands were coarse and calloused, as one who spent plenty of time in a forge would have.  Her fingernails were also fairly dirty with black stains at the tips and they were short, chipped, and cracked from the heat of the forge and the constant smashing of the hammer.

    OOC Section
    25 EXP this post
    65 EXP total

    Update: Rebecca Smith

    Rebecca is an Omni-Crafter. If you need anything crafted, let me know.

    Rebecca speaks in a southern belle accent and mis-pronounces names constantly.
    Natsuki Uchiha
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    Beaches can be for Fighting too Empty Re: Beaches can be for Fighting too

    Post by Natsuki Uchiha Wed Jun 12, 2024 11:01 am

    Well away from the beach, at least out of earshot of the current goings on, Natsuki lounged casually in the sand beneath the shade of several clustered palm trees. The warmth and dryness of the sand was in stark contrast to the cold damp dirt he favored in Konohagkure, but this had a certain appeal; the way the sand shifted slightly to accommodate his form felt more comfortable than his own bed!

    He laid there, relaxed and at peace, content to feel the strange sensations of the world around him. He had been near the ocean just one other time, on his trip to the Land of Hotsprings, but he did not know Ren's technique back then. The sand offered a disorienting view of the world, one of amorphous blurs to such a degree that he could tell neither bush in the breeze from body. It was altogether unhelpful... Except for the crashing waves against the shore and the roiling of water as it pulled against the descending seafloor. There was nothing practical to be gained, but it was a hell of a sensation.

    With his traditional sensing, he caught a few familiar signatures in his relaxation, including Nao and Hibiki, mixed with a fair few that were unfamiliar. It was notable, then, that Nao and one of these strangers began to move, to expend chakra, to clash. A battle? No... There were too many casual onlookers and not enough panic for it to have been a real fight. A spar, then? With a slight groan in the sudden disappointment of leaving that sandy embrace, Natsuki climbed to his feet and squinted towards the rising sun.

    He wore his usual garb, not having really thought about how to dress for the region, and the back of it was now covered in sand- to say nothing of his long black hair. All the same, he made his way towards the beach and stopped behind the spectating pair. "Who is that guy?" He would speak quite abruptly, not too dissimilarly to how he got the jump on Hibiki when they first met. Should Rebecca turn to him, he'd offer a smile and a simple: "Oh, I'm Natsuki, by the way; pleased to meet you!"

    After a polite amount of time for an introduction, however, his eyes would return to the spar and the strange mirrors made of a chakra he did not recognize.


    Mist Jounin
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    Beaches can be for Fighting too Empty Re: Beaches can be for Fighting too

    Post by Burittsu Wed Jun 12, 2024 5:36 pm

    Coming down on his initial attack Burittsu observed the male and his speed, a smart shinobi indeed moving around to give out a counter attack. He could only respect the man by playing it smart. As he descended his eyes never once were removed from the boy yet he remained aware of the area around the two of them. Nothing outside of the battle mattered. A water mirror would materialize between the two shinobi intervening as it shot out an exact replica of the genin.

    Regardless of its speed it meant business. Using the same fighting style and techniques the boy was using at the time sending out this image battle, its original was a suitable plan. During the time Burittsu landed back upon the grains of sand upon the beach. Using the boy as his own weapon was a smart idea especially when he wondered how he would get around his own attack. With the image coming out of the mirror posing the same strike and form as the original if the two would indeed clash. It would be a quick interception of his attack matching it exactly how the original intended to strike at his opponent.

    Landing upon his feet Burittsu had his own plan quickly forming only two hand seals; the body of Burittsu cooled down rapidly to zero degrees. Allowing him to now breathe nothing but cold temperatures as he would talk, all who paid attention could now see the chilled air exiting his body.  Something quick and simple as Burittsu sprinted around flanking on the left side of the Hyuga. With his hands and body now frozen over he aimed to push the limits of the shinobi before him knowing the fight was never going to be something so simple. Yet pushing people till they’re out of options was indeed the best and suitable plan.

    Embracing the fighting style of the shinobi he made sure to stay close to him, giving him what he wanted in a close quarter fight. Burittsu aimed for the right shoulder of the Hyuga while the counter strike was still fresh. In hopes if he was able to face off against his own image he would now have to rethink his tactics if it came to a point where he couldn’t physically touch his opponent. Such things interested him to see how people adapt and survive. Everyone had their own way of luck around the world but he wanted to see the skills of the future generation.

    Burittsu extended out his hand in an attempt to grasp the shoulder of the boy. If touched by Burittsu the skin of the Hyuga would become infected with frost burn. He took note and wondered if the original could beat the copy if not the two would exchange attacks in turn only hurting the Hyuga more. Yet the boy proved to be a shinobi already planning his own ways around Burittsu, something like that indeed brought a tiny smile upon his face. The thrill of fighting wasn’t coming from him but from the body, the only rule this body would listen to was indeed its enjoyment of battle. In turn all he could was hold back his strength so the Hyuga wouldn’t even be scarred let alone killed.


    Last edited by Burittsu on Thu Jun 13, 2024 7:51 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Beaches can be for Fighting too Aomine14

    Life Mocks Us In The End..
    [Kenjutsu] - [Ninjutsu] - [Hyoton] - [Sensory] - [Summoning]
    [D-Rank: 0] - [C-Rank: 1] - [B-Rank: 4] - [A-Rank: 0] - [S-Rank: 0]
    Strength: B
    Constitution: B ~ A
    Stamina: A+
    Speed: B ~ A
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: A
    :: Saiken
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    Beaches can be for Fighting too Empty Re: Beaches can be for Fighting too

    Post by Nakaba Wed Jun 12, 2024 8:24 pm

    A magnificent show of chakra illuminated in Nakaba's peripheral vision. He was grinning ear to ear as he felt the signatures crash and clash. One of them was much larger than the others containing multitudes. The chakras seemed unified yet separate. With an excited grin Nakaba would sprint to the battlefield eager to watch. Nao, Hibiki, Natsuki. As he arrived he would give them a slight nod, but he would stay some ways away from them. Nakaba would be the fourth of the Konoha 7 to arrive here. The heavy mass of chakra drew him here, but he'd wonder what drew everyone else. Were they all here in support of Natsuki, or were they here to see a monster like he was?

    Some 20 or so meters away Nakaba would find a beached tree emerged nearly horizontally out of the beach to make a seat of. Keen eyes and extra sensory perception would fall upon the genin with fangs bared at the Kage. "Show me Nao, what's your answer?" Nakaba watched as the ex-kage faded from his heart perception leaving a ghost where once a man stood. The faint specks of water in the sea breeze drew in his chill. Nakaba watched as sunlight shimmered against the freezing terrain beneath the swordsman's feet. From his perch Nakaba let his feet barely touch the ground. He was dressed more for the beach than he was for being a ninja. He wore dark pale red swimming trunks with stark green and periwinkle flowers on them. His chest was mostly covered by a similar beach-style shirt that shared the same colors and patterns. At his sides he had six swords, the mightiest of them being Inherent Duality, twin of the blade he'd given to Hibiki.

    Nakaba watched. With just his fists, surely it would be impossible for a genin to keep up with this technique. The Retired Mizukage had augmented his body with a strange chakra type that Nakaba had never seen, though it must have had the properties of cold, at the very least. Nakaba took in the environment wondering what tools he might have used to his advantage in similar circumstances. Would he have been able to impress this man, who'd yet to even pull out his sword. Nao's body also held secrets that Nakaba would eagerly spy though. His chakra reserves were barely fazed from the fight so far. Nakaba was ethralled. He held a focus that some familiar with him might not be familiar with as he studied the fighting ninja ready to back up if things got too hairy.


    Ninja Info Card:
    Nao Hyūga
    Nao Hyūga
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    Beaches can be for Fighting too Empty Re: Beaches can be for Fighting too

    Post by Nao Hyūga Thu Jun 13, 2024 8:57 pm

    As Nao moved to strike the descending man with his palm bottom attack, he would watch as a mirror of water formed in front of the man. A mirrored image of his own attack moving out of the mirror to intercept his attack, a small smirk would form on Nao's face and just before the two attacks would connect he would shift his weight. Sidestepping and dodging the attack to the right as he watched the former Kage move towards his left. He was surprised by the water mirror, but luckily he was fast enough to avoid the counter from the strange technique.

    Nao also picked up on the fact that the blonde was no longer their only observer, the fight having just started and already she would be joined by three others. They were all from Konoha and we're all competing in the exams with him, but only one mattered. Turning his face to look in their direction while using his Byakugan to keep track of the former Kage, Nao would lock eyes with Hibiki and give her a playful wink. To the others that were gathered, due to their close proximity to each other and the distance they were to Nao, they might think that he was winking at all of them, but he knew Hibiki would know it was for her.

    As he did this, Nao would see Burittsu move in to strike him on the shoulder. With another sidestep followed by quick backsteps, Nao would avoid the man's strike as he turned his face back towards the man. He considered a counter strike, through between the man creating a mirror to counter his last attack and the coldness coming off the man, Nao would dismiss the idea at least for now. Instead choosing to use his speed and agility to dodge the man's attacks and keep a minimum of three meters between them, watching the former Kage to see what he would try next.

    Current Stats:
    Strength: D
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: A
    Speed: A+ (Gentle Fist gives ++, Accretion gives ++)
    Coordination: S (Nao's armor gives ++, Gentle Fist gives +1 Tier, Accretion gives +)
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: B+ (Byakugan)

    Chakra: 241.4/260

    Maintained Techniques:
    Byakugan -0.2
    Gentle Fist Style (A-Rank) -5 (Reduction due to Taijutsu)
    Accretion (C-Rank) -1 (Reduction due to Taijutsu)

    Chakra: 235.2/260

    Nao Hyūga
    Strength: D
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: A
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A++
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: B
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    Beaches can be for Fighting too Empty Re: Beaches can be for Fighting too

    Post by Hibiki Fri Jun 14, 2024 12:59 am

    As Rebecca called her precious, Hibiki's heart warmed. "Oh, you think I'm precious? Look at you! You’re the one who’s absolutely adorable!” Hibiki beamed, imagining flowers blooming in the background and little birds singing around Rebecca.

    Hibiki's eyes sparkled with curiosity and excitement as she listened to Rebecca. With a cheerful bounce in her step, she skipped over and plopped down onto the sand next to her new acquaintance, still beaming from ear to ear.

    "Nice to meet you too, Rebecca!  I don’t think that your name is strange at all! It’s lovely, just like you! It has a nice ring to it. Plus, it’s always wonderful to meet someone unique!”

    “"Hee-bee-kee, huh?”  Hibiki chirped, mimicking Rebecca's accent playfully but with genuine warmth. “That's a new one! But I like it. Sounds kinda fun!"

    She adjusted her pose slightly, settling comfortably as she turned to face Rebecca, her hands resting on her knees. “That armor does look interesting! I wonder if it’s special or has some cool abilities.” she mused. Hibiki's eyes lit up even more as she thought about the man's armor and remembered something about her own gear. She leaned in closer to Rebecca, her excitement bubbling over.

    "Hey, you know," she began, her voice full of enthusiasm, "I have this scarf I sometimes wear. It's made from a special material that keeps me cool, even in the hottest weather. It's really awesome! I wonder if that guy's armor has something like that in it too."

    She paused for a moment, trying to find the right word. "It's got this... um... in-so-la-tion? No, that's not right... insu-la-tion? Yeah, that's it! Insulation! It keeps the heat out and the cool in. Do you think his armor could have something like that?"

    Hibiki glanced at Rebecca's hands, noticing the calluses and the black stains. She reached out and gently touched one of Rebecca's fingers with a sense of admiration. "Wow, you must work really hard in the forge! That's so cool! I've always thought blacksmiths were amazing. Making armor, weapons, all that stuff... it's like creating something out of nothing. I bet you make some incredible things."

    She leaned back a little, propping herself up with her hands in the sand. "So, what brings you to the beach today, Rebecca? Taking a break from the forge? Or are you here to find some inspiration for your next masterpiece?"

    As Hibiki lounged on the beach with Rebecca, soaking in the sun and the conversation, she caught a glimpse of movement out of the corner of her eye. Instinctively, her ninja senses tingled, and she turned just in time to see Natsuki approaching, his usual casual attire now dusted with a fine layer of sand. She couldn't help but grin to herself as she noted his approach, a far cry from the surprise he had managed to pull off when they first met.

    "Hey, Natsuki!" Hibiki greeted cheerfully, giving him a playful wave as he came closer. "I see you coming this time!" She flashed him a teasing smile, a touch of pride in her voice as she added, "Guess I've gotten better at sensing people sneaking up on me since our first meeting, huh?"

    "Yeah, I'm really curious about that too," Hibiki chimed in after Natsuki asked who the guy fighting Nao was, her voice a blend of excitement and wonder. "I mean, he looked so strong and tough in that armor. It's like he could take on anything!"

    Hibiki couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement as she noticed Nakaba arriving at the scene. She nudged Natsuki gently, nodding towards Nakaba with a subtle grin. "Look, Nakaba's here too," she whispered softly, her voice filled with a mix of admiration and camaraderie. "Seems like a lot of people are coming out of the woodwork to watch this."

    She glanced around at the growing crowd of spectators, noting both familiar faces and unfamiliar ones drawn to the spectacle unfolding before them. The atmosphere buzzed with anticipation, each onlooker captivated by the clash of powers and the unfolding drama.

    "Must be something really special happening here," Hibiki mused quietly, her eyes returning to the battlefield where Nao and his opponent continued their intense exchange. Hibiki's heart raced with a mix of nerves and excitement as she watched Nao engage in the intense battle before her. His movements were swift and calculated, evading attacks with a grace that never failed to impress her. Each dodge, each counter, spoke volumes of his skill and determination.

    Her attention was momentarily drawn to Nao as he locked eyes with her and gave a playful wink. A warm smile spread across her face, a silent exchange of encouragement and affection shared between them amidst the chaos of the battlefield.

    With a surge of determination, Hibiki couldn't contain herself any longer. "Go, Nao!" she cheered enthusiastically, her voice carrying over the crashing waves. She clenched her fists in a show of support, her gaze unwavering as she rooted for her fiancé. "You've got this!"

    She felt a sense of solidarity among their group as Nakaba, Natsuki, and the others gathered nearby. Despite wearing a swimsuit and not having any weapons, Hibiki's physical strength was well-known among her peers. Her stance radiated readiness and determination, ready to assist Nao in any way she could.

    As Burittsu made another move, Hibiki tensed, her muscles coiled like springs, prepared to leap into action if needed. But for now, she trusted in Nao's abilities and strategic prowess to handle the situation.

    The battle continued with breathtaking intensity, each moment fueling Hibiki's resolve. She absorbed every detail. The atmosphere crackled with energy, the stakes high as they navigated the intricate dance of combat.

    With a deep breath, Hibiki steadied herself, her faith in Nao unwavering. She knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them together as partners, both in battle and in life.


    Rebecca Smith
    Rebecca Smith
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    Beaches can be for Fighting too Empty Re: Beaches can be for Fighting too

    Post by Rebecca Smith Fri Jun 14, 2024 1:38 am

    Rebecca really stopped paying attention to the fight now that Hibiki had captured her attention. She blushed at Hibiki's words and placed a palm upon her reddened cheeks and waved her off with the other hand. "Oh, gosh. I'm too old to be 'adorable'. You're the adorable one," she said, laughing a bit. She was enjoying her time on the beach. While two sweaty boys were scrapping with one another, the rules not necessarily something she cared about. She cared more about the clashing of a hammer to cherry-red steel than the clashing of sweaty men with their moaning and groaning as they attempt to see who was superior. As Hibiki approached, she adjusted her seated position to have her legs underneath her with her butt flat upon the sand. "Oh, yer quite the charmer, ain'tcha?" she said as she turned her attention back towards the fight. Whatever they were doing, it didn't particularly interest her.

    "Oh, it's just made outta a rare substance called Meetyur Metal. Strong stuff and it has a pretty nice pattern," she said before putting her attention back to Hibiki, her interest piqued with the 'hey, you know'. She rubbed her chin in thought. "Interesting, very interesting. Oh! Insulation? Oh, that's pretty high quality stuff then. Don't see that too often in the ninja world. Must've been some really high level crafter that made that or somethin," It was then that Hibiki grabbed her hand and this caused Rebecca to laugh, mainly out of embarrassment. "Yeah, the forge life is quite a difficult one actually. Don't get a lot of time like this when you're busy in front of Hell's Mouth putting ores in and then shaping them. You get to see fireflies," she said, her voice elevating due to the excitement of talking about crafting.

    Yes, she has bored many people in the past as she would wax on and on about the joys of creation. "Well, I have to re-accomplish a lot of my work since I took quite the hiatus to become a shinobi and all that. I don't particularly like fighting but my master told me I had to go and become one or he won't teach me any more," she said, casually taking her hand back from Hibiki. She didn't like fighting nor did she like the idea of killing. While she holds no reservations with making implements of mass death, she saw weapons and other items like that as tools. Could be used to protect or it could be used for mass slaughter -- it all depended on the wielder.

    "Oh, no real reason. Master told me to take a break and told me about O'oo'zoo Island and that it's a good place to wear a bikini," she said pulling her bikini top a bit, ruffling the ruffles. "Besides, I could either get a real nice tan or get burnt ta a crisp. I kinda want to lay out. But there's a bit too much action goin' on right now," she said in her extremely thick accent.

    The greeting to Natsuki pulled her attention away from her to the tanned individual. She looked upwards towards him and she smiled brightly at the boy. She did have plentiful cleavage, not nearly on the same level as the Hokage, but more than enough. And Natsuki was at quite the right angle to enjoy an eye-full. "Oh, hi Nat-soo-kee," she said. Yes, these japanese names are hard as hell for her to pronounce. "Pleasure to meetcha too, darlin'. Come here for the surf or to see a couple of pretty girls in very small bikinis?" she said in an awkward, teasing manner. She closed her eyes and raised her arms above her head in a large stretch. She arched her back and the sound of her muscles 'popping' could be heard before she relaxed her body and turned to watch the fight. She still doesn't care about this fight. It was the effectiveness of the armor that she was more interested in.

    "Actually, aint it a bit unfair than one'o'em is wearing armor and the other ain't?" she asked, pointing towards the two.

    OOC Section
    EXP Currently gained: 110

    Update: Rebecca Smith

    Rebecca is an Omni-Crafter. If you need anything crafted, let me know.

    Rebecca speaks in a southern belle accent and mis-pronounces names constantly.
    Natsuki Uchiha
    Natsuki Uchiha
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    Beaches can be for Fighting too Empty Re: Beaches can be for Fighting too

    Post by Natsuki Uchiha Fri Jun 14, 2024 2:03 am

    "Hey, Natsuki! I see you coming this time!" He waved back with a smile of his own, she really was precious. "Guess I've gotten better at sensing people sneaking up on me since our first meeting, huh?"

    "Hah, you sure have."

    "Oh, hi Nat-soo-kee,"

    Natsuki's eyebrows raised as the other girl repeated his name; she didn't seem like she was from 'round here, to say the least. "Pleasure to meetcha too, darlin'. Come here for the surf or to see a couple of pretty girls in very small bikinis?" As she spoke, his eyes drifted towards her chest as if she gave him an invitation. He quickly snapped his gaze back towards the fight at hand. however; copies of Nao coming out of water mirrors, the use of some strange technique that seemed to cool the man down, and the young Hyuuga seeming to keep up; anything that wouldn't make his face so red with embarrassment.

    Thankfully, Hibiki was there to keep them on track, though she didn't know him either. Her perception did allow her to spot Nakaba, and Natsuki would give him a slight nod in kind.

    "Must be something really special happening here,"

    "Mmm," Natsuki mused, unconvinced as he squinted against the sunrise. Something about this didn't feel right. "I don't know. Something about that man feels dangerous..."


    Kaguya Mamoru
    Kaguya Mamoru
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    Beaches can be for Fighting too Empty Re: Beaches can be for Fighting too

    Post by Kaguya Mamoru Fri Jun 14, 2024 2:57 am

    Mamoru was sprawled out on his back, his arms and legs extended outward, his white hair billowing with the movement of the water, as he just drifted on the surface. The sun's rays beating down on his exposed pale skin. He felt as though he didn't get out of the village much at all, but he was certainly enjoying his time here on the island. The weather was definitely beautiful
    Off in the distance, on the beach, he could hear voices. Of course they were slightly muffled from his ears being under water. But that was okay. This was a beach. He was glad everyone was enjoying themselves, just like he was.

    Standing up, the water reaching near his waist, Mamoru's arms rose above his head as he stretched, whatever tension had built in his body from constantly training dissolving as he allowed himself to just relax for once. He turned his attention from staring at the vast ocean all the to the horizon, towards the beach, where several people were conversing. But beyond them, Mamoru couldn't really see much from this distance. He had to place his hands over his eyes to block the sun, but it looked as though two people were locked in combat. Excitement filled at the thought of seeing a fight, so he leapt to the surface of the water. With the help of chakra, his feet planted firmly as if he were standing on solid ground. His soaked ocean blue shorts clinging to his the lower half of his body.

    Mamoru bolted, water picking up behind him with every step, but that shortly shifted to sand as he reached the shore. Unlike the water, once he got to the driest part of the sand, it was much more difficult running. His feet dug deep in the malleable fine granular material with every hard step. He eventually lost his footing and slid head first towards the group of people, spraying some sand everywhere. "Sorry about that" Mamoru said, lifting just his head and spitting out sand from his mouth. "Well that was completely embarrassing" He said with nervous grin as he rose to his feet, wiping sand off the front of his body. The group seemed to be a good safe distance from the fight

    "Hey everyone. I'm Mamoru. Pleasure to meet ya!" He said in a friendly tone, his eyes darting to each new face. Sweat beaded down his face, whether it was from the sun, the running, or fighting every ounce of the urge from allowing his eyes to wander anywhere other than there faces. Of course he would fail, his eyes drifting down the blonde's body for moment, before he caught himself and quickly turned his attention towards the fight, like he was looking beyond her all along. "Who's fighting over there?" He asked, placing his hands over his eyes, trying to see the combatants faces. Maybe he knew them

    Character Name: Kaguya Mamoru
       Spendable Experience:
       Total Experience: 0
       Renown: 0
       Ryo: 1,050,000
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: C
    • Stamina: D
    • Speed: C
    • Coordination: C
    • Intelligence: D
    • Perception: D

       Link to Kaguya Mamoru Updates
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    Mist Jounin
    Mist Jounin
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    Beaches can be for Fighting too Empty Re: Beaches can be for Fighting too

    Post by Burittsu Sat Jun 15, 2024 8:08 am

    Burittsu was happy to see everyone eager to help out their comrade, indeed a perfect challenge for himself. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to battle them all but yet all he could do was laugh. Happy that the shinobi got away but happy to see that the new generation was willing to risk their own necks knowing if they do, everyone would be taking a one way trip to a battle they probably don’t want any part of. Chuckling to himself some more it didn’t matter who showed up as it seemed the crowd itself was now fixated upon this little spar. Cracking his neck and stretching his joints he was only excited to see the boy happy as he was also excited to see more new faces. Before attacking the Hyuga once more Burittsu was only eager to see who would be the first one to move and who would be the first to fall. Yet he only had one message for them all.

    “The new generation. At least none of you feel like your lives are above your comrades. If you wanna jump in you can. I won’t stop anyone.”

    Laughing harder Burittsu started not to care as the days of present and future all blended in mashing together all he knew was it was his turn in the spotlight. And the shinobi around him all wanted to protect their own comrade; he wondered for how long would they actually be able to keep up. Thinking about the events that could unfold if he did fight them all he had done for Blitz would be tarnished. Yet for himself he could finally start his path. His skin is heating up under the rays of the sun.

    “Well at least you all know what it means to be shinobi. Hahaha… I won’t kill you. I just wanted to see for myself if you were ready for the real world. Apologies if it means anything.”

    Cracking his neck with a smile on his face, Burittsu made his decision stretching out his hands before both of his hands were quickly transformed and consumed in ice. Each claw sharp to the edge yet Burittsu kept it restrained so that it was suitable for the type of opponent he would be facing. His methods were extreme yet he thought of this as a good way to burn time and keep himself busy while out of the land of water.


    Beaches can be for Fighting too Aomine14

    Life Mocks Us In The End..
    [Kenjutsu] - [Ninjutsu] - [Hyoton] - [Sensory] - [Summoning]
    [D-Rank: 0] - [C-Rank: 1] - [B-Rank: 4] - [A-Rank: 0] - [S-Rank: 0]
    Strength: B
    Constitution: B ~ A
    Stamina: A+
    Speed: B ~ A
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: A
    :: Saiken
    :: Samehada
    :: Leggings is S Rank granting +1 Tier to speed
    :: Chestplate is S Rank granting +1 Tier to Con
    Leaf Genin
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    Posts : 263
    Join date : 2020-01-08

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    Class: B
    Ryo: Zilch

    Beaches can be for Fighting too Empty Re: Beaches can be for Fighting too

    Post by Nakaba Sun Jun 16, 2024 2:32 am

    Watching closely the genin observed the choices of one of the other Konoha rookies. He was both excited and jealous. Fighting with a kage was the kind of practical experience that could send one’s understanding of Taijutsu to another level. He barely even sparred with Konoha’s own puppet master and even that resulted in him deepening his understanding of his limits and strengths. He watched as icy claws invited the genin to come closer. Nakaba’d never thought of augmenting his physical skills with skills from the other disciplines he knew. Even watching the fight was making him grow as the kage was performing cross discipline cqc augmentation, when he didn’t even seem to specialize in taijutsu.

    Nao went on the defensive though. While this might have been a good energy conservation manuever, Nakaba’s hand moved to rest on Rosebud, one of his five Ungraded [C Rank] katana. His chakra signature would slowly start to fade as he did so. “Nao, I’m tagging in if you keep disengaging.” Nakaba didn’t say it loudly, and he merely assumed that Nao had about as good hearing as he did. It didn’t matter to him either way if the genin up against the ex-Mizukage heard his declaration of intent. He would act upon it at his own discretion. While he was lucky enough to witness the fight, he felt like he could learn even more from closer up. Eagerly tapping on the pommel of his blade, he’d stay seated as the two stood waiting for one another to make the next move.


    Ninja Info Card:
    Nao Hyūga
    Nao Hyūga
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    Beaches can be for Fighting too Empty Re: Beaches can be for Fighting too

    Post by Nao Hyūga Sun Jun 16, 2024 11:26 pm

    It became clear to Nao that the former Kage didn't view him as a threat as the man began cracking his neck and stretching, but that would be his mistake considering they were still in close proximity to each other. Just as the man would begin to try to speak, Nao would strike the man with his Eight Trigrams Mountain Crusher. The speed of the technique and close proximity that he was to the man as well as the fact that the man was more concerned with trying to talk than fight would prove to be effective, and would be enough to send the man flying backwards 70 meters from him.

    Nao would note the ready stance that Hibiki had taken on, he knew that she wouldn't interfere in the fight unless it actually looked like he was in danger. He felt slightly relieved that he had someone like Hibiki that he could always count on, but with the way the fight was now there would be no need for her to engage in the fight. Of course, if anyone else tried to intervene in the fight, they would likely be met with hostility from not only the former Kage but from Nao himself. This was his fight, and he wouldn't appreciate someone else's interference.

    Current Stats:
    Strength: D
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: A
    Speed: A+ (Gentle Fist gives ++, Accretion gives ++)
    Coordination: S (Nao's armor gives ++, Gentle Fist gives +1 Tier, Accretion gives +)
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: B+ (Byakugan)

    Chakra: 235.2/260

    Maintained Techniques:
    Byakugan -0.2
    Gentle Fist Style (A-Rank) -5 (Reduction due to Taijutsu)
    Accretion (C-Rank) -1 (Reduction due to Taijutsu)

    Mountain Crusher (A-Rank) -10 (Reduction due to Taijutsu)

    Chakra: 219/260


    Nao Hyūga
    Strength: D
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: A
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A++
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: B
    Leaf Genin
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    Posts : 631
    Join date : 2017-11-24

    Beaches can be for Fighting too Empty Re: Beaches can be for Fighting too

    Post by Hibiki Mon Jun 17, 2024 1:49 am

    Hibiki felt a warmth spread through her chest as Rebecca waved off her compliment with a blush and a laugh. The sound of Rebecca's laughter was like a melody amidst the backdrop of the beach's lively atmosphere. Hibiki couldn't help but smile, finding herself drawn more to Rebecca's presence than to the spectacle of the fight nearby.

    "Well, I think we both have our moments," Hibiki replied with a playful grin, her eyes meeting Rebecca's with genuine appreciation. She shifted slightly closer, mirroring Rebecca's relaxed posture on the sand. The salty breeze tousled her hair lightly, adding to the tranquil ambiance of their conversation.

    Hibiki couldn't help but smile at Rebecca's playful comment. "Well, thank you," she replied with a soft chuckle, her tone warm and genuine. "I suppose I just enjoy making people smile." She glanced briefly at the ongoing fight nearby, noting Rebecca's lack of interest, and then focused back on her.

    Hibiki's eyes widened with genuine interest as Rebecca explained the rare Meetyur Metal. She leaned in closer, captivated by the details.

    "Wow, that sounds incredible! I've never heard of anything like that before," Hibiki exclaimed, her curiosity evident. When Rebecca mentioned the insulation and high-level craftsmanship, Hibiki nodded enthusiastically. "It must have taken someone with amazing skill to work with such a rare material."

    As Rebecca laughed out of embarrassment when Hibiki grabbed her hand, Hibiki couldn't help but join in with a gentle, reassuring smile. She could sense Rebecca's passion for her craft and wanted to encourage it.

    "That sounds like such a demanding but rewarding life," Hibiki said, her voice filled with admiration. "I can't even imagine the dedication it takes to work in a forge, but it must be amazing to see your creations come to life."

    Hibiki's eyes sparkled with excitement as she continued, "Fireflies are one of my favorite things! They make everything feel so magical. It must be nice to have moments like this to enjoy the simpler beauties of life, even if they are rare."

    Hibiki paused, glancing back at the fight for a few seconds before looking back at Rebecca. "You know," she began, her tone turning a bit more thoughtful, "that scarf actually has an interesting story. It was made by the apprentice of the best crafter in my village. He was working on a prototype and gave it to me to test because it wasn't good enough for sale."

    She smiled, recalling the memory. "It seemed to work well enough as far as I was concerned. The insulation was top-notch, and it held up in some pretty intense situations. I guess sometimes even the things that aren't perfect can still be pretty amazing."

    She squeezed Rebecca's hand gently, her expression earnest and full of admiration. "I'd love to hear more about your work and the amazing things you've crafted. It sounds like you have some incredible stories to tell."

    Hibiki listened intently, her eyes reflecting empathy and understanding as Rebecca spoke. She noticed the subtle shift in Rebecca's demeanor as she took her hand back, and Hibiki's expression softened.

    "That sounds really tough," Hibiki said softly, her voice full of genuine concern. "I can see how difficult it must be to balance your passion for crafting with the demands of being a shinobi. It's like having two completely different worlds to navigate."

    She paused for a moment, thinking about Rebecca's perspective on weapons and their dual nature. "I think I understand what you mean about weapons being tools. It's all about the intent of the person using them, right? It must be hard to reconcile that with not liking the idea of fighting."

    Hibiki's eyes sparkled with admiration as she continued, "But it sounds like you're really dedicated to your craft, even taking on something you don't enjoy just to continue learning. That's incredibly admirable. I bet your master sees a lot of potential in you."

    She smiled warmly at Rebecca, trying to offer some encouragement. "And who knows? Maybe your experience as a shinobi will bring new perspectives to your work. Sometimes the most unexpected experiences can inspire the most amazing creations."

    Hibiki's genuine and naive charm shone through as she added, "I'd love to see some of your work someday. I think it would be amazing to hear you talk about the joys of creation. It's clear that you're really passionate about it, and that's something truly special."

    Hibiki giggled softly at Rebecca's thick accent and candid explanation. Her smile widened as she watched Rebecca adjust her bikini top, appreciating her relaxed attitude despite the chaos around them.

    "This Island does seem like the perfect place for a break," Hibiki said with a cheerful nod. "Your master has good taste in vacation spots!" She glanced around at the lively beach scene, understanding Rebecca's desire for a bit more tranquility.

    "I can see why you'd want to just lay out and soak up the sun," Hibiki continued, her tone light and warm. "A nice tan sounds lovely, but getting burnt to a crisp? Not so much!" She chuckled, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

    Hibiki looked around thoughtfully and then turned back to Rebecca. "Maybe we can find a quieter spot further down the beach... though, actually, I can't really leave while the fight is still going on," she said with a slight, apologetic smile. "But once the match is over, I'd love to find a peaceful spot to relax with you. How about we do that?"

    "In the meantime, we can stay here and enjoy each other's company. Maybe we can even build a little sandcastle to pass the time!" she said her expression earnest and hopeful.

    Hibiki watched the interaction with curiosity, her cheeks faintly flushed as she caught the teasing exchange between Natsuki and Rebecca. Especially that bit about their bikinis making her wonder if hers really was that small.  She shifted slightly, adjusting her position in the sand to find a more comfortable spot, but her attention remained half on the conversation and half on the fight.

    "You make a good point about the armor," Hibiki agreed, nodding thoughtfully. "It does seem like there's a bit of a disadvantage there. Armor can definitely affect the outcome of a fight."  internally she recalled what Nao had shared with her about his bloodline's ability to bypass armor but that wasn’t exactly something she could blab about. She glanced at Rebecca briefly before returning her gaze to the ongoing match, pondering the effectiveness of different fighting strategies.

    As the fight continued, Hibiki found herself appreciating the tactical aspects of combat and the intricacies of armor effectiveness, all while enjoying the lively atmosphere of the beach. She glanced at Natsuki and Rebecca, grateful for their company amidst the excitement.

    Hibiki furrowed her brows slightly, considering Natsuki's words as she glanced towards the man in question. His comment struck a chord of caution within her, despite the festive atmosphere of the beach.

    "Yeah, I see what you mean," Hibiki replied softly, her voice tinged with a hint of concern. She shifted her gaze back to Natsuki, her eyes reflecting a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. "There's just this... aura, isn't there? Like a sense of unpredictability."

    She paused, her thoughts racing as she tried to piece together why the man felt unsettling. "Maybe it's his demeanor or the way he moves," Hibiki continued, her tone thoughtful. "It's like there's more to him than meets the eye."

    Hibiki glanced around discreetly, making sure not to draw attention to the man they were discussing. She trusted Natsuki's instincts and silently hoped that whatever danger he sensed wouldn't escalate into something serious.

    "I think it's good to stay alert," Hibiki added softly, a hint of worry in her voice. "Especially when things feel off like this." She glanced back at Natsuki, grateful for his perceptiveness amidst the relaxed atmosphere of the beach.

    Hibiki watched as Mamoru stumbled onto the beach, a mixture of sympathy and amusement crossing her face as he apologized for his sandy entrance. She couldn't help but smile warmly at his nervous grin and friendly introduction.

    "Hi Mamoru, nice to meet you!" Hibiki replied cheerfully, her voice warm and welcoming. She glanced around at the group, noting their varied reactions to Mamoru's arrival, and then turned her attention back to him.

    "I don't know who the armored guy is, but the other guy fighting is Nao, my boyfriend," she said with a hint of pride, feeling a little bashful about sharing the information so directly.

    She shifted slightly, glancing at Mamoru to gauge his reaction before continuing. “Armored guy is quick on his feet though. It's an interesting match to watch," she remarked, her eyes briefly following the movements of the fighters as they spared on the beach.

    Hibiki smiled at Mamoru, hoping he felt welcomed despite his sandy mishap. "Are you here to enjoy the beach or did you come specifically to watch the fight?" she asked, genuinely curious about his reason for joining them.


    Rebecca Smith
    Rebecca Smith
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    Beaches can be for Fighting too Empty Re: Beaches can be for Fighting too

    Post by Rebecca Smith Mon Jun 17, 2024 6:06 pm

    More people seemed to be gathering around, causing Rebecca's attention to be dragged towards the boisterous noises of the crowd. Her attention then turned back towards Natsuki and she gave him a pleasant smile. She noticed where his eyes were going, drifting slowly and lingering for a while down towards her cleavage. "How boutcha have a seat with me, darlin'?" she said, patting the sand next to her, opposite of Hibiki.

    She returned her attention back to Hibiki. What a peach. She was cute and charming, and quite the talker too. The story about the scarf now intriguing her. "Oh? Who is this dashing master craftsman? I'm now curious!" she said as she was then asked to go on about her own works. She looked away and upwards, lightly scratching the side of her mouth, almost embarrassed to talk about her own work. "Well, darlin'. I live in Konoha, maybe one day I could show you some of my works, yeah? Maybe I'll let you walk through the True Forge and show you some of my work. It's a bit embarassing but I'm only working on really simple things right now. The metals Konoha uses are a bit different than what I'm used to. eh heh. "

    Before she had any time to react, she was sprayed with a bunch of sand, getting sand in her face, upon her breasts, between her breasts, on her lap and some inside of her sarong. She coughed and spat out some of the sand and moved her hand over her body to brush off some of the sand as she saw a man faceplanted into the sand like a poorly placed totem statue. She looked him over and started to push off some of the sand upon her breasts. "Oh dear, this sand is getting everywhere. Even places I don't want to show off," she said casually, turning her eyes towards Mamoru, another good looking guy.

    "I would say it would be pleasant to meetcha too, but pleh," she said as she continued to spit more sand out of her mouth. He caught Mamoru's eyes drifting towards her chest as she pushed sand off of her chest, causing her breasts to jiggle a bit. She still didn't really care much about the fight, only hearing the occasional moans and grunts and jutsu usage. Sounded a bit awful when taken out of context.

    OOC Section
    EXP Currently gained: 155?
    Round 1: 20
    Round 2: 20
    Round 3: 35
    Round 4: 40
    Round 5: 40?

    NOTE: Rebecca speaks like a 'southern belle' with a fairly thick southern US accent.

    Update: Rebecca Smith

    Rebecca is an Omni-Crafter. If you need anything crafted, let me know.

    Rebecca speaks in a southern belle accent and mis-pronounces names constantly.
    Natsuki Uchiha
    Natsuki Uchiha
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    Beaches can be for Fighting too Empty Re: Beaches can be for Fighting too

    Post by Natsuki Uchiha Mon Jun 17, 2024 7:18 pm

    Still blushing, he nervously looked down towards where Rebecca was patting. "Mhm, okay!" He swallowed slightly to himself and walked over, taking a seat next to her. As he did, he went to support his body with his arms back and to the side, but that would have been so close to her. Unaware and awkward, he interlocked his fingers and held both hands in front of his body, leaning forward uncomfortably.

    Her focus seemed to be on Hibiki, who was talking her ear off about this and that. Natsuki sighed heavily in relief as he continued to watch the fight in earnest, but news of her budding relationship did not escape his notice! Boyfriend, eh? Well that's an interesting development; way to go, you two!

    The crash and slide of a new spectator was, thankfully, much more embarrassing than his previous beach-wear faux pas. While he was also splashed in so much sand, like Rebecca, he didn't seem to mind beyond wiping it off of his face to better observe the fight. He stole a glance towards the blonde as she dealt with her situation, but quickly snapped his gaze back to Mamoru. The young Uchiha nodded towards the sandy man and introduced himself in kind with a quick: "Natsuki!" He was very glad to have the attention off of himself for a moment.

    Despite the cool, the fight was seeming to heat up. The frozen stranger was underestimating Nao, laughing and even taunting the spectators. “The new generation. At least none of you feel like your lives are above your comrades. If you wanna jump in you can. I won’t stop anyone.”

    "Jump in?" Natsuki cocked his head in confusion at this turn of phrase. He looked around to the other spectators. Hibiki was the only one who, despite her chattiness, seemed at all poised to do so. That said, that was probably only because of his incredibly keen eye that he discerned that, so he wasn't about to call that out publicly. No one else seemed to be at the ready, there were no techniques being prepared, Nakaba's usual secrecy notwithstanding; What the hell is he seeing that I'm not??

    He leaned over slightly and whispered such that only Rebecca, Hibiki, and Mamoru could hear:"The hell is he saying? Is he talking about us?"


    Kaguya Mamoru
    Kaguya Mamoru
    Mist Genin
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    Beaches can be for Fighting too Empty Re: Beaches can be for Fighting too

    Post by Kaguya Mamoru Fri Jun 21, 2024 2:06 am

    "Originally, I was just here to enjoy the beach. I wasn't anticipating to watching a fight. Guess they can happen anywhere. Nice to meet you Natsuki!"  Mamoru responded to Hibiki and Natsuki, excitement building as the battle raged on, overshadowing the nervousness he felt moments ago. Even as he gazed back at the blonde, her breasts jiggling with each swipe of hand, he just widened his grin, showing his pearly whites. "Shit. I'm truly sorry about that, Ma'am." He said trying to recover by showing some respect for the woman. "I'm just not used to running in this sand" Mamoru said, still wiping from his own body, but also still shifting his eyes towards the fight, watching intently.

    He noted the contenders of the fight, as Hibiki had explained to him. She was right, the armored man was quick on his feet, but Nao was also a commendable fighter, from what he seen so far. He relished in the thought of being able to go toe to toe with both of them and it was evident on his face. As he watched, though, he squinted his eyes and even held his hand over them, as if he was forcing his eyes to zoom in, but he was just trying to get a good look at that armor. It was certainly intriguing to see, but also very familiar. "I'm almost positive I've seen that armor around Kirigakure before. I just can't place a face to it. So I'm unsure who it could be, right now" Mamoru said his thoughts aloud, mostly in response to Hibiki, just to give them some information on who her boyfriend was fighting against. He just wished he could tell her exactly who it was.
    "It seems as though he is. Eh, I have zero intentions to jump in, anyways." Mamoru replied to Natsuki.

    Character Name: Kaguya Mamoru
       Spendable Experience:
       Total Experience: 0
       Renown: 0
       Ryo: 1,050,000
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: C
    • Stamina: D
    • Speed: C
    • Coordination: C
    • Intelligence: D
    • Perception: D

       Link to Kaguya Mamoru Updates
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    Mist Jounin
    Mist Jounin
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    Beaches can be for Fighting too Empty Re: Beaches can be for Fighting too

    Post by Burittsu Fri Jun 21, 2024 3:16 am

    He was entertained yet not stupid Burittsu was alert never with his guard down he was a shinobi from the form of the shinobi he was no fool before even allowing the wind up of the Hyuga to form and follow through Burittsu quickly began his counter. Ice formed underneath his feet as he used it to move counterclockwise to the attempted attack, a good view of the attack was always close range to learn more about it and so he did. Leaving a trail of ice in his path he watched the Hyuga blast a powerful burst of concentrated chakra.  

    Burittsu ended up standing five meters away from the boy with the same smile upon his face and the ice on his hands. The ice trail upon the sand itself covering the very boots of the shinobi he chuckled a little at the on comers who gathered and those who seemed to also want to battle. Looking about with a smile upon his face he had hoped something would happen yet the one eager enough to jump in is watching. His eyes back onto the Hyuga before talking.

    “Six swords huh? I used to own seven.”

    Cracking his neck as the cold of the ice trail started to feel the atmosphere a little bit even using the weakest form of the jutsu he understood he didn’t need to try any harder. Sliding upon the ice at quite the short distance Burittsu began his counter attack with a swing that wouldn’t harm the boy, just some cuts and scrapes. He aimed for her right thigh, swiping his left handed ice claw towards the Hyuga in means to infect him and watch the progress of this encounter.

    Afterward Burittsu would slide off before encircling around the shinobi making a ring of ice temporarily around the two of them big enough for movement for the boy if he wanted to escape as the cold from the ice ring as Burittsu remained motionless watching with a smile on his face.


    Beaches can be for Fighting too Aomine14

    Life Mocks Us In The End..
    [Kenjutsu] - [Ninjutsu] - [Hyoton] - [Sensory] - [Summoning]
    [D-Rank: 0] - [C-Rank: 1] - [B-Rank: 4] - [A-Rank: 0] - [S-Rank: 0]
    Strength: B
    Constitution: B ~ A
    Stamina: A+
    Speed: B ~ A
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: A
    :: Saiken
    :: Samehada
    :: Leggings is S Rank granting +1 Tier to speed
    :: Chestplate is S Rank granting +1 Tier to Con

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    Beaches can be for Fighting too Empty Re: Beaches can be for Fighting too

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      Current date/time is Tue Jul 02, 2024 10:10 am