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    The snake meets the abomination


    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 29
    Join date : 2021-04-11

    The snake meets the abomination Empty The snake meets the abomination

    Post by Sozo Sun May 09, 2021 9:17 am

    Sozo was walking towards the training grounds his mind was somewhere else as he was unable to get a learning scroll. His face had a smile that was normally seen on his face as he was thinking on what he should do for training. Since it was a good day and he had no missions to work on and wanted to learn more water style jutsu but the lack of water training scroll put a bit of a wrench into that plan. It was times like this he had a teacher like he did in the academy but they were only teaching the basics.

    Sozo was getting closer to the training grounds as he started to see the outline of the training dummies stationed on the out side. Sozo stopped and eyed the dummies its been a while since he actually did any target practice. It was one of his weaker subjects but now as time has passed he wanted to try and improve it so he could use more moves. His mind set was the more weapons you have the better the chances of success would be but of course this would all depend on who was using them. So Sozo wanted to improve the areas where he felt like he was lacking he grabbed five shuriken from his hip pouch.

    He stood five meters away from the dummy and started throwing his shuriken at the dummy. The sound of all five shuriken hitting the dummy making thuds as they stuck in there was a small amount of satisfaction with flowed through Sozo. Till he stepped closer and saw that three of the shuriken were off their marks that he was aiming for. He pulled the shuriken out of the dummy and moved back to the area he was standing. He waited a few moments and calmed his mind down as his body started to feel lighter. As he took shallow breaths as he released the shuriken from his hand each one made a thud as it entered the dummy's wooden body.

    Sozo again went to see how his work turned out this time it was only one that was really off its mark. He let out a small sigh as he pulled out the shuriken again and started heading back to his previous spot before deciding to take another meter back as he turned around and tried again. This time there were only four thuds that sounded as one shuriken only scratched the dummy as it stuck in the ground behind it.

    Sozo Sagara:
    Mist Jounin
    Mist Jounin
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 458
    Join date : 2020-07-18

    The snake meets the abomination Empty Re: The snake meets the abomination

    Post by Sero Sun May 09, 2021 9:42 am

    Sero had come to the woods once more. The dim light of day barely shining through the thick mist out there. The whole area was dimly lit with shadows that seemed to stretch and take on abnormal shapes. Like claws of darker beings or snarling maws. Perhaps to most it was simply a mist covered dense treeline but once Sero arrived the horror would truly begin within the imagination. Along the ground from the treeline a thick blanket of mist seemed to crawl along the ground. Hiding it from view as it enveloped the lost shuriken. Slowly filling the training grounds as the shadows danced. The sound of nature fading to silence as nothing dared to stir. Despite the increased mist the air would grow warmer. As if there was a source of heat approaching. The wind picking it up and stirring the mist along the ground. Sero had moved in liquid form up through the mist blanketing the ground. Once he was within ten meters there would be a pressure. As if ones instincts were screaming to run. That there was something else out there. Something ravenous and dangerous was coming. If one listened from the shadows it sounded like faint laughter from nowhere. As if it was barely on the age of hearing but quite mad.

    Sero would take his human form from behind the dummy in question. Growing behind it as if one moment there was nothing there and the next a pale left hand would rise over the edge of the dummies shoulder and place itself there. The lost shuriken in between his pointer finger and middle finger. Idly Sero would emerge from behind the dummy. The shuriken in his hand tapping on it idly as cold blue eyes opened. Eyes that seemed empty of anything human. Eyes that did not blink as they should but simply glowed blue in the dim light. Matching his blue hair. His pale skin matching his white robes as he stepped forward. Though despite walking it was as if he simply glided forward. Grace despite that beast like feeling coming off of him. Of course this face was perhaps one of the most famous in all of Kiri. Second to the princesses. The clan leader of both the Hozuki and Kaguya and commander of the newest military division. The nightmare brigade. He was known for his brutality against his enemies and his sheer power.

    Sero would stop about two meters away if he was allowed to approach. If not (Sozo backing up for instance) He would stop where he was. Shortly in front of the training dummy. He would slowly lift the shuriken up as he seemed to tilt his head and study it a moment. The mist clung to his feet as a lover would. Trying and failing to climb his legs. His voice was empty. Void of any emotion whatsoever. Yet something more than monotone. Perhaps it was the distant sounds of whispers echoing from the mist of his every word.

    "I never had a traditional upbringing. Perhaps that is why I never found a use for such tools. My ninjutsu has always been enough for me. Tell me shinobi of the mist...did you come here to play with your toys? Most avoid this deep into the woods. There are things out there less than human. Rumors have it .....there are monsters about."

    Character Name: Jaakuna, Sero
    Spendable Experience: 510
    Total Experience: 6010
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 25,000

    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: D
    • Stamina: B (B+ lifestyle)
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: B
    • Perception: A
    • Speed: A

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3955-jaakuna-sero-updates#30261
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3950-jaakuna-sero
    Link to Known Techniques:https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3955-jaakuna-sero-updates#30261

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 29
    Join date : 2021-04-11

    The snake meets the abomination Empty Re: The snake meets the abomination

    Post by Sozo Mon May 10, 2021 11:24 pm

    As Sozo was about to get his shuriken from the dummy and fetch the one that missed and hit the ground behind the dummy he felt something off. There was a cold sweet as he felt like there was someone or something out to get him like he was a type of pray for this beast. His heart beat rose as he fought his body to not turn and run as he thought to himself don't turn and run. It would make you an easier target instead of going head first. the words rattled around his mind as caught his foot starting to try and take steeps back who or what could cause this feeling? It's unlike anything I've ever felt Sozo's stomach started to turn as his normal smile on his face faded into nothing as the white haired man opened his blues eyes and looked forward with determination not to run away.

    After what felt like an eternity fighting himself not to run away as he started to slowly move forward till a stranger appeared from what seemed like nowhere. The figure started to speak softly but his words reached Sozo's ears filling him with a feeling of dread deep down like he was going to be killed or eaten. Looking around it seemed the mist was growing thicker around the training area. The figure started to speak sounding like he was teasing Sozo for his ninja tools calling them toys and talking about his ninjutsu skills. The dread filling Sozo was briefly over came with the thought of maybe someone who could teach him some more jutsu that he didn't know. But those feelings left as he started thinking logically and reading the area that he was the pray in this situation and he was far out matched as an understatement. Stop wasting brain power and ideas of hope like that. You aren't a fool like the others. Sozo thought as he stopped in his tracks keeping about two meters difference from the two.

    Mustering up the courage to open his mouth Sozo spoke "You speak of monsters in the forest but I think there are monsters all around. Once we decided to live the life of shinobi we kill of what humanity we have in ourselves. Though it's true that some monsters are stronger than others so I'm no fool to deny that fact of the world." Sozo spoke as his smile started to form across his face again like he was starting to become numb to the fear. But the reality was if this was how he died this is how he died he holds no attachment to his own life. He paused for a moment to get some air in his lungs and let his stomach calm its self "Also I came here to train more water ninjutsu but I couldn't find a scroll that had any I could use. So I figured might as well train on my other area's to increase my chance of success on more difficult missions. Sozo spoke in a calm cold tone.  He still felt his legs tremble as his mind kept screaming run away and danger as he looked towards the figure.

    Sozo Sagara:
    Mist Jounin
    Mist Jounin
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 458
    Join date : 2020-07-18

    The snake meets the abomination Empty Re: The snake meets the abomination

    Post by Sero Wed May 12, 2021 6:02 pm

    Sero would listen as the young man spoke. Cold blue eyes taking him in a moment as he did. Eyes that seemed void of anything human. They say that the eyes were the portal to the soul. Yet what was even more unsettling is the emptiness in those eyes. As if there was no life behind them. Still Sero would tilt his head as the man spoke of losing his humanity to become a shinobi. His reasoning for being out here was simple. He was seeking to increase his power. Even if he could not find a scroll to do it from he would strive forward. Such willpower. To stand there before Sero with hardly a step back in retreat and speak of learning. To speak of gaining power and a loss in humanity when this thing stood before him. Seros shadow would seem to stretch out between them as five tails emerged from his shadow and would sway back and forth. Like a cat amused by a mouse in its territory. Yet Sero made no expression or move to get closer. Instead the shuriken he held...he would hold it out at arms length on top of his open palm. Pale hand outstretched as if offering a gift.

    "For a time...a long time that was all I considered myself. Another monster. An abomination as others called me. Yet I found what separates us from the monsters. What drives us to be more. It's a simple thing. Purpose. Some calling that turns monsters to necessities. Tell me shinobi....have you taken a life yet?"

    Regardless of if the young man would take the weapon or not Sero would lower his hand. In the distance the sounds of children laughing could be heard but no children could be seen. Instead Sero would take a breath in as the mist seemed to flow into him. As if it were being sucked in. Growing thinner until it was a thin mist along the ground trailing thicker here and there. He would listen a moment before continuing. His monotone voice not matching the shadow with its five swaying tails.

    "My name is Jaakuna Sero. I am the head of both the Kaguya clan and the Hozuki clan. Commander of the Nightmare brigade. There are few you will find with further understanding of the suiton element than myself. But there will be a price as with all things. If you learn from me...study under me. You will take lives. You will hunt the wicked and be called a monster by those too innocent to understand this calling. Deny me now and never see the likes of me again....or join me and gain purpose beyond the monster within."

    Character Name: Jaakuna, Sero
    Spendable Experience: 510
    Total Experience: 6010
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 25,000

    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: D
    • Stamina: B (B+ lifestyle)
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: B
    • Perception: A
    • Speed: A

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3955-jaakuna-sero-updates#30261
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3950-jaakuna-sero
    Link to Known Techniques:https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3955-jaakuna-sero-updates#30261

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 29
    Join date : 2021-04-11

    The snake meets the abomination Empty Re: The snake meets the abomination

    Post by Sozo Thu May 13, 2021 9:39 am

    Sozo stood as he was starting to make out a bit of the figure he was talking to he was able to catch a glimpse of the mans empty blue eyes. It made it even more chilling as the screams in Sozo's head grew louder telling him to run but he stood and fought as the effects of the inner fight started to take a small toll on him. A shadow stretched from the figure and himself Sozo was taken back seeing what he thought was five tails swaying back and fourth the screams grew louder making him flinch in pain as his breathing started to get heavier Wow... This man isn't just speaking figuratively when he calls himself a monster. There is something off about him in more than one way.  Sozo thought only for himself to be snapped out of his thoughts as the figure stuck out his hand offering a gift. Sozo almost took a step back but caught himself and started to slowly move forward his body feeling heavy just moving. The screams grew louder like Sozo was ignoring his body's survival kick in. The man was offering Sozo his shuriken back which Sozo slowly accepted as his stomach turned as he saw the man close up the empty blue eyes and just the look of an monster ready to attack.

    The man spoke of purpose and if Sozo has taken a life yet which he hasn't but the idea never bothered him. He casted away those feeling at a young age from teachings of his father would give him when he was younger. His father taught him the idea of an ideal shinobi cold and heartless to do what is for the best of the village and that we are just tools to be used. Sozo would listen and absorb his fathers teaching but something always bothered him he felt empty and hurting. He never put much thought into it as normally he took it as a trivial matter only slowing him down. But reality Sozo felt like something important was missing in his life. "No... No I haven't taken a life yet. I just passed the academy not that long ago so I haven't had the situation yet." Sozo spoke coldly as he struggled to speak as his words felt heavy.

    The man seemed to have been swallowed up by the mist as he seemed to vanish. The tails were still swaying back and forth so Sozo took it as that the man was still there. He stayed where he was standing as the sound of children were laughing around making Sozo lose focus as he was caught off guard. He closed his eyes and tried to settle his mind as flashbacks of his times as a young kid over flowed him. All the people laughing and mocking him for how he looked and acted Calm down its only trivial memories move on from it. They will get you killed if you cant get them reeled in, who cares about it. You chose the shinobi life being cold and alone is for the best. Sozo thought to himself as he focused his mind on words coming from the mist.

    The man Sozo stumbled on was Sero. He had heard of the man but never thought he would meet him and Sozo found out that most of the storied and rumors of him were true. But nothing could have prepared him for the real deal, Sero about teaching him but with a price. Sozo was wrestled with the thoughts of what he wanted on one hand he wanted to be stronger. Sozo smiled accepting what Sero was saying as they already aligned with his own thoughts and beliefs. I Sagara Sozo accept your terms Jaakuna Sero. If I'm a monster I'm a monster the monster will do what is needed for those who might not understand. So please teach more more suiton techniques " Sozo spoke with a burst of confidence for the moment forgetting the screams in his head and the weight of the air around him and Sero.

    Sozo Sagara:
    Mist Jounin
    Mist Jounin
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 458
    Join date : 2020-07-18

    The snake meets the abomination Empty Re: The snake meets the abomination

    Post by Sero Fri May 14, 2021 10:51 am

    Sero would listen as he settled himself. This one had no intentions of attacking him. This one was not wild like the child with all the blades from the pits. This one had an upbringing within the village it seemed. Recently graduated from the academy of all things. Sero himself had never had a formal education for obvious reasons. His life only preserved by doctors who wished to study him or his own will. Sometimes the line on that particular subject was blurred. Still he had persevered. Still if this one could not gain access to a jutsu scroll despite their connections to this society than he would not ignore them. Still he would frown at the idea this one had not taken a life yet. It was an important lesson for Sero to understand the kill. To understand his purpose and destiny. Perhaps this one would live a more peaceful life but if he were to learn from Sero....he wouldn't learn to be gentle and understanding. There would be something given and something taken if he were willing. A part of his soul traded for power to the monster he met deep in the woods. To the monster Jaakuna Sero.

    Still before Sero could turn away...before he could doubt this young mans intentions...there was the light of a strong will shining through. The will to do what must be done. To become a monster the people they served could not understand. His fate was accepted and that was enough for Sero. For a moment those thin lips would smile but only for a moment. Sero did not see shinobi as simple as law enforcement professionals. Shinobi were a loaded weapon. More than a threat they were the final solution. With the Mist having quenched his thirst for the time being Sero would turn in silence. His right hand rising to indicate with thin pale fingers to follow over his shoulder before he would almost seem to glide along the forest floor as shadows and mist danced in his passing. As if they had a mind of their own and enjoyed his presence. Still he would continue to glide along for about two miles without a word until the trees thinned and they approached a cliff face overlooking an unpopulated bay. Or rather it had been until recently. Below was a pirate ship settled in the bay itself with the anchor down. Several men were loitering around the ship but a dozen men were also camped on the shore with a bonfire going and their stolen loot piled nearby.

    Sero would move to the edge of the cliff looking over them far below. His cold eyes observing them a moment before the ground beneath his feet began to smoulder and smoke. His anger rising with the distant echoing laughter of the criminals. Pirates...doomed since they took up their flag. Since they preyed upon the trade routes and innocent people around the isles. He would take a breath as the air around them shot up a good ten degrees fahrenheit. He would speak and his tone was deadly.

    "We will begin practicing the suiton jutsu and showing different lethal combinations. Today you will take your first life. Today every man in that port has been assigned to the nightmare brigade for annihilation. Remember to hide your face should any of them escape so they do not know who to retaliate against. What suiton jutsu do you already know?"

    The mission:

    Character Name: Jaakuna, Sero
    Spendable Experience: 510
    Total Experience: 6010
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 25,000

    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: D
    • Stamina: B (B+ lifestyle)
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: B
    • Perception: A
    • Speed: A

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3955-jaakuna-sero-updates#30261
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3950-jaakuna-sero
    Link to Known Techniques:https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3955-jaakuna-sero-updates#30261

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 29
    Join date : 2021-04-11

    The snake meets the abomination Empty Re: The snake meets the abomination

    Post by Sozo Sun May 16, 2021 8:30 pm

    Sozo flinched seeing Sero smile as the mist started to look like it was dancing around him. For some reason that made Sozo feel more uncomfortable like a predator was smiling at its pray. With his conviction to become stronger and learn more from someone as well known as Sero Sozo hardened his heart doing his best to silence the screams in his head. A faint lifting of a finger signaling to fallow in a certain direction Sozo fallowed with his signature smile on his face as his heart was racing. The two men walked through the forest as the mist moved around Sero which made Sozo curious but pushed the useless thoughts to the side.

    The two men finally stopped as it seemed they exited the forest and now by a body of water. Sozo was taken back he never went this deep into the training grounds. His mind shifted to how foolish he felt thinking he knew the limits of such a vast area now he wanted to keep his mind open to any and all possibilities. The sudden change in tempter caught Sozo by surprise as he wondered what was going on but his answer came shortly as he noticed that some smoke started to rise under Sero's feet. Uncertain of what was going on but only hearing some faint laughter from afar but paid no attention as Sozo thought it was another trick of his mind till Sero spoke of pirates in the bay and being targeted by the Nightmare brigade. The thought of being tasked to help with such a difficult mission made Sozo go into a cold sweat as he was mostly use to doing simple chores like watching a store or fishing. This was a whole new experience for him to face. Sozo would be lying if he said he wasn't the leas bit scared.

    Sozo saw the faint outline of the pirate ship as he took a moment to collect his thoughts and think about what jutsu he actually knew before answering in a calm cold tone "I know of the Water Clone jutsu and the Water bullet jutsu. Everything else is non elemental or just the basics everyone knows."

    As Sozo looked down trying to see what Sero sees but unable he took his advice and used the transformation jutsu he used the image of someone he met a few times. In a cloud of smoke Sozo turned into a purple haired person who went by the name of Ren. His facial expression stayed the same even though his body looks different "Something like this will do right?" Sozo asked curiously as he waited for what Sero would later instruct him todo.

    Sozo Sagara:
    Mist Jounin
    Mist Jounin
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 458
    Join date : 2020-07-18

    The snake meets the abomination Empty Re: The snake meets the abomination

    Post by Sero Wed May 19, 2021 12:45 pm

    Sero would watch the young man shift his appearance into someone else. He wasn't sure if it was another person the boy had met or something he had simply come up with. Sero would tilt his head before nodding. Surely this one wouldn't endanger another innocent. Not to save himself. It wasn't the job of a village shinobi to act like that. They were the guardians of the innocent. While Sero was their avenger. He had intended to assign someone else to this but it was a good test for the boy. If anything Sero would see if he could take the lives of those sentenced to death by the village. Especially if they were helpless and pleading for their lives. Lives already forfeited when they crossed the village. Sero would return to looking out at the bay they had taken over and take a breath. They were doomed with him along but he would need something suited to a genin who was still training to become strong. Such a task was readily apparent at least. So he would turn back to Sozo as he would speak once more. His monotone voice matching his unblinking, dead eyes. As if he was merely using his human form as a mask.

    "That will do. We will start by empowering what you already know. I will create a distraction on the shore while you sneak within range of the ship. You will sink it with water bullets and then execute any survivors in the water. Helpless or not. In order to do this you will focus more chakra into your hand signs. Picture your chakra enlarging and empowering your water bullets in your mind. Add theses hand signs at the end of your jutsu for water bullets."

    Sero would slowly show the young Sozo the following seals. Tiger->Rabbit->Dog->Snake in order before stopping and doing it once more for a visual demonstration. There would be no room for failure here. If his jutsu failed to puncture the boat he would be vulnerable to enemy archer fire out on the water. If he failed he could lose everything. However Sero wouldn't tell him this. Instead as soon as the signs were acknowledged in any way Sero would turn and launch off the cliff. Falling into the water dozens of meters below and sinking into it as if he had become a part of it. Once in the water he would drink his fill as he sped along to the shore. Preparing to make his distraction.

    Sero would erupt from the water at one end of the beach. His liquid form slamming into the sand before forming into his human form once more. Already the men where shouting and collecting weapons. Preparing to fight off this strange threat. Sero would turn and step forward as the sands beneath him began to crack and turn to glass. Forming hand seals as he moved forward and prepared a new but boosted technique. Dragon, Boar, Serpent, horse, hare, bird, Ram, Ox. An arrow flew true and went to pierce his chest mid way through however. Yet when it went to pierce him the arrow flew right through as black liquid reformed where it had passed through. Such weapons would do no good against him. Sero would finish the remaining hand seals without missing a beat all the same. Tiger->Rabbit->Dog->Snake. Once that was done Sero would raise his hands in front of him. Pointing at the horde of pirates with a mixture of them either charging him or fleeing. It didn't matter as none of them could escape from his justice.

    Suddenly from in front of Sero hell would erupt. A hundred meter tall hundred meter wide drill made of bone and covered in barbed hooks would erupt forth. Spinning forward at A rank speed for 75 meters and tearing through everyone on the beach. The beach itself no longer a land mass as water would surge into the trench left behind where the entire shore used to be. Bodies were no longer in a solid state as the rotation made blood and insides rain down across the entire bay like a rain storm. In one move Sero had wiped out every pirate not on the ship and left nothing to bury. The men on the ship looked on in horror a moment before one of them started shouting to set sail as quickly as they could. To try and get out of there before that thing turned on them. Before the end times were upon them.

    Jutsu trained and used:

    Character Name: Jaakuna, Sero
    Spendable Experience: 510
    Total Experience: 6010
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 25,000

    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: D
    • Stamina: B (B+ lifestyle)
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: B
    • Perception: A
    • Speed: A

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3955-jaakuna-sero-updates#30261
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3950-jaakuna-sero
    Link to Known Techniques:https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3955-jaakuna-sero-updates#30261

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 29
    Join date : 2021-04-11

    The snake meets the abomination Empty Re: The snake meets the abomination

    Post by Sozo Thu May 20, 2021 9:48 pm

    Once getting approval for his transformation of the purple haired Ren. Sozo figured that Ren would be more than strong enough to fight the pirates if they went after him. Plus it would be a great training situation for Ren as well if he got attacked by some pirates. Sozo as much as he wouldn't want to say it he had a fair amount of faith in Ren's abilities even though they could also use some polishing up. There was also a sense of a joke to play as well a form of payback for messing up their previous D-rank mission together. But the time for kiddy stuff like that is pushed to the back as Sozo couldn't think of failure and only success of the mission at hand. Sero faced Sozo and spoke to him about helping improve his jutsu he already has with some good combos with it. so this is what he meant by deadly combos Sozo thought as he gave Sero his full attention doing his best to pick up what the man was teaching him. Sero formed some seals after he finished speaking about the start of their training and the task Sozo would be assigned. Sozo did the new seals along with Sero first slowly then speeding them up a bit.

    Sozo made the mental image that Sero was talking about. The change of power was very noticeable compared to the basic water bullet jutsu. His heart started to race as this was his first mission that would have actual combat and not just dealing with a few simple scuffles. Sero would launch himself off the cliff and into the water making the green Sozo snap quickly into action fallowing Sero's lead. Everything was happening really quick and he started to feel the pressure that he hasn't felt before. The whole new life and death feeling was new and completely different then just thoughts. The purple haired man hid his uncertainty with his cold collected smile. Sozo used body flicker forming a half seal landing just slightly behind the camp of pirates. The sounds of drunk friends chatting and laughing about their adventures and crimes like it was a game. Sozo formed a tiger sign and melded with the shadows to sneak pass the pirates as they partied. Worthless scum. Waste of a life.  Sozo thought as he moved closer to the docked ship.

    As Sozo reached his destination he came out of the shadows silently the purple haired man looked at the ship. He was looking at what looked like a few figures on the deck of the ship. The figures rushed to the front as they looked on at the shore or where the shore use to be. The sounds of screams from the pirates that went silent as it started to rain down on beach where the sound of rushing water took place of the screams. Sozo didn't want to skip a beat as he figured that was Sero's distraction that seemed to have worked perfect as the pirates on the ship were too busy looking at where their friends use to be. Sozo started weaving signs together Tiger, Ox, Tiger, Rat, Tiger, Rabbit, Dog, Snake. Sozo started picturing his water bullets enlarging and becoming more powerful as he launched them directly at the center of the ship. The sound of wood exploding from the contact of Sozo's new and improved water bullet jutsu. The ship started to sink as the pirates started screaming as they went under with the ship some tried to swim to shore but their limbs were broken and bloodied as they only started to sink under to their watery graves.

    Once everything was finished the ship was gone Sozo looked back and saw the destruction of Sero's distraction. Sozo looked at his hands seeing blood now putting it together that it was the blood of the pirates and not actual rain. The screams to run started to flood Sozo's mind again witnessing first hand the destruction Sero was able todo. He looked around curious as where Sero was at.

    Trained 300/300:

    Sozo Sagara:
    Mist Jounin
    Mist Jounin
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 458
    Join date : 2020-07-18

    The snake meets the abomination Empty Re: The snake meets the abomination

    Post by Sero Fri May 21, 2021 5:40 pm

    Sero would quietly walk the beach as the blood rained down and pooled at his feet. Mixing with the sea water surging into where the beach used to be. Just a trench of mayhem and destruction left in his jutsu's wake. His eyes would shift. Cold blue eyes shining with power...yet his eyes were different now. Only the iris was blue but the whites of his eyes had turned black. Like swamp water. As he moved the water around his feet bubbled and frothed as he shifted along. Pieces of people floating here and there but he paid it no mind. No one had survived his attack. Not one soul. Now all that was left was the ship at the docks some distance away. He would turn and begin to walk towards it. The water becoming a walking surface for him as it seemed to lift him up. As if obeying his will the water carried him forward to the new beach some meters from the now standalone dock. He had watched the success of the young man as he sank the ship and let the men drown. The destruction of his water bullets amplified two fold by the two jutsu he had picked up quickly.

    There he would find one young man. Barely in his teens and frightened. Choking up sea water with a broken right arm and leg. It was either by chance or sheer force of will he had hauled himself from the depths to the beach. He would lay there trembling as his eyes looked on in horror at the destruction of everyone he had been there with mere seconds before. In less than a minute two shinobi from the village had ripped his crew apart and now only he was alive. His eyes snapped to Sero as his lips trembled. "Please...I just joined them yesterday...I'm sorry I was just...I just wanted an adventure...I never did anything bad I swear it! I wanna go back home....I wanna go back to my mother...." However Sero would not shift or move. He would not blink but he would wait. He would wait for the inevitable arrival of Sozo. Now was the time for an important lesson for the boy. One that anyone working for the nightmare brigade would have to learn. Once he arrived Sero would lift a finger to his lips to shush the boy pirate before turning to Sozo.

    "Now is the final part of your growth for today. This one claims innocence but he is a member of the crew sentenced to death by the village. Thus he is to be executed. There are no prisoners. No room for mercy. Take out your ninja tool and finish the job. Do not hesitate. If you fail here we will part ways and he will still die....just terribly instead."

    Character Name: Jaakuna, Sero
    Spendable Experience: 510
    Total Experience: 6010
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 25,000

    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: D
    • Stamina: B (B+ lifestyle)
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: B
    • Perception: A
    • Speed: A

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3955-jaakuna-sero-updates#30261
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3950-jaakuna-sero
    Link to Known Techniques:https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3955-jaakuna-sero-updates#30261

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 29
    Join date : 2021-04-11

    The snake meets the abomination Empty Re: The snake meets the abomination

    Post by Sozo Mon May 24, 2021 9:32 pm

    Sozo finally found Sero and what looked like another body laying on the ground. The thought was the body was already dead seeing the mass destruction surrounding the area and the blood flowing in the water. Every step Sozo took closer to Sero the alarms in his head  going off making it harder to move. It felt like psychological weights have been placed around his ankles every steep closer more weight gets added. Till finally Sozo reaches Sero and the body on the ground the purple haired man looked over and saw the body was still alive. There was a odd feeling maybe it was guilt or sorrow for this person as they didn't look much older than Sozo. It was just not his lucky day that the two shinobi came to take them out and he was there.

    After listening to what Sero told him Sozo paused and sighed undoing his transformation showing his true appearance. He looked over at Sero and pulled his kunai from the holster with a cold smile on his face "The mist sought them dead. So they are dead." Sozo said coldly as leaned in closer to the soon to be dead body as his stuck his kunai in his throat. "Your issues are not mine. I'm sorry but this is where this one's life ends, your mother would have have been happier if you died more of a hero. Your own foresight is short so its going to fail you." Sozo said coldly as he messy killed the crippled pirate. Before sliding his kunai against the pirates throat killing him slowly.

    Sozo looked at Sero "What's next Sir?" Sozo asked with respect trying to fight the scrams in his head. He wanted power more than fear telling him to run.

    Sozo Sagara:
    Mist Jounin
    Mist Jounin
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    Join date : 2020-07-18

    The snake meets the abomination Empty Re: The snake meets the abomination

    Post by Sero Fri May 28, 2021 2:14 pm

    Sero would watch in silence as the last man was eliminated brutally. He cared little for the plee the young man made or his possible innocence. He was there so he was guilty. Nor did he seem to react to what his current apprentice said. Instead he simply watched as the blood fell to the destroyed beach and Sozo would return to him once more. Cold and calculated with no remorse for what he had just performed. Execution made people squeamish it seemed to Sero. His cold blue eyes taking the young man in a moment longer as he inquired as to what was next. He had proven himself capable and taken a life. A few even though the first of them had been fairly indirect. This last one had proven he had the stomach to serve with the nightmare brigade. At least if he chose that path it would be open to him. Still he was just beginning so he would not become one of the spiders just yet. For now there were simply the three of them. He would however be able to serve with the brigade itself. So Sero would speak in return to the inquiry.

    "You will follow to the brigade headquarters. There we will process a report and see that the paperwork gets sent to the administration building to process your payment for a successful mission critical to the safety of the village. While at the brigade we will look into securing some more common suiton scrolls for you. Come along warrior of the mist."

    Sero would turn. His voice was monotone as if he wasn't affected at all by the carnage they had just wrought. Blood stained Sozo's hands but it seemed as if there wasn't a drop of it on Sero despite the blood rain. They said heroes lived forever but Sero went another path. They were not heroes....they were judges. Executioners. The nightmare brigade was widely controversial within the village. Some said they liked killing more than the average shinobi. Some of them that was likely true. For Sero it was just his destiny. His purpose. He moved quietly through the mist as he kept a steady pace easy enough to follow. Heading in a straight line for the Hozuki compound. As soon as he entered the compound both civilian and shinobi alike would bow to him. He was more than just a slayer it seemed. He was the head of two major clans that had founded the village. Still they would move to a warehouse that had been repurposed into a barracks of sorts. There battle tested men were coming and going. Veterans with that cold look in their eye.

    Sero would pass them quietly. Even the toughest of the lot avoided his gaze and went about their business. Leaving the two of them alone to go into the office. There Sero would step into the plain room. A desk and a chair with no decorations in front of a filing cabinet. There was paperwork filed but it appeared someone else handled that primarily. Sero would move to the filing cabinet and collect a report form before setting it on the desk with a pen. His cold blue eyes taking in Sozo a moment before he continued.

    "You were effective today. I would like to extend you the invitation to join the brigade. To continue work like what we did today. You won't hold any rank right away but as you gain in strength you will be considered for one of the spider positions. If you wish to continue working with us now is the time to decide. If not...feel free to fill out the report and leave this place never to think of it again."

    Character Name: Jaakuna, Sero
    Spendable Experience: 510
    Total Experience: 6010
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 25,000

    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: D
    • Stamina: B (B+ lifestyle)
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: B
    • Perception: A
    • Speed: A

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3955-jaakuna-sero-updates#30261
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3950-jaakuna-sero
    Link to Known Techniques:https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3955-jaakuna-sero-updates#30261

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 29
    Join date : 2021-04-11

    The snake meets the abomination Empty Re: The snake meets the abomination

    Post by Sozo Tue Jun 01, 2021 7:24 pm

    Sozo with his smile still on his face looked on towards Sero as he turned to head to his headquarters. Sozo wasn't familiar with the brigade that Sero was part of. The line of worked seemed to have fit Sozo fairly well as the mission he joined seemed almost second nature. Sure room to grow but it felt like those tasks were some that Sozo could grow quickly from doing. The carnage too Sero's level though that was a whole different story but that might be just because it wasn't really Sozo's own style of doing things. So there was no real room to judge how someone does their job as long as they get results but the screams in Sozo's head wouldn't stop as he walked through Sero's handy work.

    The two men walked through the carnage of what would and should be called a simple massacre. Sozo looked at the blood on his hands as he walked behind Sero only for him to put them to his side. Seeing Sero void of any blood on him made Sozo a bit uneasy as to how he was able to manage that as Sero was the main cause of most of the carnage and blood shed. As the two walked in silence towards Sero's headquarters Sozo decided he had to work more on his killing techniques. The more he thought about it the more his heart started to ache like it was missing something or he was scared of something about to come.

    Finally after awhile of walking through the compound Sozo noticed a lot of people shooting glares at him but avoiding eye contact with the man in front of him. This is when Sozo realized the fear in his heart but not his mind as Sozo's heart would be what he considered his own weakness. Finally the two reached Sero's office it was rather plain only filled with the things he needed for his work. Sero would go and grab a report from the cabinet with a pen as Sozo sat on the other side of the desk waiting for Sero to give him the paper work to fill out. Everything took a turn as now Sozo felt like he was at a crossroad of a path to take. Sero was offering him to join his group but there was something that was bothering Sozo. It was silly as Sero helped Sozo become stronger fairly quickly and offering him more suiton scrolls for him. So the smart choice was sign and join Sero. There was still some of Sozo's own self desirers he wanted to figure out Sozo held the pen in his hand calmly as he looked over the report before calmly asking Sero "Sir I would be happy to join your group. I only have a few questions. If I sign and join your group would I no longer be able to join other teams of the mist as well as go on journeys for myself? I'm a shinobi of the mist this is my home and they are my people even though they think lowly of me like a snake. Still I am young I have much growth as a person to achieve and answers of life I need to find out for myself. So I guess I'm asking how short of a leash would I be placed on if I join you?" Sozo asked as he kept eye contact with Sero.

    Sozo Sagara:
    Mist Jounin
    Mist Jounin
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 458
    Join date : 2020-07-18

    The snake meets the abomination Empty Re: The snake meets the abomination

    Post by Sero Tue Jun 01, 2021 8:03 pm

    Sero would pause in his shuffling a moment as the other began to talk. Cold blue eyes shifting to the report yet to be filled out. How was it these young men did not choose to follow direction? Well Sero supposed he was likely about the same age. If he were human he may even consider them peers. Yet he was not so they were not. Instead they were weapons set to the side and left without care or purpose. Left to rust as the world wasted them away. The concerns of the young one named Sozo did not fall on deaf ears however. Cold blue eyes would lift slowly from the paper to meet Sozo's own. They seemed to stare a moment as if searching for something. Before his hand would reach out as pale fingers would tap the paper. As if insisting he file the report immediately. The report wasn't part of signing up to the brigade. It was so this one could be paid for his help with the mission. Sero took no payment and lived as the village provided to him. He did not care for wealth or material possessions but he understood others did. Their power coming from their equipment while his....well his was more sinister.

    Still Sero would speak in return as his hand removed from the paper he insisted Sozo fill out. His voice cold as those cold blue eyes never seemed to blink. As if no lies could long be hidden from him. As if when looking into his eyes that void was in place of a soul. Yet if one looked close there was something else. A blue glow deep in his eyes from the five tails within him. It's chakra tainted by his own as it was imprisoned within. Slowly bending to his will.

    "There will be many paths that open to you in your life Sozo. Some will close doors to others and some will open new paths you never thought you would take. The nightmare brigade is one such path for you. It will not limit you from other squad activities or missions with those you cherish. However when you operate on missions for the nightmare brigade...there is no room for mercy. There is no justice without blood for those assigned to us. We are the avengers of the innocent lost. This will change you. Taking lives does something to you humans and gradually turns you more into a being like me. In time you may find yourself colder and more distant from those unwilling to do what is needed. Your life can not remain the same if you join us simply because you will not remain the same. But this is the way with all things. We grow and we change. It will be up to you what you become."

    Character Name: Jaakuna, Sero
    Spendable Experience: 510
    Total Experience: 6010
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 25,000

    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: D
    • Stamina: B (B+ lifestyle)
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: B
    • Perception: A
    • Speed: A

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3955-jaakuna-sero-updates#30261
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3950-jaakuna-sero
    Link to Known Techniques:https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3955-jaakuna-sero-updates#30261

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 29
    Join date : 2021-04-11

    The snake meets the abomination Empty Re: The snake meets the abomination

    Post by Sozo Fri Jun 04, 2021 8:57 pm

    Sozo looked down at the report he has yet to fill out he felt embarrassed that he hasn't filled out anything. He was too taken back at the offer of joining the same group as a well known and respected in his own right shinobi like Sero. Sozo scratched his head as Sero started tapping the report Sozo was asked to fill out. Sozo let out a small laugh to hide his own feeling of stupidity letting his emotions destract him. "Oh... Sorry about that I was caught off guard by your offer my mind started to race." Sozo said as he focused his attention to filling out the report on what happened during the battle with the pirates if you can even call it that.

    As Sozo wrote the report his mind continued to shift from thoughts of offer and hearing that some doors will shut as others open. It was in this small moment of simi peace that Sozo started to weigh his options. On one hand he wanted to get more power to be of better use to the village something that his father was like. Then on the other hand there was the feeling of something was missing from himself something important. With every word he wrote on the report the more he felt more doors closing in his mind as a few closed ones open. Sozo put the pen down he was writing with as he finished the report as he looked into Sero's eyes.

    Sozo's finger started to tap on the desk without him realizing it as he debated if this was the path he wanted to take. A few moments of silence before signing the report he forgot to do before sliding the report to Sero "I'll join your group to keep the innocent of the mist safe." The words that left Sozo's lips felt off not that they were false but more like resentment. Those were feeling he had no need for anymore he opened the door and he's going to walk down that path and watch as other doors open up.

    Sozo Sagara:
    Mist Jounin
    Mist Jounin
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 458
    Join date : 2020-07-18

    The snake meets the abomination Empty Re: The snake meets the abomination

    Post by Sero Sat Jun 05, 2021 1:58 pm

    The young man across from Sero would finally begin to fill out the report and Sero would visibly relax. He didn't like paperwork himself but he had Miaka for that. Still he understood the need to keep records. Either way he would explain there was just a lot to process on his mind. For Sero his work was always rather simple. A straight forward business that needed to be done. Still as the young man would finish the report and hand it over Sero would collect it from him. Placing it in a box for Miaka to file with the administration building. That way the young man would have a chance to get paid and Kitsuki could keep her tabs. The warrior princess with her cane was a pain in his side but he could ignore her mostly so long as he obeyed all the laws. He knew though she was waiting for him to slip. Waiting for a chance to pounce and make demands of him. They had only met once but she had pointed a weapon at him and issued threats. So the woman was on his shit list for the foreseeable future. Plus she was in his queens way of utter control of the country.

    Sero would set it to the side and return his gaze to the young man as he agreed to join. For the first time Sero would smile. A cold thin smile that did not meet those cold eyes. The boy was too early in his career to be a spider just yet but Sero saw potential in him. Perhaps it was time he took a more personal interest in some of these new recruits. This one wished to learn suiton jutsu...and now that he had learned to enhance what he knew...there was much more to learn. Sero would rise from his seat and hold out his hand. He had seen this done between others. A hand shake to settle a deal. If Sozo took his hand there would be an odd sensation. As if by touching Sero his chakra had been dipped in something dark. Like touching crude oil. It would fade as soon as their hands parted but something about Sero was sickening to the touch. Still Sero would continue to speak as they released hands if they shook at all.

    "Welcome to the Nightmare Brigade. You will start as an initiate but given time you could become a spider once you prove yourself. Prove your might. Return here tomorrow at sunrise and we will begin your suiton jutsu training. Dismissed."

    (You can exit thread and we can do another one or you can do a time skip and continue in this thread.)

    Character Name: Jaakuna, Sero
    Spendable Experience: 510
    Total Experience: 6010
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 25,000

    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: D
    • Stamina: B (B+ lifestyle)
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: B
    • Perception: A
    • Speed: A

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3955-jaakuna-sero-updates#30261
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3950-jaakuna-sero
    Link to Known Techniques:https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3955-jaakuna-sero-updates#30261

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 29
    Join date : 2021-04-11

    The snake meets the abomination Empty Re: The snake meets the abomination

    Post by Sozo Wed Jun 09, 2021 2:41 pm

    As Sero set aside the paper work giving Sozo a smile it was the first time Sozo has seen the blue haired man smile. It sent shivers down his spine as it gave off a vibe of a hunter getting his pray and pleased with its catch. As Sero offered Sozo his hand in a way of shaking accepting the agreement between the two. As Sozo accepted the handshake suddenly feeling a dark feeling as the two hands made contact. The feeling made Sozo feel more uneasy about the man in front of him as Sozo's hand felt like it was dipped in something like oil. After letting go of Sero's hand Sozo wiped his own hand on his pants trying to get what he thought was oil off his hand. The motion was pointless as the dark feeling and the oil was missing and not really there and that it was all in his head.

    After Sero told Sozo what was in store for tomorrow for training and that Sozo was free to go. Sozo smiled and waved in a simi playful manner. He was doing his best to fight back the fear he was feeling towards Sero as Sozo asked in a cold calm tone "So should I be expecting training like today again or more standard type of training?" Sozo was curious on how he should pack for his next time with Sero. After getting his response Sozo would turn and head out the door understanding what to expect with a few parting words "Bye.. Bye abomination till next time." Sozo opened the door and headed out of the nightmare compound. He avoided eye contact with those around as Sozo went straight for the exit and back home.


    Sozo Sagara:
    Mist Jounin
    Mist Jounin
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    The snake meets the abomination Empty Re: The snake meets the abomination

    Post by Sero Fri Jun 18, 2021 1:09 pm

    Sero would listen as the young man would ask a question but silence would be Sero's response. Cold blue eyes would regard him a moment as the question of what type of training would be left unanswered. Instead Sero would speak in a calm tone with two simply words. "Be prepared." Before he would settle into the seat behind his desk. Sozo would bid him farewell in an interesting way but Sero would pay it little mind. Instead he would simply go back about his work. A lot of work indeed.

    Exit thread
    9 posts = 90 exp
    mission complete = 25 exp
    115 exp total.

    Character Name: Jaakuna, Sero
    Spendable Experience: 510
    Total Experience: 6010
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 25,000

    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: D
    • Stamina: B (B+ lifestyle)
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: B
    • Perception: A
    • Speed: A

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3955-jaakuna-sero-updates#30261
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3950-jaakuna-sero
    Link to Known Techniques:https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3955-jaakuna-sero-updates#30261

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