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    Posts : 36
    Join date : 2020-07-13

    Hagane Empty Hagane

    Post by Hagane Wed Jul 15, 2020 1:18 am

    Hagane WTnvWDX
    Hagane MisguidedSparklingAlligatorgar-size_restricted
    Hagane no Iyashinote


    34 (June 1st)


    Tetsumura, Tetsu no Kuni


    Hagane Kaiketsu ('Steel Resolve'), Hagane no Iyashinote ('Healing Hand of Steel'), Jihi no Daten-Shi ('Fallen Angel of Mercy')

    Fuuton (Affinity), Katon

    Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu, Ijutsu, Kanchijutsu

    Strength: C (450)
    Constitution: C (450)
    Stamina: C (450)
    Speed: D (150)
    Coordination: A (1650)
    Intelligence: B (950)
    Perception: B (950)

    Unique Abilities
    --Steel Resolve
    Through mental and physical conditioning, as well as his Will of Pure Steel, determination, and effort, he is able to withstand physical attacks and takes less damage from them. Physical attacks are negative a tier in power, but he takes an extra tier in damage from Non-physical attacks.

    --Well of Vitality
    Hagane spends most of his days resting, sleeping, lazing around, and exerting as little effort as he can to perform mundane tasks. This conservation of energy throughout his day to day life leaves him with a Well of Vitality to draw from, gaining a passive tier in Stamina.
    [Flawless UA]

    --One with Nature Pt.1 | Falcon Whisperer
    A man of nature, he has learned become one with it, employing his understanding of wildlife and specifically Falconry, he is able to enter a state that allows him to communicate with Falcons directly, able to communicate with them essentially telepathically. They must be within 10 meters for him to do this, and while in this state--he is unable to understand human speech, nor speak out loud himself.

    --One with Nature Pt.2 | Empathy
    Being in tune with nature and those living within it, Hagane has advanced his sensory skills. Hagane is able to feel the intents and emotions of those within his sensory range. This does not work with the extended range, only within the user's natural range, and doubles the cost of the Sensing Technique.

    --One with Nature Pt.3 | Natural Sensor
    His mastery of his Sensing skills goes beyond his emphatic ways, although this one is more a passive kind. Hagane's natural affinity for Sensory has allows him use of The Sensing Technique for a negligible amount of energy, but at negative 2 tiers in perception in regards to its range. This does not work with the Empathy ability.

    --One with Nature Pt.4 | Gentle Soul
    The man's gentle and kind nature--mixed with his pure heart, has allowed him to become one with nature. Animals do not fear him, instead treating him as one of their own, even typically hostile animals treat him with respect or kindness.
    [Cosmetic/NPC Missions Only, does not effect PC owned Pets/PC Missions.]

    --Skillful Ki Weaver
    Hagane is able to weave hand seals with a single hand, very useful for when wielding a sword, a skill he has picked up over many years of training and battles, but he does this at negative a tier to Coordination in regards to hand seals formed.

    --Iron Curtain:
    Hagane is stronger in defending his home country then he is when invading another. When battling NPCs who are invading The Land of Iron, Hagane is able to autohit NPCs 1 tier higher then normal, but when invading other countries, he is only able to autohit NPCs 1 tier lower then normal.

    --Herbal Expertise
    Hagane has an understanding of how to grow and prepare herbal medicines and poisons that are very potent for their simplicity. To do this is expensive though, as the herbs require delicate care and a super secret ingredient he gets from a mysterious supplier. Hagane is able to craft Medicines and Poisons 1 rank higher then his skill set allows, but at 150% cost to materials.

    --Second Wind
    By taking in a deep and controlled breath, and letting it out smoothly, he is able to revitalize his body to a degree, and give himself a small recovery to her Stamina. This restores 25% of Hagane's chakra reserves, but only may be used once per battle. If he uses his Second Wind, the effects of exhaustion are doubled. If he reaches the point he no longer would be effected by exhaustion (A in Stamina), he will only suffer normal exhaustion effects instead if this is used and he falls under 30CP.

    --Honed Edge
    With age comes skill, Hagane has spent many years honing his skills, and has honed his body as well. After years of training the man has acquired a vast amount of combat experience. Hagane starts with 1400 more experience, but must pay back the debt before gaining any more.


    Hagane OEj8ecD

    Hagane stands at a solid 6'1", having a very slender build from years of conditioning and toning his body. Needless to say, he is very muscular, but not overly 'buff'. Its toned, Tightened, Sculpted. Despite being middle aged, he keeps a fairly youthful appearance, typically appearing ten years younger then he actually is. His skin is mildly tan from years under the sun, living outside for a large portion of his life. The man's eyes are a vivid brown, with almost red hints to them. He has fairly long black locks, usually kept in a low ponytail. His hair itself is pretty wild in nature, which is oddly fitting to those who know the man. His body is a canvas of blades, marked in numerous places by scars from many years of battling. The most notabale one is a scar over his right eye, where it was obvious the tip of a blade narrowly missed blinding the eye. This scar splits his eyebrow over that eye, hair refusing to grow back through the scar-tissue.

    The Ronin has a rather rugged and weathered look, clearly a man of many experiences just at a glance, while keeping an air of charm about his scruffy appearance. Something about his smile swayed others into liking him. He is one to switch up his outfits, but they typically are rather ragged and worn out. A staple of his outfit is an old straw hat. This isn't to say the man wouldn't dawn a full suit of Samurai Armor, but he feels that is only for war, preferring the ease of movement in casual clothing. Something you will never see the man without is at least one sword. If he is without...he is either bathing, or its been stolen. He exudes an aura about him that states he is not a Shinobi--but a Samurai.

    Hagane 2bc907abee2cc5c3df09d9997cd79386


    Hagane U5FFnY4

    Hagane is a complicated man. He is both a battle hardened warrior, and a gentle soul. A blade of war, but a hand of healing and kindness. A Will of Steel, Heart of Gold, and humble to the dirt he walks upon. A man of peace and mercy, who has yet to find his own peace. A look in his eyes that told a tale of a broken man, yet you can tell fear abandoned this Ronin in a previous life. A man searching for something, but his compass is cracked and North points six feet underground. A man that embodies birthed by the blade, lived by the blade, and die by the blade. A man of undying loyalty, but pledges loyalty to only the razor sharp steel edge. One who'd spend the afternoon snoozing under the clouds, while spending from dusk to dawn honing his abilities. A man who'd rather stay his sword and use his words to end conflict, but a man who'd cut down the evil of the world without hesitation.

    Hagane is an overly humble man of few words, stoic in expression, but as kind as they come. He'll sit in silence with you for hours...but smile at a glance. Sometimes he'll talk your ear off...after a few shots or his 'herbal medicine'. He'll take a nap any time of day, and usually will not exert any extra effort for anything day to day or mundane. Only in serious situations, or in aid of others, will he exert himself. While viewing through world through jaded eyes, he is not blinded by it. He likes to joke about with friends, opening up to others somewhat easily if he gets a good vibe from them. He's not one to stray from a sarcastic remark sometimes. He had no issue speaking with officials, both seriously--or as friends. The man isn't formal, sometimes it comes off as disrespectful--but usually his charm will make up for it. Overall...Hagane is the man you want watching your back.

    Hagane Tumblr_mhvdn87mVb1rbrys3o1_500


    Hagane Fad3ce785ebd1576a0930b709d2c8a19677f9bd3_hq

    Chapter 1 | A Man with No Name
    Hagane was not this man's original name, but a name he'd come to be known as after he abandoned his name long ago. His childhood has been lost to time, all that can be said about it is it was a time the man would distance himself from. Growing up in a wealthy, greedy family, it taught him what money can do to people, and he vowed to live a life polar opposite of his family. He choose the life of the Sword. He abandoned the name they gave him years ago, and would travel the world as a man with no name. He earned his name...years of training, years of aiding the weak, years of following the path he had to walk to become the man standing before you today.

    His teens was a blur of training, battles, fighting for survival...learning to live. Learning the fundamentals he'd build upon as he grew up--as he matured. Life is a journey, and he learned to stay on his path. The path of a warrior. Hagane...Steel. He was a tool...a weapon of war. He acted as such. The man was a ruthless killer in his adolescence, a child soldier, not by choose, but by force in a world so cruel and lacking peace. But he was part of the endless cycle...death...revenge...hatred. A cold world for a Ronin with no name...

    Chapter 2 | A Family, Torn
    Hagane had become a young man, and would find himself settling down...the man was slowly morphing into something different then the cold killer he'd been as a teen. Maturity was taking reigns of the man, and he found a healthy distraction from the life of a warrior. A woman. She was young...beautiful...eyes so vibrant he could stare into them all day. She ensnared the man...and he charmed her. It wasn't long before the man settled into a small village in The Land of Iron, and the couple was expecting. Hagane's woman was eating for not one, not two, but three. Twins. Months went by and the twins came, two beautiful baby girls. Hagane's life...this was the high point of it. For a decade the man would live with his family...raise his girls...teach them to defend themselves, the foundation of what it meant to be...Samurai.

    But everything good comes to an end. A warrior's past always catches up to them. This was a lesson Hagane would learn the hard way. He'd return home after a night of training, finding it empty. All that was left was a note...'If you want to see them alive again, meet me atop Three Howling Wolves.'...he crumpled the note, and ran out into the snowy night, rushing to the specific mountain he was told to meet the kidnappers at. His wife. His little girls. Taken. It drove the man insane, his legs hurting as he rushed for the meeting point.

    Hagane Tumblr_ntd6tvp0WK1qk9powo1_540

    He made it. He made it to the mountain, three peaks that reflected three wolves howling at the full moon above. Hagane came to stand on one of the wolve's heads...and across from him would be a man he thought he'd killed years before...one whom seek vengeance after
    he felt wronged by Hagane's blade. The Ronin pleaded for his family's safe return...he could see them, one of the enemy's goons keeping a knife to the mother of the twins. She could only try to hug them for comfort as Hagane stared down the man once thought dead...and soon to be in reality. In a flash a fight broke out between the two swordsman, a battle would rage on between them, in the process Hagane nearly loosing an eye--scarred forever by the tip of the kidnapper's blade. But he'd triumph over evil...he was destined too. But at what cost?

    The goon drug a blade across the woman's neck...she fell forward, limp. The thug grabbed one of the twin girls, the other watching in horror along with their father as he rushed towards them. But he wouldn't make it in time...as Hagane's blade finally met the goon's neck, ending his reign of terror over Hagane's family...the price had already been paid. His daughter lay next to her mother...pooling blood. Hagane held onto the sole survivor of the three most important ladies in his life...as tears fell over the lost one's bodies. Hagane would no longer let his one remaining daughter live a life under such threats...he'd bring her to his parents--leaving the girl with her wealthy grandparents to raise from then on...that was seven years go...

    Chapter 3 | Redemption

    The grieving father set out on a journey. One of Redemption...something the man needed. He needed to atone for his sins in his yester-years. He'd return to traveling the lands...but now doing whatever good he can. He became humble...kind...gentle as a father...now he carried this emotions with him like a burden upon his back, taking the weight of the world on hjis shoulders. He'd trip...fall...falter...but he'd always get back up and press on. This is his way...the way of a Samurai. During his travels, his father passed away, he'd periodically return to check on his girl...she grew up so fast it was only a blur to the aging man.

    At some point recently, his mother would pass away too. He had younger siblings, who'd earn cuts of his family's fortune....but Hagane as the first born got this biggest cut. He'd try to deny it...but his siblings forced him to take it. He ended up with a good cut of their estate, and was able to take ownership of their properties. He'd make sure his daughter was taken care of...while continuing his path of redemption. The broken warrior, humble to the core, a heart of gold...a rather. These are what make Hagane the man he is today...a Samurai through and through.

    Hagane Tumblr_oqkyb6dC7h1ucpcboo1_500

    Original App
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Posts : 2179
    Join date : 2017-09-29

    Hagane Empty Re: Hagane

    Post by Ryuko Wed Jul 15, 2020 9:36 pm

    Hagane wrote:
    Hagane WTnvWDX
    Hagane MisguidedSparklingAlligatorgar-size_restricted
    Hagane no Iyashinote


    34 (June 1st)


    Tetsumura, Tetsu no Kuni


    Hagane Kaiketsu ('Steel Resolve'), Hagane no Iyashinote ('Healing Hand of Steel'), Jihi no Daten-Shi ('Fallen Angel of Mercy')

    Fuuton (Affinity), Katon

    Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu, Ijutsu, Kanchijutsu

    Strength: C (450)
    Constitution: C (450)
    Stamina: C (450)
    Speed: D (150)
    Coordination: A (1650)
    Intelligence: B (950)
    Perception: B (950)

    Unique Abilities
    --Steel Resolve
    Through mental and physical conditioning, as well as his Will of Pure Steel, determination, and effort, he is able to withstand physical attacks and takes less damage from them. Physical attacks are negative a tier in power, but he takes an extra tier in damage from Non-physical attacks.

    --Well of Vitality
    Hagane spends most of his days resting, sleeping, lazing around, and exerting as little effort as he can to perform mundane tasks. This conservation of energy throughout his day to day life leaves him with a Well of Vitality to draw from, gaining a passive tier in Stamina.
    [Flawless UA]

    --One with Nature Pt.1 | Falcon Whisperer
    A man of nature, he has learned become one with it, employing his understanding of wildlife and specifically Falconry, he is able to enter a state that allows him to communicate with Falcons directly, able to communicate with them essentially telepathically. They must be within 10 meters for him to do this, and while in this state--he is unable to understand human speech, nor speak out loud himself.

    --One with Nature Pt.2 | Empathy
    Being in tune with nature and those living within it, Hagane has advanced his sensory skills. Hagane is able to feel the intents and emotions of those within his sensory range. This does not work with the extended range, only within the user's natural range, and doubles the cost of the Sensing Technique.

    --One with Nature Pt.3 | Natural Sensor
    His mastery of his Sensing skills goes beyond his emphatic ways, although this one is more a passive kind. Hagane's natural affinity for Sensory has allows him use of The Sensing Technique for a negligible amount of energy, but at negative 2 tiers in perception in regards to its range. This does not work with the Empathy ability.

    --One with Nature Pt.4 | Gentle Soul
    The man's gentle and kind nature--mixed with his pure heart, has allowed him to become one with nature. Animals do not fear him, instead treating him as one of their own, even typically hostile animals treat him with respect or kindness.
    [Cosmetic/NPC Missions Only, does not effect PC owned Pets/PC Missions.]

    --Skillful Ki Weaver
    Hagane is able to weave hand seals with a single hand, very useful for when wielding a sword, a skill he has picked up over many years of training and battles, but he does this at negative a tier to Coordination in regards to hand seals formed.

    --Iron Curtain:
    Hagane is stronger in defending his home country then he is when invading another. When battling NPCs who are invading The Land of Iron, Hagane is able to autohit NPCs 1 tier higher then normal, but when invading other countries, he is only able to autohit NPCs 1 tier lower then normal.

    --Herbal Expertise
    Hagane has an understanding of how to grow and prepare herbal medicines and poisons that are very potent for their simplicity. To do this is expensive though, as the herbs require delicate care and a super secret ingredient he gets from a mysterious supplier. Hagane is able to craft Medicines and Poisons 1 rank higher then his skill set allows, but at 150% cost to materials.

    --Second Wind
    By taking in a deep and controlled breath, and letting it out smoothly, he is able to revitalize his body to a degree, and give himself a small recovery to her Stamina. This restores 25% of Hagane's chakra reserves, but only may be used once per battle. If he uses his Second Wind, the effects of exhaustion are doubled. If he reaches the point he no longer would be effected by exhaustion (A in Stamina), he will only suffer normal exhaustion effects instead if this is used and he falls under 30CP.

    --Honed Edge
    With age comes skill, Hagane has spent many years honing his skills, and has honed his body as well. After years of training the man has acquired a vast amount of combat experience. Hagane starts with 1400 more experience, but must pay back the debt before gaining any more.


    Hagane OEj8ecD

    Hagane stands at a solid 6'1", having a very slender build from years of conditioning and toning his body. Needless to say, he is very muscular, but not overly 'buff'. Its toned, Tightened, Sculpted. Despite being middle aged, he keeps a fairly youthful appearance, typically appearing ten years younger then he actually is. His skin is mildly tan from years under the sun, living outside for a large portion of his life. The man's eyes are a vivid brown, with almost red hints to them. He has fairly long black locks, usually kept in a low ponytail. His hair itself is pretty wild in nature, which is oddly fitting to those who know the man. His body is a canvas of blades, marked in numerous places by scars from many years of battling. The most notabale one is a scar over his right eye, where it was obvious the tip of a blade narrowly missed blinding the eye. This scar splits his eyebrow over that eye, hair refusing to grow back through the scar-tissue.

    The Ronin has a rather rugged and weathered look, clearly a man of many experiences just at a glance, while keeping an air of charm about his scruffy appearance. Something about his smile swayed others into liking him. He is one to switch up his outfits, but they typically are rather ragged and worn out. A staple of his outfit is an old straw hat. This isn't to say the man wouldn't dawn a full suit of Samurai Armor, but he feels that is only for war, preferring the ease of movement in casual clothing. Something you will never see the man without is at least one sword. If he is without...he is either bathing, or its been stolen. He exudes an aura about him that states he is not a Shinobi--but a Samurai.

    Hagane 2bc907abee2cc5c3df09d9997cd79386


    Hagane U5FFnY4

    Hagane is a complicated man. He is both a battle hardened warrior, and a gentle soul. A blade of war, but a hand of healing and kindness. A Will of Steel, Heart of Gold, and humble to the dirt he walks upon. A man of peace and mercy, who has yet to find his own peace. A look in his eyes that told a tale of a broken man, yet you can tell fear abandoned this Ronin in a previous life. A man searching for something, but his compass is cracked and North points six feet underground. A man that embodies birthed by the blade, lived by the blade, and die by the blade. A man of undying loyalty, but pledges loyalty to only the razor sharp steel edge. One who'd spend the afternoon snoozing under the clouds, while spending from dusk to dawn honing his abilities. A man who'd rather stay his sword and use his words to end conflict, but a man who'd cut down the evil of the world without hesitation.

    Hagane is an overly humble man of few words, stoic in expression, but as kind as they come. He'll sit in silence with you for hours...but smile at a glance. Sometimes he'll talk your ear off...after a few shots or his 'herbal medicine'. He'll take a nap any time of day, and usually will not exert any extra effort for anything day to day or mundane. Only in serious situations, or in aid of others, will he exert himself. While viewing through world through jaded eyes, he is not blinded by it. He likes to joke about with friends, opening up to others somewhat easily if he gets a good vibe from them. He's not one to stray from a sarcastic remark sometimes. He had no issue speaking with officials, both seriously--or as friends. The man isn't formal, sometimes it comes off as disrespectful--but usually his charm will make up for it. Overall...Hagane is the man you want watching your back.

    Hagane Tumblr_mhvdn87mVb1rbrys3o1_500


    Hagane Fad3ce785ebd1576a0930b709d2c8a19677f9bd3_hq

    Chapter 1 | A Man with No Name
    Hagane was not this man's original name, but a name he'd come to be known as after he abandoned his name long ago. His childhood has been lost to time, all that can be said about it is it was a time the man would distance himself from. Growing up in a wealthy, greedy family, it taught him what money can do to people, and he vowed to live a life polar opposite of his family. He choose the life of the Sword. He abandoned the name they gave him years ago, and would travel the world as a man with no name. He earned his name...years of training, years of aiding the weak, years of following the path he had to walk to become the man standing before you today.

    His teens was a blur of training, battles, fighting for survival...learning to live. Learning the fundamentals he'd build upon as he grew up--as he matured. Life is a journey, and he learned to stay on his path. The path of a warrior. Hagane...Steel. He was a tool...a weapon of war. He acted as such. The man was a ruthless killer in his adolescence, a child soldier, not by choose, but by force in a world so cruel and lacking peace. But he was part of the endless cycle...death...revenge...hatred. A cold world for a Ronin with no name...

    Chapter 2 | A Family, Torn
    Hagane had become a young man, and would find himself settling down...the man was slowly morphing into something different then the cold killer he'd been as a teen. Maturity was taking reigns of the man, and he found a healthy distraction from the life of a warrior. A woman. She was young...beautiful...eyes so vibrant he could stare into them all day. She ensnared the man...and he charmed her. It wasn't long before the man settled into a small village in The Land of Iron, and the couple was expecting. Hagane's woman was eating for not one, not two, but three. Twins. Months went by and the twins came, two beautiful baby girls. Hagane's life...this was the high point of it. For a decade the man would live with his family...raise his girls...teach them to defend themselves, the foundation of what it meant to be...Samurai.

    But everything good comes to an end. A warrior's past always catches up to them. This was a lesson Hagane would learn the hard way. He'd return home after a night of training, finding it empty. All that was left was a note...'If you want to see them alive again, meet me atop Three Howling Wolves.'...he crumpled the note, and ran out into the snowy night, rushing to the specific mountain he was told to meet the kidnappers at. His wife. His little girls. Taken. It drove the man insane, his legs hurting as he rushed for the meeting point.

    Hagane Tumblr_ntd6tvp0WK1qk9powo1_540

    He made it. He made it to the mountain, three peaks that reflected three wolves howling at the full moon above. Hagane came to stand on one of the wolve's heads...and across from him would be a man he thought he'd killed years before...one whom seek vengeance after
    he felt wronged by Hagane's blade. The Ronin pleaded for his family's safe return...he could see them, one of the enemy's goons keeping a knife to the mother of the twins. She could only try to hug them for comfort as Hagane stared down the man once thought dead...and soon to be in reality. In a flash a fight broke out between the two swordsman, a battle would rage on between them, in the process Hagane nearly loosing an eye--scarred forever by the tip of the kidnapper's blade. But he'd triumph over evil...he was destined too. But at what cost?

    The goon drug a blade across the woman's neck...she fell forward, limp. The thug grabbed one of the twin girls, the other watching in horror along with their father as he rushed towards them. But he wouldn't make it in time...as Hagane's blade finally met the goon's neck, ending his reign of terror over Hagane's family...the price had already been paid. His daughter lay next to her mother...pooling blood. Hagane held onto the sole survivor of the three most important ladies in his life...as tears fell over the lost one's bodies. Hagane would no longer let his one remaining daughter live a life under such threats...he'd bring her to his parents--leaving the girl with her wealthy grandparents to raise from then on...that was seven years go...

    Chapter 3 | Redemption

    The grieving father set out on a journey. One of Redemption...something the man needed. He needed to atone for his sins in his yester-years. He'd return to traveling the lands...but now doing whatever good he can. He became humble...kind...gentle as a father...now he carried this emotions with him like a burden upon his back, taking the weight of the world on hjis shoulders. He'd trip...fall...falter...but he'd always get back up and press on. This is his way...the way of a Samurai. During his travels, his father passed away, he'd periodically return to check on his girl...she grew up so fast it was only a blur to the aging man.

    At some point recently, his mother would pass away too. He had younger siblings, who'd earn cuts of his family's fortune....but Hagane as the first born got this biggest cut. He'd try to deny it...but his siblings forced him to take it. He ended up with a good cut of their estate, and was able to take ownership of their properties. He'd make sure his daughter was taken care of...while continuing his path of redemption. The broken warrior, humble to the core, a heart of gold...a rather. These are what make Hagane the man he is today...a Samurai through and through.

    Hagane Tumblr_oqkyb6dC7h1ucpcboo1_500

    Original App


    Ryuko's Ninja Card

    Strength: B
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A-> A++ (Arch Angel's Tiara)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: B

      Current date/time is Sun Jul 07, 2024 7:09 am