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    The Southern Gate

    Stone Genin
    Stone Genin

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    The Southern Gate - Page 3 Empty Re: The Southern Gate

    Post by Rita Fri Jun 07, 2024 2:25 am

    Rita stood at the edge of the forest, the dense canopy parting to reveal the familiar outline of Iwagakure’s gates. She took a deep breath, the scent of the village she hadn’t smelled in years filling her lungs. As she walked closer, a sense of nostalgia washed over her, mingled with a twinge of curiosity.

    The gates were still grand, but something about them was different. The stone walls flanking the entrance looked... new. Freshly carved kanji adorned the archway, and the once weathered stone seemed untouched by time or elements.

    “This wasn’t here before,” Rita muttered to herself, her fingers brushing over the smooth surface. Her eyes darted around, taking in other unfamiliar additions. New guard towers rose at intervals, their architecture a blend of traditional and modern designs. The once familiar path leading into the village was now lined with pristine lanterns, their glow welcoming yet out of place.

    Rita’s footsteps echoed as she passed through the gates, her mind racing with questions. It had taken her years to return after the catastrophic events in Suna. She had been nearby when Chen’s devastating attack reduced the village to rubble, a shockwave knocking her off her feet and nearly ending her life. Her slow recovery, hindered by her weak constitution and the absence of a puppet to support her, had turned a journey of months into years.

    Presuming that nobody intercepted her she would enter the village. It had once been her home and would be so again, at least she hoped it would be. The first order of business was to report to the Tsuchikage.

    [exit into village]
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    The Southern Gate - Page 3 Empty Re: The Southern Gate

    Post by Tengoku Tue Jun 25, 2024 7:40 pm

    Tengoku had taken some time to rest a couple miles from the village. A full eight hours just taking a nap as he had accomplished in a matter of minutes what would of taken most a week minimum. He had located the village hidden in the mountains with relative ease. He had eaten his lunch when he woke up and bathed in a nearby river. It was cold even in the summer but he didn't mind much. The cool water was refreshing and the outdoor bath had been nice. It was far enough from the road he hadn't worried about being discovered. Still he was freshly washed and changed into his non travel clothes. A pair of black shinobi pants and sandals with a loosely draped yellow set of sleeveless robes with black lining. His White hair was tied back in a long ponytail and some white stubble dotted his face. The Roen seal like a wolf head poked out from his loose collar on his chest. As for his eyes. The whites had long since turned pitch black and the iris, well the iris was a glowing golden cross. 

    On his left hip was his Wakizashi and katana while on his right hip hung a jug of hero water. Strapped to his right thigh was a quiver full of chakra draining arrows and a bow that had been famously used by Masaru once upon a time named Soul string rested in it's collapsed state on the small of his back. Around his wrists, ankles and upper arms rested three sets of golden rings with feather patterns etched into them. His hands were covered in a pair of gauntlets with no other apparent armor unless people knew of his rings. He made no effort outside of restraining his chakra to hide his presence. If he let out all seven hundred plus chakra it would seem like an attack was coming. Yet that was not the purpose. Still he would walk casually along with any local farmers or merchants with his hands armored as they were folded behind his head. A long reed hanging from his mouth as he chewed on it idly. Tengoku knew he was a fairly famous individual. Though people he had met from Iwa before had been less than friendly. At the summit the summary of Iwagakure's views on Konoha was essentially kill on sight. He couldn't imagine it would change much.

    Still as a non Iwa shinobi would approach the tall walls he would admire the sheer height of it. They certainly liked to show off their doton here. Wasn't really a skill of his but hey, he saw it as impressive. He could see why Airi wanted access to their doton techs. Still it wouldn't be long before he was spotted as an armed individual. He was famous enough but it wasn't a surprise the npc guards wouldn't recognize him. They would stop him at the gates as he held his hands up in surrender with a smile. They would take his papers from the pocket he indicated and the name they would recognize. Sending emergency summons to the village for someone with authority. The previous Hokage of all people was at the gate. Still he would try to ease their anxiety as he found a nice rock to sit on and yawned. Relaxed and laid back was the goal here. With his chakra suppression active he had high hopes he didn't pose a threat here. Even if he could he wasn't aiming for that. Maybe he should of taken on the appearance of a dog? Either way he would take his seat to the side to let regular traffic proceed without hindrance.

    Name: Shinku, Tengoku
    Age: 27
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Hokage
    Village: Konoha
    Titles: The Paladin of Konoha

    Chakra - 185 (Base) + 25 (Lifestyle) + 100 (Kata) + 100 (Roen Boost) + 385 (Roen CA)

    Strength: B (A with Vambraces of Justice active)
    Constitution: C (B with Pauldrons of courage active )
    Stamina: B (B + From housing)
    Speed: B (A with  Greaves of Tenacity active)
    Coordination: S (X with  Tengoku Kaeri no Ken active)
    Intelligence: C
    Perception:  A (A++ from Hankōgan III)

    Current attunement -
    Tengoku Kaeri no Ken - active
    Greaves of Tenacity  - active
    Kuroikiba Alpha - Inactive
    Vambraces of Justice - inactive
    Pauldrons of Courage - inactive
    Plated gloves of Temperance - Active

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3136-tengoku-shinku-update-page#24365
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3127-tengoku-shinku
    Yamato Kazehana
    Yamato Kazehana

    Village : Iwagakure
    Posts : 159
    Join date : 2023-11-06
    Age : 31
    Location : England Arkansas

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu|Doton|Fuuton|Jiton
    Class: D
    Ryo: 0

    The Southern Gate - Page 3 Empty Re: The Southern Gate

    Post by Yamato Kazehana Tue Jun 25, 2024 8:10 pm

    Yamato was just finishing up a snack of some red bean soup and some spicy dumplings when a knock came at the door. " Enter" Yamato would say as one of the guards walked in and bowed to him. " Sorry to bother you lord Tsuchikage, but we have a unexpected guest at the village gates." A unexpected guest he said, Yamato was curious as to who was at the gates which the village guard had to come tell the tsuchikage of all people.

    " Who is this guest you speak of." Yamato would say as he threw his trash into the little trash can beside his desk and wiped his mouth. " He says he is the former hokage of the leaf." Oh now this was interesting if memory served him right and half the time it did that would be Tengoku the paladin of Konohagakure. The tsuchikage just nodded his head and waved the guard off.

    Placing on his tsuchikage hat Yamato would form a cloud of sand as he used this to zoom over to where the southern wall was. Yamato Kazehana slowly landed on the outside of the village wall to see the tall white haired man relaxing on a nearby stone.

    " Welcome to iwa Tengoku, your name succeeds you and its a honor to have you here. My name is Yamato Kazehana, current tsuchikage of iwa. How may I be of service to you today."

    Yamato stands at 5 feet 11 inches tall, he has short blood red hair that he keeps brushed back, and it gives off the raven look. He has ice blue eyes and from his neck up to his nose he has it wrapped up in bandage.He wears a tight black long sleeved shirt then over that he has a sleeveless brown, long tailed vest that has a hood. The tail of his vest extends down to the heels of his feet. He has black pants that come down to his shins, and then from there, down is wrapped in a white bandage. He wears a pair of boots that have the toes showing. then, lastly, he carries a gourd on his back to carry his sand in.

    Character Name:  Yamato Kazehana 
    Spendable Experience: 125
    Total Experience: 1,025
    Renown: 4k
    Ryo: 125k
    [*]Constitution: D
    [*]Stamina: C
    [*]Speed: C
    [*]Coordination: C
    [*]Intelligence: E
    [*]Perception: C
    [*]Link to updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t6907-yamato-kazahana-updates
    [*]Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t6897-yamato-kazahana
    [*]Link to Known Techniques: in character updates
    Stone Genin
    Stone Genin

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 51
    Join date : 2024-06-01

    The Southern Gate - Page 3 Empty Re: The Southern Gate

    Post by Rita Tue Jun 25, 2024 10:41 pm

    Rita stepped out of the gates, her movements deliberate and measured as she approached Tengoku and Yamato. She wore an eye-catching ensemble: a dark jacket with a wide collar over a pink shirt, pink pants that clung to her legs, and matching pink shoes. Her hair was adorned with a large, decorative bow, and she completed her look with oversized sunglasses that added a touch of mystery. Despite her unarmed state, there was a sense of purpose in her stride.

    Rita understood the importance of this meeting. If she wanted to stand by Yamato's side in the future, she needed to show she could support him during high-level discussions like this one. Though she was one of the most nationalistic people in the village, she didn't hate the other nations—provided they respected boundaries.

    With a warm smile, she approached Tengoku, the former Hokage, offering him a gesture of hospitality. She poured a small cup of Iwagakure's finest sake, taking a small sip first to demonstrate it wasn't poisoned. The gesture was simple yet elegant, a blend of courtesy and caution that spoke volumes about her character.

    Stone Genin
    Stone Genin

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 45
    Join date : 2024-04-13

    The Southern Gate - Page 3 Empty Re: The Southern Gate

    Post by Chinatsu Thu Jun 27, 2024 12:40 pm

    The gate hustled and bustled today, with rumor spreading near instantaneously of the arrival of a VIP-level guest: one Tengoku of the Leaf. You would need to be deranged or profoundly stupid not to know him, or at least of him, as he had served two separate tours as Hokage. Chinatsu wondered to herself what on earth would bring the man to Iwa, but she felt a weary tense flood over her body and she had to pause to gather herself for a long moment. She had come to the village in part to prevent these fears from happening again, but for a moment it felt hopeless. The Stone had only a few weeks ago attained full independence and it felt that the Leaf had already come to subjugate them once again, sending one of the most powerful legends currently alive. Chi took a deep breath, steeling herself, and moved rapidly to the gate.

    Yamato, the kage, had already arrived, as well as a woman she did not know in a flamboyant but sharp garb. And then there was the paladin, larger than life, filling her with a touch of fear even just looking at him. She had spent her whole life it felt under the thumb of agents of the place that he represented. She gave a deep courtesy, elegant enough to mark her as royalty, but did not move to introduce herself, not trying to interrupt Yamato. She did extend her hand to the Paladin, however, allowing him to take it and give a small kiss, if he so desired. She had grown quite accustomed to this from her upbringing.

    She dressed simply, as was her style: a long black dress, cleft low in the chest, and a few pieces of simple gold jewelry. She had woven her long, blond hair into a thick braid which hung past her waste and otherwise wore simple, elegant sandals. She had her chakra shrouded, not needed any of it really, removing indications of her bloodline and elements, appearing as what she essentially still was: little more than a highborn civilian.


    Strength D
    Constitution: D
    Speed: D
    Stamina: D
    Coordination: D
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: D
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Posts : 594
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    The Southern Gate - Page 3 Empty Re: The Southern Gate

    Post by Tengoku Thu Jun 27, 2024 1:58 pm

    Tengoku would glance up to see three people approaching however staggered. The first was who he figured was the current Tsuchikage based on the fact he was wearing the hat. The sand he rode in on was an interesting mark. Given that was a Suna trait he figured that they must have integrated their neighboring major nation well enough after all the tragedy Suna had taken on. Although the majority of it had been at the hands of Iwa natives. An interesting turn of events that it would be someone of a Suna bloodline running Iwa now. Still he was accompanied by two young women as well. Well that was an entrance to make. He wasn't too proud to admit theatrically it was impressive. Still he would rise to his feet with a smile. Keeping his hands loose and away from his weapons. As the Tsuchikage spoke Tengoku would bow his head lightly. The two women did not speak however. Attendants maybe? One offered him a drink that he could smell the alcohol on and the other their hand. He would reach out and shake the hand of the latter not really understanding she meant for him to be more regal about the whole affair as he did not know who most of them were. He would give it a good couple of shakes with a firm but not painful grip before returning his attention to the Tsuchikage.

    "Ahh thanks but no need to be too formal with me. I am retired now officially Lord Tsuchikage. Still I have a letter for you From the Hokage Airi . Oh and young lady I have traveled rather far and alcohol simply doesn't appeal to me at the moment...perhaps if we could move this somewhere more private and get some water?"

    He would Smile and slowly reach into his inner breast pocket. Pulling out a black envelope with the Hokages seal pressed into a wax seal on it holding it closed. Inside was a sheet of paper with a flying thunder god seal and a letter. 

    Contents of the Letter:

    Name: Shinku, Tengoku
    Age: 27
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Hokage
    Village: Konoha
    Titles: The Paladin of Konoha

    Chakra - 185 (Base) + 25 (Lifestyle) + 100 (Kata) + 100 (Roen Boost) + 385 (Roen CA)

    Strength: B (A with Vambraces of Justice active)
    Constitution: C (B with Pauldrons of courage active )
    Stamina: B (B + From housing)
    Speed: B (A with  Greaves of Tenacity active)
    Coordination: S (X with  Tengoku Kaeri no Ken active)
    Intelligence: C
    Perception:  A (A++ from Hankōgan III)

    Current attunement -
    Tengoku Kaeri no Ken - active
    Greaves of Tenacity  - active
    Kuroikiba Alpha - Inactive
    Vambraces of Justice - inactive
    Pauldrons of Courage - inactive
    Plated gloves of Temperance - Active

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3136-tengoku-shinku-update-page#24365
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3127-tengoku-shinku
    Yamato Kazehana
    Yamato Kazehana

    Village : Iwagakure
    Posts : 159
    Join date : 2023-11-06
    Age : 31
    Location : England Arkansas

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu|Doton|Fuuton|Jiton
    Class: D
    Ryo: 0

    The Southern Gate - Page 3 Empty Re: The Southern Gate

    Post by Yamato Kazehana Thu Jun 27, 2024 8:09 pm

    After Yamato had landed and began to talk to tengoku two of his ninja suddenly showed up, it was Rita Kotōshura and Chinatsu Kazehana. The two ladies walked up to the former hokage as one of them offered him there hand and the other one offered him a cup of sake. He watched as tengoku shook the one genin hand but explained that he had traveled a long way and sake was not what he wanted for the moment. The former hokage would reach into his pocket and pulled out a letter that was addressed to the tsuchikage from the hokage airi. The letter would read as following.

    Dearest Tsuchikage, Yamato

    I know we had quite the rough first meeting and I assure you, that won't remain that way. I have sent my most loyal shinobi and the one I trust the most to you to deliver this message. He was my predecessor Tengoku Shinku. Please show him the proper respects. I had sent him to scout the Hidden Village within the Land of Mountains with the intention of eventually acquiring the Land of Mountains.

    I bid you to accept my offer of the Land of Mountains, upon us acquiring it. We will, however, require something in return. Whatever you deem worthy for a trade for the control of the Land of Mountain to ensure your future financial stability. I will leave it up to Lord Tengoku on whether or not the trade seems sufficient. Once he feels satisfied with the trade agreement, we will hold o
    ur word to giving our esteemed neighbors the Land of Mountains in exchange for the promised goods and or services.

    Within, you will notice a seal placed upon the parchment, this is a Flying Thunder God Seal. Keep this letter upon you as this is the fastest way for me to enter Iwagakure in order to confirm the trade deal. Once confirmed and we have received our end of the items, we will hand over all rights for the Land of Mountains to you. I will take this missive back with me to allay any fears of me using this as a means of 'invasion' into your lands.

    I implore you to make sure the trade is somewhat equitable and something that would please my Lord Tengoku. With the Land of Mountains in your acquisition, I'm certain this will assist in the future financial stability in the Land of Earth. May our villages become friends in due time.

    Your fellow friend from Konohagakure,
    Airi Ohara

    after Yamato read the letter that he received from tengoku the tsuchikage had to think for a moment on this. It was definitely a surprise turn of events as he was not expecting this, in fact Yamato had just been contemplating going after mountain himself.

    " Well I must say this is most surely a surprising turn of events. As you know iwa at the moment dose not make a lot of money compared to other nations so we do not have a lot we can trade, I normally would not offer this but having mountain in iwas control would very vital so I offer konoha a copy of our village exclusive jutsu in return. I know it's probably not much but it's all I am able to offer."

    Yamato would say as he folded up the letter and placed it inside of his vest pocket. He hoped that his offer would be enough as it was the only thing he could offer right now.

    Character Name:  Yamato Kazehana 
    Spendable Experience: 125
    Total Experience: 1,025
    Renown: 4k
    Ryo: 125k
    [*]Constitution: D
    [*]Stamina: C
    [*]Speed: C
    [*]Coordination: C
    [*]Intelligence: E
    [*]Perception: C
    [*]Link to updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t6907-yamato-kazahana-updates
    [*]Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t6897-yamato-kazahana
    [*]Link to Known Techniques: in character updates
    Stone Genin
    Stone Genin

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 51
    Join date : 2024-06-01

    The Southern Gate - Page 3 Empty Re: The Southern Gate

    Post by Rita Fri Jun 28, 2024 12:43 am

    As Yamato and Tengoku engaged in conversation, Rita observed the exchange with a mix of curiosity and cautious respect. She stood beside Chinatsu, both of them representing Iwa, albeit in very different ways.

    Rita's attire, a simple yet elegant black dress that accentuated her features, was a deliberate choice to blend in rather than stand out among the more flamboyant guests. Her long, blond hair woven into a thick braid swung gently as she moved, her demeanor calm but alert.

    Rita observed Chinatsu with a mixture of admiration and perhaps a twinge of jealousy, though she tried to mask it behind her usual composed demeanor. Chinatsu's refined presence and evident importance sparked a curiosity in Rita—was she a potential rival for Yamato's affections? The thought lingered in the back of her mind, a reminder of the complexities that often accompanied such high-stakes gatherings.

    For now, Rita decided to watch Chinatsu warily, assessing her role and interactions within the diplomatic entanglements unfolding before them. She knew that in matters of both heart and politics, vigilance and astuteness were paramount.

    When Tengoku shook Chinatsu's hand, Rita extended hers as well, a gesture of formal greeting that she wasn’t very accustomed to being an engineer . She maintained a poised expression. This meeting was significant, she knew, with the weight of potential negotiations hanging in the air.

    Rita felt a momentary internal panic when Tengoku politely declined the offer of sake. She had assumed that offering high-quality alcohol would be a safe and hospitable choice, knowing that most adults she encountered appreciated a good drink. However, she quickly recovered, her training in etiquette kicking in.

    "My apologies, good sir," Rita responded smoothly, her tone maintaining its composed politeness despite her initial discomfort. "Might I offer you some of our finest mineral water instead?" She swiftly produced a bottle of premium spring water, recognizing its value as comparable to some of the finest champagnes. She hoped her quick recovery would offset any initial misstep, especially considering the esteemed guest they were entertaining.

    Internally, Rita made a mental note to apologize to Ghost later for hastily raiding the refrigerator before their important meeting. She focused on maintaining her composure and ensuring the diplomatic encounter continued smoothly, her mind already strategizing the next steps in their negotiations.

    Sensing the need for a more conducive environment for their negotiations with Tengoku, politely suggested to Yamato, "Perhaps we should take our guest to our nicest hotel..."

    Her suggestion was subtle yet clear, indicating that conducting such important discussions outside the village gates might not be the most appropriate or comfortable setting. Rita understood the importance of creating a favorable atmosphere for negotiations, where privacy and comfort could facilitate more productive talks.

    She glanced briefly at Yamato, her expression composed but earnest, hoping he would consider her suggestion as a practical step towards ensuring the success of their diplomatic engagement with Tengoku.  If she was to be his wife then she needed to always be mindful of protocol and diplomacy. 
    She stood ready to support her Kage in steering these crucial discussions in the right direction.

    As Yamato proposed trading Iwa's exclusive jutsu in exchange for control of the Land of Mountains, Rita's mind raced to find a way to sweeten the deal. She knew how crucial this acquisition could be for their village's future stability and prosperity.

    Stone Genin
    Stone Genin

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 45
    Join date : 2024-04-13

    The Southern Gate - Page 3 Empty Re: The Southern Gate

    Post by Chinatsu Sat Jun 29, 2024 2:11 pm

    When the wolf-man shook Chinatsu's hand, her eyes nearly fell right out of her head. She'd... never been treated like that before. What kind of lunatic had Konoha sent here for this? As Rita fumbled with the sake and Tengoku passed a letter to Yamato. She tried to take a peek, but could not make it fully out and the tiniest hint of a frown pulled down the corners of her mouth. She had to mentally gather her wits back after the appalling handshake. Once focus had returned, it took her another second to catch what Yam was saying. The entire suite of the village exclusives for a land grab? She was completely unable to hold off the look of shock from flashing across her face. It was not so much that the deal was bad, but... She'd wait on that for now; the suggestion to relocate was a good one, and Rita seemed to have the right idea.

    "Wonderful idea. Perhaps the Okura? They have a fantastic restaurant on the ground floor as well, if we wanted to continue negotiations over a bite to eat?" She would give a look of deference to Yamato in the end, allowing him to make the final decisions. Should they depart, she'd sidle up to Rita quickly, attempting to casually interlock her arm with the other woman's, speaking to her in a low tone, her beautiful alto just for Rita. "I love your outfit. Chinatsu, by the way. I apologize, but I only recently moved to the village so I don't think we have met yet."


    Strength D
    Constitution: D
    Speed: D
    Stamina: D
    Coordination: D
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: D
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Posts : 594
    Join date : 2020-02-06

    The Southern Gate - Page 3 Empty Re: The Southern Gate

    Post by Tengoku Yesterday at 12:52 pm

    Tengoku would settle his hands on his hips while the Tsuchikage took the letter and opened it. Giving him a moment to peruse the contents. He was offered a mineral water however and had missed the look of dismay entirely on the other woman's face. He had no idea she was royalty so he had figured she just was greeting him. Still he would nod his thanks as he collected the water. His thumb shifted to move across the cap once. At the speed his thumb moved None of them would even perceive the blur. His movements so fast that it was beyond them. However the cap spun off so quickly it popped into the air. He would catch it as it fell with his other hand before taking a drink of the water. Letting the Tsuchikage think a moment while he was at a loss for what exactly to do by his expression. He was young and new to the office. Still he would lower the drink after several gulps and spin the cap back on with the sound of a snap as he moved his thumb the opposite direction. Once again too quick to see. Few had as fast of hands as Tengoku.

    Still the offer for all the exclusives was an interesting one. It was a little bit of a raw deal as he saw it. Basically ten million ryo and the cost of millions more in the future for a dozen jutsu or less. But he also didn't mind if Konoha lost out some on this deal if it meant Iwagakure could prosper. They needed this and he was proud of Airi for going out of her way to make this happen. They could have simply taken copies of course at any point that they had control here. Instead they were negotiating for them. Still the mention of a hotel to stay the night and a good meal was so appealing his mouth watered. So he would step forward and with his free hand he would pat the young Tsuchikage on the shoulder. 

    "I Always find that its more comfortable to talk about these things over a hot meal. Besides that there is one other thing besides the exclusives Airi would like to ask. But lets go over that over dinner shall we? Please...lead the way. I am ravenous after my travels." He would chuckle before taking whatever escort they deemed necessary and following them into Iwagakure. His eyes wandering as he had never been here before. 

    Attempted exit
    entering Iwagakure

    Name: Shinku, Tengoku
    Age: 27
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Hokage
    Village: Konoha
    Titles: The Paladin of Konoha

    Chakra - 185 (Base) + 25 (Lifestyle) + 100 (Kata) + 100 (Roen Boost) + 385 (Roen CA)

    Strength: B (A with Vambraces of Justice active)
    Constitution: C (B with Pauldrons of courage active )
    Stamina: B (B + From housing)
    Speed: B (A with  Greaves of Tenacity active)
    Coordination: S (X with  Tengoku Kaeri no Ken active)
    Intelligence: C
    Perception:  A (A++ from Hankōgan III)

    Current attunement -
    Tengoku Kaeri no Ken - active
    Greaves of Tenacity  - active
    Kuroikiba Alpha - Inactive
    Vambraces of Justice - inactive
    Pauldrons of Courage - inactive
    Plated gloves of Temperance - Active

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3136-tengoku-shinku-update-page#24365
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3127-tengoku-shinku
    Yamato Kazehana
    Yamato Kazehana

    Village : Iwagakure
    Posts : 159
    Join date : 2023-11-06
    Age : 31
    Location : England Arkansas

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu|Doton|Fuuton|Jiton
    Class: D
    Ryo: 0

    The Southern Gate - Page 3 Empty Re: The Southern Gate

    Post by Yamato Kazehana Yesterday at 1:29 pm

    Yamato watched as tengoku declined the sake from Rita at the same time he would shake chinatsu hand. The tsuchikage could not help but chuckle a bit at the face she made cause Yamato knew she was royalty so he could probably guess what was going though her head. Just then Rita looked at Yamato and suggested that they finish these negotiations at a more compatible area over a bite to eat. That was when Yamato felt like a idiot for not thinking about that, after all the former hokage had traveled a long way he was probably tired after all. Chinatsu recommended the Okura which was a fine restaurant and hotel probably there finest one in iwa. That was when tengoku walked over and placed a hand on the tsuchikage shoulder, he said that he found it better to talk about these things over a hot meal and there wad also one other matter that the hokage wanted tengoku to ask about but they would talk about that later.

    " my bad Tengoku, I'm still new to all this kage stuff. Let's go ahead and get to the restaurant so we do not have so many prying eyes."

    Yamato said as he turned and with tengoku entered iwa as they headed for the restaurant.

    ( Attempt exit with tengoku)

    Character Name:  Yamato Kazehana 
    Spendable Experience: 125
    Total Experience: 1,025
    Renown: 4k
    Ryo: 125k
    [*]Constitution: D
    [*]Stamina: C
    [*]Speed: C
    [*]Coordination: C
    [*]Intelligence: E
    [*]Perception: C
    [*]Link to updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t6907-yamato-kazahana-updates
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    Stone Genin
    Stone Genin

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    The Southern Gate - Page 3 Empty Re: The Southern Gate

    Post by Rita Yesterday at 8:58 pm

    Rita felt a bit left out in the cold when their guest ignored her attempt to initiate a handshake, a momentary pang of embarrassment creeping in. However, this was quickly replaced by a surge of relief when Tengoku accepted the water bottle she offered. It felt like she had recovered from her earlier stumble, regaining her composure as she watched him.

    Her eyes were drawn to Tengoku's hands, and she couldn't help but marvel at the speed with which he handled the bottle. The cap seemed to pop off on its own, soaring into the air before being caught effortlessly. The whole display was almost magical.  She had heard whispers of such speed but witnessing it in person, if it could even be called that considering she hadn’t been able to actually see much of anything, was something else entirely.

    As Tengoku took a few gulps of water, Rita couldn’t help but be impressed. She admired his skill and precision, recognizing the level of training and natural talent required to move with such swiftness. Yamato was still reading the letter, and Tengoku’s demeanor remained calm and confident as he the cap magically appeared back onto the bottle with a swift snap.

    Chinatsu's suggestion to move the negotiations to the Okura, with its fantastic restaurant, was a sound one. Rita nodded in agreement, appreciating the idea of continuing their discussions over a meal. As they prepared to depart, she felt Chinatsu sidle up to her, the young woman's arm casually interlocking with hers. Chinatsu's beautiful voice spoke softly, just for Rita.

    Rita smiled warmly at Chinatsu, appreciating the compliment and the friendly gesture. "Thank you, Chinatsu. I'm Rita Kotōshura. It's a pleasure to meet you," she replied in a low tone, matching Chinatsu's discreet manner. "And don't worry about it, I can see why you might have missed me in the hustle and bustle. Especially since I’ve been away from the village for a while and only just recently returned."

    Rita's initial wariness of Chinatsu began to dissipate as the two conversed. Chinatsu's support for her suggestion to change locations had not gone unnoticed, and Rita appreciated the other woman's competence and tact. This display of quick thinking and solidarity was something Rita valued highly, recognizing that Chinatsu could indeed be a powerful ally or perhaps even a friend.

    As they walked towards the Okura, Rita felt a sense of camaraderie forming. The subtle yet meaningful gestures and exchanges between them created a foundation of mutual respect.

    "You know, Chinatsu, I think your idea about the Okura was spot on," Rita said, her tone more relaxed now. "I think it will make for a much better environment to discuss things properly. Plus, a good meal always helps to ease tensions."

    She glanced at Chinatsu, offering a genuine smile. "It's always good to have someone who can think on their feet and see the bigger picture. I can see why Yamato values your input."

    Rita felt a spark of hope. The prospect of a new ally who could navigate the political and social complexities of their world with such finesse was exciting. She knew that building strong connections was as crucial as any explosive innovation, and Chinatsu seemed like someone worth getting to know better.


    [attempted exit]

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    The Southern Gate - Page 3 Empty Re: The Southern Gate

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