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    Chinatsu Kazehana

    Stone Genin
    Stone Genin

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 45
    Join date : 2024-04-13

    Chinatsu Kazehana Empty Chinatsu Kazehana

    Post by Chinatsu Sat Apr 13, 2024 6:48 pm

    Character Name: Chinatsu Kazehana
    Character Age: 20
    Character Sex: A LADY
    Character Appearance:

    Gorgeous and stately, Chinatsu has been raised since birth as the daughter of the nation's ruling family to serve as a perfect extension of her family's political power. She knows proper etiquette, matters of state, and all things that society would traditionally require of a princess of a nation. As such, she presents as elegant and well kept, her clothing always of high quality and her body and skin always well-kept and attended to. She typically prefers darker colors and subdued but refined clothing, such as simple dresses or generally unadorned articles which accent her natural beauty, of which she possess an abundance. She loves small, subtle pieces of jewelry but otherwise tends to shy away from more gaudy pieces or ostentatious clothing.

    At 5'10", Chinatsu stands at a rather imposing height, particularly for a woman, but always carriers herself with a grace which belies a full comprehension of her body and the space she occupies. Her golden-blond hair, when not in a thick braid, cascades wildly down here shoulders and front, thick and lightly wavy, extending well past her waist. Her slender body is extremely pale, but generously curved with the whisper of underlying muscle, revealing a level of physical aptitude to the keen observer that might seem unusual for such a regal individual. Her fingers are long, slender, and delicate, much like her body as a whole, which has a general air of elongated, high-born beauty, sometimes bordering on the alien. She possess full breasts, not outrageously large, but heavy and notable, and feels no qualms in showing them off.

    Her face is sharply angle: cheekbones sharp and high, chin coming to a sever point, jaw defined but not squared off too masculinely, nose small, slightly upturned, and demure. Her eyes are a pale golden-yellow, almost honied, a just slightly angling up on the outer edge of her face. To her immense shame, her ears poke out from her hair, standing as one of the only elements of her visage without sleekness or sharpness, instead rounded, soft, and flared out notably. She most often attempts to hide them to the best of her ability behind her beautiful locks. From her left shoulder down to her forearm, she has a black, fractal tattoo, giving the appearance as if she is cracking apart, revealing some dark void beneath her otherwise beautiful skin.

    Character Personality: Raised since birth as a would-be queen, Chinatsu appears initially graceful, demure, and perfectly ladylike. From afar. Closer up, she in fact has a natural haughtiness about her, a powerful streak of pride, and a casual, effortless self-assuredness that can border on rudeness. Because of her confidence and upbringing, she can tend to dismiss others, even those much more powerful than her both physically and politically, doubly so as she is, overall, still rather young and inexperienced. Thus, she can easily appear brash, fool hearty, overly direct, and overbearing. This is not to say she cannot behave in a  more restrained fashion, but she gravitates towards flexing her status, privilege, and or power as the situation requires, and even sometimes when it does not.

    Beneath that exterior, though, lies a young, somewhat sheltered woman. Her boldness is not a front, to be clear, but it is only an element of her character. She has grown up with nearly no friends, shielded in many ways from the external world, and extensively waited upon, largely due to her father. She attempts as much as possible to show no vulnerability, but of course contains the same doubts of any human but without many outlets for these feelings. She further feels a crushing, sometimes suffocating pressure to constantly succeed - perfectly - regardless of the situation. She simply does not have room for errors, failure, or weakness, which weighs heavily upon her.

    Finally, she harbors an intense love of ninjutsu, weaponry, and combat, but must generally keep this well-hidden. A queen has no need for personal power as she can simply hire ninja for that. However, she loves the ninja life and being on the ground, in the thick of life. And in this context, she prefers to operate under an alter-ego to prevent people from making judgements about her capabilities based on her heritages. When under these pretexts, she feels liberated to go all-out and in combat can be reckless and bold, attacking sometimes without caution and relishing the rush of combat and the trading of blows.  

    Character History: An heiress in any meaningful sense of a feudal system, Chinatsu grew up within the luxurious palace of the Diamyo of the Land of Stone, ruler of Iwagakure and all its surrounding lands. As such, she has always possessed a comfortable lifestyle full of many earthly pleasures and household workers to tend her every need. Some may even call her spoiled as the only daughter of one of the five most powerful and influential families in Kishin. Growing up as essentially a princess, her father personally saw to her tutelage as a proper lady of the court, as well as refined woman knowledgeable in the ways of statecraft, and while she has never boasted a genius intellect, she took to the calculous of power quite quickly and adeptly. However, the court  - and the egos of men - often demand a demure lady who knows her place, and who knows when to speak and when to remain quiet. While her aptitude in matters of state impressed her father greatly, she always strove for something... more. Something greater. Perhaps growing in such luxury and with such a proximity to a certain supremacy of power gave her too easy of an access to the ears of those who made decisions, fooling her in her youth to believe that she, too, could aspire to rulership.

    But women are not chosen for that.

    At the same time, the palace was not all it seemed. While comfortable and well appointed, Iwagakure and the greater land of Stone have felt unprecedented instability in the past decade or so. From ruler to ruler, the tensions of the royal life changed, with her family often serving less as commanders of a nation and heads of state, but prisoners in their own home. The various wars with Konoha tended to prove particularly brutal, though most near the palace played pretend and acted as if nothing had gone awry. However, Chinatsu noted the differences, the changes in people's tones when foreign ninja or enforcers flooded the hallways. The strain of a traditional dance or tea ceremony when under a watchful eye and oppressive thumb of external forces. And where she failed to see, her mother ensured she knew.

    Her mother, noting the glint in her daughter's eye, raised her specifically in the ways of her own clan, the venerable and mighty Kazehana. in complete secret, the pair trained in clan techniques and the ways of shinobi. For while her father believed in a life of political power, her mother practiced a cold truth: power came from power, and control came at the end of a kunai for those willing - and able - to seize it. She did not fail to instill this knowledge into her young girl, nearly from the moment she could talk: a reality ruled by shinobi was cruel, capricious, and demanding. Ninja, from their family's people to the foreigners who stalked their castle in times of turmoil, were all the same and would as soon defend a damsel as they would slit the throat of the wealth for some coins, a glowing katana, or a village secret.

    And luckily, the woman had another gift to impart. Umeko held within her a latent dual kekkei genkai, almost entirely secret but passed down from mother to child for three generations or more. Through a rare x linked chromosomal anomaly (and some clever marriages of the past) the women of Chinatsu's family can command both the Magnet release, as well as the Lava release. Again, she was trained in these secret arts, but cautioned against wonton use of her Lava techniques both due to the danger they presented, as well as the risk of revealing who she was. And amongst ninja and courtiers, secrecy was paramount.

    Around the long peace brought about by Lady Diana, Chinatsu finally left the palace to see the wider world. On the pretenses of improving diplomatic relations with Iwa and its people after yet another shrugging off of conquest and greed, she adopted an alter ego, Gyeong, of red hair and a wild but quiet temperament to refine her combat skills secretly. While she never formally "passed" the academy due to the most recent bout of regime changes, she served quite briefly in evacuations as a conscripted warrior, performing admirably enough to garner small amounts of respect. As Iwa even now still rebuilds, Gyeong stands as essentially a de facto, if not particularly official genin of the village.

    **Affiliation Information**
    Starting Village: Iwa refugee, Wanderer (?)
    Character's Rank: D
    Character's Title: YOUR MAJESTY

    **Combat Information
    Character's Clan: Kazehana/Lava
    Character's Skills: Wind, Earth, Ninjutsu [Wind affinity], Trade
    Character's Unique Abilities:

    One handed seals: takes -1 coordination for seal forming when doing this

    Bio-magnetism: Magnet technique cost down by 1 rank (free-form manipulation reduced to 2.5 per post). Non-elemental cost up by 1 rank.

    Under Cover: Chinatsu can take on an altered appearance, similar to a perfected version of a transformation technique. Her hair becomes shoulder length and vibrantly red and her breast shrink, making her take on the form of a man. Naturally this accomplishes very little, if anything.

    900 exp debt, must be repaid

    Strength: D
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: D
    Speed: D
    Coordination: D
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: D

    **Other EXP Expenditures** -1500 for magnet

    Posts : 1494
    Join date : 2017-10-09
    Age : 28

    Chinatsu Kazehana Empty Re: Chinatsu Kazehana

    Post by Nozomi Fri Jun 14, 2024 3:16 pm

    Hitsuji wrote:Character Name: Chinatsu Kazehana
    Character Age: 20
    Character Sex: A LADY
    Character Appearance:

    Gorgeous and stately, Chinatsu has been raised since birth as the daughter of the nation's ruling family to serve as a perfect extension of her family's political power. She knows proper etiquette, matters of state, and all things that society would traditionally require of a princess of a nation. As such, she presents as elegant and well kept, her clothing always of high quality and her body and skin always well-kept and attended to. She typically prefers darker colors and subdued but refined clothing, such as simple dresses or generally unadorned articles which accent her natural beauty, of which she possess an abundance. She loves small, subtle pieces of jewelry but otherwise tends to shy away from more gaudy pieces or ostentatious clothing.

    At 5'10", Chinatsu stands at a rather imposing height, particularly for a woman, but always carriers herself with a grace which belies a full comprehension of her body and the space she occupies. Her golden-blond hair, when not in a thick braid, cascades wildly down here shoulders and front, thick and lightly wavy, extending well past her waist. Her slender body is extremely pale, but generously curved with the whisper of underlying muscle, revealing a level of physical aptitude to the keen observer that might seem unusual for such a regal individual. Her fingers are long, slender, and delicate, much like her body as a whole, which has a general air of elongated, high-born beauty, sometimes bordering on the alien. She possess full breasts, not outrageously large, but heavy and notable, and feels no qualms in showing them off.

    Her face is sharply angle: cheekbones sharp and high, chin coming to a sever point, jaw defined but not squared off too masculinely, nose small, slightly upturned, and demure. Her eyes are a pale golden-yellow, almost honied, a just slightly angling up on the outer edge of her face. To her immense shame, her ears poke out from her hair, standing as one of the only elements of her visage without sleekness or sharpness, instead rounded, soft, and flared out notably. She most often attempts to hide them to the best of her ability behind her beautiful locks. From her left shoulder down to her forearm, she has a black, fractal tattoo, giving the appearance as if she is cracking apart, revealing some dark void beneath her otherwise beautiful skin.

    Character Personality: Raised since birth as a would-be queen, Chinatsu appears initially graceful, demure, and perfectly ladylike. From afar. Closer up, she in fact has a natural haughtiness about her, a powerful streak of pride, and a casual, effortless self-assuredness that can border on rudeness. Because of her confidence and upbringing, she can tend to dismiss others, even those much more powerful than her both physically and politically, doubly so as she is, overall, still rather young and inexperienced. Thus, she can easily appear brash, fool hearty, overly direct, and overbearing. This is not to say she cannot behave in a  more restrained fashion, but she gravitates towards flexing her status, privilege, and or power as the situation requires, and even sometimes when it does not.

    Beneath that exterior, though, lies a young, somewhat sheltered woman. Her boldness is not a front, to be clear, but it is only an element of her character. She has grown up with nearly no friends, shielded in many ways from the external world, and extensively waited upon, largely due to her father. She attempts as much as possible to show no vulnerability, but of course contains the same doubts of any human but without many outlets for these feelings. She further feels a crushing, sometimes suffocating pressure to constantly succeed - perfectly - regardless of the situation. She simply does not have room for errors, failure, or weakness, which weighs heavily upon her.

    Finally, she harbors an intense love of ninjutsu, weaponry, and combat, but must generally keep this well-hidden. A queen has no need for personal power as she can simply hire ninja for that. However, she loves the ninja life and being on the ground, in the thick of life. And in this context, she prefers to operate under an alter-ego to prevent people from making judgements about her capabilities based on her heritages. When under these pretexts, she feels liberated to go all-out and in combat can be reckless and bold, attacking sometimes without caution and relishing the rush of combat and the trading of blows.  

    Character History: An heiress in any meaningful sense of a feudal system, Chinatsu grew up within the luxurious palace of the Diamyo of the Land of Stone, ruler of Iwagakure and all its surrounding lands. As such, she has always possessed a comfortable lifestyle full of many earthly pleasures and household workers to tend her every need. Some may even call her spoiled as the only daughter of one of the five most powerful and influential families in Kishin. Growing up as essentially a princess, her father personally saw to her tutelage as a proper lady of the court, as well as refined woman knowledgeable in the ways of statecraft, and while she has never boasted a genius intellect, she took to the calculous of power quite quickly and adeptly. However, the court  - and the egos of men - often demand a demure lady who knows her place, and who knows when to speak and when to remain quiet. While her aptitude in matters of state impressed her father greatly, she always strove for something... more. Something greater. Perhaps growing in such luxury and with such a proximity to a certain supremacy of power gave her too easy of an access to the ears of those who made decisions, fooling her in her youth to believe that she, too, could aspire to rulership.

    But women are not chosen for that.

    At the same time, the palace was not all it seemed. While comfortable and well appointed, Iwagakure and the greater land of Stone have felt unprecedented instability in the past decade or so. From ruler to ruler, the tensions of the royal life changed, with her family often serving less as commanders of a nation and heads of state, but prisoners in their own home. The various wars with Konoha tended to prove particularly brutal, though most near the palace played pretend and acted as if nothing had gone awry. However, Chinatsu noted the differences, the changes in people's tones when foreign ninja or enforcers flooded the hallways. The strain of a traditional dance or tea ceremony when under a watchful eye and oppressive thumb of external forces. And where she failed to see, her mother ensured she knew.

    Her mother, noting the glint in her daughter's eye, raised her specifically in the ways of her own clan, the venerable and mighty Kazehana. in complete secret, the pair trained in clan techniques and the ways of shinobi. For while her father believed in a life of political power, her mother practiced a cold truth: power came from power, and control came at the end of a kunai for those willing - and able - to seize it. She did not fail to instill this knowledge into her young girl, nearly from the moment she could talk: a reality ruled by shinobi was cruel, capricious, and demanding. Ninja, from their family's people to the foreigners who stalked their castle in times of turmoil, were all the same and would as soon defend a damsel as they would slit the throat of the wealth for some coins, a glowing katana, or a village secret.

    And luckily, the woman had another gift to impart. Umeko held within her a latent dual kekkei genkai, almost entirely secret but passed down from mother to child for three generations or more. Through a rare x linked chromosomal anomaly (and some clever marriages of the past) the women of Chinatsu's family can command both the Magnet release, as well as the Lava release. Again, she was trained in these secret arts, but cautioned against wonton use of her Lava techniques both due to the danger they presented, as well as the risk of revealing who she was. And amongst ninja and courtiers, secrecy was paramount.

    Around the long peace brought about by Lady Diana, Chinatsu finally left the palace to see the wider world. On the pretenses of improving diplomatic relations with Iwa and its people after yet another shrugging off of conquest and greed, she adopted an alter ego, Gyeong, of red hair and a wild but quiet temperament to refine her combat skills secretly. While she never formally "passed" the academy due to the most recent bout of regime changes, she served quite briefly in evacuations as a conscripted warrior, performing admirably enough to garner small amounts of respect. As Iwa even now still rebuilds, Gyeong stands as essentially a de facto, if not particularly official genin of the village.

    **Affiliation Information**
    Starting Village: Iwa refugee, Wanderer (?)
    Character's Rank: D
    Character's Title: YOUR MAJESTY

    **Combat Information
    Character's Clan: Kazehana/Lava
    Character's Skills: Wind, Earth, Ninjutsu [Wind affinity], Trade
    Character's Unique Abilities:

    One handed seals: takes -1 coordination for seal forming when doing this

    Bio-magnetism: Magnet technique cost down by 1 rank (free-form manipulation reduced to 2.5 per post). Non-elemental cost up by 1 rank.

    Under Cover: Chinatsu can take on an altered appearance, similar to a perfected version of a transformation technique. Her hair becomes shoulder length and vibrantly red and her breast shrink, making her take on the form of a man. Naturally this accomplishes very little, if anything.

    900 exp debt, must be repaid

    Strength: D
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: D
    Speed: D
    Coordination: D
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: D

    **Other EXP Expenditures** -1500 for magnet

    Airi Ohara
    Airi Ohara
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 2089
    Join date : 2022-10-28

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu | Raiton | Sealing | Summoning | Medical | Taijutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: Check Updates

    Chinatsu Kazehana Empty Re: Chinatsu Kazehana

    Post by Airi Ohara Fri Jun 14, 2024 3:55 pm

    Please change your username to something resembling your character's name

    Village: Konohagakure
    Rank: Hokage
    Class: X
    Recognized by E Tier Intelligence
    Title: The Carmine Hyuga

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    Chinatsu Kazehana Empty Re: Chinatsu Kazehana

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