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    Materials Shopping


    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 399
    Join date : 2020-05-15

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Doton, Suiton, Mokuton, Bukijutsu, Sensory, Weapon Smithing (S), Ninjutsu, Kyujutsu
    Class: S
    Ryo: 460,837

    Materials Shopping Empty Materials Shopping

    Post by Ashitaka_Inuzuka Tue Jul 28, 2020 5:08 am

    Ari had given Ashitaka quite a bit for her custom weapons. Enough for him to grab a few materials for a little side project to round out his personal arsenal. First, he would see to his design for her benefit, though. He'd shown up at the General Store enough times for the staff to recognize him, so he didn't have to worry about someone trying to chase him off like some punk when he was getting necessary ingredients for his products. He pulled out the notebook he'd used to get Ari's measurements and the list of things he was going to use to make her weapons.


    2 Units Jade 4500 Ryo

    2 Units Leather 300 Ryo

    2 Spring-Loaded Kunai Mechanisms 1500 Ryo

    It occurred to him that he'd grossly overestimated how much the materials were going to cost. He was going to have to return some of that money to her, or his conscience was going to eat at him. Still, he didn't think that it was going to be too much to ask to hold onto enough to get what he needed for his latest pet project.


    2 Units Steel: 750 Ryo

    1 Unit Wood: 75 Ryo

    Total cost: 7125 Ryo.

    Ashitaka Inuzuka:

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 399
    Join date : 2020-05-15

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Doton, Suiton, Mokuton, Bukijutsu, Sensory, Weapon Smithing (S), Ninjutsu, Kyujutsu
    Class: S
    Ryo: 460,837

    Materials Shopping Empty Re: Materials Shopping

    Post by Ashitaka_Inuzuka Sun Aug 09, 2020 5:45 am

    It was a good thing that his impromptu promotion to Head of the Senju Clan paid well, because failing a major mission sure didn't. At first, he wanted to spend the ryo on investing into the clan itself, but since he was the only member not in the Protection Bunker, and all of the renovations were done more or less by hand (or jutsu), he didn't really have anything to spend it on. So he kept it for himself and decided to go back to crafting weapons so he could feel useful again. Luckily, between his new position and accompanying wardrobe, and the fact that his reputation as a craftsman was getting around, he faced much less grief from the merchants when he went to buy supplies. Today, he bought a few ingots of the light and strong titanium to make some more projectiles, since he'd been in a "ranged weapon" sort of kick lately.


    5 Units of Titanium: 3750 Ryo.

    Ashitaka Inuzuka:

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 399
    Join date : 2020-05-15

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Doton, Suiton, Mokuton, Bukijutsu, Sensory, Weapon Smithing (S), Ninjutsu, Kyujutsu
    Class: S
    Ryo: 460,837

    Materials Shopping Empty Re: Materials Shopping

    Post by Ashitaka_Inuzuka Wed Aug 26, 2020 8:46 pm

    As Ashitaka bought a couple 4 x 4 boards of Senju Wood, two thoughts crossed his mind:

    Why am I even paying for this? I can just create this wood out of basically thin air... and am I really coming up so dry on ideas that I'm making something as basic as a katana? I hope I'm not burning out.

    Then he decided not to let his Leviathan Axe rest on subpar materials and bought some Titanium to upgrade it with. Considering that he was planning to focus on throwing it as his primary application of the weapon, it would be better for it to be lighter.

    Despite the burden being technically much lighter than usual, Ashitaka trudged home with a dull and listless look in his eyes. The craft was starting to fail to keep his spirit up. Nyg-sensei was right, there was nothing he could do for the team. He'd have to stay at the village and let them do the fighting. All because he didn't have the internal fortitude to seriously apply himself to hurting a target, let alone kill somebody. He wondered if he'd be expelled from life as a shinobi entirely and have to stay back home like a coward while his former teammates risked their lives for the sake of Konohagakure.

    Just before he left the Market Street, his eyes happened to catch on a flyer posted up for a certain mercantile establishment that was currently hiring. With the amount they were offering, he could at least afford to financially support his Clan, and by extension the village. He remembered that his friend Chika was complaining about the Hyuuga suffering from similar woes, and opted to not only take the offer but also extend it to the puppeteer. If the adults couldn't hold the village together, then it would have to be up to the kids to do it.


    Buying: 1 Unit Senju Wood: 3750 Ryo

    Ashitaka Inuzuka:

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 399
    Join date : 2020-05-15

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Doton, Suiton, Mokuton, Bukijutsu, Sensory, Weapon Smithing (S), Ninjutsu, Kyujutsu
    Class: S
    Ryo: 460,837

    Materials Shopping Empty Re: Materials Shopping

    Post by Ashitaka_Inuzuka Mon Oct 05, 2020 8:45 pm

    Ashitaka was comfortable enough in his skill and income now to start investing into the more expensive materials. And that meant Ebony. He planned to start making things from it, starting with a ton of arrows. After that, he would start trying to advertise for commissions from his shop.

    Buying 5 units Ebony and 1 unit Senju Wood.

    Total 33750 Ryo.

    Ashitaka Inuzuka:

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 399
    Join date : 2020-05-15

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Doton, Suiton, Mokuton, Bukijutsu, Sensory, Weapon Smithing (S), Ninjutsu, Kyujutsu
    Class: S
    Ryo: 460,837

    Materials Shopping Empty Re: Materials Shopping

    Post by Ashitaka_Inuzuka Sun Nov 22, 2020 7:51 pm

    Ashitaka felt bad for breaking Tengoku's sword. Really, really bad. So much so in fact that he went out of his way to make him a memorial for the weapon and upgrade the better one he had to a masterpiece on priority, even buying the materials at his own expense. He stopped by the usual General Store to buy the materials he needed for these two projects.


    1 Unit Gold 1500 ryo

    2 Units Glass 150 ryo

    1 Unit Senju Wood 3750 ryo

    Total: 5400 ryo

    Remaining: 46,187 ryo

    Ashitaka Inuzuka:

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 399
    Join date : 2020-05-15

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Doton, Suiton, Mokuton, Bukijutsu, Sensory, Weapon Smithing (S), Ninjutsu, Kyujutsu
    Class: S
    Ryo: 460,837

    Materials Shopping Empty Re: Materials Shopping

    Post by Ashitaka_Inuzuka Thu Dec 10, 2020 2:03 am

    As he made yet another trip to the department store to purchase more materials to keep up with his steadily building demand, Ashitaka wondered if he should develop some kind of delivery system to facilitate the process. But going down that road led to laziness, which in turn led to weakness and inability where ability was needed. So he resolved himself to going about buying and delivering his materials himself.


    Ebony: 5 Units -30,000 Ryo

    Senju Wood: 4 Units -15,000 Ryo

    Leather: 4 Units -600 Ryo

    Spring-Loaded Kunai Mechanisms: 4 Units -3,000 Ryo

    Total Spent: 38,600 Ryo.

    Remaining: 77,587

    Ashitaka Inuzuka:

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 399
    Join date : 2020-05-15

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Doton, Suiton, Mokuton, Bukijutsu, Sensory, Weapon Smithing (S), Ninjutsu, Kyujutsu
    Class: S
    Ryo: 460,837

    Materials Shopping Empty Re: Materials Shopping

    Post by Ashitaka_Inuzuka Sat Jan 30, 2021 10:56 pm

    Eager to get back to the one line of work that brought him any semblance of inner peace, Ashitaka didn't even mind paying some hack for the material that should have been the property of his Clan by default. It was not like there was a shortage of sacrifices he had to make for the good of Konoha anyway, regardless of the understanding or appreciation (or more accurately, utter lack thereof), of the Hokage or the general populace. He bought one unit each of Senju Wood and Ebony and went about his business as though it were just another ordinary day, although for him having a day that could be called "ordinary" was an unspeakable relief on his mind.

    Purchasing 1 unit Senju Wood for 3750 Ryo.

    Purchasing 1 unit Ebony for 6000 Ryo.

    Total spent 9750 Ryo

    Remaining total 460,837 ryo

    [Exit thread]

    Ashitaka Inuzuka:

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