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    Lost Pet Chinatsu


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    Lost Pet Chinatsu Empty Lost Pet Chinatsu

    Post by Hachi Fri Sep 07, 2018 5:07 am

    Mission details.:

    Each time and place a person explore something knew he learns something, Hachi's case that learning how each and part of the land was different was a lot more interesting then he first assumed. Maybe it was a different line that brought this idea to him, Maybe it was the steps forward that did as well.

    Hachi started to wonder and think, maybe these where the things he foolishly hid himself from in life was learning these things and what in the world was different. Then again actually even with the interest of such of the thing around him Hachi missed home and having the time to himself.

    A few other things as well with being how he liked to just being home and to himself about various part in his routine that he just did daily with out a second thought, Lost in his own little world and happy like many people were. Reminding himself of how he would normally be doing something he was use too and could tell exactly where he would at what time at this point, It would make him wonder why he took this career currently it was a lot risk and effort he had been told.

    But it seemed like his desire to help other would lead him to this moment and the call of what he would want out to do with said time while he was around, help other people it seems the moment would arrive for him over hearing some one losing there dog Hachi would go talk to the owner about it.
    Uchiha Akihiro
    Uchiha Akihiro

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    Lost Pet Chinatsu Empty Re: Lost Pet Chinatsu

    Post by Uchiha Akihiro Thu Sep 27, 2018 6:14 pm

    "Oh, so we're doing this again..." Akihiro commented. He had very recently been promoted to Chuunin but it seemed like his overall life hadn't changed much yet. He was still tasked with once again finding the lost pet Chinatsu. The young Uchiha had done this mission at least twice before and although it got easier every time, the Chuunin was eager to try out new challenges. His intellect had grown and he could barely wait to test it against worthier opponents.
    Well, to be fair this dog had proved to be a worthy opponent before. Maybe now it had more tricks up its...do dogs even wear sleeves?

    These sort of thoughts echoed through Akihiro's mind as he stood on top of a tree and looked over the training ground. The dog was once again nowhere to be found, but that was alright since Akihiro wasn't going to look for it immediately. The Uchiha was still waiting on his mission mate, who had been sent by the elders to talk to the pet's owner before meeting Akihiro at the training grounds. What sort of person would he be? Akihiro had met many interesting people before...now it was just a matter of waiting for him and finding out.

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    Lost Pet Chinatsu Empty Re: Lost Pet Chinatsu

    Post by Hachi Fri Sep 28, 2018 6:48 pm

    He took his time to understand talk about it where the dog had ran off too and where he would find it. It seemed to everyone but Hachi that might have been other times this dogs had gotten away, But nonetheless Hachi had a job to do, It was interesting and exciting to him in Hachi's slightly boring and plain life.

    He would be off to the training grounds after he learned the way slowly towards it. Hachi had to remember if he even had captured a dog even once before, So far he had not recalled not even a single situation of it, So far this would all be new to Hachi which maybe this was something for one of the many steps forward.

    So far Hachi did not have any problems finding the training grounds....or at least it's correct path to it and where it was, He was yet to pick up fully where it was yet mostly because he was learning everything of this area, so far the day was nice for such a job he just needed to hope finding a pet was not overly hard.
    Uchiha Akihiro
    Uchiha Akihiro

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    Lost Pet Chinatsu Empty Re: Lost Pet Chinatsu

    Post by Uchiha Akihiro Fri Sep 28, 2018 8:13 pm

    "Oh, there you are!" Akihiro greeted the newcomer. He seemed to be a rather inexperienced Genon but that was sure to change in the near future. Capturing this lost pet was quite the experience and had taught Akihiro many lessons in the past. The Chuunin even suspected this whole thing was a village scheme to make unaware Genins train their prowess in speed and dexterity as well as in team working and planning ahead. "I am Uchiha Akihiro. I'll be your partner for this mission!"

    Akihiro had heard quite a few answers to his following question but he always liked asking it either way. Its answer always reflected the method of thinking of the person. Hiroji had suggested to chase straight after the dog while other team mates for this mission had proposed quite a few different things. He couldn't help but wonder what this Genin could come up with. "So, this is a pretty large training area. And we have no idea where the dog is. Any idea on how we could begin the search, and methods to capture the little bastard?" And that was it for now. Before battle, planning!


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    Lost Pet Chinatsu Empty Re: Lost Pet Chinatsu

    Post by Hachi Sat Sep 29, 2018 3:21 pm

    Hachi almost seemed to be lost in his thoughts while walking over to the meeting point,Which as his eventual other team members might eventually take note of, Hachi would commonly do this, Not it would hopefully be anything too bad, If it did become a problem Hachi could get some help with that problem...for now it was not a huge problem to Hachi anyway others we would see.

    Akihiro seemed to slightly startled Hachi when this happen."Oh Jeez." Hachi mentioned trying to not act overly shocked but he did almost slightly jump just the slightest inch above the ground.Hachi did seem however almost like he was unaffected even if it was just him tuning out for a long walk doing that to him. But returning to how Hachi normally was."Hello Akihiro, My name is Hachi Hayashi." He started off being his normal calm,happy and polite self."It is wonderful to meet my partner for this mission." After that they both seemed to get into work mode pretty quickly.

    He seemed to ponder over this situation. After a bit of thinking Hachi mentioned what exactly he thought."I personally have no idea."He started off by mentioning but he was looking around the training grounds to see what was around."I have not needed to catch a dog, In almost 12 years."Hachi mentioned since he pondered where to start."I would assume using our hands with no clue would not work." Hachi mentioned and paused to continue thinking.
    Uchiha Akihiro
    Uchiha Akihiro

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    Lost Pet Chinatsu Empty Re: Lost Pet Chinatsu

    Post by Uchiha Akihiro Sun Sep 30, 2018 4:42 pm

    Akihiro chuckled a bit when his teammate seemed startled by his introduction. He had not meant to scare the boy, but sometimes it's easy to be caught off guard when one is wandering around the training grounds especially if within the occasional distraction. The Uchiha listened to what he had to say. At the very least, the boy was honest about his ideas. Akihiro was slightly disappointed but admitting when one does not know the answer is an important trait and Hachi seemed to have it. Akihiro could certainly respect that.

    "No, I guess simply running around and looking for it won't work..." Remembering back, that had been the very first thing him and Hiroji had done when they first attempted this mission. It hadn't quite worked back then...perhaps it would have been wiser to do the same as Hachi and stop and think for a second. Alas, Akihiro had learned from his mistakes and was willing to make things go differently this time. Intel was important! Speaking of which... "Hey Hachi, you went and talked to the dog's owner before getting here, right? What did you learn there, anything useful?" Any piece of information could be vital. The next would be analyzing all the intel and coming up with a plan.

    "From previous experiences I know this dog is small, and fast. Its fur is white. The little bastard can outrun me, and it can turn around and change directions very quickly using all of its four pawns. I personally think it had ninja training. It can also jump quite the distance."

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    Lost Pet Chinatsu Empty Re: Lost Pet Chinatsu

    Post by Hachi Sun Sep 30, 2018 6:14 pm

    He had to stop for a moment to think over all that he went over with the owners of this dog."I remember just being told what to look for."Hachi went off with the bat with recalling the conversation."As well as mentioning what you just told me the size of this dog."Taking his time to recall the entire of conversation of it, which could be both good and bad.

    After thinking thinking a bit over."If you think it had ninja training, It would only make me wonder if it is lured by food?"Hachi mentioned he did not seem to recall much."Or wonder if another dog would lure it out as well."Hachi seemed to have a few ideas that could do something, It was him starting a plan in some manner. It seemed he was slowly piecing an idea for it.

    It was an different idea he would throw froward."Since you mention it can out run you, maybe running is not the ideas...luring or maybe...just maybe a pit fall either...but I don't know to make that."Hachi was at least thinking basic ideas for the moment seeing what would happen, or if other ideas would be thrown his way too two minds thinking together was better then one alone sometimes.
    Uchiha Akihiro
    Uchiha Akihiro

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    Lost Pet Chinatsu Empty Re: Lost Pet Chinatsu

    Post by Uchiha Akihiro Tue Oct 02, 2018 7:18 pm

    "I haven't quite tried a pitfall before, but we did try to catch it with an underground attack and I can tell you it is useless unless we have a way to know exactly where the dog is while we're underground." Akihiro noted. Last time they had used Ningyo's Byakugan in junction with Hiroji's Doton to create a tunnel underground and catch the dog by surprise. But the little bastard was clever and Akihiro was fairly sure it would have learned some trick to use against it by now. Every time he tried to catch this thing it proved to be a more fearsome challenge. He could only hope the Genin in two years time were some sort of geniuses because at the rate the dog learned he would be troublesome to catch even for Jonin by then.

    "Luring him out could be a good idea tho. Do you have something we can use as bait?" Pretty much anything would do. From military ration pills to unhealthy snacks Akihiro knew this creature was very curious and the scent of some new kind of food would certainly attract it. Perhaps he should have been wiser and brought something with him but at the moment Akihiro had nothing of use in his pockets. If Hachi had nothing either, the group would probably be forced to either ask around for supplies on the training ground or make a quick trip to the market.


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    Lost Pet Chinatsu Empty Re: Lost Pet Chinatsu

    Post by Hachi Wed Oct 03, 2018 3:55 pm

    Hachi nodded yes."Unless this dog is use to the smell of a few things I have on me I have items to use for this situation."Hachi mentioned this while he already started to opening a part of his robe and shift through out it. He had a few small items left he carried that Hachi felt was a bit more of interest to the dog."I have a few scraps of food I have and traveled with, That and a few left over leaves of tea even if almost not noticeable speaks of it to sneak into it as well."Hachi mentioned for the moment it was all he had.

    "I will have to find something to put it all in, as well as finding a place for the out idea to work out as a trap."
    Hachi mentioned, He felts like a part of him wanted to be against this. Like if he had actually ended up harming the dog with in doing this plan he would actually feel rather bad about it. For now he would have to set that aside.

    Hachi then continued looked upon the things in his robe that he could wrap up into a bag to or figure out where to leave it for the plan to start. While Hachi started to piece together his plan he looked around the area to see where he could set it up."But I would like to think we need to plan for out of the dog's view or in any manner just to be sure, So far I do not to see them."Hachi took note of while piecing together all of the items for the plan.
    Uchiha Akihiro
    Uchiha Akihiro

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    Lost Pet Chinatsu Empty Re: Lost Pet Chinatsu

    Post by Uchiha Akihiro Thu Oct 11, 2018 8:33 am

    Akihiro smiled. Finally he had a mission mate who came prepared! Even if that preparation came in the form of some leftovers in a pocket. Those would certainly fit their purpose. "It's okay. Dogs have a really powerful sense of smell. With that we won't have a need to go look for it, we'll just lay down the trap and let it come to us." Akihiro looked around, trying to find the best place to lay down a trap. Perhaps a clearing wasn't the best option. They should probably try to find an area with more trees so they could run the dog down from above. Since this was the Land of Fire we were talking about, and more specifically Konoha's training grounds, it wasn't at all difficult to find a place that fit their purpos.

    "Come, I see a perfect place to lay down the trap." Akihiro would bring Hachi to a more wooded area of the training fields. Relatively secluded from the clear area where they were before and where they could be sure to find silence and quiet to lay down in waiting. Jumping to a tree branch, Akihiro pointed towards the ground near the trees. Hopefully Hachi would understand that this was a good place to lay down the bait. As for the Uchiha he simply stood on the tree branch and remained silent, waiting for the dog to come. Considering its sense of smell and the fact that it had clearly had ninja training it was only a matter of time before the dog came. The duo would certainly need to be prepared and this meant Hachi should hide as well.


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    Lost Pet Chinatsu Empty Re: Lost Pet Chinatsu

    Post by Hachi Fri Oct 12, 2018 8:12 pm

    These situations and moment gave Hachi a bit more of positive view about this job, often feeling unsure of this was the right situation and job for him being how he was and chose to be. Maybe these were all different jobs and situations, He just had to think about what else he would needed to with this job eventually that would maybe make him uneasy but Hachi would do what he felt his best for sticking to it what he believed, These would be the harder moments for Hachi he did not come to realize yet.

    Hachi when being asked to follow, He would look around while they were heading to the point, Hachi did want the dog seeing them where they were going, after he felt that they were not sighted at all Hachi would be setting the scraps in place just after he heard his partner leave from sight which after not too long he would follow behind.

    However Hachi however would rush himself to hide somewhere decent, just He personally had no idea were to hide to start with, He would not panic so simply but he would find something eventually but he was starting to rush himself he would find a tree right next to his partner and manage to get up in it quickly.
    Uchiha Akihiro
    Uchiha Akihiro

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    Lost Pet Chinatsu Empty Re: Lost Pet Chinatsu

    Post by Uchiha Akihiro Sat Oct 20, 2018 12:37 pm

    They had to wait quite a bit until the dog picked up the scent. This was strange bcause dogs were usually really good at thise kind of things...perhaps this particular dog was bad at it? Or maybe it had been busy with something else...although Akihiro's main suspicion was that thus dog was too smart to fall for such a trap. They waited for two full hours in silence until Akihiro was willing to give up this plan. But at the end of two hours the dog finally gave in to his sense of curiosity and as Akihiro was about to move out,the little creature showed up.

    Akihiro immediately signaled Hachi to be quiet. It was important that they didn't make any noise. Other than scent, most dogs picked up on noises quite well as well. Akihiro even made sure to control his breathing as to not alert the dog. Peeking from his position he saw the little white bastard sniffing the item, but seemed like it wasn't going to eat it. Akihiro was surprised by the dog every time he tried to catch it... it seemed like it didn't eat anything that wasn't fed it by its owners. Probably to avoid poisoning. The objective of such attitude was probably to avoid eating poison. Akihiro made a mental note- in the future it would be pointless to try to grab this thing with such a trap.

    His glance turned to his partner. The dog would lose interest soon and leave...it was time to make their attack. Hopefully the other Konoha ninja would understand Akihiro's signalling.


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    Lost Pet Chinatsu Empty Re: Lost Pet Chinatsu

    Post by Hachi Mon Oct 22, 2018 5:34 pm

    Hachi could also just fall asleep with how this waiting was working for him, then again Hachi must have not 100% expected what to fully happen with this situation. He felt his mind drifting off in a dreamland almost just even if it was a small moment. His mind pictured him looking up to an open sea that waters was clear and clean, having him mediating some where near it to have some of the clearest thoughts he could, Then remembered he was waiting during a mission and needed to pay attention to what would happen and what would and could be happening in front of him and he was just doing something stupid.

    Listening to what was around him while he was mentioned to not make noise, even if he wasn't making noise to started Hachi realized why that would be important for the most part. It seemed so far his plan was partly working, Only partly working which was a part in was something he felt happy about in his thoughts about it. He wondered what the dogs plan was and what was happening over all but he needed to wait and see.

    Nonetheless it was partly helpful, they could fill in the rest easily. Hachi could assume the sign Given to him was Hachi to take some kind of action to move to a new position or prepare too anyway, So to assume something Hachi would prepare to move just what plan was he did not know so far maybe a sureprize attack may work but given how fast the dog is it could be bad as well.
    Uchiha Akihiro
    Uchiha Akihiro

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    Lost Pet Chinatsu Empty Re: Lost Pet Chinatsu

    Post by Uchiha Akihiro Tue Oct 23, 2018 8:14 pm

    Akihiro was a bit disappointed that Hachi didn't make a move on the dog. He had wanted to see the Genin's speed matching against the dog, and see his fellow Genin's potential in action. Alas, that wasn't the case and the two of them ended up staring at each other while the dog began to nibble on the bait. It seemed like Akihiro's first conclusion was wrong: the dog did eat stuff it found in the wild. But it has hesitated at first...why was that? A small "grr" could be heard from the dog's stomach. So that was it! The dog was hungry and its hunger finally overcame its cautious attitude. This was good.

    As the dog lowered its teeth to bite the bait, Akihiro jumped from the tree where he was standing and landed right next to it. The dog was fast and tried to escape but Akihiro's reflexes were much better than they had been last time he had tried to catch this dog. And ultimately its moving patterns were getting old. So the Uchiha easily grabbed it and once it was within the boy's grasp it was game over. The dog tried to bite him, but the way Akihiro's hand closed around the back of the dog's head prevented it from reaching his arms. Akihiro turned to Hachi.

    "Alright, well done!" he smiled. "Let's deliver this little guy and be done with the mission." And they did. Their mission was completed. Yet another job well done!



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    Lost Pet Chinatsu Empty Re: Lost Pet Chinatsu

    Post by Hachi Fri Oct 26, 2018 3:14 pm

    Hachi did not seemed to realize at all the thought of anyone else, He knew there was many other things he may eventually deal with eventually, He was not the greatest with it with actions during this moment Hachi only just slightly realized it maybe hopefully Hachi would get better eventually one day or eventually, Hachi was not overly worried about it given his nature he isn't the type too worry about it since it has not effected his life too much as of yet.

    But the happy clueless man he was, The dog was in their hands and slowly they would put this mission to the end, Hachi while in the settling of the situation wondered a bit more why the dog would be feeding it's self off of scraps and still seem to have an empty stomach or just ate a bit less more then any thing really needed to keep it happy Hachi felt a bit unhappy seeing it that way, Hopefully things turned out a bit better for the dog eventually some time soon Hachi was being rather hopeful with that positive thought.

    "Yes it seemed rather simple, Even if I was not the best here."Hachi mentioned to the part of the ending conversation. It seemed the peaceful return even if the dog was a bit unhappy Hachi. Hachi was hoping maybe the dog's life would be a bit better beyond this mission between the both of them, Not realizing that Hachi would eventually forget most likely this situation.


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