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    What Makes A Shinobi Special [Nyg]

    Harurama Senju
    Harurama Senju

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 21
    Join date : 2021-03-23

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    What Makes A Shinobi Special [Nyg] Empty What Makes A Shinobi Special [Nyg]

    Post by Harurama Senju Tue Mar 30, 2021 10:42 pm

    Sitting on top of one of the famous three logs that these training grounds were known for, he actually maintained perfect balance through using his chakra and Mokuton to remain completely still. As a strong wind gust blew; he would stand up and actually raise one leg to show his perfect balance. Bending his knee and keeping two fingers pointed upward in front of him in a handseal to help with concentration.

    The gust actually blew trees and water all around him so his hair and clothing blew around a bit too. Plus his large heavy scroll actually blew around as he managed to have it actually not affect him and maintain perfect balance.

    Opening his eyes Harurama would be satisfied and leap from the pole backward, landing as the wind continued to blow around. He thought to himself about some shuriken practice in the wind and he thought to himself that it would probably be a good idea to test himself against all elements whenever possible. Although, he decided to work on his Mokuton instead and one what made him "special" as a shinobi or so he'd always been told growing up.

    Performing several handseals he would activate Great Forest Technique and as he finished with a "CLAP" a forest would literally spring up from beneath him as he held himself in place with Mokuton on a rising tree. As the trees rose up he would reach behind him and pull out five shuriken without even looking. Leaping between trees, he would aim at certain forming branches and without manipulating them himself he would take several practice throws.

    Whistling through the air, all but one clunked against wood with a thud. Leaping from branch to branch as the trees stopped forming he would leap down onto the new forest floor right where his shuriken had landed. Picking it up he had a disappointed face as he walked from outside of the forest he'd made. Spinning it on his finger as he turned back toward small forest area he'd made in thought.

    "Man....I need to get better with these."

    Nyguyen Uchiha
    Nyguyen Uchiha

    Village : N/A
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    Join date : 2020-06-06

    What Makes A Shinobi Special [Nyg] Empty Re: What Makes A Shinobi Special [Nyg]

    Post by Nyguyen Uchiha Fri Apr 02, 2021 7:04 am

    Nyguyen rather enjoyed fishing on the Third Training Grounds. The area had a sizeable lake that was frequently replenished by the city's fishing authority. The fish here were accustomed to the booms of ninjutsu and explosive tags so they weren't scared by the sounds of hundreds of shinobi training. He was sitting back in a small boat with a fishing rod in his hand and a book in the other. He was wearing a typical fisher's hat, trousers, and vest. Normally, Nyguyen wouldn't pay attention to whatever techniques were being loosed close to the shore but today was the exception. When he saw a forest sprout nearby, he couldn't help but look in that direction and wonder which Senju was responsible.

    He remembered Ashitaka and the rest of Team 10. The pre-War Nyguyen would have tried to shake off the memory and return to his fishing and book. They were pleasant and easy. Much easier than confronting the memory of his failure. However, now that the war was drawing to a close and he had learned much from it. He knew that he could not run from this pain forever. He'd need to face it, every day if need be. Nyguyen slowly took his boat ashore. He left his book, rod, and catches right where they were and approached the green haired lad.

    He didn't look like Ashitaka. He was carefree. Happy even and he appeared to be older than his former student was.

    "Hello there!" Nyguyen said with an unconvincing smile. Harurama would probably recognize him as the former Hokage. He hoped that the kid wasn't nervous, it'd only make introducing himself all the more awkward.


      Current date/time is Tue Jul 02, 2024 10:24 pm