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    Lost Pet Chinatsu [Mission][Sen, Hiroshi]


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    Lost Pet Chinatsu [Mission][Sen, Hiroshi] Empty Lost Pet Chinatsu [Mission][Sen, Hiroshi]

    Post by Sen Sat Dec 01, 2018 3:25 am

    Mission Details:

    "Another day, another ryo!"

    Sen strolled onto the training field on another bright and sunny day in Konoha. His wallet was feeling light and his stomach empty, and on an average day that was enough to motivate him to complete another mission. If he had to choose between duty and hunger, he'd satisfy his hunger every single time, and he was certainly hungry today.

    Sitting down to await his mission partner, he rolled open a ration kit and began snacking on a grain bar contained within. It didn't taste like anything in particular, but it did serve to fill his aching stomach just a little.

    It'll get the job done for now... but man, I really need some actual food soon.

    Finishing the bar, he retrieved the ration kit and threw it carelessly into his backpack before zipping it up. After that, he leaned against the shadiest tree he could find and kicked back, waiting for whoever would be accompanying him for the most harrowing of tasks - finding a lost dog.

    After eating something, the best thing really is relaxing. Maybe for even just a few minutes, I'll...

    Sen's eyes grew heavy, using a quick nap as a way to regain his strength as he waited for the mission to begin.
    Daisuke Kaguya
    Daisuke Kaguya

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    Lost Pet Chinatsu [Mission][Sen, Hiroshi] Empty Re: Lost Pet Chinatsu [Mission][Sen, Hiroshi]

    Post by Daisuke Kaguya Sat Dec 01, 2018 3:35 am

    It took quite a bit for Hiroshi to arrive on time as he unexpectedly slept in a bit, but as soon as he realised he tried to fix up this mistake by getting as ready as fast as he could, dressing himself up properly and running straight towards the training grounds as soon as he could, wearing his signature goggles wrapped around the top of his forehead, a dark yellow t-shirt this time around and blue shorts, matching in colour with his blue sandals and his forehead protector positioned on his top right arm.

    He eventually made it to the entrance of the training grounds, just being a few minutes late as he seemed to already be out of breath, suggesting that he ran all the way. He could already see who his partner is for the mission, and it appeared to be Sen. He could see the kid resting against a tree, to which he walked closer to and decided to wake him up. "Hey, hey! wake up. I'm here now." he would normally apologise for being late,  but it seems Sen passed the time in his own way by napping.

    "So, the mission is to catch a dog lost around here yeah?" he'd ask, he briefly skimmed the mission description as he did rush getting ready so he'd ask him just to make sure, as well as to get any extra details that he might have to note.

    Posts : 52
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    Lost Pet Chinatsu [Mission][Sen, Hiroshi] Empty Re: Lost Pet Chinatsu [Mission][Sen, Hiroshi]

    Post by Sen Sat Dec 01, 2018 3:55 am

    Sen was startled awake and jumped to his feet.

    "Ah! Right, right!"

    Dusting the grass, dirt and bugs off of his clothes, the drowsy boy stretched out his limbs to get out any pains. Clearly he'd been sleeping completely wrong, but trees weren't as luxurious to sleep on as they were romanticized to be, it seemed.

    Finally he had realized who he was speaking to, after a solid thirty seconds or so of waking up and rubbing his eyes. A familiar face he had seen once before, not too long ago.

    "Hiroshi, right? It's good to see you again!", Sen piped up, fitting on his backpack and ensuring he had all of his gear ready.

    "Yeah, we gotta find the dog. Apparently the little guy's dangerous when provoked, but there's no way he'd be an actual threat, right? Dogs are pretty harmless overall, I'd say."

    As usual, he brought all of the gear he could ever need with him wherever he went, and so the clanging of knives in his holster rang true in such a way that could be interpreted as Sen being a liar - but in truth the boy was just oblivious.

    "I'm not so great at tracking things. How about you? Do you figure between the two of us we can figure this out?"

    Sen's Information:
    Daisuke Kaguya
    Daisuke Kaguya

    Posts : 331
    Join date : 2018-08-15

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    Lost Pet Chinatsu [Mission][Sen, Hiroshi] Empty Re: Lost Pet Chinatsu [Mission][Sen, Hiroshi]

    Post by Daisuke Kaguya Sat Dec 01, 2018 5:41 pm

    After Sen took his sweet time waking up, he cleared up on what their mission is and it's to indeed chase and capture that dog. Hiroshi didn't really complain or argue with the missions being prestigious anymore as he realised that the D-Rank mission descriptions don't make the missions as easy as they make it sound. It's not something that the average person can handle, but it's something that Chuunin can't waste their time with so that's why the Genin are pitched in to do these sorts of jobs. He understood how this came to work a few days ago, when he thought to himself why he was assigned these sorts of jobs.

    Sen made a good point when bringing up something about tracking the dog, since that would most likely be useful. A technique was brought to mind when he asked about that. "Yeah, I do have something... a Earth technique where I can go under the ground and move around, I can also sense what's on the surface above me when I do it. The only downside is I'm real slow when I use the technique, I haven't exactly mastered it yet..." he told him in the sense that it's an option, one that he didn't mind doing but he wouldn't jump straight on it yet if Sen had a suggestion.

    He noted the clanging that his gear had brought out, to which he said. "If were going to be sneaking up on the dog, the gear has to go. We can't scare him off with any noises."

    Posts : 52
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    Lost Pet Chinatsu [Mission][Sen, Hiroshi] Empty Re: Lost Pet Chinatsu [Mission][Sen, Hiroshi]

    Post by Sen Sun Dec 02, 2018 1:06 am

    Sen only just came to the realization as Hiroshi said it that noise might be a terrible idea.


    Blushing a bit at not realizing something so obvious, Sen removed everything except for the clothes on his back. He certainly felt more vulnerable, but he supposed that it made sense enough.

    "I don't really want to harm the dog if that's fine with you. Animal abuse really isn't something I wanna do much of."

    He made sure his steel armguards were clipped on extra tight, and pumped his fist into the air with a cheer.

    "I'm ready! Let's capture this dog!"

    Gesturing to Hiroshi, as Sen had already established that he had no idea how to track anything for the life of him, he shamelessly admitted to relying on Hiroshi for this mission.

    "Lead the way!"

    Sen's Information:
    Daisuke Kaguya
    Daisuke Kaguya

    Posts : 331
    Join date : 2018-08-15

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    Lost Pet Chinatsu [Mission][Sen, Hiroshi] Empty Re: Lost Pet Chinatsu [Mission][Sen, Hiroshi]

    Post by Daisuke Kaguya Sun Dec 02, 2018 1:15 am

    After Hiroshi got the hint that he pretty much had to lead the mission, he just gave a audible sigh and stood there for a couple of seconds, thinking to himself as to how they would handle this problem. "I was going to say split up and find the dog that way, but that would take a lot of effort and time... no." even though he knew he had nothing on him for this mission, he still dug through his pockets anyway and he didn't really have anything notable that would help with the mission. He then turned towards Sen about a possible way to get the dog. "Say... do you happen to have any food? I just thought of something... if we draw the dog in with food at a spot, I'll be underground at that very spot and as soon as I hear the dog eating the food, I come out and grab him!"

    The idea could only work if they really had something to give the dog, and wouldn't proceed with the idea yet to check what Sen might have. "And by the way, I'm not a fan of animal abuse either but I don't think we can be gentle with the dog either, unless we want to mindlessly chase him around all day."

    Posts : 52
    Join date : 2018-11-24
    Age : 27

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    Lost Pet Chinatsu [Mission][Sen, Hiroshi] Empty Re: Lost Pet Chinatsu [Mission][Sen, Hiroshi]

    Post by Sen Sun Dec 02, 2018 1:47 am

    Sen went over to his backpack, laying against the tree he had previously rested beside, and began rummaging through it.

    "I don't really carry much food when I'm on the go, but I do have these?"

    Procured from the nestled backpack was a few small packages, containing grain bars and rations within.

    "They aren't the most flavorful or even all that filling, but they're convenient at least."

    Eyeing one for a moment, Sen began greedily ripping the packaging off of one and stuffing the entire bar into his mouth in one gluttonous chomp, then handed a few off to Hiroshi.

    "We could use these? But you should try one if you're feeling under the weather! That face is just as gloomy as the last time I saw you."

    He zipped up the pockets on his backpack once more and urged Hiroshi to look at the packaging on the ones that were given to him.

    "There should be a strawberry, apple, and maybe a few regular flavored bars in there. I dunno what kind of taste dogs like. Meat, probably. But I'd never just lug meat around with me everywhere, that'd be gross!"

    Just to be safe, Sen used some rope to tie his supplies around the tree before they would leave for their expedition, in case any animals or thieves came by hoping to take it all. Not that there would be any thieves in Konoha, but just to be on the safe side he did it anyway.

    "Whaddya think, though? Would those bars be enough for the dog?"
    Daisuke Kaguya
    Daisuke Kaguya

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    Lost Pet Chinatsu [Mission][Sen, Hiroshi] Empty Re: Lost Pet Chinatsu [Mission][Sen, Hiroshi]

    Post by Daisuke Kaguya Sun Dec 02, 2018 2:02 am

    Hiroshi gave a judging glance when the Senju started to shove a bar into his mouth, but he finally let out a snarky remark when he commented on his "gloomy face". "Get it together, we might be chasing after someone's lost dog but this is still a mission. We can't mess around." though he did grab the bars from Sen and gave a light nod to him, checking over what they had. "Dogs will eat anything as long as it's not too sweet or too weird tasting, so I think apple flavour is the one to go. Besides, they have to eat it first before they really decide whether or not it's edible so that gives us enough time to grab the dog anyway." he didn't even seem to thank Sen for contributing his food to the mission, as it looked like that comment didn't sit well with him. He stashed the bar packages into his pockets.

    Since they were near the entrance, he pointed towards further into the training grounds and started to walk. "C'mon, I reckon the dog's further into the training grounds. We'll have to set up bait around the bushes most likely." funny enough, Hiroshi's family had a dog once so he somewhat knew what he was dealing with, but at the same time not really. He played and fed the dog a few times but he wasn't that close with it. As soon as he believed they were near a pretty deep forestry setting of the training grounds, it'd be the proper spot to start setting up the bait.

    Hiroshi sat down on one knee, getting about two bars of the apple flavour and ripping apart the plastic wrappings on them, placing them together on the ground and stepping back up, patting his hands against his clothes to get that greasy feeling off his hands. "Okay... you should sit behind a bush or stay out of sight, meanwhile I'll use my jutsu and get under the ground here, I'll know when the dog comes so I'll jump out and grab him. Sound good?"

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    Lost Pet Chinatsu [Mission][Sen, Hiroshi] Empty Re: Lost Pet Chinatsu [Mission][Sen, Hiroshi]

    Post by Sen Sun Dec 02, 2018 3:50 am

    Hiroshi seemed very focused on the mission. It was a little bit odd to Sen, being the kind of person to relax and take it easy as he went about a job, but figured it was just the way Hiroshi was. He didn't seem to approve entirely of Sen's attitude either, but he didn't mind. After all, variety was the spice of life - and Sen definitely loved his spices.

    Hiroshi lead the way and seemed to be guiding the mission towards its success. As Sen was the one to suggest this in the first place, he was elated to know that the mission was in good hands. Eventually after some more planning and moving, they made it far enough before Hiroshi suggested stopping to set the bait - something Sen accepted rather easily.

    "Sounds like a plan!", Sen responded cheerfully, giving Hiroshi a thumbs up at the suggestion of hiding in a bush.

    Sen ran to a nearby bush and proceeded to duck underneath it. He shoved aside some of the leaves and roots to allow him to see through the bush without needing to poke his head out. Without a verbal response, he waved his hand to Hiroshi as a signal to begin the operation.

    Sen's Information:
    Daisuke Kaguya
    Daisuke Kaguya

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    Lost Pet Chinatsu [Mission][Sen, Hiroshi] Empty Re: Lost Pet Chinatsu [Mission][Sen, Hiroshi]

    Post by Daisuke Kaguya Sun Dec 02, 2018 4:02 am

    Hiroshi gave a wave back to Sen when he waved towards him inside the bush, believing that the position he's in should be good enough to not spook the dog away. Hiroshi went a few metres away from the apple bars being on the ground, he suddenly dived into the ground and soon enough, the earth around where he dived just opened for him and as his body disappeared into the ground, so did the hole that he entered through, which just formed back into it's natural place, as if the hole was never made to begin with.

    He then moved just under where the apple bars are, or where he believed they were from the last visual perception he got of the surface, just sitting down in the ground comfortably until the dog would take the bait.

    The waiting eventually settled in and he didn't know about Sen, but it was somewhat killing Hiroshi, with each passing second he could just feel his eyelids growing heavy and he almost felt tempted to take a nap on the spot, that is... until a magnetic signal spiked through the ground, indicating that something is walking towards the apple bars. "Looks like the plan is finally falling into place..." he thought, he simply waited for the dog to come close enough to at least smell the bars.

    As soon as it got right underneath where Hiroshi is in the ground, a hole would suddenly open underneath where the dog is, making the dog fall into the hole and right into the hands of Hiroshi. Hiroshi didn't know what the type of breed the dog is, but it's a rather small brown dog that already tried to wiggle it's way out of his arms, to which he just tightened his arms grip on him to lock him into embrace. Soon enough the dog had just surrendered, and Hiroshi made his way out of the hole, with the hole doing it's same animation from before, just returning back into it's natural circulation as if Hiroshi didn't get out of that spot at all.

    Posts : 52
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    Lost Pet Chinatsu [Mission][Sen, Hiroshi] Empty Re: Lost Pet Chinatsu [Mission][Sen, Hiroshi]

    Post by Sen Sun Dec 02, 2018 4:14 am

    Sen held his breath while waiting for the appointed time to draw closer and closer. The dog was in view, and it took everything Sen had to not rush out from the bushes and grab it when it seemed close enough, or to call out to let Hiroshi know it was time to spring the trap.

    No, no... he's got this!

    Soon enough, Hiroshi opened up a hole in the ground and dragged the dog in. Sen jumped out from behind the bush and cheered audibly, stealth no longer being of importance. He strode over to meet up with his partner, and held out his hand for a high-five before realizing that in doing so Hiroshi would be letting go of the dog.

    Retracting his hand, Sen gave another thumbs up to Hiroshi.

    "Good job! Now we just need to make our way back, right?"

    Pangs of hunger came over him, and his optimism drained a bit as he made his way back to the tree to retrieve his gear.

    "Hey, Hiroshi? I'm starving... wanna go get something to eat with me after this? I'll only pay for my share though."

    Regardless of his answer, Sen began trotting away from the training field, eager to report on their success and get his next payment.


    Sen's Information:
    Daisuke Kaguya
    Daisuke Kaguya

    Posts : 331
    Join date : 2018-08-15

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    Lost Pet Chinatsu [Mission][Sen, Hiroshi] Empty Re: Lost Pet Chinatsu [Mission][Sen, Hiroshi]

    Post by Daisuke Kaguya Sun Dec 02, 2018 4:21 am

    While Hiroshi tightly carried the dog in his arms, he looked over to the attempted high five by Sen, only to met with a cold stare from Hiroshi himself. If he wasn't busy holding the dog in place, he might've actually high fived him for the success, he at least deserved that much since he contributed the bait for this mission. The question soon came enough and all though Hiroshi already fuelled up to say no, he thought back on it and got the feeling that this probably won't be the last time they'll be doing a mission together. He bit his pride and nodded to the boy's request to get something to eat so they might form a relationship of sorts. He doesn't agree with the easygoing, optimistic attitude that he's displaying but he can at learn tolerate it and perhaps teach him a few things in the progress, he expected something more out of him, but that expectation is probably as a result of knowing he's a Senju, being apart of one of the three big clans.

    With that decided, they finally headed off from the training grounds to turn in the puppy and to get their reward, but along the walk to the mission office there was only one thing on the red head's mind. "Ramen does sound nice right about now..."


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