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    Santa from the sky


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    Santa from the sky  Empty Santa from the sky

    Post by Claus Sun Dec 10, 2017 4:38 pm

    In the land of the clouds a large object decended from the sky crashing before the gates of Kumo leaving a large crater bellowing with smoke.  A few meter's closer and it would have blow a huge hole in their meager defense.  The man guarding the gates sighed with relief, it was such a close call but everything seemed it would go well until the smoke cleared revealing a large robust man in a red robe holding a massive war hammer.

    “Well ladies! I’m not waiting all day. Come and face me or I’ll crush you like the woman you all are.”  he bellowed loud enough for the entire village to hear.
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    Santa from the sky  Empty Re: Santa from the sky

    Post by Ryuko Tue Dec 12, 2017 10:04 pm

    Ryuko was busying working on her latest set of armor when she heard the words calling her out.  It was true that Kumo demographically speaking leaned heavily towards having more woman then men to the point she’d heard it refered to as the village of the amazons on more then one occasions so she wasn’t offended by being called ladies.  But she couldn’t forgive the part about crushing them like woman because that implied women where weak and inferior to men, a topic both she and her god had something to say to the contrary.

    On a purely physical bases that argument had some basis. She’d never be able to lift as much as her theoretical male counter part would be able to. But because she had a lower center of gravity she could also do things he wouldn’t be able to so it balanced out somewhat. Besides that didn’t take chakra into account, and with chakra and the right training anything was possible.

    Thought she was only a gennin her fitness level was above average. Because she was a martial art speclist when she focused her strength she was easily one of the strongest in her class. To the point she could out punch most the of chunnin and even some of Jounin in a straight strength contest. The only reason she wasn’t higher ranked herself yet was because she needed to get some more techniques under her belt, as well as improve some of her other traits like stamina to be better rounded.

    With a long sigh she put down the breastplate she’d been hammering away on and went over to the side of her workshop where a set of copper chain mail was hanging from the wall like a trophy.  It was a good thing she’d manged to repair the minor damage it had taken during the last mission she’d been on despite never intending to wear it again because otherwise she’d have nothing ready to wear under her robes to protect her.

    Stripping off her smithing apron she slid the chainmail on before putting on her normal purple kimmono top over then slipping on her skirt, stockings and gloves before finally attaching her cape. Her priestess uniform was sacred after all so she didn’t want to get it dirty well doing heavy duty smiting which is why she hadn’t been wearing it earlier.  

    Strapping her supply pouch which was full various ninja tools such as shruiken and kunai to her belt she checked to make sure everything was ok first before checking that the holsters from her batons where secure.  The last thing she wanted was for her main weapon to fall off while she was busy rushing to the source of the noise as she dashed out the door and headed towards the gates at top speed.

    She’d meant to go by the marketplace at some point to pick up some more equipment such as a fuma shuriken but hadn’t quite managed to find the time so for now she’d just to mange with what she already had on her.  Honestly long range wasn’t her forte anyhow, though she could stretch her supply by reusing them with her boomerang technique if it came down to it.

    Surprisingly it seemed she was the first one at the gate. She’d been expecting at least one Jounin to get their before her but then again considering how in short supply they’d been of those lately with Akashi missing in action and another in a coma maybe none where around.

    She muttered to herself. The last thing she wanted was to be facing off against an invader alone but it wasn’t like she had a choice. Someone had to do it or who knew what damage he would wreck on the village. Hopefully her teammates Natsuru and Shimiko would arrive to back her up soon.

    Not wanting to waste energy climing to the top of the gates when she couldn’t jump off them safely without wasting even more chakra she cautiously cracked it open just enough for her to peak thought so she could get a look at what she was up against first rather then rushing in blindly and getting wrecked for her lack of foresight.

    The man dressed in red, whomever he was had to be really strong to be wielding such a large war-hammer. The scary thing was he was doing it with only one hand which meant he was easily stronger then her.  She was only as durable as a normal human, one blow from that even a glancing one would wreck her, chain mail or not.  Close range was her bread and butter which meant facing off against him would be incredibly risky. If he had the speed to match his strength she wouldn’t stand a chance.

    As much as she wanted to go out and shout at him in flowery words about what an idiot he was she just wasn’t that suicidal.  As long as he wasn’t doing anything she was going to wait behind the gates for someone, anyone to come along that could provide her with some ranged support.

    Ryuko's Ninja Card

    Strength: B
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A-> A++ (Arch Angel's Tiara)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: B

    Posts : 16
    Join date : 2017-12-10

    Santa from the sky  Empty Re: Santa from the sky

    Post by Claus Wed Dec 13, 2017 6:29 pm

    “I know you’re there lass. Come out or I’ll blow your gates down.” said Sanata with a snarl as he tapped his hammer against the ground causing a lightning blot to leap out from it and head directly towards Ryuko to zap her where she stood if she didn’t move.
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    Santa from the sky  Empty Re: Santa from the sky

    Post by Ryuko Thu Dec 14, 2017 12:45 am

    “Oh heck.” Thoguht Ryuko. She wasn’t sure if he really know she was hiding behind the gate or was he just bluffing, but it didn’t really matter either way since he sent a lightning blot right at her. Thank Hakkin it wasn’t actual lightning or she’d never be able to react in time to do anything but get hit by it.

    Thinking quickly she shoved on the gate as hard as she could swinging it forward so that the moving wood would intercept the blast that had been meant for her. Their was a loud crash as electricty met the dried plant material causing it to blacken and sizzle.

    “Whom doth thou think they are? Cease thy annoying bellowing at once. Pray tell what grievance ye could possible have that would justify causing such a disturbance?” Ryuko berated the man as she stepped out into the open. Hiding wasn’t working so she had no choice but to confront him even if her backup wasn’t here yet. She’d give just about anything for Natsuru and Shimiko to show up right about now. Heck at this point she’d even settle for Simon who didn’t seem all that capable a fighter.

    Drawing her right baton she brought it into a defensive stance while getting some shuriken ready with her left. She was going to try and resolve things with dialog but she wanted to be ready to defend herself if things went south.

    “I don’t suppose thou would turn around and leave peacefully if but asked nicely?” Ryuko said sweetly hoping he would get the moment and turn around. She’d smite him if she had to but she perfered to avoid open bloodshed when it wasn’t nessisary. So far he hadn’t done any real damage yet so if he walked away she could just let bygons be bygons.

    Ryuko's Ninja Card

    Strength: B
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A-> A++ (Arch Angel's Tiara)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: B

    Posts : 25
    Join date : 2017-11-08
    Age : 30

    Santa from the sky  Empty Re: Santa from the sky

    Post by Sithis Thu Dec 14, 2017 6:14 pm

    Having the Raikage remove his Jounin status, and the death Of the Raikage following, Akuma was enraged with anger. This change will not go unnoticed. THis is what happens when a woman is in charge of a Military Village. Akuma planned on changing things. He will become the becon of hope. He will become the Raikage. AKuma noticed a disturbance within the force per say, his eyes glowed yellow. As he zoomed at B Rank Speeds, towards the location to find a woman and A Fat man. "Get the fuck out of my fucking village or I'll vaporize you." His body glowing in a large aura as he showed killing intent. "I will not allow you to harm these villagers. Or so help me god I will nuke your place. Leave now or face the actions of the Lightning God. Akuma." He said. "The Destroyer of Worlds." he said.

    Posts : 275
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    Age : 24

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    Santa from the sky  Empty Re: Santa from the sky

    Post by Sakata Thu Dec 14, 2017 8:29 pm

    The lemon-headed Chuunin was out heading toward a shop for Christmas decorations and maybe a befitting, red and white scarf with it when a voice bellowed out in the direction of the gates. It shook him out of his holiday glee and reverie as he darted his head in that direction, furrowing his brows. Since he wasn't that far off, he broke off into a full sprint for the gates, even shooting up off the ground in a chakra-propelled use of the Surface Walking technique.

    He darted along the side of a building, dipping across windows and proceeding to kick off again, rushing along the mini-roof of a small outdoor beef bowl shop. It wasn't long before he had arrived at the necessary place, jumping down from a building to dart along the ground, toward Ryuko and Santa--whereas Sithis' repugnant presence went ignored.

    Once he's close enough, he stops with his sprinting, gathering his breath and slipping his hands into his pockets. For now, he just stood off in the backdrop for things, analyzing the situation. Unlike a certain someone who was spouting nonsense. Upon establishing that the red and white guy was at least someone that'd be problematic to put up with, Simon formed the clone handseal.

    In a plume of gray haze emerged a shadow clone, standing side by side with him for the time being.


    • x1 use of Shadow Clone

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    Santa from the sky  Empty Re: Santa from the sky

    Post by Claus Fri Dec 15, 2017 8:26 pm

    “Trust me, If words where enough to stop what was coming I’d gladly leave you be. I’m looking for powerful warriors to give a gift to… if they can prove themselves worth of it. Hum, You’re only a gennin though so perhaps this form was raising the bar a little to high for you.” said Santa as he formed a seal with one hand. Suddenly where one santa had been stood two. The first still holding the warhammer and the second without.

    The second took a step towards her and drew a candy cane shaped like a sword with one hand and a tree ornament out with the other. “En guard” He called out as he rushed forward and attempted to take a swipe at Ryuko with his blade while casually tossing the round decoration towards Simon so that it would let lose a bright flash of light as it landed at his feet.

    The original Santa simply laughed as Akuma arrived and rather rudely announced his intentions. Such was sure to result in a lump of coal sitting in his stocking. At least the young lady had been nice when asking him to leave instead of swearing at him. And here he was trying to do them a favor.

    “Ho ho ho, Somebody is getting a bit big for his britches. Funny thing though….” said Santa as he titled his head and examined Akuma more closely. “I thought you where already dead.” he said feeling more then a little confused. In the vision of the dark future he had seen, Akuma had been one of the first victims of the plague that had just swept across the land. What had changed fate to allow this man to stand him before him on this day?

    “I’ve felled tougher then you before boy.” said Santa with a savage grin. One moment he was standing several feet away from Akuma and the next he was right in front of him before the ex-jounin could even blink. He had moved so fast that he might as well have teleported, at speed Akuma could only achieve in the wildest of dreams.

    Thrusting out his free left hand like a bolt of lightning he grabbed for Akuma’s throat and if he succeeded it catching it he would squeeze hard. Just enough to make it hard to breath. This squeezing would last for only a few seconds before tossing the man like a rag doll with enough force to send him crashing straight thought the gate walls.

    “I can’t help but wonder, little god. What damn poor fools who would worship some as depraved as the likes of you?” taunted Santa as he thumped the handle of his hammer against the ground releasing a crash of thunder so loud the entire village would seem to shake. He waited patiently so that Akuma could catch his breath and get up again so that the lesson could continue.

    “What are you the god of? Drunkenness? Vanity? Or War perhaps? I have killed so very many gods of war. And god of fear, gods of chaos, gods of blood and wrath and jealousy and lies. Of plauges and earthquakes. Genocide and revenge. Of degradation. Of death. Very few gods of poety and flowers, though I killed those just the same.” said Santa, his voice chilling to the bone of all who could hear it.

    “Tell me now Ex-jounin of kumo. Before all you are able to do is whimper and scream. What was Akuma the god of again before he died?” Not that Santa was actually planning to follow though on that threat and actually kill him. At least not in the physical sense. No he would break this man’s delusions of grandeur and shatter them before they got him killed. It would be a terrible shame for someone who had dodged one horrible fate to befall another.
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    Santa from the sky  Empty Re: Santa from the sky

    Post by Ryuko Sat Dec 16, 2017 5:41 pm

    When backup finally arrived it came in about the worst form imaginable in the form a a foul mouthed man with delusions of grandeur who proceed to throw any hope of resolving things diplomatically out the window by being about as as tactless as possible.

    Ryuko would have preferred just about anyone else had shown up. If given the choice she would have taken even an undead zombie version of Seigi over this buffoon. The swearing alone was bad enough, but how dare he call himself a god, the filthy heretic. Generally speaking she was fine just letting other religion be as long as they weren’t harming her people but if their was one thing followers of Hakkin wouldn’t tolerate it was self declared idolatry.

    Between Akuma acting like a prick and Akashi abandoning her team she was starting to get a very bad impression of what the typical adult male was like which would only serve to make her more Leary of men in the future. The only boy she knew that seemed decent was Simon. Too bad she didn’t have any way to know that he had also arrived to help since he was standing in the backdrop out of her line of sight.

    Ryuko’s interest peaked as she heard the invader mention he was looking for powerful warriors to give a gift to and couldn’t help but wonder what such a gift might be. He sounded sincere which meant he really was here to test them and not cause trouble. Of course he could be an enemy here to gather information but if he already knew her rank that seemed a bit of a moot point, especially when she considered that she was a the low women in the pecking order. Not somebody the average enemy would give half a thought to.

    He also seemed to know that she found that hammer of his intimidating as he generated what seemed to be a clone of some kind to face off against her while the original went off to face down the self proclaimed deity. As the clone drew his strange looking sword Ryuko gave him a grin. Unlike the hammer this was something she could actually deal with.

    Settling into a fighting stance for the Arhat fist she held her right baton up and took her left hand out of her pouch leaving behind the shuriken she had been getting ready since they would only get in the way for what she had planned. It was a move she knew in theory but had never had a chance to put into practice, but considering how straight forward it was almost no chance she’d screw it up on the first try.

    Flowing Chakra into her baton to reinforce it she allowed Santa to come to her instead of going to him. As he swiped his sword towards her moved forward, swinging out her baton using it to block the blow at an angle so that the sword would slide down the shaft and harmlessly past her even while she trust out her other hand aiming to hit Santa right in the chest with as much force as she could possible muster from nearly point blank range.

    Learning jutsu - Shatter Palm 550/150 words

    Stamina 31/40

    Jutsu used/active
    Arhat fist -3
    Chakra flow - 3
    Shatter Palm - 3

    Stat changes
    Strength: C->B (arhat fist)->A (shatter palm)

    Ryuko's Ninja Card

    Strength: B
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A-> A++ (Arch Angel's Tiara)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: B

    Posts : 25
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    Age : 30

    Santa from the sky  Empty Re: Santa from the sky

    Post by Sithis Sun Dec 17, 2017 7:22 pm

    Akuma looked at the man. He glared at him, his fists shook, as this man spoke his name, and seconds late he took his throat and disappeared from where he was standing, tossed him several meters forward till he hit the gates, he closed his eyes, and then opened them, as he finally caught his breath, as he got up, his head shaking as he looked at him his eyes narrowed in ary. "You will kneel before the Destroyer of Worlds. This is the god that is worshiped in Kumo. I AM THE LYSOSOMAL. I am the Reglion. You fucking disgusting little fat man that only comes during the winter." His hand shooked as he begun to vibrate it with speed. "You understatement my speed. Fat man. I don't need to travel in the speed of Light to be able to hit. I'll phrase through your body. And End Christmas. That heart is mine." His eyes grew. "I am the Demon! Akuma!" he said.

    He had a clear line he could travel without hitting anything. He had to chance his full speed. Chances out he'll teleport like he did. Chances on the secondary he'll pass out after hitting due to a major head arch. We'll see. He focused his area where the man was. Closed his eyes, and vanished appeared right in front of him, that hand that viable, went right for his thoat, attempting to rip out his entire spinal cord by phrasing through his throat with sheer lightning speed. If he succeeded or not, Akuma would pass out from exhausting and because that amount of speed he just used his body would not handle. It would cause a major headarch.

    Posts : 275
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    Age : 24

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    Skills & Elements: Raiton, Chemistry, Kenjutsu, Ijutsu
    Class: A
    Ryo: 494,950

    Santa from the sky  Empty Re: Santa from the sky

    Post by Sakata Sun Dec 17, 2017 7:56 pm

    Simon crooks his neck to the side and squints, rubbing his nape with his palm. He slowly begins to walk forward in tandem with his shadow clone, letting the other two serve as distractions for what he had in mind to deal with the red and white fat man. Finally, his hand recedes from his neck and tightens into a fist, which he pounds against his shadow clone's. "Let's do this." He remarks, lowering his stance at this point in time, letting lightning chakra start to fluctuate rapidly around his frame, specifically his hand.

    "Telegram FLASH!" Simon spouts, thrashing his palm upon the earth, and generating a powerful current.

    "Lightning Release: Electromagnetic Murder!" His shadow clone screams in tandem with him, A sheen of whiteish blue light arcs out from both of their positions from the combined, and amassed lightning chakra from the Kageyama and his clone. The very foundation of the earth beneath them fissures and tears as bolts zap across it, closing in upon Santa, whether or not Akuma has gotten close enough. Upon getting close enough, the bolts proceed to craterize the ground beneath the toe, not only just about potentially ruining the ex-Jounin's momentum, but also his footing, along with Santa's.

    Meanwhile, the shadow clone's entirety of its forearms are lit up with lightning chakra outlining them, and pulsing out in the form of an enormous, violent arc of electricity, intended to assail Santa directly with a myriad of highly-lethal volts, in an effort to just outright fry him.

    "You might have the speed of a god...." Simon remarks, letting his shadow clone finish his sentence. "But you've got the brains of a barbarian."

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    Santa from the sky  Empty Re: Santa from the sky

    Post by Claus Sun Dec 17, 2017 10:15 pm

    Santa sighed deeply as Akuam ranted some barely comprehensible nonsense.  It seemed the man hadn’t learned a damn thing from the lesson Santa had been trying to teach him.  He wanted him to realize that he was a small fish in a very big pond but it seemed the man’s skull was so thick words couldn’t get though to him.  

    It didn’t matter that he was a vile, despicable piece of scum. A Life was a life and he had spent too long fighting for a brighter future to just watch one go to waste like this which was exactly what was going to happen if Akuma continued on the path he was on.  

    As Akuma went to rush at him Santa simply laughed and allowed it to happen despite the fact he could have easily dodged or even counter attacked. If this was the only way to show Akuma how truly weak and pathetic he was then so be it.   Sadly for Akuma he was simply too fast for Simon’s actions to interrupt his footing and so his hand would slam straight into Santa’s throat at high speed.

    It would be like hitting a solid steel wall and sadly while Akuma had amazing speed he didn’t have the strength or constitution to withstand the force of his own impact. First every bone in each of his fingers on that hand would burst but before he could even being to register the pain his wrist would snap along with his forearm shattering.   He'll tear his right pectoral, triceps, deltoids, and dislocate his shoulder while tearing the tendons.  In short his arm was ruined to the point that only the very best of medics would have a prayer of repairing it.

    The truly sad thing was for all his effort and sacrifice the blow was only enough to make Santa stumble back a single step.  Akuma would pass out and slump to the ground at his feet just as Simon’s lightning bolts was closing in on Santa causing him to make a hard choice.  He had just enough time to either dodge out of the way or to save Akuma from being fried along with him. Letting out a sigh Santa lashed out with his black boot kicking the ex-jounin in the side just hard enough to send him sliding out before being engulfed in a torrent of electricity.

    When the smoke from the blast finally cleared Santa could be seen standing in a small creator, his clothes torn and burnt to shreds. Black burn marks could be seen on his body which was slowly beginning to disburse into yellow particles of light, having been defeated.

    “Ho ho oh.  Very nice, King of lightning.” complimented Santa as he gave Simon a thumbs up. “Simon Kageyam…. you pass. ” said Santa thin trickle of blood drippling down from his mouth as he spoke. “ The blunder god however fails. Someone get him to a hospital before he bleeds out.”

    Reaching behind his back He pulled out a small bag filled to the brim with ryo bills and tossing it to Simon. “I’m afraid it isn’t much, but it should come in handy” with those words his form dissipated scattering to the winds leaving a lump of strange metal in his place.  

    Meanwhile the Santa Ryuko was fighting simply grinned as she went to strike him. According to the information that had been downloaded into him upon awakening she only had average human strength and thus could essentially wail on him all day with little to any effect.  His eyes bulged in surprise as her palm slammed into him with much more force then he had been expecting, literally knocking the air out his lungs and cracking a few ribs in the process.

    “Ryuko Shizu Von Rose, Priestess of hope. You are progressing faster then I expected. Keep it up and maybe Kumo will have a chance against the storm to come.” He said. He wanted to continue to test her further but with his main body in this location subdued his clone body couldn’t sustain itself any longer and crumbled into a pile of snow leaving yet another bag of money behind as well as another piece of the mysterious metal in his wake.
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    Santa from the sky  Empty Re: Santa from the sky

    Post by Ryuko Thu Dec 21, 2017 2:08 pm

    Ryuko winced as her arm trust into Santa’s side. She was boosting her strenght way above her durability level so while she could dish out a lot of damage it hurt for her to do it. While nothing was broken or anything her arm would be throbbing for awhile after that one.

    The only reason she’d gotten the blow in was because the man hadn’t expect her to actually be able to hurt him which was fine with her. It wasn’t the first time she’d taken advantage of that and it wouldn’t be the last. She didn’t want the stacked muscles of a weight lifter anyhow.

    “Tis obvious I need to keep growing stronger. I didn’t need you to tell me that.” she said as she picked up the items he had dropped. More money would always come in handy and she couldn’t help but find the mysterious metal intriguing since it was like nothing she had ever seen before. As an armor smith she could see all sorts of possibility coming from the strange lump that was almost a shame she didn’t have more of it to work with.

    She wasn’t good enough to get the most use of it yet, but in time she could have made a suit of armor fit of a kage with this stuff but it was so exoctic she doubted she’d ever be able to find another sample no matter how hard she searched.

    Glancing over at the result of the other fight she let out a low wistle. Simon might act a bit like a loveable doofus, but he was sure packing a lot more power then she had ever expected. He was far more worthy of the title Lightning king then Akuma ever had been. Part of her was tempted to just leave the heathen to his fate of bleeding out but another part of her realized that if she was going to train to be a medic she couldn’t always pick and choose who got to be saved or not.

    “How much paperwork do you think we’ll have to do reporting tis?” She asked Simon before grabbing Akuma by his good arm and dragging him off to hospital to drop him off. With his arm mangled like it was she wondered if he’d even be able to continue living as a ninja or not.

    [exit - Don't have time to actually post at the hosptial dropping Sithis off so you can assume that happened off screen]

    Ryuko's Ninja Card

    Strength: B
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A-> A++ (Arch Angel's Tiara)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: B

    Posts : 275
    Join date : 2017-11-15
    Age : 24

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Raiton, Chemistry, Kenjutsu, Ijutsu
    Class: A
    Ryo: 494,950

    Santa from the sky  Empty Re: Santa from the sky

    Post by Sakata Fri Dec 22, 2017 1:37 am

    Simon can't help but allow a sigh of relief to leave his person when he confirms that the intruder is down for the count. 'King of Lightning? It has a nice ring to it..' He muses casually, before catching the gifts. "Sorry, Jiji, gotta hold up the fort. Even if you did kick a poser's ass." The blonde remarks, tucking his hands into his pockets. His shadow clone disperses at this point in time, and he tucks the newfound belongings into his hoodie pockets.

    "Ehhh. I got it." He remarks casually, waving his hand dismissively about paperwork. It wasn't really new to him. He'd just have a shadow clone take care of it, in any case. The male pivots his gaze to Akuma, shaking his head and squinting. No ounce of pity for that cunt of a 'God'.

    "You should be more worried about Ass-uma. Probably just singlehandedly ruined his own career by running in like that. So much for Jounin-level shinobi." Simon hisses with obvious distaste for the man. He'd considered him deplorable.... but whew, that tactless, Genin-level asspull of a strategy had really managed to urk him.

    Upon noticing he'd lost his cool, he pauses, glancing up at Ryuko, and awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. "---Sorry about that. I just don't like people that're all bark and no bite. Thanks for carrying him off--I'll handle the paperwork and any damages." He remarks, before heading off briskly.


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