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Kitsuki Kurahasa
Hana Kaguya
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    The Ice Witch's Grimoire


    Village : Kirigakure
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    Age : 24
    Location : The Bloody Mist

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    Skills & Elements: Hyoton, Fuuton, Suiton, Ninjutsu, Iryojutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Kanchijutsu
    Class: S
    Ryo: I take payment in blood

    The Ice Witch's Grimoire Empty The Ice Witch's Grimoire

    Post by Sayuri Thu Aug 06, 2020 1:53 am

    Requires Approval:


    Last edited by Sayuri on Wed Dec 09, 2020 2:29 am; edited 20 times in total

    The Ice Witch's Grimoire TjQ3hVh

    The Ice Queen:
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    The Ice Witch's Grimoire Empty Re: The Ice Witch's Grimoire

    Post by Ryuko Thu Aug 06, 2020 9:51 pm

    Sayu wrote:
    Name: Ice Forged Guardians
    Rank: C
    Power: C
    Cost: -
    Range: 25 m.
    Speed: -
    Element: Hyoton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirement: Be Sayuri, or learn directly from Sayuri, Ice Release
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Handseals: Dog
    Description: Using Ice or Snow as a medium, Sayuri can create one or more clones of herself. These are not perfect clones as they are borne from the deeper and darker emotions that Sayuri usually represses. Since they are created from fear and anger they are twisted and grotesque versions of her, with spikes coming off of their large and crystalline forms. These clones cannot perform techniques and are limited to melee attacks, as such they do not possess any of the user’s chakra for their own use. The clones cost 5 cp per post to maintain, with a maximum of 5 clones available at any one time. When they are struck with a sufficient amount of they will shatter and become piles of snow and ice. The clones can be created anywhere within a 25 meter range of the user assuming there is snow or ice to draw from, otherwise they must be created next to Sayuri. The clones can move up to 25 meters away from Sayuri, if they roam farther than that they will revert to piles of ice and snow.
    Drawbacks: Sayuri cannot cast this technique if she has less than 30 cp available, the minimum required to create 5 clones and maintain consciousness for a single post. It is required that Sayuri maintain her concentration on the clones, meaning that if she takes heavy damage in contrast with her Constitution all the clones will be dispersed. The user must stay within 25 meters of the clones or they will disperse.


    Ryuko's Ninja Card

    Strength: B
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A-> A++ (Arch Angel's Tiara)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: B

    Posts : 568
    Join date : 2020-02-19

    The Ice Witch's Grimoire Empty Re: The Ice Witch's Grimoire

    Post by Masaru Fri Aug 21, 2020 9:00 pm

    Sayuri wrote:
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    The Ice Witch's Grimoire Empty Re: The Ice Witch's Grimoire

    Post by Masaru Wed Aug 26, 2020 4:08 am

    Sayuri wrote:
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    The Ice Witch's Grimoire Empty Re: The Ice Witch's Grimoire

    Post by Masaru Fri Sep 04, 2020 7:42 am

    Sayuri wrote:
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    The Ice Witch's Grimoire Empty Re: The Ice Witch's Grimoire

    Post by Masaru Sun Sep 06, 2020 10:03 am

    Sayuri wrote:
    Requires Approval:



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    Posts : 568
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    The Ice Witch's Grimoire Empty Re: The Ice Witch's Grimoire

    Post by Masaru Sun Sep 06, 2020 10:37 pm

    Sayuri wrote:
    Requires Approval:



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    Known Techniques: Link
    Hana Kaguya
    Hana Kaguya

    Posts : 870
    Join date : 2017-09-13

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Taijutsu | Sensory | Ninjutsu| Kenjutsu | Water | Lightning
    Class: X
    Ryo: 10,000

    The Ice Witch's Grimoire Empty Re: The Ice Witch's Grimoire

    Post by Hana Kaguya Mon Oct 12, 2020 5:13 am

    Name: White Walker
    Rank: B
    Cost: C - S
    Upkeep: 10 (as long as travelling)
    Range: C | 0 - 20 m. B | 0 - 50 m. A | 0 - 100 m. S | 0 - 300 m.
    Speed: A
    Element: Hyoton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Yuki Exclusive
    Requirement: Ice Release
    Parent Technique: --
    Handseals: --
    Description: This technique has varying chakra costs depending on the distance the user wishes to travel. By infusing themselves with Hyoton chakra the user may pass through any Hyoton they have created at -1 tier less than their current speed. Should the ice that they are travelling through be shattered the user may exit through any connected piece of ice.
    Drawbacks: This technique only allows the user to pass through their own Hyoton creations. So if more than one Hyoton user has created structures (either temporary or permanent) the Ice created by others will need to be navigated through or around in traditional ways. While travelling the user's body is infused with Hyoton chakra making them subject to all of the elemental drawbacks etc. of Hyoton.

    Is the traveling capabilities limited to single structure units? For instance, does this technique allow you to travel through a blizzard created with Hyoton or only a sizeable piece of ice? Additionally, as a B-rank technique this requires up to 8 hand signs.

    Name: Shatter
    Rank: A
    Cost: 20
    Range: Touch (10 meter radius) or 0 - 100 m. (10 meter radius)
    Speed: A
    Element: Hyoton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirement: Be Sayuri or learn directly from Sayuri, Ice Release
    Parent Technique: --
    Handseals: -- or Dog
    Description: This technique has two distinct applications. The first intended for damage and the second for utility, though both with the same end effect. By channeling Hyoton chakra into the palm of her hand Sayuri may place her palm against any ice and further infuse that ice with additional Hyoton. This results in the crystals rapidly expanding causing them to shatter at her touch and cause damage to anyone caught within the radius of effect, except for herself, equal to the power of the jutsu being shattered. Alternatively she may form the seal of the Dog and direct Hyoton chakra at any target up to 100 meters away, causing it to shatter in a 10 meter radius and causing incidental damage to anyone caught within that radius, except for herself, of -2 tiers less than the power of the technique being shattered.
    Drawbacks: If attempting to shatter another Hyoton users Ice, the power of this technique must exceed the power of the technique being targeted. This technique makes no differentiation between ally or foe and is just as potentially harmful to both.

    • Damage of the blast cannot exceed A-rank
    • Clarify the damage being dealt. Is it just ice shrapnel or an actual frosty explosion causing freeze damage?
    • For the remote detonation, specify there must be a cue before detonation. Something like the ice first cracking before going off.
    • As an A-rank technique this technique needs up to 5 hand signs
    • The user should still be susceptible to their own Ninjutsu. For the touch application I suggest having the blast only occur in a 180 degree field in front of the user to prevent self harm.

    Strength: B
    Constitution: A (A++ Physical)
    Stamina: A (S w/Demon Bell)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A+
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: A
    Hana Kaguya
    Hana Kaguya

    Posts : 870
    Join date : 2017-09-13

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Taijutsu | Sensory | Ninjutsu| Kenjutsu | Water | Lightning
    Class: X
    Ryo: 10,000

    The Ice Witch's Grimoire Empty Re: The Ice Witch's Grimoire

    Post by Hana Kaguya Fri Oct 16, 2020 1:52 am

    Sayuri wrote:
    Name: White Walker
    Rank: B
    Cost: C - S
    Upkeep: 10 (as long as travelling)
    Range: C | 0 - 20 m. B | 0 - 50 m. A | 0 - 100 m. S | 0 - 300 m.
    Speed: A
    Element: Hyoton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Yuki Exclusive
    Requirement: Ice Release
    Parent Technique: --
    Handseals: Dog → Boar → Hare → Dragon → Ox → Hand placed on Ice
    Description: This technique has varying chakra costs depending on the distance the user wishes to travel. After forming six hand seals the last of which is placing their hand against a solid piece of ice, the user may infuse themselves with Hyoton chakra and may pass through any Hyoton they have created at -1 tier less than their current speed. Should the ice that they are travelling through be shattered the user may exit through any connected piece of ice.
    Drawbacks: This technique only allows the user to pass through their own Hyoton creations. So if more than one Hyoton user has created structures (either temporary or permanent) the Ice created by others will need to be navigated through or around in traditional ways. While travelling the user's body is infused with Hyoton chakra making them subject to all of the elemental drawbacks etc. of Hyoton.  

    Name: Shatter
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Cost: 20
    Range: Touch (10 meter radius) or 0 - 100 m. (10 meter radius)
    Speed: A
    Element: Hyoton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirement: Be Sayuri or learn directly from Sayuri, Ice Release
    Parent Technique: --
    Handseals: Dog → Dragon → Hand placed on Ice (touch) or Dog → Boar → Hare → Ox (remote)
    Description: This technique has two distinct applications. The first intended for damage and the second for utility, though both with the same end effect. By channeling Hyoton chakra into the palm of her hand Sayuri may place her palm against any ice and further infuse that ice with additional Hyoton. This results in the crystals rapidly expanding causing them to shatter at her touch and cause damage to anyone caught within the radius of effect, except for herself, equal to the power of the jutsu being shattered. This creates a blast of ice shards that fan outwards in a 180 degree field in front of Sayuri. Alternatively she may direct Hyoton chakra at any target up to 100 meters away, causing it to shatter in a 10 meter radius and causing incidental damage to anyone caught within that radius, except for herself, of -2 tiers less than the power of the technique being shattered. The remote usage of Shatter is preceded by tiny cracks in the ice just before Shatter goes off.
    Drawbacks: If attempting to shatter another Hyoton users Ice, the power of this technique must exceed the power of the technique being targeted. This technique makes no differentiation between ally or foe and is just as potentially harmful to both. Damage of the blast cannot exceed the power of the technique ‘Shatter’.


    Strength: B
    Constitution: A (A++ Physical)
    Stamina: A (S w/Demon Bell)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A+
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: A

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 979
    Join date : 2020-06-24
    Age : 24
    Location : The Bloody Mist

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Hyoton, Fuuton, Suiton, Ninjutsu, Iryojutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Kanchijutsu
    Class: S
    Ryo: I take payment in blood

    The Ice Witch's Grimoire Empty Re: The Ice Witch's Grimoire

    Post by Sayuri Sun Dec 06, 2020 6:38 pm

    Name: Ice Wall
    Rank: A
    Power: Varies
    Cost: Varies
    Upkeep: 10
    Range: C | 0 - 50 m. B | 0 - 100 m. A | 0 - 200 m. S | 0 - 500 m.
    Speed: S
    Element: Hyoton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Group Exclusive - Yuki
    Requirement: Yuki Clan
    Parent Technique: --
    Hand Seals: Dog → Boar → Hand directed towards wall
    Description: After performing the required hand seals and channeling Hyoton chakra into her hand, Sayuri extends her arm, symbolically guiding the creation of a wall of ice. The amount of chakra spent on the technique determines the walls length and the power, as well as the number of posts to complete the technique as follows;

    C: 10 chakra - 1 post
    B: 15 chakra - 2 posts
    A: 25 chakra - 3 posts
    S: 35 chakra - 4 posts

    As long as the Ice Wall exists the temperature around it lowers considerably, causing additional discomfort to anyone adversely affected by cold and within 10 meters of the wall. Regardless of the length of the wall, the height and width are set at a maximum of 100m tall and 10m thick. The length, height and depth can be less than what is paid for, but never more. This does not require an empty space, the wall will form in and around anything in its path encasing obstacles, including people within it.
    Drawbacks: This technique, as with most Yuki techniques, does not function in extremely hot and arid regions such as the entirety of the Land of Wind, though this can be worked around should the environment be altered beforehand. As this is still Yuki Ice it has all the same advantages, limitations and drawbacks of Yuki Ice (one rank higher against Katon and Scorch, one rank lower against Doton and Lava. Though due to the drastic temperature change, this is not weak to steel and imposes a one minus penalty to Coordination when a Steel user turns their skin into Steel as long as they are within 10 meters of the wall.)

    Name: Ice Age
    Rank: D
    Power: D
    Cost: 3
    Upkeep: --
    Range: Touch
    Speed: --
    Element: Hyoton
    Skill: Ninjutsu, Fuuinjutsu
    Classification: Group Exclusive - Yuki
    Requirement: Yuki Ice Creation, Access to Hyoton
    Parent Technique: --
    Hand Seals: Dog → Hand placed against Ice
    Description: A fuuinjutsu technique specifically designed to create permanence in Yuki Ice creations. By molding their chakra and infusing it into a Yuki Ice structure the user is able to reinforce ice creations to withstand the test of time, be created into other items by crafters or to repair any ice structures that have been damaged.
    Drawbacks: This technique, as with most Yuki techniques, does not function in extremely hot and arid regions such as the entirety of the Land of Wind, though this can be worked around should the environment be altered beforehand. This also does not make the reinforced structure immune to damage. The repair feature is limited in scope by the user’s knowledge of the original before it was damaged. Meaning that intricate or artistic creations will not necessarily be repaired to their original likeness even when repaired. As this is still Yuki Ice it has all the same advantages, limitations and drawbacks of Yuki Ice (one rank higher against Katon and Scorch, one rank lower against Doton, Koton and Lava) This technique cannot be used to make permanent weapons or armor out of Yuki Ice, it is intended for structures only.

    The Ice Witch's Grimoire TjQ3hVh

    The Ice Queen:
    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Mist Jounin
    Mist Jounin

    Posts : 1126
    Join date : 2017-09-14

    The Ice Witch's Grimoire Empty Re: The Ice Witch's Grimoire

    Post by Kitsuki Kurahasa Wed Dec 09, 2020 2:12 am

    Sayuri wrote:Name: Ice Wall
    Rank: A
    Power: Varies
    Cost: Varies
    Upkeep: 10
    Range: C | 0 - 50 m. B | 0 - 100 m. A | 0 - 200 m. S | 0 - 500 m.
    Speed: S
    Element: Hyoton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Group Exclusive - Yuki
    Requirement: Yuki Clan
    Parent Technique: --
    Hand Seals: Dog → Boar → Hand directed towards wall
    Description: After performing the required hand seals and channeling Hyoton chakra into her hand, Sayuri extends her arm, symbolically guiding the creation of a wall of ice. The amount of chakra spent on the technique determines the walls length and the power, as well as the number of posts to complete the technique as follows;

    C: 10 chakra - 1 post
    B: 15 chakra - 2 posts
    A: 25 chakra - 3 posts
    S: 35 chakra - 4 posts

    As long as the Ice Wall exists the temperature around it lowers considerably, causing additional discomfort to anyone adversely affected by cold and within 10 meters of the wall. Regardless of the length of the wall, the height and width are set at a maximum of 100m tall and 10m thick. The length, height and depth can be less than what is paid for, but never more. This does not require an empty space, the wall will form in and around anything in its path encasing obstacles, including people within it.
    Drawbacks: This technique, as with most Yuki techniques, does not function in extremely hot and arid regions such as the entirety of the Land of Wind, though this can be worked around should the environment be altered beforehand. As this is still Yuki Ice it has all the same advantages, limitations and drawbacks of Yuki Ice (one rank higher against Katon and Scorch, one rank lower against Doton and Lava. Though due to the drastic temperature change, this is not weak to steel and imposes a one minus penalty to Coordination when a Steel user turns their skin into Steel as long as they are within 10 meters of the wall.)

    Name: Ice Age
    Rank: D
    Power: D
    Cost: 3
    Upkeep: --
    Range: Touch
    Speed: --
    Element: Hyoton
    Skill: Ninjutsu, Fuuinjutsu
    Classification: Group Exclusive - Yuki
    Requirement: Yuki Ice Creation, Access to Hyoton
    Parent Technique: --
    Hand Seals: Dog → Hand placed against Ice
    Description: A fuuinjutsu technique specifically designed to create permanence in Yuki Ice creations. By molding their chakra and infusing it into a Yuki Ice structure the user is able to reinforce ice creations to withstand the test of time, be created into other items by crafters or to repair any ice structures that have been damaged.
    Drawbacks: This technique, as with most Yuki techniques, does not function in extremely hot and arid regions such as the entirety of the Land of Wind, though this can be worked around should the environment be altered beforehand. This also does not make the reinforced structure immune to damage. The repair feature is limited in scope by the user’s knowledge of the original before it was damaged. Meaning that intricate or artistic creations will not necessarily be repaired to their original likeness even when repaired. As this is still Yuki Ice it has all the same advantages, limitations and drawbacks of Yuki Ice (one rank higher against Katon and Scorch, one rank lower against Doton, Koton and Lava) This technique cannot be used to make permanent weapons or armor out of Yuki Ice, it is intended for structures only.



    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 979
    Join date : 2020-06-24
    Age : 24
    Location : The Bloody Mist

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Hyoton, Fuuton, Suiton, Ninjutsu, Iryojutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Kanchijutsu
    Class: S
    Ryo: I take payment in blood

    The Ice Witch's Grimoire Empty Re: The Ice Witch's Grimoire

    Post by Sayuri Thu Dec 10, 2020 7:24 pm

    Name: Ice Forged Sentinels
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Cost: -
    Upkeep: -
    Range: 50m.
    Speed: -
    Element: Hyoton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirement: Be Sayuri, or learn directly from Sayuri
    Parent Technique: Ice Forged Guardians
    Hand Seals: --
    Description: Using Ice or Snow as a medium, Sayuri can create one or more clones of herself. These are not perfect clones as they are borne from the deeper and darker emotions that Sayuri usually represses. Since they are created from fear and anger they are twisted and grotesque versions of her, with spikes coming off of their large and crystalline forms. These clones cannot perform techniques, however unlike their weaker counterparts may perform ranged and melee attacks. Each clone has 2 spikes that may be used for ranged purposes. The spikes on their arms may be launched using the projectile rules for thrown items with their Strength and Coordination being the same power of the technique when used. Because they cannot use techniques they do not possess any of Sayuri’s chakra for their own use. The clones cost 10 cp per post to maintain, with a maximum of 5 clones available at any one time. When they are struck with a sufficient amount of damage they will shatter and become piles of snow and ice. The clones can be created anywhere within a 50 meter range of the user assuming there is snow or ice to draw from, otherwise they must be created next to Sayuri. The clones can move up to 50 meters away from Sayuri, if they roam farther than that they will revert to piles of ice and snow.
    Drawbacks: Sayuri cannot cast this technique if she has less than 55 cp available, the minimum required to create 5 clones and maintain consciousness for a single post. It is required that Sayuri maintain her concentration on the clones, meaning that if she takes heavy damage in contrast with her Constitution all the clones will be dispersed. The user must stay within 50 meters of the clones or they will disperse.

    The Ice Witch's Grimoire TjQ3hVh

    The Ice Queen:
    Nyguyen Uchiha
    Nyguyen Uchiha

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 576
    Join date : 2020-06-06

    The Ice Witch's Grimoire Empty Re: The Ice Witch's Grimoire

    Post by Nyguyen Uchiha Fri Dec 18, 2020 5:48 pm

    Sayuri wrote:Name: Ice Forged Sentinels
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Cost: -
    Upkeep: -
    Range: 50m.
    Speed: -
    Element: Hyoton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirement: Be Sayuri, or learn directly from Sayuri
    Parent Technique: Ice Forged Guardians
    Hand Seals: --
    Description: Using Ice or Snow as a medium, Sayuri can create one or more clones of herself. These are not perfect clones as they are borne from the deeper and darker emotions that Sayuri usually represses. Since they are created from fear and anger they are twisted and grotesque versions of her, with spikes coming off of their large and crystalline forms. These clones cannot perform techniques, however unlike their weaker counterparts may perform ranged and melee attacks. Each clone has 2 spikes that may be used for ranged purposes. The spikes on their arms may be launched using the projectile rules for thrown items with their Strength and Coordination being the same power of the technique when used. Because they cannot use techniques they do not possess any of Sayuri’s chakra for their own use. The clones cost 10 cp per post to maintain, with a maximum of 5 clones available at any one time. When they are struck with a sufficient amount of damage they will shatter and become piles of snow and ice. The clones can be created anywhere within a 50 meter range of the user assuming there is snow or ice to draw from, otherwise they must be created next to Sayuri. The clones can move up to 50 meters away from Sayuri, if they roam farther than that they will revert to piles of ice and snow.
    Drawbacks: Sayuri cannot cast this technique if she has less than 55 cp available, the minimum required to create 5 clones and maintain consciousness for a single post. It is required that Sayuri maintain her concentration on the clones, meaning that if she takes heavy damage in contrast with her Constitution all the clones will be dispersed. The user must stay within 50 meters of the clones or they will disperse.



    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 979
    Join date : 2020-06-24
    Age : 24
    Location : The Bloody Mist

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Hyoton, Fuuton, Suiton, Ninjutsu, Iryojutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Kanchijutsu
    Class: S
    Ryo: I take payment in blood

    The Ice Witch's Grimoire Empty Re: The Ice Witch's Grimoire

    Post by Sayuri Tue Mar 02, 2021 3:09 pm

    Name: Eternal Servitude
    Rank: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: 10
    Range: Touch
    Speed: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Fuuinjutsu
    Classification: Open
    Requirement: -
    Parent Technique: Contract Seal
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: A reverse concept of the Contract Seal, this technique allows for the binding of creations and summons that have been created by the user or by those they interact with. When the user implements this fuuinjutsu on a summoned creature, created construct or clone that target becomes bound to the user of the seal. This binding does not give the user innate knowledge of all that the target is capable of, and so without the cooperation of the original summoner, using the target’s more advanced abilities is impossible.
    As a secondary use of this technique, the user may seal the target to make it ‘permanent’ and under the user’s control. This use of the technique costs an additional 30 CP (for a total activation of 50 CP) and it is required that the process be repeated every two months.
    Drawbacks: This requires that the user touch the target, which is a dangerous prospect in combat. The secondary use of the technique requires the cooperation of the initial summoner and is not a means to create unwilling duplicates of summons or clones.

    The Ice Witch's Grimoire TjQ3hVh

    The Ice Queen:

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    Posts : 212
    Join date : 2021-01-17

    The Ice Witch's Grimoire Empty Re: The Ice Witch's Grimoire

    Post by Esen Thu Mar 04, 2021 1:40 am

    Sayuri wrote:Name: Eternal Servitude
    Rank: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: 10
    Range: Touch
    Speed: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Fuuinjutsu
    Classification: Open
    Requirement: -
    Parent Technique: Contract Seal
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: A reverse concept of the Contract Seal, this technique allows for the binding of creations and summons that have been created by the user or by those they interact with. When the user implements this fuuinjutsu on a summoned creature, created construct or clone that target becomes bound to the user of the seal. This binding does not give the user innate knowledge of all that the target is capable of, and so without the cooperation of the original summoner, using the target’s more advanced abilities is impossible.
    As a secondary use of this technique, the user may seal the target to make it ‘permanent’ and under the user’s control. This use of the technique costs an additional 30 CP (for a total activation of 50 CP) and it is required that the process be repeated every two months.
    Drawbacks: This requires that the user touch the target, which is a dangerous prospect in combat. The secondary use of the technique requires the cooperation of the initial summoner and is not a means to create unwilling duplicates of summons or clones.


    The Ice Witch's Grimoire 1Qxad8E

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 979
    Join date : 2020-06-24
    Age : 24
    Location : The Bloody Mist

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Hyoton, Fuuton, Suiton, Ninjutsu, Iryojutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Kanchijutsu
    Class: S
    Ryo: I take payment in blood

    The Ice Witch's Grimoire Empty Re: The Ice Witch's Grimoire

    Post by Sayuri Wed Jun 30, 2021 3:52 am

    Name: Ice Forged Behemoths
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Cost: -
    Upkeep: The clones cost 10 cp per post per clone to maintain, with a maximum of 5 clones available at any one time.
    Range: 100m.
    Speed: -
    Element: Hyoton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirement: Be Sayuri, or learn directly from Sayuri
    Parent Technique: Ice Forged Sentinels
    Hand Seals: --
    Description: Using Ice or Snow as a medium, Sayuri can create one or more clones of herself. These are not perfect clones as they are borne from the deeper and darker emotions that Sayuri usually represses. Since they are created from fear and anger they are twisted and grotesque versions of her, with spikes coming off of their large and crystalline forms. These clones cannot perform techniques, however unlike their weaker counterparts may perform ranged and melee attacks. Unlike their predecessors, the Behemoths are unnaturally large, standing at 10 meters tall and moving at B-Tier Speed, as well as exuding a chilling aura. The Behemoth’s aura is derived from Sayuri’s connection to Hyoton and anyone standing too close will suffer the effects of the bitter cold. Anyone within 5 meters of the clone suffers a one minus penalty to their Coordination for each tier difference between the power of the technique and the target's Constitution. Each clone has 4 spikes that may be used for ranged purposes. The spikes on their arms may be launched using the projectile rules for thrown items with their Strength and Coordination being the same power of the technique when used. They do not possess any of Sayuri’s chakra for their own use, and cannot use techniques. When they are struck with a sufficient amount of damage they will shatter and become piles of snow and ice. The clones can be created anywhere within a 100 meter range of the user assuming there is snow or ice to draw from, otherwise they must be created next to Sayuri. The clones can move up to 100 meters away from Sayuri, if they roam farther than that they will revert to piles of ice and snow. At any point, Sayuri can convert any of the Behemoths into another Hyoton based technique - doing this disperses the clone used.
    Drawbacks: Sayuri cannot cast this technique if she has less than 55 cp available, the minimum required to create 5 clones and maintain consciousness for a single post. It is required that Sayuri maintain her concentration on the clones, meaning that if she takes heavy damage in contrast with her Constitution all the clones will be dispersed. The user must stay within 100 meters of the clones or they will disperse. The chilling aura is not effective against those with the Hyoton KKG, and is less effective in the Land of Wind causing only a one minus penalty to Coordination for every two tiers difference between the power of the technique and the target’s Constitution.

    The Ice Witch's Grimoire TjQ3hVh

    The Ice Queen:
    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

    Posts : 2318
    Join date : 2017-09-21

    The Ice Witch's Grimoire Empty Re: The Ice Witch's Grimoire

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Thu Jul 01, 2021 12:53 pm

    Sayuri wrote:Name: Ice Forged Behemoths
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Cost: -
    Upkeep: -
    Range: 100m.
    Speed: -
    Element: Hyoton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirement: Be Sayuri, or learn directly from Sayuri
    Parent Technique: Ice Forged Sentinels
    Hand Seals: --
    Description: Using Ice or Snow as a medium, Sayuri can create one or more clones of herself. These are not perfect clones as they are borne from the deeper and darker emotions that Sayuri usually represses. Since they are created from fear and anger they are twisted and grotesque versions of her, with spikes coming off of their large and crystalline forms. These clones cannot perform techniques, however unlike their weaker counterparts may perform ranged and melee attacks. Unlike their predecessors, the Behemoths are unnaturally large, standing at 10 meters tall and moving at B-Tier Speed, as well as exuding a chilling aura. The Behemoth’s aura is derived from Sayuri’s connection to Hyoton and anyone standing too close will suffer the effects of the bitter cold. Anyone within 5 meters of the clone suffers a one minus penalty to their Coordination for each tier difference between the power of the technique and the target's Constitution. Each clone has 4 spikes that may be used for ranged purposes. The spikes on their arms may be launched using the projectile rules for thrown items with their Strength and Coordination being the same power of the technique when used. Because they cannot use techniques they do not possess any of Sayuri’s chakra for their own use. The clones cost 10 cp per post per clone to maintain, with a maximum of 5 clones available at any one time. When they are struck with a sufficient amount of damage they will shatter and become piles of snow and ice. The clones can be created anywhere within a 100 meter range of the user assuming there is snow or ice to draw from, otherwise they must be created next to Sayuri. The clones can move up to 100 meters away from Sayuri, if they roam farther than that they will revert to piles of ice and snow. At any point, Sayuri can convert any of the Behemoths into another Hyoton based technique - doing this disperses the clone used.
    Drawbacks: Sayuri cannot cast this technique if she has less than 55 cp available, the minimum required to create 5 clones and maintain consciousness for a single post. It is required that Sayuri maintain her concentration on the clones, meaning that if she takes heavy damage in contrast with her Constitution all the clones will be dispersed. The user must stay within 100 meters of the clones or they will disperse. The chilling aura is not effective against those with the Hyoton KKG, and is less effective in the Land of Wind causing only a one minus penalty to Coordination for every two tiers difference between the power of the technique and the target’s Constitution.

    "of the technique when used. Because they cannot use techniques they do not possess any of Sayuri’s chakra for their own use. The clones cost 10 cp per post per clone to maintain, with a maximum of 5 clones available at any one time. When they are struck with a sufficient amount of damage they will shatter and become piles of snow and ice."

    *^ This portion regarding costs needs to make its way into the upkeep section.

    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

    Posts : 2318
    Join date : 2017-09-21

    The Ice Witch's Grimoire Empty Re: The Ice Witch's Grimoire

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Mon Jul 05, 2021 6:20 pm

    Sayuri wrote:Name: Ice Forged Behemoths
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Cost: -
    Upkeep:  The clones cost 10 cp per post per clone to maintain, with a maximum of 5 clones available at any one time.
    Range: 100m.
    Speed: -
    Element: Hyoton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirement: Be Sayuri, or learn directly from Sayuri
    Parent Technique: Ice Forged Sentinels
    Hand Seals: --
    Description: Using Ice or Snow as a medium, Sayuri can create one or more clones of herself. These are not perfect clones as they are borne from the deeper and darker emotions that Sayuri usually represses. Since they are created from fear and anger they are twisted and grotesque versions of her, with spikes coming off of their large and crystalline forms. These clones cannot perform techniques, however unlike their weaker counterparts may perform ranged and melee attacks. Unlike their predecessors, the Behemoths are unnaturally large, standing at 10 meters tall and moving at B-Tier Speed, as well as exuding a chilling aura. The Behemoth’s aura is derived from Sayuri’s connection to Hyoton and anyone standing too close will suffer the effects of the bitter cold. Anyone within 5 meters of the clone suffers a one minus penalty to their Coordination for each tier difference between the power of the technique and the target's Constitution. Each clone has 4 spikes that may be used for ranged purposes. The spikes on their arms may be launched using the projectile rules for thrown items with their Strength and Coordination being the same power of the technique when used. They do not possess any of Sayuri’s chakra for their own use, and cannot use techniques. When they are struck with a sufficient amount of damage they will shatter and become piles of snow and ice. The clones can be created anywhere within a 100 meter range of the user assuming there is snow or ice to draw from, otherwise they must be created next to Sayuri. The clones can move up to 100 meters away from Sayuri, if they roam farther than that they will revert to piles of ice and snow. At any point, Sayuri can convert any of the Behemoths into another Hyoton based technique - doing this disperses the clone used.
    Drawbacks: Sayuri cannot cast this technique if she has less than 55 cp available, the minimum required to create 5 clones and maintain consciousness for a single post. It is required that Sayuri maintain her concentration on the clones, meaning that if she takes heavy damage in contrast with her Constitution all the clones will be dispersed. The user must stay within 100 meters of the clones or they will disperse. The chilling aura is not effective against those with the Hyoton KKG, and is less effective in the Land of Wind causing only a one minus penalty to Coordination for every two tiers difference between the power of the technique and the target’s Constitution.  



    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 979
    Join date : 2020-06-24
    Age : 24
    Location : The Bloody Mist

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Hyoton, Fuuton, Suiton, Ninjutsu, Iryojutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Kanchijutsu
    Class: S
    Ryo: I take payment in blood

    The Ice Witch's Grimoire Empty Re: The Ice Witch's Grimoire

    Post by Sayuri Tue Aug 10, 2021 6:36 am

    Name: Turkish Delight
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Cost: 30/20/10/5/3
    Upkeep: 20/10/5/3/1
    Range: Touch
    Speed: N/A
    Element: Hyoton
    Skill: Iryojutsu, Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirement: Be Sayuri, or learn directly from Sayuri, Hyoton KKG
    Parent Technique: Mystical Palm Technique
    Hand Seals: Ox -> Tiger -> Dog
    Description: By using her own blood, Sayuri is able to create a small candy like cube of Hyoton that when infused with chakra provides healing to anyone that consumes it. This macabre technique uses the laws of equivalent exchange, trading damage done to Sayuri for healing done to another. The cost of this technique varies depending on the amount of healing Sayuri wishes to provide.

    • S-Rank = 30 CP, S-Rank damage, 20 Upkeep
    • A-Rank = 20 CP, A-Rank damage, 10 Upkeep
    • B-Rank = 10 CP, B-Rank damage, 5 Upkeep
    • C-Rank = 5 CP, C-Rank damage, 3 Upkeep
    • D-Rank = 3 CP, D-Rank damage, 1 Upkeep

    This technique provides healing within a single post and may be repeated as many times as desired, though with the obvious detriment of its cost.
    Drawbacks: This technique is one that is not for the faint of heart. The user of the technique must sacrifice the equivalent of the damage being healed in their own blood; meaning that if they wish to heal an S-Rank amount of damage, they must also take a S-Rank amount of damage and use their own blood for the technique, which is potentially lethal. The technique makes a single cube of Turkish Delight, which can be consumed within the round it is created so as to avoid paying the upkeep cost - if it is not consumed within the round then it is either wasted or the upkeep must be paid. The user of the technique cannot benefit from the healing this technique provides, it is only intended to heal another person.

    Name: Winter’s Kiss
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Cost: 20
    Upkeep: 10
    Range: Self
    Speed: N/A
    Element: Hyoton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirement: Be Sayuri, or learn directly from Sayuri
    Parent Technique: Frost Bite
    Hand Seals: --
    Description: Channeling Hyoton chakra into her mouth, Sayuri causes ice to form along her front teeth and extend beyond them into wicked and sharp fangs. She may choose upper and/or lower jaw and any number of teeth on either. As these are made from Yuki Ice they have a hardness of A+ and may be used to clash against most weaponry without breaking.
    Drawbacks: If they are to break off suddenly without the jutsu being dismissed they will cause minor damage to any teeth they were attached to.

    Name: Mark of the Ice Queen
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Cost: 30
    Upkeep: 20
    Range: Self
    Speed: N/A
    Element: Hyoton
    Skill: Ninjutsu, Fuuinjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirement: Be Sayuri, or learn directly from Sayuri
    Parent Technique: Winter’s Kiss
    Hand Seals: --
    Description: Channeling Hyoton chakra into her mouth, Sayuri causes ice to form along her front teeth and extend beyond them into wicked and sharp fangs. She may choose upper and/or lower jaw and any number of teeth on either. This technique, unlike its parent techniques, uses the fundamental chakra manipulation provided by Fuuinjutsu to further enhance the fangs. Normally Yuki Ice has a hardness of A+, however this technique increases the fangs Quality/Hardness by a single tier to S+. In the same manner as the previous techniques these fangs may be used to clash against most weaponry without breaking.
    Drawbacks: If they are to break off suddenly without the jutsu being dismissed they will cause minor damage to any teeth they were attached to.

    The Ice Witch's Grimoire TjQ3hVh

    The Ice Queen:

    Posts : 1494
    Join date : 2017-10-09
    Age : 28

    The Ice Witch's Grimoire Empty Re: The Ice Witch's Grimoire

    Post by Nozomi Wed Aug 11, 2021 11:07 pm

    Sayuri wrote:Name: Turkish Delight
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Cost: 30/20/10/5/3
    Upkeep: 20/10/5/3/1
    Range: Touch
    Speed: N/A
    Element: Hyoton
    Skill: Iryojutsu, Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirement: Be Sayuri, or learn directly from Sayuri, Hyoton KKG
    Parent Technique: Mystical Palm Technique
    Hand Seals: Ox -> Tiger -> Dog
    Description: By using her own blood, Sayuri is able to create a small candy like cube of Hyoton that when infused with chakra provides healing to anyone that consumes it. This macabre technique uses the laws of equivalent exchange, trading damage done to Sayuri for healing done to another. The cost of this technique varies depending on the amount of healing Sayuri wishes to provide.

    • S-Rank = 30 CP, S-Rank damage, 20 Upkeep
    • A-Rank = 20 CP, A-Rank damage, 10 Upkeep
    • B-Rank = 10 CP, B-Rank damage, 5 Upkeep
    • C-Rank = 5 CP, C-Rank damage, 3 Upkeep
    • D-Rank = 3 CP, D-Rank damage, 1 Upkeep

    This technique provides healing within a single post and may be repeated as many times as desired, though with the obvious detriment of its cost.
    Drawbacks: This technique is one that is not for the faint of heart. The user of the technique must sacrifice the equivalent of the damage being healed in their own blood; meaning that if they wish to heal an S-Rank amount of damage, they must also take a S-Rank amount of damage and use their own blood for the technique, which is potentially lethal. The technique makes a single cube of Turkish Delight, which can be consumed within the round it is created so as to avoid paying the upkeep cost - if it is not consumed within the round then it is either wasted or the upkeep must be paid. The user of the technique cannot benefit from the healing this technique provides, it is only intended to heal another person.

    Name: Winter’s Kiss
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Cost: 20
    Upkeep: 10
    Range: Self
    Speed: N/A
    Element: Hyoton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirement: Be Sayuri, or learn directly from Sayuri
    Parent Technique: Frost Bite
    Hand Seals: --
    Description: Channeling Hyoton chakra into her mouth, Sayuri causes ice to form along her front teeth and extend beyond them into wicked and sharp fangs. She may choose upper and/or lower jaw and any number of teeth on either. As these are made from Yuki Ice they have a hardness of A+ and may be used to clash against most weaponry without breaking.
    Drawbacks: If they are to break off suddenly without the jutsu being dismissed they will cause minor damage to any teeth they were attached to.

    Name: Mark of the Ice Queen
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Cost: 30
    Upkeep: 20
    Range: Self
    Speed: N/A
    Element: Hyoton
    Skill: Ninjutsu, Fuuinjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirement: Be Sayuri, or learn directly from Sayuri
    Parent Technique: Winter’s Kiss
    Hand Seals: --
    Description: Channeling Hyoton chakra into her mouth, Sayuri causes ice to form along her front teeth and extend beyond them into wicked and sharp fangs. She may choose upper and/or lower jaw and any number of teeth on either. This technique, unlike its parent techniques, uses the fundamental chakra manipulation provided by Fuuinjutsu to further enhance the fangs. Normally Yuki Ice has a hardness of A+, however this technique increases the fangs Quality/Hardness by a single tier to S+. In the same manner as the previous techniques these fangs may be used to clash against most weaponry without breaking.
    Drawbacks: If they are to break off suddenly without the jutsu being dismissed they will cause minor damage to any teeth they were attached to.


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