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4 posters

    Benimaru “Benji” Kotoshura

    Benji Kotoshura
    Benji Kotoshura

    Village : Iwagakure
    Posts : 58
    Join date : 2022-11-30

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Taijutsu, Raiton, Doton
    Class: D
    Ryo: 130,000

    Benimaru “Benji” Kotoshura Empty Benimaru “Benji” Kotoshura

    Post by Benji Kotoshura Fri Dec 02, 2022 1:35 am

    Name: Benimaru (Benji) Kotoshura
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Village: Iwagakure
    Rank: Genin D
    Title: N/A

    Clan: Kotoshura
    Bloodline: Explosion (-250)
    Element(s): Doton (Earth), Raiton (Lightning)
    Skill(s): Taijutsu
    Starting EXP: 1,650
    Stat Trade: 500 EXP
    EXP DEBT 550
    New starting EXP: 2,700
    Remaining: 0

    Strength: B - 950
    Constitution: D - 150
    Stamina: C - 450
    Speed: C - 450
    Coordination: D - 150
    Intelligence: D - 150
    Perception: D - 150

    -250 For Clan Ability/Element

    Explosion Release: Explosive Combat - 250 EXP
    This is the beginning stage of Explosion Release at which point the user learns to meld the advanced element in their body and expel it outwards. Close quarters Bakuton techniques detonated in this manner always blow outwards so as to prevent the user from taking damage from their own attacks. This stage requires a modest investment in experience which gives the user access to their bloodline's base ability. At this stage the user is restricted to applying Bakuton to Taijutsu, Bukijutsu, and Kenjutsu. This require some sort of physical catalyst (such as a punch or stab) to detonate their blasts. This largely restricts them to close quarters combat although creative Kotōshura have been known to use archery in order to increase the range of their attacks.

    Unique Abilities:

    One Handed Jutsu’s: self explanatory, he can perform Jutsu’s with one hand instead of two unless needed.

    EXP DEBT: With his studies through the academy, he ended up learning a little bit more to put towards himself.

    Stat Trade: +1 to CON, -1 to STR , CP cost 5

    Appearance: Benji has short black hair with sharp red eyes. He has a dragon tattoo on his hand that goes up his arm and onto his chest, occasionally sporting some ear piercings as well. His teeth are jagged, making them look like fangs but in reality his canines have grown in quite wonky from all the fights he’s been in as a child. He’s pretty muscular and occasionally tends to work out at the training grounds and can be seen in bathhouses for most of the time. Benji is also 5’7 and weighing in at about 165, making him lean and muscular.

    History: Benimaru Kotoshura was born to Asura Kotoshura and Mitsuki Kotoshura on August 14. Benji was a regular child, very high energy strung, loud and quite the personality. He’s a very caring person as when he grew to be 7-9, he began getting in fights, primarily due to defending others who couldn’t take a lot from bullies. Pretty much anyone in fact. Benji would put himself in harms way for others just so they wouldn’t get hurt, often sacrificing himself for others’ safety. He didn’t care about the consequences of these actions. As he got older, he started liking girls, really falling for one in particular. This girl was named Yuri. They became close after some time and even promised to get closer as they grew older. Around the age of 15, Yuri decided to leave him as a friend and lover. Stating she couldn’t be with someone who didn’t value their life. During this interaction, she would hit his chest, cry and be mean to him, despite loving him so. When Yuri left, Benji was left with a fake smile on his face and tears going down his face. Since then, he’s been a flirt with many girls within the village, none catching his eye whatsoever.

    Personality: Benji is a very outgoing person and doesn’t mind putting himself in danger for others if it means protecting others. He’s hot headed sometimes but he has a good heart and cares deeply about his friends. He tends to put others first for his needs despite how mean he looks and he’ll even give up his last piece of food for a friend just so they can eat. His personality is ecstatic and he’s a loud person in general. Betray him and you lose someone who would build relationships for you. He would be considered a right hand man to people if given a chance. Because of his looks and hot headed ness, people tend to steer away from him just because of these factors. He does fall for anyone much but if he does, he falls hard and only has eyes for that person, treating them like a goddess. His mother raised him to never hit a woman and to respect them properly. Ever since then, he’s never really hit a woman, even if it was for a woman he cared and loved for.

    Roleplay Sample:
    Benji Kotoshura
    Benji Kotoshura

    Village : Iwagakure
    Posts : 58
    Join date : 2022-11-30

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Taijutsu, Raiton, Doton
    Class: D
    Ryo: 130,000

    Benimaru “Benji” Kotoshura Empty Re: Benimaru “Benji” Kotoshura

    Post by Benji Kotoshura Fri Dec 02, 2022 1:36 am

    Update Type: Getting Schmoney
    Claiming Starting Ryo in Iwa: 50,000

    Link to thread: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t205p75-iwagakure-village-update#47289


    Benimaru Kotoshura

    Explosion Release Unlocked


    Strength: B
    Constitution: D (+ lifestyle)
    Stamina: C
    Speed: C
    Coordination: D
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: D

    Taijutsu | Raiton | Doton

    Benimaru’s Journal
    Genin Application
    Benimaru’s Journal

    Posts : 568
    Join date : 2020-02-19

    Benimaru “Benji” Kotoshura Empty Re: Benimaru “Benji” Kotoshura

    Post by Masaru Fri Dec 02, 2022 6:10 pm

    Benji wrote:Update Type: Getting Schmoney
    Claiming Starting Ryo in Iwa: 50,000

    Link to thread: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t205p75-iwagakure-village-update#47289


    Character Update: Link
    Known Techniques: Link
    Benji Kotoshura
    Benji Kotoshura

    Village : Iwagakure
    Posts : 58
    Join date : 2022-11-30

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Taijutsu, Raiton, Doton
    Class: D
    Ryo: 130,000

    Benimaru “Benji” Kotoshura Empty Re: Benimaru “Benji” Kotoshura

    Post by Benji Kotoshura Sat Dec 03, 2022 7:43 pm

    Claiming 5 Starting Jutsu’s

    Tearing Earth Turning Palm:

    Shatter Palm:

    Greater Blast Strikes:

    Arhat Fist:

    Lightning Release:


    Benimaru Kotoshura

    Explosion Release Unlocked


    Strength: B
    Constitution: D (+ lifestyle)
    Stamina: C
    Speed: C
    Coordination: D
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: D

    Taijutsu | Raiton | Doton

    Benimaru’s Journal
    Genin Application
    Benimaru’s Journal

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 484
    Join date : 2020-06-06

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: None
    Class: C
    Ryo: 0

    Benimaru “Benji” Kotoshura Empty Re: Benimaru “Benji” Kotoshura

    Post by Data_Sora Sat Dec 03, 2022 9:07 pm

    Benji wrote:

    Claiming 5 Starting Jutsu’s

    Tearing Earth Turning Palm:

    Shatter Palm:

    Greater Blast Strikes:

    Arhat Fist:

    Lightning Release:


    The Mod account of Data_Sora#0001
    Benji Kotoshura
    Benji Kotoshura

    Village : Iwagakure
    Posts : 58
    Join date : 2022-11-30

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Taijutsu, Raiton, Doton
    Class: D
    Ryo: 130,000

    Benimaru “Benji” Kotoshura Empty Re: Benimaru “Benji” Kotoshura

    Post by Benji Kotoshura Sun Dec 04, 2022 10:19 pm

    Update: Ryo

    Claiming 30k starting as well. So a total of 80k Benji will have

    Old: 50k

    New: 80k


    Benimaru Kotoshura

    Explosion Release Unlocked


    Strength: B
    Constitution: D (+ lifestyle)
    Stamina: C
    Speed: C
    Coordination: D
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: D

    Taijutsu | Raiton | Doton

    Benimaru’s Journal
    Genin Application
    Benimaru’s Journal

    Posts : 568
    Join date : 2020-02-19

    Benimaru “Benji” Kotoshura Empty Re: Benimaru “Benji” Kotoshura

    Post by Masaru Mon Dec 05, 2022 4:47 pm

    Benji wrote:Update: Ryo

    Claiming 30k starting as well. So a total of 80k Benji will have

    Old: 50k

    New: 80k


    Character Update: Link
    Known Techniques: Link
    Benji Kotoshura
    Benji Kotoshura

    Village : Iwagakure
    Posts : 58
    Join date : 2022-11-30

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Taijutsu, Raiton, Doton
    Class: D
    Ryo: 130,000

    Benimaru “Benji” Kotoshura Empty Re: Benimaru “Benji” Kotoshura

    Post by Benji Kotoshura Wed Dec 07, 2022 1:29 pm

    Claiming EXP for thread(s):


    Old Exp Debt: 550
    Claiming: 30
    New: 520


    Old EXP Debt: 520
    Claiming: 60
    New: 460

    Overall EXP claim: 90

    Overall new EXP debt: 460


    Benimaru Kotoshura

    Explosion Release Unlocked


    Strength: B
    Constitution: D (+ lifestyle)
    Stamina: C
    Speed: C
    Coordination: D
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: D

    Taijutsu | Raiton | Doton

    Benimaru’s Journal
    Genin Application
    Benimaru’s Journal

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 484
    Join date : 2020-06-06

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: None
    Class: C
    Ryo: 0

    Benimaru “Benji” Kotoshura Empty Re: Benimaru “Benji” Kotoshura

    Post by Data_Sora Thu Dec 08, 2022 5:59 pm

    Benji wrote:Claiming EXP for thread(s):


    Old Exp Debt: 550
    Claiming: 30
    New: 520


    Old EXP Debt: 520
    Claiming: 60
    New: 460

    Overall EXP claim: 90

    Overall new EXP debt: 460


    The Mod account of Data_Sora#0001
    Benji Kotoshura
    Benji Kotoshura

    Village : Iwagakure
    Posts : 58
    Join date : 2022-11-30

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Taijutsu, Raiton, Doton
    Class: D
    Ryo: 130,000

    Benimaru “Benji” Kotoshura Empty Re: Benimaru “Benji” Kotoshura

    Post by Benji Kotoshura Fri Jan 06, 2023 5:10 am

    Using life style to add a + to the following stat: Constitution (D to D+)

    Getting paid as well: ??? NANI???


    Benimaru Kotoshura

    Explosion Release Unlocked


    Strength: B
    Constitution: D (+ lifestyle)
    Stamina: C
    Speed: C
    Coordination: D
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: D

    Taijutsu | Raiton | Doton

    Benimaru’s Journal
    Genin Application
    Benimaru’s Journal
    Airi Ohara
    Airi Ohara
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 2089
    Join date : 2022-10-28

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu | Raiton | Sealing | Summoning | Medical | Taijutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: Check Updates

    Benimaru “Benji” Kotoshura Empty Re: Benimaru “Benji” Kotoshura

    Post by Airi Ohara Fri Jan 06, 2023 1:20 pm

    Benji Kotoshura wrote:Using life style to add a + to the following stat: Constitution (D to D+)

    Getting paid as well: ??? NANI???
    Please wait until your village does it's update before requesting Ryo for the update.
    Lifestyle bonus approved.

    Village: Konohagakure
    Rank: Hokage
    Class: X
    Recognized by E Tier Intelligence
    Title: The Carmine Hyuga
    Benji Kotoshura
    Benji Kotoshura

    Village : Iwagakure
    Posts : 58
    Join date : 2022-11-30

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Taijutsu, Raiton, Doton
    Class: D
    Ryo: 130,000

    Benimaru “Benji” Kotoshura Empty Re: Benimaru “Benji” Kotoshura

    Post by Benji Kotoshura Sat Jan 07, 2023 5:38 pm


    New Ryo: 130k

    Claiming Summon of Diana’s Warmachina.

    Link: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t205p75-iwagakure-village-update#48653


    Benimaru Kotoshura

    Explosion Release Unlocked


    Strength: B
    Constitution: D (+ lifestyle)
    Stamina: C
    Speed: C
    Coordination: D
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: D

    Taijutsu | Raiton | Doton

    Benimaru’s Journal
    Genin Application
    Benimaru’s Journal
    Airi Ohara
    Airi Ohara
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 2089
    Join date : 2022-10-28

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu | Raiton | Sealing | Summoning | Medical | Taijutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: Check Updates

    Benimaru “Benji” Kotoshura Empty Re: Benimaru “Benji” Kotoshura

    Post by Airi Ohara Sat Jan 07, 2023 5:50 pm

    Benji Kotoshura wrote:BENJI GETTING PAID: 50,000 RYOOOOOO..

    New Ryo: 130k

    Claiming Summon of Diana’s Warmachina.

    Link: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t205p75-iwagakure-village-update#48653

    Benimaru “Benji” Kotoshura 5CUsWMA

    Village: Konohagakure
    Rank: Hokage
    Class: X
    Recognized by E Tier Intelligence
    Title: The Carmine Hyuga
    Benji Kotoshura
    Benji Kotoshura

    Village : Iwagakure
    Posts : 58
    Join date : 2022-11-30

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Taijutsu, Raiton, Doton
    Class: D
    Ryo: 130,000

    Benimaru “Benji” Kotoshura Empty Re: Benimaru “Benji” Kotoshura

    Post by Benji Kotoshura Sat Jan 21, 2023 11:37 am

    Claiming EXP: 145 (120 [8x15] + 25[mission exp])
    New EXP debt: 315

    Claiming RYO: 25k
    Total RYO: 155k

    Link: Muscle For A B Rank


    Benimaru Kotoshura

    Explosion Release Unlocked


    Strength: B
    Constitution: D (+ lifestyle)
    Stamina: C
    Speed: C
    Coordination: D
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: D

    Taijutsu | Raiton | Doton

    Benimaru’s Journal
    Genin Application
    Benimaru’s Journal

    Posts : 568
    Join date : 2020-02-19

    Benimaru “Benji” Kotoshura Empty Re: Benimaru “Benji” Kotoshura

    Post by Masaru Sun Jan 22, 2023 3:59 pm

    Benji Kotoshura wrote:Claiming EXP: 145 (120 [8x15] + 25[mission exp])
    New EXP debt: 315

    Claiming RYO: 25k
    Total RYO: 155k

    Link: Muscle For A B Rank


    Character Update: Link
    Known Techniques: Link
    Benji Kotoshura
    Benji Kotoshura

    Village : Iwagakure
    Posts : 58
    Join date : 2022-11-30

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Taijutsu, Raiton, Doton
    Class: D
    Ryo: 130,000

    Benimaru “Benji” Kotoshura Empty Re: Benimaru “Benji” Kotoshura

    Post by Benji Kotoshura Wed Mar 15, 2023 7:59 pm

    11 posts from This thread with exp of 20 = 220
    (4 people exp 5)

    10 posts from this thread with exp of 30 = 300
    (5 people, exp 5 + sensei bonus)

    220 + 300 = 520


    550 exp debt paid off

    550+205 = 755 EXP total.
    205 spendable.



    Benimaru Kotoshura

    Explosion Release Unlocked


    Strength: B
    Constitution: D (+ lifestyle)
    Stamina: C
    Speed: C
    Coordination: D
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: D

    Taijutsu | Raiton | Doton

    Benimaru’s Journal
    Genin Application
    Benimaru’s Journal
    Airi Ohara
    Airi Ohara
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 2089
    Join date : 2022-10-28

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu | Raiton | Sealing | Summoning | Medical | Taijutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: Check Updates

    Benimaru “Benji” Kotoshura Empty Re: Benimaru “Benji” Kotoshura

    Post by Airi Ohara Wed Mar 15, 2023 11:50 pm

    Benji Kotoshura wrote:11 posts from This thread with exp of 20 = 220
    (4 people exp 5)

    10 posts from this thread with exp of 30 = 300
    (5 people, exp 5 + sensei bonus)

    220 + 300 = 520


    550 exp debt paid off

    550+205 = 755 EXP total.
    205 spendable.


    Benimaru “Benji” Kotoshura 5CUsWMA

    Village: Konohagakure
    Rank: Hokage
    Class: X
    Recognized by E Tier Intelligence
    Title: The Carmine Hyuga
    Benji Kotoshura
    Benji Kotoshura

    Village : Iwagakure
    Posts : 58
    Join date : 2022-11-30

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Taijutsu, Raiton, Doton
    Class: D
    Ryo: 130,000

    Benimaru “Benji” Kotoshura Empty Re: Benimaru “Benji” Kotoshura

    Post by Benji Kotoshura Fri Mar 24, 2023 10:42 am

    Learned AP shot from Diana and Flash bang

    This thread


    Benimaru Kotoshura

    Explosion Release Unlocked


    Strength: B
    Constitution: D (+ lifestyle)
    Stamina: C
    Speed: C
    Coordination: D
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: D

    Taijutsu | Raiton | Doton

    Benimaru’s Journal
    Genin Application
    Benimaru’s Journal
    Airi Ohara
    Airi Ohara
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 2089
    Join date : 2022-10-28

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu | Raiton | Sealing | Summoning | Medical | Taijutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: Check Updates

    Benimaru “Benji” Kotoshura Empty Re: Benimaru “Benji” Kotoshura

    Post by Airi Ohara Fri Mar 24, 2023 4:56 pm

    Benji Kotoshura wrote:Learned AP shot from Diana and Flash bang

    This thread
    Benimaru “Benji” Kotoshura 5CUsWMA

    Village: Konohagakure
    Rank: Hokage
    Class: X
    Recognized by E Tier Intelligence
    Title: The Carmine Hyuga
    Benji Kotoshura
    Benji Kotoshura

    Village : Iwagakure
    Posts : 58
    Join date : 2022-11-30

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Taijutsu, Raiton, Doton
    Class: D
    Ryo: 130,000

    Benimaru “Benji” Kotoshura Empty Re: Benimaru “Benji” Kotoshura

    Post by Benji Kotoshura Fri Mar 31, 2023 10:12 am

    Forgot. Benji has acquired the Iwa Kinjutsu from Diana.


    Placing Benji Kotoshura on auto pilot/cold storage for about a month. Will return on May 1st, 2023 or earlier if decided


    Benimaru Kotoshura

    Explosion Release Unlocked


    Strength: B
    Constitution: D (+ lifestyle)
    Stamina: C
    Speed: C
    Coordination: D
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: D

    Taijutsu | Raiton | Doton

    Benimaru’s Journal
    Genin Application
    Benimaru’s Journal

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 484
    Join date : 2020-06-06

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: None
    Class: C
    Ryo: 0

    Benimaru “Benji” Kotoshura Empty Re: Benimaru “Benji” Kotoshura

    Post by Data_Sora Fri Mar 31, 2023 10:14 am

    Benji Kotoshura wrote:
    Forgot. Benji has acquired the Iwa Kinjutsu from Diana.


    Placing Benji Kotoshura on auto pilot/cold storage for about a month. Will return on May 1st, 2023 or earlier if decided


    The Mod account of Data_Sora#0001
    Benji Kotoshura
    Benji Kotoshura

    Village : Iwagakure
    Posts : 58
    Join date : 2022-11-30

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Taijutsu, Raiton, Doton
    Class: D
    Ryo: 130,000

    Benimaru “Benji” Kotoshura Empty Re: Benimaru “Benji” Kotoshura

    Post by Benji Kotoshura Fri May 05, 2023 8:16 am

    Claiming RYO from the past…. Counts on fingers 4 months… lol…

    50k*4 (due to village updates) = 200k Ryo in monthly pay.

    Previous RYO: 155k

    New: 355k



    Benimaru Kotoshura

    Explosion Release Unlocked


    Strength: B
    Constitution: D (+ lifestyle)
    Stamina: C
    Speed: C
    Coordination: D
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: D

    Taijutsu | Raiton | Doton

    Benimaru’s Journal
    Genin Application
    Benimaru’s Journal
    Airi Ohara
    Airi Ohara
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 2089
    Join date : 2022-10-28

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu | Raiton | Sealing | Summoning | Medical | Taijutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: Check Updates

    Benimaru “Benji” Kotoshura Empty Re: Benimaru “Benji” Kotoshura

    Post by Airi Ohara Fri May 05, 2023 4:12 pm

    Benji Kotoshura wrote:Claiming RYO from the past…. Counts on fingers 4 months… lol…

    50k*4 (due to village updates) = 200k Ryo in monthly pay.

    Previous RYO: 155k

    New: 355k


    Village: Konohagakure
    Rank: Hokage
    Class: X
    Recognized by E Tier Intelligence
    Title: The Carmine Hyuga
    Benji Kotoshura
    Benji Kotoshura

    Village : Iwagakure
    Posts : 58
    Join date : 2022-11-30

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Taijutsu, Raiton, Doton
    Class: D
    Ryo: 130,000

    Benimaru “Benji” Kotoshura Empty Re: Benimaru “Benji” Kotoshura

    Post by Benji Kotoshura Thu Jul 06, 2023 11:38 am


    Benji death has been concluded. Claiming no EXP and shipping his body to the morgue.


    Benimaru Kotoshura

    Explosion Release Unlocked


    Strength: B
    Constitution: D (+ lifestyle)
    Stamina: C
    Speed: C
    Coordination: D
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: D

    Taijutsu | Raiton | Doton

    Benimaru’s Journal
    Genin Application
    Benimaru’s Journal

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 484
    Join date : 2020-06-06

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: None
    Class: C
    Ryo: 0

    Benimaru “Benji” Kotoshura Empty Re: Benimaru “Benji” Kotoshura

    Post by Data_Sora Thu Jul 06, 2023 12:51 pm

    Benji Kotoshura wrote:https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t6481-exploring-the-world-of-bio-engineering#53652

    Benji death has been concluded. Claiming no EXP and shipping his body to the morgue.
    Approved. Rest in Peace Blast Boi

    The Mod account of Data_Sora#0001

    Sponsored content

    Benimaru “Benji” Kotoshura Empty Re: Benimaru “Benji” Kotoshura

    Post by Sponsored content

      Current date/time is Tue Jul 02, 2024 10:05 am