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    Guard the gates?

    Kiyogi Uso
    Kiyogi Uso
    Stone Special Jounin
    Stone Special Jounin
    Calimari Chef
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Gyuki during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Posts : 325
    Join date : 2020-11-25

    Guard the gates? Empty Guard the gates?

    Post by Kiyogi Uso Wed Dec 16, 2020 3:05 pm

    The mission:

    A day had passed since their patrol through the wealthy neighborhood in the village and the rain had hardly stopped. So it was that they were once again handed a mission slip. Another C rank mission but this time it was to guard the gate. Of course Tadara suspected that this one was more of a work shift than anything. Checking paperwork and matching it up to cargo. Creating an alarm but not engaging if anything were to transpire. There of course would be a jounin nearby should anything go just awful but Tadara idly wondered if the two of them could escape if someone was strong enough a jounin was needed. Typically if one could flee from an opponent it meant one of two things. Option one was that they were simply strong enough to escape and therefore by that logic also strong enough to engage. However the second option was the one Tadara would almost always assume. The enemy was letting them escape. Having no need to worry about them because of the difference in their strength. In truth mere pawns on a board that the village was moving. Tadara couldn't say he disagreed. But that wouldn't be a permanent status for him.

    Still he had the presence of mind the night before to dry his rain gear and clean it. So he at least looked the part of a professional and he wasn't having to put on wet rain gear. Defeating the purpose of putting it on in the first place. Still the streets were muddy and not many people were out in a downpour like this. Luckily the guard station was indoors just within the gate. Travelers would be expected to stop there and present their paper work. A large window slid open with an overhang outside to let them interact with those passing by. Tadara would slip inside after wiping his boots on the welcome mat and take over the shift. Katsumi would likely arrive soon after. The two of them being assigned together this often was likely to build up some repour. To get two individuals working together and comfortable with each other so when real missions... combat missions became something they were able to handle they would be already working in tandem. Able to have an idea what the other was thinking and work around it. A more fluid team. At least that was what Tadara assumed their theory was.

    Name: Kamizuru Tadara
    Title: The honeyed scholar

    • Total: -4165
    • Spendable:  665

    • 2,520,500 total ryo



    • Chemistry
    • Iryojutsu
    • Genjutsu
    • Sealing

    • - Honey/Wax

    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: D
    • Stamina: B (+ from lifestyle) (+ from chakra armor)
    • Speed: B
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: S
    • Perception: B

    (21/21 Stat Raises)

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 114
    Join date : 2020-10-03

    Guard the gates? Empty Re: Guard the gates?

    Post by Katsumi Wed Dec 16, 2020 5:58 pm

    The rain was always fun in a sense, it was extremely chaotic and yet, was so calming in the same breath. Katsumi approached the guard gate wearing his normal clothes and ninja sandals but instead had taken up a black poncho that held the Kotoshura clan symbol plastered on the front of it. Hood up as he approached and knocking slightly to alert anyone of his presence before pushing in to the doorway and lowering his hood as he would do so. Katsumi would offer his greetings and check in for their mission, guarding the gates and all that but it would be another C-rank mission entrusted to him after his series of other missions had all gone off without a hitch. A good feeling nonetheless to start moving up and taking on bigger and better tasks but in the end, this was another simple and straightforward chore.

    However, a chore with more responsibility. Katsumi would really wait for directive on what to do, whether they would need to go out and check anyone or would just be accepting paperwork and having conversations with travelers as they entered the village. It didn't make much of a difference and Katsumi had come prepared with his mind on the task at hand. Katsumi would stretch a bit and make sure to shed any excess rainwater at the entrance and remove his pancho while inside to be hung up in the corner and avoid tracking all the moisture throughout the guard post.

    "Sometimes, this rain can really be a drag..." Katsumi would let off as he would finally straighten up and wait for whatever incoming instructions would be had for their job of the day.

    Guard the gates? 4a7aa410b9ab973b984f750474a38bd2
    Kiyogi Uso
    Kiyogi Uso
    Stone Special Jounin
    Stone Special Jounin
    Calimari Chef
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Gyuki during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Posts : 325
    Join date : 2020-11-25

    Guard the gates? Empty Re: Guard the gates?

    Post by Kiyogi Uso Wed Dec 16, 2020 8:17 pm

    Once more Tadara was unsure of what to say when he saw Katsumi enter the room. His black eyes watching the young man as a moment. He commented on how the rain could be a real drag. Tadara would nod but one of his bees would beat its wings against his ear. He would pause a second before he decided to try something at least. He would raise his right hand and awkwardly wave once before he would speak. His throat felt dry and he couldn't bring himself to blink. Were his lips chapped? Why did people choose to speak? Was anything really being communicated by a simple statement like this? "Hello again Katsumi." It was a brief greeting but outside of work required and almost technical talk when they worked together as teachers this was one of the first times Tadara had not spoken matter of fact like. Still he felt like it sounded odd and quickly moved away from the conversation to check in a new arrival. He didn't like social interactions. What did one say? Wasn't it inefficient to just say hello if you weren't looking to talk? But Tadara had wanted to say hi hadn't he?

    Tadara would take over double checking the paper work as people came and went. It would be Katsumi's job to check cargo for illegal contraband. This suited each of them more as Katsumi was good or at least better with people and looking through someones things was awkward. Tadara though could process the lay out of a legal document and correct any errors like a computer. He surmised if he needed to he could even spot or make a fake. Most of the next couple of hours was just common work checking everyone in and out and when it was done all of it was filed away. They were excused from their post and thanked for their hard work. Tadara rather liked paper work. Still his black eyes would shift to Katsumi a moment as they stepped back out into the rain. Water pitter pattering off their protective gear. Tadara would just stare blankly for a moment before the bee buzzed again. "It was good to work with you again." was all Tadara would say before turning on his heel and heading back home. He was a social catastrophe but it was clear he was putting in the effort at least.

    Exit thread
    2 posts = 40 exp
    mission complete = 65 exp

    Name: Kamizuru Tadara
    Title: The honeyed scholar

    • Total: -4165
    • Spendable:  665

    • 2,520,500 total ryo



    • Chemistry
    • Iryojutsu
    • Genjutsu
    • Sealing

    • - Honey/Wax

    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: D
    • Stamina: B (+ from lifestyle) (+ from chakra armor)
    • Speed: B
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: S
    • Perception: B

    (21/21 Stat Raises)

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 114
    Join date : 2020-10-03

    Guard the gates? Empty Re: Guard the gates?

    Post by Katsumi Wed Dec 16, 2020 9:11 pm

    Katsumi would chuckle at his partners greeting, coming awkwardly and with the confidence of someone unsure of whether or not they wanted to say anything. He would hold a genuine smile before approaching and giving Tadara a slight pat on the shoulder,

    "Hey Tadara, hope things aren't too busy today..." Katsumi would offer in return before heading over to get their assignments and then preparing to head out into the rain to go over any cargo coming in. By the time things had started, he would quickly throw on his pancho and head out, two larger carts coming in with various agricultural goods and foodstuffs covered, a quick check through while Katsumi stuck his arm in to find if anything was hidden deep inside. Once he was satisfied that nothing was hidden and the people weren't being shifty or trying to hide anything, Katsumi would give a thumbs up back to the guard post to show that they were clear as far as he was concerned.

    A few more travelers came in with backpacks that were fairly easy to check, just opening them to see that nothing unusual was inside or hidden in the side compartments. Once their posting was done, Katsumi would take a sigh of relief in the guard post before acknowledging Tadara's exit himself, offering a simple, "Of course, until next time." Katsumi would follow exit and prepare to write his report and turn himself in for another night of drying off and warming up.

    [Exit Thread]
    [Two Posts and Mission Complete]

    Guard the gates? 4a7aa410b9ab973b984f750474a38bd2

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