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    Darhk Dealings [M-Rated]


    Posts : 292
    Join date : 2019-12-30
    Location : Kumogakure

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Medic | Fuuin | Tender | Blacksmith | Engineer | Chemisty
    Class: B
    Ryo: A Lot

    Darhk Dealings [M-Rated] - Page 2 Empty Re: Darhk Dealings [M-Rated]

    Post by DamienDarhk Tue Sep 22, 2020 1:27 am

    Damien's ears would tingle as she started to say something but stopped when he had touched above her hip, it seemed to bother her but she would quickly return to enjoying him inside of her. Allowing Kara's hand to guide his from her waist across her perfect soft skin to her supple breast, Damien would give her breast a squeeze as he continued the slow pleasure of heaven with Kara. Hearing her call him prince again Damien's eyes would lock onto hers as she wrapped her arms around his neck, he held his breath as she leaned in closer to him so that her lips were just out of reach of his as he continued the slow rhythm that they had been enjoying. Her hips meeting his in perfect harmony, and her body reacting to his in such a way that Damien could feel the electricity flowing off of them. Her words would ring in his mind, she had done it again. She asked him to take her, to make her his. Damien's eyes would close as she spoke, Kara's words holding more power over him then she likely realized.

    Opening his eyes just as she said 'yours' a fire burning in his eyes, his hand that was still enveloping her breast would squeeze it hard as Kara spoke. As Damien opened his eyes his hand would slowly trace up from her breast, across her collarbone and to her neck. Damien would squeeze her neck to get her attention, pushing her back onto the couch as he looked deep into her golden eyes with lust in his eyes. "Yes Mistress,"  Damien was not the same he was before, his thrusts would become harder and faster as his hand slowly grew tighter around her neck. Damien wouldn't hurt Kara he knew how much pressure he could apply to ensure her safety, he only sought to increase her pleasure. He wanted her to say the word she almost had before, to know what it was. He had to know, Damien's thrust would continue to increase each more powerful than the one before it. With his hand still firmly on Kara's neck Damien would lean forward brushing his lips gently across hers before looking into the beautiful golden pools of her eyes, finally Damien would say the words he had longed to say to her when he first met her. "You are Mine." His eyes held the fire of his desire within them as he spoke before kissing her passionately.

    Village : Kumogakure
    Posts : 570
    Join date : 2020-02-08
    Age : 32

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Fuuton, Doton, Jiton, Chemistry, Iryojutsu, Engineering, Weaponsmith, Armorsmith, Fuuinjutsu, Ninjutsu, Kugutsu, Genjutsu
    Class: S
    Ryo: More than I need, less than I'd like

    Darhk Dealings [M-Rated] - Page 2 Empty Re: Darhk Dealings [M-Rated]

    Post by Kara Fri Sep 25, 2020 11:01 am

    She had no way of knowing the effect that her words would have on the man. She meant them, she wanted to be his, to belong to him. But she had not been prepared for the fire that would be lit within him at her request. She could see it in his eyes as they opened, his hand on her breast squeezing hard, causing her to groan. She could feel it in the way his hand moved from her breast, snaking its way slowly up to her neck. As his palm and fingers closed around her throat she would gasp, blushing fiercely at the heightened pleasure of it. No one had ever dared be so forward with her before, and as he pushed her down onto the couch by her neck she moaned quietly. Even his words were not the same, there was a power in them that twisted their meaning. She had given up control to him and he had taken it gladly. She knew in her heart that this is what she had been craving, to be worshipped and adored, she had secretly wanted to be submissive in the face of another’s will.

    The tightness of his hand around her neck and the hard and fast thrusts inside her left her breathless. Her hands would come up and clutch at his back as she moaned and quivered beneath him. Her golden eyes would never leave him, her gaze full of lust and adoration. She was in a state of bliss, purely at Damien’s mercy and she loved it. As he leaned forward and teased her lips with his own she would whimper as she was unable to bring those beautiful lips into a kiss. His next words though triggered something in her that she didn’t know was there. As soon as he spoke her body would react, a release that shook her violently as he took full control of her. She would cry out in ecstasy, her voice trembling as she willingly submitted to him “Yes, Master.” As the words rolled off her tongue she felt as though she had been waiting to say them for too long, those words seemed to fit and were completely natural. As her climax subsided she would stare into his silver eyes with trepidation, wondering if perhaps she had gone too far, and succeeded only in scaring away the beautiful and powerful man.

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    Mistress Kara:

    Posts : 292
    Join date : 2019-12-30
    Location : Kumogakure

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Medic | Fuuin | Tender | Blacksmith | Engineer | Chemisty
    Class: B
    Ryo: A Lot

    Darhk Dealings [M-Rated] - Page 2 Empty Re: Darhk Dealings [M-Rated]

    Post by DamienDarhk Sat Oct 03, 2020 11:06 pm

    Kara wouldn't resist Damien taking control, almost as if she had wanted him to from the beginning. The man briefly cursed himself for not holding out longer in their game earlier, had he known he could have had this sooner and it would be so heavenly he might have held out longer to win. But the thought quickly left, as even though he lost the game he had won now. The Goddess that laid beneath him, accepting him. Was now His. Her hands would clutch his back as their eyes locked onto one another, her moans only encouraging him to go harder and faster. As he claimed her as his out loud her body would respond, he had planned to continue through her climax but her tightness would get the better of him. As she called him Master a new wave of pleasure would wash over him as he exploded within her. His thrusting would stop but his hand remained tightly on her neck, breathing heavily as he looked into her eyes loosening his grip only slightly to make sure she could still breathe. "I'm not done with you yet," Damien stated with the look of fire still in his eyes as if there was no room for argument on her part. In fact there wasn't, she was his now and they both knew it. He would begin to slowly slide his shaft in and out of her, keeping the same pressure with his hand. His free hand would find his belt she had placed on the couch next to them and bring it up to her stomach as his hips would stop moving again and he would remove his hand from her neck, looking down to the belt and then back into her eyes a devilish smile would form on his face. Damien would slowly trace the leather belt lightly across her stomach before gripping it with both hands and flowing chakra into it, instantly two more belts would form in his hand with the original. It wouldn't stop there though another small transfer of chakra and the man was holding five belts, sitting four of the belts back to the sofa Damien took one and wrapped it around Kara's neck placing it through the buckle and tightening it around her leaving the rest to act as a makeshift leash. Keeping hold of the belt around her neck with one hand and taking the other four in his other, Damien would allow himself to slide out of the beauty that was his Mistress.

    Leading her by the belt around her neck, Damien would lead Kara to her desk. He did not ask her or say a word to her, a master need not ask. Damien would swipe his hand across the desk knocking everything sitting on it to the floor, before grabbing Kara by the hips and placing her so that she was sitting on the desk. Taking the belts he would loop one around each of her ankles before strapping the belt to the leg of the desk, he would take this moment to slowly kiss up her leg to her inner thigh before lifting himself to meet her eyes and kiss her lips passionately. Pulling on the belt slightly so that it would tighten again as they kissed before walking around the desk and laying her down across it, wrapping the remaining belts around her wrists and strapping them to the desk in a similar fashion as her legs Damien would slowly walk around the desk his eyes never leaving Kara's. As his fingers slowly down her body, Damien would release a small amount of medical chakra into his mistress. He had used this techniques many times before though it was usually for torture, of course for the man there wasn't much difference between sex and torture as they both gave him satisfaction. This however was different, he felt something he had never felt before. Love for someone other than himself. The Technique he used would potentially super charge the receptors in her brain, causing even the slightest touch to become a wave of pleasure or pain depending on what he did to her.

    Damien would return to between his Mistresses legs held apart by the straps holding her in place on the desk, leaving the woman fully at his mercy. Damien would finally break eye contact with Kara looking at her beautiful body tied down and waiting for him, placing a hand on each thigh and slowly moving them up her until his shaft was at her entrance. Looking back into Kara's eyes with the same devilish grin as before re-entering her once more, "Now You really are Mine," Damien stated as if it had not been obvious before. However, he had seen how she responded to his words before and wondered if the same would happen again, and if it did what would the results of his Technique turn it into.

    Village : Kumogakure
    Posts : 570
    Join date : 2020-02-08
    Age : 32

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Fuuton, Doton, Jiton, Chemistry, Iryojutsu, Engineering, Weaponsmith, Armorsmith, Fuuinjutsu, Ninjutsu, Kugutsu, Genjutsu
    Class: S
    Ryo: More than I need, less than I'd like

    Darhk Dealings [M-Rated] - Page 2 Empty Re: Darhk Dealings [M-Rated]

    Post by Kara Tue Oct 06, 2020 3:31 pm

    She realized that her fears were entirely unwarranted as she felt Damien empty himself within her. Still in the throes of ecstasy from her own climax her body shook beneath his, even as his thrusts stopped. For a brief moment she rethought her position on having gone too far as his grip around her neck released slightly. But his promise of not being done with her brought a thrill of pleasure that made her shiver. His eyes had a look in them that spoke of complete authority that left her no room for protesting. As her inner walls continued to spasm around his shaft she  recalled ordering him not to climax without her permission. Even now she could feel the commandment broken and a mischievous thought crossed her mind. She had given up control to him, named him her Master and submitted. But what fun was there in having something that you didn’t have to fight for? She kept her golden eyes locked on his silver ones as she thought of how best to continue tormenting her lover from her position of rescinded power. As he continued to slide in and out of her she would speak teasingly in between gasps and moans. “You know, I had commanded you to not climax until I gave you permission.” Her words were strained beneath his grip and she knew she was pushing, but she wanted to see how far she could push before he pushed back. The fire in his eyes was tantalizing and she wanted to see more of it.

    Her smirk would be short lived as he stopped thrusting into her, and a small whimper would escape her red lips as he also removed his hand from around her neck. The introduction of his belt into the scene brought a smile to her face though and she would bite her lower lip as she glanced down while he traced the leather lightly across her skin. She had no idea what he had planned but the new sensation on her flesh gave her another shiver and she watched transfixed as he created four more identical belts. She would raise an eyebrow and give her Master a questioning look, “What are you-” As Damien looped a belt around her neck and pulled the leather tight her words would be cut off, the answer self evident. Her cheeks would flush crimson as he held her by the makeshift leash, whimpering once more as she felt his shaft leave her. She would rise obediently as he led her to her desk, her cheeks still burning with desire mixed with embarrassment. Even when she was taken in the desert no one had ever commanded such obedience from her, all those years ago she had still been defiant, nearly fearless in the face of less potent power. As she watched him sweep the contents of the top of her immaculately organized desk onto the equally immaculate floor she surprisingly did not feel anger or indignation. Instead her golden eyes would light up with excitement as she waited to see what his intentions were.

    Placing her on the desk she would shiver at the coolness of the furniture against her bare skin, resisting just enough to prolong the process of being strapped down. She desperately wanted him to have his way with her, but she was still of the mindset that tormenting him was thrilling. The tiny amount of disobedience she would show him she gave with a sly smile. Only once she was fully restrained would she pull against her bonds, testing how much room she had to move. She felt utterly vulnerable as he gazed at her and for the first time in her life felt actually shy. This new feeling paired with his intense and fiery gaze only increased her desire for him and she would let out the softest moan as his fingers trailed across her body. She could feel the medical chakra entering her body and seconds after his fingertips against her skin caused her head to swim with pleasure and she would moan loudly, stretching against her ties as she tried to speak. “Master, what did you. . .” her voice broke as she tried to control her body’s reaction to even a simple touch, “. . .what did you do?”

    She didn’t expect him to answer her, it wasn’t even really a question, more just an acknowledgement that whatever he had done was definitely effective. Every nerve in her was on fire and she had never felt so aroused. Her breathing became heavy as she watched him move between her legs again, and she swore she could feel his gaze on her body as though he were still caressing her. She writhed and gasped as his hands moved up her thighs, gasping as she felt him against her entrance once more and her eyes would return to his. As he entered her again her gentle moans became screams as she jerked hard against her bonds, completely overcome with ecstasy at his words. Her mind exploded with brilliant light as she felt herself fly, her only tethers to the world were the four leather belts and Damien’s shaft buried deep within her. His words had a powerful effect on her and her body reacted to him outside of her own will. She had squeezed her eyes shut as the powerful climax had overtaken her senses, and with some effort she would open them again and look at Damien. “I am yours, Master. Always.” Her words were shaky but sincere, said between gasps and wails as the slightest movement from either of them sent ripples of pleasure shooting through to her core.

    Darhk Dealings [M-Rated] - Page 2 4J1yre2

    Mistress Kara:

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