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    The Ice Princess and the Spectre [M-Rated]


    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 979
    Join date : 2020-06-24
    Age : 24
    Location : The Bloody Mist

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Hyoton, Fuuton, Suiton, Ninjutsu, Iryojutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Kanchijutsu
    Class: S
    Ryo: I take payment in blood

    The Ice Princess and the Spectre [M-Rated] Empty The Ice Princess and the Spectre [M-Rated]

    Post by Sayuri Thu Aug 13, 2020 7:22 am

    Since Sayuri had chosen to live in a cave she decided that she best learn her way around the surrounding forests. The last time she’d had to find her way back to her new home she’d gotten horribly lost, she’d found her way eventually but it had taken too many hours in the dark. So she set out to familiarize herself with the area as best she knew how. By studying it. It was just before sunset when she left the safety of the cave, she didn’t think it would be a particularly good idea to begin after dark, the woods were scary enough in the day. She also needed to toughen her feet up a bit, the underbrush had done a number on her feet last time as she was more used to the open fields and dirt paths with bare feet. She was wearing a clean dress which worried her a little, it’s white and embroidered fabric was likely to get ruined again, but she didn’t have a better option now. Maybe she should take up sewing her own clothes?  It was probably time for a new hobby anyway, sewing seemed as good as any other.

    She walked through the trees, taking note of every interesting landmark and trying to commit it to memory. It was easy enough with the light from the setting sun pouring through the canopy above her but as it grew more dim she began to fret. Being brave under the sunlight was a piece of cake, but the shadows grew longer and her imagination filled them with monsters. Had she not just been attacked by a literal monster in these very woods it would have been a simple matter to convince herself that there was nothing that would hurt her. She knew now that she could defend herself, but without Sero by her side she wasn’t certain that she’d do it in time. She had hesitated and his quick action had saved her life. Thinking of her new friend gave her a tiny bit of courage, and so she travelled on humming a tune as she walked to comfort herself.

    Last edited by Sayuri on Fri Aug 28, 2020 2:21 am; edited 1 time in total

    The Ice Princess and the Spectre [M-Rated] TjQ3hVh

    The Ice Queen:

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 177
    Join date : 2020-07-26

    The Ice Princess and the Spectre [M-Rated] Empty Re: The Ice Princess and the Spectre [M-Rated]

    Post by Azrael Sat Aug 15, 2020 3:34 am

    The Angel of Death would wander aimlessly through the forest surrounded by his horde of chakra ghost. Inside the village they tended to look down upon ghosts walking the streets, but out here there was no need for him to worry as he was all alone. Though he was never truly alone with his chakra ghost, even though he knew they were just illusions the young death would find comfort in their company. In truth he did not like not having his ghosts with him, they helped protect him from detection from other sensors. It was one of the reasons he hated going into the village, it left him feeling vulnerable even thoughhe was still able to use suppression to hide his presence it just did not feel the same to him.

    The sensation of chakra entering his sensory range would snap the ghost from his thoughts, could it be that someone had come looking for him he would wonder to himself as he stopped the chakra ghost horde from continuing forward. The way the chakra was moving did not give the impression of hunters, yet still the young ghost would be cautious. Spreading the horde out wide to cover a full hundred meter radius around him, though they would look few and far between this way it would ensure that if someone were looking for him they would have a harder time doing so. Though at the same time it would also put some ghosts in the unknown chakras vicinity, meaning whoever they were would now know they were not alone in this forest. The chakra ghosts would look like mist taken form save for the glowing red eyes of the Yurei, Azrael began to wonder what this person would do when they saw his ghosts. Silently he would move towards the source of the chakra, his entire form covered in black even his white hair was hidden beneath the black cowl of his attire. His face covered by his rebreather with a lipless grin painted upon it, only his eyes would be visible, only the glowing blood red eyes. Of course Azrael would not move close enough for whoever it was to actually see him, no he would keep his distance in the shadows to ensure he was unseen. His ghosts would be enough to keep the person distracted while he moved closer, if they were a sensor then they wouldn't even be able to tell if he was real or an illusion like the rest. As he drew nearer to the chakra source he would get his first look at the woman, she was much prettier than the women he had seen in the village. Yet it made him wonder, why she was alone in the woods. Was she like him, an outcast of the normals with no friends, or was she simply out for a stroll. Either way the woods were dangerous, especially at night. All kinds of things went bump in the night, the Ghost more so than the rest. Azrael would form the tiger hand seal, releasing his chakra out into the area around him. With the woman less than 20 meters from him she would be caught within his sly mind effect Technique, which even though she will think she is moving will keep her in one spot. Of course she could always break free of such a technique but it all came down to the power of her mind, which was something of a curiosity for Azrael. The breaking of ones mind was something Azrael had found that he enjoyed, the tougher mind just meant more of a challenge for him but they would always break eventually. Azrael would not stop with just one Genjutsu, oh no that was just merely to keep her where he needed her. His other illusions would take time to penetrate the woman's mind, and he couldn't have her wondering off while he was having some fun. He also infused the area with another illusion. Demonic illusion:False surroundings, one that would allow him to shape the surroundings to suit him and the woman would see what he wanted her to see, but it would take time for such a thing to Activate so for now he would merely watch the woman as she reacted to his ghosts and he wondered if she would be able to free herself from his trap or if she would walk in circles.

    Learning and activating:

    The Ice Princess and the Spectre [M-Rated] AzSig3

    Character Name: Azrael, the Angel of Strife
    Clan: Akayurei {Clan Leader}
    Village: Kirigakure
    Rank: Genin
    Renown: 1250
    Skills: Genjutsu | Sensory | Ijutsu | Fuuinjutsu
    Strength: D
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: B+
    Speed: D
    Coordination: C
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: B

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 979
    Join date : 2020-06-24
    Age : 24
    Location : The Bloody Mist

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Hyoton, Fuuton, Suiton, Ninjutsu, Iryojutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Kanchijutsu
    Class: S
    Ryo: I take payment in blood

    The Ice Princess and the Spectre [M-Rated] Empty Re: The Ice Princess and the Spectre [M-Rated]

    Post by Sayuri Sat Aug 15, 2020 8:09 pm

    Sayuri was perfectly happy pretending monsters didn’t exist as she hummed a lullaby and attempted to learn how to navigate the forest. In the dark. It was probably the worst attempt at a normal activity she had ever done. And even her song wasn’t really helping. Every snap of twig or rustle of leaves was making her jump, she knew that it was probably just birds or mice, something small. But the silence of the darkness was oppressive, to the point where the hammering of her own heartbeat in her ears was distracting. All the sounds were louder, made by larger and scarier things with every passing moment, the shadows grew deeper and more ominous. Holding faces of evil beings and legendary beasts within their unfathomable depths. She had been just as afraid, probably more so, the first time she’d seen Sero. The difference here was that she saw nothing and that somehow made it worse. Taking a few moments she would lean up against a tree, practically hugging onto it for security, as though the tree would animate at the first sign of a threat and leap to defend her. The feeling of the tree bark beneath her fingertips helped to ground her, bring her back to reality and so she would close her eyes and take in her surroundings.

    She had no extra sensory capabilities, just her patience and average human senses. She could smell the earthy moss at her feet, hear the wind as it danced in the leaves and rattled branches, feel the coarseness of the bark, the slightly damp earth beneath her bare feet. After a few minutes of mindfully observing the area around her she felt more calm, still scared, but not in any danger of running off in a panic. She would open her eyes again and peer into the darkness, this time more intent on looking for landmarks than demons. “You have nothing to be afraid of. You already met the scariest thing in the world and he didn’t want to hurt you. So this is fine.” She spoke as bravely as she could to herself, doing her best to believe her own words. Even she had to admit though that her voice sounded shaky and fearful, in contrast to the reassurance of her statements.  

    Pushing herself off from the tree she would begin to move forward again, continuing to sing to herself. Just when she was starting to feel more confident she saw something out of the corner of her eye. A person maybe? Her heart felt as though it skipped a beat and she would freeze. If it was a person, what were they doing out here? She immediately realized the irony in her question as she was both a person and wandering around in the forest. Still though, she couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something ominous in the woods with her. She knew if she ran that it might just catch her anyway, she was at a severe disadvantage in the dark in this place. But she did have her guardians if anything went terribly wrong, so she would move in the direction she’d thought she had seen the form. Just behind a small copse of tall bushes she saw. . . mist? It was mist, or at least appeared to be until it moved. Its movements were human like, but its form was not - partially translucent and eerily more graceful than a human had any business being. She stood there transfixed trying to determine the best course of action. Should she approach it? Did it need help? Was it here to hurt her, or someone else?

    Sayuri had never seen anything like it and so all she had was questions. Questions that were immediately halted when it turned to face her. It had blood red and glowing eyes in its misty face. She let out the tiniest squeak of surprise, covering her mouth with one of her hands to stifle the urge to scream. She thought she could feel a malevolence coming from the creature and the temperature around her began to drop, frost covering the ground in a small circle around her. The red eyed creature was making no move towards her as yet, and so she would walk up towards it. She could have moved away, could have attacked, curled up in a ball and cried. And any of those options would have been more self serving than what she decided on. Her curiosity was going to be her downfall one day, though she hoped it wouldn’t be today. “Who are you? What do you want?” She would challenge in her soft and sweet voice, hardly the command of someone who felt that they could make demands of anyone. But she had to know, there was so much more in the world that she’d yet to see, to experience. Spending her life cowering was no way to live and she wanted - no needed to change it.

    The Ice Princess and the Spectre [M-Rated] TjQ3hVh

    The Ice Queen:

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 177
    Join date : 2020-07-26

    The Ice Princess and the Spectre [M-Rated] Empty Re: The Ice Princess and the Spectre [M-Rated]

    Post by Azrael Mon Aug 17, 2020 2:47 pm

    Finding the source of the chakra he had sense, Azrael was surprised to see that it was a woman. Having not much experience with women other than the woman they called his mother, and the ones that stared in fear of him when he was in the marketplace Azrael couldn't help but feel some hatred towards this random woman. However hearing her voice as she sung would cause an unknown sensation to wash over him only driving his curiosity further, as he wished to know more about this strange feeling. Moving in closer to the woman to get a better look at her, and the only word that came to his mind was Angel. Which was strange to him, given that the only time he had heard that word before was when his mother cursed his name and called him nothing but an Angel of Death and Destruction, but as he continued to watch this woman it was the only thing that he could think of to describe her. She was more beautiful than Death itself, and for Azrael that was saying a lot. There was nothing the young male had more experience with than death, and each time it was a beautiful piece of art. Winter air seemed qto radiate off the woman, even from the distance he was from her he could feel the coldness in the air. This was a land full of monsters such as himself and gods like Sero,and yet here was a beauty that did not belong. Perhaps fate had brought her to him, perhaps she was meant to be here for him to find. Was he meant to help lead her to the fate of all beings, or was she here for another yet unknown reason. He would not get any closer just yet, merely watched to see what she would do as his Genjutsu began to take hold of her.

    The woman looked as pale as the ghost himself, and he could not help but wonder if she might be like him. Hearing her speak the male would tilt his head slightly to the left in curiosity, she was talking to his chakra ghost... this would cause the male's heartbeat to race, never before had this  like him. Most people avoided his spirits, and out here they would most often run. But this one spoke, her voice soft like his own but one of beauty like a birdsong rather than being raspy and dead like his own. His Genjutsu would be in full effect, even if she tried to run she would only go in circles. The ghost the woman would talk to would look with the glowing eyes of the Yurei, yet the mist around the face would begin to change until it showed the face of someone the woman knew that had died. His Genjutsu reaching into the depths of her mind to find the information, it wouldn't matter if she had killed the person or if it was just someone she knew that passed away. The leaves on the treesand bushes would begin to wither, as the grass turned a black as a fog would begin to spread across the now dead forest. The trees would look like the dead of winter as they began stretching out to seemingly grab the woman, more of his chakra ghosts would begin to draw near her. Halfway encircling the woman, yet leaving space between them not fully closing her in. Each of the ghosts would bare the same glowing red eyes as the first, however each holding a different face of someone from the woman's past.

    Azrael would use this time to move closer to her, he would remove his cowl revealing his own pure white hair and the pale skin of his face. His black rebreather with the menacing lipless grin hiding his own smile beneath as his own glowing red eyes would watch how the little Angel would react to this change. He spoke but a whisper, however his ghosts would speak in volume all of them in Unison. "We are Legion, We are Oblivion, We are the Angel of Death. We want to watch as this world burns, and the souls to join us." Azrael would stand directly in front of the woman, the mist spreading away from the pair leaving a small clear area for her to see him. The glowing eyes of the ghosts watching from the edge of the mist ring as the once again spoke in Unison, "who are you?"

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 979
    Join date : 2020-06-24
    Age : 24
    Location : The Bloody Mist

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Hyoton, Fuuton, Suiton, Ninjutsu, Iryojutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Kanchijutsu
    Class: S
    Ryo: I take payment in blood

    The Ice Princess and the Spectre [M-Rated] Empty Re: The Ice Princess and the Spectre [M-Rated]

    Post by Sayuri Mon Aug 17, 2020 4:15 pm

    Her question was met with a strange change in the creature before her. Its face morphing into the distinguished but stern visage of her grandfather. She’d barely known him, but one thing she did know was that she had been told that he had passed. She hadn’t understood it at the time, the word ‘passed’ was just a gentler way of saying ‘died’, many years later that had become apparent to her. And even until this very day she could not wrap her mind around the concept of lying to children about something so important. For years she had imagined that he had sailed off on a boat into the ocean, bound for grand and glorious adventures. If her parents had bothered to trust her with the truth she would have been less devastated when she finally learned it. Devastated because that abrupt severing of a connection was never felt, she still had imaginings of him off exploring the world even though she knew that was inaccurate. Even now, looking at his face she found herself doubting the word ‘passed’.

    She would try to take a step closer to the ghostly image, one tiny and frail hand reaching out towards what might be the answer to many questions that kept her up at night. Her movement halted though as the world around her changed. It was as though she were watching the quick turning of the seasons, or a sickness that had befallen the earth. The trees withered and slept, clawed branches reaching for her as though to make her succumb to their shared slumber. The grass turned a sickly black, transforming to a rolling fog that threatened to sweep her away into the realms of madness. The ghost in front of her was joined by many others, surrounding her and seeming to cut off any escape she had from this waking nightmare. She thought she recognized some of them, the familiarity she felt was overwhelming, but always they looked at her with sinister glowing red eyes.

    She was beginning to panic, she had never seen anything so terrifying. She could feel her body slick with sweat that would start to form as a nearly transparent frost over her skin, as her fear manifested in her ice affinity bleeding over into the world with her lack of control. Why hadn’t she told Sero where she was going? Why was she here alone? One she could have fought perhaps, but there were so many now and as she spun slowly around to take them all in she knew that she was doomed. She silently cursed her curiosity and prayed to every god and spirit she’d ever invented that this would not be where she died.

    As the ghosts spoke to her she tried not to cower, listening to how they spoke of wanting to burn the world. She had a similar want and it gave her a tiny bit of courage. She didn’t want to destroy everything, and certainly not with fire, but there was so much in the world that was so very wrong. Maybe these ghosts knew that, could sense that in her and that’s why they came. Maybe she was meant to help them, like she was trying to help Sero. She would straighten her spine and roll her shoulders back, trying to muster a bravery she did not yet feel. Her blue eyes having slowly turned a frosty white she trained them on the ghost that looked like her grandfather, unwilling to turn them down should they need her help. Her resolve nearly held, but another small squeak and a sharp gasp escaped her as a man stood in front of her, the earthly representative of his ghostly companions. White hair and skin and red glowing eyes, with an eerie smile painted on to his mask. She trembled violently as she told herself to stay where she was, that she was capable.

    The mist had cleared around the two of them, leaving the man in front of her in plain view. Her mind was dizzy with all the ideas running through it. What was he doing out here? Was he a ghost, or was he real like her? She could barely think for all the noise in her head, and without thinking she would reach out to touch the white haired man, seeking some reassurance that he was flesh and blood. His, or perhaps their, question rang out in the silence of the woods. She didn’t know what to say, she was no one important and so she only had her name to give. She had no list of titles or purposes to offer. But she knew she had to answer or risk a much worse encounter, she didn’t want to appear rude or difficult. And truth be told she was more curious than a person with any sense of self preservation should be. She would swallow hard before answering, her voice coming out as barely louder than a whisper. “I’m Sayuri. Who are you?”

    The Ice Princess and the Spectre [M-Rated] TjQ3hVh

    The Ice Queen:

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 177
    Join date : 2020-07-26

    The Ice Princess and the Spectre [M-Rated] Empty Re: The Ice Princess and the Spectre [M-Rated]

    Post by Azrael Tue Aug 18, 2020 4:17 pm

    Azrael could see the panic in her eyes, the fear of the world changing instantly around her. He watched as the woman began to sweat, but it would instantly crystalize forming a beautiful glow of frost upon her skin. He had never before seen such a thing, and yet despite her obvious fear she would continue to stand her ground. In all honesty it felt as though there was an unknown strength in her, something she kept hidden from the world. But nothing was hidden from the eyes of the ghost, as he pierced into her mind. There was no secrets that she could keep from him, her true self revealed to him. All that she was he would know, as if he had known her her whole life. Though he was just living through her memories, the more he pulled from her mind the more drawn to her he felt himself becoming. He could see her mind as if it was an open book, and he just could not stop reading. And then the ghost would sense a dark presence deep in the recesses of the woman's mind, a presence he had know before. The image of Sero would appear in the woman's mind unleashing an ear shattering roar that would force the ghost from the woman's mind. It would seem as though the woman had already met the male's God, and he was protecting her mind. Not even his akayurei could pierce through this unknown barrier, it would raise the male's curiosity even further. What was this woman to his God that he would protect her, and why did he feel as though there was more to this than even he could see with his all seeing eyes. He needed to know more, but looking for answers inside her mind seemed to no longer possible for he couldn't see anything within her mind now. His God had blessed this woman, and he needed to know why.

    The woman seemed to reach towards him, yet after being cast from her mind like he had he was afraid of what her touch might do to him. He would take a step back as he activated yet another Genjutsu, disappearing from view as if he was invisible as vines would sprout from the ground encircling the woman trapping her as they began to crawl up her like snakes surrounding her slowly. His whisper would be once again carried by the horde that surrounded the woman in the mist, "We already told you who we are, we are Death." The white haired ghost would move closer to the woman now hidden from her sight, the closer he got to her the colder he felt the air becoming. The cold air did not bother him, in truth it was not colder than the basement he had spent most of his life in. He could feel his heartbeat growing louder and louder with each step he took closer to the woman, until it sounded like the beating of drums in his ears. The vines would merely be around her ankles and lower calf's, slowly creeping further and further up the woman's legs but it was a slow process and would take several minutes before it would be in full effect. Azrael would be merely inches away from her as he would slowly stroke an invisible finger across her cheek, "This one is curious, what are you?" Unlike before the ghosts would not echo his words, the whisper seemingly coming from the invisible source in front of her. He rarely used his ghost to speak when he referred to his individual self, but with them being so close now he did not need the ghosts to speak for him. His whisper dancing upon her ear just inches away.


    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 979
    Join date : 2020-06-24
    Age : 24
    Location : The Bloody Mist

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Hyoton, Fuuton, Suiton, Ninjutsu, Iryojutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Kanchijutsu
    Class: S
    Ryo: I take payment in blood

    The Ice Princess and the Spectre [M-Rated] Empty Re: The Ice Princess and the Spectre [M-Rated]

    Post by Sayuri Tue Aug 18, 2020 9:43 pm

    Sayuri was petrified and she was doing a poor job of hiding it. She was trying so hard to be brave, to not give in to the little voice in her head that was telling her to run, or to cry. She had always been frightened of everything. Now as she stood surrounded by red eyed ghosts she couldn’t deny that there were things in the world worth being afraid of. Her breath was coming quicker as she could feel herself slipping into the icy depths of her mind where only the dark thoughts existed. Time seemed to slow as she tried to reach out to the man in front of her and she could feel someone - him - in her mind. Sifting through her memories. Her mind ached and she would gasp as things she had thought long buried swam their way to the surface.


    A young girl alone in a comfortable family room. The girl is sad as she draws in a book, lying on the floor. The room is dark and she can barely see what she is drawing. There are voices as a door opens. Her parents. They laugh and talk excitedly to each other. The girl looks up hopefully towards the voices. They pass across the doorway and down the hall. Another door closes and the girl is left alone again.


    The girl is slightly older. She is outside surrounded by children her own age. A park. The other children laugh and play. The girl watches sadly while she draws in a book. A young boy comes over. The girl looks up hopefully towards the boy. The boy sneers and takes her book. The other children laugh at the girl. She watches as the boy tosses the book on the ground. The children move away from the girl. Laughing at her. The girl is left alone again. A single snowflake falls.


    The girl sits on her bed in the dark. Curled up and rocking back and forth. There are voices outside her closed door. Her parents. The voices are angry. Angry with her. The girl cowers alone clutching at her book. Frost forms around her.  


    The girl is a teenager. She trains alone. Her teacher comes to her. He is angry with her. The girl tries harder. She won’t speak to him. He grows more angry. The girl still won’t speak. The teacher tells her she is worthless. The girl believes him. The girl cries when she is alone.


    The girl walks in the forest alone. She sings to herself and the trees. The girl’s song is filled with sadness and pain. She is angry. The girl’s song turns to screams. She howls at the emptiness of the forest. Spikes of ice form around her.


    Sayuri would shake her head to try to clear it of the unwelcome memories, the invasive presence of this unknown power. She wanted it to stop, for her mind to be hers again. For the pain and sadness and seething hatred to leave her. She willed as hard as she could to force the thoughts from her harrowed mind. She hears a howl form within her mind in a voice she recognizes; Sero. And abruptly the intrusive presence leaves her. She pants heavily as her thoughts begin to settle, leaning her palms hard onto her thighs as she tries to catch her breath. Still trying to ground herself she would reach once more towards the white haired man, only to have him disappear from sight. She would groan with frustration, mentally tired from both the battle against her own fear and the man’s prodding within her mind. It would take her a few moments to realize that she was being bound as she would look around, trying to seek out the mysterious stranger. She was frustrated and terrified and tired. And somehow that combination led to her voicing her thoughts. “I don’t understand.” Her voice was more forceful, more pleading than it had ever been.

    Her thoughts were cut short as she felt something grasping at her legs. Looking down she would see the vines winding their way slowly up over her feet and along her calves, holding her there so she couldn’t run. She would struggle against their grip, trying in vain to pull herself free from the unearthly restraints. “Please.” She would whisper into the darkness, a plea for something that she couldn’t voice. Despite her fear and panic there was something comforting about the clutching vines, something that almost made her feel safe despite all evidence to the contrary. She wanted. . . What did she want? She rolled the question over in her mind, trying to find the truth of it. She wanted to be noticed. That was at the heart of every agonizing image she had just been forced to relive. And while she was scared, she was undoubtedly noticed.

    A touch, the stroking of a finger across her cheek gave her a start, her heart pounding loudly in her chest. The touch was slow and deliberate, giving her time to respond to the sensation. She would shiver and try to turn herself towards the invisible hand, seeking further contact. Being ignored and neglected she had experienced little physical affection. And now in the depths of her terror she found it was the one thing that gave her hope. The question that came with it, whispered from a single voice near her ear sent another violent shiver through her frame. She would repeat the question aloud, her voice quiet and oddly calm as she contemplated its meaning. “What am I?” She had never had anyone ask her that before. It had always been ‘who’, not ‘what’. She wasn’t sure she even knew how to answer. She’d been told she was many things in her life. A burden, a poor student, a freak. She didn’t know if that was what the man was asking. Closing her eyes she would breathe deeply several times before answering. Whoever this was, they were more powerful than she was and she needed to respect that. Turning her head to face where she thought the voice had come from she would let out a defeated sigh. “I’m nothing.” It was the most honest answer she could think of to give. Despite all her hard work, she had never amounted to anything that was good enough for anyone. And if she was going to die here alone in the woods, she wanted to at least die with the truth on her lips.

    The Ice Princess and the Spectre [M-Rated] TjQ3hVh

    The Ice Queen:

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 177
    Join date : 2020-07-26

    The Ice Princess and the Spectre [M-Rated] Empty Re: The Ice Princess and the Spectre [M-Rated]

    Post by Azrael Thu Aug 20, 2020 1:01 am

    The ghost stood in the dark corner of the room, watching the young girl as she drew. Watching the sadness written plainly on the childs face, as she was ignored. He could feel her emotions there locked in this room of her mind, the heartache, the pain, the loneliness. He had experienced it all before himself, yet feeling it here in the woman's mind. Seeing it in the young childs face, it was too much to bear. He would pass through the wall of the room as if it was not really there, which it wasn't. It was merely a projection of the woman's memory of this, as he passed through the wall a new memory would form. This time there would be no walls, a park the girl was now older than the last memory. She was surrounded by children, yet he could feel the loneliness inside the girl. Like him, even when surrounded, she was alone. Azrael would feel rage building inside at the sight of the boy taking her book and throwing it, his fist would begin to ache as he wished he had truly been there. He would have killed all the other children for what they had done to his Angel. He wanted nothing more than to grab the young girl and tell her that it would be ok that he understood her pain, but he knew he couldn't and soon he would be within another memory. This time they were back in her room, the yells from outside her door rang in the man's ears as he watched the girl rocking on her bed clutching her book. The ghost could not bare the sadness any longer and would pass through the wall again, this time they would be outside again. The girl was now a teen, she was training, he could see how hard she was trying. No more than that, he could feel how hard she was trying. A man would appear yelling at her, Azrael wanted nothing more than to strangle the man. As the man left the teen would cry, the ghost once again feeling overwhelmed by her sadness. He wanted to offer her the comfort that he never had, that she never had. The scene would change once more to the forest, singing but not of joy. Once again the woman's sadness would pain the ghost. The woman screams into the night, Azrael felt the anger, the power, and yet still the sadness. Sero would appear before him, and with a howl the ghost was forced out.

    The curiosity of why his God protected her, mixed with the familiarity of her lonliness is what would draw the ghost to her. To question what she was, why his God protected her, but also because he felt she shared his lonliness. As he touched her cheek with his finger, he would feel the woman turn towards it. As if she wanted him to touch her, when she would answer his questions she turned facing him even though he was invisible. He could see in her eyes that she truly believed the words she said, however that would not be acceptable for the ghost. The finger on her cheek would turn into a hand pressing against her cheek, "You are far from nothing." The ghost would whisper as he stared deep into the woman's eyes trying to return to her mind, but a great force still stopped him. The nightmare forest would grow darker as the Moon turned a dark blood red, the woman was in his world now. The vines surrounded her more and more, twisting around her to her waist. The vines would begin to lift the woman from the ground into the air, the ghost's invisible hand would hold onto her cheek until the last second when she would no long be in his reach.

    The woman believed herself to be nothing, but his God would not protect a nothing. Azrael would not have been drawn to nothing, there was something in her and he had to know what it was. He did not wish to harm her, but he needed answers. If he could not pull it from her mind himself, he would crush it with his Genjutsu. Then he would see what was truly beneath this woman's shell. In a matter of seconds he would have the answers he sought, Azrael's ghosts would speak in unison once more to ensure the woman heard him as he whispered. "We do not believe you are nothing, there is something inside you. You are a mystery to us, we wish to know more. Show us, allow us to see YOU."

    Village : Kirigakure
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    Age : 24
    Location : The Bloody Mist

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Hyoton, Fuuton, Suiton, Ninjutsu, Iryojutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Kanchijutsu
    Class: S
    Ryo: I take payment in blood

    The Ice Princess and the Spectre [M-Rated] Empty Re: The Ice Princess and the Spectre [M-Rated]

    Post by Sayuri Thu Aug 20, 2020 3:01 am

    Sayuri was beyond despair, her mind aching with the recollections of pain and overwhelming loneliness she had thought carefully buried. She was so very close to succumbing to her fear, her hopelessness. To letting the vines swallow her up and let herself fade away into the nothingness she thought she was. The only thought that gave her any strength at all was the cruel irony of it. Her memories were the things that were going to break her finally. Things she had already lived through once. The unfairness of it reignited her will to fight and she would struggle against the vines that were wrapping themselves around her. Until she felt a hand pressed against her cheek and her struggles would cease as she would relax into the unseen palm. You are far from nothing. She couldn’t have known that this was not what affection was supposed to feel like, that this was not normal. She had nothing to compare it to. Only what she had observed in others or read in books. The touch on her cheek was among the kindest things anyone had ever done for her and she would choke back a sob as she fought the roiling emotions within her.

    The vines were making their way further up her body and she pulled at them with her hands in vain, feeling a rising anger from some long forgotten place within her. She would gasp as the vines reached her waist, twisting and curling their way around her and slowly lifting her into the air. Her thoughts were scattered as she fought against what was happening to her. Was she nothing? She wasn’t sure now. She thought she was, so many had told her she was. But this beautiful invisible man had just told her she wasn’t. Who was she supposed to believe? This dark angel who had her trapped and could sift through her mind? Or the voices of her parents, her teachers and classmates, her family? She didn’t know anymore and she was tired of ruminating on it.

    The higher she rose away from the ground the more she felt as though she might fall apart, or explode. Which path she might take was still a mystery to her. She’d spent her entire life in fear, just being afraid was nothing new to her. This was not worse or better than any other time she had felt the grip of terror on her heart. She was still terrified but she felt a calm inside her as well. The simple notion that she had made friends with fear brought her a tiny measure of peace, or perhaps it was enjoyment? A constant companion, fear had not abandoned her to her fate. She wanted to scream at the man, to plead with him to let her go. But instead she would stay silent, feeling her fear envelope her like a warm blanket. A friend that she had not appreciated until now, until it was all she had.

    Without the sensation of the earth beneath her feet she felt disoriented, her only connections to reality were the vines along her body and the invisible hand against her face. The blood red moon overhead mirrored the eyes of the ghosts on the ground around her, and the eyes of the demon that spoke through them. As soon as the man’s hand left her face the thin veneer of control left her. She would twist and turn, looking around wildly for the man with the red eyes. She could stand this if he stayed with her, if he touched her again. Without his reassuring touch she wasn’t sure she could. “Please.” She would plead into the darkness, the red light of the moon drawing wicked faces on all the gnarled and dead trees. “Don’t leave me.”

    She was answered by the host that surrounded her, a request that she didn’t understand. Couldn’t they see her already? What more could she possibly show them? She would grip hard onto the vines that held her aloft, her fingers digging in as forcefully as she could. Then she would concentrate, her eyes becoming pure white as delicate whorls of frost appeared along the unnatural foliage emanating from her fingertips. Her rage had built to a crescendo, and it fueled her attempts to free herself. Her voice would cry out in anguish and fury as she attempted to destroy the things holding her captive. “There’s nothing inside me! I’m no one! There’s just ice!” Her words shocked her, she had known there was anger buried deep within her heart, but she had not known how much. She wanted to do what the man asked, to solve the mystery that was herself. But she didn’t know how to do what he wanted. All she could do was fight against her restraints and try to retain her sanity as the world around her twisted into a nightmarish landscape. She would howl at the moon, her heartache and misery poured into the bestial sound. Her heart fluttered erratically as she released her rage at the night sky, her strength leaving her muscles as she kept fighting. She was not physically strong, and her body ached with the exertion of escape. “Just tell me how. I’ll do anything.” There was no pleading or hostility in her voice this time, only sincerity.

    The Ice Princess and the Spectre [M-Rated] TjQ3hVh

    The Ice Queen:

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    The Ice Princess and the Spectre [M-Rated] Empty Re: The Ice Princess and the Spectre [M-Rated]

    Post by Azrael Sun Aug 23, 2020 11:11 pm

    The tears running down the woman's face hitting his hand were as cold as her skin, as she was lifted in to the air she said something that the ghost never imagined he would hear from one of his victims. She asked him not to leave her, never in his entire life had someone wanted him to stay especially not a victim. She may have been saying it out of fear, but there was something about her that said it wasn't. It was as if she enjoyed him being near her, despite what he was doing to her mind. He wanted to know everything there was to know about her, not just why his God protected her mind but why she would want his presence. Rain would begin to fall around them as the ghost altered the world of his creation once more, this was not normal rain it was blood rain. Just another psychological attack on the woman's mind, he wanted to see how she would react as he did with everything. Would it cause her more distress, the sight of blood was a wonderful sight to the male but he has learned that most do not appreciate it as he did. This would tell him more about her, the subconscious was where the truth was held. He wanted no he needed to know if she was like him.

    The ghost marvelled at the reveal of power of the woman, had this not been an illusion he was sure she would have devastated the vines which bound her. He saw a mere glimpse into her mind before he was forced out, he wanted more. He wanted her to open her mind, to see what no one else could. The reveal of power however and the outcry, he could tell that it was all too much for her. She was overwhelmed and succumbing to the madness that he was, her last words completely submissive. "Open your Mind," would come the echo of the ghosts as Azrael whispered his answer to the woman. "You have lived your life in the shadows of the world, unseen by those right in front of you. You have sadness because of this, it is because only through the eyes of others that little lives have any significance. When there is no one who sees you or will even look at you, it's as if you don't exist. We wish to see you, all of you." If the woman opened her mind to him, rather than the intrusive presence she felt when he had first entered her mind. She would feel a calm presence, one of serenity and understanding. He bore no judgment upon the woman for her life, merely understanding.

    As he travelled through her mind, the minds eye would flash to a dark room with no windows. This was not the woman's memory, red eyes would fill the dark room until it was illuminated showing a small boy sitting in the middle of the room. He spoke to the ghosts that surrounded him as they were all he knew, the sound of yelling could be heard on the floor above. His mother making another claim to take his life as her handmaiden begs her not to. Azrael would shake his head, how did that image appear in her mind. Did she see it as well, his invisible eyes would narrow on the woman as he prepared the next step of his Genjutsu.

    The Genjutsu was about to reach it's final stage, with her fighting spirit already broken the ghost knew that she couldn't survive such an assault. He didn't want to kill her, which was new to the male. Rarely did he meet someone that he didn't want to kill, with the exception of Sero. Was it because of Sero that he didn't wish to harm the woman, or was it because she had wanted his presence before. His mind was clashing with questions on what to do next, he was doubting himself and his thoughts. Why was he here, why was he doing this, and why did this woman bring all these questions to the surface now. It wasn't like he hadn't killed a woman before, though that one wasn't nearly as beautiful as this one. Still the fact that she had begged him not to leave her, rang in his ears as the bean pod sprouted out from behind the woman placing itself directly in front of her. The woman completely bound so that even her arms would be unable to move, the pod would open to reveal Azrael however unlike before he had disappeared he would no longer be wearing his rebreather to hide his face. Springing out of the pod like a jack in the box, the male did not move to harm her yet instead he would grab both sides of her face with his hands before kissing her on the lips. The male's eyes would close and the world would shift back to what it was before he changed it, the ghosts surrounding them would disappear, the fog would fade. The trees and the rest of the environment returned to normal and the woman would find herself no longer bound and her feet on the ground, the ghost's eyes would open as he pulled his face back from her lips. Gone was the blood red eyes, replaced instead by dark blue eyes looking into the woman's. His hands still on the side of her face he would whisper, "This one sees you, this one will never leave you."

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 979
    Join date : 2020-06-24
    Age : 24
    Location : The Bloody Mist

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Hyoton, Fuuton, Suiton, Ninjutsu, Iryojutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Kanchijutsu
    Class: S
    Ryo: I take payment in blood

    The Ice Princess and the Spectre [M-Rated] Empty Re: The Ice Princess and the Spectre [M-Rated]

    Post by Sayuri Mon Aug 24, 2020 3:13 pm

    The emptiness she felt as she was lifted away from her invisible tormentor spread from her cheek where she could still imagine his touch, all the way to her heart. For just a moment someone had noticed her and it had been her whole world, a simple touch by anyone else's standards, but to her it encompassed everything she had always sought. As the vines continued to clutch at her, slowly rising further along her form she would pause in her search for the invisible man as a raindrop fell on her face. Looking up she would see the blood red of the moon made deeper by the thousands of tiny blood tears that filled the sky and enveloped her in their thick and warm moisture. She watched in fascination as the drops would land along her white gown, creeping along the embroidery creating new and lovely designs that she would use a free hand to gently trace. The ruby coloured liquid was collecting on her face as she turned it to the sky, rivulets of blood mixing with her ice cold tears as it streamed over her pale skin and through her blonde hair. Her eyes would close as she relaxed into the comforting feeling of the sanguine fluid as it flowed over her, a glow touching her cheeks as she basked in it, her blush betraying her enjoyment on an otherwise still face.

    "Open your Mind"

    His words echoed through his ghosts, seeping through her fear soaked haze, reminding her that she was present. The command caused her to be attentive, she needed to do as he asked, she could feel the need within her very core. She briefly wondered if perhaps she had fallen under a spell, but no, it had been there since the first moment she had laid eyes on one of his ghosts. That overwhelming feeling to be closer, to do as he asked, to please him in the hopes of receiving his touch once more. She felt in him a kindred spirit, a darkness that she kept on the inside while he so clearly loved displaying the darkness around him. It was thrilling and addictive, this urgency.


    She would do her best to open her mind, though she had no concept of what that truly meant. As he described truths about her that she had always known but not given voice to she imagined her mind as her ice castle with its front gates open wide, inviting him in. All her hopes and dreams, regrets and fears laid bare for him to see throughout its frozen halls. His presence was calm as she felt him enter, a pleasing contrast to the first attempt. A gentle sigh would escape the blood soaked woman’s lips as she accepted the ghost within her mind. She felt a closeness that gave her peace, that words alone could not express. She struggled against the vines as they trapped her arms, she didn’t mind the twisted embrace but she wished only to be closer to the one who had put them there, the one who wished to see all of her. She would show him everything, things she had never dared even voice aloud, every twisted thought as she suffered silently throughout her life. The gruesome ideations of murder and bloodshed, of causing the world and those in it to suffer for their cruelty. Herself a great and terrible force as she would unleash her vengeance on those who had shown her no regard, had made her feel like nothing. Her castle constructed with the flayed and frozen bodies of those that had crossed her, their silent and permanent screams echoing through her creations. All of her pain and sadness poured itself into a desire to inflict the same on the world outside of her; images would surface of her dancing on the banks of blood filled rivers, caressing the lifeless bodies of her personal demons that lived in each of her tormentors. A wicked smile as she created an army of guardians, spiked and gruesome, to protect and defend her.

    To kill for her.  

    She would attempt to show him all this and more, laying bare her soul for only Oblivion. If he wanted to see all of her she could only think to do as he requested. His words held a sway over her that she did not understand, but did not care to. It was enough that he asked and she gave. As she held these images in her mind, feeling the serene presence move through her she saw something she did not remember, and was not sure was hers. A dark room filled with glowing red eyes and a young boy. Her heart cried out as she heard the mother seeking to kill the boy, screaming in her mind at her to ‘Stop.’ This wasn’t her memory. Was it his?

    Her eyes would open as she considered the unknown scene, lashes heavy with the blood that rained down and soaked her with its sticky embrace. Her arms now pinned by the vines she hovered helplessly in the air, awaiting an end to her suffering. For her to become one with the nothing. She saw through blood drenched eyes a large bean pod in front of her and she knew this was it, the moment she had dreaded and expected and hoped for her whole life. Her eyes still glowed an eerie white as she faced her demise with what little grace she could muster. As the pod opened she didn’t see some horrifying monster, or a gaping maw filled with razor teeth. Instead it was the white haired man, his mask gone and appearing as an angel of death. She would smile peacefully, happy to have this vision of a man as her last image. Her eyes would not leave him as he leapt from the pod and placed his hands on both sides of her face, her heart leaping at the return of his touch. She had been expecting a good many things, but as his lips pressed against hers she knew she had not considered every path. Her eyes would go wide as he kissed her, an explosion of light within her mind as she felt her first kiss. She would close her eyes as she would melt into his kiss, a docility overtaking her as she returned his advances. She wished to stay this way forever, locked in his kiss and restrained to his will, the salty taste of blood mingling with the sweetness of his mouth.

    It was only him pulling back from her that caused her eyes to open again, a slight confusion showing as she saw the world was as it had been before. No longer was she soaked in blood, the world was dark as night but no longer a nightmare, the vines and ghosts gone from sight, her feet on the ground and her limbs free to do as she pleased. And his eyes. The deepest blue she had ever seen, blue like the sky at midnight. Sayuri would search his eyes as he saw her and promised to never leave her. She could hardly believe her ears at his words, it was all she had ever wanted. To be noticed, to matter to someone. Perhaps he had seen that need in her while in her mind, perhaps it was more obvious than she had thought. No one had ever kissed her before, no one had ever wanted to stay with her. It made her heart surge and her now unrestrained arms would rise and mimic his grasp, placing her palms on either side of his head with one hand laced gently through his white hair. There was a smile on her lips and an intensity in her eyes as she mulled over his words. The earth may as well have vanished as she saw only him, wanted only him. She would lean forward to place her lips against his again, pouring all her emotions into three whispered words; her rage and her fear, her love. “I am yours.” She believed him, she knew that he would never leave her and she would never leave him. All that she was would be for him if he would have her.

    There was nothing she would not do for her Angel of Death.

    The Ice Princess and the Spectre [M-Rated] TjQ3hVh

    The Ice Queen:

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    The Ice Princess and the Spectre [M-Rated] Empty Re: The Ice Princess and the Spectre [M-Rated]

    Post by Azrael Wed Aug 26, 2020 3:07 am

    Seeing the woman's reaction to his blood rain would bring a smile to his face, she was like him. Watching he as she moved her hand along the blood covering her white dress, it began causing more feelings that he had never experienced before. She was perfect, and the blood covering her made her all the more beautiful. He could see them causing beautiful destruction together, she would be at his side when the world burned around them. They would make the streets run red with the blood of their victims, and relish in it. She would be his bloody princess, and they would be the nightmares of men.

    As he suspected she was willing to allow his entrance to her mind, and what he saw would only draw him to her more. Seeing the castle made of ice in her mind was more than he had expected, but it suited his princess and it spoke to her truth. She had always protected herself from the world, but she would allow him to see it and it made him smile as he walked through the halls. Their paths had been different and yet in so many ways they were the same. She was as much of a ghost as he was, and her emotions matched his own. His ears twitched as he heard a sigh from the woman, she was glad to have him and he was glad she welcomed him in her mind. Seeing her thoughts of murder and blood would only confirm his earlier thoughts of seeing her covered in blood, she was just like him their thoughts one and the same. She would truly be his princess, as the blood of those that stand in their way would flowed over them. Azrael would pay special attention to the faces of those who decorated her minds design, he wished to help her make this a reality. He would hunt each and every person who had ever done his princess, and kill each and every one of them for her. One would stand out to him, a face he had seen before. He knew not the man's name nor what he had done to her, but the sight of his face would fill the ghost with rage. He wished to bring this one to her and allow her to kill him, and soon he would do the same to all of them. One by one they would make their way through this list, and he would allow her the pleasure of killing them herself before he took their soul to add to his collection.

    Azrael had never kissed anyone before now, he had no reason to. Yet, Sayuri brought out a side of him that the ghost did not even know existed. He knew she would welcome the kiss however he never expected what came next, the woman would grab his face and kiss him again before whispering that she was his. He had never had anyone except his ghost, he wanted this woman and she wanted him. He felt as though he could jump up and touch the full moon that was now overhead shining it's normal white light down upon them, the woman now that his illusion had ended was no longer covered in blood and her white gown seemed to glow in the moonlight. Azrael wished the blood still covered her, but with the illusion ended there was only one way for that to happen. A wicked smile would form on the male's lips, Azrael looked at the woman directly in her eyes before giving her another kiss. This one though was much longer than before, holding more passion then he even knew he had. His eyes would close once more and then open revealing the blood red eyes from before, "We are now one, you are This One's and This One is yours now and forever. Nothing will ever come between us, and nothing will keep This One from you." Azrael's voice would whisper in the woman's mind as they kissed, with his jutsu and the woman's willingness to allow him into her mind they would be connected from this point on. Even when others are around them or Chaos forbid they are a part, they would be together and be able to speak to each other.

    In the depths of the woman's mind Azrael's image would appear as the words were whispered as if it were speaking, she would be able to call upon him whenever she wished. They would be able to speak to each other, her mind would be their stage and no one else would see them. He would know where she was and what she was thinking at all times, and he would never let anyone or anything harm her. For he found the meaning of a word he had only read with this woman, Love. He loved this woman more than he loved killing, but there was something he needed to do. Azrael would pull back from her before whispering in her mind, "Come with Us, This One has something to show you." Azrael would replace his rebreather and his cowl to cover his face before holding out his hand, "Trust This One." Once Sayuri took his hand the ghost would lead her through the forest until they reached the edge of the forest, "Close your eyes, This One would like to give you a surprise."

    Once Sayu closed her eyes, Azrael would then form a small string of handseals before turning and silently glaring into the village as his jutsu would activate. It would take several minutes but eventually a man would come walking towards the edge of the forest, the ghost would stroke her cheek. "You may open your eyes," his voice speaking in her mind once more. As the man drew closer to the pair and the woman opened her eyes, she would see the face of one of her victims the one which Azrael had recognized. His eyes were glazed over and though he was walking the man seemed to be in extreme pain, as if he was being tortured until he was five meters in front of the pair. The man would fall to his knees in front of them as Azrael looked to the woman, "This One has brought you this creature because it has wronged you, this one recognized it in your mind. This one will kill it if you wish, or allow you the pleasure of taking its life." Azrael would release his jutsu on the man's mind though kept him bound to his knees, the man's eyes would return to normal and his mind be his own once more as Azrael allowed Sayuri to decide the fate of one who had wronged her.

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 979
    Join date : 2020-06-24
    Age : 24
    Location : The Bloody Mist

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Hyoton, Fuuton, Suiton, Ninjutsu, Iryojutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Kanchijutsu
    Class: S
    Ryo: I take payment in blood

    The Ice Princess and the Spectre [M-Rated] Empty Re: The Ice Princess and the Spectre [M-Rated]

    Post by Sayuri Wed Aug 26, 2020 2:59 pm

    Sayuri was enraptured by the demon with the white hair, the one who she promised herself to. She wished she had more to give. As she felt his lips against hers again she imagined she could feel their souls mingling, their spirits becoming one as their passionate kiss caused the forest to melt away from her conscious thought. She could no longer taste the blood rain and it saddened her, though took nothing away from the sweetness of his lips. She watched in fascination as her angel’s eyes turned from dark to red again and she heard his voice within her mind. His voice caressed her, and she gave in to its embrace, her only wish to please him. His words caused her heart to soar, to know that she belonged to someone. To him. She had shown him every dark and terrible thing in her mind and he hadn’t turned from her. He had accepted her and she loved him for it.  

    She would close her eyes and look at the image of Azrael in her mind. It was a strange and surreal experience, to watch his lips move as he spoke to her while she felt his lips pressed against her own. Feeling none of the fear she usually endured when speaking aloud, she would answer him in her mind her words flowing freely. “Now and forever I am yours. Anything you wish of me I will give. My heart, my mind and my body. My soul is yours if you desire it. Take all of me and do with it what you will, I am nothing without you.” She felt whole as she wrapped herself around her angel and surrendered to his will. She would never leave him, she knew it in her heart; the love she felt for Death was all encompassing. He had seen her. While she still clung to her fear and despair he had seen her. With him by her side she was something and that meant more than any dreams she had, more than any fears. She would kill for him. She would die for him. In her mind she saw the truth of it, killing and dying were easy, they were peaceful and certain and something she desired. They were not sacrifice, there was more she could give. “I will live for you.” She would whisper the words in her mind, an explosion of fear coursing through her at the word ‘live’. It was the thing that scared her the most and she would gladly face it to make him happy, she felt she could now that she was his and he was hers.

    When Azrael pulled away from her she would open her eyes, her uncertainty returning at the absence of his touch. Had she already offended him? Her heart ached with sorrow at the thought of displeasing her angel until she heard his words within her again. She would smile as understanding dawned on her, he was not rejecting her, he wished to share something. She would place her hand in his, following after him through the forest and never once taking her eyes off of her love. “I do trust you. Completely.” He led her through trees and underbrush until they neared the edge of the forest, her heart pounding as they drew nearer to the village. She knew her angel would never harm her but her fear of the people within the city would cause icy sweat to form on her brow. She never slowed her pace, she did trust Azrael, her body fought her for control as she swallowed her dread and did as he asked, closing her eyes she would wrap her arms around herself and wait in the dark of her mind.

    Without his hand in hers, without feeling him against her the minutes felt as eternity. She longed to reach for him, to open her eyes and see his beautiful face again as he looked at her. A surprise was something she had never received, not from one who loved her. There had been others who had sought to ‘surprise’ her, but those had been cruel and heartless pranks. Their motives coated in the sickly malice of the young. She would shift her feet as she waited, her balance threatening to betray her as she stood with no sense of where she was. Just when her doubts began to take form she would feel a gentle hand against her cheek and a loving voice within her mind. All her doubts faded at his touch and as she opened her eyes confusion would pass through her again as she looked at a man walking towards them. Sayuri would look back and forth between Azrael and the man approaching them, she wasn’t frightened but she didn’t understand. The nameless man walked with agony etched into his features, his movements labored and would fall to his knees before the pair of monsters. She would nod with delight as she heard Azrael's explanation. It was a gift. Answering in her mind she would turn and lovingly place her lips against Azrael’s cheek. “Thank you, thank you, thank you. I love it. I would like to play with it.”

    Turning back to the kneeling man she would crouch so that she was face to face with him and peer into his now clear eyes, studying his features. He was familiar to her but it was a memory that was difficult to grasp, each time she reached for it the images would slip through the cracks in her mind. She would lean her body to see around him, even reaching forward to sniff at the man in the hopes of conjuring the memory of his face. As the minutes ticked by and she was no closer to an answer she heard the man mutter the words “Fuckin’ freak.” And something clicked, it was not just the sound of his voice, it was the tone of it. The voice of a person who thought she was nothing and sought to hurt her with it. She would sit back on her heels, her palms placed on the tops of her thighs and stare at the man as her memories took shape. Thinking back on her life she could see the man’s eyes, a young boy who had taken her drawings and thrown them in the dirt. Who had laughed at her and called her a freak, encouraged everyone to laugh along with him. Her rage bubbled up as she heard the word over and over again in her mind.


    She wanted to lash out and end him on the spot, to silence his mockery and defiance. He was being forced to kneel before her and still he looked at her with dismissiveness. As though somehow he was more than she was, had more of a right to exist than she did. It filled her with fury and with a quick movement she would rise up and place her tiny hand over the man’s mouth, her snow white eyes staring into his as the forest grew cold and frost filled the air. Remembering her angel was with her she would open her mouth and speak softly to her gift, like a mother trying to calm a frightened child. “A freak am I? Perhaps. We will see.” Her fingers would curl into the man's skin, her nails pressing into his flesh and causing him to try to pull away from her grip. She would laugh joyfully as she saw realization dawn on his face, he would not leave here alive. Like all things though he would still fight, his fear replaced with indignation and terror fueled anger. She was not physically strong, she couldn’t keep him still by force and so he was easily able to pull away from her grasp, and with hatred in his eyes he would pull back his head and spit at her. “You’re fuckin’ dead you little freak.”

    The spittle that had landed on her cheek was warm. Sayuri’s hand would rise to her face and slowly and deliberately wipe the man’s spit away, pausing to admire the translucent liquid on her fingers before removing all traces of the offence with her hand against the man’s shirt. “You shouldn’t have done that little gift.” She would look back at Azrael as the man clutched at his head, trying to suppress a scream. Azrael was silent but she could see his intense stare at the suffering man and knew her Angel would never allow harm to come to her. The temperature around her would drop even lower as she channeled her Hyoton into her right hand, turning her gaze back to her gift she would watch the man’s face turn from one of defiance to abject horror as two inch long talons made of ice grew on each of her finger tips. They were sharp and deadly looking, sparkling beautifully as the moonlight touched their icy edges. With a soft smile she would gently trace the line of the man’s jaw with the tip of her ice claw, keeping her gaze locked on the frightened man’s eyes. She could still see his denial, his will to fight and live. His hatred of her. “You took something from me, little gift. And you’re going to give it back.” She would press harder as she spoke, drawing a thin red line along the man’s jawbone as the ice talon slid effortlessly through his skin. The man would grunt quietly but did not speak, his eyes glancing up to the solemn and terrifying form that was her Angel of Death.  

    A single drop of blood appeared on the cut she had made, and she would delicately scoop it up with her icy claw and hold it up to the light marvelling at its beauty as it glistened in the moonlight. Remembering the taste of the blood rain Sayuri would open her mouth and slowly drag her tongue along the claw until the ruby drop was placed on the tip of her tongue. A shiver would run through her as she tasted it, the sweetness of his fear like a delicious treat. She wanted more of it, to bathe in his blood and soak in a fear not her own. With hunger in her frosted eyes she would draw more lines on the skin of his face and neck with her talons. Each time leaning forward to lick at the blood that wept from his fresh wounds. She could feel it now, his fear of her, smell it as each cut was deeper than the last and he wet himself in terror and pain. It was the most exciting thing Sayuri had ever experienced and she could feel a heat rise in her as the man struggled and whimpered. Raising his arm above her head and leaning back to face the sky she would slice across his flesh until blood trickled down onto her face and chest. She would shiver again in delight, the feeling of the hot blood as it ran down her skin causing the heat in her to rise higher. She would look back at her Angel, her eyelids heavy as she revelled in the man’s torment and fear. Holding out a hand to Azrael she would speak in her mind, her eyes full of adoration and desire. “I beg you, please come join me, my Angel.” She would dig her clawed fingers into the man’s arm again, sending blood pouring over her and she would moan softly as it covered her hair and flesh, soaking into her white dress. She wanted to feel this with her Legion, to feel his touch as her gift’s life essence poured over them both. She would wait patiently for her Demon, sighing happily as she felt her gift’s panic rise, his grunts of pain as her claws dug into his flesh sounding like music to her ears.  

    Trained - Ice Talons (C-Rank Custom) 200/200

    The Ice Princess and the Spectre [M-Rated] TjQ3hVh

    The Ice Queen:

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    The Ice Princess and the Spectre [M-Rated] Empty Re: The Ice Princess and the Spectre [M-Rated]

    Post by Azrael Thu Aug 27, 2020 10:30 pm

    Hearing her speak more than just one or two words at once would bring a smile to Azrael's image, he loved the sound of her voice. It was like a beautiful melody that only he was allowed to hear, he knew she didn't talk to other people like this no they only got the short talking from her just as he had before. But now they were together in her mind and she spoke to him and it made it all the better. Hearing her say she would live for him would shoot the man over the moon, he knew what it meant to the woman. To live when it's so easy to die, she was choosing to take the hard path for him and he knew it. He could feel her emotions swimming around them in her mind, the doubt, the fear, but nothing would ever come between them. As they near the edge of the forest, he could sense her nervousness, he knew she didn't like the village or it's people but she braved it for him and that meant a lot to the ghost.

    Seeing the woman happy with her gift would bring a smile to Azrael, and the kiss on the cheek followed by her stating she wanted to play with her new toy made a smirk form as he imagined all the things they could do to the vermin. Azrael would nod to her statement of playing with it as he sat back to watch his beautiful princess enjoy herself, he watched as she tried to place where she knew her play thing from. When Azrael heard the creature call his princess a freak, he was about to make the vermin's mind melt when he felt the change in his princess. As much as he hated that word, it seemed to click something in her mind. Finally she would recognize her play thing, Azrael felt her rage and knew he did not have to interfere she was going to make the creature pay for it all. She threatened it and Azrael would watch as it squirmed, the was no escaping this. The vermin was trapped by his Genjutsu and there was nothing it could do about it, but then the vermin did something that Azrael had not prepared for and his blood boiled at the sight.

    The filthy creature spit on his princess, that's no way for a gift to behave. Azrael would not say a word aloud his stare at the creature on it's knees would intensify, as the vermin's brain began feeling as through thousands of bees filled it's head and it fought against the agony of it all. "How dare you, you Filthy Vial Cretin! You are a Gift, and you dare put your filth on my Princess!" Azrael yelled at the top of his lungs inside the vermin's mind as his Genjutsu caused the mental anguish of thousands of bees stinging the vermin from the inside. Azrael's stare would lessen as he sensed his princess move towards the creature, he would return to merely watching his princess as she enjoyed her toy yet his jutsu would still be in effect. His own excitement would jump at the woman's words when he saw the sight of blood on the vermin's neck. Azrael's jutsu would stop the vermin from being able to do what it had done before, it's tongue would feel swollen so that it wouldn't speak or put it's filth on Azrael's princess again. Azrael watched in delight as Sayuri would lick the drop of blood from her claw, with their minds still connected her excitement would flow over into Azrael causing him to experience emotions he had never experienced before. He had no context for what she was feeling, he did not even know if he would be able to describe them. What he did know was that his princess was enjoying herself, and he found his own body yearning to be with her in it. He would remove his rebreather as his mouth began to water at the sight of Sayuri covered in blood, there is was again he thought to himself. The feeling he had before, the sight of her covered in blood, it was something the ghost didn't quite understand nor did he care too. His princess was happy, that was what he cared about. Seeing the smile on her face as she enjoyed the blood pouring over her was Delectable, and when she reached out towards him calling to him in her mind another wave of strange emotions would pulsate from her into him. She begged for him, she wanted him. Her words "My Angel" would resonate within the ghost, he had heard the word before yet the context was different. She said it as a possessive, as if she wanted him to be her Angel. Before the only context he had for the word, was when his mother cursed his name saying he was nothing more than an Angel of Death that brought destruction wherever he went. But hearing it on the lips or well mind of his princess, it was the true meaning of the word love. Her moan of pleasure would echo in Azrael's mind as he approached her, the sight of her covered in blood mixed with the strange feeling that washed over him from the woman's mind would have his body reacting in ways it never had before.

    Azrael formed a short string of handseals as he approached his princess, his eyes upon the beautiful vision of the woman soaked in blood. His hand would lift to the vermin's face and the creatures eyes would shrink to the size of a pin needle as agony crept across it's face. Azrael's latest mind game for his princesses gift, it would keep the creature alive and awake until the very last drop of blood came out of it. The blood flow would lessen but only slightly, not enough to stop the shower of it spraying over his princess but enough to make it so that it would last longer as he wanted to enjoy it as long as possible. The ghosts Genjutsu would cause a reaction in the vermin's brain causing it to release endorphins that not only kept the man alive and awake, but would also cause all of his nerve endings to feel as if they were on fire, any pain now inflicted upon it would feel as if it was amplified by ten. His previous Technique still preventing the vermin from crying out, but the pain and terror were written plainly on its face and his low grunts and attempts to cry out.

    Azrael reached out a hand towards his princess, the thick blood of her gift covering him almost instantly as his hand slowly caressed the woman's cheek as he had done while she was under his Genjutsu. She was a true vision of beauty, and the connection they now shared would overwhelm him. Azrael's hand would travel down to Sayuri's neck squeezing it not enough to hurt her but enough to pull her to him as he kissed her, his other hand would wrap around her waist. The taste of the blood and feeling it on his skin was enough to make him go crazy, the pure fear this little vermin had of them was almost as intoxicating as the feel of Sayuri in his arms. The pair would topple over to the ground as the red mist continued to spray over them, lying in the pool of her gifts blood with his Princess in his arms the Angel of Death was in heaven. He could feel himself pressing against her, she brought out a side of him even the male did not know about. Even though he didn't fully understand all the emotions flowing from Sayu, he couldn't help but feel it was pure bliss. Inside the woman's mind the ghost would speak to her, his voice no longer a whisper as if he had something to hide. The ghost fully opening himself to her as she had to him, his soul bare for her. "This one would have you now." His words holding meaning he didn't fully understand, but knew he wanted. His need to have her growing with each second he held her in his arms, the blood of the creature pouring over them causing a lovely scene around them. The taste of it's blood over their lips, the feel of it on their skin the feel of her on his fingers. His hand would still be holding her throat as they laid kissing beneath the fountain of blood, he would not hurt her he could never do that. He wanted to feel all of her, but his hand would remain upon her neck unless she wished him to move it. His other hand caressing her back and thigh as they kissed, Azrael would tilt her head slightly with the hand that held her throat giving himself access to kiss her neck as his other hand continued to explore her body.

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 979
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    Age : 24
    Location : The Bloody Mist

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    Skills & Elements: Hyoton, Fuuton, Suiton, Ninjutsu, Iryojutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Kanchijutsu
    Class: S
    Ryo: I take payment in blood

    The Ice Princess and the Spectre [M-Rated] Empty Re: The Ice Princess and the Spectre [M-Rated]

    Post by Sayuri Sun Aug 30, 2020 1:57 am

    Sayuri’s breathing was labored as she waited for her Angel to come to her side, blood pooling around her as the silk of her dress refused to absorb any more of it. Her eyes would close subconsciously for a moment as he stroked her cheek, a sign of her implicit trust of her Angel. His touch meant only love to her and she would never fear him or deny him anything. She existed for him now, she was his to command, to enjoy as he wished. Azrael’s hand trailing down her face to her neck evoked a sharp gasp from the blood soaked woman as his fingers wrapped around her throat. She wasn’t hurt but she finally understood why she saw prey give in to their hunters when grasped this way. At least she thought she did. She felt vulnerable beneath his hand as he moved her towards him, there was nothing she could do to stop him should he wish to snap her fragile neck. And while she knew her Angel would never do that to her, the idea that it was possible and she was helpless against it thrilled her, the feeling of fear and want mingling to form a heavy drug on her senses. She would kiss him passionately as his hand wrapped around her waist and they fell to the ground in each other's arms.

    There was a hunger in her that she did not understand, a need for him that grew stronger with each passing second. The sweet taste of fear grew as the Princess writhed in her Angel’s embrace, the gift’s life blood showering them all and adding to the gift’s horror and despair. Sayuri could feel the pain emanating from the bound and bleeding man, and knowing that she and her Angel were causing it made an unexpected laugh to erupt in her mind. It was a laugh of glee and joy and wickedness and she would try to share those emotions with Azrael as she surrendered to his embrace. His words in her mind took her by surprise, not the content of them, but the way in which they were spoken. His voice was clear and resounding, the demand echoed in her mind as she would grasp at him. Her reply was meek and pleading, making herself a supplicant to his will. “All of me is yours, do with me what you will. Please, my Angel, I want you to have me.” She had only the barest understanding of what he was asking and she was offering. She could feel her body yearning for him and an ache building inside of her with every touch and kiss he graced her with.

    She loved the feeling of his hand on her neck, the way he tilted her head to get further access to the delicate skin of her throat. Her moan of pleasure was not contained to her mind as his lips would brush against her skin, and she would moan again as she heard the muffled wail from her gift in response to her obvious enjoyment. Having him there, awake and aware while he slowly bled out in agony was incredibly arousing. She would press herself closer to Azrael, moving her hand to slide beneath the male’s shirt, gently resting her icy claws against his bare skin, savoring the feeling of her fingers against him. Her form would move against him, her leg twining around his and pulling their hips closer together. The ice around her heart was all but obliterated as she tried to project all that she knew of love to her Angel into her mind.

    The Ice Princess and the Spectre [M-Rated] TjQ3hVh

    The Ice Queen:

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    The Ice Princess and the Spectre [M-Rated] Empty Re: The Ice Princess and the Spectre [M-Rated]

    Post by Azrael Thu Sep 03, 2020 1:11 pm

    Azrael didn't understand it at all, even with the knowledge from Sayu of what she knew it was hard for him to wrap his head around. Despite his brain, his body was craving more and more. He didn't understand it, or maybe he didn't want to but he wanted to experience it. Hearing her moan would only drive that desire further, he didn't need to understand it to know she was enjoying it. If she was enjoying it then he must be doing something right, and all he wanted was to make Sayu happy. The blood of his gift to her would continue to flow over them as she placed her clawed hand beneath his shirt, the touch of the cold ice was shocking at first but with her hand upon his chest it quickly became welcoming. Azrael would tear at his shirt as their embrace became intangled, with his shirt off the warm blood of his princesses gift would wash over him. The feeling of the blood across his skin, it was something that he had always enjoyed. Yet in this moment while it brought him the same pleasure as before, there was another pleasure that would still call to him and that was exploring these sensations with Sayuri.

    Azrael would remove a Kunai from his pouch as her leg would wrap around him pulling them closer, with his hand still around her throat he would raise up the other hand holding the Kunai. Allowing the blade to lightly caress Sayuri's cheek before moving it to the top of her dress, he wasn't sure why but he felt the urge to cut the dress from her. To allow her to experience the blood pouring over them all over her body without her clothing being in the way. He would reluctantly remove his hand from her throat and grab the top of her dress with the hand before using the kunai and cutting it straight down the middle in the front. Allowing the dress to just fall off around her before taking the Kunai and driving it into the gifts leg, a muffled scream would call out but there was no one that cared. Pulling the kunai from the gifts leg he would stab him again, this time in his other leg. Leaving the kunai sticking out of him this time Azrael would turn back towards Sayuri, he hadn't stabbed the man to cause more blood no his princess had taking care of their crimson shower. No these stabs were more of Azrael way of causing the vermin as much pain as he had caused her, with his Genjutsu active on the man his pain would be tenfold and he would never know peace. This was a fate worst than death, and it was a fate that awaited all those that had caused his Sayuri any distress.

    The blood had now washed over almost all of Azrael's skin, as well as Sayuri's now that she did not have her dress covering her. He would wrap his arms around her, kissing her passionately as his hands began to explore her body. Her skin was cold yet inviting, the warm blood covering her only adding to the male's pleasure. He was unsure of himself, inexperienced in the ways of the flesh. He was sure he was going to make a fool of himself, but he felt no judgement from Sayuri's mind only encouragement. He could feel the straining in his pants, the urgency for release a need he had never had before and seeing Sayuri without her dress covered in blood would make it all the more intense. He would wrap his arms around her squeezing tighter, as if trying to make them closer. A devilish smile would form on Azrael's face as he pulled the kunai out of the man once more, taking the steel blade and running it across her cheek once more before tracing it down her neck and across her now erect nipples. He would ensure only the flat part of the blade would touch her skin, feeling her react beneath it's touch as he swam through the emotions now flowing out of her like the flood of blood from her gift that they lay in. Azrael felt the tightness of his pants release, as if he was no longer bound by them. Looking down he would see Sayuri undoing them, he would look into the woman's eyes. He knew she was just as inexperienced as he was in reality, though she had more of an idea. She was his first, and he was hers. They would experience it together, learning about themselves and each other. He would lay with her holding her the Kunai still within his hand, but not where she could be harmed.

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 979
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    Age : 24
    Location : The Bloody Mist

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    Skills & Elements: Hyoton, Fuuton, Suiton, Ninjutsu, Iryojutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Kanchijutsu
    Class: S
    Ryo: I take payment in blood

    The Ice Princess and the Spectre [M-Rated] Empty Re: The Ice Princess and the Spectre [M-Rated]

    Post by Sayuri Wed Sep 09, 2020 4:58 am

    Sayuri found that she adored the feel of Azrael’s skin beneath her fingers and claws. She could feel his muscles tighten ever so slightly as her ice talons first grazed him, in her passion she had forgotten that the cold didn’t bother her as she was already cold as ice, but her Angel was not. She almost removed her hand from him, momentarily distressed that she may have caused him discomfort but quickly changed her mind as he tore off his shirt allowing her more access to him. The blood pouring over his pale skin was gorgeous and she would marvel at the sight as her clawed hand gently caressed his chest allowing the blood to cover her hand against him. She wanted to pull him close to her, to grasp him and never let go, his hand around her neck prevented her from moving closer, or moving much at all. And while she was sad that she could not feel all of him, she cherished the feeling of being his to enjoy in his time.

    Seeing the kunai in Azrael’s hand brought a smile to Sayuri’s face. She wasn’t afraid of her Angel at all, he had asked for her trust and she gave it willingly. She kept her gaze locked on Azrael’s eyes as the cold metal from the blade stroked down her cheek. A small whimper would come from her lips as her Angel removed his hand from her neck, she had grown comfortable with his grip and to have it taken away suddenly made her heart ache. She was not unhappy for long though as she saw what her love intended, turning carefully onto her back to allow him to remove her clothing without the danger of misplacing the kunai due to her twitching. Just the thought of him cutting away her dress was sending strange signals to her muscles, and she could feel herself beginning to quiver with desire. Her cheeks had an unusual amount of colour in them as she lay still and allowed Azrael to cut through her dress revealing her pale form to the moonlight. As her Angel turned and slammed the kunai into the legs of her gift she would prop herself up on her elbows to watch with delight as the gift squirmed and tried to scream. She was thoroughly aroused and eased herself away from the clinging fabric of her ruined gown, sighing as she felt the blood pour over her bare skin.

    Sayuri would smile up at Azrael lovingly as she returned to his embrace, no longer separated by their clothing she would kiss him hungrily as her hands moved to remove his pants, wishing for no more barriers between them. She would fumble both from lack of experience and her attention being drawn away by the feel of the kunai once more against her skin. She breathed shakily as the cold steel made its way from her cheek down to her breasts, swirling tantalizingly over her nipples and evoking a moan of desire from her that echoed to him in her mind. As her fingers struggled to release the cloth bindings from her Angel she would gasp quietly with excitement as she finally felt the fabric release, and with some effort she would pull at them to slide them off. Her desire had become an aching need and she would writhe in his arms, pressing herself against him as she felt her craving grow. She would press her body closer to his, and speak to him in her mind. “My Angel, please take me. I need you.” She hardly knew what she was asking for, only that she ached to be filled with him.

    The Ice Princess and the Spectre [M-Rated] TjQ3hVh

    The Ice Queen:

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    The Ice Princess and the Spectre [M-Rated] Empty Re: The Ice Princess and the Spectre [M-Rated]

    Post by Azrael Mon Sep 14, 2020 7:54 am

    Azrael felt as though he was swimming through a storm of emotions, not just his or Sayuri's but a mixture of them both. But his mind would calm when he heard Sayuri call him her Angel again, begging him to take her as he felt her body pressed firmly against his. His hands would glide across her blood covered body, his lips would return to her kissing her again the sweet taste of her mixed with blood. As he moved his body against her to give her the kiss, his erection would slide across the outside of her entrance causing Azrael to let out a moan of pleasure at the feeling against him. Though he still did not know what he was doing he knew he enjoyed it and he didn't want it to stop, As he continued kissing over her body, strange images appeared in his mind. It wasn't a memory of Sayuri, no this one was different. As the images played through his mind Azrael would stop kissing Sayuri, looking back to the gift that was bleeding upon them with a look of confusion. The look of resistance gone from his eyes as a single tear fell down his cheek, and Azrael did not need his akayurei to see that the man was on his last leg. The man had accepted his fate and in his last moments he was thinking of someone special to him, Azrael would turn back to Sayu his brief stray from kissing her would of only lasted a few seconds and as he returned to her he would try to replicate the images he had seen in the man's mind. The ghost moved his body slightly and instantly the difference was noticed, his erection sliding inside of Sayuri as if it had always been meant to be there. There was resistance at first, her entrance while welcoming to him was tight and constraining. He would only get in a little ways before he would feel a barrier stopping him from further entry, his midnight blue eyes would look into Sayuri's as he pushed further and felt a pop. With the pop came a new wave of emotions from Sayuri, as well as move freedom within her to move deeper.

    Sayuri's gift would fall limp, the last of it's blood gone from it's body surround the naked pair soaked in blood but the images from the man's last thought before he died still burned in the ghost's mind. He moved his hips as he had seen and felt a feeling of pure bliss of being inside her, "You are Mine, Daeva." He would say aloud as his finger brushed against her cheek, the pleasure he felt was a mixture of his and hers. He not only claimed her something that she had given to him willingly, but he also called her Daeva. To most they might view the name as evil or even a bad name, but when the ghost would say the word there was nothing but love in his voice. To Azrael, Daeva meant Gift of the Divine, which is exactly how he viewed Sayuri. She was purely divine, and he wanted her to know. With all these new feelings happening all at once, Azrael did not know where his mind ended and hers started. Was she enjoying this, or was his mind and therefore pleasure over powering the woman's. Azrael's thoughts would bring doubt to his mind, his hips would slow almost too a stop though he remained inside her as he looked deep into her eyes. He would hear his Daeva call to him from her mind, she didn't want him to stop. It was more than just the look in her eyes that told him, or even her body. It was her mind, she wanted him mind, body, and soul just as he wanted her. Azrael would return to the small hip movements from before, however as his Daeva continued to writhe beneath him the ghost rose to be more bold. His strokes became longer as he pulled back more before thrusting into her, his hands continued to explore her body as he sought to bring her more pleasure. Azrael would lean in kissing Sayuri passionately as he continued this new and addicting movements, "Thank you, Daeva" the ghost would say in his mind as he slipped into bliss as his body began shaking uncontrollably. As soon as his body stopped convulsing, Azrael returned to the movements that brought him such pleasure. Wishing not only too bring about the pleasure for himself, but for his Daeva. Wishing to have her again and again, the rest of the world fades away as he enjoyed the blood and his Daeva.

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 979
    Join date : 2020-06-24
    Age : 24
    Location : The Bloody Mist

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Hyoton, Fuuton, Suiton, Ninjutsu, Iryojutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Kanchijutsu
    Class: S
    Ryo: I take payment in blood

    The Ice Princess and the Spectre [M-Rated] Empty Re: The Ice Princess and the Spectre [M-Rated]

    Post by Sayuri Fri Sep 25, 2020 8:47 am

    Sayuri’s mind was filled with the tumult of unexplored emotion. Concepts that she had read of or overheard, but never experienced herself. The physical and emotional sensations mingled and she could hardly tell them apart; a dangerously sharp knife against her skin felt both cold and sharp and also happy and spread a heat throughout her. Azrael’s kiss was like fire, the taste of his lips against hers making her feel more and more desperate. Her soft moans and sighs growing more frantic and high pitched with every touch of his skin against hers. As she felt his hardness against her entrance she would gasp loudly, finally beginning to understand the source of her ache. Only to whimper momentarily as for a few seconds he would break their kiss and turn to look back at her gift.

    Her frustration was short lived however when his attention returned in force and she moaned loudly as she felt his shaft enter her. She was confused by the resistance she felt, as though he couldn’t continue pressing into her. She would look into his eyes as he pushed further in, a blindingly exquisite pain causing her to wail with pleasure as she clung to him. She discovered in that moment that pain and pleasure were the same, that they both equally fueled her desire and she would growl softly with arousal. With the resistance removed Azrael had freedom to move inside her, and each small movement garnered another wanton moan from her lips and from her mind. She was beyond the ability to control her speech, the sensations overwhelming the more logical part of her. There was a tension coiling inside of her, begging to be released and as Azrael claimed her that release would come swiftly. She would scream with ecstasy as her body quivered beneath his, her mind slipping further into beautiful madness as she submitted to him. She could feel the doubt in him as his movements slowed to a near stop, and she begged him to keep going, crying out in her mind in desperation. ‘Please, my Angel. I’m yours, please don’t stop.’

    She needed him to know that she was willing, that she wanted him more than anything. She needed him to know that without him she was lost and that the world was a cold and dark place without him. All of these thoughts she tried to show him, pushing images of her emptiness before him into her mind, she tried to show him how complete she felt now. And to her delight his movements would continue, gently at first and then with increasing boldness. She moaned her appreciation as she would pull her legs up and wrap them around his hips. She wanted to give him unimpeded access to her, to allow him to thrust into her deeply. His passionate kiss was returned in kind, and she would gasp as she felt him shake and heard his thanks in her mind. She didn’t know what to say or do as she felt him pulse within her, her mind was drunk with pleasure and her body took over, her hips rising to meet his.  She dismissed her ice talons and dug her nails into his back, slowly sliding her fingernails down the flesh of his back until they rested on his hips. She was ecstatic at the pleasure she felt from her Angel, the name he had given her sounding as though it was right as though it had been her name her whole life. She would pull on his hips to encourage him as she met his gaze with a look of pure adoration.

    The Ice Princess and the Spectre [M-Rated] TjQ3hVh

    The Ice Queen:

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    The Ice Princess and the Spectre [M-Rated] Empty Re: The Ice Princess and the Spectre [M-Rated]

    Post by Azrael Sun Oct 04, 2020 10:11 am

    As his body convulsed in pleasure Azrael's midnight blue eyes would once again turn glowing red as hundreds of his ghosts would appear around the intertwined pair, all of their eye upon the Angel and his Daeva as they continued to enjoy each others embrace. The images and emotions coming from Sayuri let him know that she was happy with him, that she wanted him as much as he wanted her and like he would be lost without her she too would be lost without him. He only knew of destiny from the story his caregiver had read him a long time ago, but as he laid with his Daeva the ghost couldn't help but feel as though she was his destiny. They were meant to be together and nothing would ever keep them apart, he would kill any that tried to come between them or bring harm to his Daeva.

    As he felt her nails dig into his back dragging them down to his hips, Azrael would begin moving his hips meeting Sayuri's own hips as his ghosts continued to stare at them. The ghosts wouldn't bother Azrael having always had them with him, if Sayuri had a problem with them watching he would know instantly and stop them but for the time they would remain the pairs audience. Azrael's hands would travel across Sayuri's body meticulously ensuring that he touched every inch of her, his hand would graze the Kunai that lauded beside them and a devilish thought popped into his head. The thought was short, but one that Sayuri would know instantly as there were no secrets in his mind from her as such there was no need for words. Gripping the kunai in his hand the male would raise the cold steel to her neck, knowing she wanted him to do what had popped into his mind, knowing she would never resist him that she trusted him fully. Azrael would take the kunai down a slow trail over her body before placing it against her neck and slicing it, not enough to cause any real harm to her but enough to cause a little blood to spill. Azrael would instantly place his lips to the cut on her neck biting down causing the blood to flow into his mouth, Sayuri's blood tasted a lot different than that of her gifts. Sweeter, and more pure. If he didn't know everything about the woman the taste of her blood would have told him everything he needed to know. Azrael would finally lift his head up from Sayuri's neck, the movements of his hips had increased into full thrusts as he bite down on her neck without him even having realized it. He would maintain this rhythm, as his Daeva seemed to enjoy it even more than what he had been doing before. The blade of the kunai slowly travelling across her body as he did, pressing the blade into her skin in random intervals across her body. Her blood would mix with that of her gifts, but Azrael would ensure only what he wanted to would flow out of her. Even if the blood mingled he could tell the difference in the two, his Daeva was divine and her blood spoke to that. The taste of her blood would only fuel his desire to be with her, and he enjoyed the taste of her on his lips.

    The Ice Princess and the Spectre [M-Rated] AzSig3

    Character Name: Azrael, the Angel of Strife
    Clan: Akayurei {Clan Leader}
    Village: Kirigakure
    Rank: Genin
    Renown: 1250
    Skills: Genjutsu | Sensory | Ijutsu | Fuuinjutsu
    Strength: D
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: B+
    Speed: D
    Coordination: C
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: B

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    The Ice Princess and the Spectre [M-Rated] Empty Re: The Ice Princess and the Spectre [M-Rated]

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