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    Taking a Wrong Turn


    Posts : 106
    Join date : 2021-03-02

    Taking a Wrong Turn Empty Taking a Wrong Turn

    Post by Azgodon Sun Mar 07, 2021 6:29 pm

    Okay, today was simple. Azgodon had one goal in mind and it was fairly easy to fulfill. He had the directions he needed from Tengoku’s manor to the shop all memorized in his head. Leave the residential district, take an immediate left. Walk down some blocks, take a right. Then take another right when he reached a shop named… well, he couldn’t remember the name of the shop, but he figured he would know it when he’d see it. Besides... how hard would it be to find the material shop so he could get started on making weapons? Azgodon was sure that he would be able to find it on his own, and if not a simple question to a stranger should help him find the place. He supposed some people would be kind enough to at least point him in the right direction.

    So, with all that in mind, Azgodon left the manor and took an immediate right when he left the residential district. Then another right after a few blocks and then keep walking until he found a shop with a name that would hopefully trigger his memory on when to turn right once more. Eventually, Azgodon figured he was lost when the closest thing he recognized was that of the Uchiha clan district. Was the Uchiha clan district on the way? The servant at Tengoku’s manor did not say it was on the way… nor did they say it wasn’t. Stopping completely, Azgodon would look around trying to see if there was anyone around that could potentially help him out.

    Village : N/A
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    Join date : 2020-11-30

    Taking a Wrong Turn Empty Re: Taking a Wrong Turn

    Post by Maigo Mon Mar 08, 2021 10:31 am

    It was a nice and relaxing day, the sun shone through the clouds and the breeze cooled the air slightly while the beams of sunlight would offer some warmth through it. Maigo sat at a small table outside a tea shop in his usual garb as he had for training and otherwise, instead taking his large shuriken and backpack off and setting them down between the wall and his chair for semi-moderate safe keeping. The small ceramic cup sat before him steaming slightly, there was a slight bustle from the various other clan members out and about, nothing more than quiet conversations in passing.

    Maigo's golden colored eyes would scan across the horizon as he leaned back into his wooden chair, finding a beam of light striking his forehead and causing his eyes to squint against the glare. Uncomfortable he would bring his body back down, understanding very quickly why cats always seemed so keen to lay in the beams of sunlight and nap the afternoon away. Even the ninja cats had their preference to it even if so many wouldn't admit it and at the same time, Maigo was a ninja so if cats enjoyed it, and ninja cats did, then why wouldn't ninja by association?

    Maigo's own internal monologue would lead to an external shrug as he would reach forward slightly and cup the ceramic mug in his hands before bringing it to his lips to sip the herbal tea within. It was certainly calming, a nice and rich flavor but when Maigo set the cup back down and looked across the street he saw a familiar face wandering the streets of his clan compound. He looked for a moment as if he were searching for something and Maigo watching would realize that he had left himself in a position to make eye contact with his fellow squadmate in that moment. Was it too late to go for his tea again and pretend that he didn't see him? Would it be rude to try it anyways if he had noticed?

    Instead of any of Maigo's thoughts coming to life, if the white haired man had noticed him, Maigo would instead nod his head towards him as if to offer a silent greeting and wait to see what would happen next.


    Taking a Wrong Turn Maigo_10

    I was trying to figure out which was worse, Ignorance or Apathy. And now I realize that I don't know and I don't care. - Maigo Mugetsu

    Missions: D-2|C-0|B-0|A-0|S-0

    Posts : 106
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    Taking a Wrong Turn Empty Re: Taking a Wrong Turn

    Post by Azgodon Mon Mar 08, 2021 5:12 pm

    His search led his mauve orbs to find someone that looked familiar to him. If he remembered correctly there was an Uchiha on his squad that went by the name of Maiko… no that was wrong. Maybe it was Mayonnaise? That seemed a bit closer, he supposed. Mayo seemed to be closer to his name, but Azgodon knew that was also incorrect. Who would greet a friend by the wrong name? Taking another moment to ponder on the name, Azgodon came to the conclusion that this person was indeed Mago Uchiha. Yes, Mago seemed to ring a bell for Azgodon. The nod that Mago tossed his way seemed to indicate his squadmate had recognized his presence. With a wave that Azgodon would return to acknowledge Mago’s presence, Azgodon would make his way over to the tea shop where the man was situated.

    “Mago! How are you today?” He would ask a bit louder than necessary, but he wished to ensure he was heard. Not even waiting a second to see if the Uchiha would reply, Azgodon continued on. “I… uhhh... happen to be a bit lost. You see… I left Tengoku’s manor earlier to go to the materials shop, but it appears I must have taken a wrong turn somewhere. Do you know where it is?” He would offer a smile and an expression of slight embarrassment. Surely not everyone got lost in this village, albeit most people would have grown up here. For Azgodon this was all still fairly new to him.

    Taking a Wrong Turn D066O8r

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 66
    Join date : 2020-11-30

    Taking a Wrong Turn Empty Re: Taking a Wrong Turn

    Post by Maigo Thu Mar 11, 2021 4:48 pm

    Maigo watched as the boy waved and began to make his way over. Quickly Maigo would straighten himself out to prepare for his arrival and show a bit of respect for his new squadmate, quickly sitting further back in his chair and sitting up a bit straighter. Yellow eyes would follow closely and before he could offer him the seat across or a chance to grab a cup of the tea or some nice bread snacks the entire scene would come to a screeching halt.

    Maigo's right eye would twitch slightly as the cheerful boy butchered his name. Mago. It sounded like ceramic being run across grated wire in his mind but still... benefit of the doubt. Don't start anything and get on the badside of your teammates... Maigo's own internal monologue would carry for a second as Az would continue on to describe his current predicament. Maigo would simply sigh a bit without shaking his head,

    "It's Maigo..." the words would fall off his tongue a bit slowly, with a slight bit of disappointment to it. "And you got lost... finding a shop?" Maigo's eyebrow would turn upwards a bit while he let the question sit in the air for a moment between them. "Did you try looking in the market for it?" The curious eyebrow would hold for a moment while he would wait for Az to respond with clarity or more confusion.


    Taking a Wrong Turn Maigo_10

    I was trying to figure out which was worse, Ignorance or Apathy. And now I realize that I don't know and I don't care. - Maigo Mugetsu

    Missions: D-2|C-0|B-0|A-0|S-0

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    Taking a Wrong Turn Empty Re: Taking a Wrong Turn

    Post by Azgodon Wed Mar 17, 2021 3:16 pm

    “Right, right. Maigo!” Azgodon nodded, adding the emphasis that he did know Maigo’s name. He would make the attempt to remember his name, after all poor Maigo only had one name, so Azgodon would make the extra effort of trying to remember it. Unlike the other people he had met; Xia and Tengoku, Maigo was not fortunate enough to have more than one name. “I suppose I did get lost. I did follow the directions that the servants at Tengoku-sensei’s manor indicated… but I ended up here. This certainly does not look like the materials shop.” A curious tilt of his head had Azgodon looking suspiciously at the building before him. It looked like the place certainly did sell something, but not the materials that Azgodon was in search of.

    As for Maigo’s last question, Azgodon released a sigh. It seemed that Maigo simply did not understand the simple concept that he had been looking for it. “Well, Maigo… I don’t know how to explain it so you can understand… but I have been looking for it? I just… umm… I guess I got lost?” Azgodon would remain standing, though his shoulders would sag, an indication of his disappointment that he was unable to achieve the simple goal of finding a singular shop.

    Taking a Wrong Turn D066O8r

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 66
    Join date : 2020-11-30

    Taking a Wrong Turn Empty Re: Taking a Wrong Turn

    Post by Maigo Fri Mar 26, 2021 5:36 pm

    Az's confirmation of his name left little to inspire Maigo that he actually did, if anything, it gave him a vaguely odd feeling that he was moving past the point just to get to his own needs. Maigo immediately thought it a bit rude to ignore even a person's name, someone on your squad's much less, to focus on your needs in the moment and solve your issues but perhaps urgency carried about him. Maybe the benefit of the doubt was better, maybe it wasn't. Maigo was never a good judge of what's right and wrong in this world; just what he felt like what was right and just.

    Still, Maigo's immediate musing didn't offer any real clarity for the situation because when it came down to it, Maigo's entire thought system would be summed up in a single line,

    "You got lost... going to the market? You're not from here, are you?" Maigo would let the thought drift out slowly with a raised brow. The answer to the question really didn't matter but gave Maigo a rather curious idea if he would confirm that he was foreign in some degree. Wondering about the customs and understandings of others. He had a thought about whether or not he would be able to get away with a little prank of his own, in retribution for not remembering his name.

    That was it. Payback, in essence. Maigo would offer a genuine smile afterwards, showing some empathy outwards but only feeling pure mischievousness on the inside.

    Maigo would chime up quickly if Az would confirm he was foreign or at least not experienced in the market and city itself,

    "I'll tell you what! I'll show you the market and some of its other... interests? If you think you can keep up with it, that way you never get lost again and always have a story to tell!" Maigo's words would curl off the edge of his tongue, double edged regardless of whether Az would catch it or not. Just enough cheer in his tone and goodwill in his voice with genuineness on his face to really sell the entire idea.


    Taking a Wrong Turn Maigo_10

    I was trying to figure out which was worse, Ignorance or Apathy. And now I realize that I don't know and I don't care. - Maigo Mugetsu

    Missions: D-2|C-0|B-0|A-0|S-0

    Posts : 106
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    Taking a Wrong Turn Empty Re: Taking a Wrong Turn

    Post by Azgodon Wed Jun 02, 2021 2:22 am

    “Yeap. I’m definitely not from here.” An emphatic nod would compliment Azgodon’s words as he replied to Maigo’s inquiry. He was pretty sure that Tengoku had mentioned that to the squad the first day… or he didn’t but Azzie couldn’t remember. “I’m pretty sure Tengoku mentioned something about that.” A contemplative look would cross Azgodon’s face as he would look to the spot where Maigo sat. “To be fair… you aren’t from here…” He would point at the spot where Maigo sat, “either.”

    Azgodon would momentarily contemplate Maigo’s offer about showing him the marketplace and other places of interest within it. He wasn’t sure what the point of getting a story out of this short journey would be. The story, he supposed, may be worth remembering, though his journey currently was to find the marketplace and the place where he could buy materials to begin crafting items. After all, Tengoku had offered him the resources to do such a thing… he just only, finally, got around to doing the very first thing that was required of him; gathering materials.

    “What kind of story are we talking about? Is this one of the kinds I can find in a book? Anyways, let’s go find the market!” The words all came out of his mouth in a matter of seconds, as if Azgodon had not taken a breath while speaking.

    Taking a Wrong Turn D066O8r

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 66
    Join date : 2020-11-30

    Taking a Wrong Turn Empty Re: Taking a Wrong Turn

    Post by Maigo Sat Jun 05, 2021 5:08 pm

    "That's not what I... nevermind." Maigo would shake his head and sigh lightly for what felt like the 30th time recently. However, after a pause it seemed that Az was on board with his plan to go to the market but his question was, much less obvious to answer. Maigo would stand up and leave a few ryo on the table as a tip before motioning forward down the street for Az to begin walking and Maigo to move in tow with him.

    His grin held for a moment as Maigo would begin to weave together words with a silver-tongue,

    "Well, Az, this would be a story like no other. The foundation of your origin here, right?" Maigo would let his eyes wander over him to see how he was reacting before continuing on.

    "In every good story, just before the hero has their decisive moment of victory there's a moment where they're able to see the situation clearly. It sort of sets up their win against the villain in the end. This is kinda like that, the place I'll show you, and the things inside... and well, what you end up doing with them. They're the absolute most perfect way to gain the sort of clarity you need to become victorious."

    Maigo would give a tone that felt like he had the answer to Az's every question with just this source. His grin would fade to a twisted yet genuine smile while they would walk down one road and take a right heading back towards the main portions of the village. His eyes would lead the way as he would continue on,

    "Truth is though, that this is a little less grand than defeating a dire enemy since you're just looking for crafting materials but in a way, your villain is crafting something of poor quality. And with a clear mind and a clear path forward, you'll no doubt be able to craft something absolutely incredible. After all, you'll have inspiration from one of the most incredible sources that could ever be..."

    Maigo's smile would be a slight laugh before his cheeks would turn a lighter shade of red as he mentally put together the imagery of what was to come in his head. Though, he would abstain himself from the treachery within, it would be something for Az to truly experience.


    Taking a Wrong Turn Maigo_10

    I was trying to figure out which was worse, Ignorance or Apathy. And now I realize that I don't know and I don't care. - Maigo Mugetsu

    Missions: D-2|C-0|B-0|A-0|S-0

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    Taking a Wrong Turn Empty Re: Taking a Wrong Turn

    Post by Azgodon Sat Jul 17, 2021 7:18 pm

    “Origin?” Azzie would whisper the word quietly to himself, repeating it a few times, before ultimately forgetting that Maigo had even mentioned the word. “The things I’ll see? What I end up doing with them? What kinds of things are you talking about?” Azzie would question Maigo, who seemed to know a lot about these things. “Are you an expert with these… things… you keep calling things?” There was an abundance of questions lingering in Azzie’s mind to ask his Uchiha squad mate, but he let them sit for now until he got some answers. Then he could ask more direct questions regarding the things Maigo was going to show him.

    Azzie would tail after Maigo, always a step or two behind him; after all, he was following Maigo to a place that the boy seemed to be familiar with. At least familiar enough with to lead the way with easy confidence.

    “Wouldn’t crafting something of poor quality be part of my story and not the villain? Like when a hero stumbles over a hurdle and then figures out a way past it. So, the poor quality would be the hurdle and not the villain. The villain… well, the villain would be someone who wants to stop me from crafting… not the crafting itself.” Azgodon focused on Maigo’s mention of poor quality and figured the boy was wrong in this regard. Azzie’s enemy wouldn’t be something he would be doing, but rather something that was stopping him from doing what he wanted to do.

    Taking a Wrong Turn D066O8r

    Posts : 106
    Join date : 2021-03-02

    Taking a Wrong Turn Empty Re: Taking a Wrong Turn

    Post by Azgodon Thu Aug 12, 2021 3:13 am

    After meandering around with Maigo for some time, going off one some adventure or another where they went to a shop that Azzie did not know existed, nor did he find a reason to go there, he attributed the wares of the shop with Maigo. After all, it was Maigo’s idea to go here and show him around. All Azzie was looking for, at the end of the day, the material shop so he could buy some iron and start creating some shinobi gear.

    Azzie would comment on things as Maigo kept bringing up various subjects, but his mind and his eyes tended to drift off as they walked around. It was easy to get distracted in the marketplace when there were so many bright and shiny objects that once could touch… and probably break. Azzie did not want to break them at all. Eventually, they would make their way to the destination Azzie had in mind and he would make sure to remember it in the future… because he may have forgotten to bring the ryo he required to make the purchase today.

    [exit thread]

    Taking a Wrong Turn D066O8r

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