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    Commissioning a Weapon


    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 5
    Join date : 2020-12-01

    Commissioning a Weapon Empty Commissioning a Weapon

    Post by Arjuna332 Wed Dec 02, 2020 12:11 am

    Fuyumi was feeling very excited today. Now with her graduation from the Academy, she was officially a Shinobi, though she had to start out as a Genin. It wasn't a big deal, considering that everyone started out the same way before climbing up the ranks. Even the Hokage started out as a Genin at some point of their life, and Fuyumi was certain that with hard works and perseverance, she would be able to achieve her goal in becoming a great Shinobi one day.

    Also, her parents even commissioned a custom-made weapon for her as a gift, and here she was, coming to the shop to fetch the weapon in question. She was feeling giddy that she would get her first ninja tool, and she would also use this opportunity to buy other things that would be important for her as a ninja. For the occasion, she would have to use the money that was granted to her to buy everything she needed, including the commissioned weapon.

    Entering the shop, Fuyumi could see many weapons and tools being displayed, and she couldn't help but become starry-eyed. But she needed to restrain herself. She needed to spend her ryo wisely, or else she wouldn't be able to get all the essential tools that she needed for her mission as a Shinobi. Approaching the shopkeeper, the newly-minted Genin produced the receipt for the commissioned good before handing it to him. The shopkeeper inspected the receipt before he went to the back. Once he returned, he carried with him a finely-crafted war axe.

    The axe was embossed with some kind of pattern, and it was green in color. The shopkeeper seemed to be struggling while carrying the axe to her, but when Fuyumi took it from the shopkeeper, she lifted it up without difficulty. She grinned as she tested the weight. Sure, it was heavy, but she had trained herself extensively to the point where she was able to lift heavy things without problem. Satisfied with the result, Fuyumi rested the axe over her shoulder, grinning cheekily at the shopkeeper.

    "Okay, what else you got?" Fuyumi asked, her voice chipper. She went to inspect the displayed tools and decided to buy things like kunai and shuriken. Since the axe was pretty expensive, she had decided to not buy too many things for the time being and she thought that she could buy some more once she earned more money. In addition to the basic tools, she also bought a backpack, two hip pouches and two holsters.

    For the time being, that would be all that she needed. Once she managed to get enough money, she would be able to buy more things for herself down the line.

    "That will be 26,200 ryo," the shopkeeper informed her. Fuyumi nodded, completing the transaction before thanking the shopkeeper. Now that she was done, she brought the goods she bought home, planning to think of what to do next.

    [End Thread]
    [Purchasing 1 War Axe for 20k, 50 shuriken and 10 kunai for 6k, 2 hip pouches for 100, 2 kunai holsters for 50 and 1 backpack for 50. Total = 26,200 ryo]

    Fuyumi Shimazu:

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