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    A Day at the Gate

    Ryu Uzumaki
    Ryu Uzumaki
    Mist Genin
    Mist Genin

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 72
    Join date : 2024-04-05
    Age : 36

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Suiton
    Class: D
    Ryo: About that much

    A Day at the Gate Empty A Day at the Gate

    Post by Ryu Uzumaki Tue May 28, 2024 2:05 pm

    Ryu arrived at the village gates just as the sun began to rise, casting a golden glow across the fields surrounding the small settlement. His yawn stretched wide, echoing the exhaustion of the regular guards who were visibly tired but visibly relieved to see him. They quickly briefed him on his duties, listing the expected travelers and potential trouble spots, before heading off to finally get some sleep. Ryu, not particularly thrilled about the day ahead, leaned against the gatepost, trying to muster some enthusiasm for the task. He brushed a lock of dark hair from his face, adjusted his worn leather armor, and settled in for what he expected to be another uneventful day.

    The early morning was peaceful, with only a handful of villagers passing through on their way to the market or the fields. Ryu performed the required checks, albeit with minimal effort, glancing over their faces and belongings without much scrutiny. Most of the villagers were familiar faces, and the routine was monotonous. He occasionally nodded off, only to jolt awake when someone approached, blinking blearily and offering a half-hearted greeting. By mid-morning, traffic at the gate picked up. A group of merchants arrived, their carts creaking under the weight of various goods. Ryu lazily waved them over, slouching as he stood.

    He checked their papers, though not as thoroughly as he should have, and gave their goods a cursory glance. One merchant, a wiry man with darting eyes, seemed nervous, but Ryu, more interested in a nearby shady spot, didn’t give it much thought and let them pass without incident. The merchant cast a furtive glance over his shoulder as he entered the village, but Ryu missed it entirely, already eyeing a comfortable-looking rock to sit on. Around noon, the gate was quiet again. Ryu took this as an opportunity to find a more comfortable place to sit and rest. He found a soft patch of grass under a large oak tree and settled down, his back against the rough bark.

    He dozed off for a bit, waking up occasionally to make sure no one was watching, then drifting back to sleep. The lull was interrupted when a cloaked figure approached the gate, their hood pulled low over their face. With a sigh, Ryu got up, stretching his stiff limbs, and questioned the stranger, who claimed to be a courier. After a quick check, he allowed the courier to proceed, waving them through. The afternoon dragged on, with villagers returning from their daily activities. A family, their cart piled high with goods, struggled to navigate the uneven ground near the gate. Ryu, slouching and barely paying attention, watched them for a moment before reluctantly offering assistance.

    He grabbed the front of the cart, lifting it slightly to help them over a bump. The family thanked him profusely, and Ryu, feeling a twinge of guilt for his earlier inattention, mumbled a gruff "You're welcome" before retreating to his post. As evening approached, Ryu spotted someone lurking near the treeline, their figure partially obscured by the shadows. He watched lazily, hoping the figure would go away on its own. When it didn’t, he reluctantly approached, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword. The man, dressed in tattered clothes and looking thoroughly lost, explained that he was a traveler who had lost his way. His story was simple enough, and after a brief check of his belongings, Ryu allowed him entry with a wave of his hand, directing him toward the village inn.

    By nightfall, the regular guards returned, looking well-rested and alert. They greeted Ryu with nods and smiles, asking about the day’s events. Ryu gave a quick rundown, skipping over details he deemed unimportant—like the nervous merchant and the cloaked courier. The guards thanked him for his service, and Ryu, eager to get home and relax, handed over the post without a second thought. As he walked away from the gate, the sky darkening to a deep blue, he felt a pang of unease but shrugged it off, focusing instead on the thought of a warm meal and a soft bed.

    Exit Thread

    Mission Completed

    Ryu Uzumaki
    Strength: C
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: C -> B
    Speed: C
    Coordination: C
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: C

      Current date/time is Tue Jul 02, 2024 10:24 pm