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Airi Ohara
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    A Test of Intelligence

    Airi Ohara
    Airi Ohara
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 2094
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    A Test of Intelligence Empty A Test of Intelligence

    Post by Airi Ohara Sat May 11, 2024 11:11 pm

    Airi arrived first to prepare for the first portion of the Chuunin Exams. This was the first filter to filter out those who do not really want to be Chuunin. A filter to excuse those that weren't smart enough or sneaky enough to perform their duties as a shinobi. The first portion was a pop quiz!

    She opened the door to the building and it was arranged with multiple elongated desks with up to 5 chairs in it. There were 3 rows and 3 columns worth of these elongated tables that could seat up to 5 at each of these tables. This classroom was arranged to be conducive for teaching students biology and anatomy. Posters depicting portions of a person's body, skeletons hoisted upon metal racks along with the many, many layers that consist of the human body. Posters of the human anatomy, both explicit and non-explicit line the walls. This is considered a professional setting where higher learning is performed.

    Airi cleared her throat and shouted, "Enter!" allowing group A to enter. The roster of group A would include:
      + Natsuki Uchiha from Konohagakure
      + Kudo Hattori from .... who knows where. It say's 'tbd'.
      + Liliane Anastasia Sisyphus from Kirigakure
      + Ghost Stormblood Kotoshura from Iwagakure
      + Innocence Uchiha from Konohagakure
      + Nakaba Toru from Konohagakure
      + Son'Rei Fujio from Sunagakure
    The list was quite the colorful one bearing the most foreigners. As the Genin started entering, she would issue a command. "Sit anywhere you want within the classroom," she said as other filler, faceless NPC Genin started to filter in afterwards, taking in the seats that nobody else would fill in. As they took a seat, they felt a chilled breeze blow in from the massive windows to their left with the scent of the ocean breeze blowing in.

    After each of the Genin filled in, the door would be closed and locked behind them and Airi would walk through with a sealed packet, handing them out to each of the Genin. All of the seats would be filled, meaning she would have to hand over 45 of these packets and 3 pencils each. Seated directly in front of the students were 7 assistant proctors facing them in a long table with notepads and stern expressions on their faces. No latecomers would join. Being on-time is part of your duties of being a shinobi. Tardiness would bar anyone from ever joining another Chuunin exam for the rest of their life. A filter for those who don't take the shinobi life seriously.

    "Do not open the packets until I tell you to. I will be giving you the rules after you have all settled in."
    Classroom Layout

    Each Desk is approximately 5 meters wide with approximately 2 meters between each desk in a row.
    The front row is approximately three meters away from the Proctor Assistants
    The proctor assistants will be facing the shinobi and the Shinobi will be facing towards the front looking towards Airi.
    Each column of desks are separated with 3 meters worth of space.
    The desks are approximately 2 meters from each of their respective side walls with approximately 4 meters between the back row and the back wall.
    The windows are wide open.
    The door will be locked AFTER the 48 hours.

    + Pick a seat number.
    + This post marks the official beginning of the Chuunin exams. All Entrants in this group must post WITHING 48 Hours of this post in order to participate in this portion and the rest of the Chuunin exams. Failure to post within the allotted time will result in both OOC and IC disqualification. Failure to meet this will get you removed from the Chuunin thread as well.
    + Upon posting in this thread, your character updates will be considered LOCKED and you will not be permitted to post additional updates nor will you be able to edit an outstanding update (even if it hasn't been approved yet) during the lock. HOWEVER, if the update is unapproved and you're just waiting for it to be checked, then it will be valid upon staff approval.

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    Leaf Genin
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    A Test of Intelligence Empty Re: A Test of Intelligence

    Post by Nakaba Sun May 12, 2024 1:20 pm

    In the hall half an hour before the room opened the smell of a burning match would fill the area just in front of the door to the area. With a deep inhale smoke would be pulled into Nakaba's lungs, as he took a deep inhale of a cigarette. A moment would pass. Another. After a few more seconds, Nakaba would blow out a thick white plume of smoke that made the nearby air hazy. With his recent stressors, he was glad to find an outlet that somewhat numbed it. Another deep inhale and Nakaba's lungs would fill with the poison once more.

    Nakaba had gear that would become standard for him for the rest of this exam. He would have on an orange jumpsuit that was unzipped in a deep V, revealing a Konoha headband around his neck and black tanktop. Two earrings dangled from his earlobes. He held three swords on both of his hips, and he had a large person-sized object wrapped up on his back.

    The Chunin hopeful would patiently wait outside the door with a couple of others who came early. A couple of coughs complained passively about the smoke, but the tension was too palpable to pierce. One wrong word. One wrong move, and the woman, man, or child across from you could lose it in a moment. Nakaba continued to test the waters filling the hall with smoke. He was completely in game mode and hadn't even processed the people around him. It was possible that he could fail here and now, his eyes had to be on the now.

    With a sudden "Enter!" The peanut gallery would pour in, filtering into the room slowly. Nakaba could already feel his adrenaline pumping as he entered the strange office space that they had altered for the Exams. He noticed two things immediately One was the strange composition of the room. Nakaba had never been in a classroom, let alone one that had such a strong focus on anatomy. The second was that Lady Hokage was one of his proctors. He knew that she was a no nonsense kind, so without any hesitation as she told them to pick seats, he'd head to seat 31, furthest from the proctors and closest to the windows. He couldn't help but wonder if they were going to be expected to fill out some kind of Shinobi paperwork. When the packet and three pencils arrived at his station, he was utterly flabbergasted. We're actually doing paperwork!

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    Village : Iwagakure
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    A Test of Intelligence Empty Re: A Test of Intelligence

    Post by Ghost Mon May 13, 2024 1:02 am

    Ghost StormBlood-Kotōshura was a very odd man when it came to doing things well he was not so different that he had to rethink things in more ways then one. That is how he always went about doing things. Today was the day he was to take part in the first event of the Chunnin Exams. He was smart and he knew it by all means. But he did not know everything and that was why he was here today. As he did all he could as a genin and now it was time to upgrade his rank in this ninja world. He was a proud member of Iwagakure and its legendary clan Kotoshura not only a member but he lead the said clan. As this was a big deal he would not right out say this but it was a fact known to a few people if any one.

    As he walked in he had on his classic suit but without the suits jacket. As he heard someone say they could :enter" he would follow suit. Being mixed in the crowd he would be sure not to make himself stand out. Taking notes of everything he saw including the Hokage of all people. But wait a tick was she the one dealing with this group for the exams? A thought came across his mind and it was quite something to think on. Soon he would see desk all around this made him a bit happier. As his classes take place outside most of the time. Soon Ghost would sit in seat sixteen for a good reason. He looked over to start to scan the room. Trying to see if he could get a good read on people. But before he started to sit down he would sneeze. Covering his mouth he would quickly place something in it. Not trying to bring too much attention but keeping it in plain site.

    Ghost would walk to the window getting a little fresh air. "Please excuse me it's a bit stuffy or rather the nerves have taking the better of me." Just as he said that he would walk to the window and place his hands on it. Trying to take in the air. Ghost would secretly place a small piece of clay by it. With its white color and size making it hard to really see. Especially thanks the light. Soon he would go take a seat back at seat sixteen. "Alrighty now hopefully I fair well with this test."


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    A Test of Intelligence Empty Re: A Test of Intelligence

    Post by Kudo Mon May 13, 2024 8:43 am

    Having made it barely in time to the exams, Kudo joined the gaggle of genin she had been grouped with outside of a door that they entered at the proctor's request. Walking in she certainly hadn’t expected to find herself in a classroom not dissimilar to the ones she remembered attending back in her shinobi academy days. Releasing a trickle of chakra she prepared herself to tackle the situation from whatever angle would give her the best advantage.

    Moving to the front of the class she pulled out the chair at the 8th spot smack-dab in the middle right in front of the proctors. A paper test might have not been expected but was something the Iwa native excelled at. Sitting down she readied herself to face the first trial, simultaneously activating her sensing technique which had become somewhat of a habit after her training with The Owl.


    Stats and Character Info:
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    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Gyuki during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    A Test of Intelligence Empty Re: A Test of Intelligence

    Post by Lily Mon May 13, 2024 5:55 pm

    Lily was still a little grumpy at how the old man had taken away some of her options, but she had mostly gotten over it now with a little bit of mental gymnastics. Wasn't her fault these adults were so afraid of a little death anyways, but she did have to behave given Kit-Kit likely knew she was participating now. Waiting in the hallway Lily spent some more time looking at the competition, and honestly was unimpressed with them. If she remembered her headband symbols correctly most were from major villages, with a few from minor villages she didn't care to remember.

    Eventually the agonizing wait would be over though, and the group was called in. Being short she'd find it a bit difficult to get a good look at the room, but as people filed in she'd get enough looks around it all to get an idea of what she was working with. Even though she wasn't a fan of classrooms (they felt too sterilized for her tastes) she had been in one with Kit-Kit...at least once. Probably more but her memory was a little hazy there. Either way Lily would go and pop a squat down at SEAT 22, a good middle seat that was slightly off to the side, had a quick access to the window if need be, and would allow her to do some sneaky stuff should the need arise.

    Swinging her legs from side to side while keeping her hands on the chair when the big chested redhead who carried herself like she had a spear up her butt came around...Airi if memory was correct Lily would give her a smile, the Child of Vandal as relaxed as one could be. Scooting her chair up a bit Lily would look at the contents placed upon her desk: a mystery folder that likely had some paperwork in it (yuck, but also she had learned how to do some types of paperwork when with Kit-Kit. Sure she failed at the debate with those Union people, but that was due to outside circumstances and wasn't her fault.) And three nice pencils. Good tools for both stabbing someone's eyes out as well as writing down answers. Picking up one of the pencils Lily would inspect it. A nice, sharpened point with a lovely eraser tip. good wood feel...if possible Lily would want to keep one of these afterwards; though she did wonder where the pencil sharpener was...well the official ones and not the dozens upon dozens of knives that she carried that could be pencil sharpeners instead. Setting the pencils down now she'd patiently wait for instructions.

    Child of Vandel:
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    A Test of Intelligence Empty Re: A Test of Intelligence

    Post by Innocence Uchiha Mon May 13, 2024 7:43 pm

    Innocence leaned against the wall waiting for the classroom door to open. She remained unchanged from the ceremony, wearing her signature single breasted white surgeon's coat, plaid dark skirt, leggings and Air Techies sneakers. Her voluminous black hair was tightly secured by two snow white bows and her excess bangs had been neatly combed and kept in place with a pair of white pins one of which was enchanted. All of her personal effects were stored on her person for easy access, most notably her Cosmic Katana which strapped diagonally across her back. As she waited, she said nothing but she did shoot Nakaba a spiteful look when he decided to start smoking. Is he for real right now? She didn't open her mouth to speak but the dirty expression she gave him would hopefully be enough to make him re-think the endeavor. Regardless, they wouldn't have to wait terribly long. Eventually the door opened and the genin were ushered into the room. Innocence immediately took stock of her surroundings. The classroom appeared to be one centered around biology and anatomy. My specialty. She thought with a smirk. If the room was any indication then she was certain she'd ace this portion of the Exams. Then again, she wasn't naive enough to think that this would be a straight-forward biology quiz. She also noticed that her Sage sister and Kage was proctoring this portion of the Exams. She was a bit surprised that the Head Proctor had allowed this, but she also knew she'd be a fool to expect any direct help from Airi.

    As the surgeon accepted her packet, she'd throw Natsuki a glance and subtly jerk her head in the direction of a pair of seats. Innocence increased her pace until she found herself at the very back corner of the classroom. She took a seat in 44 and made eye contact with Natsuki.

    Don't you dare think of sitting anywhere else!

    It was either by fate or function that the only two Uchiha in the Exams were in the same classroom together. The reason, however, was irrelevant. Innocence would not pass up the opportunity afforded to her. Even though the wimp was technically her competition, she needed to play it smart. According to the Head Proctor, the Exam would have an element of teamwork and cooperation. While it was true she'd eventually have the fight Natsuki, he could be a useful ally in this and later events. He was both remarkably talented and easy to lead which made him the perfect ally for a headstrong doctor like Innocence. There was also the fact that out of the entire Rookie 7 cohort, he was the only one she actually gave a damn about. He was a nice person, he didn't make fun of her or judge her.  He could also handle her sass better than some members of her own family.  Innocence's ideal endgame scenario would see them meeting in the final round of the Tournament, where after a hard-fought contest he'd submit to her rightful claim as champion. It was a beautiful thought, but the tactician within the young woman remained restless.

    Now's not the time to daydream....Analyze!

    Innocence placed the packet and pencils on the desk directly in front of her. She then proceeded to scrutinize every individual and object in the room. Her greatest asset wasn't her speed, strength or chakra reserves. It was her mind. And she knew that she'd need to take advantage of that fact at every opportunity.

    OOC: Analyzing Everyone - 1/4

    A Test of Intelligence 7uImUHM
    Natsuki Uchiha
    Natsuki Uchiha
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    A Test of Intelligence Empty Re: A Test of Intelligence

    Post by Natsuki Uchiha Mon May 13, 2024 8:09 pm

    The group in the hall was dense with genin, but there were few that Natsuki recognized; Innocence, that guy with the big weird thing in Airi's office who was now smoking up the place, and the girl who offered Sera something to eat earlier.

    His heart pounding, he leaned against the wall as he tried to calm his nerves in futility. Worst of all was the Hokage's chakra signature in the room he'd soon be entering. Would she be lenient on the shinobi from her village? Or would she be all the more harsh? The unknowns just keep compounding... Pulling one hand into the sleeve of his haori, Natsuki would weave three simple seals and begin sensing for vibrations all around him. It couldn't hurt to be prepared.


    His heavy sighs were going to be a continuing motif, and now was no different. He followed the flow of genin into the exam room, taking in the sights. He pursed his lips and gave an awkward and shaky nod to his Lady Hokage, should she make eye contact, but he would soon give the rest of the room a look over. The seating, three by three by five; the window, wide open; the decor, a variety of skeletons and anatomical posters. Is this some kind of test?! He hadn't had one since his time at the academy, so many years ago. Are these medical shenanigans a misdirection? If not... If there was even a fraction of a chance that Innocence's expertise would be of use here, he would not squander it. Sure enough, it seemed Inno had the same idea! Or he hoped so, anyway; he wasn't always the best at reading her signals, but this seemed clear. He walked up, taking the seat to her left. The corner was tempting, but he learned from his school days: the people who sit the furthest away were treated with the most scrutiny.

    "So what do you think? Some kind of test?" He'd ask as he sat down. If that were the case, he felt more unprepared than ever. What the hell should he have been studying?! He looked around to the masses of genin, many of them appearing to share a similar sentiment. His eyes then fell on Nakaba. Natsuki furrowed his brow before he turned back to the packet and proctors in front of him. "Huh, he's got no chakra signature," Natsuki whispered to Innocence, nodding his head towards him. "Suppression, perhaps?"

    [OOC: Seat 43]


    Airi Ohara
    Airi Ohara
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : Konohagakure
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    A Test of Intelligence Empty Re: A Test of Intelligence

    Post by Airi Ohara Mon May 13, 2024 11:19 pm

    She turned to look towards Nakaba, smelling a very distinct smell of tobacco on him. "At least wash up with something first next time, gross," she said. "Bless you," she said upon hearing Ghost sneeze. She didn't know exactly who sneezed as he hid in the crowd, that and she wasn't really paying much attention to him in general. He asked a question. "Get away from the windows. The windows are already open," she said in a commanding voice to Ghost, now giving him her full attention. Sneaky, this one. "Remove that or you'll be disqualified," she said. Him asking the question already put eyes on him and then to do so as the proctor was watching was kind of a stupid action.

    She watched as the one representing nowhere entered and just quietly sat at his desk and then the next one, a homeless girl from Kirigakure. Uncleaned, unbathed, an uncultured was this girl as she fixated upon the pencils. "They aren't crayons, you can't eat them," she said to the hobo.

    She watched as Innocence walked in, seemingly fitting into the classroom and seeming comfortable and in her element. Wasn't a surprise given Innocence's background in medicine. She was followed in with Natsuki as the two sat next to one another. They're definitely going to copy each other's homework.

    Regardless of whether or not everyone was here was irrelevant. Even those that were late upon hearing the bell would be locked out. The door was closed by Airi at the very second that the time expired and she locked the door. She cleared her throat and walked back to the podium. She stood behind it and towards all of the shinobi present. "Welcome to the first part of the exam. Having made it in through the door, early is the first part of being a good shinobi. Being late generally shows a lack of care for your job and it shows a lack of discipline. Before you is a packet of paperwork. This is your exam. All of the questions are the same but placed in different order to keep the cheating to a minimum. Yes, this is a test of your intelligence but this is also a test of your cunning. Before you are our Assistant Proctors," she said holding a hand out towards the table directly in front of her where several shinobi from across the globe sit. "They will be watching you the entire time. If you cheat, do not get caught. There is one final thing I would like to address to you before I open the floor to the Dean. None of you are permitted to leave the testing facility during the test and none of you may leave the room until after the 10th question is completed. If you leave at any time, you will be disqualified permanently from the exams," she said, lacing her fingers together while waiting.

    There was a strange, prolonged moment of silence. The awkwardness was palpable before the sound of rattling could be heard. A dull, medium-pitched rattling. This caught their attention towards the back of the classroom where one of the skeletons that were placed upon a rack started to move on it's own. The sound of chattering could be heard as one of the skeletons started to chatter it's teeth.  "A true Chuunin must learn to discern reality from fantasy. So far, you lot have disappointed me and I expected to be even further disappointed when I review your exams," came a chilling voice from the skeleton. The arms of the skeleton lifted up and appeared to 'pull itself' off of the hook, clattering down into a pile of bones.

    There was another awkward moment of silence. The pile of bones started to clatter getting faster and faster to build up anxiety and tension before the hands of the skeleton started to put itself back together and stood up. The skeleton started to walk along the outside wall, on the side of the door, before a human body started to manifest. First the tendons, then the blood vessels, then the muscles, then the clothing, and then the skin and hair and eyes began to form to take on the form of a beautiful woman -- the Dean of Secrecy. She took up the podium directly next to Airi.

    "My name is Madame Linh Kaguya. I am the Dean of Secrecy and Espionage Students at the Sukimori School for War, Art, Science, and Philosophy. It's a pleasure to meet all of you future failures," she said piggy-backing on the fact that none of them impressed her in the slightest. The Headmaster did not approve nor would ever authorize such a display before the young minds of the Exams, but Linh had never agreed with her boss's philosophy on modesty. She complied well enough at his institution but if she was going to help him proctor the Exams, then she'd be doing it her way. And her way consistent of a rather dramatic entrance meant to hit home a single point: deception and espionage where the trademarks of being a shinobi. Out of nowhere, Linh produced a human skull identical to the one that had looked at them earlier.

    "While it is fine that a shinobi weaponize their muscles and nerves and everything else that happens in the body, one aspect that is usually ignored is the mind," she said tapping her temple with her index finger. "Sadly, I'm expecting half your number to lose as I don't believe most of you remember some of your Shinobi Academy fundamentals and only worked on your body rather than your brain. Children these days," she said as she held her hand up as if to present something. It was a pure white skull. She placed the skull upon Airi's podium and pressed the top of the skull, causing a clock to appear on it in the form of a type of hologram.

    She flicked her long silver hair off of her shoulders. "You have until this timer runs out. Cheating is forbidden and that's what these volunteers are here for is to make sure none of you are cheating. If you are caught cheating, you will be expelled from the exams. There will be no talking during the exams and you will not be permitted to ask any questions. Now I leave this up to your proctor. I have to give this same spiel to the other room. Tata and good luck." she said as she opened the locked door and closed it behind her, locking it on her way out.

    Airi sighed a bit and turned to look towards the classroom full of genin and placed her hand upon the skull. "You will have 30 minutes to complete 9 questions. You will not get a bathroom break and you will not be able to leave the room at all. If, for some reason, you have a medical emergency, I don't care. You will be stuck here dying until the 30 minutes has expired. And the... " she said as her voice trails off, looking towards the registry of genin. "If Ghost doesn't remove that plastic explosive, he will be the very first out that window. If any of you kill another participant, I will kill you." she commented. She gave him 1 minute to clear out that clay. Whether he did it or not, after 1 minute expired, she presses the skull down and a 30 minute timer, down to the millisecond began to count down.

    "Begin!" This was their queue to open up their packets and work on those 9 questions.    
    == Analyze the lot of yous 1/2 ==

    (OOC: The Rules of the Exam are as follows:
      + This portion of the Exam will run for at least four rounds but may be extended.
      + There are nine questions on the Exam. All of them are incredibly difficult to answer.
        + If you have S-Rank Intelligence you may finish the Exam in a single post with a perfect score.
        + If you have A-Rank Intelligence you may finish the Exam in two posts with a perfect score
        + If you have B-Rank Intelligence you may finish the Exam in three posts with a perfect score
        + If you have C-Rank Intelligence you may finish the Exam in three posts with 6/9 correct.
        + If you have below C-Rank Intelligence you will be unable to get a single question correct.
    Good luck! And if you're smart, you'll ace it. If you aren't smart, get crafty!

    As they opened their packets, they see a large number, from 1-9 on the top right of their test. Each of the player characters received a different number, meaning all tests are jumbled up, no two of the player character's tests are in the same order. There were 9 questions (these questions are indeterminate as they weren't important in an OOC context.

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    Village: Konohagakure
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    Stone Genin
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    Village : Iwagakure
    Posts : 161
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    A Test of Intelligence Empty Re: A Test of Intelligence

    Post by Ghost Tue May 14, 2024 12:54 am

    Ghost would move with haste to remove the small piece of Clay. He would sit back down and ready himself for the exam. As the new person came in and she started to explain things but what was with the skull and what was with her repeating the word cheat. Thinking to himself he would say,"Cheat huh I think I can do good without that. After all my worst got me this far." Soon as she left the exam would start but that wasn't the scary part. The scary part was that Lady Hokage spotted his clay and not only that she knew what it was and could do. That meant she knew of his clan if anything.

    Soon he would start on the exam and the first question came to mind. Can you define what is the nature of Chakra?
    This was a easy question in itself as Ghost would start to write down his answer to it. It was simple and clean but his answer got right to the point if things as he written out a 1,000 words to answer it.
    This question was easier enough but he got it down.

    Next thing next he the question of Projectile Geometry would come about. So the art of using Range and how to carefully utilize it in battle. Ghost was quick to answer such a question using 2,000 words no less. He knew this all too well especially seeing as he is the one that utilize this form of combat.

    Next up was something he was not too familiar with but he knew enough to get by on. It was a question revolved around what is known as Fuuin-Cryptography Comprehension. "The art of sealing to say the least." He would start to write down his answer in the best way he could. It was not hard to understand the role of this type of fighting or even supporting role. With that he had answered the first three and he would start to look over the next three. Slowly but surely he was getting it to together.

    Ghost completed 1-3


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    A Test of Intelligence Empty Re: A Test of Intelligence

    Post by Kudo Tue May 14, 2024 9:29 am

    With the doors closing their head proctor introduced the genin to the details of their first trial. It all seemed rather straightforward, but something about this setup put her on edge even though she knew her senses were unaltered from the illusory arts thanks to the sensing technique. Thankfully it seemed she wouldn’t be needing to think outside of the box if this portion of the exams was literally just a paper test, though a bizarre entrance from the Dean of Secrecy certainly perked her interest to whatever means she had used to accomplish such a feat.

    Finally unleashed, Kudo pulled out her test from the sealed packet and got to work, while the questions would be no short work on her end they were fully within her grasp. There was a large number printed on the top of her sheet, to which she instinctively began to turn around to see if others had the same before stopping herself. Even if she wasn’t doing it to cheat, it would surely look like that to the proctors.

    Pencil in hand and dancing across the paper Kudo would focus entirely on her work, her mind not entirely grasping that those unable to work it out like her would be looking to copy answers from the likes of her.


    OOC: 1/3 posts to Perfect Score

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    Leaf Genin

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    A Test of Intelligence Empty Re: A Test of Intelligence

    Post by Nakaba Wed May 15, 2024 10:58 pm

    As Linh Kaguya appeared Nakaba wouldn't release his Suppression technique, he would break it [Activating Radiant Chakra Circulation ]. Had he been looking internally, but he hadn't given enough thought as to the purpose of this part of the exam. Wow was that the transformation technique. That was expertly performed. I underestimated the world of ninja. No need to take things one at a time, let's devour the whole test. Whatever the through line is, I have to find it. A devilish grin would spread across Nakaba's face [activating Drunken Fist (S Rank), 7 post timer, applying ++ to Crd -> S]  as his chakra burst alive to those who could visualize it as a raging orange and golden flame.

    The heat from each person in the room would fluctuate as they calmed, got excited, or adjusted to the sea breezes blowing into the room. Nakaba observed the people in the room carefully, checking to see if their heat signatures lined up with their shape. He checked posters and skeletons to verify them as well. He didn't expect to discover anything from his observations, but he knew he should look. Nakaba was unsurprised when Lady Hokage revealed an aspect of a participant's jutsu that wasn't readily apparent. He could feel the push to act on the information.  He could visualize it, taking a lit cigarette and flicking it at the plastic explosive. Nakaba would flick his fingers [with D Rank Strength, S Rank Coordination] invisible imagined embers would get the job done. Boom~.

    Nakaba didn’t believe that every Chunin was supposed to be balanced, Kiyoshi was a prime example. He intended to use underhanded tactics from the start. Waiting until he was granted permission, Nakaba would calmly watch the instructor for the go ahead. On her mark, he would unbind his test, carefully taking it apart so that he could clearly see each page, and he would set his scrap paper to the side. There's a question that's not in the paperwork. Seeing the 4 on his paperwork, he would sigh lightly at the ominous portent. Nakaba wasn't well rounded in his knowledge, but he was a premier engineer. The heat from breath, adsorption of heat by the stone underfoot, and the evaporating sweat, that condensed nervousness forming on most everyone's faces, he could see it all. I lucked out. Pencils functioned through a purely mechanical process. That is to say they produce heat, incidental though it may be, making them stand out against the pages.  Nakaba would grab some of the pages tracing 10 chakra onto pieces of the scrap paper from the back of the exam as he recorded the answers of Genin 1-9 and genin 16-20 in chakra shaped like letters on the pages.

    Since his hands were free he’d start sketching proctors 3, 4, and 5 at the beach chatting with the skeletons on one of the sheets of scrap paper. Had he Known what a Kaguya was he may have been more wary of those skeletons.

    OOC: I don't wanna be analyzed, interrupting analysis timers. Resisting analysis from int S Rank or lower from peeps without taijutsu.

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    A Test of Intelligence Empty Re: A Test of Intelligence

    Post by Lily Fri May 17, 2024 7:41 pm

    Lily paused in her pencil inspection of the pencils upon being called out by Airi, at least she assumed the talk of crayons was about her. Given she was the youngest looking ninja in the classroom, Lily had anticipated getting comments like that from those closer to her age, but not from someone who was supposed to be an important figurehead of a nation. If anything Lily's original assessment of that spear up her butt was wrong. It had to have been a battering ram instead, or maybe a really large cactus. Or maybe it was...oh what did the penguins call it? Shark Week? Perhaps that was why the test was taking place at the beach; Airi wanted to fight sharks to make her hair even redder with their blood and was mad that she couldn't be fighting them right at this second. Lily totally understood that feeling, not being able to play with her knives because Kit-Kit said she had to behave and dress up. Lily would let the crayon comment slide...for now. Besides, graphite tasted bad and this kind of wood even worse. Licorice Root Pencils tasted much better; if a huge pain in the ass to acquire.

    Watching Impatient Shark Puncher Airi as she closed the door and began explaining the test, she'd take it as seriously as she could; back straight, legs unswung, hands held together in her lap. She didn't like sitting in this position, but she needed to pay attention and get every drop of info that she could. Ten Questions, test of Intelligence & Cunning, don't get caught cheating, we cannot leave until Question Ten; simple enough. Fingerspelling the important bits in her hands, she'd become distracted by the semi-familiar sound of bones click-clacking against one another; something she didn't expect to hear ever since leaving the pits. Instead of fear, lily would watch with fascination as the rattling skeleton formed a woman from it. Lily wasn't a medical expert by any stretch of the imagination, but seeing the human body form itself and seeing where the muscles and tendons connected to the bones...well it gave Lily both better ideas on where to target people, and a slight concern that the Shab-nak might be able to do the same thing when she'd eventually find a way to stab him properly.

    Listening to the Bone Dean with the same seriousness as she did with The Continually Delayed Shark Slayer Airi, Lily didn't exactly like her attitude, but couldn't find fault with it when the mention of intelligence occurred. Lily knew she wasn't smart, not the conventional kind of smart at least; Kit-Kit, the Crafting Union, even the Penguins had made that clear over time. Lily never went to Fancy Ninja SchoolTM, and she basically crammed to learn the fundamentals just to come to the exams. She was at a disadvantage and having it pointed out sucked. Still, Lily would commit to remembering the important bits: They had till time ran out, cheating forbidden, no talking, no questions, cheating equals expulsion.

    Lily's face scrunched up as she processed all of this new information. Airi said that if you cheat not to get caught, but the skull woman said cheating is forbidden. It appeared to be contradictory...except it wasn't really, was it? They didn't say what qualified as cheating, and ninja were expected to use underhanded tactics in order to gain information. Lily would almost miss Peeved Because She Would Rather Be Pummeling Sharks Instead Of Giving Tests Airi's important final comments: Thirty Minutes for Nine Questions, no breaks, can't leave if you're dying, and a mention of another shinobi. Once again, instructions did not add up. Nine Questions, Ten Questions. What was going on?


    She could mull on the confusing information later. Opening up her packet Lily would Look over the questions to confirm if there was Nine or Ten questions. After some speedy (B cord) flipping, she'd confirm that yes, there was only nine questions. Had one of them misspoke? That didn't seem likely, otherwise their test would become null, right? She'd look over the questions. All of them spoke of things her Penguins friends NEVER covered and for a brief moment Lily felt despair. She had come here to fight strong people, not get knocked out from the runnings early because of some dumb paperwork! No, there had to be something more to it. After all, if someone like Airi could become Kage despite not being able to tell Lily wasn't a five year old, then clearly there had to be something more.

    '...If you cheat, do not get caught.'

    That had to be it. Putting a pencil in her mouth and her hands under the desk as she looked over her test again, Lily would preform the Tiger handsign and silently create a shadow clone of herself. Said shadow clone would then preform the Horse, Tiger, Ox, Snake, Monkey, and Ram handseals for the Transparent Escape Technique. Lily was extremely proud of herself with this one as she only just learned how to use the invisibility technique, and she had figured out by accident that while she couldn't use other techniques with Transparent Escape, if she was using a technique and her clones weren't...well the result was right underneath the desk after all. The plan was simple enough; if no one can see her; she can't be caught cheating! Plus it'd let her look for good tools and weapons that she could pickpocket for later.

    Even as Lily made her clone and it went invisible, Lily Prime didn't stop looking over her test. Bringing her hands back up she'd pick the pencil out of her mouth and flipped over the second sheet. She might not know the answers, but that didn't mean she couldn't try to parse what these questions were asking in the meantime on top of why the heck the heads of this test contradicted each other. Her handwriting was practically chicken scratch, but given the circumstances she was fine with that; less people who could cheat off of her. For the time being she'd do a mix of trying to decipher the first question, try to figure out the gimmick of this test, and making a drawing of Airi eating crayons in the top-left corner, just to make the Child of Vandal feel a little better.

    While Lily Prime focused on her half of this mystery, the clone would slowly make it's way over to the most obvious target in the room: Ghost. It was a bit too early to start looking at people's answers, the clone figured it'd be best to do some recon on the question placements while she waited. Thankfully the desks had front panels which would keep her hidden from the proctors & Airi (Lily had gotten bored of the Shark gimmick now, be it true or not), and the only gap in her plan was the gap beteen his desk and her own. Being as stealthy as possible, the clone would look over the shoulders of Participant 21 to see what their first question was before preparing for the gap. She'd keep as reasonably low to the ground as possible while still moving as fast as she could without disrupting the technique's hiding ability over to the next long desk; that small gap heart-pounding to say the least. She'd then take a quick peek over each participant's shoulder from 20 down to Ghost at 16. Each did indeed have different answer placements, but as she'd scan she'd do her best to make mental notes of the big points in their writing. Kit-Kit had drilled that into her head: fluff is good, but getting straight to your point is more important when it comes to serious business (yet another reason why the knife was a superior weapon. Nothing fancy, just a slab of sharp metal to make one's point.)

    The Deets:

    Child of Vandel:
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    A Test of Intelligence Empty Re: A Test of Intelligence

    Post by Innocence Uchiha Sat May 18, 2024 9:40 am

    "Lookth like it" Innocence whispered under breath in response to her kinsman's question. She knew there would be more to this test than biology though. Nothing was ever as it seemed in the shinobi world. As if to highlight the point, Natsuki noted that the puppeteer was suppressing his chakra. Innocence's eyes shifted over to the smoking genin. His movements after smoking the cigarette were rather strange. It was as if he was unsteady and uneasy. I can't draw a bead on him...what the hell was he smoking? There must have been more than just tobacco in that cig as he was moving erratically. If he didn't know what his next move was then how could she? Innocence furrowed her brow as she listened to Airi chastise several genin in the room. There was a lot going on that her Sage sensei could see that she couldn't.

    Its not enough. I need more.....

    The surgeon tapped into years' worth of sleepless nights and relentless study drills. Suddenly, the world came into greater focus. The actions and activities of those around her were reducible to functions of physics, biology and chemistry. She rapidly apprehended movements, capabilities and possibilities in the blink of an eye. If this was to be a test of some sort, then she'd ace it. She listened as Airi explained that this indeed was an exam, but the subtle mention of it being a test of both intelligence and cunning was what tipped her off to the truth behind the exercise. She smirked and kept her green eyes focused on the front of the room while remaining attentive to all other aspects of her surroundings. She was ready for nearly anything, but what she wasn't ready for was the sudden appearance of a talking skeleton. She raised an eyebrow as the creature lifted itself off the hook and walked to the center of the room. Genjutsu? Fuuninjutsu? Something else? The skeleton turned into a rather beautiful silver haired woman. Their proctor. Once the rules of engagement were explained, Innocence doubted any of the genin in the room didn't understand the true assignment. Unlike many of the slackers present, Innocence had in fact spent a significant amount of time sharpening her fundamentals. She didn't enjoy it, but it was only way to become a top-tier doctor in Konoha and so she was well-prepared for almost anything they could throw her way. The others? Not so much.

    They'll have to cheat.... Innocence thought with some amusement. Some of them were already trying to get an unfair advantage it seemed. A foreign shinobi that she did not recognize had been caught by Airi trying to deposit a plastic explosive on the window. This was followed by a more general threat against lethal violence in the testing room. That comes later. She wondered just how difficult the questions would be, but she didn't have to wonder for long. The moment the word was given, Innocence tore into her packet. She picked up her pencil and scanned through the questions with quickly. A sense of euphoria and power washed over her.

    Light work! The questions were trivial for someone like her, but they'd be downright impossible for anyone who wasn't on the verge of becoming a high ranking scientist. This led to another more humorous realization. Hibiki is fucked! Innocence stifled her laughter and an arrogant smirk spread across her lips. The smug Rookie 7 had probably spent a lot of time training and precious little time studying. They'd have to cheat, which of course was the point of the Exam, but Innocence doubted a good natured genin like Hibiki would accept or seek unauthorized assistance. The girl was thick and annoyingly naive. She'd take the proctor's words literally and sit there like a dummy until the time ran out. One down, five to go.

    Innocence heard the unmistakable sound of the Shadow Clone Jutsu being activated. She also noticed the sudden plume of smoke that erupted  near the tyke girl's seat. The sudden disruption caused Innocence to scrutinize the child sitting in her seat. She was up to something, but Innocence couldn't tell what. There were a few possibilities given that a clone was now in play but none of them made sense. The room was back to being eerily silent and she could see nothing with her own eyes. She definitely has a clone out and about...I'd recognize that jutsu anywhere but why can't I see it? The jutsu that she knew of that could permit such a level of invisibility shouldn't have been possible for a genin to perform. The tyke had to have been outrageously skilled. Hm...Innocence considered the dynamics of the exam and the intriguing display from Lily and made a split second decision. She had no idea what the clone was up to, but she did have a way of finding out. She shut her eyes for a moment, they were useless for this exercise. Instead, she focused on respiratory processes taking place around her. Thanks to the late-breaking generosity of her clan leader, Innocence had access to a Secret Technique that enhanced her tracking skills. Seeing was only part of her arsenal when it came to keeping tabs on her opponents. The room was also silent making it easy to discern the breathing patterns of each shinobi. That's when she sensed it. The clone was moving about the room like a spy but its breath, heartbeat and other minute functions were readily apparent. Innocence could pinpoint its exact location at any given time, but she said nothing about this.

    Instead, she picked up her pencil and started working on her exam. The work was simple to her but laborious. Some of the chakra-chemistry questions required multiple equation chains to complete, the celestial mathematics portion forced her to stop for a few seconds and recall select theorems on astronomical positioning and orbital body physics. She paused for a moment and flipped a few strands of her hair back. In doing so, she exposed her face to Natsuki for a brief second. She said nothing and didn't even look directly at him, but he'd be able to see a broad smirk on her face and a wink of her left eye.

    I got this in the bag. Don't worry.

    As she worked, she loosed two Genjutsu. One was targeted towards him and the other at Lily. It was a fairly simple illusion but it would allow her to help a clan mate and proposition a rather talented kunoichi.


    Innocence is placing Lily and Natsuki under False Surroundings. 1/2 Posts until it takes effect.

    1/2 Posts until Exam Completion. [A-Tier Intelligence]

    Precog Analysis: 2/2 Posts. Shortened time for analysis due to Intel boost. Analysis Complete of all except the spoilsport Nakaba.

    Jutsu/UA Used:

    -5 CP [UA Activation]
    -1 CP  [Silent Killing]
    -5 [Demonic Illusion: False Surrounding Technique]

    Chakra Pool: 174/185


    Strength: D
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: B
    Speed: C -> D [Flaw]
    Coordination: B
    Intelligence: B -> A [Unique Ability]
    Perception: B


    A Test of Intelligence 7uImUHM
    Natsuki Uchiha
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    A Test of Intelligence Empty Re: A Test of Intelligence

    Post by Natsuki Uchiha Sat May 18, 2024 10:16 pm

    Once again, it was difficult to understate just how overwhelmed Natsuki felt in this moment. He didn't test well in the academy, so how would now be any better when he hasn't studied in years?! Only 10 questions... That's not so bad... Maybe I just know them? Unmoved by his own attempt at feigned confidence, he took a heavy gulp. Soon after, his brow furrowed and his gaze snapped onto the skeleton that soon became wrapped in all the trimmings of a kunoichi and her attire. Did she just... appear? Her chakra certainly wasn't there a second ago... It was unlikely to be chakra suppression, her appearance had all the hallmarks of some weirdo ninjutsu.

    He frowned slightly at her disappointment in everyone, though he wasn't surprised. Even though he detected her immediately and was well aware that there was no genjutsu at play, Natsuki could never catch a break from those to whom he was subordinate. All the same, her speech was remarkably similar to Airi's, somehow with more condescension: Don't cheat. In truth, the idea of subterfuge being an element of the test evaded the young Screw Up completely. He was going to cheat, he was certain he had to, and avoiding being caught was a given. It was Airi's closing statements that gave him pause, however. Wait... 30 minutes to finish 9 questions? What happened to the whole 'none of you may leave the room until after the 10th question is completed' thing?!

    The phrasing, in retrospect, was intriguing as well; it was almost as if the question being answered was not an individual thing. But what does that mean?? He was getting a headache as they were commanded to begin. He immediately pulled the packet open, flipping through the pages and reading each question.


    It was gibberish. The issues of the explosive clay and Lily's clone, while he was aware of them both, were secondary to his dread at the nonsense on the pages before him. Innocence, in his peripheral, seemed nonplussed by comparison. As he felt her strokes resonating from the pencil, to the paper, to the table, to the floor beneath, and into the soles of his feet, Natsuki grabbed his own pencil. With supremacy over the sensation and the pencil alike, he began to move his own in the exact manner that Innocence did. The answers were not in the same order, but that was a concern for later- at least he would have answers.

    From the corner of his eye, he spotted her brief glance. Either Natsuki was getting better at reading her subtle cues or he had much trust in her. Either way, he knew that she had this in the bag, so he didn't worry.

    [OOC: Copying half of the correct answers, albeit not in relation to each question.]


    Airi Ohara
    Airi Ohara
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    A Test of Intelligence Empty Re: A Test of Intelligence

    Post by Airi Ohara Sun May 19, 2024 12:28 am

    Her eyes turned to see Ghost remove the item she saw him put on the open window. She cleared her throat and crossed her arms over her chest, pushing them in towards her body, making her cleavage look even bigger. She just sat there and watched them perform the exams for a brief moment. Her eyes turned to the clock at the back of the room. She cleared her throat and noticed one of the assistant proctors, the one sitting in the 6th seat started to twitch and rocking a bit in his seat. She raised a brow, curious about the proctor. The back of their shirt started was sweaty and she could see his body twitching and sweating. She could almost hear his exasperation.

    She had fore-knowledge of the questions and even she found them relatively difficult. These questions made, even her, sweat and had to engage her brainpower. She knew these questions are generally not for normal people, but she wasn't able to say nor divulge anything involving the questions. That'd be cheating. Ghost started to work on his questions like someone normally would. Her attention returned to the 6th assistant proctor and he continued to twitch. "No.. no.. not him.. not him.. there's a cheater here. There's always a cheater," the assistant proctor said quietly. The Genin could see him pouring in sweat, dripping sweat onto the table in front of him -- his eyes bulging out and bloodshot; looking around in a paranoid manner. "I'll catch them. I'll catch them... hehehe.. I'll catch them" he said quietly. Those with A Perception are capable of hearing what he said and could hear the exasperation in his voice, his voice shaky and wavering. He was, obviously, borderlining creepy.

    An obvious  look of disgust crossed her face and was quite evident by those that looked towards her. Kudo continued to do her exam like a good shinobi would. Intelligence flourished doing things the proper way while ignorance and unintelligence caused people to grow more creative in a means of solving problems.

    "No... no.. no.. not her. She's dong things right. One of them will be doing something stupid. Something really stupid -- stupid -- stupid... Someone's going to slip.. hehehe," the assistant proctor started getting a bit more deranged the longer the test goes. It's only been 5 minutes since the test has begun and this poor assistant proctor was probably going to pull his hair out. Airi removed her arms from her chest and walked over towards the proctor, standing beside and behind him. She placed a hand upon his shoulder and bent over a bit and whispered into his ear. Her hand was now soaked in his sweat. "Calm down. You're going to self destruct if you keep freaking out," she whispered. She moved her hand down his back to find a dry spot on his shirt and wiped his sweat off on his shirt. The assistant proctor blinked and blushed, nodding, instantly calming down. "Good boy," she said, patting the dry portion of his back and stood back up and returned to her spot behind the podium.

    She placed her elbows upon the podium and leaned forward and continued to observe.  She yawned, her mouth opening wide as she closed her eyes and raised a hand up to block her mouth. Nothing Nakaba did seemed out of the ordinary. The 6th proctor went from a blushing demeanor to standing up and pointing towards Lily. The smoke and sound of the shadow clone being summoned before completely vanishing caused the man to open his mouth with no words coming out. All of the proctors turned to look towards the 6th proctor. Airi saw everything that happened. Her eyes tracked the invisible Lily, turning her eyes towards the invisible clone. Interesting that the crayon eater was capable of pulling something actually smart for someone who preferred the red flavored crayon over the blue. Maybe Airi would be kind to her and offer her some bread and water. Must feed the poor so they could do the exam.

    The 6th proctor looked around and started to grit his teeth and quickly ran towards the door and unlocked it and opened the door and ran out. Airi let out a sigh as the assistant proctors looked at her and she motioned to them to leave. After they stood up and filed out, Airi walked towards the door and closed it locked the door behind them. The feeling of people constantly watching has lessened. Returning back to the podium, she placed her elbows down on the podium at slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Her blue eyes turned white, activating her Byakkugan. All that was left now was Airi with her Byakkugan activated. The Genin were now under the mercy of Airi's mood and what she would allow people to get away with.

    She saw Innocence's chakra system light up. She turned her head to the side and yawned. Nothing painfully obvious came from Innocence other than seeing her chakra light up. Something was used that confused her before she noticed two member's chakra being disrupted. She nodded her head, knowing exactly what happened. Natsuki seemed nervous, as usual. She tapped her fingers upon the podium and waited. The skull upon the podium read 22 minutes and 30 seconds remaining. Tick Tock.   
    == Analyze the lot of yous 2/2 ==
    + Activate Byakkugan r5

    Posting Initiative Order
      1. Nakaba
      2. Ghost
      3. Kudo
      4. Lily
      5. Innocence
      6. Natsuki

    + Nakaba needs to ensure his INT is changed due to his UQ boost. This will affect his int for this portion of the exam while it's active.
    No map. Lost the PSD so I can't update positioning.

    (OOC: The Rules of the Exam are as follows:
      + This portion of the Exam will run for at least four rounds but may be extended.
      + There are nine questions on the Exam. All of them are incredibly difficult to answer.
        + If you have S-Rank Intelligence you may finish the Exam in a single post with a perfect score.
        + If you have A-Rank Intelligence you may finish the Exam in two posts with a perfect score
        + If you have B-Rank Intelligence you may finish the Exam in three posts with a perfect score
        + If you have C-Rank Intelligence you may finish the Exam in three posts with 6/9 correct.
        + If you have below C-Rank Intelligence you will be unable to get a single question correct.
    Good luck! And if you're smart, you'll ace it. If you aren't smart, get crafty!

    As they opened their packets, they see a large number, from 1-9 on the top right of their test. Each of the player characters received a different number, meaning all tests are jumbled up, no two of the player character's tests are in the same order. There were 9 questions (these questions are indeterminate as they weren't important in an OOC context.

    Airi's EXP Gained thus far
      This Post:  
      Total Gained:  

    Airi's EXP Unique Ability
    Experience from Me to You
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    A Test of Intelligence Empty Re: A Test of Intelligence

    Post by Nakaba Mon May 20, 2024 11:04 pm

    Nakaba's face contorted almost looking disgusted, maybe horrified, as he watched proctor number 6's clothes get matted with sweat. Today Nakaba learned that sweat evaporated off of skin faster than water, cooling the area it sapped from first. he could see the man's dissolved sweat floating in the air around the examinees. Nakaba was quickly growing could and clammy as he watched the evaporating particles vanish. He was overcome with joy that he'd chosen a window seat. His pale face started blankly out the window for a moment as he came to his conclusion.

    With his experience and his skill [S Crd] Nakaba looked satisfied with his drawing, shaking his head to dispell the creepy guys image out of his head folding it up he would have made all of his shading and cross shading. The copied words that he'd been transcribing with his chakra pages of short hand hidden in the metaphorical margins. Going from disgusted to very pleased with himself Nakaba would take a glance out the window assessing the movement of the air currents, before adding extra information to his brain. This wasn't the plan, but smart Nakaba knew that already. Baring his canines and smiling from ear to ear [activating UA: unrelenting, unpredictable] Nakaba would fold a paper shuriken [crafting E rank paper shuriken - crafting time 0 days]  out of the encoded picture. Taking a deep breath Nakaba would activate the sensory technique locating a classroom with other examiners. 14 answers from fourteen genin flew out the window with a subtle flick of Nakaba's wrist. The Shuriken would hit a random examinee three rooms down in his/her neck making them yell as it unfurled answers on their desk.

    Still committing shenanigans Nakaba would pretend to start working on his test in earnest. Spinning a pencil between his fingers as he read the first question, Nakaba would begin to blankly stare at his page pretending to think. Sending a chakra needle through the floor boards, the puppeteer would lace the thin needle from the floorboards under the foot of the 6th proctor. Writing with his left hand as his right index finger hid on his lap, he sent the string along his own leg to hide it while he read and wrote. Slowly and steadily climbing up the clothes of the proctor, lacing itself through the clothes, it would place stitches on his shoes, pants, shirt, and head band. He could follow the stitches even if the proctor had their chakra suppressed. For a little while longer, he'd wait.

    Jutsu Used:

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    Stone Genin
    Stone Genin

    Village : Iwagakure
    Posts : 161
    Join date : 2021-09-22

    A Test of Intelligence Empty Re: A Test of Intelligence

    Post by Ghost Mon May 20, 2024 11:46 pm

    In all honesty this test was more or less one wouldn't say easy but it was not hard. It was tricky that's the mode Ghost would place such a thing. As he looked on he would realize that something was a mist and that was that some of these questions he wasn't even taught ornwas that just another trick question? Soon enough he would riddle his way into answering another three questions. It took him quite some time but he got it done.

    As he eased his eyes up he see that more then a few of his classmates have gotten unlucky. Thier face expressions says it all. But then there was the others they face expressions were a bit different almost as if they were attempting to cheat. Come to think of it they did use the word cheat more then they should and it's not a crime if you cheat its you getting caught if you cheat. But Ghost did not need to do that as he was well verse in his own mind. " If I can't pass a simple test such as this then what am I even doing here?"

    As he looked on he would start to think something else. He heard that the exams also have a combat part. "I wonder if anyone here is from a powerful clan? Only time will tell I guess." With six questions down and only three more to go he would start to relax just a little bit. As he prepared to complete the exams.


    Strength: C
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    A Test of Intelligence Empty Re: A Test of Intelligence

    Post by Kudo Tue May 21, 2024 8:50 am

    With her sensory technique still active she could certainly feel the flare ups of chakra around her as the other genin got to work finding the answers in their own ways. Kudo continued to diligently work on the exam, she figured she was close to half-way through the answers, though a sweaty and mumbling proctor would gain her attention for a brief moment before looking back down. She hoped dearly the individual wasn’t a representation of most chūnin and that her peers would be more competent.

    She wanted very much to turn around and learn from what the others were doing to accomplish this goal, but she knew such a move was a foolish idea. Later she would certainly be able to learn plenty watching the others fight and against her own opponent. Having been so surrounded by her peers she had pushed the reality of her joining of The Light and all that encompassed to the fringes of her mind to try and enjoy this small semblance of normal.


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    A Test of Intelligence Empty Re: A Test of Intelligence

    Post by Lily Wed May 22, 2024 5:56 pm

    As Lily Prime would continue to look busy and attempt to understand what in the absolute hogwash this test was asking of her, she'd only briefly look up as the proctors and Airi left the room. That didn't stop her from trying to keep focused however, as just because the adult left didn't mean that every one of them had left. For all Lily knew one of them was just as stealthy as herself; a conclusion she came to given that she couldn't even see her own clone unless it were to move fast with her current tracking skills. Lily wasn't sure if all of this would be enough though. Should she summon one of her penguins and do some recon with it? They weren't exactly the stealthiest of birds, and while she could peek through their eyes; none were as skilled with the Transparant Escape anyways; so she'd keep that in her back pocket for now.

    The Lily clone on the other hand was unfazed by the proctors leaving the room would simply continue on; turning around and watching as participant 31 was making a cool paper ninja star and tossed it. He seemed pretty unfazed by this whole test, though whether it was because he understood the questions, understood the actual test, or just didn't care...well Lily wasn't sure. Either way she'd take a peak at his test, make note of the fact that his answers didn't seem to line up with the others; and filed his test answers away as 'probably wrong', though she didn't yet rule him out. After all, these were questions she had no idea the answers to, but if she found similar answers, the greater chance those were indeed the right answers.

    The Lily Clone would continue on, looking at the answers written from participants 32 to 40 from behind like before while staying the path of stealth. Slowly but surely she was finding commonalities between the questions and answers. It was slow work, slower then she would have ever liked, but she had to make sure she was thorough. It was a lot of words to go through though, and she did have to start discarding the less likely answers in her mind. More important things like how to use a knife properly and how one could best catch a fish took up more brain space.

    Of course, neither Lily Prime nor the Clone knew that Lily Prime had been caught in a Genjutsu; at least Lily Prime was 'lucky' enough in that her feet weren't touching the ground and therefore couldn't activate the trigger for Innocence's genjutsu...for the time being of course.

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    A Test of Intelligence Empty Re: A Test of Intelligence

    Post by Hibiki Wed May 22, 2024 10:17 pm

    The atmosphere in Exam Group A's room during the Chunin Exams was thick with tension. Silence pervaded the space as candidates focused intently on their papers, the only sounds being the soft scratching of pens and the rustling of parchment. Outside, Hibiki's pegasus, Helios, stood tethered near Exam Group B, patiently waiting for his master.

    Bored and curious, Helios decided to explore. With a quiet grace belying his size, he wandered over to the open window of Exam Group A. Inside, the candidates remained absorbed in their exams, unaware of the approaching disruption.

    Hibiki, engrossed in her own exam, was oblivious to Helios's little adventure. Meanwhile, inside Exam Group A,  Helios's large, inquisitive head slowly pushed through the open window. His presence went largely unnoticed at first, but as he leaned further in, his nose twitched, reacting to the unfamiliar scents within. Without warning, Helios's nostrils flared and he let out a massive, thunderous sneeze.

    Ghost, seated closest to the window, would be the unfortunate recipient of the sneeze,if he didn’t react in time he would  be covered in great gobs of pegasus snot.


    As this is a pet, this post does not generate XP

    Innocence Uchiha
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    A Test of Intelligence Empty Re: A Test of Intelligence

    Post by Innocence Uchiha Thu May 23, 2024 5:43 pm

    Innocence continued to diligently work on her Exam. She only paused to work out a few standard decryption algorithms and to keep tabs on her fellow Exam entrants. Natsuki was writing with purpose which meant he was smarter than she had given him credit for or he was somehow cheating himself. She didn't look over to see if his answers were correct and it wouldn't matter in either event, she'd ensure he'd get the right answers soon enough. While maintaining Silent Killing, she was also intimately aware of the Lily Clone's movement. One thing that also did not escape her attention was the fact that one of the proctors appeared to be rather unwell. Whereas most of the other proctors were silently watching the room, this proctor was rocking back and forth. Innocence couldn't hear anything that was being said but she did notice that Airi had walked over to speak with them. Not long after, nearly all the proctors except Airi left. Weird. Innocence thought before stretching the tendons in her neck to elicit a soft "pop" thereby relieving the tension in her muscles. The Genjutsu that had been silently twisting inside Lily Prime and Natsuki began to work its magic. It wouldn't be long before the Genjutsu would fully take effect. Innocence twirled her pencil and jotted down the final touches to the complex set of questions before her. She then set the non-food related object  down and folded her hands over the completed test book. She manipulated the illusion carefully as she tried to keep from looking too pleased with herself.


    Lily Prime and Natsuki are still being targeted by False Surroundings. 1/2 Posts. Disagree about the trigger but that can be argued later.

    Exam complete with perfect score. 2/2 Posts. [A-Tier Intelligence]

    Jutsu/UA Used:

    -1 CP  [Silent Killing]

    Chakra Pool: 170/185


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    Stamina: B
    Speed: C -> D [Flaw]
    Coordination: B
    Intelligence: B -> A [Unique Ability]
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    A Test of Intelligence Empty Re: A Test of Intelligence

    Post by Natsuki Uchiha Thu May 23, 2024 11:22 pm

    What in the... Natsuki's eyes were glued down towards the paper as he continued to copy Innocence's answers, but the 6th proctor was drawing so much attention to himself. Is this also part of it?! As so many proctors scurried out, Natsuki made a point to follow their motions using that technique that Ren taught him, but the biggest threat in here was the Lady Hokage. She was now alone and Natsuki's uncertainty regarding how she might act was now intensified.

    This unknown seemed to do little for Nakaba, making paper shuriken; Ghost or Kudo, who kept writing as though nothing could stop them; or Lily, whose clone continuing to make the rounds, and was just shy of his and Innocence's table. We'll see how long that lasts! Natsuki felt the arrival of the Pegasus well before it appeared. This was definitely Hibiki's, though it didn't seem to be acting on orders exactly. It was all of it beneath him, however, he had a test to copy.

    He continued to write down all of the correct and jumbled answers.


    Airi Ohara
    Airi Ohara
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    A Test of Intelligence Empty Re: A Test of Intelligence

    Post by Airi Ohara Sat May 25, 2024 1:18 pm

    For the most part, the Genin were relatively quiet. Some people made moves that she could see, but ultimately let slide as it wasn't completely obvious. Using her Byakkugan was completely unfair for this event, but it would be up to the Genin to use a bit of ingenuity to overcome the obstacle. It wasn't necessarily her they were trying to beat, bit was being too obvious they were trying to beat. The NPCs began to sweat as they look up towards Airi, seeing her white eyes glaring at them as they started to rack their brains. They didn't seem to understand the point of this part of the exams. The clock on the skull read 11 minutes remaining, chattering and speaking out 'The Test is a third of the way done.. clack clack clack'. If any of the Genin were to look at the clock, it would strike 10 minutes remaining.

    Airi closed her eyes and stretched her arms up over her head with a bit of a yawn. The sound of her muscles cracking could be heard with a small moan from the stretch before relaxing her body, causing her chest to bounce for a brief moment before she leaned back onto the podium, resting her breasts upon it. It did wonders for her back to do this. She casually pointed her finger out the window and caused a bright purple beam to shoot out of her fingers, striking the shuriken that was quite obviously thrown out the window and caused the sheet of paper to explode. (Death Beam used). The paper burst into confetti before the remaining bits caught on fire and landed in the lawn. Two other genin seemed to be day-dreaming as she drilled her eyes onto Nakaba for a brief moment. She should fail him then and there as the flying paper shuriken was quite obvious, but she let it slide for the time.

    Airi never left the room. She dipped down underneath the podium and then quickly stood back up. What the others didn't see was that she had split herself into two with one of her standing up and the other her sitting, curled up within the empty space in the podium. The door to the room opened up and Airi walked to the door. A whisper could be heard and Airi would nod. She slowly slipped outside and locked the door with a pair of keys. After a brief moment of silence, shouting could be heard coming from outside -- a familiar voice. "Get back here! You can't run around with your dong hanging out! This is a prestigious institution! No streaking allowed!" she said as her voice grew quieter and quieter as if she was moving away and then growing louder and louder as if she was approaching, and then once again quieter and quieter as if she was moving way -- the doppler effect, everyone!

    "Hey now, we can talk about this like civil adults! Put that book down! Fucking gross! Stop rubbing that book there!" the classroom could hear her boisterous voice calling out from what seemed like a good distance away.    
    == Analyze the lot of yous 2/2 ==
    + Activate Byakkugan r5
    + Used Fission w/o anyone noticing
    + One Airi is outside dealing with a streaker
    + One Airi is hidden in the empty spaces in the podium.

    Begin the third and final round of the paper test.

    Posting Initiative Order
      1. Nakaba
      2. Ghost
      3. Kudo
      4. Lily
      5. Innocence
      6. Natsuki

    + Nakaba needs to ensure his INT is changed due to his UQ boost. This will affect his int for this portion of the exam while it's active.
    No map. Lost the PSD so I can't update positioning.

    (OOC: The Rules of the Exam are as follows:
      + This portion of the Exam will run for at least four rounds but may be extended.
      + There are nine questions on the Exam. All of them are incredibly difficult to answer.
        + If you have S-Rank Intelligence you may finish the Exam in a single post with a perfect score.
        + If you have A-Rank Intelligence you may finish the Exam in two posts with a perfect score
        + If you have B-Rank Intelligence you may finish the Exam in three posts with a perfect score
        + If you have C-Rank Intelligence you may finish the Exam in three posts with 6/9 correct.
        + If you have below C-Rank Intelligence you will be unable to get a single question correct.
    Good luck! And if you're smart, you'll ace it. If you aren't smart, get crafty!

    As they opened their packets, they see a large number, from 1-9 on the top right of their test. Each of the player characters received a different number, meaning all tests are jumbled up, no two of the player character's tests are in the same order. There were 9 questions (these questions are indeterminate as they weren't important in an OOC context.

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    A Test of Intelligence Empty Re: A Test of Intelligence

    Post by Nakaba Sun May 26, 2024 10:54 pm

    A sheepish grin spread across Nakaba's face as his disruption was stopped by his Hokage. He’d reel his chakra in, suppressing it once more. Good to know. For this test no, interfering with other rooms. Nakaba would retract his chakra threads from the proctor outside after he successfully laced the man's clothes with fake stitches. A couple of moment's and he would have them returned to him. The skull would begin chattering meaning that it was time to get started getting some answers down in the exam. Watching Airi leave he could also see that she hadn’t at the same time. Nakaba was not very knowledgeable in ninjutsu so he didn’t know to be impressed that this clone seemed to be a perfect copy of the Kage.

    It was easy for the nin to see that his own body temperature was rising as his nerves were being tested. With one more flip through his exam's questions, the Chunin hopeful would assess that the genin in seat 3 had the best knowledge of the answers on Nakaba's test. They seemed eloquently written. The genin had, up until this point, shown no real fluctuations in body temperature. They chose a seat in the front row as if it were the most natural thing in the world. This was the test he was going to target. Assembling his Exam to get her he would adjust it without placing the staples back in it. He plotted the rest of his movements out in his head.

    Step one: Produce a chakra string on each finger. Keeping your right hand hidden from view over your test. With your left hand write a name on your exam, as it had been written on seat three’s exam: Hozuki, Kento.
    Step two: Using your right hand, snake the strings along the ground and the edges of the desks, avoiding the translucent child, in front of you.
    Step three: Attach strings to the tests of the genin in seats 1-5.
    Step four: At the sign of an opening. Pull the tests suddenly, smoothly, and quietly away from them toward the front of their desk slinging tests 1, 2, 4, and 5 in front of the table to their right, sliding as far as they may before someone does something about it.
    Step five: Pick up your test like you’re reading it just .
    Step six: Backtrack the chakra strings sliding the test from seat three to your lap integrating it with your own.

    Whatever had remained of his sheepish grin would dissolve as Nakaba ignored reason in exchange for a wild swing for the fence. He’d initiate the plan as he wrote a name on the front of his own test. The head of a pegasus appeared in his peripherals alighting his face with utter joy, as he found his distraction, and no longer had to artificially create one. Chakra strings would spring from Nakaba’s hand with a flick from under his desk as the pegasus approached. It was too bad that he left Sweet Limon behind. The strings snaked around the desks to attach to the genins’ exams. Then Nakaba heard the pegasus inhale to sneeze. He had accepted his fate of being covered in snot for the next ten minutes pursing his lips closed in reaction. It would be ideal to synchronize with the chaos of the streaker and the sneeze.

    As the test would be scattered, having been moved just before the sneeze, seat 3’s test would arrive on Nakaba’s lap with his own that he was pretending to read. Dropping it onto the ground with a light kick it would slide a row forward and just past genin 16’s own feet. From the movement of the strings to this maneuver, Nakaba would be doing his best to be unnoticed [B++ Crd for the invisible chakra strings A++ Crd for Nakaba] The name would read Hozuki, Kento with penmanship similar to that of the genin in row 8’s. Nakaba would gently erase the name on the front of the exam and write his name with genin 3's penmanship: Family name, Nakaba, and given name, Tōru. Just for safe keeping he would tuck the exam into his jumpsuit's inner breast pocket before zipping it up.

    OOC: you can analyze me now.
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    Stone Genin
    Stone Genin

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    A Test of Intelligence Empty Re: A Test of Intelligence

    Post by Ghost Tue May 28, 2024 3:20 am

    "The the last question has been solved." He would be all smiles as he has gotten the final question out of the way. Ghost would be in his own world until he heard something or one. As he looked over he would see a strange creature. Although it could be what he think it is however how did it get in the window? But what was it doing? It's nose was twitching and it appeared to be getting ready to sneeze and sneezed it did. Right over Ghost this can't be could it. Was this a cruel joke or something. As he slowly dropped the his pencil down. He would take a moment to pause. As he looked on he would turn his head slowly back to the front of the room. That what he wanted to happen as in his mind this was a perfect chance to make haste on his plan.

    Back in reality Ghost turn to the creature and by the time he saw the horse looking thing he would be on alert. As he hide under his desk just as the sneeze took effect. "What in the world is going on. Could this be apart of the test at hand?" Soon he would go inside of his patch and take out some clay. Knocking on the desk Ghost would bring attention to himself and well the horse thing as well. That plus he would start to mold his clay. "Are we under attack Lady Hokage?" He would ask with a curious voice but was he serious?


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