Now that she had been cleared to be a shinobi, once again, her desire to do the more mundane work started to sink in. Being demoted back to D Class, due to her missing out on so much, she didn't have the urge nor the desire to do any of the more bland and boring tasks that come with those becoming a shinobi for the first time. She had already experienced all of that tedium once when she was a plucky and excited young girl. One who felt that the entire world opened up to her once the horrors of the orphanage had been closed to her. She might've taken what the loud, kleptomaniac thief said a bit closer to heart than she'd have liked. Well, it wasn't really what he said, but the fact that he completely ignored her. Didn't say anything to her bluff that really started to bother her. That entire trip to the hospital started to wear at her. Only one person that entire time had talked to her and it was the demon that the long haired one thought was the assassin. Only the 'assassin' was nice enough to even speak to her. Everyone else just looked at her awkwardly and just grunted. Buffoons and barbarians, all of them. What better than to have someone else do all the work for her? She walked up to a pet store and noticed several animals behind a cage. She moved her long hair out from over her chest before turning to look towards the man working behind the counter, showing plenty of cleavage to the man. "Dogs. Dogs of war," she simply stated. The man's eyes traveled down to her supple bosom for a moment before his eyes drifted back up to the dark-skinned beauty's face. He gave her a big smile before escorting her to the back where all of the dogs were. These dogs were angry and vicious. She walked passed most of them until she came across 3 pups. She took one quick look at the dogs, bending at her knees to look at the cage. She poked a single finger into the cage with the 3 pups licking her finger, excited to see her. "A-are you sure ma'am? They refuse to eat and they're dangerous. They are imports from the Land of Wind and... They're just gross jackals," the man tried to beg. She stood up and flipped some of her hair over her shoulders. "Jackals, you say? Even better. I'll take all six," she said. "Uh.. Um.. Okay then" the man said. She turned back to look towards the jackals. "Oh, you'll grow up quite fast. I'll give you a warm home, but I expect you all to work for me, okay?" she asked before moving back to the front door. "Have them sent to my address. I want them there today, understand?" she said before closing the door, not even waiting for his response. |
EXP This Post: 5 OOC: This is a recurring topic I'll be using for all of my purchases for now on. |
War Dog Pet x3
Cost: 5000 x 3 = 15000 Ryo
Cost of Living Discount: -25% = 11250 Ryo